How to make an endless life. How to make immortality in Stalker without using cheats

Many gamers, playing S.T.A.L.K.E.R., want to spend as little effort as possible and get as much as possible. But the game itself is a complex, painstaking process, in which the character often dies and you have to go through a section of the game again. Stalker is known to players for its stunningly recreated post-apocalyptic world, interesting story and a unique gaming atmosphere. In order not to get stuck when passing any section for a year, you can make yourself immortal.

How to make immortality in stalker

To make your hero invulnerable and thoroughly enjoy all the delights game world, you need to find just one file: gamedata\config\creatures\actor.ltx directly in the game folder. It can be opened with WrodPad or using notepad. You need to change the values ​​in the section in which we are currently playing. That is, we need to find the line in which we are playing. Choose from Newbie, Stalker - String and Veteran String.

A value of 0 in the game means receiving complete immortality. If you set the value to 0.01, then the damage will be barely perceptible. If it is one, the defeat will be complete. The values ​​need to be changed in the lines:

  • burn_immunity = zero,
  • strike_immunity = zero,
  • shock_immunity = zero,
  • wound_immunity = zero,
  • radiation_immunity = zero (immunity to radiation, decreasing over time),
  • telepathic_immunity = zero,
  • chemical_burn_immunity = zero,
  • explosion_immunity = zero
  • fire_wound_immunity = null.

You can also change

  • satiety_v to zero (time-dependent rate of decrease in satiety),
  • satiety_critical to zero (the critical value of satiety, after which health begins to deteriorate),
  • health_hit_part set to zero,
  • power_hit_part set to zero,
  • set max_power_leak_speed to zero,
  • min_wound_size is set to one.

To make a Terminator character you can further change:

  • satiety_power_v set to 1000 (power increases as the feeling of satiety decreases),
  • satiety_health_v set to 1000 (health increases as satiety decreases),
  • radiation_health_v = zero (zero the rate of health reduction from radiation)
  • set morale_v to 1000 (instant restoration of morale).

Games in the Stalker series, based on the works of the Strugatsky brothers, burst into our lives as one of the first successful projects in the CIS. And due to this, they acquired a huge number of fans throughout the territory. former USSR. At the same time, it is acquiring a whole garland of cards, modifications and other various in-game products, such as T-shirts, mugs and book series.

The game has a lot of fans, but at the same time it remains one of the most difficult games to complete. It is not surprising that modding of game parameters is actively developing. Therefore, it is impossible not to pay attention to such a sensitive issue regarding whether. To realize your wildest gaming fantasies, visiting unknown locations and fighting scary mobs, you will first have to get into the game files and make some adjustments. First you need to dig out a file called actor.ltx. It lies in the deep annals of the folder with configuration files. First of all, make a backup copy of the file, since you can easily use your licensed copy to become unusable.

Game parameters responsible for the loss of health units

By resetting all of the following parameters, you become invulnerable:
  • radiation_health_v = # - by specifying 0 instead of octatorp, you will stop receiving damage from radiation;
  • satiety_critical = # - critical value of satiety (in tenths of one), at which the process of losing precious HP begins. Write 0 and don't starve;
  • health_hit_part = # - percentage of a hit that goes towards wasting health. 0 – and again you are in little danger;
  • power_hit_part = # - the same, but about strength. Feel free to reset;
  • bleeding_v = # - bleeding strength. Measured in units of blood loss from a normal wound. Also equate to zero;

Increase the octatorp value several times and you will regenerate like a mutant lizard:

  • min_wound_size = # - denotes the minimum size of the wound after healing;
  • wound_incarnation_v = # - indicates the speed at which the wound heals;
  • psy_health_v = #- psionic health is restored at this rate.

Reset the parameters, and no triathlete in the world can compare with you:

  • walk_power = # - loss in units of power during normal walking without a burden, units per second. Equal to Zero;
  • walk_weight_power = # - a similar parameter, responsible for the loss of strength when walking, taking into account the maximum load, units per second. Reset without breaking a heartbeat.

Thus, we have considered not only how to make immortality in Stalker, but we also analyzed the individual parameters of such a “state”, and therefore - if you do not want to lose the desire to play further - adjust only a few of them in order to gain partial invulnerability!

"Stalker" is one of the most popular post-apocalyptic films computer games modernity. Many people thought about how to become a Stalker when they played through this trilogy. You will have to put in a lot of effort to succeed. However gameplay is incredibly exciting, the variety of characters and quests is impressive, and the sheer size of the game world is simply amazing. And you can explore all this without any obstacles (of course, if you don’t count the critically strong monsters that live in certain locations as obstacles).

But it is worth paying attention to the fact that the game is quite complex, so you may often encounter situations from which you cannot find a way out. In this case, cheats would be useful, but they are not in the game, so many gamers decide that they need to learn about how to become a Stalker using exclusively legal methods. However, this is far from the case, and in this article you will learn something about immortality in this game.

Changing a Character File

How to become a Stalker who cannot be killed? There are no cheats in the game, so you won’t be able to simply enter one code and enjoy the complete lack of damage your hero receives. We'll have to look for workarounds. And here it will be useful for you to know what this project has open source, that is, every gamer who has installed the game can edit it. That's why this exists large number modifications for Stalker. However, in this article we will talk about mods, but about what will help you compensate for the lack of codes.

To do this, you need to locate the file that is responsible for the characteristics and other details of your character. This is a file called actor.ltx, which is located deep in the game folder, so it’s easier to find it using “Search”. After that, make a backup in case something goes wrong. Well, then open this file using a text editor, and now you will have to change the values ​​​​of several specific lines in order to figure out how to become a Stalker who simply cannot die. Each of these lines will be analyzed separately and in detail so that you can safely change the values ​​without fear of ruining something in the game.

Radiation Damage

So, if you want to know how to become immortal in Stalker: Call of Pripyat, then you need to change a few lines of code that is responsible for your character. And the first line is radiation_health_v. It is responsible for how much damage your character receives from radiation. In the post-apocalyptic world of Stalker, radiation is one of your main opponents, which can be much more terrible than mutants or members of warring factions. If you want to safely walk around the Zone without a special suit, you should set this line to zero. This will be the first step towards understanding how to become immortal in Stalker. But this is not the last step, and you will have to change more than one line to achieve complete invulnerability.


Every gamer who wants to learn how to become immortal in Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl must understand that another secret enemy of the main character, along with radiation, is hunger. If your character does not eat anything for a long time, his health will begin to deplete. Accordingly, you need to either feed it or change the next line of code.

This time we are talking about the satiety_critical line, which denotes the critical level of satiety, that is, the moment when hunger begins to affect the health of your hero. If you set it to zero, your character will never get hungry again, allowing you to create another element of your immortality. As you can see, it's not that simple, and a regular cheat would be much more enjoyable to use. Unfortunately, there are no cheats in the game. Therefore, if you want to know how to become immortal in Stalker: Call of Chernobyl, you will have to put in a lot of effort.

Impact Impact

Please note that in each of the three games, immortality is achieved in the same way. The same applies to major modifications, because they are based on code basic games. Accordingly, if you are asked about how to become immortal in Stalker: People's solyanka", you can safely use this material to answer this question.

For now it's worth moving on to very important point immortality, namely to hit. Two lines are responsible for what happens when an enemy hits your character: health_hit_part and power_hit_part. The value of the first determines how much health is taken away from your hero, and the value of the second determines how much stamina is taken away. You need to reset both of these indicators, and you will get a character who does not lose health from an enemy’s blow or shot, and does not even lose his breath. Overall, this is a big step towards complete invulnerability, but it still isn't the last.


If you want to figure out how to become immortal in Stalker: Clear skies", then you will also have to take care of bleeding. Some enemy hits not only cause specific damage, but also leave a wound that heals over a period of time.

And all this time you are losing blood, and with it your health. This can be fixed by changing the value for the bleeding_v string. Everything is just as simple here. You just need to reset the value so that when you receive a wound, blood does not flow from it, and, accordingly, you do not lose health.

Wound size

Wounds can be treated in other ways. For example, you definitely need to pay attention to the min_wound_size line, which is more intricate than the previous ones. In this case, you need to increase the value several times. Why? The fact is that this value shows the width of the wound at which it is considered healed and, accordingly, stops bleeding. So if you set maximum value, then the wound will heal almost immediately after being received, even if it was incredibly serious.

Wound healing rate

Another approach to wounds involves speeding up their healing. In this case, you should pay attention to the wound_incarnation line, the value of which you need to increase again. The higher the score, the faster your wound will heal. As you can easily understand, the last three lines discussed do not need to be changed at the same time.

By changing one of them, you can become invulnerable to injury. In the first case, your wound simply won't bleed, so you won't take damage. In the second, even the largest wound will be instantly considered healed. Well, in the third case, the wound will heal at an incredible speed, so you won’t have time to lose your health. But to be safe, you can always change all three lines to achieve the perfect result.

Psionic Health

Well, the final touch to your invulnerability is psionic health. Yes, in the Zone, some mutants can influence your mind, thereby enslaving you and inevitably killing you. There are various ways to resist these forces, but the easiest way is to go back to your character's stats file and look for the psy_health_v line there. If you set it to the maximum value, then your psionic health will be restored at tremendous speed. Thus, even the most powerful psi warriors will not be able to influence your mind, at least not in time, because you will be able to deal with them before they begin to cause significant damage to your mind. Although this is unlikely, because practically no mutant will be able to inflict more psi damage than is restored by maximum speed given in this last line.

That's all, now your character is absolutely invulnerable, so you can safely travel through the world of “Stalker” without fear of powerful opponents, or deadly radiation, or even your empty stomach. You have already taken care of all this by changing the file with the characteristics of your hero, so you have nothing more to fear. Travel around virtual world, improve your hero and win!

Many computer games offer an unforgettable experience along with cheat codes that every gamer can enter to make things easier and have a lot of fun. You can get a large amount of money, all weapons, any type of transport, endless armor and so on. However, not all games can offer all these features. Many gamers are wondering how to make immortality in Stalker: Shadows of Chernobyl, but cannot find a clear answer to it. So what's the matter? Is this feature not available in this game?

Cheat for immortality

The problem is that people who are trying to find out how to make immortality in Stalker: Shadows of Chernobyl are looking for the wrong thing. As in most other computer games, here gamers try to discover the right combination in order to create a cheat code that would provide them with protection from any damage. However, it’s worth noting right away: this game does not have such an option, you will have to do without cheats. They cannot be introduced here, because the developers decided that nothing should make it easier for gamers to pass through. However, you should not think that the question of how to make immortality in Stalker: Shadows of Chernobyl remained unanswered. The fact is that inventive players will always find a way to achieve what they would like to get.

One file

If you are interested in how to make immortality in Stalker: Shadows of Chernobyl, then you will need to spend some time searching for one file that is very important to you. It is called actor and has the extension ltx. Most often it can be found in the configs folder, there should be a creatures subfolder in it. There are a large number of files of this kind there. Each of them is responsible for a specific creation or a specific character in the game. As you understand, actor is yours main character, so you need access to this particular file. You need to open it using Notepad or any other text editor to change some values ​​in it - this is the only way you can get immortality in Stalker: Shadows of Chernobyl.

Changing values

At first glance, you may feel like you'll never be able to figure out everything that's in the file you just opened. There is a huge amount of information there, and it all says something about your character. If you are still too intimidated by such an abundance of data, you can think about how to create an immortality mod in Stalker: Shadows of Chernobyl - the game code is open, so you can do this without any problems if you have the proper skills. But if one file scares you, then you better download it already ready mod, if you find it. But it will be much easier to understand what is written in this single file, especially considering that you only need to change a couple of lines. Look for all lines that indicate different values ​​of immunity, that is, immunity. Fire, blows, wounds, radiation - all this causes you some damage precisely because you have a certain immunity level. If you reset all indicators to zero, then your character will become immune to absolutely all types of damage.

In the game “Stalker: Shadows of Chernobyl” there are no codes that are familiar to everyone, which can be entered during the game to make the passage more convenient and simpler. And that is why so many gamers are wondering how to get immortality in this game? After all, sometimes there are very difficult moments that even the most experienced gamer can hardly overcome. If you are interested in this issue, then you have come to the right place. In this article you will find information on how to make immortality in Stalker: Shadows of Chernobyl. It turns out that to do this you need to find one file in the game folder in which you have to change some values. As you can see, this is not as simple a process as gamers who are used to entering a couple of letters and becoming invulnerable would like. In this case, you will have to try to figure out how to make immortality in Stalker: Shadows of Chernobyl.

Search for a file

If you are interested in how to make immortality in Stalker: Shadows of Chernobyl, then first of all you need to find one very important file that contains equally important game values. This is the actor.ltx file, which can be found in a folder located in the game configurations directory. As you can tell by the file name, it contains data about your character. There is a lot of this data, and together they form your character, whom you control in the game. Accordingly, you need to change several parameters responsible for the health of your hero in order to make him invulnerable. Well, the time has come to finally figure out how to make immortality in Stalker: Shadows of Chernobyl.

Reducing parameters

So, you need to open this file using Notepad, which is located in the folder with the game “Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl” (1.0006). How to make immortality using only digital values? Now you will find out about it.

First of all, you need to pay attention to several lines that contain information about the damage your hero receives. Each line of options corresponds to what it means in the game, so there will be no sets of letters here. Any person who understands English, can understand exactly which lines he needs to change. So, concentrate on those lines that contain the following values: critical hunger indicator, health loss when exposed to radiation, health removal and strength removal, as well as blood loss. All these strings have different numeric values. You don't have to try to figure out what each number means. You just need to replace all these values ​​with zero, thereby making your character practically invulnerable. However, your goal is to learn how to become immortal in Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl, so this result will clearly not be enough for you.

Increasing parameters

To become completely invulnerable, you need to change a few more parameters, only this time you need to increase them several times compared to the default values. What are these parameters? Firstly, the speed at which a wound on your character’s body heals, secondly, the size of the wound at which it is considered healed, and thirdly, the speed at which health is restored.
