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When the first-born appears in the family, the rhythm of life changes, all the time you have to adjust to the little person. The mother of the baby may have difficulties during the first swaddling of the baby, during the first feeding. But if this can be dealt with without much difficulty, then questions related to the personal hygiene of the baby will certainly arise. One of the first questions that arise is how to bathe a newborn after the mother and baby arrive from the maternity hospital.

What should be prepared for the first bath?

The first time a baby can be bathed at home on the day the hospital arrives home. But if before the very discharge the baby was vaccinated, then the baby needs to be bathed the next day. In addition to a bathtub for bathing, you will need a thermometer to measure the temperature of the water, and here the question arises at what temperature is it better to bathe your baby. The best temperature for swimming is 37 ° - 38.5 °. And you will also need a thin diaper (the baby must first be wrapped in a thin film, and then dipped in water), a towel. You can add a pre-prepared herbal decoction to the bath, and add it to the bath of water before bathing. In the room where the baby will be brought, there should be an oilcloth, on top of it is a diaper on which you will need to put the baby. Prepare oil for smearing folds, powder, cotton pads or sticks in advance. There are several options for when you can bathe your newborn. The time of day at which you can bathe your baby is individual for everyone, it will depend on the child's well-being. The most best time for swimming it is evening.

How to properly bathe and wash your baby?

After everything needed for bathing is ready, the baby is undressed and left on the changing table for a while to get used to the ambient temperature. Before bathing, your baby can be given a massage or gymnastic exercises.

We put a diaper in the bath, on which we put the baby. Before lowering the child into the bathtub, it is necessary to check the water, it must be warm. To answer the question of how often to bathe a newborn, that the baby is bathed so that it is clean. According to most pediatricians, the baby should be bathed at least twice a week. And you need to wash and wash every day. It is important to properly wash children of different genders. So, girls are washed from front to back, and boys, on the contrary, are put on the palm of their stomach.

Let's start bathing the baby

A few tips for bathing your baby:

  • We put the child on a thin diaper, which was prepared in advance, gradually immerse the baby in water, holding his head with his left hand. Bathing a child in a diaper is necessary so that he quickly adapts to life outside the abdomen, and so he will feel much calmer.
  • At first, the baby can simply be washed with water.
  • Next, you need to run very gently over the head, then behind the ears, and under the chin.
  • Now let's move on to the baby's little body. We thoroughly wash all the folds, do not forget about the armpits, the area under the knees and groin. The baby has even higher muscle tone, and the fists, as a rule, are clenched, so you need to open them and wash the palms themselves and between the fingers.
  • The water in the bath will gradually cool down, so you need to prepare a container of hot water in advance in order to add it to the bath when the need arises. Water is poured into the bathtub in a thin stream, along the wall of the bathtub, where the child's legs are. At the end of bathing, the baby should be rinsed. To do this, the child must be removed from the bath, and holding it over the bath, rinse with boiled water prepared in advance. The baby is placed with his stomach on his left hand and rinsed, so it will be most convenient.
  • After that, holding the child in this position, a prepared towel is thrown over him and wrapped.

After bathing, the child is wiped dry, the navel is treated, the folds are sprinkled with powder, then the baby is dressed.

Even more advice on how to properly bathe a child is given in his programs by E.O. Komarovsky

How to choose a bathing product?

When bathing your baby, you can use baby products that are designed for this: shampoo, foam, gel, soap. It is advisable to purchase all these funds in a specialized children's store, or in pharmacies. And you can also use a decoction of herbs for bathing a child, for example, chamomile, calendula, motherwort. A decoction of such herbs will relieve inflammation on the skin, relieve diaper rash. Infusions can be prepared not only from one herb, but also from a mixture of several herbs.

Newborn bathing accessories

It will not be easy for a mother to bathe her baby for the first time, so it is better for someone from relatives to help. But if no one is around while bathing the baby, you can use special bathing devices that are sold in any children's store. For example, it can be a circle or a slide. When the child lies on the slide, his back and head are fixed, which makes bathing easier. Unlike a slide, when the child is in a circle, only his head is supported. The choice of a bathing device is up to the parents. And if there is a desire, how the kids bathe with the help of certain devices, you can watch the video.

Video on the topic of the article:

Bathing is an important and necessary procedure for a child. It not only provides hygiene, but also strengthens the immune system, hardens the body. Swimming and bathing in the bathroom helps to straighten up the arms, legs and fingers of the newborn as soon as possible. It stabilizes blood pressure and blood circulation, improves the functioning of the vestibular apparatus and coordination, relaxes and soothes. After bathing, the baby eats well and sleeps soundly.

But many parents are interested in how to properly bathe a newborn at home, especially if the procedure is taking place for the first time. Let's figure out how to do this.

When and how much to bathe the baby

It is recommended to bathe the child for the first time after the umbilical wound has completely healed. As a rule, this occurs 10-14 days after birth. In the first two weeks, the body of the newborn is wiped with hypoallergenic wet and dry wipes, as well as a towel dipped in boiled water. But today, pediatricians are allowed to do the procedure on the fifth day of a child's life, subject to hygiene rules.

Bathing a child in the first month is carried out only in boiled water at a temperature of 36.6-37 degrees. They start with 5 minutes and gradually increase the time spent in the bathroom up to 15-20 minutes. For the first time, 3-5 minutes are enough for bathing at home. It is important to understand that this can be very stressful for a newborn, because he is just beginning to get used to new conditions.

Up to six months, the child should be bathed every day, after six months - every two days.

Gradually reduce the temperature of the water and lengthen the bathing time each week. But it is better to limit the use of detergents. Bath procedures with shampoo and soap are carried out no more than once every 7-10 days. At the same time, baby shampoo is used only after 2-3 months. Before that, use ordinary baby soap. By the way, after two months, you can introduce special swimming exercises in the bathtub for babies. Read more.

Features of the first bath

For bathing, it is better to use a special baby bath, as it is much more convenient. In addition, bathing in your own tub is more hygienic. To simplify the procedure, many parents use a playground or hammock. When the baby is in such a device, the mom or dad who wash the baby does not have to bend too low. In addition, a slide or hammock will not allow the baby to slide over the bath. However, you can bathe a newborn in a regular adult bath.

Pre-wash your tub or baby bath with laundry soap and baking soda. Fill it with boiled water. The temperature should be 37 degrees. Do not dilute boiling water with tap water, just let it cool. To check the water, use a special thermometer or dip your elbow in the water. You should not feel either hot or cold.

The optimum water temperature for a newborn is 36.6-37 degrees above zero.

What you need for swimming

  • Bath and slide for bathing, thermometer for measuring the temperature of the water. However, these devices are used only at will, since you can bathe the child without them. But the ladle is simply necessary to thoroughly rinse the baby;
  • Soft mitten, sponge or cloth, cotton pads as a washcloth. It should be very gentle so as not to injure or irritate the baby's skin;
  • Toys are optional, but they can distract the child. Remember that bathing can be stressful for a newborn, and toys can help relax and distract. In addition, while swimming, the baby can be told stories or nursery rhymes, play games in the water;
  • It is better not to use bath additives for the first month. Pediatricians recommend starting to bathe the newborn in plain clean water. After a few weeks, when the baby gets used to and adapts, you can use various infusions and decoctions of herbs, sea salt. But be careful, as plants can cause allergies in babies !;

  • Detergents include fragrance-free liquid and regular baby soaps and natural fragrances. After two to three months, you can use the “no tears” baby shampoo;
  • Cosmetics include special baby creams or oils after bathing, which are used for irritated or dry skin;
  • Prepare a table with a diaper or sheet where you will dry your baby after water procedures. After bathing, you will need a warm terry towel, powder and, clothes and a hairbrush;
  • Cotton swabs or discs, brilliant green or 3% hydrogen peroxide for treating the umbilical wound.

Bathing rules for a newborn

After you have prepared the bath, fill it with boiled water about 15 centimeters and wait for it to cool down to the desired temperature. Undress your child, hold him on handles and hug him to calm him down. Immerse a newborn in water slowly and carefully!

The child should be positioned so that the chest is in the water, and the shoulders and head are on top. In this case, the head should be at the bend of the elbow, and the back should be on the hand of the person who washes the baby. First, the baby's body is washed with a soapy cotton swab. Rinse the baby's folds thoroughly. The head is washed with baby soap or shampoo, the soap suds are washed off with a ladle.

After washing, rinse the baby with clean water and immediately wrap in a clean warm towel. Place the newborn on a table with a diaper or sheet. Do not wipe the body, blot the moisture with a towel with gentle movements. Wipe every crease carefully! For dry skin or irritation, use a baby oil or cream. But before using, be sure to consult a pediatrician!

Then the umbilical wound is treated. To do this, drop a few drops of hydrogen peroxide solution into the navel area and rub with a cotton pad. Or, you can dip a cotton pad in peroxide and treat the wound with it. At the end of the procedure, put on a diaper on the baby. If, use a liquid talcum powder.

First you need to think about when it is more convenient for you to bathe your baby - before the last feeding at night or earlier. Having solved this issue, you can start preparing for the bathing itself. For some, it is more convenient to do this in the bathroom by placing the tray on the bathtub grate, while for others it is more convenient to move, for example, to the kitchen. The indoor air should be neither too cold nor too warm. That is, it is not necessary to specially warm up the room - the main thing is that there are no drafts. And the door to the bathroom does not need to be closed, so that when you exit it you do not get a sharp temperature drop.

What should be prepared for bathing a newborn?

Prepare everything you need in advance so that you don't have to run after a forgotten thing at the most inopportune moment. Spread in the room oilcloth with diaper, where you will dress your baby after bathing. Fold all the necessary clothes, diaper side by side. Separately, but within arm's reach, preferably even in a separate tray, prepare products for treating baby's skin and umbilical wound: cotton swab, cotton swab, brilliant green or potassium permanganate, talc or diaper cream. Do not forget spare diaper. Try to keep the cooked items already laid out, and not stacked, then you do not have to unfold them with one hand.

In the bathroom (or the place where the child is bathing), appropriate preparations must also be made: put baby soap or bathing agent, straightened towel or a diaper, a thermometer for water, a jug for clean water.

Since your child is still very young, it is better to carry out the first bathing in a small bath(for more details about choosing a bath, you can read the article "Accessories for bathing babies" in the magazine "Pregnancy" No. 4/2005). And right after giving birth, not every mother will be able to bend over to a large bath. Therefore, prepare a bath: wash it with plain baking soda and rinse it (you can simply pour boiling water over the bath). Subsequently, the bath will need to be washed after each bath (sediment remains on the walls) and rinsed before bathing.

The umbilical wound has not yet healed. In order to ensure disinfection, in a separate container (jar, jug, ladle), you need to dilute a little potassium permanganate to an intense purple color. Prepare a folded gauze or straining bandage. This is necessary so that undissolved potassium permanganate crystals do not cause a burn when they come into contact with the baby's skin.

Start pouring plain tap water into the tub. You do not need to boil water for bathing. At the same time, pour the potassium permanganate solution into the bath through cheesecloth. The water should turn slightly pink. There should be no potassium permanganate crystals! Make sure that the water temperature does not exceed 37 ° C, while the optimum temperature is from 34 to 37 ° C. The thermometer must be special, with a plastic cover. You need to check the temperature without removing the thermometer from the water.

Prepare clean running water of the same temperature in a separate jug. During the bathing of the child, the water will cool slightly, and you will rinse the child with it after bathing. This will be another step towards hardening.

While water is collected in the bath, you can do air baths, give your baby a massage or do gymnastics with him.

How to bathe a baby?

Each family is individual, so everyone bathes a child differently: someone is helped by grandmothers, someone is a husband-father, and someone will carry out this procedure on their own.

Can you do it alone? Sure! As they say, the eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing.

Undress your baby. If, when undressing, you find a "present" in the diaper, be sure to wash the baby before bathing.

How to hold the baby so that he does not slip? Many try to take the child "more comfortable" - so that his head is at the bend of his mother's elbow. Yes, the baby is so comfortable, but not swimming, but just lying. It is so uncomfortable to bend over and lower the baby into the bathtub: you need to bend quite hard so that your elbow is in the water. Standing in this position for a long time and bathing the baby is also inconvenient. How to be?

If you are right-handed, then with your left hand support the baby by the back of the head, neck and back with your palm, and with your right hand - under the buttocks and legs (Fig. 1). The position of the baby with a shoulder grip is also possible: the baby's head should be on your forearm, and your palm of the same hand should support the baby in the area of ​​the shoulder joint by the baby's shoulder outside of you (Fig. 2). So you insure the child against accidental slipping and submersion under the water. With your free hand, you soap the crumbs. This position is convenient for both you and the child.

Place your baby gently in the tub. Submerge it in water. Now the right hand can be released, and the left hand can continue to support the head, neck and back. The kid will not slip away and can calmly move the arms-legs. With your free right hand, you can wash all the folds, lather the head of the crumbs and then rinse off the soap. In the water, babies relax, and their fingers, usually clenched into a fist, are unclenched. Take advantage of this to flush out the spaces between your toes, where fluff from clothing often accumulates. To rinse your baby, lift him above the water, take a prepared jug and water the baby from it (fig. 3). For rinsing, you can also put the crumbs on your left hand with your tummy, and water from a jug with your right hand (Fig. 4).

What to do after bathing your baby?

After bathing, wrap the baby with a prepared and already straightened towel and take it to the room, where everything has already been prepared. You can change the wet towel for a dry diaper and soak up any wrinkles, pushing the skin apart. In boys, be sure to gently blot the skin around the scrotum. Now you can start treating the umbilical wound and lubricating the skin with creams.

Answers to frequently asked questions

How long does it take to add potassium permanganate to the bath?

Until the umbilical wound heals. Then you can start bathing the child in a large bathtub, which must first be cleaned with baking soda. You can also add decoctions or herbal infusions to the bath, for example, a series. Just remember that herbal baths dry out the skin, so you should do it no more than 2 times a week.

How often should you use soap?

You should also wash your baby with soap no more than 1-2 times a week. The same can be said for shampooing. If the baby has long and thick hair, you need to wash it no more than 1-2 times a week and not wipe it off, but blot it thoroughly.

Can foams and other detergents be used instead of soap?

Of course you can, but also, like soap, no more than 1-2 times a week.

How long should the bathing last?

The first time - no more than 10-15 minutes. Then you can increase the bathing time to 30-40 minutes. Bathing cleans the baby's skin not only of the dirt accumulated during the day, but also of the peeled skin particles, and simply opens the pores of the skin for breathing. In addition, it is an excellent hardening procedure and gymnastics for all muscle groups.

Over time, you will gain confidence in your strengths and capabilities, and you will get great pleasure from your baby's water procedures.

Bathing a baby for the first time is a real holiday in a family where a baby has just been born. But in order to carry out this procedure correctly, you need to follow a certain procedure. At the first stage, there are a million questions that need to be answered.

Only after the first bath, the answers come by themselves. Still, it is better for a responsible family to prepare for this procedure.

Bathing a newborn for the first time: how to bathe a newborn baby?

The main question that I want to answer is when can I bathe a newborn baby after the hospital? You can bathe a newborn for the first time as soon as the umbilical wound heals... It will be possible to buy the baby immediately after discharge.

But having an umbilical wound can complicate this process. Therefore, pediatricians advise not to rush and wait until the bottom is completely healed. The risk of contracting an infection is not excluded and can be dangerous for the baby.... As soon as the umbilical wound heals, then the risk disappears and it will be possible to start bathing the baby for the first time without any fear.

Bathing a newborn baby for the first time at home: what to cook?

All bath accessories for the baby are purchased before the baby is born. But if still not purchased, then after the hospital, there is little time to shop.

When to bathe a newborn: how to choose the time?

When choosing a time for water procedures, it is worth considering that bathing the child is best done at the same time... This will be the most important point for teaching your baby to a certain routine.

It is best to bathe your child on the advice of pediatricians before direct feeding or bedtime. This process is due to the fact that after bathing the baby gets tired and therefore sleeps much stronger and longer. But do not forget about the personal qualities of the newborn. After all, not every child will be able to swim in the evening; there are also those children who prefer to take a bath in the morning. Despite such a small age, the child understands everything, however, he cannot yet say.

The main rule is that bathing a child on a full stomach is not recommended... You need to wait about an hour after feeding and only then start bathing. Water procedures affect the child quite hard and take away his strength. After the procedure, the baby is guaranteed to want to eat. Therefore, it is recommended to wait a while between these two processes, and then carry out the procedure.

How to bathe a newborn: at what temperature

It is especially important to understand at what temperature it is worth bathing a child. The temperature during bathing should not be lower than 37 degrees... Thus, an optimal comfortable environment for the child is created. If the water is cold or hot, then the baby can swim due to a sharp change in temperature.

If your home does not have a thermometer to measure the temperature of the water, then the parent can determine the optimal temperature tactilely by dipping his hand into the water. If the water is equal to body temperature, then you can safely bathe the baby. In addition, pediatricians advise to gradually reduce the temperature of the water in the bathroom by several degrees in order to temper the child. It is recommended to do this carefully, for several months.... After that, sudden changes in temperature will not harm the baby and bring him discomfort. The first bathing should be carried out at a temperature of 37 degrees Celsius.

Baby's first bath: water preparation

Our grandmothers are sure that in order to disinfect the water and see all pathogens, you need to boil the water before bathing the newborn. Do not trust this method too much and follow it unquestioningly. Doctors have long assured us that you can bathe your baby in ordinary tap water. If the child accidentally swallowed some water, then nothing terrible will happen in this case.

Among mothers and grandmothers there is an opinion that something should be specially added to the water. These can be solutions and various herbal infusions. It is not recommended to add potassium permanganate to the bath, as it can cause burns to the mucous membrane. If water gets into the mouth and eyes of the crumbs, it can cause a serious skin burn. Several decades ago, water was disinfected with a solution of potassium permanganate. Today, the quality of the water is not so sad, so there is a need for potassium permanganate.

You can bathe your child with the addition of a variety of herbal infusions. They can be used as an anti-inflammatory and anti-anxiety agent. These herbal infusions include string and chamomile; lavender and oak bark; calendula and motherwort; nettle and St. John's wort.

These herbs can help get rid of diaper rash and soothe your baby. In addition, they will help to improve sleep. But before using them, you need to determine the presence or absence of an allergic reaction to a particular herb. Since many of the herbs can cause a variety of rashes, redness and swelling.

How to bathe your baby for the first time

To make your first bath go smoothly, you need to follow a few rules.

Folk signs about swimming

In Slavic culture, many signs and beliefs can be associated with the first bathing. Believe it or not in omens, it's up to you, but you can use the wisdom that has been accumulated for centuries. The first bathing of a child is one of the memorable events in the life of a family. For the first time, the procedure may seem complicated.

There is a sign that for the first time after the maternity hospital, the baby should be bathed by the grandmother or grandfather. In fact, it doesn't matter who will be bathing the child. It will be easy and pleasant to walk this path for the first time. The main thing is to get ready and not complicate the task. Any relatives can bathe a newborn for the first time or after several weeks. From popular signs you can use some options:

In order to have a good lactation, a little breast milk is added to the water during the first bath. For the first time, you can redeem a child only by his father and mother without anyone's help - this is a powerful talisman against the evil eye and damage. So that the child is loved by everyone and he grows up beautiful. Add a decoction of herb to the bathroom lovage... In the event that the girl is wearing a white shirt while bathing, her skin will remain white and beautiful.

In addition to basic things, you may need baby cosmetics. In the first month of a baby's life, this is unlikely, but it is still necessary to prepare all the components. In the second and third months of a child's life, you can buy rubber toys that will attract the baby's attention. At a more conscious age, you will need a washcloth, as well as a bathing circle. Some mothers purchase special bathing caps so that the water does not get on the baby's face.

Bathing can take place in any conditions, the main thing is that this process is comfortable for the child. Parents and grandparents should provide the newborn with everything necessary. Proper bathing is the key to sound sleep and good appetite. Therefore, not only the health of the child, but also the sleep of the parents will directly depend on this process. By taking care in advance and purchasing everything you need for this process, you can be ready to bathe your newborn for the first time.

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