Intellectual game “The Magnificent Seven. Intellectual game "The Magnificent Seven"

Game program for grades 3-7. Scenario

The game is intended for schoolchildren in grades 3-7. Can be used to conduct class hour and how extracurricular activity after school or at a summer holiday camp.
The game involves several teams of 7 people.
A jury is formed to evaluate the results of the game.

Participants: presenter, fairy-tale characters (Baba Yaga, Captain Vrungel, Dunno, postman Pechkin), student teams, jury, fans.
-Good evening, friends! Our program today is called “The Magnificent Seven”. I hope that it will give you the opportunity to have a good rest, show resourcefulness, dexterity and knowledge. Our game involves teams... (representing the teams), and their performance will be assessed by members of the jury (representing the jury members).
The focus today will be on the number “7”. You've certainly noticed the prevalence of this number. “Seven never leaves our lips. And we will be convinced of this today.”
Cheerful music is playing. Baba Yaga appears on the stage.
Baba Yaga:
- Oh, where did I end up? How many kids are there? One, two, three, four, five, six, seven...
- Hello, Baba Yaga. But you started to count correctly. And you got to the game “The Magnificent Seven”. And by competing, we prove the prevalence of the number “7”.
Baba Yaga:
- I have such a task. Can you handle it?
Leading:(addressing the children)
- We'll try!
Baba Yaga holds her first competition.
Baba Yaga:
- My competition is called “Auction of Fairy Tales”. You have to remember the names of fairy tales in which the number “7” is mentioned. How many fairy tales you can write down in 5 minutes, that’s how many points you’ll get. So, time has passed.
- And so that the fans don’t get bored, I invite them to the “Fabulous Lost and Found Bureau”. I ask you to name fairy-tale characters who lost their things:
1) Pea (Princess)
2) Little Red Riding Hood (Little Red Riding Hood)
3) Sledge (Kai)
4) Old trough (Old woman)
5) Shoe (Cinderella)
6) Umbrella (Ole-Lukoje)
7) Flint and steel (Soldier)
8) A Barrel of Honey (Winnie the Pooh)
9) Walnut shell (Thumbelina)
10) Musical Pot (The Swineherd Prince)
- What great fellows, what cunning people, they read everything, they know everything! Did a great job! And it’s time for me to go to my fairy tale. Goodbye!
Baba Yaga leaves. The phonogram of the song “Merry Wind” plays.
- And our game continues.
Phonogram of a song from the animated film “The Adventures of Captain Vrungel.” Captain Vrungel appears.

There are many in the world different countries where I dropped anchor.
Friends, I am Vrungel, captain, and that’s all I said.
I cannot be denied the truth, and everyone knows this...
Sometimes you can’t believe it, friends, but it still happens.
- My competition is called “Seven Merry Notes”.
I give the teams cards with lyrics that you know well. But the texts are missing seven words. You need to insert the correct words and sing the verse of this song.
(Example card:
“Past the white... moon, past... the sunset apple
Clouds from the unknown... are rushing towards us and again... somewhere.
Clouds -... horses, clouds, whatever you... without looking back.
Don’t look, please..., but ride us across the sky, clouds.)
Captain addresses the fans:
- And while our teams are completing the task, you and I will sing. I will name a line from the song, and you need to continue it by singing.
1. We are going, going, going, to distant lands...
2. Slowly the minutes float into the distance...
3. This is what our summer is like...
4. Dad can, dad can...
5. Write different letters...
- Well done! You can safely go sailing with you, it will be fun. What about our teams? Did you complete my task? Let's see.
- The floor is given to our distinguished jury.
- And I’m going on another trip across the ocean. Goodbye!
- Goodbye!
Phonogram of the music “Hymn of Dunno and his friends.” Dunno runs in.
Dunno grumbles:
Everyone should have understood this a long time ago.
What in the world is still impossible to know.
True, true, impossible, absolutely impossible,
It is absolutely impossible to know everything in the world.

Our game continues. So, we move on to the next competition. And it's called "Blitz". You will be asked questions. The team that gives the correct answer faster receives 1 point.
1. A unit of time equal to 7 days (week).
2. What is the name of Dmitry Shostakovich's seventh symphony? (Heroic).
3. What holiday is celebrated on January 7? (Christmas).
4. Ensemble of 7 voices or instruments (Septet).
5. The seventh letter in the word “Electrification” (i).
6. Author of the fairy tale “Svetik the Seven Flowers” ​​(V. Kataev).
7. What is the name of a team of 7 horses? (Semerik).
8. There were 7 subjects in the medieval school. They were called the "Seven Liberal Arts." These are: grammar, dialectics, rhetoric, arithmetic, geometry, astronomy. Name the seventh item. (Music).
9. What holiday according to the folk calendar is celebrated on April 7? (Annunciation).
- Well done! And our respected jury will sum up the results of this competition.
The soundtrack from the movie “Prostokvashino” is playing. Postman Pechkin enters. (Looking sad, confused).
- Hello! Help me guys. I had an accident at the post office: the roof leaked and all the telegrams got wet. And in telegrams there are proverbs and sayings in which the number 7 appears.
- Well, guys, shall we help Pechkin? Then we take part in a competition of proverbs and sayings.
Pechkin reads out proverbs and sayings, omitting part of the text, and team members complete with answers. Whose team will pronounce the correct text faster?
1. Measure... seven times (cut once).
2. Seven... do not wait (for one).
3. Seven troubles - ... (one answer).
4. One with a bipod... (seven with a spoon).
5. Seven nannies... (a child without an eye).
6. We ate seven times... (but did not sit at the table).
7. Seven spans... (in the forehead).
8. Seventh water on ... (jelly).
9. Seven Fridays in ... (week).
10. In one fell swoop - ... (seven).

- Thank you, guys. Otherwise I wouldn’t have been able to cope on my own. And now it’s time for me to go to work and deliver letters. Goodbye!

- And our game is coming to an end. And we give the floor to the jury.

Jury Speech: summing up the game, rewarding teams.

- Thanks everyone for the game. Goodbye!

Mind game"The Magnificent Seven" - page No. 1/1

Mind game

"The Magnificent Seven"

Municipal educational institution "Gymnasium No. 46", Cheboksary
The event is intended for students in grades 10-11 studying the Russian language course in an in-depth program.

1. Board

2. 2 envelopes with enclosed text for the Captains Competition

3. 2 envelopes with a task for the Creative Competition.

4. 7 tablets with proverbs for attaching to the board.

5. 10 plates with the names of sections for the Theoretical round.

6. card with a drawn letter (for the Theoretical round).

7. screen

8. multimedia projector


A s s i s t e n t
Rules of the game:

1. Two teams of 7 people each take part in the game. The right to make the first move is determined by lot.

2. Each team member is required to take part in competitions.

3. Before the game, the team captain is determined.

4. The jury evaluates each answer in points (the number of points depends on the type of competition - from 1 to 5 points). If a team does not answer a question, it receives nothing.

5. The time allowed for thinking is from 10 seconds (in oral competitions) to 20 minutes (creative round).

Goals of the game:

educational: check the level of acquired knowledge and stimulate independent study of the material;

developing: promote the development of creative abilities, logical thinking, intelligence and communication skills;

educational: gaining experience in public speaking, strategic and tactical behavior of individuals and teams in changing conditions.

Leading: Good afternoon, dear guests of our competition, dear jury and, of course, our players. Without a doubt, all of us here are united by a love for the Russian language and, I would very much like, a good knowledge of the theory and practice of the Russian language.

Let's meet our players:

  • introduction of players and captain of 1 team;
Now allow me to introduce our dear jury:

  • We present the jury members.

Now that we're all familiar, it's time for the First Competition.

R A Z M I N K A.

Correct answer – 1 point

(maximum number – 10 points)

Questions and tasks:

1. Continue the phrase: Do nouns change by number and ___________? (cases)

2. What does the word VYYA mean? (neck)

3. How many vowel sounds are there in the Russian language? (6)

4. What is the conjugation of the word IGNITE? (1 reference)

5. Form a noun from the adjective CLEAR? (clarity)

6. What does the word METRO sound like in the plural? (metro)

7. What punctuation mark is at the end of an incentive sentence, a non-exclamatory sentence? (dot)

8. Name the category according to the meaning of the pronoun YOUR? (possessive)

9. What is the root of the word whimsical? (hot)

10. What is the name of a trope based on artistic exaggeration? (hyperbole)

1. Continue the phrase: Past tense verbs change according to numbers and _________? (gender)

2. What punctuation mark will you put in the sentence I KNOW THE CITY WILL BE? (:)

3. Which word cannot be introductory AS AS IF or MEANS? (as if)

4. Name the category according to the meaning of the adjective RATTLE? (possessive)

5. How do you pronounce the word HIP in the plural? (hips)

6. Is the word HALF-LITER written together - separately or with a hyphen? (hyphenated)

7. What phonetic process occurs in the word FROST? (stun)

8. Form a noun from the adjective PINE? (pine forest)

9. Highlight the root of the word WITNESS? (view)

10. A trope based on the transfer of meaning based on the principle of similarity of phenomena is called _______? (metaphor)


Correct answer – 1 point

The time to think about each question is 2 minutes.

2 people are invited from each team.
Hand out 2 blank sheets of paper.

Assignment: complete the proverb or saying.
Material for the game:
1. Even the world is not nice (when there is no friend)

2. write - (do not scratch your tongue)

3. many scientists, (few smart ones)

4. A smart person loves to learn, (and a fool loves to teach)

5. It’s better to stumble with your foot (than with your word)

6. The evil one cries out of envy (and the good one cries out of joy)

7. Without science (like without hands)

Off-site competition.

Time to create a creative work is 20 minutes.

1 person from each team is invited.

The maximum number of points is 10 (by decision of the jury).
Envelopes with assignments are distributed. The task is the same: Create a creative work (volume and genre determined by the player himself).

Topic: Write a creative work on behalf of the RUBLE (or RUSSIAN LANGUAGE).

T E O R E T I C H E S K I Y T U R.

Correct answer – 1 point

(maximum number – 15 points)

The time to think about each question is 10-15 seconds.

2 people are invited from each team.

The leading team starts.

Rules: there are 10 tablets on the board, which indicate the names of the sections:

  • graphics

  • vocabulary

  • phonetics

  • lexicography

  • morphemics

  • word formation

  • morphology

  • syntax

  • stylistics

  • phraseology
Each section contains 3 questions on this topic. The leading team starts, then one by one.
Questions and tasks:

G R A F I K A.

1. What was this letter called in the Russian alphabet? (card with letter) (kako)

2. What alphabet is the Russian alphabet based on? (Greek)

3. In what year was the last reform of the Russian alphabet carried out? (1918)

1. Who is the creator of the richest explanatory dictionary of the Russian language today? (V.I. Dal)

2. What is the name of the dictionary, which gives the norms for the pronunciation of sounds and stress norms? (orthoepic)

3. V.V. Vinogradov and Tikhonov: what dictionary did these scientists create? (word-formative)

L E K S I K A.

1. What are borrowings from the French language called? (Gallicisms)

2. BURN leaves and apply BURNING: what is this phenomenon called in vocabulary? (homoforms)

3. What type of lexical units are the words COOL, PARTY, COOL GUY? (jargonisms)


1. What is the name of the method of forming the word KVN? (abbreviation)

2. Are the words BREAKING and FRITTLE formed from the same stem? (No)

3. How is the word UNBELIEF formed? (adj.-suffixal)

F O N E T I C A.

1. Illustrate with examples the following alternation of consonants Т/Ч/Ш (light-candle-lighting)

2. Give the phonetic characteristics of the first sound in the word SEW (sh) – sogl., tv., n., gl., parn.

3. in which words the sound (Zh) is hard, unpaired. Is it pronounced softly according to the orthoepic norm? (reins, yeast)

M O R P H O L O G Y.

1. What kind of noun ZABRILA? (general)

2. What parts of speech can the word LI be? (conjunction, particle)

3. In the sentence ONE IN THE FIELD IS NOT A WARRIOR, the word ONE refers to what part of speech? (noun)

M O R F E M I K A.

1. Name the word with the prefix SU? (dusk)

2. Are the endings the same in the words BLUE and FOX? (No)

3. Continue the definition: The base of the word is... (part of a word without ending and formative suffix)

S I N T A C S I S.

1. Indicate the type of connection in the phrase HIS BELIEF? (adjacent)

2. Describe the offer PAY PHONE AT THE TURN? (full, non-reflective, PP, two-part, incomplete, spread, complicated application)

3. What type of predicate is in the following sentence: HIS SOUL WAS WARM A FRIEND'S SMILE, A VIRGIN'S AFTERNESS? (SIS)

S T I L I S T I C A.

1. What is EPISTOLARY GENRE? (genre of writing)

2. Indicate the means of expression in the sentence WILL ALL THE FLAGS BE VISITING US? (metonymy)

3. What is the name of such a speech error: FOLK FOLKLORE, MUTUAL COOPERATION? (pleonasm)


1. Explain the meaning of the phraseological unit FROM ALPHA TO OMEGA? (from start to finish)

2. Indicate the source of the catchphrase HUGE SIZE DISTANCE? (Griboedov “Woe from Wit”)

3. Choose a phraseological unit with the meaning of FLATTER. (crumble into a little demon)


The maximum number of points is 10 (by decision of the jury).

Completion time – 15 minutes.

Off-site competition.

Assignment: Describe the text, indicate the means of expression.

2 envelopes with tasks are distributed. The text is the same.

Possible text:

The old Candlestick, who has enslaved a lot in the field of lighting, cannot understand new trends in any way.

Of course, today's light bulbs are bright heads,” he agrees. “But in our time, candles lived differently. They knew their place, did not rush to the ceiling, and yet they were literally swimming with fat.

F. Krivin.

Checking the creative work competition.

Correct answer – 1 point

(maximum number – 7 points)

Time to complete the task is 7 minutes.

The entire team completes the task.
Distribute envelopes with assignments. The tasks are the same.
Possible task option:
1. Place stress in the following words:
2. Fill in the missing letters:
3. Having determined on what basis the words are combined, cross out the “EXTRA” word:
4. Choose a synonym for the highlighted word:
FINE observation -
5. Form from this word a common noun with the meaning “resident of this city”:
ARKHANGELSK – (Arkhangelsk residents)
6. Place punctuation marks:
When I see around me (,) how people (,) not knowing (,) what to do with their free time (,) seek out the most miserable activities and entertainment (,) I look for a book and say internally (:) this alone is enough for a whole life. (F.M. Dostoevsky)
7. Restore the original form of the quotation:
THE FOLK TRAIL WILL BE OVERGROWN – (the folk trail will not be overgrown)
I believe - I don’t believe...

Correct answer – 1 point

(maximum number – 7 points)

The time to think about each question is 10 seconds.

1 person is invited from each team.
Assignment: To each question from the presenter you need to answer BELIEVE or DON’T BELIEVE.
Questions and tasks:


1. Are the words SWEET and SALT historically the same root? (Yes)

2. is there such a suffix KOM? (Yes)

3. is the word CIVILE defined in Dahl’s dictionary as SPARROW? (Yes)

4. Is an adverb a functional part of speech? (No)

5. in the phraseological unit STANDING AT THE RIDER, is the RIDER the RUDDER? (Yes)

6. Is CYRILLIC a genre of folklore? (No)

7. Does the etymology of the word SERGEANT go back to the word SLAVE? (Yes)
1. Are the words DOCTOR and LIE historical relatives? (Yes)

2. Can conjunctions be formed from gerunds? (Yes)

3. in Dahl's dictionary there is a definition of the word CHEBURASHKA? (Yes)

4. Would it be correct to write the name of the settlement TSARSKOYE SELO as SAAR VILLAGE? (Yes)

5. Is there a zero root? (Yes)

6. in the phraseological unit GOL LIKE FALCON, FALCON - this cast iron blank? (Yes)

7. PILGRIM - a servant in a monastery preparing to become a monk? (No)
listen to the jury's opinion.

rewarding the winning team.

Intellectual and educational game “The Magnificent Seven”

for students in grades 5 and 6.

Presenter 1: Good afternoon, dear friends! Today you will be participants and spectators of the game “The Magnificent Seven”.

2 presenter: We hope that this game will give you the opportunity to show your intelligence, gain new knowledge, and have a good rest.

Presenter 1: And the focus will be on the number 7.

Have you, friends, noticed the extraordinary prevalence of this number?

Let's turn to history.

2 presenter: Here Ancient Greece. Pythagoras recognizes the special significance of the number 7.

As the sum of two numbers 3 and 4: the triangle and the quadrilateral were considered a manifestation of completeness and perfection. Therefore, the number 7 as the sum of 3 and 4 was perceived by them as sacred.

Presenter 1: Since ancient times, the number 7 has had a variety of symbolic uses. So the ancient Greeks annually chose the 7 best tragic and comic actors, like the ancient Romans, they revered the seven wise men; Rome was founded on 7 hills. Christianity recognizes 7 deadly sins (pride, stinginess, gluttony, intemperance, envy, laziness) and 7 sacraments.

In fairy tales, proverbs and sayings, we also encounter the mysterious number 7. This is an extraordinary number!

2 presenter: Today there are 7 participants in the team. 7 competitions will be offered to your attention. Your success will be rewarded with a certain number of tokens. The main prize will be awarded to the team with the most tokens greatest number.

1 competition “Proverbs. Sayings."

Presenter 1: You need to write proverbs and sayings that mention the number 7. The winner is the one who writes the most proverbs and sayings in 30 seconds.

    Measure seven times, cut once.

    Seventh water on jelly.

    One with a spoon, seven with a spoon.

    Seven do not wait for one.

    In one fell swoop - seven.

    For 7 miles you can slurp jelly.

    Beyond the seven seas.

    Over the moon.

    On the seven winds

    Too many cooks spoil the broth.

    Seven troubles - one answer.

    Seven feet under the keel.

    Seven spans in the forehead.

    Seven Fridays a week.

    Not a big town, but 7 governors.

    7 miles to heaven.

    In an hour, 7 sweats will disappear.

    Seven gates, all to the garden.

2 presenter: Assignment to the audience. Want to earn an extra token for your team? Explain the meaning of these expressions.

2nd competition “Domisolka”

Presenter 1: You need to take envelopes from the table and identify the note drawn on the envelope. For the correct answer 1 token.

Then open the envelope, there is a famous song cut into 7 strips. You need to put together the verse and chorus of the song. For this you receive 1 more token.

Do you want to earn 1 more token? Wonderful! We invite the audience to perform this song.

Presenter 2: Remember, the girl Zhenya in one of her works of art had a flower of wishes “a flower - a seven-flower.”

3rd competition “Flower-seven-flowered”

Each team is given a flower.

1 presenter: On each petal write the names of any flowers: indoor, field or garden.

(Anisia, dahlia, gloria, iris, lily, daisies, rose, jasmine).

The first three teams to complete the tasks correctly receive incentives.

2 presenter: And again we invite one person from each team to the table where the “tickets” are located. The “tickets” are marked with numbers from 1 to 7. Choose your “lucky ticket”.

Blitz competition.

For the correct answer 1 token, only 2 questions.

    A unit of time equal to 7 days. (Week)

    Seven Russian heroes folk tale"Turnip". (Turnip, grandfather, woman, granddaughter, Bug, cat, mouse).

    Seventh month of the year. (July)

    Director of the animated film "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs". (Walt Disney).

    The seventh letter of the alphabet. (Yo)

    Wishes for a safe voyage, mentioning the number 7. (Seven feet under the keel)

    What is 7*7? (49)

    There were 7 academic subjects in the medieval school. They were called the "Seven Liberal Arts." These are grammar, rhetoric, dialectics, arithmetic, geometry, astronomy, ... Name the seventh subject. (Music)

    Seventh note of an octave. (B)

    The names of the 7 dwarfs from the fairy tale “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.” (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday).

1. The most revered national holiday, celebrated on July 7th. It merged with the pagan festival of water and water deities. (Ivana Kupala)

2. The seventh digit in the natural series of numbers. (6)

1 presenter: We return again to the number 7. In the competition that will be offered to you now, we will talk about the great works of ancient masters. Amazed contemporaries appreciated these creations of human hands, leaving enthusiastic memories of them in prose and poetry.

Unfortunately, almost all of them have disappeared from the face of the earth. But to this day they continue to teach us beauty and inspire architects to creative searches and bold engineering solutions.

Maybe some of you have guessed what we are talking about? Please think, remember that this is connected with the number 7?

The first written mention of the “Seven Wonders” is attributed to the Phoenician writer Antipater. True, his book was neither a philosophical treatise nor an album, it was an ordinary guide, like a modern guide to ancient monuments.

2 presenter: Our next competition is called “Seven Wonders of the World”.

The teams are given leaflets with text - a description of one “miracle”.

It is necessary to determine which of the 7 wonders of the world we are talking about.

For the correct answer 3 tokens.

Presenter 1: I think you know that the color spectrum consists of 7 colors. When the sun's rays are refracted, a rainbow appears. The colors of the spectrum are always arranged in a certain sequence: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet.

We named the 5th competition "Rainbow".

Each team will determine the color that it will have to protect: remember the names of works of art, movies, lines from songs, proverbs, sayings, riddles, geographical names, phraseological units where your color is found.

1 minute to prepare. The 3 teams that remember the most phrases will receive 1 token.

Presenter 2: So, let’s summarize today’s game program. Counting tokens. The winning team is awarded the title of the Magnificent Seven and given a sweet prize.

Text for the competition "Seven Wonders of the World".

    This miracle was created by the brilliant Phidias from gold and ivory. Many works of pagan art were destroyed by Christian fanatics, but they did not dare to destroy the amazing creation of Phidias. Unfortunately, this wonder of the world nevertheless perished: according to one version, it was destroyed by robbers, according to another, the death of creation during a fire in Constantinople. (The statue of Zeus in Olympia - “Olympian Zeus”).

    Which of the wonders of the world is spoken of in the following poetic lines:

Majestic as eternity

Silent as death.

This structure approximately corresponds in height to a fifty-story skyscraper (146.6 m). (Pyramid of Cheops. This is the only one of the seven wonders of the world that has survived to this day).

    Legend associates the creation of this miracle with the name of the Babylonian Assyrian queen. This miracle was located in Babylon and was built by the Babylonian king Nav at hodonosorm 2. (The Hanging Gardens of Babylon).

    One of the most grandiose monuments of Greek architecture stood for the 19th century. It was built by the wife of the Carian king Mausolus as a sign of her boundless love for her husband. By completing the construction of this wonder of the world, Atremisia also immortalized herself: the horses of the quadriga on the roof of the structure were not driven by a driver, as usual, but by the royal couple - Mausolus and Artemisia. (Halicarnassus Mausoleum).

    The construction of this gigantic structure took only 5 years, but stood for almost 1000 years; was destroyed by an earthquake. The structure was called “pharos” after the name of the island on which it stood. (Alexandria Lighthouse).

    It was “a truly amazing monument of Greek literature, striking in its splendor.” Here everything was under the protection of the chaste moon goddess, a powerful maiden hunter. The structure was made of marble. To immortalize his name, the vain Greek Herostatus set fire to the building in 356 BC, which burned to the ground. (Temple of Artemis of Ephesus).

    This building stood for no more than 66 years. In 224 BC it collapsed as a result of a strong earthquake. The collapsed statue lay undisturbed for almost 900 years, as there was a prediction from the Oracle that misfortune would befall the city if the statue was reinstalled. (Colossus of Rhodes).
