Games to develop coordination of movements. Games and exercises for the development of coordination of movements" consultation on physical education (junior, middle, senior groups) on the topic

Holiday Games


Purpose of the game: develop coordination of movements, reaction, and the ability to quickly make decisions.

Necessary materials and visual aids: large cubes, ottomans or high chairs in quantities equal to the number of participants, arranged in a circle.

Progress of the game

The number of participants is not limited. A driver is selected from among the players and is located in the center of the circle. The remaining participants are security guards. They are located behind the cubes. The driver's task is to take possession of the guard's cube by sitting on it. The guards must get ahead of the driver and sit on the cube earlier. A child who did not have time to protect his cube becomes the driver.


Purpose of the game:

Necessary materials and visual aids: a thick rope, cord or jump rope with a burdensome but soft object tied at the end (for example, a bag of sand, a piece of rubber hose) so as not to injure the players.

Progress of the game

A driver is selected from among the players and is located in the center. playing field. The rest of the players stand around him at a distance corresponding to the length of the rope. During the game, the driver rotates the rope in a circle above the ground, and the players jump up, tucking their legs, so
so that the bag does not touch them. The player who did not have time to jump and was hit by the rope becomes the driver.


Purpose of the game:

Develop coordination of movements. Materials and visual aids needed: a stick approximately 50 cm long, a bright yellow ring that is suspended from the end of the stick with a cord.

Progress of the game

The players form a semicircle. The driver faces the players, holding a stick with a ring in his hands, imitating the sun. He passes the ring over the heads of the players, saying: “Reach for the sun!” Players try to reach the ring. Whoever manages to touch the “sun” becomes the driver. CHICKENS IN THE GARDEN

Purpose of the game:

Necessary materials and visual aids: using cubes and slats or pegs and ropes, you need to fence off a small space that will be a vegetable garden. Place a chair in the center of the garden.

Progress of the game

The driver is a “watchman”, is he located on a chair in the middle? three vegetable gardens. The remaining players are “chickens” who are outside the garden. While the presenter says:
The chickens went out for a walk
Peck some fresh grass.
The chickens got into the garden.
Beware, honest people! -
chickens sneak into the garden and start running around there. But as soon as the leader says “The watchman is coming!” - the driver gets up from his chair and tries to catch the “chickens” that are running away from him. If the guard catches the player, they switch roles.


Purpose of the game: develop coordination of movements.

Progress of the game

Players are divided into 2 teams. They line up in a column as follows: the right hand of each subsequent player lies on the right shoulder of the previous one, and with his left hand he supports left leg standing in front. At the signal from the leader, the column begins to move along the distance. The team that completes the distance first wins.


Purpose of the game: develop coordination of movements and reaction.

Necessary materials and visual aids: for playing, you can use chairs as birdhouses, or you can draw small circles with chalk that will serve as houses.

Progress of the game

Birdhouses are located along the perimeter of the playground. There should be one less of them than the participants in the game. One of the players plays the role of driver. All participants in the game, including the driver, move freely around the playing area to the music. As soon as the music stops playing, all players try to reach any birdhouse. The driver also occupies any free birdhouse. The child who is left without a birdhouse becomes the driver.


Purpose of the game: develop coordination of movements and speed of reaction.

Necessary materials and visual aids: houses, which can be chairs, or you can draw circles with chalk on the playground.

Progress of the game

From among the players, a driver is selected to play the role of a cat. The rest of the players are "mice". The "mice" sit in the houses while the "cat" is awake. When the "cat" falls asleep, the "mice" go out for a walk. They move freely around the playground. At this time, the “cat” wakes up, meows and begins to catch “mice”. The "mice" are scattering around the houses. If the “cat” managed to catch one of the “mice”, then the players change roles.


Purpose of the game: develop coordination of movements and speed of reaction.

Necessary materials and visual aids: a stick approximately 1 m long, to which a model of a mosquito made of cardboard is tied on a cord.

Progress of the game

The players stand in a circle. The driver is located in the center, holding a stick with a mosquito attached with a cord. He moves a mosquito over the heads of the players, who at this time are trying to catch him. The one who grabbed the mosquito; becomes a driver.


Purpose of the game: develop coordination of movements and speed of reaction.

Necessary materials and visual aids: draw 2 lines at different ends of the site: on one side, separate the den for the “bear”, and on the other, the children’s house. The central space serves as the edge of the forest.

Progress of the game

From among the players, a driver is selected to be the “bear.” He takes up space in the den. The rest of the players are children, they are located in their house. Children go for walks on the edge of the forest, picking mushrooms and berries. At the same time they say:
By the bear in the forest
I take mushrooms and berries,
But the bear doesn't sleep
And he growls at us.
As soon as the children say the last line, the “bear” comes out of his den with a growl and tries to catch the fleeing children. If he succeeds, then the players change roles, and the caught player becomes the “bear”.


Purpose of the game: develop coordination of movements and speed of reaction.

Necessary materials and visual aids: on the playground it is necessary to mark a place for the hunter, in addition, you need a small ball.

Progress of the game

The "Hunter" turns his back to the playing area. At this time, the rest of the participants randomly run and jump around the site, playing the role of “hares”. At the command "Hunter!" "hares" freeze in place. Without leaving the designated area, the “hunter” throws the ball at the “hares”. The player whom the “hunter” hit with the ball now becomes the “hunter” himself, and the “hunter” becomes the “hare”.


Purpose of the game: develop coordination of movements, speed of reaction, accuracy.

Necessary materials and visual aids: small rings for throwing and stands for throwing of different shapes.

Progress of the game

Players are divided into teams depending on the number of sets to throw. Teams are located at some distance from the throwing stands. Each player has several rings. The teams' task is to throw as many rings onto the stands as possible.


Purpose of the game: develop coordination of movements, dexterity and eye.

Necessary materials and visual aids: balls and baskets for throwing balls, chalk.

Progress of the game

Baskets for throwing balls are installed on the playing court, and at some distance from it a line is drawn indicating the place from which the players will make throws. Players are divided into teams. Each player has a ball. The team's task is to throw as many balls into the basket as possible.


Purpose of the game: develop coordination of movements and speed of reaction.

Progress of the game

“Mice” (5-7 people) are selected from among the players. The remaining players, holding hands, form a circle - a mousetrap. The "mice" are outside the circle. The players forming a mousetrap begin to walk in a circle, first to the left, then to the right, with their arms raised up. They say:
Oh, how tired the mice are,
Everyone gnawed, everyone ate.
Beware, you rascals,
We'll get to you.
Let's set up mousetraps,
Let's catch everyone at once!
While the children are saying words in a circle, the “mice” move freely throughout the playing space: they run into the circle and run out of it. But as soon as the last words “At once!” are heard, the children standing in the circle give up. The "moustrap" slammed shut. Players who do not have time to run out of the circle are considered losers. The caught “mice” stand in a circle, and the size of the “mousetrap” increases. When all the “mice” are caught, the children change roles and the game continues.


Purpose of the game: develop coordination of movements and speed of reaction.

Necessary materials and visual aids: if the game takes place indoors, then musical accompaniment is desirable.

Progress of the game

A driver is selected from among the players to play the role of a pike. The remaining players are divided into 2 groups. One group will play the role of pebbles, the other - the role of crucian carp. The pebble guys form a circle. "Crucian carp" swim inside the circle. Shuka is outside the circle. As soon as the presenter says “Pike!” - the driver runs into the circle and tries to catch the “crucian carp”. "Crucian carp", in turn, try to hide behind the "pebbles". The “crucian carp” vehicles that failed to hide and were caught by the “pike” leave the circle. The game is played several times, then the players change roles and a new driver is chosen.

BODGERS (first option)

Purpose of the game: develop coordination of movements and speed of reaction.

Progress of the game

Two players take seats opposite each other - these are bouncers. The remaining players are located between them.
The task of the bouncers is to try to miss the players. Players must stay in the game as long as possible, dodging the ball.

BODGERS (second option)

Purpose of the game: develop coordination of movements and speed of reaction.

Necessary materials and visual aids: ball, chalk.

Progress of the game

On the playing field, two parallel lines are drawn with chalk at a considerable distance from each other. There are several players behind each line. These are bouncers. There is one player in the space between the lines. The task of the bouncers is to throw the ball to each other and hit the player. And the player must stay in the game as long as possible, dodging the ball.


Purpose of the game: develop coordination of movements and speed of reaction.

Necessary materials and decorative aids: chalk.

Progress of the game

You need to draw a large circle on the playground. A driver is selected from among the players - a “trap”, who is located in the center of the circle. The rest of the players are jumpers, they are located outside the circle. The jumpers jump into the circle on their left or right foot (this should be discussed before the game starts) and jump out of it. The “trapper” runs in a circle, trying to catch players while they are in the circle. The one who is caught by the “trap” becomes the driver.


Purpose of the game: vary coordination of movements, dexterity.

Necessary materials and visual aids: fishing rods (a rod can be used as a fishing rod) approximately 1 m long with a magnet attached to it using a thin cord, fish made of cardboard with small magnets attached to them, chalk.

Progress of the game

On the playground you need to draw a circle simulating a pond. Players take places around the pond in which the fish are located, and on command they begin to catch the fish using fishing rods. When all the fish are caught from the pond, they can be counted and the winner determined.


Purpose of the game: develop coordination of movements and speed of reaction.

Progress of the game

All players stand in a circle and close their eyes. The leader goes around the circle and touches one of the children, who becomes the leader - sly fox. Then the children open their eyes and ask 3 times: “Sly fox, where are you?” When all the players ask for the third time, " sly fox" comes out to the middle and says: “Here I am!” All the players run away, and the “fox” tries to catch them. When the “fox” catches 2-3 participants, the game starts again.


Purpose of the game: develop coordination of movements and speed of reaction.

Necessary materials and visual aids: multi-colored ribbons 20-25 cm long.

Progress of the game

A driver is selected from among the players and is located in the center of the circle. The remaining players stand in a circle.
They place ribbons either behind the belt or under the collar. At the leader’s signal, the children run away, and the catcher tries to catch up with the players and pull the ribbon from them. Those whose catcher pulls the tape are eliminated from the game. At the signal from the presenter, the game is completed, and the obtained ribbons are counted. Then the game can be resumed by choosing a new driver.


Purpose of the game: develop coordination of movements and speed of reaction.

Progress of the game

Small circles are drawn on the playground. A driver is selected from among the players. The remaining players stand in circles. The driver approaches any participant in the game and asks: “Where are the keys?” The player answers him: “Go to (says the name of any player) and knock.” While this conversation is happening, the other players change places. The driver must react quickly and occupy any vacant circle. If he succeeds, then he changes roles with the player left without a circle. And if the driver cannot occupy someone’s circle for a long time, he can say “Found the keys!” - and then all players must change places. At this time, the driver can easily occupy someone's circle.


Purpose of the game: develop coordination of movements and speed of reaction.

Necessary materials and visual aids: if children play indoors, then musical accompaniment is possible.

Progress of the game

Players line up in pairs. In front of the column, at a distance of several steps, a line is drawn, behind which is the driver, chosen from among the players. Those standing in the column say the following words:
Burn, burn clearly
So that it doesn't go out. . Look at the sky -
Birds are flying
The bells are ringing!
One, bottom, three - run!
At this moment, the children standing in the last pair run forward along the column on opposite sides of it and try to hold hands. The catcher, who is in front of the column, tries to catch one of the runners before the players join hands. If the driver manages to do this, then he forms a pair with the caught player, and the player who is left without a pair becomes the driver.


Purpose of the game: develop coordination of movements and speed of reaction.

Necessary materials and visual aids: chalk.

Progress of the game

At two opposite ends of the site, space is separated - the house of the day and the house of the night; Another line is drawn in the middle of the site. The players are divided into two teams. Teams take place in the center of the court different sides from the middle line. They stand with their backs to each other. The presenter says: “Attention”, “Day” or “Night”. And depending on what word he said, the children of the named team catch up with the children from the opposite team. You can only catch the fleeing team until the players cross the lines of their home.


Purpose of the game:

Necessary materials and visual aids: chalk.

Progress of the game

The center of the site is limited by ditch 2 parallel lines at a distance of approximately 1 m. A leader is selected from among the players - a “wolf”, who is located in the ditch. All other players are “sheep”. They are located on one side of the ditch. At the leader’s signal, the “sheep” jump over the ditch to the opposite side of the site. The “wolf” is trying to catch them at this time. And if he succeeds, then the players change roles.


Purpose of the game: develop coordination of movements and speed of reaction.

Necessary materials and visual aids: wall bars or stable objects that can be climbed on and that could serve as trees or vines.

Progress of the game

Players are divided into 2 groups - monkeys and catchers. "Monkeys" are located in the trees. The Loptsy go to the center of the site and demonstrate some movements invented in advance. Having completed the movements, the catchers leave, and the “monkeys” move to the center of the site and repeat the movements of the catchers. At the leader’s signal, the “monkeys” run to the trees and climb them. At this time, the catchers try to catch the “monkeys.” This continues several times. Then the teams change roles.


Purpose of the game: develop coordination of movements, dexterity, speed of reaction.

Necessary materials and visual aids: small rings, a stick for catching rings.

Progress of the game

The game is played in pairs. Children are located opposite each other. One of them has a stick for catching rings, the other has a stick for throwing rings, and the rings themselves. The player who has the rings puts them on the tip of the stick one by one and throws them to his partner, who, in turn, tries to catch them on his stick. When all the rings have been thrown, those caught are counted. Then the players change roles.


Purpose of the game: develop coordination of movements and speed of reaction.

Necessary materials and visual aids: 2 boards up to 50 cm long and up to 10 cm wide, which are placed one on top of the other, a ball.

Progress of the game

A ball is placed on the lower end of the top board. Players position themselves around the boards. One of the players hits the upper free end of the board with force. Other players try to catch the ball as it flies up. Whoever succeeds in this becomes a driver.


Purpose of the game: develop coordination of movements and speed of reaction.

Necessary materials and visual aids: chairs or benches.

Progress of the game

Players are seated on chairs or benches. A seller and a buyer are selected from among the players. The buyer steps aside and the players tell the seller what color they want it to be. After a while the buyer comes and says: “Knock, knock.” The seller asks: "Who's there?" The seller says his name.
Salesman. "What did you come for?"
Buyer. "Behind the paint."
Salesman. "For which one?"
The buyer names the paint he came for. If such paint is available, the seller names its price. The buyer slaps the seller's palm as many times as he said. With the last bang, the “paint” runs away, and the buyer tries to catch up with it. Having caught the “paint”, he takes it to him. If the named paint is not available, the seller says: “Ride along the blue (yellow, red, etc.) track on one leg.” The buyer gallops to the appointed place, then returns. The game continues.


Purpose of the game:

Necessary materials and visual aids: ball.

Progress of the game

A driver, a dog, is selected from among the players. The remaining participants are located in a circle. They throw the ball to each other. The “dog” must try to catch the ball. The one from whom the driver takes the ball becomes a “dog”.


Purpose of the game: develop coordination of movements, dexterity and speed of reaction.

Necessary materials and visual aids: lei-dots or ropes up to 50 cm long.

Progress of the game

The game is played in pairs. Players attach ribbons to the back of their belts. The task of each member of the pair is to rip off their partner’s ribbon and at the same time keep their own.


Purpose of the game: develop coordination of movements, speed of reaction and dexterity.

Necessary materials and visual aids: hats or caps.

Progress of the game

The game is played in pairs. The players take positions opposite each other, with hats on their heads. Players must try to rip the hat off their opponent's head while keeping their own.


Purpose of the game: develop coordination of movements and physical strength.

Necessary materials and visual aids: 2 chairs, rope.

Progress of the game

The game is played by 2 people. On the playground, 2 chairs are placed opposite each other. A rope is placed on the floor from one chair to another. At the leader’s signal, the players begin to move around the chairs. As soon as the presenter says “Drag!” - players sit on a chair and pull the rope. The one who manages to pull the rope first is the winner.


Purpose of the game: develop coordination of movements, observation, speed of reaction.

Necessary materials and visual aids: ball, hoop.

Progress of the game

The game involves 2 teams - scouts and sentries. A hoop is placed in the center of the playing area with a ball inside. One player from each team goes to the center. The “scout” makes movements that the “sentry” must repeat. In this case, the “scout” must lull the “sentry”’s vigilance, contrive and take the ball. If he succeeds, then the “sentinel” is eliminated from the game, and if he fails, then the “scout” is eliminated from the game. The game continues until all participants try themselves in the roles of “sentinels” and “scouts.” At the end of the game, they count how many times the “sentinels” and how many “scouts” won.


Purpose of the game: develop coordination of movements and dexterity. Necessary materials and visual aids: ball.

Progress of the game

The players stand in a circle. Player bottoms facing each other hold the balls. At the leader’s signal, the players begin to pass the balls in a circle in one direction. The player who has 2 balls at once loses.


Purpose of the game: develop coordination of movements and speed of reaction.

Necessary materials and visual aids: ball.

Progress of the game

Players are divided into 2 teams and lined up in columns. One of the players is located opposite the team and holds the ball in his hands. At the leader’s signal, he throws the ball to his partner. He, in turn, throws the ball back and squats down. Next, the ball is thrown to the second player, the third and all subsequent ones. The team that completes the task first wins.


Purpose of the game: develop coordination of movements and dexterity. Necessary materials and visual aids: chalk.

Progress of the game

On the playground, a tightrope walker's path is drawn with chalk, no more than the width of a foot. The task of each player is to go the distance as quickly as possible and not stumble.


Purpose of the game: teach a child to instantly concentrate on one subject, develop communication skills, attention, coordination.

Necessary materials and visual aids: several blank sheets of paper and quiet but cheerful music.

Progress of the game

This game requires an even number of players. After the guys are divided into pairs, they are given blank sheets of paper and the rules of the game are explained. They are as follows: each pair needs to cover a certain distance, and they must carry a sheet of paper, which is clamped between the foreheads of the participants. In this case, you need to keep your hands behind your back and not support the sheet with them.
The winner is the pair that completes the distance first and without mistakes. This game is ideal for various holidays, as it is very exciting and cheers everyone up.


Purpose of the game: develop coordination of movements, attention, ability to concentrate.

Necessary materials and visual aids: some small object that can be passed from hand to hand (it can be a ball or any other toy).

Progress of the game

This team game and is designed for a large number of participants.
At the beginning of the game, a leader is selected who will start the first round. All other participants line up in one line. When the guys line up, the leader picks up a toy and begins to follow them, trying to put a ball in the hands of one of them. The participant to whom he nevertheless gives it must immediately run out of order. At this time, the other participants must carefully monitor the leader, as they will need to catch the player in whose hands the toy is. Moreover, they must do this without going beyond the line. If they manage to catch the fleeing participant, then he must return to his place. If this player manages to escape, he becomes the leader, while the previous one takes his place.


Purpose of the game: develop coordination of movements, attention, ability to concentrate, analytical skills.

Necessary materials and visual aids: a piece of plywood 20 x 20 cm, a jigsaw, a long pole or a straight branch.

Progress of the game

Before starting the game, you need to cut a birch leaf from a prepared piece of plywood. Then you need to make several holes in this sheet, the diameter of which should exceed the diameter of the pole by at least 5 mm.
Explain to your child that his goal is to catch the tossed recalcitrant leaf with a pole onto one of the holes, each of which can be assigned a certain number of points. Typing required quantity, your baby might get some encouragement.
Both the child and you can toss the sheet.


Purpose of the game: develop coordination, fine motor skills, and analytical skills.

Necessary materials and visual aids: rope about 30 cm long.

Progress of the game

The essence of this game is to tie a rope with one hand into a knot (or several knots). You can also try tying a rope in a bow. It is recommended to constantly change hands and take turns tying with your right or left hand.

Naughty bows

Purpose of the game: develop coordination of movements, fine motor skills, memory, attention.

Necessary materials and visual aids: 8 ribbons, 50 cm each, horizontal crossbar.

Progress of the game

Before the game starts, all the bows must be tied in a knot on the crossbar. The ends of the ribbons should hang freely. Then the first participant in the game needs to be blindfolded. Spin it around a few times and let it next task: he must approach the crossbar and with eyes closed tie all the ribbons with a bow. You can limit its actions to time.
This game can be played as a relay race. In this case, you do not need to tie the amounts with bows. Each participant is allocated no more than 10 seconds for his actions. After they expire, the player must return to the start. The first player must bring all the ribbons and, if possible, tie them all to the crossbar. If he does not have time to tie all the ribbons, he must leave them at the crossbar and return to the start. During the relay race, the children do not need to be blindfolded.
The winner of this game will be the team that can tie all the bows or the largest number of them within the allotted period of time.


Purpose of the game: develop attention, coordination of movements, observation, analytical skills.

Necessary materials and visual aids: a skein of thread, several small wooden blocks with a hole in the middle (according to the number of participants).

Progress of the game

An unlimited number of people can participate in this game. It is best to do it outdoors.
Each participant has a thread tied to their belt. There should be a block at its end. It should be small in size and not interfere with movement. The goal of the players is to tear off the “tail” of the enemy, while it is important to keep your own. Those participants who have lost their “tails” are eliminated from the game. The participant who collects greatest number the torn off "tails" will be considered the winner.


Purpose of the game: develop coordination, motor skills, attention, determination.

Necessary materials and visual aids: cheerful music, chalk.

Progress of the game

You need to draw a circle on the floor or mark it in some other way. This will be a home for frogs. All participants in the game must squat down and place their hands on the floor, pretending to be frogs. A “frog” is selected to be the driver. Everyone else will have to run away from the dog, without getting up from their haunches. The only salvation for the remaining “frogs” may be their home, since in this case the driver cannot catch them. The “frog” that is caught will become the new driver.


Purpose of the game: develop coordination of movements, team spirit, attention, intelligence.

Necessary materials and visual aids: quiet but cheerful music.

Progress of the game

This game must involve at least 6 people. At the beginning of the game, a leader is chosen. Subsequently, he may be replaced by another participant. Then the guys line up one after another and put their hands on the waist of the person in front. The leader becomes the very first, he will guide the entire snake. The rest of the participants must follow him exactly. In this case, the main goal of the leader is to catch his “tail,” i.e., the last participant in the snake. If he catches, he becomes the last in the chain, and the participant standing behind him takes his place.


Purpose of the game: develop coordination of movements, attention, resourcefulness.

Necessary materials and visual aids: balloons, threads, cheerful music.

Progress of the game

The game involves at least 2 people. It can be carried out in a spacious room, having previously removed all breakable objects and those that could injure children.
Invite the first players to an impromptu stage. Tie a balloon to each participant's foot. Then explain that their goal is to step on their opponent's balloon and burst it, while keeping their own. At the leader’s command, the music is turned on, and the guys begin the fight.
This game can be made more difficult by increasing the number of tied balls. If possible, you can invite several participants at once.


Purpose of the game: develop coordination of movements, attention, resourcefulness and intelligence.

Necessary materials and visual aids: blank sheets of paper, pencil, scissors, paints.

Progress of the game

Before the game starts, you need to prepare all the materials. Involve your child in this. On blank sheets of paper you need to draw 5-10 green islands and cut them out. Then place them around the room and invite the children to imagine that they are in a “swamp”. Tell us that it is very dangerous to move around in the “swamp”; this can only be done if accompanied by an adult. But our swamp is not real, but fabulous. It has magical islands that you can step on without fear. But before you take a step, you need to say the password. Next, you need to select a topic, the words from it will be the password. These can be animals, flowers, people's names, etc.
If teams participate in the game, then movement can be arranged at speed. The team that covers the required distance faster will be considered the winner.

"OH, APPLE!.."

Purpose of the game: develop attention, coordination of movements, concentration.

Necessary materials and visual aids: apples or other fruits (their number must correspond to the number of participants), cheerful music.

Progress of the game

This game is played at a round table. The guys line up around a table on which they need to lay out apples for one less than the number of participants. At the leader’s command, the guys begin to move around the table (at a walk or at a fast pace - it’s up to the leader to decide). At the moment when the music turns off and the presenter says “Stop,” each participant must take one apple from the table. The participant who did not have time and who did not receive anything is eliminated from the game, receiving an apple from the table as a reward. Then the game starts again, but without one participant and one apple. For older children, this competition can be complicated by completing various tasks while moving. For example, the presenter may suggest singing a song, squatting, jumping on one leg, raising your arms up, etc.


Purpose of the game: develop attention, coordination, team spirit, intelligence (helps prevent scoliosis).

Necessary materials and visual aids: small ball.

Progress of the game

The game involves 2 people. It is advisable to carry it out in the fresh air or in a spacious room. The distance that the players must walk is determined and the task is explained. Two participants stand with their backs to each other so that a ball can fit between them, just above the level of the shoulder blades. In this position they must cover the required distance. If they drop the ball they must return to the starting line.
This game can be played as a relay race in which several teams will participate.


Purpose of the game: develop dexterity, coordination of movements, attention, resourcefulness.

Necessary materials and visual aids: hats of various models.

Progress of the game

This game must be played by at least 2 people. Each of them is given a hat, preferably a drape or felt one. (In another case, the players’ task will become much more difficult or even impossible.) The players stand at a certain starting line and, at the command of the leader, try to throw their hat as far as possible with their heads. The participant whose hat flies the farthest will be the winner.
If the game takes place outdoors, then relay races can be organized.
The peculiarity of this game is that it not only has a positive effect on the physical condition of children, but also lifts the spirits of all its participants.


Purpose of the game: develop coordination, shooting, concentration, desire to win and accuracy.

Necessary materials and visual aids: three-liter jar, large buttons (5 pieces of different colors).

Progress of the game

The point of this game is to throw as many buttons into a jar as possible. Before the game starts, all participants must be given a set of buttons of the same color. Then all participants in the game must stand at a distance of 2-3 m from the jar and, at the command of the leader, try to throw as many buttons into the jar as possible. The participant who throws all the peas is considered the winner.
This game can be made more difficult in the following ways. First, increase the number of buttons for each participant. Secondly, each time you can increase the distance from which you need to throw these buttons. Thirdly, you can gradually select jars with narrower necks.


Purpose of the game: develop motor coordination, fine motor skills, attention, concentration, and determination.

Necessary materials and visual aids: an ordinary half-liter milk bottle, a handful of beans for each participant.

Progress of the game

The essence of this game, like the previous one, is to throw as many beans into the bottle as possible. But in this case the task is much more complicated. The participant must hold all the beans in his fist and then, releasing one at a time, throw them into the bottle.
In this case, his hand should be strictly extended at a distance of 30 cm from the bottle.
If the guys cope with this task, it can be complicated. You can give the task to raise your hand at a distance of 50 or 100 cm from the bottle. You can increase the number of beans to such an amount that they become uncomfortable to hold in your hand, etc.


Purpose of the game: develop fine motor skills, coordination, attention, perseverance.

Necessary materials and visual aids: several cylindrical bars, 1 cap or lid from some container with a diameter of 1 cm larger than the bar, a thin stick.

Progress of the game

This game must be played at the table. Before starting the game, arrange all the listed items as follows: place both bars at a distance of 15-20 cm from each other. Put a cap on one of them. Then explain to the child that his goal is to move the cap from one block to another using a stick. To do this, you need to grab the cap from below and, putting it on the stick, carefully, so as not to drop it, try to move it.
Complications in this game can be very diverse: by increasing the distance between the bars, reducing the diameter of the cap in relation to the bar, etc.


Purpose of the game: develop coordination, attention, resourcefulness.

Necessary materials and visual aids: plastic saucers for each team, 2 buckets and 1 large container with water, cheerful music.

Progress of the game

This game is best played as a relay race. All the guys need to separate 2 teams and choose the section that needs to be overcome. Then you need to choose a place where the container with water will stand. At the finish line there should be a bucket for each team. Participants must distribute the order of completing the distance among themselves. When the first participants stand on the starting line, they are given saucers and the task is explained. Their goal is to get to the container, collect water in a saucer and carry it on their heads to the bucket. Then you need to pour the water into the bucket, return to the start and pass the saucer to the next member of his team.
If one of the participants drops the saucer, he must return to the container, refill the water and cover this distance again.
This game can be limited both by time and by simply passing this distance by all participants.
The winner is the team that collects the most water in the bucket.


Purpose of the game: develop fine motor skills of the hands, coordination of movements, attention, determination.

Materials and visual aids needed: 2 tablespoons, several large plums or other fruits of that size, 2 dishes and fun music.

Progress of the game

This game is ideal for summer holidays and for a large number of participants. It is advisable to conduct it in the form of a relay race.
To begin, all participants are divided into 2 teams. The boundaries of the distance and the order of its completion within the teams are determined. At the finish line, a dish is placed for each team. Then the first players of each team are given spoons and plums and it is explained that the goal of each team is to carry their plum in a spoon to the finish line, return to the start and pass the spoon to the next player. At the leader’s command, the participants put the plum in a spoon and set off. If one of the participants drops the plum, he must still continue on his way and only then return to the finish line.
The winner is the team that brings as many plums to the finish line as possible.


Purpose of the game: develop coordination, memory, attention, analytical thinking.

Necessary materials and visual aids: a poster or a large picture depicting a hare (it is advisable to draw this poster in advance with the child), a carrot (you can use plastic or make it out of paper).

Progress of the game

Before the game starts, a hole is cut out on the poster in the area of ​​the hare's mouth. Then you need to cut a few more holes in different places on the poster. During the game, it is hung on a wall or some kind of stand. A participant is selected, blindfolded and given a carrot. Then it is rotated several times around its own axis and brought to the poster. All the children are told that our rabbit is hungry and needs to be fed. The participant's task is to put a carrot in the rabbit's mouth. Since there are many holes in the picture, this will not be so easy.
In this competition, the main thing is not victory, but participation. It lifts your spirits and is perfect for a variety of holidays.


Purpose of the game: develop coordination of movement, fine motor skills of the legs to prevent flat feet, attention, and artistic abilities.

Necessary materials and visual aids: small plastic toys, 2 containers for collecting toys (these can be old pots or children's buckets), colored paper, scissors, glue or tape.

Progress of the game

This game is best played big and fun company at a birthday or other holiday.
If you decide to play this game, then first you and your child will need to prepare containers for collecting mushrooms and berries. To do this, you need to cut out various figures (flowers, leaves, mushrooms, etc.) from colored paper for applique. The main thing is that your containers take on a cheerful and slightly fabulous look. Encourage your child to do this on their own. Watch carefully so that he doesn't get hurt. Then the finished figures need to be glued into containers using glue or tape.
Before starting the game, you need to scatter all the prepared toys on a clean floor or coir. Invite all the children to divide into 2 teams and imagine that they went into the forest to pick mushrooms and berries. But they will do it in an unusual way. You cannot touch them with your hands. They will have to collect them with their feet, pinching them with their fingers.
One representative from each team starts the game. At the command “Start” they run out into the clearing, pick up one of the objects with their foot and then run on one leg to the box in which they put their loot. When they return to the start, the next participants set off. The team that collects the most items in a certain time will be the winner.


Purpose of the game: develop coordination of movement, attention, memory, ability to concentrate.

Necessary materials and visual aids: a long thread, a medium-sized ring (slightly larger than needed for the index finger), a large room in which to hang the ring.

Progress of the game

This game is designed for 2 participants, but the more players there are, the more fun and exciting it is.
The ring is suspended at such a height that participants can hit it with the finger of an outstretched hand. The first player and the leader are chosen. The presenter brings the participant to the suspended ring at arm's length, then takes him three steps back and turns it around himself several times. All other participants stand in a semicircle and watch.
After the first daredevil has been spun, he, with his arm outstretched, must take three steps towards the ring and accurately hit it with his finger. If this does not work the first time, he has several more attempts to feel the ring with his finger.
You can make this game more difficult in various ways. First, you can increase the number of steps. Secondly, the player can be blindfolded and interfered with various comments and incorrect instructions.
The winner is the one who overcomes this distance quickly and without mistakes.


Purpose of the game: develop coordination of movements, analytical skills, attention, determination.

Required materials and visual aids: cheerful music.

Progress of the game

This game is played outdoors or in a fairly large room.
You need to draw a circle on the floor or ground. This will be the duel area.
Then the first two participants are selected to play the duel. The rules of the duel are explained. The first two participants must stand in a circle on one leg, holding the other with their hands. Their goal is to push each other out of this circle. In this case, you cannot use your hands. The participant who quickly and without violating the rules pushes his opponent out of the circle is considered the winner.

MUST STICKS (first option)

Purpose of the game:

Necessary materials and visual aids: pencils (10-30 pieces), 2 identical baskets.

Progress of the game

Have your child sit on a chair and place 2 baskets close to each other (put pencils in one of them). Explain to your child that he must move pencils from one basket to another without dropping them, first with his right foot, then with his left foot.

MUST STICKS (second option)

Purpose of the game: develop fine motor skills of the legs, attention, ability to concentrate, determination.

Necessary materials and visual aids: pencils (10-30 pieces), 2 identical baskets.

Progress of the game

The baskets are placed further away from each other. The goal is the same - to transfer pencils from one basket to another. One complication is added: the pencils are not carried with one leg, but are passed from one leg to the other. For example, if a basket of pencils is placed at the child’s right foot, he should take the first pencil with his right foot, pass it to his left, and put it into the empty basket with his left foot.
In addition to these two options, you can use complication by increasing the number of pencils.


Purpose of the game: develop coordination of movement, fine motor skills of the legs, attention, ability to concentrate, determination.

Necessary materials and visual aids: a blank sheet of paper in AZ format, a pencil.

Progress of the game

Place your child on a low chair so that he can easily reach the floor with his feet. Place a blank sheet of paper and a pencil in front. Then invite him to draw any picture or portrait, but not with his hands, but with yogis, holding the pencil between his fingers. You need to start with simple pictures - a house or a flower. Gradually you need to ask to draw finer details.
If your baby doesn’t succeed right away, it’s possible that he gets tired quickly. Encourage him to rest, talk about the picture he is painting, and move on. It is important that he completes the picture he has in mind and does not leave it for the next day. Try to cheer him up and interest him.


Purpose of the game: develop fine motor skills, attention, and ability to concentrate.

Necessary materials and visual aids: a box of matches.

Progress of the game

This game can be played by both adults and children alone.
The participants of the game sit down at the table and pour out matches from a box. The goal of the players is to assemble the well without destroying it.
The first participant places 2 matches parallel to each other so that the next participant can place 2 of his matches perpendicular to them. Then the first participant lays out his matches, etc. The participant who is the first to arrange the matches carelessly and destroy the well is considered the loser.


Purpose of the game: develop coordination, attention, reaction speed, analytical skills.

Necessary materials and visual aids: 10-20 small objects (these can be pebbles, toys, chips). The main thing is that they are light and do not injure the child.

Progress of the game

This game is best played outdoors or in a room with a high ceiling.
All prepared items, except one, are laid out on the floor. The game is as follows. The child must throw the one remaining object as high as possible and during its flight collect as many objects as possible lying on the floor. The main thing is to catch the flying object in time. If the player does not have time to do this, the turn is transferred to the next player, and the pebbles that the first participant managed to collect are considered invalid and are returned to the floor.
The winner is the participant who collected the most items.


Purpose of the game: develop fine motor skills, attention, and ability to concentrate.

Necessary materials and visual aids: quiet, calm music.

Progress of the game

Invite your child to sit at the table and talk to him about human capabilities, what heavy things people can lift, how far and fast they can run. Then talk about how even a small part of the body like fingers can be very strong if you develop them. Now you will start training them.
Then have your baby place his right hand on the table. Now he must lift each finger in turn, without lifting his entire hand from the table. First the thumb, then the index, middle, ring and little fingers. The same exercise must be done with the left hand. Make sure that he does not overexert his arms and does not squeeze them in the shoulder and forearm.
When both hands are mastered, you can move on to the next, more complex exercise. You need to put both hands on the table and perform the same exercises, but with both hands at the same time.


Purpose of the game: develop fine motor skills, coordination, attention, and ability to concentrate.

Necessary materials and visual aids: quiet but calm music.

Progress of the game

This game is a more complicated version of the previous one. It requires good training.
Invite your child to place his right hand on the table and imagine that his fingers are friendly soldiers. Now they must march in pairs. Your baby's hand should represent this by raising those fingers that correspond to the soldier's number. The first finger is the first soldier, the index finger is the second soldier, the middle finger is the third, the ring finger is the fourth, the little finger is the fifth.
So, for example, if you name the second and fifth soldiers, the index finger and little finger should rise, if you name the first and fourth soldiers, the first and ring fingers should rise, etc.

Coordination of movements, including fine motor skills the child’s hands are directly related to thinking, which in a preschooler and even a junior schoolchild is visually effective. This means that in order to imagine and remember how something is done or acts, the baby needs to perform the action himself. The reverse process also follows from this: the more subtle operations a child can perform, the better he is able to imagine the action. It is not surprising that it is recommended to develop the mobility of a baby’s fingers and hands from a very early age.

Thus, we stimulate his ability to think logically. In addition, this will help in the future when learning writing and music. A connection has also been revealed between the mobility of a person’s hand and creative abilities.

Equally important is the coordination of movements in general, which is associated not only with mental, but also with physical development and motor memory. It also determines the acquisition of motor skills.

This section mainly presents games - competitions and relay races of limited mobility, which can be held in a relatively small room.

Two people play.

Inventory. 3-5 tennis balls (any balls); a large box with slots of different sizes, but not smaller than the diameter of the ball, and numbers indicating the number of points (Fig. 1).

Progress of the game. The box is installed on a smooth floor, a line is drawn at a distance of 3-4 meters. Players take turns rolling the balls away from the line, trying to get into the slots. Everyone is entitled to the same number of attempts. The one who scores the most points wins.


Two or more people play.

Inventory. Toy cars, identical pieces of cord, wooden sticks of equal thickness.

Progress of the game. Cars are tied to laces. The other end is attached to the sticks in the middle.

The players take the sticks and, at a signal, begin to wind the cord around them, pulling the cars towards them. The one who pulls up his car faster wins.


One or more people play.

Inventory. Bat; a 2x2 m square, divided into 36 cells, which are numbered randomly.

Progress of the game. The first player throws a bat into square No. 1 and jumps into it on one foot." From this square, he throws a bat into the next one by number and jumps into it, etc. The winner is the one who jumps through all the squares without mistakes. If the player makes a mistake , then the bit moves on to the next one.

Conditions. It is not allowed: 1) to hit the line with the bat; 2) step on the line; 3) disrupt the order of passage of cells; 4) change legs while jumping. While standing in a cage, you can change your leg no more than a certain number of times (by agreement).


Played by one or more people (in teams).

Inventory. Two mirrors, two pencils, sheets of paper with dotted outlines of geometric shapes.

Move games. Children are divided into teams. Each of them receives a piece of paper with a figure marked with dots. A pair of players with identical sheets of paper sit down and each tries to connect the dots, looking at their hand only in the mirror.

The team whose players traced the pieces more accurately and correctly wins.

Note. In order for children to trace the figure, looking only in the mirror, you can install a barrier (a board or a book) that blocks the sheet from direct view.


Inventory. 10 balloons, blindfolds.

Progress of the game. Children are divided into two teams and stand behind each other on the starting line. Five balls are placed one after the other in front of each team. Each of them contains a sheet with a task, like for playing forfeits. At the end of the distance there is one player with armbands. At the signal, the first players of both teams step over the balls as quickly as possible, trying not to move them from their place with the movement of air. If the ball does fly away, the player must return it to its place. If the balloon bursts, the culprit picks up the paper with the task. When they reach the end of the course, the players waiting there blindfold them. They walk back, stepping over the balls again. The rolled balls are put back into place by the player from the end of the distance. Having reached the starting line, the players pass the headband to the next ones.

The team whose players are the first to finish the game and move the fewest balls wins. After the game, those who received forfeits complete tasks.

Air football

4-6 people play.

Inventory. Two goals 8^-10 cm wide (can be marked with pencils), cocktail straws, a ball or foam puck.

Progress of the game. The gate is installed on the table. Teams of 2-3 are located on both sides. players armed with straws. The ball is placed in the center of the playing field. The players' task is to score the most goals against the opponent's goal. At the same time, they should not touch the ball with their hands, but can only blow on it through the tubes.

Rule. If a player touches the ball with his hand or pipe, the opposing team receives one extra point.

Note. By agreement, the players can introduce some football rules.


Two or more people play.

Inventory. Old magazines.

Progress of the game. Participants line up on the starting line at arm's length from each other. Each of them receives two magazines. The finish line is marked at a distance of 12-15 m. At the signal, players throw one magazine on the floor, step on it, place the second one in front, climb over and move the first magazine forward. In this way, children must get to the finish line without stepping on the floor, but jumping like frogs from bump to bump. The player who completes the distance first wins.

Rules. 1. Players can step on someone else's magazine if no one is standing on it. 2. No one has the right to push another off the “bump”. 3. A player cannot take someone else's magazine. 4. If anyone steps on the floor, they are out of the game.


Ten or more people play.

Inventory. Matchboxes.

Progress of the game. Children are divided into teams and stand behind each other on the starting line. The first player of each team has matchboxes placed on his shoulders - one for each. The players' task is to walk a predetermined distance and return back without holding the shoulder straps with their hands. The boxes move to the next players.

The team whose players complete the distance first wins.

Rules. 1. The player cannot move until he receives the previous box. 2. If a player drops one box, he must try to pick it up without dropping the second one.


Ten or more people play.

Inventory. Two tennis balls.

Progress of the game. The players are divided into two teams and stand in two lines. The first player of each team receives the ball. He pinches it in the crook of his elbow and passes it to the next person. He takes the ball in the same way, without holding it with the other hand, and passes it on. If the ball falls, the pair that dropped it repeats the pass. The last player runs to the beginning of the line and passes the ball to the first. The team that gets the ball to the first player first wins.


Two teams of 3-5 people play.

Inventory. Balls and boards (or hardcover books).

Progress of the game. Players from both teams stand on the starting line behind each other's heads at the starting line. Each of them has a tablet or a book. There is a ball on the starting line opposite each team. The finish line is marked at a distance of 8-10 m. At the driver’s signal, the first player of each team places the ball on the board and carries it to the finish line. Having reached the end of the distance, he rolls the ball to the next player.

The team whose players complete the distance first wins.

Rule. If the player drops the ball, he stops, returns it to the board and continues moving from the same place.


Two or more people play.

Inventory. Peas, bottles.

Progress of the game. Participants are divided into two teams. Everyone receives a certain number of peas (5-10 pieces). There is a bottle in front of each team. One by one, the players, without bending over and holding their hands at chest level, drop the peas into the bottle. The team with the most peas in the bottle wins.


Two or more people play.

Inventory. Two wooden spools, 10 m of thin rope, a clothespin.

Progress of the game. The ends of the rope are tied to two reels, and the middle is marked with a clothespin. Two players take the reels and, at a signal, begin to wind the rope. The first one to reach the clothespin wins.


15 or more people play.

Inventory. Balloons.

Progress of the game. The driver is selected. The rest of the participants stand in a circle with the leader in the center. Everyone has a ball. One of the players gives him a ball, which he knocks up, preventing it from falling. Then the other players add one ball at a time. The driver must keep them in the air. If at least one falls, the one who served the last ball becomes the driver.

The one who keeps the most balls in the air wins.


Two or more people play.

Inventory. balloon, three hoops of different diameters.

Progress of the game. The hoops are suspended or held by players at a height of about one and a half meters. They should not be placed on the same straight line, but in descending order of diameter (Fig. 2). Participants are in their starting position. One by one they receive a ball and, blowing on it without helping themselves with their hands, make it fly through all three hoops. The player who completed the task faster wins.

Rule. If a player drops the ball or touches it with his hand, he is out of the game.


Two or more people play.

Inventory. Tennis rackets, plastic glasses with water.

Progress of the game. Participants line up along the starting line holding table tennis rackets. There are glasses of water on the rackets. The finish line is located at a distance of 10 m. At the signal, players begin to move towards the finish, trying not to splash the water. The winner is the one who completes the distance first and carries the largest amount of water.



Two or more people play.

Inventory. Pieces of elastic cord about 1 m long.

Progress of the game. Each participant receives a cord. At the driver’s signal, everyone begins to tie knots. The player who ties the most knots in one minute wins.

2. Knot relay race

Two teams of 5-7 people play.

Inventory. Two pieces of cord.

Progress of the game. The teams stand on the starting line. A cord lies at the same distance in front of each of them. At the driver’s signal, the first player of each team runs to the cord and ties three knots on it, then returns and slaps the next one on the palm. He runs and unties the knots. The next players continue to take turns tying and untying knots.

The team whose last player returns to the starting line first wins.


Two teams of 5-7 people play. Inventory. Two dolls with long hair, two ribbons.

Progress of the game. The teams stand on the starting line, opposite each of them at the same distance - a doll and a ribbon. At the driver’s signal, the first player runs and ties a bow to the doll. Then the second one runs, unties it and ties it again, etc. The team whose last player manages it and returns to the starting line first wins.

Note. The driver must take into account the neatness of the tied bows. If a player does not complete the task well, the team receives a penalty point.


Two teams of 6-7 people play.

Inventory. Two spoons and two skeins of thin twine, 15-20 m each.

Progress of the game. The teams become parallel to each other. The first player in each of them takes a “needle” - a spoon with a string tied to it. At the leader’s command, the children begin to “stitch” the team: the player inserts a spoon into one of his sleeves, moving it under his clothes and taking it out of the other. Then he passes it on to the next one, and so on until the entire team is connected. Then the same thing is done in reverse order. The team that completes the task first wins.

Rules. 1. When inserting a spoon, you must not unbutton or lift the clothing, but must push it through the fabric. 2. The player who is “sewn” can ask a neighbor for help, but he can only help with one hand.

For education and development physical qualities Outdoor relay games are very effective for children. These outdoor games help develop coordination.

  • Who's ahead?

Two or more teams can take part in the game. Mats are placed at a distance of 4 m from the start. Jump ropes are placed at a distance of 10 m from the mats. The teams line up at the start. At the signal, the first numbers jump (there can be any options: on two legs, on one, in a half squat, in a full squat, etc.) reach the mats, do a somersault (forward, sideways, etc.), run with side steps to the jump ropes, perform 10 jumps, put the jump ropes in place and run back to the starting line.

  • Catch a stick

The players stand in a circle 3-4 steps from the driver, who holds the standing stick with his hand. All players have serial number(instead of a number, you can use the name of the student, assign him the name of a flower, etc.). The person standing in the center shouts out the number, name or name of the flower and releases the stick. The called player must have time to grab it before it falls. If he failed to do this and the stick fell, the player becomes the driver. And the one who drove before him goes to his place. The one who has never been a driver wins. (Depending on the situation, the driver may be a coach).

  • Sweeping

The participants of the game are divided into two teams. Everyone stands in one circle, holding hands, spreads out as wide as possible and releases their hands. Two players of one team, standing where it adjoins the other, wear armbands. The leader becomes the center of the circle. He has a jump rope in his hands. Turning on the spot, the leader rotates the rope so that its end slides along the ground behind the circle of players, who, one after another, jump in place, letting the rope pass under their feet. If someone touches the rope, his team gets a penalty point. The team penalized with fewer points wins. The total duration of the game, including pauses, is two to three minutes.

  • Shnyrok

Without changing the formation, you can play another game with the same rope. The leader shortens the rope so that its end slides along the ground in front of the players, approximately at the distance of a step. Each player tries to step on the rope, jumping forward on it with both feet as the rope slides past him. Whoever manages to do this wins one point for his team. The team that scores the most points wins. These two games can be played without dividing into teams.

  • The most dexterous

Place a gymnastic stick in front of you, holding it with your right hand (or left). Take your right leg back, and then, swinging it forward and up, move it over the stick. In this case, you must let go of the stick and then pick it up so that it does not fall. Repeat the same, moving your left leg over the stick.

  • Fishing

1. Seven clubs are placed in a checkerboard pattern in front of the player. Holding a regular fishing rod with his right hand, the player tries to touch (but without letting it fall) each club in turn. Repeat the same with your left hand. The one who knocks down the least number of clubs in a shorter time wins.
2. Seven clubs are installed at an equal distance from each other. It is equal to the length of the club. The player must use a fishing rod to knock down each mace inward, but so that the adjacent mace does not fall. The one with the most successful attempts and the shortest execution time wins.

  • Relay

The participants of the game are divided into two or three teams. At a distance of 10-15 m from the start, clubs or stands are placed in front of each team. The teams line up at the start. In the hands of the first team numbers is a tennis racket, with which they hit the ball (you can use it with an edge). At the signal, the first numbers run to the counter, which they must run around and return to the starting line. The team that spends the least time completing the task wins.
In the future there may be more complex implementation options:
a) while running, the ball is kicked up and down;
b) while running, the ball is kicked with the left hand (for right-handers), and vice versa.
Other options are possible.

  • Fight for the ball

The game involves two teams of 3-5 people each. The game can be played on the tennis court, including heats. Its character is similar to basketball, but without throwing the ball into the basket. The players' task is to keep the ball in their team for as long as possible, using dribbling the ball, passing it to a partner, interceptions, deception, etc. The team whose players held the ball longer wins.

  • Roosters

Draw a circle with a diameter of 2 m. Two players enter the circle, stand facing each other, bending their left leg and clasping it with their left hand around the ankle. The right arm, bent at the elbow, is pressed to the body. By pushing each other with your shoulder, you need to push your opponent out of the circle or force him to lower his left leg to the ground. The same, but jumping on the left leg, bending the right.

  • Keep your balance

With your feet shoulder-width apart, stand opposite each other at such a distance that, with your arms extended forward, you can press your palms against your palms. Move your arms slightly towards you. On command, you need to push the enemy strongly in the palm of your hand, forcing him to leave his place. When your opponent throws a punch, you can quickly bring your hands towards you. Only a clever opponent will be able to maintain balance at such a moment. The outcome of the fight is decided in three attempts.

  • Vicious circle

Draw a circle on the ground with a diameter of 1 m. Draw a line from the center to the circle. Stand in the center of the circle, line between your legs. Jump up and turn 360° in the air so that when you land, you are in your original position, without leaving a single foot out of the circle. Make turns both to the left and to the right. The diameter of the circle can be reduced.

From the Tennis Sports Training Program of the State Budgetary Institution "Olympian Tennis Sports School" of Moskomsport

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On the topic: “Outdoor games for the development of coordination abilities”


Khudyashova Alexandra 8-1st grade


1. The concept of coordination abilities

1.1 Objectives of development and means of developing coordination abilities when playing sports;

1.2 Motor-coordinating abilities of an athlete, their classification;

1.3 Methods of developing coordination abilities;

2. Types of outdoor games that promote the development of coordination abilities:

“Dash for the ball”;

“Catch up - overtake”;


"Elimination Race";

"Russian lapta";



3. Conclusion

Different games are important, different games are needed. But from a physical point of view, the most important are outdoor games, which develop a person’s coordination abilities.

Coordination abilities are the ability to coordinate the movements of different parts of the body. The individual elements of movement are combined into a single motor action, which is performed economically, effortlessly, plastically, and clearly.

1.1 Objectives of development and means of developing coordination abilities

When cultivating coordination abilities, two groups of tasks are solved: a) in terms of diversification and b) specifically aimed at their development. Practice physical education and sports has a huge arsenal of means of influencing coordination abilities. Main means Developing coordination abilities are physical exercises of increased coordination complexity and containing elements of novelty. The difficulty of physical exercises can be increased by performing exercises on cue or within a limited time.

The widest and most accessible group of means for developing coordination abilities are general preparatory gymnastic exercises of a dynamic nature, simultaneously covering the main muscle groups. These are exercises without objects and with objects (balls, gymnastic sticks, jump ropes, clubs, etc.), relatively simple and quite complex, performed in changed conditions, in different positions of the body or its parts, in different directions: elements of acrobatics (somersaults, various rolls, etc.), balance exercises.

Mastering the correct technique of natural movements has a great influence on the development of coordination abilities: running, various jumps (long, height and depth, vaults), throwing, climbing.

To develop the ability to quickly and expediently restructure motor activity in connection with a suddenly changing situation, highly effective means are mobile and sports games, martial arts (boxing, wrestling, fencing), cross-country running, cross-country skiing, alpine skiing.

Special exercises to improve coordination of movements are developed taking into account the specifics of the chosen sport and profession. These are exercises similar in coordination to technical and tactical actions in a given sport or labor actions.

Two groups of such means are used during sports training:

a) leading, facilitating the development of new forms of movements of a particular sport;

b) developmental, aimed directly at developing coordination abilities manifested in specific sports (for example, in basketball, special exercises in difficult conditions - catching and passing the ball to a partner when jumping over a gymnastic bench, after performing several somersaults in a row on gymnastic mats, catching the ball from a partner and throw into a basket, etc.).

Exercises aimed at developing coordination abilities are effective until they are performed automatically.

1.2 Motor-coordinating abilities of an athlete, their classification.

Motor-coordination abilities are understood as the ability to quickly, accurately, expediently, economically and resourcefully, i.e. most perfectly, solve motor problems (especially complex ones and those that arise unexpectedly).

Combining a whole range of abilities related to the coordination of movements, they can to a certain extent be divided into three groups.

First group. Ability to accurately measure and regulate spatial, temporal and dynamic parameters of movements.

Second group. Ability to maintain static (posture) and dynamic balance.

Third group. Ability to perform motor actions without excessive muscle tension (stiffness).

Coordination abilities classified in the first group depend, in particular, on the “sense of space”, “sense of time” and “muscular sense”, i.e. feelings of effort.

Coordination abilities, which belong to the second group, depend on the ability to maintain a stable body position, balance, which consists in the stability of the posture in static positions and its balancing during movements. Coordination abilities, which belong to the third group, can be divided into the management of tonic tension and coordination tension. The first is characterized by excessive tension in the muscles that maintain the posture. The second is expressed in stiffness, confinement of movements associated with excessive activity of muscle contractions, excessive involvement of various muscle groups, in particular antagonist muscles, incomplete release of muscles from the contraction phase into the relaxation phase, which prevents the formation of perfect technique.

1.3 Methods for developing coordination abilities

When cultivating coordination abilities, the following main methodological approaches are used:

1.Learning new and varied movements with a gradual increase in their coordination complexity.

2. Developing the ability to rearrange motor activity in a suddenly changing environment.

3.Increasing spatial, temporal and power accuracy of movements based on improving motor sensations and perceptions.

4. Overcoming irrational muscle tension.

To develop coordination abilities in physical education and sports, the following methods are used:

1) standard-repetitive exercise; 2) variable exercise: 3) game; 4) competitive.

When learning new, rather complex motor actions, the standard-repetition method is used, since such movements can be mastered only after a large number of repetitions under relatively standard conditions.

The variable exercise method, with its many variations, has a wider application.

An effective method for developing coordination abilities is the game method with and without additional tasks, which involves performing exercises either in a limited time, or under certain conditions, or with certain motor actions, etc. For example, when playing the game “Tag,” the task is to “spot” as many players as possible in 3 minutes, or “spot” with a volleyball, or “spot” in a certain area of ​​the body. Game method without additional tasks characterized by the fact that the student must solve emerging motor problems independently, relying on his own analysis of the current situation. Relay races that include tasks that promote the development of coordination abilities are also widely used.

The competitive method involves performing certain actions in conditions as close as possible to competitive ones.

To develop a person’s coordination abilities, outdoor games can be used. Nobody knows how many outdoor games there are. From my point of view, games that develop coordination abilities include: “dash for the ball”, “offensive”, “race with elimination”, “catch-overtake”, “pioneerball”, “tag” and many others. Let’s consider some of them :

Dash for the ball

The players are divided into 2 equal (in number of players) teams, which line up on one side of the court. Each team is calculated in numerical order. A starting line is drawn in front of the teams. The leader with the ball in his hands stands between the teams. When calling any number, the leader throws the ball forward as far as possible. Players with this number run towards the ball. Whoever touches the ball with his hand first brings the team a point. After this, the ball is returned to the leader, who throws it again, calling a new number, etc. They play for a set time.

The team with more points is considered the winner.

You can start running from a high or low start (by agreement). If 2 players touch the ball at the same time, each team gets a point.

Catch up and overtake

Up to 20 people play. Participants are located on the treadmill at the same distance from each other. At the signal, everyone starts running. Everyone’s task is to prevent the person running behind from catching up with him, and at the same time to touch the person running in front with his hand. The stained players are eliminated from the fight and go to the middle of the running circle. The rest continue the race. The game can be completed when the 3 most enduring athletes remain on the treadmill. It is possible to identify the sole winner.

If the game is played in a hall, then near its corners there are rotating posts that can only be run around from the outside. Number of participants - up to 10 people. In this game, boys and girls compete separately.


Two teams, equal in number of players, line up behind the end lines on opposite sides of the court, facing the middle. At the direction of the leader, the players of one team take a high (or low) start position, and the players of the second team, holding hands, walk forward, maintaining alignment. When there are 2-3 steps left before those standing at the start, the leader blows the whistle. The “attackers” unclasp their hands and run beyond the line of their “home”. Players from the other team are chasing them, trying to make fun of them. After counting the victims, the other team leads the “offensive”. After 3-4 runs, the total number of those caught is counted, and the best sprinters are announced.

Rules: It is prohibited to act without a signal. Each player can pick off any players of the opposing team, but only up to the home line.

Elimination race

Using flags, a circle with a diameter of U-12 m is marked and a start-finish line is drawn on it. At the signal, all participants in the game simultaneously begin running around the outside of the circle counterclockwise. After each lap (or 2 laps), the participant who was the last to cross the starting control line is eliminated from the game.

Gradually the less hardy drop out. The winner is the one who remains the leader, i.e. the most resilient and fastest player. At the discretion of the leader, participants can run with a medicine ball, wear weight belts, and backpacks with weights. The race can be carried out in a straight line - there and back. The last participant to arrive at the starting line is eliminated from the game.

Russian lapta

In Rus', lapta has been played for a long time. “This folk game,” noted writer A. I. Kuprin, a great lover and connoisseur of sports, “is one of the most interesting and useful games. Lapta requires resourcefulness, deep breathing, attentiveness, resourcefulness, fast run, a keen eye, the firmness of a hand strike and the eternal confidence that you will not be defeated. There is no place for cowards and lazy people in this game. I strongly recommend this native Russian game..."

There are various options for playing lapta. By the way, the famous baseball, which has gained enormous popularity in various countries of the world, as well as cricket, especially beloved in England, Australia, New Zealand and Canada, are games of the “lapto” type.

Let's talk about the so-called sports version of Russian lapta. The court is a rectangle 60-80 m long and 30-35 m wide. At one end there is the so-called “city” line, the striker’s serving area (on the right and left there are squares - a place for the player throwing the ball). On the opposite side of the site is the home line.

The ball for the game (its diameter is 6-7 cm, weight 60-70 g) is rubber. You can also use a tennis ball. The bat, or, as it is also called, lapta (hence the name of the game), is wooden, its length is no more than 1.2 m, its diameter is up to 5 cm.

Two teams compete, each with from 5 to 12 players. But most often there are 6 of them. By lot, one of the teams becomes the kicker and takes the “city” line. Their rivals - the drivers - are dispersed throughout the field.

The game begins with the batter standing in the center of the service area. The partner tosses the ball and the batter drives the bat hard into the field. You can even go beyond the home line, but not beyond the side line. The ball flies, and the batter quickly rushes towards the home line. Have time to reach this line before the ball is caught by your opponents, and return to the “city”. So that you don't get hurt by the caught ball. A successful run is called a complete run and gives the team one point.

Each game (and there are usually five of them) continues until the kicking team receives three penalty points (such points are counted for insulting the players of the kicking team), there is not a single player left in it with the right to strike, or all the players of this team do full runs.

The winner is the team whose players make the largest number of complete successful runs in 60 minutes of the match.


This game is played on a volleyball court in teams. Each team consists of 7-9 people who are located on their sides of the court in three rows. Those players standing in the second row each have a ball.

Rules of the game The game begins when the referee whistles, and the players throw balls over the net into the opponent’s court. Balls that have flown over the net are caught or picked up, and they try to quickly throw them to the opposite side.

At the moment when two balls are simultaneously on one side of the court (in the hands of the players or on the ground), the referee stops the game and the opponent receives 1 point. The team also receives 1 point if the opponent throws the ball under the net or sends it out of bounds. The game continues either up to 15 points, or for a period of 5 minutes each period. Teams play the third period if different teams win the first two.

If the ball hits the net or the player hitting it while serving, the serve is repeated, but no one gets points.

When a team wins a point, the players change places on their half of the court: the first row becomes third, the second row becomes first, the third row becomes second.

This game gets its name from English words"puti" and "bol", which means "to push the ball". Two types of pushball are popular: played in the air and on the ground. Each team has from three to five people.

Rules of the game. The ball is thrown up in the middle of the court. The players of each team, hitting the ball with their fingers or palms, do not allow it to fall down to the ground and force it to fly over the baseline to the opponent’s side. The team gets a point for this, the game continues until 5 points. When playing pushball, you cannot run with the ball in your hands and let it go over the side line. In this case, the ball is passed to a player of the other team, who puts it into play with a palm strike.

sport coordination motor athlete


In conclusion, it must be said that, being integral part physical education, education and development of coordination abilities contributes to the solution of socially determined tasks: comprehensive and harmonious development personality, achieving high resistance of the body to socio-ecological conditions, increasing the adaptive properties of the body. Being included in a complex of pedagogical influences aimed at improving the physical nature of the younger generation, the education of physical qualities contributes to the development of physical and mental performance, a more complete realization of a person’s creative powers in the interests of society.

The direction and content of the education of physical qualities is regulated by the social principles of physical education. In the course of the historical development of society, principles have been developed that reveal the foundations of practical activities for comprehensive and harmonious physical development personality.

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We offer games to develop dexterity and coordination of movements of a 6-year-old child.

Dexterity is a complex quality that combines manifestations of intelligence, speed, coordination, sense of balance, plasticity, flexibility, as well as mastery of playing techniques. In short, it is the ability to quickly coordinate movements in accordance with a changing situation.

The word "coordination" comes from the Latin co - with, together and ordinatio - arrangement in order. Coordination of movements is the control of the work of individual muscle groups, carried out when achieving a certain task in real time and space. Simply put, it is the coordinated work of various parts of the body to solve a specific task.

All outdoor games help develop a child's dexterity and coordination. Swimming, roller skating, skating, and skiing also play an important role. Any ball game trains agility and coordination very well. Jumping rope not only develops coordination and agility, but also strengthens the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

In addition, remember that feasible work at home, in a summer cottage, for example, weeding, picking berries, sweeping paths, making pies, washing dishes, etc., not only fosters hard work and certain self-service skills (very necessary for every child), but also in significantly affects the development of dexterity and coordination of movements.

Please note that some are very interesting games of the same type are placed in the “Games for a fun company” section, since it is more fun for everyone to play them together.


Impairs dexterity and coordination

◈ According to the rules of the game, one walks and leaves footprints in the sand or snow, and the other follows closely behind him. You can walk in different ways: in a thin chain or in wide steps.

◈ Then, using the same rules, play catch-up.

Small birds

The game promotes the development of coordination of movements and speech

◈ Invite your child to play with birds: jump like a sparrow and chirp; “fly” like a crow, waving its arms and cawing.

◈ Maybe show me the plane? In this case, you need to run with motionless arms spread out in different directions, imitating the hum of a motor.

Jump up

The game promotes the development of motor coordination

Required equipment: chalk, hoops, ribbons.

◈ Draw circles close to each other. Invite your child to jump from one circle to another.

◈ In the future, increase the distance between the circles.

◈ In kindergartens, hoops are often used for this game, but since this is not always possible at home, circles can be made from wide ribbons (for example, we used multi-colored bows).


Develops attention and coordination of movements

◈ According to the rules of the game, the child becomes a “mirror” and repeats everything you do. Start with simple movements. For example, sit down and wave your hand.

◈ The difficulty of the game is to repeat all the movements of the leader in a mirror manner.

◈ You will have fun if you change roles with your child. By the way, this game is also suitable for a group of children.


Develops agility, patience and endurance

Required equipment: small items.

◈ Small objects are poured in a heap onto the table. The players’ task is to take turns pulling out one item at a time (spillie), trying not to disturb the neighboring ones. The one who pulls out the most items by the end of the game wins.

◈ Nowadays stores sell special sets for this game.


Required equipment: chalk.

◈ Actually, this game is intended for older ages, so I will give the simplest version of it.

◈ Classes are drawn with chalk and the cells are numbered.

◈ You can jump on one leg, on two, on any leg (this is agreed upon in advance). Each player starts jumping from number 1 to number 2, etc., and then back.

◈ You must not stumble or step on the lines dividing the cells. If a player breaks any rule, he gives way to the next player.

Fun exercise

Develops coordination of movement, strengthens muscles

◈ Show how you can draw different lines and shapes in the air with your finger.

◈ Let your child draw with both hands. It is very useful to do the same with your nose, eyes and feet (lying on the floor, or with your toes while standing).

Toss the ball

Required equipment: ball.

◈ According to the rules of the game: you take turns throwing the ball up. At the same time, you need to clap your hands and count to one. Then catch the ball. If the ball is successfully caught, it can be tossed again and counted to two by clapping your hands twice. Catch the ball again. And so on.

◈ If the ball is not caught, then the turn passes to another player.

Catch the ball

Develops attention and dexterity

Required equipment: ball.

◈ Take turns throwing the ball to each other, naming animals, birds, plants, but you need to catch only if a bird is named.

◈ If something else is named (not a bird), then the ball must be hit.

Throw it in the ring

Develops coordination of movements

Required equipment: ball, hoop.

◈ Invite your child to throw the ball into the hoop. First, hold the hoop vertically, raise it higher, lower.

◈ Change the position of the hoop, let the child throw the ball into the “ring”. If you don’t have a hoop, it doesn’t matter: you can throw it into a box of a suitable size.

I know

Develops memory, attention, motor skills.

Required equipment: ball.

◈ Play this game with your child old game. Start: “I know three boys’ names...”. As you say each name, hit the ball on the floor or wall. Now it’s your child’s turn to name the names he knows.

◈ Names cannot be repeated. In the same way, you can “know” the names of animals, flowers, trees, vegetables, fruits, etc.

Snow fight

Develops dexterity, coordination of movements, strengthens trusting relationships

◈ Make snowballs with your child and throw them at each other. You need to dodge snowballs.

◈ You can play this game at home, at any time of the year - just make paper snowballs.

Paper snow

Develops coordination of movements

Required equipment: paper.

◈ Crumple the paper so that you get small balls - snowballs, and start having fun! Have a competition to see who can throw their snowball the farthest.

◈ Choose a target and try to hit it with snowballs.

◈ And then throw the snowballs into a pre-prepared bucket. This is another type of game - basketball.
