Toys for directing games for preschool children. Project “Country of Masters”

The selection of game material for director's games is a necessary condition for their development.

For director's games, realistic and imaginative toys are needed that reproduce the appearance of people, animals, and the features of real objects. Such toys include, for example, dolls with eyelashes, closing eyes and movable body parts, toy animals, dishes and furniture, for example, a stove with burners and an opening oven, etc.

Another type of toys is prototypical - only conditionally reproducing the details of an object, for example, a doll with a painted face and a molded wig, or a stove on which burners and an oven are drawn.

The third type of toys are substitute objects, i.e. objects that have no resemblance to real things, but are convenient for use in a conventional sense, such as sticks, cubes, balls, parts from construction sets, etc. Substitute objects play an important role in the development of visual-figurative thinking and creative imagination.

Children can be given toys of all kinds. (see appendix) You just need to remember that a child’s passion for exploration can distract him from the plot game of manipulating an object that has many details. For example, instead of preparing food on a stove with many handles, the child may begin to twist them or try to break them off. Therefore, before organizing a story game with such toys, you should first give him the opportunity to study them. Only after the indicative actions have been completed can the toy be used for story play.

At the same time, it is necessary to remember that a child will be able to play with toys independently only when he already knows how to play well and build his own imaginary world. Only someone who already possesses this wonderful ability can teach him to play.

An indispensable attribute of director's games are puppets. Their size is of no small importance. Very large dolls are inconvenient to manipulate; it is difficult for children to hold them in their hands; they often sit in static positions and are used in a small number of play situations. For example, such dolls are easier to feed and groom, but are inconvenient to swaddle or bathe.

For more flexible use, naked dolls with painted faces and sculpted hair are good. There should be quite a lot of such dolls. They should be of different sizes, with different facial expressions (laughing, calm, sad), and have movable arms and legs. Such dolls are easy to carry, rock, swaddle, sit, etc.

To play out various scenes, it is good to have dolls representing different professions: doctor, policeman, fireman, cook, clown, astronaut, racer, etc. Boys will be interested in soldier dolls.

In addition to dolls, children should have toy animals (cats, dogs, bears), birds (chicken, cockerel), etc. Such toys should also be made of different materials, have different sizes and bright colors.

Story-driven toys, the closeness of their content to children’s experience, the prompt introduction of new toys depending on the child’s impressions - all this is part of the pedagogical guidance of directing the play of younger and partly middle-aged children preschool age. The teacher first plays with a toy that is new in content to show the possibility of its inclusion in a familiar plot. For example, the teacher offers the Aibolit toy after reading a fairy tale by K. Chukovsky and shows actions related to the image of the doctor.

In older preschool age, children prefer to use small toys that fit well into the playing field, which becomes more detailed and meaningful. At this stage, a generalized idea of ​​many phenomena and objects of the surrounding world is formed. Therefore, children willingly use substitute toys, multifunctional toys. As such a multifunctional material for director's games, E.M. Gasparova offers cubes of different sizes with schematic designs (human faces with signs of a cheerful, sad mood). HER. Kravtsova transformed the content of these cubes: they replace children different types vehicles, pieces of furniture, animals, telephone, etc. In order to develop the creativity of E.E. Kravtsova advises giving preschoolers 6-7 years old “empty cubes.” Then the child has the opportunity to design them according to the development of the plot of the director's game.

Preschoolers can make such cubes, as well as other objects for director’s play, themselves (at the suggestion of the teacher, with his participation, involving their parents in this work, etc.). The teacher thinks through the storage of gaming material. It is important that children can independently select everything they need (figurines of people, animals, houses, outdoor equipment, etc.), and after the end of the game, put it back in its place.

It is advisable to refrain from direct instructions or comments addressed to the child at play. It is better to resort to posing a problematic task (“Think about how your Dunno could end up on the Moon?”), a leading question (“Isn’t it time for the doll Masha to go to bed?”). However, it should be remembered that such intervention in the director’s play must be tactful, taking into account the child’s characteristics, so as not to lead his play to destruction.

The most important condition for the development of director's games is the creation of individual space for children, providing space and time for play.

Considering the predominantly individual nature of director's games, the teacher must resort to indirect guidance of the child's activities

Story-driven toys, the closeness of their content to children's experience, the prompt introduction of new toys depending on the child's impressions - all this is part of the pedagogical guidance of directing play for children of primary and partly middle preschool age

An adult’s intervention in a child’s directing play should be tactful and take into account the child’s characteristics.

Do-it-yourself felt toys - such a delight? They are cute, pleasant to the touch, and can be sewn quickly, either by machine or by hand. Our collection of felt figurines is “from grandma”, for all occasions. For all scenarios. And those that don’t, will definitely happen.

It all started with finger toys made of felt and fleece. I asked to sew a set that would fit many Russian fairy tales: so that there would be a grandmother and grandfather, a cat, a mouse, a dog, and forest animals: a hare, a wolf, a bear, a fox. Then the collection grew.

One of the first are the heroes of the fairy tale “Kolobok”. There is a wolf, he is wanted, he has hidden somewhere.

Additional forest characters reached out.

Cast for "Turnip"

Chicken family. Chicken and egg are also available, but they wander.

New Year's series - finger heroes of New Year's stories, together with animals, can tell a lot.

"The Three Little Pigs" was shown earlier. The wolf was still with us there.

Insects, for story games and getting to know this type of animal.

Big company sea ​​creatures. Right down to the pig fish.

Especially for Pasha - transport. When I was a kid, I lovingly fingered it. And even now he plays, despite the abundance of ordinary transport toys. These are so cozy!

This is my contribution to the collection, weather phenomena for story and geographical games. I sew felt by hand, so there’s never any confusion about who created what.

Our favorites are dinosaurs.

All this is stored in one small container. The toys are compact and there are many of them. Convenient to take with you when for some reason you need to play outside the nursery. For example, when adults watch KVN, and children need to be occupied with something right away. Easy to take on the road, to visit.

Almost everything is sewn on a machine using a straight stitch or zigzag, and in some places using beads. Ideas taken from the Internet and revised. For those who don’t yet know how to search, type in “…. from felt with your own hands,” and instead of dots, insert what you are going to sew - food, animals, birds, and so on.

Speaking of products. Felt food collection, already made by me - .

“It is in the game that different sides appear
child's personality, many are satisfied
intellectual and emotional
needs, character is formed.
Do you think that you are just buying a toy?
No, you are designing a human personality!”


The child spends most of his time in kindergarten in a group, and children rarely leave the group at all. This means that the development of a preschooler largely depends on the rational organization of the subject-development environment in a group room. Everything matters here: the color of the walls, the furniture, the division of space into functional zones, the variety of games and toys and their suitability for the age of the children, the availability of space for independent play and privacy for a child who is tired of forced constant communication with peers.(4)

Therefore, the environment is important for children's development. Everything that surrounds the child is not only a play environment, but also an environment that includes all specific children’s activities. No child can develop fully only at the verbal level, outside the subject environment. Activities are carried out only on the condition that he has the appropriate objects and means necessary for this, and methods of action have been formed.
A properly organized subject-based developmental environment allows each child to find something to their liking, believe in their strengths and abilities, learn to interact with adults and peers, understand and evaluate their feelings and actions, and this is the basis of developmental education.
Various aids that you can make yourself, with your own hands, help create a comfortable environment for children.
Children perceive the world around them holistically, not always noticing details, figuratively and emotionally, learning a variety of life phenomena through the game. They cannot stand variety and boredom, they are acutely aware of falsehood in the depiction of reality, and prefer cheerful, cheerful heroes. And I think that this “Miracle Teremok” is ideally suited for games and activities in kindergarten or in the family circle.

The multifunctional toy “Miracle Teremok” is used both in children’s free activities and in tasks aimed at sensory development.

The analyzer system develops intensively in preschool age. Especially from 2 to 5 years old. It is necessary to provide children with activities that improve their analyzers. This colorful toy helps children reinforce their understanding of color and size. To do this, children are taught such practical actions as applying objects to each other, selecting, and grouping objects based on color. After mastering practical actions, children form standards - samples of primary colors with which they compare surrounding objects. When playing with such a toy, the child forms images of objects with their characteristic color properties.
Based on practical actions to distinguish colors and a system of standards and color images of objects, the child learns to determine the color of an object “in the mind,” i.e. mentally, no longer resorting to practical actions, he begins to perform the same actions mentally, then instant color discrimination occurs. (1)
The manual develops finger movements, i.e. fine motor skills (fastening, lacing, attaching Velcro, zipper for fastening). The direct relationship between the level of speech development and the development of fine motor skills of the hands is clearly visible during the individual development of each preschooler. (This has been convincingly proven both by special and scientific research, and by many years of practice of teachers, speech therapists, and defectologists). Speech is improved under the influence of kinetic impulses from the hands, more precisely from the fingers. Typically a child with a high level of development fine motor skills, knows how to reason logically, he has sufficiently developed memory, attention, and coherent speech. Therefore, the development and improvement of finger movements contributes to a more rapid and complete formation of speech in a child, while undeveloped manual motor skills, on the contrary, “inhibit” such development.

Unfortunately, in our “machine age” we have somehow begun to rely more on machines than on our own hands, due to which many parents do not try to develop fine manual motor skills in their children and generally train them in “manual work” .
“I want to repeat once again,” L.G. Paramonova writes in her book, “that everything starts in childhood. In acquiring any skill, the most important thing for a small child is to give only the very first push at the right moment; then he already forges his own path and often then far surpasses the skills of his parents.”(3)
Fingers do not become skillful right away; the manual I offer promotes the development of fine motor skills in children.

“Teremok” can also be used in theatrical activities: in soft toy theater productions. Theatrical production allows you to deepen and strengthen the developing personality’s ideas about the world and about himself, and also gives every child joy, unforgettable impressions, and develops his artistic taste, imagination and fantasy. A special place in artistic productions is given to plays based on poetic texts. The influence of the poetic word on personality is well known. Thanks to the simplicity and musicality of the sound of words, children, listening to a fairy tale or playing a role, easily remember them and acquire a taste for figurative expressions. In addition, by repeatedly repeating the words of the characters in the fairy tale, the child trains in the development of the vocal apparatus. Thus, using “The Miracle Teremok” in a theatrical production, the teacher surrounds children with a diverse world of words, music, movements and feelings, while solving several problems at once.
And funny animal toys, characters from the Russian folk tale “Teremok”, enrich the emotional sphere of children.

The advantages of this manual include the ability to place it anywhere in a group room (on a table, on a carpet, on a shelf).
“Teremok” looks like a fairy-tale mushroom, with petals of seven colors of the rainbow sewn to the sole of its stem. Each petal has a button in the shape of a daisy; different figures made of bright fabric are attached to them. The “leg” itself is made of foam rubber, covered with colored fabric, to which six pockets are attached - these are rooms for fairy tale characters. Three pockets are located on the 1st floor of the Teremka. “Doors” are sewn to them: some with lacing, others with Velcro, others are fastened. The other three pockets are located on the 2nd floor of the Teremka. “Shutters” are sewn to them: some with Velcro, others are fastened. And the third one has a curtain. Buttons of different shapes (butterflies, mushrooms, flowers, berries) are sewn between the pockets for fastening. There is also a “zipper” on the “leg” for fastening.

The roof of the Teremka looks like a mushroom cap. It is hollow, you can put a fairy tale character in it. The hat is divided into 4 colored sectors, in one of which a round window is cut out and a thick film (glass) is sewn on. The door of this room is a “zipper”. All residents of the “Miracle Teremok” are forest animals: mouse, frog, hedgehog, hare, fox, wolf, bear. Some of them are sewn from soft fabric, others are crocheted. There are beads in the body of each toy (finger massage).

When playing “Miracle Teremok” and its forest animals with your child, you will notice a change in his mood, behavior, well-being (a smile on his face, goodwill in communication); you must not forget to praise and encourage the child; if you want him not to lose interest in this game. I recommend this multifunctional toy to be used in their work not only by educators, but also by speech therapists, psychologists and social educators.
As you can see, “The Miracle Teremok” has a developing, educational and educational significance. It can be used in any type of activities, entertainment, play and independent theatrical activities of children. This manual is one of the options for organizing a subject-development environment in kindergarten.

With the help of a multifunctional toy and funny toys, I developed and adapted a complex play activity“It’s such a miracle - the tower, it’s not low, it’s not high!” for children aged 2 to 4 years. This is an interesting activity game form solves many problems assigned to children.


1. Bashaeva T.V.“Development of perception. Children 3–7 years old" Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2001, 176 p.
2. Makhaneva M.D.“Theatrical activities in kindergarten” – a manual for preschool workers.” M: Sphere shopping center, 2001, 128.p.
3. Paramonova L.G.“How to prepare a child for school” St. Petersburg: AST LLC, 1997.
4. Ryzhova N.A.“Developmental environment of preschool institutions” (From work experience) M., Linka-Press, 2003, 192 p.
5. Ushakova O.S., Gavrish N.V.“Introducing preschoolers to literature” Lesson notes. – M.: TC Sfera, 2002, 224 p.

The director's play of a preschooler is individual game, during which the child creates game situations with toys, substitute objects. In this game, the child can play the role himself, or he can only regulate the relationship between toys, like a director. The game scenario is based on personal experience child. For example: treatment in a doctor's office, birthday celebration. The plot may contain knowledge taken from cartoons, books, or stories of other people. For example: playing “school” under the influence of brother’s stories, etc. Plots are chains of actions. For example: one doll sings into a microphone, the other accompanies, when finished, both bow, then a new singer comes out. In a director's acting, speech is the main component. It can be an announcer - text behind the scenes. For example: “Masha’s doll’s birthday” Mom said thank you for the gifts, the guests began to sit down at the table, etc. And speech can also be evaluative. For example: the guests are good, they brought me a lot of gifts. In the game, the child speaks for each character.

Advantages of the game.

  • Director's games allow the child to practice relationships and communication in the process of acting with dolls. Unlike a partner, dolls do not require the child to high level communication is easier with them.
  • In the director's game, you don't have to take into account your partner's position, you don't have to adapt to him. Here the child remains himself, he does not need to obey any general requirements, he comes up with his own rules and fulfills them himself, shows his creativity, his knowledge.

Meaning director's acting.

  • Children are self-actualizing;
  • Children's speech, imagination, and thinking are activated;
  • Children exhibit independence, constructive abilities (planning activities), and artistic abilities.

Scientists show that director's play is typical for children: those who do not attend preschool, those who are often ill, those with severe speech impediments, those who are withdrawn and inactive, those who do not adapt well to life. preschool institution. Such children are prone to solitude, and the need for play is expressed through director's play.

Director's play manifests itself at the beginning of the 4th year of life. It is a prerequisite for the plot - role playing game. The game is based on personal experience. The plot is very poor. Children perform only well-known actions (feed the doll, put it to bed, wash it, etc.) Most often, children 2 junior group only two characters.

At the 5th year of life, the game is based on stories from fairy tales and cartoons, and the number of characters increases. Role and evaluative statements appear in speech ( sly fox, evil wolf). At the age of 4-5, preschoolers begin a period of good role-playing play, but director's play remains widespread, because has the above advantages.

At an older age, there is a noticeable increase in gaming skills. Substitute objects are often used, the role of the toy is not fixed (for example, a dog can be both a lion and a monster), the plot is richer and more dynamic, and the child’s vocabulary is expanded and activated.

Conditions for the development of director's acting:

  • Children should have knowledge and impressions about the life around them;
  • There must be a good subject-developmental gaming environment;
  • There must be free time;
  • Educational games and exercises should be well selected (various types of theatrical games, finger games). For example: “bi-ba-bo” toys (worn on the hand), play games, table theater (planar and volumetric), shadow theater, puppets.
  • Children should have clear example a teacher or another child who is good at playing director's games.

Thus, the skillful organization of director’s play and the creation of the necessary conditions for its development contribute to children’s acquisition of gaming skills and development of the child’s personality.

Director's play in Russian folk tale"Teremok" in the second junior group

Program section:Familiarization with fiction and speech development.

Group: II junior.

Purpose of the lesson: acting out the familiar fairy tale “Teremok” with children.


  • Educational:
  • teach children to act out a fairy tale in its holistic aesthetic form, without distorting the composition;
  • learn to reproduce the actions of fairy tale characters;
  • teach children to be actors while playing;
  • improve the sound culture of speech by repeating sound combinations;
  • teach children to create complete buildings from a set of building elements based on play motivation.
  • Educational:
  • develop coherent speech, sensory abilities (color, shape);
  • develop children's cognitive abilities during play;
  • develop imagination, memory, voluntary hand movements.
  • Educational:
  • teach children to love fairy tales and empathize with their heroes;
  • teach children to come into contact with adults without fear.

Previous work:

  • Introducing didactic games: “Who screams,” “Who lives in the house.”
  • Reading simple cumulative fairy tales: “Kolobok”, “Three Bears”, “Teremok”, “Fox, Hare and Rooster”.
  • Learning nursery rhymes and Russian folk songs.
  • Making riddles about animals.

Didactic material:screen, toys, playing field

Technical training aids:audio recording with Russian folk melodies.

Work plan:

I. Introductory part. Didactic game “Name and tell who screams what” – 3 min.
II. Main part. Director's play – 10 min.
III. The final part. Construction of a tower – 4 min.


I. Introductory part

Didactic game “Name the animals and tell me who screams what.”

A toy mouse appears from behind the screen.

Educator: Guys, who do you see?
Children: Mouse.
Educator: How does the mouse squeak?
Children: Pee-pee-pee.
Educator: And here is the bunny. What color is it?
Children: White.
Educator: The frog jumped up and croaked. How did she croak?
Children: Kva-kva-kva.
Educator: Well done. But then a cunning red fox appeared. What fox appeared?
Children: Sly and red-haired.

Educator: Who else is there howling so loudly?
Suggested children's answers:Probably a wolf.
Educator: Let's see together who else came to visit us today.

The children look behind the screen and find a wolf and a bear.

Educator: So how did the wolf howl?
Children: Oooh.
Educator: How does a bear growl?
Children: Rrrr.
Educator: That's how many animals came to visit us. Let's play with them. I took the mouse, which means I will be a “mouse”. And who will you be?

Children determine their role according to the toy they take.

II. Director's play

Educator: And so all the animals went into the field. We saw a house. What is the name of this house?
Children: Teremok.
Educator: Let's play the fairy tale "Teremok".

And he begins to develop the plot, while simultaneously playing the role of a mouse.

Educator: There is a tower in a field. A little mouse runs past(shows). She saw the tower, stopped and asked: No one is responding. The mouse entered the mansion and began to live in it.

Educator: A frog-frog galloped up to the mansion and asked.

At this time, the child shows how the frog jumped across the field.

Child – “frog”:Terem-teremok, who lives in the tower?
Educator: I am a little mouse. Who are you?
Child – “frog”:I'm a frog frog.
Educator: Come live with me. The frog jumped into the mansion and they began to live together. A runaway bunny runs past.

The child shows how a bunny runs across the field.

Child – “bunny”:Terem-teremok, who lives in the tower?
Educator: I am a little mouse.
Child – “frog”:I'm a frog frog.
Together: Who are you?
Child – “bunny”:And I'm a runaway bunny.
Together: Come live with us.
Educator: The hare hops into the tower. And the three of them began to live together. The little fox-sister is coming. She knocked on the window and asked.
Child – “fox”:Terem-teremok, who lives in the tower?
Educator: I am a little mouse.
Child – “frog”:I'm a frog frog.
Child – “bunny”:I'm a runaway bunny.
Together: Who are you?
Child – “fox”:And I am a fox-sister.
Together: Come live with us.
Educator: The fox climbed into the little house, and the four animals began to live together.

Educator: Here they all live in the mansion, singing songs. But suddenly a clubfoot bear walks past, saw the little house, heard the songs, stopped and roared.
Child – “bear”:Terem-teremok, who lives in the tower?
Educator: I am a little mouse.
Child – “frog”:I'm a frog frog.
Child – “bunny”:I'm a runaway bunny.
Child – “fox”:I'm a little fox sister.
Child – “wolf”:I am a wolf - click my teeth.
Together: Who are you?
Child – “bear”:And I'm a clumsy bear.
Together: Come live with us.
Educator: The bear climbed into the tower. He climbed and climbed into the little mansion, but couldn’t get in and said.
Child – “bear”:I'd rather live on your roof.
Animals: Won't you crush us?
Child – “bear”:No, I won't crush it.
Together: Well, get in then.
Educator: The bear climbed onto the roof. And just sat down - fuck - and crushed the tower. The tower crackled and fell on its side. And the animals ran out all safe and sound.

III. Final part

Educator: What to do? Where will we live?
Children: We will build a new tower.
Educator: What can you build it from?
Children suggest:From boards, logs, etc.
Educator: Let's build it with bricks. Carry, frog, a brick.

All animals carry bricks.

Educator : And they built a new mansion. They began to live and live, to sing songs.

Summary of the director's play based on the fairy tale "Geese and Swans" in middle group

Program content:

  • Continue to improve children's skills in controlling tabletop dolls, improve performing skills, and expressiveness in conveying the images of fairy tale characters.
  • To develop a sustainable interest in dramatization games, the ability of children to consistently and expressively retell a fairy tale;
  • Strengthen the ability to communicate without conflict in preparation for dramatizing a fairy tale.

Preliminary work:

  • reading the fairy tale “Geese and Swans”, conversations on the content of the fairy tale;
  • learning tongue twisters for clarity of diction;
  • breathing training;

4. Conversations on the topic: “Remember theatrical words”, “Different genres of stage speech”, “ Minor characters", "Intonation of the main characters";

5. preparing props.

Material and equipment:balloon; props for showing a fairy tale: hut + background, sister and brother dolls, stove, apple tree, river, image of a forest, Baba Yaga's hut, individual trees, geese-swans, hedgehog.


1.Game motivation

Teacher : Guys, a balloon flew into our window, he was so scared. He says that Geese-swans were chasing him, hissing and screaming. Guys, could this be the case? What story do we know about geese-swans and can we tell Sharik? (fairy tale “Geese and Swans”)

Teacher (To Sharik): You know, Sharik, the guys and I will not only tell it, but we can also show it to you in our theater. And you sit comfortably and watch.

2. Organization of a table theater

Teacher: Guys, before we start the show, tell us who is participating in the play? (director, actors, artist, musicians, etc.) Who is a director? (He is the most important person in the theater, chooses the actors, shows where to place the scenery, observes the sequence of events, etc.).

Teacher: Now we will choose a director.

The teacher and children choose a director

Teacher: And now the director will hand out cards with symbols of the heroes of the fairy tale. In accordance with your roles, the director will place you on the gaming table. (the cards are then put away in the box).

3. Arrangement of props

Sequence: hut + background, sister and brother dolls, stove, apple tree, river, image of a forest, Baba Yaga's hut, individual trees, geese-swans, hedgehog.

4. Showing a fairy tale

Director : So, the fairy tale begins... Once upon a time there was a husband and a wife. And they had a daughter, Mashenka, and a son, Ivanushka. One day, the parents went to the city and told their daughter not to leave the yard or leave her brother alone. For this they will return home with gifts. But the girl did not listen to her parents; As soon as they left, she sat her brother down by the window, and she ran to her friends. And then the swan geese swooped in, picked up Ivanushka and flew away. Mashenka is back

But there is no brother! The geese and swans just darted in the distance and disappeared. The girl guessed who took her brother away. Mashenka rushed to look for and catch up with them. And on her way there is a stove.

M.: Stove, stove, tell me, where did the swan geese fly?

P.: Eat my rye pie, I’ll tell you.

M.: My father doesn’t even eat wheat.

The stove didn't tell her anything. The girl ran further, and there was an apple tree in her path.

M.: Apple tree, apple tree, tell me, where did the geese-swans fly?

Me: Eat my forest apple, I’ll tell you.

M.: My father doesn’t even eat garden vegetables.

The apple tree didn’t answer her. The sister ran further. I met a milk river on the banks of jelly.

M.: River, river. Tell me, where did the geese-swans fly?

R.: Eat my milk and jelly, I’ll tell you.

M.: My father doesn’t even eat cream.

Again Mashenka didn’t recognize anything. She runs further. I ran to a dense forest, what should I do? There's a hedgehog coming towards her.

M.: Hedgehog, hedgehog, tell me where the geese-swans flew away?

E.: I saw these robbers, they serve Baba, they must have dragged your brother away, let’s go, I’ll show you the way.

Hedgehog showed the way, and he went into the forest. IN deep forest There was Baba Yaga’s hut, and her brother was sitting on a bench next to her and playing with apples. The girl grabbed Ivanushka and ran out of the forest. Baba Yaga noticed the loss and sent her assistants in pursuit. Mashenka is running, and there is a river.

M.: River, river, hide us.

R.: Eat my milk and jelly.

The sister and brother ate, and the river hid them under a steep bank. Geese-swans flew, did not notice anything, and continued flying. The children thanked the river and ran again. And the Geese are back, catching up with Mashenka and Brother. There is an apple tree in the field, they go to it.

M.: Apple tree, apple tree, hide us.

Me: Eat my forest apple.

The children ate an apple each, and the apple tree covered them with its branches and leaves. The geese flew over the apple tree, didn’t notice anything, and flew away. The children run further, with a stove in their path.

M.: Stove, stove, hide us.

P.: Eat my rye pie, I’ll hide it.

My sister and brother ate the powder. The stove hid them, the geese flew over the stove, flew and flew, screamed and shouted, and returned to Baba Yaga with nothing. And Mashenka and her brother returned home, but on time. Then mother and father arrived and brought gifts. That’s the end of the fairy tale, and whoever listened, well done!

Teacher : Here's an instructive tale about how important it is to obey your parents. Did you like our artists, Sharik? We will ask the artists to bow.

The teacher and children together put the props in place and play with the ball.

Summary of the director's game

for children of senior preschool age:

"Mishkin's Birthday"


  • Cultivate friendships among children during the game
  • To develop children’s ability to act according to a ready-made plot, to build dialogue with a partner
  • Develop constructive abilities (activity planning).
  • Develop the ability to select play materials and distribute toys
  • Develop an interest in directing games
  • Enrich children's gaming experience and experience interacting with toys.
  • Activate children's speech, imagination, thinking.

Equipment: an envelope with a letter, toys (bear, hare, fox, bees, beehive),

mono fields (flower meadow, forest), small construction set, doll dishes

Progress of game interaction:

The guys play in a group. The teacher comes in with an envelope in his hands.

Educator : Guys, today a letter arrived in our group. Want to read it?

Children: Yes!

Children sit next to the teacher on the carpet.

Educator : The guys sent us this letter senior group from kindergarten. Here's what they write:

“Hello guys! In kindergarten we love to play. We have many interesting toys. Yesterday we came up with an interesting story.

Toptygin the bear had a birthday! He invited his friends to the holiday - a bunny and a fox. Friends began to think about what to give Mishka for his birthday! The bunny said: “I figured it out!” Let’s give honey to the bear!” The fox asked: “Where can we find him?” Then the hare replied, “We will go to a flower meadow and ask the bees to collect flower nectar and then make honey.” A cheerful bunny and a fox went through the forest to a flower meadow. When the animals came to the clearing, they saw bees circling over the flowers. And then the fox asked the bee, “Hello!” Could you give us some honey as a gift to our friend?”

The bee replied: “With pleasure.” All the bees began to collect nectar together. Then they made honey from it and gave it to the hare and the fox. The animals thanked the bees and went to visit the bear. Mishka was very happy with this gift. He seated the guests at the table and began to treat them with sweets. It was a wonderful birthday!!!"

Guys, can you have such a story? Do you have such toys? Please write us the answer!

Educator : Guys, do you think we can have such a game? Do we have such toys?

Children : Yes! We have such toys!

Educator: Guys, let's first determine what we need for the game and where we will play with you?

Children determine a convenient place to play (either a table, or a carpet, etc.)

Children: To play we need toys - a hare, a bear, a fox, bees. You also need a beehive, a flower meadow, etc.

Children select appropriate equipment. Next, the proposed situation is played out.

After the game, the teacher evaluates the game together with the children

Educator: You did great! You did a great job! Did you like this game? What do you think, is it more interesting to play alone or with friends?

Children's answers

After the game (or the next morning), the teacher and the children write a response to the letter.

Synopsis of the director's game "Search for Mashenka's granddaughter" in preparatory group kindergarten

Purpose of the lesson:

To develop children's interest in director's games, to help create a gaming environment, to establish interaction between the children who have chosen certain roles.

Develop the ability to select play materials and distribute toys.

Enrich children's gaming experience and experience in manipulating toys.

Develop creativity children.

Activate children's dialogical speech, imagination, and thinking.

Develop friendly relationships among children during the game.


Screen, “bi-ba-bo” dolls, finger theater, animal figurines, tree decorations, various houses.

Preliminary work:

Manufacturing and selection of necessary attributes for the game, role-playing games, didactic game“Wild animals and their young”, dramatization of fairy tales.


Guys, today we will compose a fairy tale. How do you think a fairy tale differs from a story? /In a story, all actions take place in reality, for real, but in a fairy tale there can be different adventures, and even plants and animals can talk/.

Here in front of you are different theaters: finger theater, tabletop, “bi-ba-bo”, masks of various animals, toys; decorations, screen.

Think carefully about who can come up with what fairy tale and show it to the rest of the kids.

Please, Sasha. Choose your heroes. /Grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, matryoshka, squirrel, hare with bunny, magpie, Baba Yaga /.

“One day, my granddaughter Mashenka and her friend Matryoshka went into the forest to pick berries. They promised their grandparents to return quickly as soon as they picked a bucket of berries. A lot of time has passed, but they are still not there. “Apparently something happened to them?” - they thought and decided to go look for them. The road is long, my granddaughter left long ago, she’s hungry, I probably need to take some food, well, carrots, nuts, candy, for example.

Grandfather and grandmother collected a basket of treats and hit the road. They walked and walked, and finally a dense forest appeared ahead. They entered the thicket, looked around, there were tall trees everywhere, and began shouting to Mashenka so that she would respond. And instead of answering, cones fell on their heads; they only managed to turn their heads away. Finally, they were able to look up and saw that a squirrel was sitting on a pine branch and holding a pine cone in its paw.

- “Why are you throwing cones at us, squirrel? - asked the grandfather.

- “Why are you screaming in the forest? You scared me and my squirrels, don’t you know that you need to be quiet in the forest.

- “Sorry, we’re a squirrel. We apologize to you, but we have a great grief: our granddaughter and the matryoshka doll got lost in the forest, so we are calling them. Haven’t you seen them?”

- “No, I didn’t see it. But ask the white-sided magpie, she knows all the forest news, she flies everywhere.”

- “Thank you, squirrel, here are some nuts from us for your little squirrels.” /Thank you/

- “Forty-magpie, haven’t you seen our granddaughter with a bucket, she came for berries?”

- “I saw that they were so small, how did you let them go alone: ​​it’s scary in our forest, and a wolf can catch you, and Baba Yaga doesn’t sleep. They were here, and then they found a little bunny, he was sitting under a tree and crying, he couldn’t find his way home. So they decided to take him to the hare. So, even though they are small, they are kind and do not abandon their friends in trouble. Go past the broken pine tree to that birch tree over there, and then down the hill, there you will see a hare’s house under the bushes. Hurry up." /Thank you/.

Grandfather and grandmother went further, and it was already getting dark outside, it was getting a little scary, but what to do? We passed by pine trees and birch trees, went down the hill, looked, a house was visible. We went up to it, looked out the window, and there the little bunnies and their mother bunny were sitting at the table, and in front of them was a leaf of cabbage. Grandfather and woman knocked on the window, the little bunnies clung to their mother, shaking.

- “Don’t be scared, little bunnies, this is a grandfather and woman, we are looking for our granddaughter. Have you seen them?

- “Of course, they saw it, they brought our bunny, and treated us to berries, while they themselves were also in a hurry to go home. Thank you for your granddaughter. She's kind to you. Now walk along the river, just be careful, Baba Yaga lives there.” /Thank you, bunny, here’s a carrot for the bunnies/.

They walked further past the river and saw a house on chicken legs. They approached quietly, looked out the window, and there Mashenka and Matryoshka were sitting tied up on a bench and crying. And Baba Yaga lights the stove and wants to cook them and eat them. She took out a cast iron pot and wanted to pour water, but there wasn’t enough water, so she took a bucket and went to the river to get water. While she was walking, the grandfather and woman came in, untied Mashenka from the nesting doll and ran from there. And Baba Yaga returned, looked, but there were no children, sat down in the mortar and flew after them.

Grandfather and woman run, children follow them, hide under bushes, do not show themselves. Baba Yaga flew by and didn’t see them.

They returned home, joyful, happy, although without berries and without a bucket. This is how this fairy tale ended.”

Toys for director's games - do it yourself. How to make a Hockey Team themed playset.

Competition of New Year's master classes of the website for teachers and parents "Native Path" and the leading specialized magazine on games with children "Games and Toys".

We made a hockey team and shared the idea with you Mikhailova Olga Valerievna and children of the group “Bell”(kids are 4 years old). Structural unit « Kindergarten"Alyonushka" GBOU secondary school No. 2 named after. V. Maskina railway station Klyavlino municipal district Klyavlinsky, Samara region.

Director's games - This is a type of story-based games for children, in which the child does not take on any role (doctor, driver, etc.), and all roles are played by toys. The kid, as a director, organizes the interaction of her main characters with each other during the course of the plot.

For director's games, themed sets of small toys are used. How to make toys for winter games about hockey, you will learn from this master class prepared by O.V. Mikhailova - participant in the New Year's master class competition "New Year's Toy".

You will find all master classes of the competition and conditions for participation in it

How to make a set for directing games on the theme “Hockey Team”


  • polystyrene foam,
  • white cardboard,
  • silver self-adhesive paper,
  • padding polyester,
  • cork.

In winter there were winter olympic games. And the guys and I talked about winter sports. And we decided to make a hockey field.
Work progress:
Step 1: First we made a gate out of foam. And they glued the team names on them.
Step 2. We made borders for the hockey field from padding polyester.
Step 3. We glued the gates and borders onto silver self-adhesive paper.
Step 4. Made a washer from cork. And made of foam plastic - a scoreboard.
Step 5. Each child from home brought his own snowman with a hockey stick, made together with his parents.

There were different snowmen: sewn, knitted, from pompoms, from threads, Christmas tree toys, light bulbs, oak bark and yogurt bottles.

The set is ready!
