Papa Louis game part 1. Papa Louie Cupcake Attack Game

We fulfill our religious obligations and everything that Muslims should do, but there are things that seem misleading. One of these things is flirting. A seemingly harmless attraction to attention that can lead to disastrous consequences. What should a Muslim do and how to avoid such behavior?

We live in a society that allows and even encourages premarital sex. Considering the fact that society and environment play a huge role in a person's life, its influence also affects Muslims. Flirting and unobtrusive communication are very common and considered commonplace in society, so there is a certain temptation for Muslims.

Working relationships are not without an admixture of universal human emotions: sympathy and antipathy are inevitable. It is also difficult to imagine a work environment that is not at least occasionally lightened up by light flirting. Flirting in Islam is not a good thing, as it can lead to very disastrous consequences.

Flirting begins with flirtatious looks, jokes and flirting. As the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “Looking at the forbidden is one of the poisonous arrows of the shaitan.” The Almighty has ordered both men and women to show modesty in everything, including communication:

“Tell the believing men to lower their gaze and protect their genitals. It will be cleaner for them. Indeed, Allah knows what they do. Tell the believing women to lower their gaze and protect their genitals. Let them not show off their embellishments except those that are visible, and let them not knock with their feet to make known the adornments they hide” (24:30-31).

In Islam, it is forbidden to enter into any non-business relationships with strangers, women and men, which may call into question chastity and spirituality. The fact that a person admits that flirting is not good is a sure way to avoid it. Secondly, in every situation a believer must think about Allah. He said, “Do not approach adultery, for it is an abomination and an evil way” (17:32).

Remember that the main goal in life is to worship the Almighty and gain His pleasure. And Allah knows and sees everything that you do.

But this does not mean that you cannot communicate with the opposite sex at school or university and work together. Believers should rather maintain a certain emotional distance.

When you have to talk with the opposite sex about work or other issues, talk clearly on a given topic. Don't talk about personal matters or problems. And try not to be alone with this person.

You can be friendly with the opposite sex, but this friendliness should not go beyond certain boundaries, the boundaries of work or university, and should not be focused on one specific person.

By avoiding flirting, you protect yourself from many troubles and sins, the commission of which you may bitterly regret later.

Your social circle has a huge influence. Make friends with people who could become an example for you, who are far from forbidden relationships with the opposite sex and behave with dignity.

Remember that being a Muslim comes with dignity. Let this be your constant reminder to conduct yourself with dignity and to be an individual, not just flesh and blood, driven by your base desires.

Remember to read the Qur'an daily and do not neglect the obligatory prayers. The beauty of Islam is that by exposing yourself to what is good, you automatically move away from what is forbidden. And if you feel that you have become closer to the forbidden, simply devote yourself to the good. Ask Allah for help, guidance and forgiveness if you have stumbled.

May Allah help you to live in accordance with His commandments.

Sayda Hayat

Do you think all chefs are lazy hulks who only care about mashed potatoes and gravy in life? Exciting Papa Louie games will forever change your opinion about the chef profession! Go through all the Papa Louis games one by one, and you will learn not only how to cook well and organize the internal life of a restaurant, but how to fight food monsters! You probably haven’t heard of these, but a cheerful and brave chef fights with them every day without letting go of his trusty spatula!

When you're not expecting it at all...

Surprisingly, the most incredible events happen to us precisely when we are least prepared for them. For some reason, if you are looking for adventure, it seems to pass you by; but as soon as you relax and decide to take a break from endless searches, then something truly incredible happens! And if you come face to face with unusual events while in a relaxed state of mind, this meeting will not end well...

The only way to meet adventure fully is to not relax even for a second! Just like Papa Louis, the hero of popular games around the world about a brave and determined chef and owner of many small restaurants. With equal knowledge of his craft, he cooks pizzas and throws pepper bombs at monsters - after all, a good mood and excellent health of a client are the main value for a chef!

And no matter what disaster suddenly strikes: the kitchen is out of onions, or the city is being taken over by magical pizzas, Papa Luigi always has a ready-made recipe on how to solve any problem! Go on an adventure following the cheerful chef - games about Papa Louie will not disappoint any lover of trying something new!

The manager's hard lot

Working in a small restaurant is not easy! In a large and expensive establishment, there is a separate person, or even several, for each duty. For example, only in a pretentious restaurant can there exist such a position as an onion cutter. And in a tiny cafe, such as where all the Papa Louis games are held, the chef has to combine the functions of an administrator, a waiter and a cashier - and at the same time not forget to cook deliciously!

Papa Louis copes well with all these responsibilities, but can you cope with them? After all, you will need to keep so many things in your head at the same time! Consider this a challenge: now you just have to prove that you can do all this work just as well!

The exciting games of Papa Louie's Cafe are your opportunity to test your strength and show others what you are worth. Let no one leave dissatisfied! This is the only way you can really earn a lot of money. By the way, this is not only the rule of the game about Papa Louis' cafe, but also common law, which applies to all cafes in the world!
