Game on the ground according to the traffic rules for elementary school. Interactive traffic rules game for elementary school

Game "Let's Draw Our City"

Target: displaying the main busy highways of the city (district, if the city is large enough), indicating dangerous sections of crossing, intersections with heavy traffic, “playing out” situations of safe crossing, searching for the safest places for this. To complicate the task of the game, it is possible to make proposals for the construction of new crossings, traffic lights, the installation of pedestrian paths, boulevards, bicycle paths, and playgrounds.

Equipment: Whatman paper, pre-connected to each other, for example, two at a time. This is a city. A set of markers and felt-tip pens that the children will use to draw. For each team (class) there is a “city” and a set of drawing supplies. In the assembly hall there is a place for each class team: a table on which the city lies, and chairs. And, of course, prizes: brochures with traffic rules, sets of signs, etc.

Progress of the game

The presenter talks about the game and its rules. Firstly, discipline; for non-compliance with it, classes are given a fine, which, when summing up the results, is subtracted from the total points. Secondly, up to 5 minutes are allotted to complete each task competition. And thirdly, the team that leaves the table the fastest will be evaluated first, i.e. will complete the task completely. One point is added for speed of execution. And the correctness of the task will be assessed, and in the creative competition the interestingness and validity of the proposals. In such a competition, one team representative must present a project to the jury.

The presenter represents the jury, which must include members of the JID squad, a life safety teacher, and a traffic police inspector.

1. First task: put on the “city” its main, so to speak city-forming, highways, sign them, indicate - one-way, two-way traffic on them. Knowledge of city streets and their location accuracy are assessed.

2. Task two. Show dangerous intersections, busy crossings, traffic lights on these streets, and, for high school students, the task is complicated by the fact that you need to depict the appearance of a traffic light. Of course, this competition will evaluate the number of areas marked that require special attention during the transition.

3.Task three: in the “city” show the school, nearby streets and dangerous places on them, traffic lights, signs. The dotted line shows the safe route for students to go to school. When evaluating a task, it is necessary to prove to the jury that this path is truly safe.

5. The fourth task is creative. Now we need to “make proposals” for equipping the city’s streets so that it becomes safe for pedestrians and transport. Designate areas for games, places for skateboarding, roller skating, etc. It is important not only to depict these proposals on a diagram, but also to justify them.

The results are summed up and all participants are awarded.

Auction “Road Signs”

Target: introduce students to road signs, their groups, and the characteristic features of each group.

Equipment: a set of road signs, blank paper and sets of felt-tip pens or markers.

Class teams consisting of at least 15 people take part in the auction. Five team representatives compete in each round. And in the warm-up and final, creative round, a collective answer is taken. The competition is conducted by the presenter and judged by the jury.

Progress of the competition

1. The presenter’s word about the rules of the auction: for each correctly named sign the team receives 1 point, the correct answer according to other traffic rules 0.5 points. The creative competition “New Sign and Its Protection” is assessed on a 5-point system.

2. Warm up. The classes are asked one by one questions about traffic rules (rules for crossing streets, road markings, regulations) according to the age group of the students.

3. For three or four rounds, each group of class teams is offered sets of signs (5 signs each), and in each round - a group of signs: warning, prohibiting, prescriptive, priority, informational.

4. The creative competition is for class teams to come up with a new sign in 10 minutes, depict it on prepared blank sheets of paper, and then defend it. The defense can be in the form of a simple text, a poem, a motto, an excerpt of a song, etc.

Game "Faster, More Accurate, Safer"

Target: Promotion of traffic rules among children, practical application of knowledge of rules, signs, traffic regulation.

Rules and course of the game

This game is best played during the holidays, if the school works in two shifts, since the playing field is the entire school building.

Teams of classes of the same parallel (grades 5–8) of up to 15 people, who have distinctive emblems, take part in the game. It is immediately specified which team members are taking part in which competition, and each team is divided into pedestrians and drivers. When driving through the school to the competition points, pedestrians must follow the rules for pedestrians, and drivers must follow the rules for vehicles. School recreation areas and corridors are designed in the form of streets: roadways, sidewalks, intersections, crossings, traffic lights. Of course, pedestrians should only move on the sidewalk, and drivers should only move on the roadway. Traffic inspectors are members of the JID squad who know the rules well and monitor the order of movement and compliance with the rules by all participants in the game. In case of violations in the teams' route maps, inspectors assign penalty points. Each team develops its own route for passing all points, i.e. the sequence of their passage, the route of movement is indicated along the “streets” - the school corridor, which intersections need to be crossed. At intersections, traffic light colors are set by inspectors. You can divide the time strata of each team. The number of points earned on points is agreed upon in advance. Where specific questions are asked, the team receives 1 point for each correct answer. Creative competition and assistance to the victim - according to a 5-point system.

Route points

— The first one, which gives the right to complete the game route, is “The most important rules.” Here the team's pedestrians are asked questions about the basic rules for crossing streets.

- The second is “Signs, signs, signs...”, in which 5 team members must name the proposed road signs.

— The third one is “Bicycle-moto-connoisseurs.” Here, the other 5 team members, related to drivers, answer questions about the rules for cyclists and motorcyclists. If the school has a bicycle, then you can organize a competition “Masters of Fixing”: replace the wheel, fix another malfunction.

— Fourth — “Traffic Controllers.” One team member executes the specified commands.

- Fifth - “Passengers”. Five team pedestrians answer questions about the rules of waiting and behavior in transport.

— The sixth stage is a competition of propaganda teams: the team prepares a short speech on the topics “Respect the laws of the roads!”, “We are safe everywhere on the road with traffic rules!”, “Pedestrians and drivers, be polite and vigilant!” etc.

— The seventh stage is medical. Two team representatives provide first aid to the “victim” and answer questions about medical training.

After completing the entire route, the team hands over route cards at the finish line. The results are summed up. Penalty points are subtracted from the total points if the team received them while moving along the route.

Competition of creative works “Promoting traffic rules”

Target: propaganda of traffic rules through creative understanding of their content.

Students from grades 5 to 9 take part in the competition.

Works of different creative genres are accepted for evaluation of the competition:

- literary - stories, fairy tales, scripts for propaganda teams, poems;

- artistic - drawings, posters, emblems for the JID detachment, crafts made in various techniques;

- technical - manuals, layouts, working models for studying the Rules of the Road.

Evaluation criteria: mastery of the topic, reflection of the topic of road safety, interesting, non-standard content, execution technique.

"Road Safety Day"

This project, like the game “Faster, More Accurate, Safer,” is carried out during the holidays. Although you can free one school day for it, for example, Saturday. The role of the activities that we recommend during the implementation of this project in the prevention of child injuries on the roads is too great.

So, we have identified the main goal: prevention of DDTT and promotion of traffic rules among adolescents through game forms of inclusion in social roles. What are these roles? Of course, pedestrians, passengers, drivers, witnesses of various incidents on the roads and streets of the city, possibly also road service inspectors and medical workers.

Safety Day is held for several grade levels, for example, grades 5-8, and therefore includes forms appropriate to the age of the children. These could be:

— brief conversations and instructions on the need to comply with traffic rules and behavior on the roads and transport;

— classes to study new material with the involvement of the JID detachment;

— meetings in the form of conversations, classes, instructions with representatives of the traffic police, medical workers;

— the “Young Rescuers” sports relay race with elements of rescue in case of accidents, which physical education and life safety teachers help develop and conduct;

- the game “Faster, more accurate, safer”, the course of which is described above. Of course, class parallels must be separated in time. For example, 9.00 - the start of the game for the parallel of 5th grades, at this time conversations are held by class teachers for 6th grades, meetings - briefings with specialists and members of the JID squad for 7th grades, and 8th graders compete in the gym or school sports ground.

At 10.00, 6th grade students start. Fifth-graders sit in classrooms for conversations, 8th-graders go to meetings and instructions, and for seventh-graders a relay race is held. And so on.

A combination of reproductive methods with creative and competitive methods will be effective for adolescents to learn the rules at the behavioral level.

Scenario of an event on traffic rules at an elementary school “Road Labyrinth”

Game program on traffic rules in elementary school

Goals and objectives: consolidate children’s knowledge of road signs and traffic rules; develop the ability to independently use the acquired knowledge in everyday life.

Equipment: road signs, board game “Place signs along the road.”

Game participants: two teams.

Game plan

1. Quiz.

2. Game "Cross the street."

3. Game “Recognize the sign”.

4. Game “Prohibited-allowed”.

5. Game "Red-Green".

6. Game “Place signs along the road.”

7. Role-playing games.

Progress of the game

I. Introductory part.

Leading. Hello guys! We have gathered with you to talk about very important things - about traffic rules, about road signs. We live in a beautiful city with wide streets and alleys. There are many cars and trucks moving along them, trams and buses. And no one bothers anyone. This is because there are clear and strict rules for car drivers and pedestrians. And in order to calmly cross the street, you need to know the rules of the road.

We give the guys a warning:

Learn the traffic rules immediately!

So that parents don’t worry every day,

So that drivers can be calm behind the wheel.

II. Game program.

1. Quiz.

Who are called pedestrians?

Why are traffic rules necessary?

What is an intersection, why is it dangerous, how to cross it?

At what traffic light signal can you cross the street?

Which part of the road should pedestrians use?

Why can't you cross the street?

How should you get around a stationary tram or bus?

2. Game "Cross the street."

The presenter has two cardboard mugs. One is covered with green paper on one side and yellow on the other. The second - red paper, and the opposite - yellow. All players are divided into two teams. Two parallel lines are drawn in the hall, one from the other at a distance of 7-10 steps. This is the "street".

The players line up opposite each other across the line.

Conditions of the game: when the leader waves the green circle, the players take a step forward, the red circle - a step back, the yellow circle - stay in place.

Those who make mistakes are eliminated from the game. The team whose player is the first to “cross the street” wins.

3. Game “Recognize the sign”.

The presenter distributes to the teams prepared road signs and pairs of them (pictures showing what the sign means), mixed together. Each team receives a certain group of signs: warning, prescriptive, informational, service signs and matches the received signs with pictures. For example, for the “Children” sign - a picture of a school or kindergarten. Selected pairs are cut together with a paper clip so that there is a sign on one side and a picture on the other.

For an incorrectly selected sign, the team receives a penalty point.

4. Game “Prohibited-allowed”.

How many guys gather, as many can play this game. But just so that everyone has several square cards depicting various road signs.

The presenter shows his sign (any one). Anyone who finds the same sign must tell him what this sign allows, what it prohibits, what it informs about, etc.

5. Game "Red-Green".

The presenter has two balloons - green and red. The host can give any participant in the game a ball of any color. If you get a red one, call the prohibition sign. If you get a green ball, call the sign “permissive”, “prescriptive”. If you don’t name it, you’re out of the game.

6. Board game “Place signs along the road.”

For this game you will need a playing field and 18 road signs: “Entry prohibited”, “Children”, “Wild animals”, “Road works”, “Railway crossing without a barrier”, “Railway crossing with a barrier”, “Circular traffic”, “ Bus (or) trolleybus stop”, “Tram stop”, “Pedestrian path”, “Pedestrian crossing”, “Drinking water”, “Underground pedestrian crossing”, “Traffic police station”, “First aid point”, “Point power", "Traffic light regulation", "Telephone".

The teams are given the same number of signs. On the way, the players place the appropriate road signs that they have on their hands. The places where you need to place signs are marked with crosses on the playing field. For example, when passing a telephone booth, they put up a “Telephone” sign, near the crossing - a “Underground passage” sign, and near a school - a “Children” sign.

The team that places all the signs correctly along the road wins.

7. Role-playing games.

1) Crossing the road due to stopped vehicles.

Goal: to instill the skills of safely crossing the road from behind a standing bus, trolleybus, or tram.

Attributes: bus and car models, badges, steering wheels.

2) Training in the rules of safe crossing of a two-way road.

Goal: to develop the habit of safely crossing a two-way road due to stopped traffic.

III. Summing up.

Target:Strengthen students' knowledge of traffic rules.


  • consolidate knowledge of road signs and their purpose;
  • to develop the skill of a conscious attitude towards compliance with safe traffic rules;
  • Prepare children for the correct actions in the current situation on the road.

Equipment:Cards with numbers from 1 to 5, tokens, route sheets,cards with puzzles, presentation in Power Point (change of slides and animation effects occurs at the click of a mouse, pictures are released automatically, in time).

Rules of the game:2 teams take part in the game. As the game progresses, teams collect tokens. The team with the most tokens wins.

Progress of the game

Leading: There are many roads in our country. At any time of the year and in any weather, cars, buses, trolleybuses rush along them, motorcycles rush along, bicycles roll, pedestrians walk. Since ancient times, people have dreamed of speed. Remember how the heroes of fairy tales were instantly transported across distant lands to the thirtieth kingdom on flying carpets, in boots, on wonderful ships. Time passed, and the fairy tale became reality. The flow of cars is growing, the streets are becoming unsafe. Today we are going on a journey along the “Safe Road” route.

Each team earns tokens by completing a specific task. The game director will enter the amount of tokens into your route sheet. The winner of the game is determined by the highest number of points scored by the teams during the game. Our program is competitive, which means there must be a jury.

The presenter introduces the jury.

Well, now, dear friends, let's get to know the teams! They had to come up with a name, a motto, an emblem. This will be ours firstcontest, which is called - “Let's get acquainted!”

Representation of command classes. Presentation of route sheets to team captains.Slide

2nd competition “ROAD SIGN PARK”


Important road signs -
Compass for adults and children.
Children! Be careful!
Know what is not possible, what is possible!
Do it without fail
Whatever the signs say!

Leading. You need to decipher all the signs (using cards with numbers 1-5) and answer which group they belong to. For the correct answer - token. Slides (5-8)

Leading: Teams are given a speed task. From the proposed 4 characters, select the extra one.

For substantiating the answer - a token.

Summing up the results of the competition. Filling out the route sheet.


Leading. Use the number cards to answer the following questions.

For each correct answer, students receiveute token(each question and answer is a slide).


Leading: The following questions must be answered with “yes” or “no”. Questions are asked to the teams in turn. For the correct answer - a token.

  • A pedestrian, if there is no sidewalk, must walk on the left side of the curb towards traffic. (Yes)
  • The place where streets intersect is called an “intersection.” (Yes)
  • The underground passage is called a zebra crossing. (No)
  • It is better to run across the road, even when the light is green, as quickly as possible. (No)
  • The driver needs to know the road signs, not the pedestrian. (No)
  • There are special traffic lights for pedestrians. They have only two colors - red and green. (Yes)
  • Roads can be two-way or one-way. (Yes)
  • To cross a two-way road, you need to look to the left, walk to the middle of the road and look to the right. (Yes)

Counting tokens, recording on the route sheet.

4th competition “ROAD LABYRINTH” Slide

Leading. What is a labyrinth? A labyrinth is an intricate network of paths and passages that communicate with each other. You are invited to solve a crossword puzzle. Slide.

Horizontal: 4. The intersection of two roads. 5. Amazing carriage! Judge for yourself: the rails are in the air, and he holds them with his hands. 7. A car has one, a cart has one, a bicycle has one, and a train has countless ones. 8. A huge hero lay across the river in full width. He lies there and does not tremble, the tram runs along him. 9. A special stone separating the edge of the sidewalk from the roadway.

Vertical: 1. What a miracle this house is! The windows are bright all around. Wears rubber shoes. And it runs on gasoline. 2. This horse does not eat oats, instead of legs there are two wheels. Sit on the horse and ride it. Just steer better. 3. Where should we go across the road to the store? Behind these stalls, where the arrow is at the gate, we ourselves read on this arrow... 6. I blink my eyes tirelessly day and night. I help cars and I want to help you.


Horizontal: 4. Crossroads. 5. Trollsbeads 7. Wheel. 8. Bridge. 9. Border.

Vertical: 1. Bus. 2. Bicycle. 3. Transition. 6. Traffic light.

Street of rebuses.Teams receive cards with puzzles.

Answers: driver, street, car, road.

5th competition "Ambulance". Slide.

Leading. Millions of cars move on Russian roads. The number of accidents and the number of victims in them is not decreasing. Every year in Russia, almost 35 thousand people die in road traffic accidents (of which about 1,300 are children), more than 250 thousand are injured. This is a whole school! More than 25 thousand children are injured.

Why is this happening? It's simple: every third person in our country does not comply with the traffic rules - sometimes out of ignorance, and sometimes out of disrespect for the rules. The result is numerous tragedies. To prevent trouble and preserve your life and health, you need to know and follow the one law for streets and roads throughout the entire Earth. Drawings are offered to your attention. You need to carefully examine the drawing and answer the questions. For the correct answer - a token.

Slides 29-35. Counting tokens, filling out the route sheet.

6th competition "MUSICAL". Slide.

Leading. Now we will learn a song about the need to remember the Rules of the Road. We will sing to the tune of Gena the Crocodile's song. For good performance you receive a token.

For performing a song - from 5 to 10 tokens. Filling out the route sheet.


Route sheets are handed over to the game director. The jury sums up the results and determines the winners. Teams are awarded certificates and prizes.

About myself: In my free time I like to read and play logic computer games. She took part in the development of tasks for the All-Russian intellectual tournament “Growth Factor” for students in grades 1-4; in the IT effect competition “DEC for School”. I have publications in the magazine “Primary School”. (gold)

Presentation "Safe Road"

Game for elementary school. Traffic Laws.


Guys, we live in a big city. On every street in the city there are many houses, shops, schools, and kindergartens. Cars drive along the streets day and night. Buses, trolleybuses, minibuses transport people to and from work. Walking down the street, we see that all vehicles are on the right side and pass each other. As you know, traffic on the street can be one-way or two-way. With one-way traffic, all vehicles move in only one direction, and with two-way traffic, the roadway is divided in two, and vehicles move towards each other, sticking to the right side. As we know, pedestrians on the sidewalk should also stay to the right so as not to interfere with oncoming traffic and those who want to get ahead of them.

Today, during our game, we will review the rules of the road, test your knowledge of road signs and see which team is the best and fastest to complete the tasks and show us their knowledge.

Participants are divided into 4 teams (one or two people from each class). It is necessary that the teams include all ages from 1st grade to 4th grade.


The players line up in a circle. The traffic controller's baton is passed to the player on the left. Mandatory condition: take the baton with your right hand, transfer it to your left and pass it to another participant. The program is accompanied by music. As soon as the music stops, the one who has the baton raises it up and calls any traffic rule (or road sign).

Anyone who hesitates or names a road sign incorrectly is eliminated from the game. The team that has the most people left on the team after 8 rounds wins.


Stands are placed on the site from start to finish. The players of each team stand one after another in a chain at the starting stand and put their hands on the shoulders of the person in front. In the hands of the game leader is a bag of balls (balls) of red, yellow, green. The captains take turns putting their hand into the bag and taking out one ball at a time. If the captain takes out a red or yellow ball, then the team stands still; green – moves to the next rack. The team that reaches the finish line faster wins.


Each team decides which vehicle it will depict (trolleybus, carriage, motor ship, steam locomotive, helicopter). The presentation of the vehicle must take place without comment. The opposing team guesses what they have planned. The task can be complicated by offering the team a specific type of transport.

4) “ZEBRA” (for time and accuracy of execution)

All participants in each team, except the last one, are given a strip of white and black paper (cardboard). The first participant puts down the strip, stands on it and returns to his team. The second one walks strictly along his stripe, puts down his zebra “step” and returns back. The last participant walks along all the strips, returning, collecting them.


To play the game you will need rudders, sandbags for each team and two stands.

The first team members hold the steering wheel in their hands, and a bag of sand is placed on their heads - a weight. After the start, participants run around their stand and pass the steering wheel and weight to the next participant. The first team to complete the task without dropping the load wins.

6) "TRAMS"

To play the game you will need one hoop for each team and one stand.

Participants in each team are divided into pairs: the first is the driver, the second is the passenger. The passenger is in the hoop. The participants’ task is to run around the stand as quickly as possible and pass the hoop to the next pair of participants. The team that completes the task first wins.

7) quiz

Whichever team gives the most correct answers, that team is awarded points.

  1. Where and how to cross the road correctly?

  2. What signs help pedestrians cross the road? Which ones are prohibited?

  3. What are road markings called?

  4. What does the yellow broken line marking mean?

  5. Where is it safer to cross the road after getting off the bus or trolleybus?

  6. Which side of the sidewalk should a pedestrian walk on?

  7. What traffic light signals correspond to the gestures and body positions of the traffic controller (walk, stop, wait)?

  8. What special machines do you know? And what numbers can you call them?

  9. How to ride a bicycle without violating traffic rules? What warning signs should a cyclist know?

  10. How and when can you cross railway tracks?
8)Sports and educational game based on traffic rules

"Path of Signs"

If you forgot the rules,
And you won’t remember them at all,
It will help you along the way
Good friend - road sign.

Before the start of the relay, groups of road signs and their purpose are repeated.

The presenter calls the name of the road sign, the team players run and choose the one they need from a variety of signs, then put it to the last cone from their team. Each player on the team acts in this way, and by the end of the relay, a “path of signs” is formed, directed towards the team. Since there is only one set of signs for two teams, you need to find the sign faster than your opponent.

Props (for two teams): set of road signs: “Road works”, “Bus and/or trolleybus stopping place”, “Pedestrian traffic is prohibited”, “Pedestrian crossing”, “Pedestrian path”, “Main road”, “Food station”, “Children”, “No cycling”, “Other hazards”, “Underground pedestrian crossing”, “Residential area”, “Bicycle path”.


At the end of the game, the jury calculates the points that the teams have scored and distributes places according to the points.

road signs

Information sign Underground pedestrian crossing, Overground pedestrian crossing

Special regulations sign Pedestrian crossing
This sign indicates directly the place where you can cross the roadway. In this case, the pedestrian is obliged to follow the traffic lights, and also make sure that there are no cars nearby, and only then cross the road.

Mandatory sign pedestrian path
Pedestrians can and should walk here.

Mandatory sign Bike Lane
This path is especially for cyclists. But pedestrians also have the right to walk here. Be careful!

Warning sign Pedestrian crossing
This sign is not for you! It does not allow transition at the location where it is installed.
This sign is for the driver. He warns that there will be a pedestrian crossing in 50-100 meters ahead.

Warning sign Children This sign is not for you!
It warns the driver that a child care facility or playground is nearby.
But it does not indicate a place to go.

Prohibition sign No Pedestrians Pedestrians are not allowed to walk where this sign is posted.
Remember, if there are no sidewalks and pedestrian paths, you cannot walk where signs 5.1 “Motorway” and 5.3 hang. "Road for cars."

Prohibition sign Bicycles are prohibited
You are not allowed to ride a bicycle where this sign hangs.
Remember that you can only drive on public roads if you are 14 years old or older. In addition, on highways and roads for cars marked with signs 5.1 and 5.3, the movement of bicycles and mopeds is prohibited.

If you answer correctly, you will move on to the next question. Otherwise you will know your result. Click on the answer to go.

  • If you answer correctly, you will move on to the next question. Otherwise you will know your result. Click on the answer to go.
  • 1. Pavement.
  • 2. Sidewalk.
  • 3. Bike path.
You have scored one point.
  • You have scored one point.
  • It is dangerous to go out with such knowledge. This is dangerous for your life.
  • Where should pedestrians walk if there is no sidewalk?
  • 1. On the right side of the curb.
  • 2. On the right edge of the road.
  • 3. On the left side of the road, facing traffic.
You scored 2 points.
  • You scored 2 points.
  • You urgently need to learn the rules of the road.
  • How should a pedestrian walk on the sidewalk?
  • 1. Sticking to the left.
  • 2. Keeping to the right.
  • 3. Sticking to the middle.
You scored 3 points. I'm sorry, but you urgently need to repeat the rules of the road
  • You scored 3 points. I'm sorry, but you urgently need to repeat the rules of the road
  • What should pedestrians do if, while crossing an intersection, the green traffic light changes to yellow, and you do not have time to cross the road?
  • 1. Quickly run across the street.
  • 2. Return to the sidewalk.
  • 3. Stop on the center line and wait for the green signal.
You scored 4 points. It's a shame, but your life is in danger and you urgently need to repeat the rules of the road
  • You scored 4 points. It's a shame, but your life is in danger and you urgently need to repeat the rules of the road
  • The bus stopped at a stop and you got off. How to cross the road correctly when exiting a vehicle?
  • 2. Behind the bus.
  • 3. Ahead of the bus.
You scored 5 points. It's a pity, but you are still in danger. I kindly ask you to repeat the traffic rules.
  • You scored 5 points. It's a pity, but you are still in danger. I kindly ask you to repeat the traffic rules.
  • To whom do pedestrians obey if the intersection is regulated by a traffic light and a traffic controller?
  • 1. Traffic signals.
  • 2. Traffic controller signals.
  • 3. That's right.
You scored 6 points. It's a shame, but you are still in serious danger. I kindly ask you to repeat the traffic rules.
  • You scored 6 points. It's a shame, but you are still in serious danger. I kindly ask you to repeat the traffic rules.
  • At what age is it legal to ride a bicycle on the road?
  • 1. From 14 years old.
  • 2. From the age of 13.
  • 3. From 12 years old.
You scored 7 points. It’s a shame, but if you are under 14, then it is too early for you to ride a bicycle on the roadway.
  • You scored 7 points. It’s a shame, but if you are under 14, then it is too early for you to ride a bicycle on the roadway.
  • At what distance from the right edge of the roadway is cycling allowed?
  • 1. No more than 0.5 m,
  • 2. No more than 1.0 m.
  • 3. No more than 2.0 m.
You scored 8 points. It’s a shame, but it’s too early for you to ride your bike on the roadway.
  • You scored 8 points. It’s a shame, but it’s too early for you to ride your bike on the roadway.
  • Is cycling allowed on the side of the road?
  • 1. No.
  • 2. Permitted if it does not interfere with pedestrians.
  • That's right.
You scored 9 points. It’s a shame, but it’s too early for you to ride your bike on the roadway.
  • You scored 9 points. It’s a shame, but it’s too early for you to ride your bike on the roadway.
  • Is it allowed to carry a passenger on a bicycle?
  • 1. No.
  • 2. Allowed for a child under 7 years of age on an extra seat.
  • 3. Allowed for everyone without exception.
You have scored 10 points. It’s a shame, but it’s too early for you to ride your bike on the roadway.
  • You have scored 10 points. It’s a shame, but it’s too early for you to ride your bike on the roadway.
What part of the street is for pedestrians?
  • What part of the street is for pedestrians?
  • 1. Roadside.
  • 2. Sidewalk.
  • 3. Everything is correct
You scored 11 points. It's a shame, but it's too early for you to go out without an adult.
  • You scored 11 points. It's a shame, but it's too early for you to go out without an adult.
  • Which side of the sidewalk should pedestrians walk on?
  • 1. On the left.
  • 2. On the right.
  • 3. That's right.
You scored 12 points. It's a shame, but it's too early for you to go out without an adult. You are a danger to other pedestrians.
  • You scored 12 points. It's a shame, but it's too early for you to go out without an adult. You are a danger to other pedestrians.
  • Which traffic light prohibits traffic?
  • 1. Red
  • 2. Green.
  • 3. Yellow.
You scored 12 points. It's a shame, but it's too early for you to go out without an adult. You don't even know the traffic lights.
  • You scored 12 points. It's a shame, but it's too early for you to go out without an adult. You don't even know the traffic lights.
  • On which side of the road do pedestrians walk when there is no sidewalk?
  • 1. On any side.
  • 2. On the right side, towards traffic.
  • 3. On the left side, towards traffic.
You scored 13 points. It's a shame, but it's too early for you to go out without an adult. you pose a danger to other pedestrians.
  • You scored 13 points. It's a shame, but it's too early for you to go out without an adult. you pose a danger to other pedestrians.
  • What geometric shapes do road signs have?
  • 1. Triangle, square, circle, rectangle.
  • 2. Triangle, square.
  • 3. Square, circle, rectangle.
You scored 14 points. I'm very sorry that you were mistaken. But not knowing road signs is very dangerous.
  • You scored 14 points. I'm very sorry that you were mistaken. But not knowing road signs is very dangerous.
  • What is the name of the sign that is installed near schools and kindergartens?
  • 1. "School"
  • 2. "Children's institution."
  • 3. "Children"
You have scored 15 points. I'm very sorry that you were mistaken. But not knowing road signs is very dangerous.
  • You have scored 15 points. I'm very sorry that you were mistaken. But not knowing road signs is very dangerous.
  • What is a road intersection called?
  • 1. Crossroads.
  • 2. Detour.
  • 3. That's right.
You scored 16 points. I'm very sorry that you were mistaken. But you don’t know the most dangerous place on the road.
  • You scored 16 points. I'm very sorry that you were mistaken. But you don’t know the most dangerous place on the road.
  • The most dangerous places on the city streets?
  • 1. Crossroads.
  • 2. That's right.
  • 3. Road.
You scored 17 points. I'm very sorry that you were mistaken. But you don’t know the most dangerous places on the road.
  • You scored 17 points. I'm very sorry that you were mistaken. But you don’t know the most dangerous places on the road.
  • How many pedestrian crossings are there at the intersection?
You scored 18 points. I'm very sorry that you were mistaken. Refer to traffic rules.
  • You scored 18 points. I'm very sorry that you were mistaken. Refer to traffic rules.
  • Our faithful friends and helpers on the streets of the city.
  • 1. Drivers and police officers.
  • 2. Pedestrians.
  • 3. Road signs.
You scored 19 points. I'm very sorry that you were mistaken. Refer to traffic rules.
  • You scored 19 points. I'm very sorry that you were mistaken. Refer to traffic rules.
Name the parts of the road.
  • Name the parts of the road.
  • 1. Roadway, shoulder, ditch.
  • 2. Roadway, ditch.
  • 2. Ditch.
You have scored 20 points. I'm very sorry that you were mistaken. Refer to traffic rules.
  • You have scored 20 points. I'm very sorry that you were mistaken. Refer to traffic rules.
  • What are people who use transport called?
  • 1. Drivers
  • 2. Pedestrians.
  • 3. Passengers.
You scored 21 points. I'm very sorry that you were mistaken. Refer to traffic rules.
  • You scored 21 points. I'm very sorry that you were mistaken. Refer to traffic rules.
  • What does the word "pedestrian" mean?
  • 1. Walking.
  • 2. Walking at a walk.
  • 3. Walking along a pedestrian crossing.
You scored 22 points. I'm very sorry that you were mistaken. Refer to traffic rules. Your result is very high.
  • You scored 22 points. I'm very sorry that you were mistaken. Refer to traffic rules. Your result is very high.
  • What type of transport can you jump from while moving?
  • 1. From the bus.
  • 2. From a car.
  • 3. From an airplane.
You scored 23 points. I'm very sorry that you were mistaken. If you don't have a parachute, jumping while moving is deadly.
  • You scored 23 points. I'm very sorry that you were mistaken. If you don't have a parachute, jumping while moving is deadly.
  • Is it possible to carry passengers on the streets on a bicycle?
  • 1. Yes.
  • 2. No.
  • 3. Adults only.
You scored 24 points. I'm very sorry that you were mistaken. You didn't have enough.
  • You scored 24 points. I'm very sorry that you were mistaken. You didn't have enough.
The bus stopped at a stop and you got off. How to cross the road correctly when exiting a vehicle?
  • The bus stopped at a stop and you got off. How to cross the road correctly when exiting a vehicle?
  • 1. Only after the bus (trolleybus) departs.
  • 2. Behind the bus.
  • 3. Ahead of the bus.
You scored 25 points. I'm very sorry that you were mistaken. Your life is in danger. You didn't have enough.
  • You scored 25 points. I'm very sorry that you were mistaken. Your life is in danger. You didn't have enough.
  • Can a car that is not moving create a danger?
  • 1. Maybe.
  • 2. It can't.
  • 3. I don't know
You scored 26 points. I'm very sorry that you were mistaken. Your life is in danger. You didn't have enough.
  • You scored 26 points. I'm very sorry that you were mistaken. Your life is in danger. You didn't have enough.
  • Well done!!!