A game where a kitten runs. Cat games

If you are ready to play with pets 24 hours a day, then you will definitely like it on our website! After all, we have collected here all the most best games Cats that we could find on the Internet. Bright and exciting games about cats will easily make up for the lack of communication with these beautiful animals. Don’t forget that Cats games for girls are a great way to learn how to properly care for your pet! After such a school of life, you can safely have a pet at home - you will be able to take care of it like a professional.

A little history

It's never enough for people to just have something - they always want to find out where it came from. It’s the same with cats: scientists definitely had to find out how and when the first cats appeared in human life and began to share shelter and food with him.

Traces of the first domestic cats were found by historians in Ancient Egypt: the same place where the pharaohs ruled and the pyramids were built. It was in those parts, in the thickets of river vegetation on the banks of the sacred Nile, that the ancestors of our domestic kitties, the reed cats, lived. The Egyptians, who lived by agriculture, suffered from rodents that ravaged their barns, and therefore cats, capable of protecting their warehouses from mice, were literally deified.

It is not for nothing that in the images in the pyramids, cats coexist with noble nobles and pharaohs. Killing or even just awkwardly touching a cat in Ancient Egypt was a grave crime - no joke, a sacred animal!

However, several centuries passed, and a real hunt for cats began. Eyes glowing in the night, grace and extraordinary vitality, which were so admired by people of antiquity, were declared in the Middle Ages to be signs of the devilish origin of felines. Black cats were especially disliked by everyone - it was believed that witches could turn into them... And therefore the destruction of cats began to be considered good form - it’s also good that this barbarism lasted relatively short!

A cat is a man's friend!

Although it is generally accepted that cats, unlike dogs, are not loyal to their owners and become more attached to the house than to its inhabitants, there are many cases that prove the opposite. Probably everyone who has ever had a cat can provide a lot of refutations from their own life experience! And the Cat games show how smart and loyal this animal is. After all, if cats valued only the “feeding hand” in their owners, then how could one explain that they are usually more affectionate towards some family members than others?

And the cat’s sympathies are not always distributed in accordance with the benefits received from one or another resident of the apartment. Cats know how to feel love and willingly respond in kind. True, most of the blows with clawed paws and nightly attempts to wake up also fall on the lot of the most beloved owner - but nothing can be done about it. This is what cat love is like!

And yet - where did they come from?

Some people still believe that cats at least came to us from another planet. Often such “theories” become the topic of a book, cartoon or game about cats. In principle, these doubts are understandable! After all, the common phrase that a cat has nine lives ceases to seem like just a saying when your Murka returns home safe and sound, having “flyed” out the fifth floor window for the fifth time for a bird.

And sometimes cats perform such tricks that the most inveterate materialists begin to look for signs of witchcraft in them. For example, there are many cases where cats returned home after being lost or even specially taken several kilometers away; and sometimes they even found their owners who had moved to another region. And if the ability to find the way to their home can be explained at least somehow, then this is how cats found out the new address of the owner’s family - this is a mystery that we are unlikely to solve!

So cartoons and games in which cats are akin to superheroes are multiplying! Strong, dexterous, invulnerable - just like in life, only even better.

Like a cat and a dog!

Is it true that a cat cannot live in the same house as a dog? Anyone who has ever had both types of pets in the same apartment will only laugh in response to such a question. Can they get along! Yes, they will become friends so that you will only be jealous. Sometimes these couples manage to organize a good team, and then neither the refrigerator nor the cupboard with delicious cookies can resist their onslaught.

By the way, many cat games for girls are about dog-cat friendship. But it’s better, of course, to watch it live. Having lived in the same house with such friends, you will understand for the rest of your life that nothing human is alien to pets! They are friends with their owners and with each other just as if you were all just members of the same family. And, I must say, they set a good example for us!

Games with animals, even computer games, make us all kinder and better people. On our website we have collected for you all the best Cat games so that you don’t have to search for them all over the Internet! All games about cats for girls that you will find on this page are available to you absolutely free and do not require downloading or installation. So, you can have a great time in the company of your favorite furbabies!

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Kittens are always kind and interesting

An adult cat, lounging imposingly on the sofa, even being the most beloved in the world ever again, will not be able to make you relive these sensations, but games will probably cope with this task.

Meet different games about kittens, where small animals in them are trying to get over some obstacle, cannot get down from a tree due to lack of experience, or are simply looking for a bottle of milk; in any case, communication with them is interesting for children of all ages. After all, playful meowing lumps, even virtual ones, will always find something to please their owners. Sometimes among them there are gourmets who love not only fish and sausage, but also chocolates, but in the world computer games sometimes you won’t see anything like that; there is no taboo on sweets for four-legged children. Not suitable for virtual pets and the expression “like a cat cried,” because when the players act incorrectly, tears flow from the eyes of the tailed cuties like a river.
Kids with kittens are always interested

Young representatives of the cat family are perceived by children as their equals. That is why together with them it is interesting to solve logic problems that are feasible for children’s perception, to find differences in objects, to select pictures that intuitively suit their meaning, to add words, in general, to learn in game form everything in a row. You can play with them at school, at the hospital, and at kindergarten. At the same time, it is possible that even some of the young gamers will need the help of their parents, but only in order to read the task, and even then not always.

Well-thought-out gameplay in games for kids allows, as a rule, to see any of the tasks in a visual version. Something like a mental image appears above the kitten, or next to it, informing the player about the pet’s desires. The same applies to other characters involved in the game, because sometimes you need to cajole a sleeping dog or an adult arrogant cat so that they do not interfere with the kids’ frolic. Puzzles and mahjongs, shooting games and various games, in which you need to collect all sorts of combinations of figures of the same color with the participation of cute and kind kittens of various breeds and all kinds of colors are far from uncommon. There are also a lot of cute, kind cartoon characters here.

Exciting adventures of young purrs and their friends

Every kitten feels like a tiger or a lion at heart, which is why these cute meowing creatures embark on long journeys with great pleasure, even despite the fact that dangers await them at every step. They are the ones who become the heroes of all kinds of adventure games and platformers, quests and games, one way or another related to the search for objects. Some of the tailed heroes overcome a lot of obstacles for the sake of a bowl of milk, while others fearlessly embark on the most dangerous journeys, overcoming water obstacles and impassable slums, meeting wild animals along the way. It happens that brave little heroes go on a journey not alone, but accompanied by a friendly company.

Often in this case, the player needs to determine which character to entrust with the passage of one or another section of the path. A kitten, for example, can easily climb a tree, a puppy can overcome a water barrier, since it is not afraid of water and knows how to swim well, and a horse can climb over a high barrier, having first placed its four-legged friends on its back. This is how, all the time choosing one or another character who is fluent in any skill, you can achieve your cherished goal and overcome all the many difficulties. Games about kittens are very exciting and will not leave any young gamer indifferent.

Caring for kittens and more

Games with kittens will allow you to take care of small cats. It’s not easy to find someone who wouldn’t want to help the cutie stand firmly on her paws. IN virtual world Everyone strives to provide all possible help to the meowing baby. Well, you can help fluffies in many ways. Some of them need to get vaccinated on time, some need a bowl of milk, and some just need to be caressed and petted. Many of the kittens will need to go for a walk or just play, because they, just like children, need the care and attention of others.

Among the meowing babies there are also fashionistas who will need to choose a wardrobe, and not just any, but in accordance with the latest trends in cat fashion. In the games, there will also be gourmets and picky eaters among them, who will spend a long time choosing between a delicious fish and a spoonful of sour cream, and as a result will eat a piece of chicken fillet and be satisfied. In general, there is more than enough hassle with kittens. It should be borne in mind that in the virtual world these chores are always pleasant. Playing with kittens is very useful, because young gamers gain invaluable experience communicating with animals, learn to love and understand them. And maybe in adult life one of them will become a real trainer or Aibolit thanks to today's games.

We declare quite officially: you can hug and tinker with tiny soft purrs endlessly, it’s a pity that the patience of even the most meek of them sooner or later comes to an end. If you want to continue to enjoy communication with your mustachioed and striped pet even after he has expressed a desire to run away from you under the sofa, games about Kittens will come to the rescue! The virtual heroes of the game about Kittens are always ready for fun. They won't let you get bored, because these mischievous people always have plenty of energy and new ideas!

And Murziki, and Barsiki...

Red, white, black, striped or tortoiseshell - they are all so different and so equally wonderful that you want to cuddle them all! There is not a single cat in this world that does not cause affection. Even ragged street fighters want to scratch behind the ears and treat them with sour cream. I even want to put the bald sphinx on my lap and caress it. It’s a pity that you can’t gather all the cats in the world and hug them all at once - that would be happiness!

After all, if joy could be measured, it would definitely be measured in cats. If there is no cat, there is no joy. And if there is still joy, then there is a cat: he is purring inside you, jumping with delight at the bright carousels or a new dress.

The best antidepressant

In Japan, there is a special cat café, where several cats wander around the room, always ready for hugs and scratching behind the ears. People who have little in their lives can come there. positive emotions to get them from communicating with the furry employees of the establishment - you agree, just a great idea! It's a pity that we don't have such a cafe. But there is great games for girls Kittens - fluffy antidepressants with their help can come visit you directly through your browser.

Forget about dreary and cold evenings, not warmed by the warmth of a purring body! Now you can frolic with little pet tigers as much as you want - at any time of the day or night!

Even if your own cat is already tired and sleeping. Even if he is far from you now. Even if you don’t have your own cat at all. No matter what happens in your life, you can always play free games online games for girls about Kittens, and their heroes will give you all the same emotions as their real brothers made of flesh, blood and fur.

In addition, your virtual pet will never bite your finger, tear your curtains, or steal sausages from the table. Play with online cat It’s even possible for those who are allergic to real cats! And the best games about Kittens are collected on our website - you don’t even have to go and look for them!
