Cargo ship or sea. The Merraweather Heist

The Merryweather robbery is the longest ongoing case. It consists of two main missions - "port reconnaissance" and "mini-submarine". So, in order.

A little background

The Merryweather Heist begins after completing the mission "Shame and Glory". Having solved all the psychological problems of Michael's daughter, Trevor goes to meet his old friend and, part-time, roommate, Wade. He has accumulated quite a lot of claims and complaints against our hero regarding his behavior. I wonder what else they expected from a man living in a trailer on the edge of the desert? Luckily, Trevor doesn't care at all about what others think, so he subtly hints to Wade about his sexual problems and changes the subject to something more interesting.

Wade's cousin turns out to work at seaport, where valuable cargo is likely to be found. After lengthy discussion, the team agrees to inspect the port and discovers a suspicious Merryweather Company vessel.

Pre-robbery reconnaissance

Once in place, Floyd and I will have to do some simple work so as not to arouse suspicion among the military. You need to move several containers using a cargo crane. At first it will be difficult to handle the controls, but later you will get used to it.

Then a break will be announced on the ship, during which Trevor will have to take several photographs for the future plan. There is also a specific algorithm for this task: first the stern of the ship, then its front part and the security system (alarm, security, etc.). There should be a total of three photos that we will send to Ron. After this, all that remains is to get to the Merryweather warehouse and pick up the suitcase with the loot.

Cargo ship

The point of this plan is to blow up the ship and steal the right thing . First, Franklin kills all the guards with a thermal imager. This part is more designed for stealth passage, so it’s worth attacking everyone separately. By the way, it would be nice to have a silencer with you so that no one raises the alarm ahead of time.

The next step should be the installation of bombs. Michael, who already has enough explosives with him, will help us with this. We install bombs on the bow and stern of the ship, and immediately switch control to Franklin so that he can cover his friend’s back. When you are spotted, a heavy firefight will begin and a helicopter will appear. Michael must have time to attach the last bomb and leave the ship.

Sea adventure

Briefly about the plan: the guys must swim up to the Merriweather ship in a submarine and steal the cargo unnoticed. To begin, Michael and Franklin deliver the mini-sub by helicopter. At this stage you need to be careful not to miss her on the road. It's better, of course, to go through flight school before this mission. With the help of a submarine and a special application, we find the desired device underwater and try to hide from security unnoticed.

Unfortunately, the guys will still have to shoot back during the retreat. It's better to use Franklin for this, because... he has a better understanding of weapons.

How to collect all the rewards in the Merryweather Heist

If you chose the "Cargo Ship" option:

  • Remove 12 guards;
  • Required accuracy in handling small arms: 80%;
  • Eliminate 12 people in stealth mode;
  • Spend no more than 1 minute searching for the cargo.

If you have chosen the option " Sea adventure":

  • Detect the cargo no later than 2 minutes;
  • Kill all the guards on the ship;
  • Escape the police within 4 minutes;
  • Complete the heist in 14 and a half minutes.
1-04-2017, 01:07

Let's bring Trevor's plan into reality, and then we'll return to the tasks of the feds.

Let's start with the idea that the ship needs to be sunk. Michael will plant explosives in the marked places, and Franklin will kill the mercenaries from the bridge. The player is free to choose who to control and what functions to perform, but it is better to choose Franklin and count the mercenaries by head.

After the shells are installed, Franklin will have to fight off the approaching mercenaries, and Michael will have to jump overboard. As soon as it explodes and all the attackers are killed, the last one will have to find the required container. This is not a problem - the sonar will tell you the location. Device found, switch to Trevor. He, driving the bathyscaphe, must “grab” the cargo and go with it to the lifting point. And Lester will rush there right in a hospital gown (at that time he will have health problems) and, almost screaming, will convey to the consciousness of the trio that the super-weapon must be returned immediately, since it will only make things worse for everyone. As a result, the profit from the business is zero.

  • Kill 12 enemies in stealth mode.
  • Find a container in 60 seconds.
  • Get into the hold of a ship without being discovered.

31-B. The Merryweather Heist - Off-Shore

We get into Trevor’s jeep and drive to the airfield in Sandy Shores, listening to very “touching” conversations between the characters along the way. The roles are distributed as follows: Michael controls the helicopter, Trevor is in the submersible and will look for the target, and Franklin will shoot back from the mercenaries.

Having taken off, we release the hook and grab the submersible, then we fly to the bay near Paleto Bay. There is a small platform near which we will drop a mini-submarine. However, it will be necessary to descend so that there is very little distance to the water. Then the game switches to Trevor, and you will need to look for a superweapon. We launch a special application on the phone and dive deeper, looking for the red dot. As soon as we see the platform at the bottom, we swim up to it - the capture will take place automatically. Then you will need to surface (there is a special button for this), and, returning to the surface, the game will switch to Michael, but the flight will not last long - the mercenaries from Merryweather will arrive. We destroy the first boat, don’t pay attention to the rest - they will quickly float to land and be left behind. Helicopters are another matter - there will be several waves of them, two or three at a time. You will need to change your position, looking first from the left, sometimes from the right. If possible, we aim at the pilot's cabin, although even without this the helicopter will explode quite quickly. As soon as the rotorcraft enemies are dealt with, we calmly return to the runway, where Lester will send the cargo back, distributing catching up to the whole trio.

  • Destroy all the catching mercenaries.
  • Find the container in 02:00.
  • Complete the task before 14:30.
  • Escape from your pursuers in 04:00.

32. Did someone say yoga? (Did Somebody Say Yoga?)

Another quarrel is brewing in the house, but Amanda's trainer, yogi Fabian, appears. He invites the couple to do yoga together. To Amanda's surprise, Michael agrees. We repeat the player’s further actions after the yogi, repeating what is shown on the screen. It’s better not to let go of the joysticks without finishing the exercise, and it’s not necessary to inhale and exhale through your mouth or nose alternately - just hold down both triggers. After completing three exercises, Fabian and Amanda will show quite provocative stances and Michael, angry, will attack the trainer. He will dodge, and Amanda will say goodbye to Michael. The father will go to Jimmy, and together they will go to a meeting at which the unlucky son will buy marijuana. The little provocateur will force Michael to drink the intoxicating mixture, then push his father out of the car and drive away, just as his mother did before him.

What happens next on the screen, of course, is inspired by the narcotic properties of the drug used. Michael will feel like he has been captured by aliens, and then he will fly over the city, flickering with bright colors, but you will see everything very clearly. As soon as Mikey “lands”, he will appear vomited not far from the house in only his shorts. We grab a nearby bicycle and ride home. There won't be anyone there. At this point, the collapse of the family can be considered completed.

  • Complete the task before 15:00.
  • Do your first yoga exercise without mistakes.
  • Do the second yoga exercise without mistakes.
  • Do the third yoga exercise without mistakes.

33. Blitz Play

Now let’s complete the mission that has been highlighted more than once in all sorts of pre-release materials. Having taken control of Michael, we will go to the point indicated on the map. We will place a garbage truck there so that it blocks the road for those passing by. Then Trevor will report that the target is very close and control will pass to Franklin. We accelerate and ram the collection van, then we jump out of the cab and install explosives. We keep the guys in uniform at gunpoint until Michael takes the necessary documents.

It’s no wonder that half the Los Santos police department would flock to such an attack. Moreover, they will take special forces with them. First, with the help of Franklin and Michael, we fight off the guardians of the law attacking them. And when a threat appears in the form of a helicopter and three snipers, we switch to Trevor. The main thing is not to delay switching when necessary: ​​when a helicopter and snipers appear on the roof in front of Trevor and in cases when one of the heroes finds himself in a difficult situation (his sector on the circle of characters will flash red).

As soon as the area is cleared, we get into the garbage truck and go to the waste transport. Meanwhile, the other two will disappear on their own. Having approached the car that was left in advance, you will need to destroy the garbage truck.

Bang! - as Wade would say.

Having driven away from the truck, let's return to Michael - he needs to transfer the stolen goods to Devin Weston, an acquaintance of Haynes. He will try to attract Michael with a job of stealing cars, but he will refuse it in favor of Franklin, but Weston, having inquired about Michael’s hobby, will introduce him to a film producer and director, whose films our hero simply enjoys, Solomon Richards.

  • Shoot down a helicopter as Trevor.
  • Kill 12 enemies with headshots.
  • Complete the mission with at least 60% shooting accuracy.
  • Select another character 10 times.

34. Mr. Richards

Let's go to the film studio, where we will meet Mr. Richards. He will report that he has problems with the actors and agents of his new film, the events of which, by the way, take place in Liberty City. Michael agrees to help and bring the careless workers back.

Let's go to the club, where Rocco and company flew in by helicopter. Before we go up to the helipad, we will come across three people (two below and one on the roof) who can scare away the people we need with a scream. Therefore they need to be cut down. Having gone upstairs (we go around the building and climb the stairs), we go to the site. There we will meet Rocco and give him a hard time in a hand-to-hand fight. Once you board the helicopter, you need to “persuade” the passengers to fly to the studio. The best way to do this is to fly under bridges. Fellow travelers will quickly agree. Then we return to the studio, where we will need to sit in an empty pool. At the film studio, the workers will apologize to Solomon.

  • Complete the mission before 10:00.
  • Kill 3 enemies while stealth.
  • Take no damage while fighting Rocco.
  • Land Frogger without damage.

35. War with the Law... (I Fought the Law...)

The first two cars for Devin Weston must be taken from two young guys, representatives of the golden youth. They love to drive on state highways and taking their car away can be a problem. But there is a plan: Michael and Trevor dress up as traffic police, and Franklin pushes the boys to the race. As a result, using the powers given to themselves, Mikey and Tee will stop the necessary cars and take them away.

While the traffic cops go to change clothes, take motorcycles and take up a post on the highway between Los Santos and Sandy Shores, the player will only have Franklin left. We take the car, which will be left at the construction site after everyone has left, and drive to the gas station, where we will find the milk suckers. Franklin will throw bait there and challenge them to chase them. They will happily agree, and they will need to drive, keeping up with faster cars. It’s not to lag behind - there is no goal of getting somewhere first. Therefore, we simply rush forward, avoiding collisions in traffic and waiting for two more characters to join the action.

As soon as we pass the post with Michael and Trevor, the game will switch you to Michael. There will be a chase of several kilometers through Paleto Bay. Before the tunnel, “Officer T” will turn into oncoming traffic, pursuing one young man. Michael can stay in his usual lane - one collision at such speeds only means death and a restart of the mission. Although this is necessary to receive a gold medal.

Finally, having caught up with the racers, the "patrol" will take the cars and head to Weston's garage. But now you need to win the race against your two comrades. It is best to do this with Michael - his car will be the first in the column. A quick start and most likely you will arrive first. Having delivered the cars, Weston will agree to pay only when all the cars have been delivered.

  • Drive between two trucks.
  • Use Franklin's special ability during the race.
  • Drive between two buses.
  • Follow Trevor through the tunnel.
  • Complete the mission before 12:00.

36. Black helicopter / Eye in the sky (Eye in The Sky)

We continue to steal rare cars for Weston. Our current target is the legendary Z-Type. It belongs to a man who is hiding from paying taxes and, accordingly, is hiding a luxury car. That's why it needs to be calculated. To do this, a helicopter arrives with a timid pilot at the helm and a thermal imager. The thermal imager will be controlled by Trevor, he will transmit instructions to Franklin, who will first find the right person on the ground and then get involved in a chase with him.

Having approached the desired area, we will begin to look for Chad Mulligan (possibly a reference to Billy Milligan, I advise you to read about him, for general development). While hovering your cursor, listen to conversations - at least three conversations. Once you find the right person, follow him without losing sight of him. As soon as he enters the garage, Franklin will appear and the chase will begin. The player in the role of Trevor will have to keep the Z-Type in sight, and Franklin will receive clues about where the car went. After the chase, the fugitive will try to hide in the parking lot. The view is blocked, so special equipment must be used. Mulligan needs to be detected on the first try, and therefore we find the person on the far left in a sitting position and focus on him. Trevor will tell Franklin where to go, and he will find Chad. It's better to shoot the poor guy, because he'll call the police if he's left alive. After this, we calmly deliver the car to its place.

  • Deliver the Z-Type without damage.
  • Overhear 3 conversations.
  • Find Chad's hideout on the first try.

37. Free Fall (Caida Libre)

Martin Madrazo has a task for you. He asks to shoot down a plane containing his relative with incriminating evidence on Madrazo. Near the observatory, Michael is waiting for a real weapon with which to shoot down the plane, while Trevor will be ready on the Sanchez to rush after the falling plane and pick up incriminating evidence.

A little, a lot - this is the kind of thing that will fall into the hands of the player.

Hit the plane with such a weapon (to do this you need to shoot at the red square located slightly to the right of the plane). You must make three accurate hits. The task is quite difficult, but doable. The main thing is not to start panicking and get on the plane when it just begins its flight over Los Santos. After that, we move into Trevor’s body and follow the plane diving down. develop maximum speed and not falling off the motorcycle are the conditions for receiving a gold medal, and therefore we will be careful. Having approached the fallen plane, we will prepare a shotgun or rifle and approach the ramp. There we will kill Javier and take the suitcase. Then we're going to cement plant, having previously destroyed the van with the gun. Trevor will decide that Martin had to pay for the work done and will kidnap his wife Patricia, a 57-year-old housewife, for whom he will fall in love.

  • Reach top speed on Sanchez.
  • Don't fall off Sanchez during the chase.
  • Shoot down a plane in three attempts.
  • Complete the mission before 09:45.

38. Deep Inside

Having kidnapped Patricia, Trevor and Michael must lie low, and only Franklin can turn their attention. He'll do it for now next task- will steal a car similar to the one used in the immortal "Bond". Of course, the car will have to be stolen from the film studio.

Having climbed onto the territory of the film studio, we perform the following actions. First, in stealth mode, he walks diagonally across the empty pool. This way no one will notice us, then we sneak up on the actor in a white tuxedo and knock him out.

Franklin will change into a tuxedo, and now you can safely
enter the set.

Taking advantage of the confusion of the film crew, we get into the car and drive to the exit. To what will be on the left hand. On the way to the gate, we knock down an actor who was stunned not long ago - a condition for receiving a gold medal. And as soon as the game tells us that there is a certain “red button” in the car, we immediately press it without thinking. As a result, the actress is ejected, who by that time will already get tired of her chatter about how she was kidnapped and what a big fee she has. Then we drive the car to the garage. There we will meet Lamar - Weston took him into the business too. He will steal the last car.

  • Deliver JB 700 with minimal damage.
  • Reach top speed on the JB 700.
  • Knock out an actor while in stealth mode.
  • Do not delay ejection for more than 10 seconds.
  • Run over an actor while escaping with a JB 700.

39. Turbulence (Minor Turbulence)

Let's return to the fugitives. More precisely, to Trevor, who, apparently, was already completely bored. He decides to rob the Merryweather again, but this time in the sky. To do this, we take an airplane from the hangar and fly to the cargo plane, but at the lowest possible altitude so as not to be detected by radar.

After Ron's command, we begin to gain altitude and fly towards the tail of the plane. From there, first threats will begin to fly, and then bullets. Ignoring them, we direct the airplane into the opened luggage compartment. Trevor's spectacular appearance will surely please players. But it’s too early to rejoice - the plane is full of well-armed mercenaries. So it's better to take assault rifle and act faster than others. After the cargo compartment is cleared, we go to the cabin. An armed pilot is waiting for us there, whom we quickly send from heaven to heaven. So, Commander Phillips takes control, but then fighters appear and interrupt our heavenly odyssey with salvos of missiles. Well, you'll have to parachute. To win a gold medal, you need to sit in a jeep, which is on board the plane, and “jump out” while sitting in it. Then leave the jeep and don’t forget to open the parachute. After landing, Ron will report that the plane with the cargo fell into the Alamo Sea (the sea north of Sandy Shores and south of Chilliad), and the weapon can be lifted from the bottom of the sea, but for some reason, during subsequent events, Trevor will not do this.

  • Complete the mission with at least 80% shooting accuracy.
  • Jump from a plane onto Mesa.

40. Paleto Score Setup

To fulfill the next order given to the trio by Haynes and Norton, you need to buy a helicopter for several million, but the feds will not finance this venture - their task is completely illegal. Therefore, Michael turns to Lester, who offered him to take “a bank in the middle of nowhere.” Trevor and I get to Paleto Bay, irritating our friend along the way with the fact that he’s a hipster, and we’ll wait for Lester at the bus stop. When he arrives from Los Santos, we get to the bank. Near it, Lester will conduct an introduction: the bank, although in the middle of nowhere, is filled to the brim with money belonging mainly to corrupt cops. And this means that they will instantly come to save their money. Therefore, it was decided to conduct an experiment. We drive up to the next indicated point and, getting out of the car, shoot at the alarm system, which is located on the wall of the bank. Now the cops are coming here - we go around the bank and move to the gas station. There, Lester will summarize that the police will arrive too quickly, and there is no way to break through directly. After this, Trevor will get out of the car and get on the motorcycle. Switch to it - it's easier to win an impromptu race with a friend. We are going to the meth laboratory, where it was decided to make the headquarters.

  • Get to the bank in 03:30.
  • Arrive at the laboratory first.

Do you have your own version of the mission? , interesting options will be published.

Access to this task will become open after completing task By the Book. To receive 100% for this mission, you must fulfill the following conditions:

Do not put a single scratch on the containers;
- take three photographs of the ship as indicated in the instructions;
- perform the entire operation without being noticed;
- complete the mission in 20 minutes

Watch the video, which will show that Floyd, who works at the port, does not get along with girls. After finishing watching, go there to understand the situation.

Drive through the gate and get out of the car. Look around and approach the foreman. He will give you a task to load containers. Complete it and receive another, but more responsible task - operating a cargo crane. Complete it, and then finish off the foreman. Try to choose a good angle to photograph the bow of the ship, the stern and the guards walking around there.

Then, in the GTA 5 walkthrough, run into the truck and move to the point marked on the map. There you will be met by guards. But Trevor will distract them by taking the briefcase and fleeing the crime scene. Start drawing up a robbery plan, which may have several options:

1) Cargo ship
Here Michael will need to plant bombs in the port, and Franklin will cover him, while Trevor will take the necessary thing.

2) Sea adventure
In this mission, Trevor will have to climb out of a small boat, which Michael and Franklin will lift by helicopter. After Trevor finds what he wants, the chase of mercenaries on boats and helicopters will begin. If you want to choose this option, then first complete flight school while flying Michael. This is the only way he can improve his skills in flying a helicopter. It is worth noting that no matter which option you choose, in any case, the further passage of the GTA 5 game will begin with a mission called Minisub.

2. Minisub (Trevor)

In order to complete this task 100%, you must adhere to the following requirements:

Destroy all submarine cables from a distance;
- complete the mission in 8 minutes 30 seconds.

Completing this task in the GTA 5 game will become available after you complete the previous mission and decide on the robbery option. Now you need to direct your efforts to get on the ship and loosen the cables holding the submarine by using the control panel on them.

Of the obstacles, there will be only one guard, whom you can finish off or make sure that he does not notice you. When you see the cables, take out the sniper rifle and use it to loosen the fastenings. After you climb inside the lowered submarine, run to the helm and start moving towards the opposite part of the port.

Floyd is waiting there, who will take it out of the water using a crane and you can transport it to storage. At this point the task is considered completed.

Loud robbery

1. The Merryweather Heist - Freight (Michael, Trevor, Franklin)

You can complete this task by choosing one of two options: Cargo ship or Sea adventure

Cargo ship

For 100% completion of this mission in GTA game 5 you need to do the following:

Finish off 12 enemies with headshots;
- eliminate 12 mercenaries while in stealth mode;
- complete the mission with shooting accuracy of at least 80%;
- find the container with the device inside in 1 minute;
- sneak inside the ship unnoticed.

At the beginning of this task in GTA 5 you need to switch control to Franklin. Carefully move forward, simultaneously shooting the guards wandering around the ship. For these purposes, I advise you to use a thermal imager with a silencer.

Take down your opponents one at a time to avoid raising the alarm. As soon as he finishes everyone off, start controlling Michael, who needs to place four bombs. It is worth noting that the first three are attached to the bow of the vessel and the mast. After all the bombs are in place, start controlling Franklin, who needs to cover Michael.

No matter how hard you try not to get involved in a firefight, you will still be discovered. On top of everything else, a helicopter will arrive. While Franklin makes sure that Michael is not killed, the latter needs to set the last charge, and then go to another part of the ship to jump into the water.

After in passing GTA 5 Michael will be safe, take out your phone and go to the “Contacts” menu, in which you should select the “Explosion” sub-item. After the explosion, start controlling Michael, who is underwater and swimming in scuba gear. Look at the sonar, where you can find a marker indicating the location of the cargo.

It is worth noting that the smaller the pulsating area on the radar, the closer you will get to the target. After you get the cargo, you need to switch to Trevor, who controls the submarine.

This passage option occurs if you chose the “Container Ship” option in the previous mission “Reconnaissance in the Port”. The Mini-Sub mission is also a preparation for the more complex and extensive Merryweather Heist mission. In it, Trevor will have to push the submarine directly from the side of the ship.
We go to where the submarine is (we find it on the map). In order to steal the boat, we shoot with a sniper rifle at the ropes that hold it. Now we dive into the water and make our way inside the boat. We find the loading location on the map and go there. When we get there, the mission will be completed.

100% completion
You must complete the task within a time frame of 8 minutes 30 seconds.
The submarine must be stolen without boarding.

The Merryweather Heist

This description assumes that the Container Ship option was selected in the Port Reconnaissance mission. In this mission, the three heroes will once again unite to accomplish daring robbery. Friends planned to steal a secret military weapons, which is located at the very bottom of the ocean.
First we control Franklin's actions. We need to choose a point convenient for observation and take a position on it. This is necessary in order to cover for Michael. You need to protect Michael diligently, because one bullet can ruin the entire mission. Clearing the way for a friend. Now we switch to Michael and go plant the bomb. We immediately switch back to Franklin to view the place where Michael is. We kill everyone who is near the ladder with a rifle. Now we turn our attention and sight to the stern. There are a lot of mercenaries there, we remove them too. We don’t lose sight of the upper decks, which are located not far from the bridge and lifeboat. Michael will make his way inside, while we remove all the security we see. You need to cover your friend while he makes his way to the bow. Don't lose sight of the stern and the stairs from where Michael will exit. You can determine your friend's location thanks to the flashing red indicator. We are watching him closely.
Now we switch to Trevor, he is in a submarine. We calmly take the weapon and leave towards the port. Mission accomplished.

100% completion
The accuracy of all hits during a mission must exceed 80%.
Must kill 12 enemies accurate shots to the head.
12 opponents must be killed using sneak attacks.
You need to find the container within 1 minute.
We need to get onto the ship without anyone noticing us.

Mr. Richards

In this mission, Michael's dream will come true! He will meet his idol and fulfill his request. The hero will overcome any obstacles in order to help the person he admires.
Let's meet Mr. Richards. He is a famous film producer, Michael's idol from the world of cinema. Mr. Richards offers us, for a fee, to find and catch one intractable star.
The star's name is Rocco, and he hides behind his bodyguards - notorious thugs. They are located at the opposite end of the city, on the roof of a building. However, Michael will not have to shoot in this task; it will be enough to just work with his fists. The mission may not use stealth mode, but it is still better to stay in the shadows. If we are spotted, Rocco will be immediately reported and he will run away. Therefore, we quietly make our way forward and stun everyone who gets in our way with fist blows.
We go around the building and go up the stairs. Here we will see a worker coming out of the door. We don’t spare him and beat him like everyone else, otherwise he will raise the alarm. We move to the roof. We give a good finish to the guy who gets in our way. Here we use the ability to slow down time that Michael has. At this time we inflict several powerful blows on the guy.
Now we get into the helicopter and fly away. We are heading towards the river that is closest to us. We fly calmly and carefully to prevent panic among passengers. It’s better not to fly under the bridge, because it will scare them greatly. Now we fly up to the studio and calmly land. The mission is over.

100% completion
The mission must be completed in no longer than 10 minutes.
To eliminate all opponents, you must use the sneak attack mode.
During the fight with Rocco, you must not get a single scratch.
It is necessary to land the helicopter without damaging it.

Participants: Michael, Trevor, Franklin.

A mission that opens after completing the task "" (and "").

And, as you already understood, you can go through it in two ways.

Cargo ship

Briefly: Michael sets up bombs in the port, Franklin provides barrage, and Trevor picks up the thing we need.

The story develops as follows: first, we, Franklin, remove the guards on the ship using a thermal imager. It would be better if you have a silencer and kill the guards one by one so that no one can get to the emergency signal.

After killing everyone, we switch to Michael. He must set four bombs, the first three being placed on the bow and masts. When the fourth bomb is planted, we switch to Franklin to protect Michael.

After this, you will be noticed anyway. A shootout will begin and a helicopter will appear. Michael must plant the last bomb and then walk across the ship to jump into the water - Franklin, in turn, must clear the way for him.

As soon as the ship explodes, we switch to Michael - he is under water, in scuba gear. The sonar should give us the location of the cargo. The smaller the pulsating area on the radar, the closer you are to the target.

You will then gain access to Trevor in the submarine.

Sea adventure

Briefly: Michael, with Franklin, brings up a mini-submarine with Trevor in a helicopter, he dives, steals a valuable item, and then they are attacked by guards in boats and helicopters.

GRC advice: Complete Flight School with Michael before this heist option.

We rise from the airfield in a cargo helicopter and hook up a mini-submarine. Now we fly to the desired point and lower the submarine into the water there. Next we switch to a character who is sitting inside the submarine.

Select the application via phone Trackify and find the target. The map has a depth gauge, so our target is located 0.1m from the surface and 0m sea level. We select a device.

After you fight off the attack, return to the airfield.

100% completion of the mission "Merryweather Heist" (gold):

Cargo Ship Option
- Kill 12 enemies with a headshot.
- Complete a mission with at least 80% shooting accuracy.
- Kill 12 enemies in stealth mode.
- Find the container with the device within 1 minute.
- Go inside the ship without being detected.

Option “Sea Adventure”
- Find the container with the device in 2 minutes.
- Eliminate all enemies from Merryweather.
- Get rid of enemy pursuit in a maximum of 4 minutes.
- Complete the mission in 14:30.
