Mythic dungeon mode how to get there. Mythic Keys Preview

IN Legion dungeons coming soon new level Difficulties with corresponding rewards.

Like the previous expansion, Warlords of Draenor, Legion dungeons currently offer three main difficulty levels and rewards: Normal, Heroic, and Mythic. Heroic and Mythic modes are only available to players who have reached level 110; Additionally, Mythic difficulty is not available in the Dungeon Finder.

Carved from stone

On September 21st, we'll be adding a new feature to the game that's definitely worth checking out: when you complete your first Mythic dungeon during the week, you'll receive a Mythic Key for one of the dungeons your character can enter. The first key will allow you to increase the difficulty by one level (up to 2), thereby increasing the quality of the rewards.

Dungeon keys will crumble into dust at the same time as the weekly raid update. The item's description will indicate how long it will last.

We need to act quickly

To activate your Mythic Keystone, gather a group of five brave heroes and place the Key in the Chalice of Power at the dungeon entrance. If you do not do this, the dungeon will open on normal Mythic difficulty.

After activating the key, the countdown will begin: the group has a limited time to defeat the bosses and most other opponents in the dungeon. Players familiar with the challenge mode will notice that time is given with a reserve. The new timer will not force groups to rush through the dungeon at breakneck speed, but rather simply set some framework for successful completion. Regardless of whether you meet the allotted time or not, at the end there will be a chest with several rewards waiting for you.

If you manage to complete the dungeon, the level of the key will be increased, and you will be able to use it in another dungeon, selected at random. And if it was not possible to meet the standard, the key’s resource will be exhausted. You can try to go through the dungeon with it again and try to get a new key, but there will be no rewards.

Increasing Challenges

With each new Mythic difficulty level, enemies' health and damage output increases. In addition, at levels 4, 7, and 10, additional modifiers are introduced into the game that you will have to adapt to in order to succeed.

Let's give some examples:

  • "Furious"- all enemies (except bosses) deal double damage when they have 30% of their maximum health remaining. The effect lasts until the creature is destroyed.
  • "Reinforcing"- when enemies (except bosses) die, with their dying cry they strengthen nearby allies, increasing their health and the damage they deal by 20%.
  • "Stubborn"- opponents pay less attention to the threat from tanks.
  • "Volcanic"- during the battle, opponents periodically cause flame explosions under the feet of players located at a distance from them.

Up-to-date information will be indicated in the key description, and within a week the same modifiers will be used for all keys of the same level.

Rewards in dungeons unlocked with keys

While the new mode won't reward players with loot directly from killing monsters, upon completion you'll find a chest containing two high-quality items that will be useful to your party. Basic level These rewards at Mythic Tier 2 are 845, and will gradually increase to 865 in Tier 10 dungeons.

Please note that immediately after adding a new mode to the game, you will be able to obtain items no higher than level 850, but after a week this restriction will be lifted.

Like most awards high level V Legion expansion, these items may be “Battleforged” or “Titan Forge”, and their level will be significantly higher (up to 895).

Additionally, if you complete a Mythic dungeon within the time limit, you'll find a reward chest in your Class Hall the following week. It doesn’t matter whether you opened the dungeon yourself or someone from your group did it. The chest is guaranteed to contain one item, the level of which corresponds to the maximum difficulty of the Mythic dungeon completed in the previous week. By defeating level 10 dungeon bosses, you will receive a level 880 reward. The chest also contains a new key, allowing you to continue your Mythic dungeon adventure.

Get ready!

This time you will learn what Dungeon Raids are. Why are they going? Tips on how to behave in raids and the like.

What is Raid? This is a very large group of players (more than five). About to go through a certain dungeon. For what? To get good ones, unique items.

Raids come from:

  • 10 people.
  • 25 people.

In this case, the raid can choose the difficulty mode for the dungeon. Normal or Heroic mode. In Heroic, the difficulty increases significantly. Therefore, it is better to go into such a dungeon in good, purple equipment.

Tips for beginners

Now a couple of tips for beginners.

  1. The dungeon should be chosen according to your level. Therefore, when searching for a group, be sure to write your class and level in the chat.
  2. Before taking you into a raid, the RL (raid leader) will ask what your “GS” is. GS is the rating of your clothes and weapons. GS is calculated using the addon, so be sure to install it.
  3. Take a second specialization from your class trainer. If this is possible, of course, it costs 1000 gold. A second specialization (second spec) is needed to invest talent points specifically for playing in a group or raid.
  4. Get ready for the raid, distribute your talent points so that you can bring maximum benefit to the group. Which glasses depend on the class. It is best to use the second spec for this.

You should become familiar with the slang used in dungeons by experienced players.

  • RL is the raid leader, this player is the main one in the raid, he assembles the raid and decides who should play in the group and who should leave.
  • Wipe is the second concept you will become familiar with. This is when all participants are killed by mobs or the boss.
  • Trash are monsters that live inside the dungeon.
  • Turnip – reputation with a certain faction.
  • Anrol is when the raid leader takes the most good thing from the boss.
  • Roll - RL shows the item in the chat, thereby asking if anyone needs this item. If you need it, write the /roll command in the chat. When the rl sees the results of the roll, he will give the item to the one who lost the most percentage. But he can also give the item to someone else if he sees that it is not suitable for the player’s class.
  • Off-spec is when RL asks tanks and heals to switch to DD specialization.
  • RF – checking the readiness of the raid for battle.
  • Pug – random ed.
  • Chemistry - elixirs, flasks and all sorts of combat bottles. Usually all this is useful on special strong bosses; in a pug it is practically not needed.
  • MT is a main tank or main tank, a player who keeps all the mobs on himself.
  • OT is a backup tank in case the main one dies or loses aggro.
  • Aggro is the rage of the mob, whoever holds aggro is hit by the mob/boss.
  • The ax - the devil knows where the player came from, is stupid and in every possible way sets up the raid.
  • The carriage is a player who just goes to get dressed. Almost useless in a raid.
  • A steam locomotive is the opposite of a carriage, it is very strong and carries the entire raid on itself.
  • Slack is a player who does nothing at all. He's resting stupidly.
  • Sumon or Sum - calling a participant, raid participants into a dungeon.
  • Fist, Helmet, Inta, Paw, etc. - buffs of various classes.
  • Napul – transferring aggro to tanks using special skills of various classes.

Level of things - what is it?

In addition to the GS, which determines the level of things. There are levels of things provided by the developers. Therefore, very often RL looks at the level of individual and the general level of things. This careful selection is explained by the difficulty of completing the dungeon. If anyone in the group is poorly dressed, a wipe will inevitably occur.

They usually look at the level of items when they are going to take you to the Guild and to a team in the Arena.

As a rule, they don’t look at the level when the pogue is going. When you queue for a random dungeon, etc.

It can be useful to look for raids on trash or turnips.

  • Raid on trash– here they don’t look at the level of things, because the group is going to kill only monsters, and will leave the bosses to others.
  • Raid on turnips– the group is going to kill only monsters, because for killing they give reputation points. Always try to get into such raids. And get dressed and improve your reputation.

Where and how to dress

I advise the green clad player to dress first in 5 man dungeons. In these dungeons you can equip items blue up to level 333. If you play heroic mode You can dress up to level 346.

By visiting various dungeons as part of a raid, you will receive various points, including justice points. Justice points can be used to buy items of levels 346 and 359. For valor points - level 378.

Quests, on quests you can also dress well. For example, for reputation in Hyjal and the associated Fiery Front zone, you can get level 365 items. In Firelands raids - level 378.

He strives where he needs to go

Dungeon Fire expanses(OP) To get here, you first need to complete a chain of quests. After you have completed the Hyjal quest chain, you can look for a group.

Dungeon Baradin Fortress(KB) or (TB – Tol Barad) is located in a PvP zone, so before looking for a group there, you need to conquer this zone in a PvP battle. Well, or wait for other players of your faction to do this. The requirements for this dungeon are very high. Try to get dressed in a different place first. Where? More on this below.

Now it’s easier about dungeons. They drop things at a slightly lower level, but the difficulty of such dungeons is lower.

Dungeon Blackwing Descent(TKT) There are as many as six bosses in this dungeon. That's why there is a lot of loot in it. But it is quite difficult to pass.

Throne of the Four Winds(HTV) is a fairly simple dungeon, in it you can find two bosses, a conclave of winds and Al "Akir. Again, Al "Akir requires practice and a certain level of things.

Twilight Bastion(SB) is the most difficult on the list. It is home to 4 bosses in normal mode and 5 in heroic mode. Completing such a dungeon requires knowledge of tactics and a certain level of play with your character.

That's probably all! If you have any questions, please leave a comment. I will be happy to supplement the article with your questions and answers.

It’s always great if a character doesn’t stand in one place, but continues to develop and eventually moves from ordinary dungeons to heroic ones. As soon as a sufficient level of things is obtained, you will be able to go to more serious ones, which will further strengthen your character. But to get into these heroic dungeons, you need to dress up well, and where to do this? Couple useful tips for beginners:

Reputation with factions

A good reputation with various factions of Outland, Northrend or Cataclysm (depending on which you play) will provide you with more or less decent equipment with purple and blue items. You can fully outfit your character this way, reaching the minimum level of items required for heroic dungeons. The items you wear, at the appropriate level, will raise not only your characteristics, but also your reputation, which your guildmates and random players will use in the future, knowing that you are ready to complete subsequent ones. It is worth knowing that each faction is not able to completely dress your character, but only gives certain things to a certain cell, so get ready to meet many representatives of distant lands.

Dungeons are awesome!

Of course, the preparation for heroic dungeons are low difficulty dungeons, which will give you equipment even higher than that needed for heroics. It's absolutely fine to go a long way toward achieving your goal if you're only collecting stuff through easy difficulty dungeons. Before entering a dungeon, make sure it contains the items your character needs. Please also take into account that the thing can be played out not only between you, but also among your classmates for their own purposes. For example, a paladin can pick up cloth shoulders to disenchant them. This is an absolutely normal phenomenon, but if the paladin is normal and sees that you need shoulders more, then he will not fight for the thing. Be polite in this process and don't take gear you don't need, it's not cool.


Some equipment can also be obtained from various professions, for example, blacksmithing Dozens of plate items are made in a variety of cells. Of course, this can cost you a pretty penny or a huge investment of time - the choice is yours.


A huge number of things are included in the auction. This method is as effective as with professions. If you are unable to agree with a person to purchase an item directly, you can use an auction. This is the fastest, but also the most expensive way, because here players can set the most unimaginable prices. Be that as it may, both this method and the previous one will significantly increase the overall level of things.

Improve your progress!

Finally, I just want to say that if you want to level up your character to the desired level and put on the appropriate equipment, then continue playing! Work on your reputation, go through dungeons and upgrade your professions. Golden rule fast pumping any hero - continue to work.

Prepared overview of raids and dungeons in Legion: what changes have appeared, what rewards await players, how the mining system in dungeons has changed and WOW raids Legion.

Legion Dungeons

Key news about Legion dungeons for 5 players:

  • There are 4 difficulties available: Normal, Heroic, Mythic and Mythic + (the last three are only at level 110).
  • The total number of dungeons for 5 people is 10. 4 of them are available during leveling, 9 are available for completion in Mythic+ mode. Two dungeons in Suramar are only available on Mythic difficulty and require certain conditions to be met in order to enter them.
  • Thanks to new mechanics Players of different levels can complete the same dungeon and feel like they're doing the same damage.
  • Dungeon loot levels at level 110:
    • Normal – 810
    • Heroic – 825
    • Mythic – 840
  • All equipment can drop with the “battle-forged” (+5-15 levels) or “titan-forged” (+20 or more levels) upgrades, which increases its level.
  • To get in line for heroics, intermediate level The character must have at least 810 items.
  • Some send players into Legion dungeons to deal with rare monsters.
  • For achieving Glory of the Legion Hero you can get the mount: Reins of the Hippogriff with Arcane Plumage (check out our guides: mount guide And guide to Glory to the Legion Hero).
  • Mythic+ mode is replacement for the test mode from the previous ones Add-ons World of Warcraft. This mode is intended for the most skilled players.
  • There is a progressive difficulty scale for the E+ mode, when special abilities and effects are added to the monsters in the dungeon - such effects change every week and can affect the optimal setup of classes and specializations for completing the dungeon.

Legion Dungeon Reviews

We have prepared reviews of many Legion dungeons. In the guides you will find information and tactics on bosses, interesting loot and tips for completing achievements.

Dungeon Complexity Where is it located (map)
Black Rook Fortress N (110), G, E, E+ Western coast of Valshara
Quarter of Stars E, E+ Suramar
Darkheart Thicket N (98), G, E, E+ North of Valshara
Eye of Azshara N (98), G, E, E+ East of Azsuna
Halls of Valor N (98), G, E, E+ East of Stormheim
Maw of Souls N (110), G, E, E+ Stormheim
Neltharion's Lair N (98), G, E, E+ Highmountain North
Catacombs of Suramar E, E+ Suramar
Casemates of the Guardians N (110), G, E, E+ Isle of the Guardians in Azsuna
Assault on the Violet Fortress N (105), G, E Dalaran

Loot system in Legion dungeons

In WOW Legion the developers have returned the traditional loot system– loot from bosses will no longer be repeated in different dungeons. All normals are now flexible in terms of levels (like Legion locations, they adapt to the player’s level).

For normals at level 110, the standard item level is 810, for heroics - 825, for Mythic dungeons - 840.

Through the system of "battle-hardened" items maximum level items at the start of the Legion – 850. The same items can be obtained for completing local quests.

Hit Conditions (Suramar)

To get into the Catacombs of Suramar and the Quarter of Stars, you need to fulfill certain conditions. E These dungeons are only available on E and E+ difficulties, but you can get two sets with special effects in them.

  • Reach 8000/12000 Respect reputation with the Nightfallen faction.
  • Earn the Darkened But Not Forgotten achievement, and complete the "Lunar Twilight" and "Blood and Wine" steps in the Good Suramaritan achievement.
  • Complete the Political Arts step by giving Arluin two separate bribes of 800 and 1200 Ancient Mana (read: where to get Ancient Mana in WOW)
  • Complete the quest Friends with Benefit.

Legion Dungeon Rewards

You can receive the following rewards:

  • Glory to the Legion Hero gives a total of 290 achievement points + Hippogryph mount with arcane plumage.
  • For completing the first heroic per week, Great Adventurer Glory is given.
  • For the achievement Poor Unfortunate Souls in the Maw of Souls you can get the pet Swimming Pooper (see List of all Legion pets).
  • Most Legion professions have quests that send the player into dungeons to obtain higher rank recipes.
  • Each dungeon drops recipes for professions, as well as Blood of Sargeras (read: how to get Blood of Sargeras in WOW)

World quests

Among the local quests there are those that send the player to one of the Legion’s dungeons. In addition to equipment, such quests provide reputation with a certain faction of the Broken Isles.

For example, the quest Neltharion's Treasure gives reputation with Tribes of Highmountain, and to complete it you need to find a rare monster and kill the final boss in Neltharion's Lair.

Mythic+ Reward

The Mythic+ mode will open on September 20 – from now on you will be able to get keys to dungeons of this type. Main features of this mode:

  • Certain keys unlock increasingly difficult versions of the dungeon. You can upgrade the key by completing the dungeon within a certain time frame.
  • The loot system is still being developed. Currently, players are receiving pieces of equipment that will help them in the battle against the final boss.
  • For the best dungeon completed in one week you will receive corresponding box with loot and key V stronghold of your class next week. The quality of loot and key will depend on the results of last week.
  • Monsters in E+ dungeons have a specific set of mechanics that change every week. This way, players will be able to create appropriate party variations for this week's dungeon.
  • There are no restrictions on access to Mythic+ dungeons. The role of restrictions is played by the level and number of keys that the player can receive.
  • Achieving 1st on the server! Lord of the Keys from the “Rituals of Power” category is intended for the first player on the server who will complete the dungeon in Mythic+ mode of at least difficulty level 15 within the allotted time.
  • One special artifact skin is unlocked by completing the Lord of the Keys achievement.

Legion Raids

  • Emerald Nightmare. A raid consisting of 7 bosses. What the players dreamed and asked for. He was created by the Titans as an ideal version of Azeroth itself. However, something went wrong and darkness began to engulf the world. In The Emerald Nightmare, players will have to walk the line between our reality and the reality of the Emerald Dream, find Cenarius and fight the mighty Xavius.
  • Palace of Suramar. There are already 10 bosses. The royal elven palace, ruled by the Supreme Master. He made a deal with the Legion, allowing them to use the Pillar of Creation to create the Nightwell. This raid will remind players of the Black Temple. You will begin fighting in the catacombs, moving through the royal quarter and ending at the Well, where you will find Gul'dan. And he will no longer escape from here, battle cannot be avoided!

Useful guides on the Legion

What did you like about the new dungeons and raids in the WOW Legion expansion? What do you think of the Mythic + dungeon mode idea?
