Dragon age origins king's confidant walkthrough. Dragon Age Quests from official DLC

A: After you are automatically transported to Ostagar with the Gray Warden documents, you should go to point A (this is the place where you spoke with Duncan before going to Korcari Wilds). Talk to him and you can begin the process of becoming a Gray Warden - an oath that you will learn is lifelong and cannot be waived. Hand over the documents you found in the Wild Lands - Duncan will thank you. Then you can talk a little by the fire, and then you will be transferred to another location in Ostagar, where the initiation process itself will begin.

The Gray Guardians call the initiation ritual The Joining. As you probably already guessed, the vessels with the blood of the Fiends will be used in the ritual. But they won’t poke you with needles, and they won’t brew potions either. No, friends, you will have to drink blood from the cup. Creepy. After hearing complaints from your comrades, you can begin the process. The first person to drink from the cup will die immediately. The second one will naturally refuse to drink after what he saw, but will be stabbed with a dagger by Duncan. And finally, it's your turn.

It is obvious, of course, that you will not suffer the same fate as your friends, but after taking a sip from the cup you will lose consciousness. After a vision of monstrous dragons and battle, you will finally come to your senses. Duncan and Alistair, bending over you, will ask questions about what you saw in your dream and what you felt - this is probably a completely normal phenomenon. They will then tell you to meet them at the military council nearby, where the next step in the fight against the Fiends of Darkness will be decided and discussed.

B: Approaching this location, the next cutscene will begin. Here, King Cailan and his military advisor formulate a plan for the next attack. The king and the adviser do not agree on many points, but the king is the king and his words carry more weight. The king wants to trust the Gray Wardens to go to the Tower of Ishal, where it will be necessary to light a signal so that the allied forces will know where and when to attack the enemy. Although this is essentially menial work for the Gray Wardens, it must be done and done correctly. Everyone agrees, and you must hit the road.

The next cutscene will automatically start here. Duncan will tell you and Alistair what is required of you. Alistair is not very happy that he will have to go light some kind of fire in the tower when he could participate in a real battle. You may agree with him or with Duncan's plan, but it will not change the course of events, nor will it change Duncan's opinion. He sends you to the tower and tells you that if plans change or if you are needed on the battlefield, he will send word.

This is not quite ordinary Walkthrough of the game Dragon Age Origins. The story is told from the perspective of the female protagonist. Elissa Cousland, a character from a noble family. The plot of the game is revealed in a somewhat free form. But it corresponds to the scenarios of installed mods and DLC with erotic content.

CHAPTER 2. Ostagar

Around noon, Duncan and I reached Ostagar. King Kailan himself came out to meet Duncan. This is where I met him. He knew my father well, and the news of his death greatly saddened him, he swore that at the end of the battle he would deploy his troops and destroy the treacherous Hou. He also told us that his troops had already won several victories over the Spawns of Darkness, and only one circumstance worries him. Until now, they have not seen the Archdemon, who controls the troops of the Spawn of Darkness. After the conversation, the king left, and Duncan and I went further to the Gray Wardens’ camp.

Duncan suggested that I rest a little and look around the camp, then find Alistair, one of the youngest Gray Wardens, and come to him with him. The first person I met at the location of King Cailan's troops was Wynn. Nice elderly woman. She turned out to be a magician and arrived to participate in the battle with the Spawns of Darkness. We met her and talked a little. I really liked her, she reminded me of my mother in some way. Although now I couldn’t remember my mother without tears.

Then I went further to look around the camp. After walking just a couple of steps, I heard one of the soldiers make an unambiguous proposal to one of the girls who was also in the army. As I got closer, I found out that it was Davet, a Gray Guardians recruit like me. Davet turned out to be that womanizer. Although it didn't bother me at all. Davet admitted that he was afraid of the upcoming initiation, then I, in order to somehow cheer him up, offered him what he wanted from that soldier girl. We quickly found an empty tent and indulged in carnal pleasures. In love pleasures he was not modest and did not experience fear...

As I walked up to the infirmary, I noticed a knight who stood out because he was not dressed like the other soldiers. I understood correctly, it was Sir Jory, another recruit of the Gray Wardens. We met and chatted a little. Sir Jory was clearly worried about the upcoming tests, it was very noticeable. After our conversation, he went to Duncan. And I continued to look around. Suddenly I heard dogs barking. These were mabaris. I thought that my Baby was somewhere nearby and went there. No, the Kid wasn't there. I saw there the Ash Warriors, specially trained warriors to control the mabari.

A pretty young girl stood out among them. I didn't think there were women among the Ash Warriors. I heard the same thing from her, addressed to me, when I approached her to meet her. Her name was Jessie. We got to talking, giggled a little, making fun of the men, and she immediately blew off one of her admirers in front of me. She admitted that she doesn’t give it to him because he’s not her type. Then she invited me to privacy, because before the battle she still wanted to experience affection. I didn't mind. When we wandered into the thickets and disappeared from prying eyes, I used my knowledge that I received from Iona.

Jessie was great! She had clean, soft skin. Firm breasts with hard nipples sticking out in different directions. The smell of her skin excited me. She screamed and squealed with pleasure as I caressed her. I even thought that now the whole camp would come running to find out what was happening. Although she also couldn’t restrain herself when Jesy caressed me. We spent about an hour with Jesse in a mind-blowing, frantic race to orgasm. Then they lay for a long time, with their noses buried in each other, smiling and kissing. Unfortunately, it was time to return to reality, and I said goodbye to Jesse and went to look for Alistair.

I found Alistair arguing with some magician. He had to convey a message to this magician from the high priestess of the church, and the magician clearly did not like this. In the end, the excited magician left, calling me names in the process. Although I had nothing to do with it. I approached Alistair. Nice young man. I noted to myself that I would have to get to know him better. A conversation ensued, and when he asked if I was a magician, I reassured him by saying that although I knew some magic, I was not a magician. Then she invited him to go to Duncan together; he was probably already waiting.

Duncan was indeed already waiting for us. Sir Jory and Davet stood nearby. Duncan remarked to Alistair that he should be more careful in conversations with magicians, because they complained about Alistair. Alistair apologized and promised that he would be more careful in the future. Duncan then gave us a task. We had to go out into the Korcari Wilds and obtain three vials of Darkspawn blood, one for each recruit. We also had to find the old tower of the Gray Guardians who once guarded these lands and find scrolls there protected by magical seals.

On the way to the gate blocking the exit to the wild lands, I noticed a girl excitedly pacing back and forth. Her face was tattooed like an elf, but she was not an elf. They approached her and found out that she was an Amazon and was afraid that something had happened to her friend, who had gone with a detachment of soldiers on reconnaissance. I promised her that we would look for him. Then we went out into the Korcari Wilds to complete our first combat mission. The first ones we came across were wolves. A pack of hungry wolves attacked us. We quickly dealt with these brats and moved on.

After running a little along the path among the Korcari swamps, we found a wounded scout. In response to my offer to take him to the camp, he only asked to bandage his wounds, and then he would get to the camp himself. Alistair quickly bandaged him and the scout, staggering, went to the camp. Sir Jory clearly panicked when he heard from the scout that their squad had been killed by the Spawn of Darkness. I had to calm him down and convince him that a possible meeting with the Spawn of Darkness was part of our test as Gray Guardians.

We moved on. We noticed the first Spawns of Darkness immediately behind the ruins that stretched to our left. They stood on a hillock. They entered into battle and, having destroyed them, continued on their way. The next detachment of the Spawn of Darkness was a little more numerous and set many traps. There was also a magician among them. But unfortunately for them, this did not save them. The blood of the Spawn of Darkness we needed had already been obtained; all that remained was to find the old tower in which we must pick up the scrolls. Well then, go ahead!

And here is the tower, or rather what’s left of it. On the approach to it, we had to wave our blades again, since there were Spawns of Darkness here too. When we entered the ruins, we found only a broken chest; there were no scrolls in place. When I was picking through the dust that filled the chest, trying to find something similar to scrolls, I heard a voice. A black-haired, pretty girl approached us. The delicate features of her pretty face were in harmony with her unusual outfit. The staff behind her indicated that she possessed magic.

This is how we met Morrigan. Alistair was very wary of Morrigan's appearance. Sir Jory and Davet were clearly frightened. I introduced myself and told her why we were here. Morrigan smiled back at me and also identified herself. Then she, despite Alistair's obvious hostility, told us that the scrolls we are looking for here were taken by her mother. I asked her if she could take us to her mother, because we really needed these scrolls. Morrigan, her eyes sparkling, smiled at me again and asked me to follow her.

After some time we found ourselves in a tiny clearing where there was a small hut. An elderly woman stood near the hut. Alistair would say she’s an old woman, but I’m a well-mannered girl! Mother Morrigan confirmed that it was she who took the scrolls of the Gray Wardens and preserved them, since the magical seal had long since decayed. Alistair even opened his mouth in surprise when he learned about this. After handing me the scrolls, Mother Morrigan warned us that things were much more serious than the Gray Wardens thought. I thanked her, and then Morrigan led us to the camp.

With Morrigan we quickly returned to the camp. When they came to Duncan, they told him that they had completed his task. Duncan said it was time to begin the ritual then. Which seriously frightened Sir Jory and Davet. We had to drink the blood of the Spawn of Darkness, the very same one that we brought. If we survive this, we will become Gray Wardens, the blood we drink will allow us to sense the Spawn of Darkness at a distance. Davet, who drank the cup first, did not survive. Sir Jory panicked and grabbed his sword, but there was no turning back. Duncan finished him off himself. Now I was holding the cup filled with blood with caution.

When I woke up, I saw Alistair and Duncan above me. They sighed in relief when I opened my eyes. I remembered how, choking, I swallowed terribly disgusting blood, then the fog closed my eyes, a dragon appeared spewing magical flames... and that’s all. The next thing I saw was Duncan and Alistair. Alistair handed me a pendant with a drop of the blood of the Spawn of Darkness, this was the completion of the initiation ritual. Duncan told me to get some rest and then head to meet King Cailan for my next assignment.

Rubbing my bruised butt, because after drinking blood I lost consciousness and landed on it, I decided to walk around the camp. While wandering around the camp, I noticed the Amazon Raina, whom I had met before going on a mission to the Korcari Wilds. I approached her. It turned out that the soldier whom we bandaged was her friend, for which Raina thanked me warmly. When asked if she had seen the initiation, Raina replied that in their tribe they undergo a rite of passage, becoming Amazons by fighting very poisonous spiders. Spider bites can kill or drive you insane. Those who undergo such initiation become almost invulnerable.

I said that our rituals are somewhat similar. Raina, in gratitude for saving her friend, called me her sister and since we are now sisters, we must make love. This is part of their ritual. I was very pleased that I would be part of her family. We settled down on the tower and began to caress each other. Raina had amazing abilities. From her touch, warmth spread throughout my body, I completely surrendered to her and her skills. The orgasm came over me in waves and finally I experienced it. Juices flowed like a fountain from my pussy, spasms continuously ran through my body. Raina, smiling, put her face under my fountain, and gently kissed my swollen pussy.

How I didn’t want to leave her, to leave these tender hands, these bright sweet lips…. O creator! But I remembered that the king was waiting for me. Raina gently hugged me goodbye, kissed me with a long kiss on the lips and said that we would definitely meet again. I went to meet the king.

At the meeting where I arrived, King Cailan was arguing with his commander Loghain. Duncan stood and waited for the argument to end. Seeing me, the king congratulated me on my initiation into the Gray Wardens, while Loghain winced with disgust and reproached the king for relying too much on the Gray Wardens. Then, having nevertheless come to a common opinion in his dispute, the king instructed me and Alistair to light a signal fire on the tower of Ishal. This will be a signal for Loghain, who will be in ambush with his army. At this point the meeting ended.

Alistair was very upset when he found out that instead of attacking the Spawn of Darkness, we would have to hang around on the tower with a torch in our hands. But I understood that if the king himself asked for this, then this was a serious matter. Duncan gave us a few more parting words and said goodbye to us. When Duncan left, I, left alone with Alistair, examined my weapons and ammunition and, sighing, said that I was ready to move out. Alistair confirmed that he was ready too. My Baby immediately barked joyfully. Now that Duncan is gone, he's back with me.

From the king's camp to the Ishal tower it was necessary to cross a bridge. Under a hail of arrows and fireballs from catapults, Alistair, my mabari and I broke through to Ishal's tower. A magician and one of Loghain's soldiers ran towards us from the tower. The soldier reported that the Spawn of Darkness broke into the tower from the inside and captured the tower. It's not getting any easier hour by hour! The four of us, followed by the same magician whom we met on the approach to the tower, rushed to attack the Ishal tower. The tower was indeed captured. The creatures of Darkness, like cockroaches, crawled throughout the tower. Having killed a fair number of fiends, we finally reached the top floor.

Having burst into the top floor, where we were supposed to light the signal fire, we were dumbfounded. There, spitting saliva, a giant Ogre gutted the soldier. Having abandoned his prey, the Ogre moved towards us. But you won’t take us that easily! The three of us rushed at the Ogre, the magician fired his magic missiles from the doors. I had to sweat a lot before I jumped and stuck both swords into his chest. The ogre fell to the ground, I finished him off by making a hole in his huge head. And here is a fireplace full of flammable materials that we must light. The flames soared high into the sky. We managed to give a signal. But what is this?! Countless Spawn of Darkness burst through the doors.

Several arrows pierce me and Alistair. We fall to the floor dead. The light in the eyes becomes cloudy and the light goes out... Is this the end?!

The King's Confidant and Return to Ostagar
After you arrive at the camp for the first time. On the world map you will see a marker for one remote place. Go there. You will witness how bandits try to kill one noble sir. You can get into a fight, or you can just wait until the thugs injure their victim. We approach the bleeding nobleman, he will be Sir Elric. He recognizes you, and you him, for both were in Ostagar. Elric will tell you about the important papers of King Cailan that still remain in Ostagar, where the key to the chest is hidden, and where they are kept. He will also ask you, on occasion, to bury the king with appropriate honors, after which he will go to the Creator.
Now we will have an Ostagar marker on our map. As soon as you think you're ready, go there. You have to clear the territory from the creatures of darkness. Each Genlock General will have a piece of Kaylan's equipment. Along the way, pick up the key to the hiding place, look into the abandoned royal tent and unlock the chest with the documents that Elric told you about. The body of Kaylan himself will be crucified on the fortress bridge. Garlock the Necromancer, the last of the generals, will constantly run away from you. You will have to run after him quite a bit through the dungeons of the Ishal Tower. He will eventually lead you to the battlefield where Duncan died. The corpse of the ogre who killed the king will remain at the site of the battle. The necromancer will revive him, so you will have to fight this huge monster first, and then kill the evil sorcerer. After winning, you will find yourself on the bridge, and a cutscene will play about how you bury Kaylan. As a result, we get the king's full set of armor (cuirass, boots, gloves and helmet), the king's weapons (Maric's blade and Kaylan's shield) and Duncan's weapons (sword and dagger).

Sulker Pass and Golem in Khonlith
After the first arrival at the squad’s camp, a Sulker Pass marker will appear on the world map. A merchant will be waiting for you there, who will give you the golem control rod and tell you that the golem itself is in the village of Khonlit. When we get there, we find complete destruction. The golem will stand motionless in the center of the square. But the control wand cannot revive him, because... the bauble has long since lost its power. Let's go figure out what's what. A couple of houses will be open. Also in the vicinity there will be a personalized chest of a certain Olaf, which will be locked with a key. In one of the houses the passage will go far, far down. We explore the dark corridors, killing all sorts of demonic creatures. As a result, we will meet a man named Matthias, who was the elder of this settlement. He will tell you that his daughter Amalia ran away below and got lost. We go to the very depths of the passage, find Olaf's key and meet the demon of Desire. In the dialogue with him, choose the option “demon, you won’t get it” (or something like that). It is possible to deceive if the persuasion skill is high (level 3 or higher). Say that you agree to give up the girl. And then kill the demon. The demon, by the way, also deceives and in the end always says: “I changed my mind and am keeping the girl for myself.” But it's not scary. Because the girl herself will get scared and run away, not wanting to stay. A girl dies only if she is voluntarily given to a demon. We kill the creature and return upstairs to Matthias and report everything. As a reward, he will tell us a secret word that can revive the golem. We bring a stone creature to life. This is how we meet Sheila. When you leave the village, don't forget about Olaf's chest, it contains valuable things.

Star metal
During your travels around the world map, the following event will occur. You will witness a scene where an elderly couple finds a child in a meteorite pit and takes it for themselves (reference to Superman). Afterwards you need to go down into this pit and pick up the meteorite iron from there. Levi Dryden's brother will forge a cool sword from it later in Soldier's Peak.
Soldier's Peak and Demon Deals
When you first enter the squad’s camp, a guy named Levi Dryden will contact you. He will tell you about the ancient fortress of the gray guards, Soldier's Peak. The young man wants to go there because... His grandmother Sophia Dryden once commanded that fortress, and no one still knows what happened to her.
In Soldier's Peak, we will now and then watch scenes from the past of the fortress, which will be reproduced by local ghosts. Very soon we will understand that something like a small civil war has happened here. Sophia Dryden, in order to preserve the fortress, made a deal with demons. And, alas, after the enemies of the guards were defeated, the demons took over. The fortress is infested with undead and other evil spirits. There was a rupture in the veil, and now the fortress is virtually doomed to extinction.
However, we will meet Sophia Dryden herself, or rather her shell. She managed to contain the demon that had entered her body and is able to close the gap in the veil. True, she will do this in exchange for one favor. We have to go to the fortress tower and kill everyone we meet there. You can agree, or you can convince Sofia to first seal the hole in the curtain (you need a persuasion skill of at least 3). In the tower we will meet the magician Avernus, whom it is advisable to leave alive, but prohibit him from experimenting on people. If you kill him, Morrigan and Leliana will be very offended. Sophia Dryden will be furious that you deceived her and will try to kill you. We kill her, take the guard-commander’s set of armor and entrust the fortress to Levi.
Note 1: Sophia Dryden can be killed right away. In this case, Avernus will close the hole in the veil.
Note 2: On the way to Avernus you will find a bottle of possession potion. By drinking it when playing as a warrior, you will receive two abilities: speeding up the battle (at the expense of your own health), and throwing (without harming yourself) your own infected blood onto your opponents, which knocks them down and wounds them (sometimes severely).
When you return to the fortress next time, the corpses and other disgrace will be removed, and good merchants and blacksmiths will appear.

History of the Gray Guardian Base
The quest is completed in Soldier's Peak. To take it, just read everything you can get your hands on inside the fortress. As soon as all the necessary information is received, an entry will appear in the diary that one of the knights hid a treasure in the fortress. To find it, click on the picture above the fireplace. A cache with a chest will open. Let's take our things. The quest is completed.
Note: The cache must be found before completing the main quest in the Peak and leaving the fortress, because... When you return to the fortress again, it will no longer be possible to enter inside.

Unfortunately, games have flaws: stutters, low FPS, crashes, freezes, bugs and other minor and not so minor errors. Often problems begin even before the game starts, when it does not install, does not load, or does not even download. And the computer itself sometimes does weird things, and then in Dragon Age: Origins - Return to Ostagar there is a black screen instead of a picture, the controls don’t work, you can’t hear the sound or anything else.

What to do first

  1. Download and run the world famous CCleaner(download via direct link) - this is a program that will clean your computer of unnecessary garbage, as a result of which the system will work faster after the first reboot;
  2. Update all drivers on the system using the program Driver Updater(download via direct link) - it will scan your computer and update all drivers to the latest version in 5 minutes;
  3. Install Advanced System Optimizer(download via direct link) and enable game mode in it, which will end useless background processes while launching games and improve in-game performance.

System requirements for Dragon Age: Origins Return to Ostagar

The second thing to do if you encounter any problems with Dragon Age: Origins - Return to Ostagar is to check the system requirements. In a good way, you need to do this before purchasing, so as not to regret the money spent.

Minimum system requirements for Dragon Age: Origins - Return to Ostagar:

Win Xp 32, Intel Core 2 Duo E4300 1.8GHz, 1 GB RAM, 1 GB HDD, AMD Radeon X850 XT

Every gamer should at least have a little understanding of components, know why a video card, processor and other things are needed in the system unit.

Files, drivers and libraries

Almost every device in a computer requires a set of special software. These are drivers, libraries and other files that ensure the correct operation of the computer.

You should start with the drivers for your video card. Modern graphics cards are manufactured by only two large companies - Nvidia and AMD. Having found out which product drives the coolers in the system unit, we go to the official website and download the latest driver package:

A prerequisite for the successful operation of Dragon Age: Origins Return to Ostagar is the availability of the latest drivers for all devices in the system. Download the utility Driver Updater to easily and quickly download the latest drivers and install them with one click:

If Dragon Age: Origins - Return to Ostagar does not start, we recommend that you try disabling your antivirus or putting the game in antivirus exceptions, and also check again for compliance with the system requirements and if something from your build does not comply, then improve yours if possible PC by purchasing more powerful components.

In Dragon Age: Origins Return to Ostagar, black screen, white screen, color screen. Solution

Problems with screens of different colors can be divided into 2 categories.

Firstly, they often involve using two video cards at once. For example, if your motherboard has a built-in video card, but you play on a discrete one, then Dragon Age: Origins - Return to Ostagar may launch for the first time on the built-in one, but you will not see the game itself, because the monitor is connected to a discrete video card.

Secondly, color screens occur when there are problems with displaying images on the screen. This can happen for various reasons. For example, Dragon Age: Origins - Return to Ostagar cannot work through an outdated driver or does not support the video card. Also, a black/white screen may appear when working at resolutions that are not supported by the game.

Dragon Age: Origins - Return to Ostagar crashes. At a specific or random moment. Solution

You play for yourself, play and then - bam! - everything goes out, and now in front of you is a desktop without any hint of a game. Why is this happening? To solve the problem, you should try to figure out what the nature of the problem is.

If a crash occurs at a random moment in time without any pattern, then with a 99% probability we can say that this is a bug of the game itself. In this case, it is very difficult to fix something, and the best thing to do is just put Dragon Age: Origins Return to Ostagar aside and wait for the patch.

However, if you know exactly at what moments the crash occurs, then you can continue the game, avoiding situations that provoke a crash.

However, if you know exactly at what moments the crash occurs, then you can continue the game, avoiding situations that provoke a crash. In addition, you can download the Dragon Age: Origins - Return to Ostagar save and bypass the departure location.

Dragon Age: Origins Return to Ostagar freezes. The picture freezes. Solution

The situation is approximately the same as with crashes: many freezes are directly related to the game itself, or rather to the developer’s mistake when creating it. However, often a frozen picture can become a starting point for investigating the deplorable state of a video card or processor.

So if the picture in Dragon Age: Origins - Return to Ostagar freezes, then use programs to display statistics on component loading. Perhaps your video card has long exhausted its working life or the processor is heating up to dangerous temperatures?

The easiest way to check the load and temperatures for the video card and processors is in the MSI Afterburner program. If you wish, you can even display these and many other parameters on top of the Dragon Age: Origins Return to Ostagar picture.

What temperatures are dangerous? Processors and video cards have different operating temperatures. For video cards they are usually 60-80 degrees Celsius. For processors it is slightly lower - 40-70 degrees. If the processor temperature is higher, then you should check the condition of the thermal paste. It may have already dried out and needs to be replaced.

If the video card is heating up, then you should use a driver or an official utility from the manufacturer. It is necessary to increase the number of revolutions of the coolers and check whether the operating temperature decreases.

Dragon Age: Origins - Return to Ostagar is slow. Low FPS. Frame rate drops. Solution

If there are slowdowns and low frame rates in Dragon Age: Origins Return to Ostagar, the first thing to do is lower the graphics settings. Of course, there are many of them, so before reducing everything, it’s worth finding out exactly how certain settings affect performance.

Screen resolution. In short, this is the number of points that make up the game picture. The higher the resolution, the higher the load on the video card. However, the increase in load is insignificant, so you should reduce the screen resolution only as a last resort, when everything else no longer helps.

Texture quality. Typically, this setting determines the resolution of the texture files. The texture quality should be reduced if the video card has a small amount of video memory (less than 4 GB) or if you are using a very old hard drive with a spindle speed of less than 7200.

Model quality(sometimes just detailing). This setting determines which set of 3D models will be used in the game. The higher the quality, the more polygons. Accordingly, high-poly models require more processing power from the video card (not to be confused with the amount of video memory!), which means this parameter should be reduced on video cards with low core or memory frequencies.

Shadows. They are implemented in different ways. In some games, shadows are created dynamically, that is, they are calculated in real time at every second of the game. Such dynamic shadows load both the processor and the video card. For optimization purposes, developers often abandon full rendering and add pre-rendered shadows to the game. They are static, because essentially they are just textures overlaid on top of the main textures, which means they load memory, and not the video card core.

Often developers add additional settings related to shadows:

  • Shadow Resolution - Determines how detailed the shadow cast by an object will be. If the game has dynamic shadows, it loads the video card core, and if a pre-created render is used, then it “eats” the video memory.
  • Soft shadows - smooths out unevenness in the shadows themselves, usually this option is given along with dynamic shadows. Regardless of the type of shadows, it loads the video card in real time.

Smoothing. Allows you to get rid of ugly corners on the edges of objects through the use of a special algorithm, the essence of which usually comes down to generating several images at once and comparing them, calculating the most “smooth” picture. There are many different anti-aliasing algorithms, which differ in the level of impact on the performance of Dragon Age: Origins - Return to Ostagar.

For example, MSAA works head-on, creating 2, 4 or 8 renders at once, so the frame rate is reduced by 2, 4 or 8 times, respectively. Algorithms like FXAA and TAA work a little differently, achieving a smooth image by calculating only the edges and using some other tricks. Thanks to this, they do not reduce performance as much.

Lighting. As with anti-aliasing, there are different algorithms for lighting effects: SSAO, HBAO, HDAO. They all use video card resources, but they do it differently depending on the video card itself. The fact is that the HBAO algorithm was promoted mainly on video cards from Nvidia (GeForce line), so it works best on “green” ones. HDAO, on the contrary, is optimized for video cards from AMD. SSAO is the simplest type of lighting; it consumes the least resources, so if it’s slow in Dragon Age: Origins - Return to Ostagar, it’s worth switching to it.

What to reduce first? Shadows, anti-aliasing and lighting effects tend to take the most work, so it's best to start there.

Gamers often have to optimize Dragon Age: Origins - Return to Ostagar themselves. Almost all major releases have various related forums where users share their ways to improve productivity.

One of them is a special program called Advanced System Optimizer. It is made specifically for those who do not want to manually clean their computer of various temporary files, delete unnecessary registry entries and edit the startup list. Advanced System Optimizer does this for you and also analyzes your computer to find ways to improve performance in apps and games.

Dragon Age: Origins Return to Ostagar lags. Large delay when playing. Solution

Many people confuse “brakes” with “lags,” but these problems have completely different causes. Dragon Age: Origins - Return to Ostagar slows down when the frame rate at which the image is displayed on the monitor decreases, and lags when the delay when accessing the server or any other host is too high.

This is why “lags” can only happen in online games. The reasons are different: bad network code, physical distance from servers, network congestion, incorrectly configured router, low Internet connection speed.

However, the latter happens least often. In online games, communication between client and server occurs through the exchange of relatively short messages, so even 10 MB per second should be enough.

There is no sound in Dragon Age: Origins Return to Ostagar. I can't hear anything. Solution

Dragon Age: Origins - Return to Ostagar works, but for some reason it does not sound - this is another problem that gamers face. Of course, you can play like this, but it’s still better to figure out what’s going on.

First you need to determine the scale of the problem. Where exactly is there no sound - only in the game or even on the computer? If only in a game, then perhaps this is due to the fact that the sound card is very old and does not support DirectX.

If there is no sound at all, then the problem is definitely in the computer settings. Perhaps the sound card drivers are installed incorrectly, or maybe there is no sound due to some specific error in our beloved Windows OS.

Controls do not work in Dragon Age: Origins - Return to Ostagar. Dragon Age: Origins Return to Ostagar does not recognize the mouse, keyboard or gamepad. Solution

How to play if it is impossible to control the process? Problems with supporting specific devices are inappropriate here, because we are talking about familiar devices - a keyboard, mouse and controller.

Thus, errors in the game itself are practically excluded; the problem is almost always on the user's side. You can solve it in different ways, but, one way or another, you will have to contact the driver. Usually, when you connect a new device, the operating system immediately tries to use one of the standard drivers, but some models of keyboards, mice and gamepads are incompatible with them.

Thus, you need to find out the exact model of the device and try to find its driver. Devices from well-known gaming brands often come with their own software packages, since the standard Windows driver simply cannot ensure the correct operation of all functions of a particular device.

If you don’t want to search for drivers for all devices separately, you can use the program Driver Updater. It is designed to automatically search for drivers, so you only need to wait for the scan results and download the necessary drivers in the program interface.

Often the brakes in Dragon Age: Origins - Return to Ostagar can be caused by viruses. In this case, it makes no difference how powerful the video card is in the system unit. You can scan your computer and clean it of viruses and other unwanted software using special programs. For example NOD32. The antivirus has proven itself to be the best and has been approved by millions of users around the world.

ZoneAlarm is suitable for both personal use and small businesses, capable of protecting a computer running Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista and Windows XP from any attacks: phishing, viruses, malware, spyware and other cyber threats . New users are given a 30-day free trial.

Nod32 is an antivirus from ESET, which has received many awards for its contribution to security development. Versions of anti-virus programs are available on the developer’s website for both PCs and mobile devices; a 30-day trial version is provided. There are special conditions for business.

Dragon Age: Origins - Return to Ostagar, downloaded from a torrent does not work. Solution

If the game distribution was downloaded via torrent, then in principle there can be no guarantees of operation. Torrents and repacks are almost never updated through official applications and do not work over the network, because in the process of hacking, hackers cut out all network functions from games, which are often used to verify the license.

Using such versions of games is not only inconvenient, but even dangerous, because very often many files in them have been changed. For example, to bypass protection, pirates modify the EXE file. At the same time, no one knows what else they do with it. Perhaps they embed self-executing software. For example, when the game is first launched, it will integrate into the system and use its resources to ensure the well-being of hackers. Or, giving access to the computer to third parties. There are no guarantees here and cannot be.

In addition, the use of pirated versions is, in the opinion of our publication, theft. The developers spent a lot of time creating the game, investing their own money in the hope that their brainchild would pay off. And every work must be paid.

Therefore, if any problems arise with games downloaded from torrents or hacked using one or another means, you should immediately remove the pirated version, clean your computer with an antivirus and a licensed copy of the game. This will not only protect you from dubious software, but will also allow you to download updates for the game and receive official support from its creators.

Dragon Age: Origins Return to Ostagar gives an error about a missing DLL file. Solution

As a rule, problems associated with missing DLLs arise when launching Dragon Age: Origins - Return to Ostagar, but sometimes the game can access certain DLLs during the process and, not finding them, crash in the most blatant manner.

To fix this error, you need to find the required DLL and install it on the system. The easiest way to do this is using the program DLL-fixer, which scans the system and helps quickly find missing libraries.

If your problem turns out to be more specific or the method outlined in this article did not help, then you can ask other users in our “” section. They will help you quickly!

Thank you for your attention!
