Dragon age origins cheat for items. Dragon Age: Origins cheats

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Game Dragon Age: Origins is a dark story set in a fantasy world where people are forced to live side by side with bizarre creatures and supernatural forces. Players will take part in an epic adventure lasting several tens of hours, creating their own unique character and uniting people around him to go together to confront the mysterious Pestilence. The project boasts a detailed world, a huge number of additional tasks and non-linearity, providing gamers with ample opportunities to create their own unique story.

And it’s worth noting right away that Dragon Age is clearly not a game for casuals. It requires competent leveling of skills, planning the actions of the protagonist and his squad. Did you do something wrong? Be prepared to die. It is not surprising that many players prefer to complete Origins using cheat codes.

How to enter cheats in Dragon Age: Origins

This function was hidden quite deeply by the developers, so before actually cheating you will have to do several preparatory manipulations. First of all, open the properties of your game client shortcut and add the parameter from quotation marks to the line where the path to the executable file is indicated: “-enabledeveloperconsole”. As the name suggests, it activates the developer console.

In itself, the above action does not give anything, since you also need to assign a key that will be responsible for launching the console. To do this, you must find the game settings file (by default it is located in the MyDocuments folder on the system drive). Go to My Documents/Bioware/DragonAge/Settings and run the file with the .ini extension. In the line “OpenConsole_0=Keyboard::Button_X” instead of X you will have to substitute a key that is convenient for you. To avoid problems, try to ensure that none of the controls in the game itself are assigned to it. That's it, now you can safely launch the game client, open the console and enter the commands you need.

Basic cheats for Dragon Age: Origins

IN this list will be listed basic commands, which are directly related to the gameplay and allow you to gain advantages as you progress.

Runscript addxp [value] – your protagonist and the characters around him will receive an increase in experience equal to the specified value. Please note that with each new level the character needs more XP points to achieve the next one.
runscript zz_money [value] – gives the specified amount copper coins(100 copper coins equal one silver coin, and 100 silver coins equal one gold coin).
runscript pc_immortal is a cheat code that makes your protagonist completely invulnerable to any attacks.
runscript setplayerimmortal - similar to the previous command, but extending its effect not only to your protégé, but also to his companions.
runscript killallhostiles - instantly kills all enemies within a certain radius of your character and his company.
runscript healplayer – instant restoration of all HP (hit points) and mana/stamina for the entire squad under your control.
runscript injury remall – a command to remove all damage from the protagonist.
runscript injury remparty – a command to remove all damage from the protagonist and his companions.
runscript zz_addparty [a number from 1 to 10] – allows you to add one of the characters mentioned below to the group. Alistair (1), attack dog (2), Morrigan (3), Vinna (4), Sheila (5), Stan (6), Zevran (7), Oghren (8), Leliana (9), Loghain (10) . The command can be used repeatedly, but there are several important nuances to consider.

Firstly, you need to understand that the game was originally conceived with a maximum limit of no more than three companions simultaneously in the group, so there will be some inconvenience with switching characters (some portraits of heroes will not be displayed in the interface). Secondly, in some places in the plot, exceeding the limit on the number of companions will lead to a breakdown of the game and the need to restore the functionality of the scripts using debugging commands.

Runscript zz_addapproval [number 1] [number 2] – a command that allows you to increase the loyalty of one of the group members to your protagonist. The first parameter is responsible for the number of points you want to add, the second is a number from 1 to 10. It was already indicated in the text above which number is responsible for which character.
runscript ai off – disable artificial intelligence from NPCs and enemies. Not only will they not attack you, but they won't move either.
runscript selectparty is a cheat code that will allow you to select a group. If it does not include the entire list of satellites, you will not be able to get the ones you need.
runscript chargen – opens a menu with a character generator.
runscript zz_dropparty – code for quickly disbanding a formed squad.
runscript zz_talk_nearest – allows you to initiate a dialogue script with a nearby computer character.
runscript zz_pre_strategy – instant teleportation of the entire squad to the territory of Ostagar.
runscript zz_givearmor – allows you to quickly acquire a set of armor from dragon scales. The items will appear in your protagonist's backpack.
runscript zz_party_addgifts – a set of gifts will appear in your inventory, the transfer of which will help improve your relations with your comrades from the squad.
runscript zz_createrunes – a set of runes appears in the inventory, with which you can enchant objects and weapons.
runscript zz_economizer – expanding the space in the protagonist’s backpack. Now its maximum capacity will be 125 units.
runscript zz_add_skills3 – after entering the command, your character will acquire three additional skill points, which will have to be spent on leveling up. In order for you to see them, you will have to open the statistics window or save, and then start the game from the last save file.
runscript addtalent [numeric value] – the character learns an ability with the selected numeric identifier.
runscript zz_reveal_map – full disclosure of the entire map (no need to visit each location to obtain data).
runscript cheater - instantly unlocks all game achievements.
runscript addtalent [number] – fast pumping skill with the specified numeric identifier. Changes can be reversed with the runscript removetalent command, again followed by the talent code.
runscript zz_jump_around – the command allows the squad to move to a random zone on the game map.

Codes for changing character

The process of developing a hero in the game Dragon Age: Origins is quite long, so when a person has already played for more than one hour and suddenly realizes that he does not like playing this or that class, he is faced with a problem. Fortunately, with the help console commands it can be solved, albeit with some nuances.

Runscript rogue [number] – changing the class to a rogue, complemented by the ability to select a level.
runscript warrior [number] – makes the protagonist a warrior with the specified level.
runscript wizard [number] – turns your protagonist into a wizard with the specified level of development.

The above three teams have side effect, expressed in the random distribution of characteristics, skills and abilities (more precisely, there is a kind of pseudo-random here - you get a more or less balanced hero, but not the kind you would like to make yourself). This may also lead to the loss of additional characteristics, Codex entries, and some quest items. You can protect yourself from this bug using the specified commands with the addition of “x”, for example, runscript roguex [number]. But then another problem will arise - the hero’s background will change. An elf can suddenly become a Dalish warrior, etc.

Upgrading abilities, skills, abilities and other categories of skills deserves special attention. They are added with the runscript addtalent [identifier] command, but not everything is so simple. The thing is that some classes are simply physically unable to learn certain abilities of other classes. For example, only magicians can use spells, and combat skills are the prerogative of only warriors and robbers. The corresponding windows will not be available to you, but some passive talents and active skills can operate and be displayed. If you want to fully combine classes, it is recommended to install a custom modification to learn any skills.

The list of skills in Dragon Age: Origins includes hundreds of items, and each of them is designated by several numerical identifiers responsible for one of four skill levels. You can view them in the tables of the official gaming Wikipedia. We will give just a few examples:

3036 – identifier of mastery of dual weapons – two swords, two axes, etc. Used by the Rogue class.
800 – ID of explosive shot, one of the deadliest skills of the rogue class.
1004, 91, 93 – allows the ranger character to summon various creatures. The wolf, bear and spider have their own characteristics that are effective against certain opponents.
2 – the skill belongs to the Warrior class and allows you to develop skill in handling shields, making defense as productive as possible.
10001, 10204, 10002, 10003 - four fire elemental spells that can be learned by characters of the Mage class.

In addition to the three main classes, characters have more precise specializations (you can call them subclasses). The same magicians can become spiritual healers, battle magicians, guardians, werewolves, etc. Several characters are unlocked only if you have the complete edition of the game, including Awakening, Stone Captive and other additions. It is best to install the stable version of the client - 1.05 Ultimate Edition. Most cheats and modifications have been tested by players and mod developers on it.

How else can you change the gameplay and cheat in Dragon Age

In addition to codes from the developer console, trainer programs will help you get advantages in the world of the Age of Dragons. For example, an excellent program from a certain Brewers, which is suitable for the ultimate edition (original + the “Awakening” add-on and other small add-ons). It assigns several useful cheats to the Numpad keys 1 to 7, which can be turned on and off at any time by simply pressing the desired number on the keyboard.

1 – infinite health scale. No matter how much you get hit, your hit points will never run out.
2 – the character has an infinite supply of mana. You can use spells and skills in unlimited quantities, without running into limits.
3 – one press on the “3” key on the numeric keypad will allow the character to gain an additional thousand experience.
4 – acts similarly to the previous button, only it is responsible for awarding attribute points (5 for each click).
5 – leveling up skills (gives 5 points, which the player distributes at his own discretion).
6 – easy upgrade of professional skills (5 points for free distribution).
7 – quickly get ten silver coins. Repeated clicks allow you to quickly fill yourself with unlimited reserves of currency.

Also, various mods that change different aspects of the game will help make the game more interesting - they add new weapons with their own unique characteristics, new companions, side quests and much more. Depending on the complexity and purpose, they require their own approach to installation. Some just need to be copied to the root directory of the game client, while others are best installed through the special DAO Modmanager program. The latter, by the way, is the most convenient option, as it allows you to conveniently sort and easily remove almost any third-party modifications without harming the performance of the game.

In the "My Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age\Settings\" folder, open the "keybindings.ini" file using Notepad. Find the line in it: "OpenConsole_0=Keyboard::Button_X" and change X to any key not used in gameplay. This key will open the console during the game. Save the file. Launch the game with the -enabledeveloperconsole parameter. To do this, in the shortcut to launch the game, add it after the quotes.

Example, "C:\Games\Dragon Age\bin_ship\daorigins.exe" -enabledeveloperconsole During the game, you can use the selected key to bring up the console, then enter the following cheat codes:

runscript addxp [number] - get the specified number of experience units

runscript zz_money [number] - get the specified amount of copper

runscript pc_immortal - invulnerability

runscript zz_addparty<имя>- add NPC to the team

runscript ai off - disable artificial intelligence

runscript ai on - enable artificial intelligence

runscript selectparty - team selection window

runscript chargen - character generation window

runscript pc_immortal - player cannot be killed runscript

killallhostiles - kill all enemies runscript

zz_addapproval X YY - add friend's reputation (X - name YY - count)

runscript zz_addparty - increase the number limit in the team

runscript healplayer - recovery for a player/team

runscript zz_dropparty - drop the current team

runscript zz_talk_nearest - talk to the nearest NPC

runscript zz_pre_strategy - teleportation to Duncan's fire in Ostagar

runscript zz_pre_demo2 - teleportation to Ostagar.

runscript addtalent [number] - add a talent/spell for a character

runscript removetalent [number] - remove the specified talent/spell

runscript bowlingforferelden - knock back the enemy and create a shield around you

runscript wizard - transform into level 2 Mage

runscript rogue - transform into level 2 Vagabond

Warrior script warrior - transform into level 2 Warrior

runscript cheater - all runscript achievements

zz_party_addgifts - gifts for all team members

runscript zz_cli_debug - go to end at Redcliffe Castle

runscript zz_jump_around - teleportation to an arbitrary point on the map

runscript zz_reveal_map - open the entire map

runscript injury remparty - remove all damage from a team

runscript injury remall - remove all your damage

runscript zz_cir_debug - run Debug Helper script Circle of Magi

runscript zz_orz_debug - run DebugHelper script Paragon ofher

Kindrunscript zz_pre_debug - run Debug Helper script Preluderunscript

zz_urn_debug - run the Urn of Sacred script

Ashes runscript restore - restore mana and stamina of the current character

runscript zz_supercrit player - set the main character's strength and endurance to 50 and mana and stamina to 1000.

runscript appearance [number] - change appearance character

runscript ai abilities - aware enemies cannot use special abilities on/off.

runscript removetalent [number] - remove the specified talent from the character’s profile

Character names:

Use these character codes with cheat codes "runscript zz_addparty" and "runscript zz_addapproval" 1 - Alistair 3 - Morrigan 4 - Wynne 5 - Shale 6 - Sten 7 - Zevran 9 - Leliana 11 - Self

Cheats using the ArtMoney program:

Using this program, you can edit any numerical values ​​found in the game; we are interested in the primary ones, such as the amount of Experience, Attribute Points, Skill Points, Ability Points and Money. To find the values ​​we need, we use either a search in the ALL (Standard) category, or, for those who want to save time, the “Your Choice” search, selecting the value “Dotted 4 bytes” and “Dotted 8 bytes” for all values ​​except money, for money are in the "Whole 4 bytes" address category. In order for us to find and correct the values ​​we need, we first need to accumulate a certain number of them, because For 100% search, at least 3 address screenings are needed. Method of hacking step by step: 1. Launch the game 2. Get started New Game or Load a save. 3. We get the required number of levels without using the points received for the level. For example, we get 2 levels, which equals 6 free stat points 4. Hide the game (by pressing +) 5. Launch ArtMoney 6. In the “Select Process” line we find Dragon Age 7. Press the “Search” button, In the “TYPE” line select " ALL (Standard)", in the "Value" line put 6, then the "OK" button, wait until the search ends, click "OK" again in the search window. 8. Restore the Game Window 9. Spend 1 (one) stat point to increase, for example, Strength 10. Hide the game 11. Click the “Weed out” button and change the value 6 to the value 5. OK. We are looking. 12. After the sifting is completed, we return to the game and spend another characteristic point 13. We hide the game, now weed out the value 4 and in the left table there remain 3 addresses, Two with the type “Dotted 4 bytes” and one type “Dotted 8 bytes” , click on the Green arrow in the middle of the program window and, when the addresses are transferred from the left table to the right one, change the value 4 to, for example, 50 14. We return to the game, spend one characteristic point and see that we have 49 free points left. The same procedure for Skill Points, Skills and Experience. In the case of Money, since in the game they are divided into 3 categories of coins (gold, silver and copper), one should assume that 1 gold coin= 100 silver, 1 silver = 100 copper. This means that to hack an amount of money equal to 50 silver and 20 copper, you need to use Search for the number 5020 (five thousand and twenty) and filter until one (1) address of the type “Integer 4 bytes” appears, which is hacked. When we increase (say) 1 level, we can make as many skill points as we want for strength, dexterity or magic and so on. however, sacrificing one of the characteristics. So. When promoted, we receive 3 skill points. Let's say if we play as a warrior, then he doesn't need magic. We add these three points to magic and click reset (a button that allows you to change your choice for 3 points) but then on magic we add 3 more points and in total we already have 6. Then, click next... the increase is not going anywhere will get away. and thus we repeat the procedure only not with 3 points but with 6. At level 2 you can achieve strength, agility, cunning, willpower and physique of 100 units or more, which makes the game much easier.

Create a shortcut to daorigins.exe in the game launch folder at C:\Games\Dragon Age\bin_ship\. In the shortcut to launch the game, add -enabledeveloperconsole after the quotes.

Although, you can put -enabledeveloperconsole in the launch parameters.

* * *
Go to My Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age\Settings and open the "keybindings.ini" file. This will give you access to the encoding of the game itself, but I strongly advise ignorant people not to change anything themselves. Find the line:
"OpenConsole_0=Keyboard::Button_X", It also happens that Button_Grave is
In it, change X\Grave to any key not used in the gameplay. I would recommend "~"

In our case it is "~". Like this - OpenConsole_0=Keyboard::Button_~
If it doesn't work, then try changing the number 0 to 1 Like this OpenConsole_1=Keyboard::Button_~
If it doesn't work again, then -

In some versions of the game, the console is locked only to numbers (1-9), so reconfigure the console to open to any one of the numbers. I remind you that you can configure the console key in: /My Documents/BioWare/DragonAge2/Settings/KeyBindings, line OpenConsole_0=Keyboard::Button_~ and here instead of ~ any number (1-9)

Check that -
There is a space between...\daorigins.exe" and -enabledeveloperconsole

Some others may not have...\daorigins.exe", but...\daorigins.exe.exe"

The symbol you assigned to open the console is not in Russian, it must be English

It must be done so that there is no conflict. If you doubt whether a key is activated, it’s better to launch the game, open settings, then controls, and look at the keys that are assigned there. Save the file. Great, the console is activated. And you can open it and enter codes by pressing the key of your choice.

But sometimes it's better not to touch this file at all. It’s better to go into the game, call the console using the “~” button, if nothing happens, then feel free to change this file. But still, before that, I strongly (requiredly) recommend placing the file below.

But unfortunately, the console without third-party modifications is not visible.
This can be easily fixed! ya GH5o1rQQTRn (Remove spaces)
After downloading, extract the zip contents to My Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age\packages\core\data

Cheat codes

So, now let's look at the list that shows all the known cheats for the game.

runscript addxp X - Adds X experience
runscript zz_money X - Adds X copper coins
runscript pc_immortal - God Mode (Immortality)
runscript ai off - Disables auto intelligence
runscript selectparty - Change group
runscript chargen - character creation
runscript killallhostiles - Kills all enemies
runscript zz_dropparty - Removes the current group composition (You will be left alone)
runscript zz_pre_demo2 Takes the party to Duncan's fireplace in Ostagar, during his arrival in the city. (It's better not to)
runscript zz_pre_strategy - transfers the group to Ostagar at the moment before the battle for Ostagar (Save before this!)
runscript zz_talk_nearest - Start a dialogue with the nearest NPC
runscript setplayerimmortal - Immortality for the entire group (Sometimes does not work)
runscript healplayer - Restore the health of all party members
runscript zz_givearmor - A bone weapon appears in the inventory dragon armor Legion
runscript cheat -Increases 30 armor and 100 group defense for 120 seconds
runscript zz_party_addgifts - Gives gifts that can be given to party members: - Antivan Leather Boots, Dalish Gloves, Alistair's Mother's Amulet, Duncan's Shield, Andraste's Grace (Flower), Golden Mirror, Black Grimoire, Flemeth's Grimoire, and Sword Sten.
runscript levelparty - Reset character. (That is, you bring him into the state of the newly created character)
runscript zz_set_trap - Several traps appear in the inventory.
runscript zz_reveal_map - shows the entire map
runscript e3_party - Adds Yorick and Davet to the team (Save before doing this)
runscript cheater -Unlocks achievements
runscript zz_eurodemo_end - Transfers the group to Dalisha's camp (there may be an error or something like that)
runscript zz_add_skills3 - 3 skills appear that will appear only after rebooting or saving the game
runscript zz_economizer - Undresses the character
runscript zz_supercrit player - Adds 1000 mana and lives, and 50 points to strength and agility to each character in the group
runscript zz_addapproval X -Y - Add reputation to NPCs (X - party member number, YY - quantity).
runscript zz_jump_around - Transfers to an arbitrary point on the map

It should be said that some errors can be debugged in the console. Therefore, let's look at cheat codes that will help you fix any problem.

runscript zz_cli_debug - enables fix mode related to Redcliffe Castle
runscript zz_pre_debug - Enables the repair mode associated with Starting locations.
runscript zz_cir_debug - Enables correction mode related to the circle of magicians
runscript zz_orz_debug - Enables fix mode related to Orzamar
runscript zz_arl_debug - Enables repair mode associated with Earl Eamon
runscript zz_urn_debug - Enables the debug mode associated with the sacred urn.

You can also use dragon age cheats to summon some companions to the party. To do this, enter the runscript command zz_addparty X, where X is the character number:
1 - Alistair
2 - Dog
3 - Morrigan
4 - Winn
5 - Sheila (Only with DLC! Otherwise there may be errors!)
6 - Stan
7 - Zevran
8 - Oghren
9 - Leliana
10 -Logain

– fantasy RPG game, developed by BioWare studio, which is located in Canada. In Russia, the game was released on November 5, 2009 on such gaming platforms as Xbox 360, Playstation 3 and PC. Dragon Age: Origins is based on a new graphics engine Eclipse Engine developed by employees BioWare.

Thanks to this engine, users can create numerous elements and content of the game for the PC version themselves using special tools and an editor provided by the developers. A little later on role-playing game A full-scale expansion called Awakening has been released. It was released in North America on March 16, 2010, and in Europe on March 19. The addon added many new quests, characters, weapons and armor to the game. Awakening expansion, like original game, was developed for such gaming platforms like PC, Xbox 360 and Playstation 3.

The game's story takes place in a fantasy world on the fictional continent of Thedas, which is mostly occupied by the kingdom of Ferelden. The time in which all the main events of Dragon Age: Origins take place can be compared to the late Middle Ages. The game world features several intelligent races- these are elves, gnomes, qunari, and of course, people. A small number of members of each race, except gnomes, have a special talent for using magic from birth. According to the plot of the game, the world is divided into two dimensions - tangible, physical world and the world of spirits or, as it is also called, the shadow. In addition to spirits and ghosts, demons live in the shadows. Almost all representatives of these races, except gnomes, fall into the shadows in their dreams. And magicians, thanks to lyrium, can penetrate the shadows at any time.

The world of the game resembles the Middle Ages to a greater extent due to the widespread religion, which is somewhat reminiscent of Christianity. The vast majority of people believe in one God, who is called the Creator and his prophetess named Andraste. There is also great intolerance towards pagans - magicians and elves. In the sacred campaigns of the church, the elves suffered the most. Their cities were destroyed, many members of the race were killed during the war. Now some of the elves drag out a miserable existence in the cities, serving people, and the other part is trying to restore past glory of his people in the forests. As for the magicians, they live in captivity in a circle of magicians and are constantly monitored by templars - faithful soldiers of the church.

At the very beginning of the game, when the player creates his future character, he is given a choice of three classes of heroes: mage, warrior or robber. As the story progresses and the character develops, at the seventh and fourteenth levels the player will also have to choose special specializations for his hero, which will provide the player with new useful abilities and capabilities.

Mage Specializations:

  • Werewolf. Morrigan can teach this specialization to the hero. By choosing it, the hero will be able to transform into various creatures and animals. For example, a bear, a large spider, a bereskarn, etc.

  • Spiritual healer. Through this specialization, the mage gains a special talent for his healing abilities.

  • Battle Mage This specialization can be obtained from an ancient elven mage who was imprisoned in an amulet. The essence of this specialization is that the magician redirects his magical energy in such a way as to enhance their physical characteristics. At the same time, the magician is partially in the shadow, so quite a large part of the attacks on him do not pass.

  • Blood Mage. You can learn illegal magical knowledge from the demon who possessed Connor by making a deal with him. With this specialization, the character will be able to use destructive spells, take away the life force of opponents and use magic at the expense of his health, rather than mana.

Warrior Specializations:

  • Templar. Having studied the specialization and become a templar, main character will receive special abilities and talents that will help him resist magic spells much better.

  • Knight. This specialization gives you access to abilities that can inspire your comrades in battle and strike fear into the hearts of your opponents, driving them away or even knocking them down.

  • Berserk. You can learn berserker talents from Ogren. They will impart skills to intimidate opponents, and the warrior’s blows will become several times stronger.

  • The Ripper. This is a warrior who was able to master a semblance of blood magic. He can steal the life force of opponents and also go into a violent rage, increasing his physical characteristics.

Rogue Specializations:

  • Duelist. Specialization based on speed and accuracy of strikes. It can be taught by the sea wolf Isabella, who invented this fighting style.

  • Murderer. A character who knows secrets martial arts Antivan Assassins Guild.

  • Pathfinder. With its help, the player can call upon various forest animals, such as a wolf, a bear, etc. to help him.

  • Bard. An excellent spy and minstrel. By performing various tricks in battle, as well as singing songs, the bard can easily distract opponents.

Walkthrough of Dragon Age: Origins

You can download here:

Cheats for Dragon Age: Origins
There is evidence that the game is processed perfectly using ArtMoney. However, you can make changes in the game itself.

You need to edit the file " keybindings.ini"
It is located in the folder " My Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age\Settings\"

Find the line in it:

and change X to any key not used to control the game.
With this key you can open the console.

Launch the game with the -enabledeveloperconsole parameter.
To do this, add this parameter after the quotes in the game shortcut.
It will look something like this:
"D:\Games\Dragon Age\bin_ship\daorigins.exe" -enabledeveloperconsole

Now, when you launch the game, you can call up the console, where you can run one of the following commands:

runscript selectparty - team selection window
runscript injury remparty - remove all damage from a team
runscript zz_party_addgifts - gifts for all team members
runscript cheater - all achievements
runscript injury remall - remove all your damage
runscript ai off - disable artificial intelligence
runscript rogue - transform into level 2 Vagabond
runscript zz_jump_around - teleportation to an arbitrary point on the map
runscript zz_cli_debug - go to end at Redcliffe Castle
runscript zz_pre_strategy - teleportation to Duncan's fire in Ostagar
runscript zz_reveal_map - open the entire map
runscript zz_orz_debug - run DebugHelper script Paragon ofher Kind
runscript zz_pre_debug - run Debug Helper Prelude script
runscript ai abilities - prohibition or permission to use special abilities by conscious enemies
runscript zz_dropparty - drop the current team
runscript bowlingforferelden - knock back the enemy and create a shield around you
runscript chargen - character generation window
runscript zz_talk_nearest - talk to the nearest NPC
runscript zz_cir_debug - run Debug Helper script Circle of Magi
runscript zz_supercrit player - set the main character's strength and endurance to 50, and mana and stamina to 1000.
runscript pc_immortal - invulnerability
runscript zz_addparty - increase the number limit in the team
runscript restore - restore mana and stamina of the current character
runscript removetalent [number] - remove the specified talent from the character’s profile
runscript addtalent [number] - add a talent/spell for a character
runscript healplayer - recovery for a player/team
runscript ai on - enable artificial intelligence
runscript appearance [number] - change the appearance of the character
runscript pc_immortal - player cannot be killed
runscript wizard - transform into level 2 Mage
runscript addxp [number] - get the specified number of experience units
runscript zz_addparty - add an NPC to the team
runscript zz_money [number] - get the specified amount of copper
runscript zz_urn_debug - run the Urn of Sacred Ashes script
runscript removetalent [number] - remove the specified talent/spell
runscript warrior - transform into level 2 Warrior
runscript zz_pre_demo2 - teleportation to Ostagar.
runscript zz_addapproval X YY - add friend's reputation (X - name YY - count)
runscript killallhostiles - kill all enemies

Character names:
Used with cheat codes "runscript zz_addapproval" and "runscript zz_addparty", insert the desired number

1 - Alistair
2 - Dog
3 - Morrigan
4 - Wynne
5 - Shale
6 - Sten
7 - Zevran
8 - Oghren
9 - Leliana
10 - Loghain
11 - Self

Enjoy your game!

If you are not satisfied with the cheat codes we found, use a game hacking program or

Found a mistake? Anything to add? - Write to us via ! Or in the comments below

Also in our database, in addition to cheat codes for Dragon Age: Origins, there are cheats for such popular games How.

Article type Codes and cheats
Game Dragon Age: Origins
Also called Dragon Age: Origins / Dragon Age
So now let's look at some Dragon codes Age: Origins, which are designed to make life easier for the modern gamer. It should be noted that the game, no matter how difficult it may be, is always more interesting if it is played honestly. But, nevertheless, dragon age origins cheats need to be deciphered, as they are often incomprehensible. So, first you need to slightly edit the shortcut to launch the game. In the shortcut to launch the game, add after the quotes, for example, "C:\Games\Dragon Age\bin_ship\daorigins.exe" -enabledeveloperconsole . Like this.
After that, go to the My Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age\Settings folder and open the "keybindings.ini" file. This will give you access to the encoding of the game itself, but I strongly advise those who do not know anything to do it themselves. We continue to provide access to dragon age beginning codes. Find the line:

In it, change X to any key that is not involved in the gameplay. It must be done so that there is no conflict. If you doubt whether a key is activated, it’s better to launch the game, open settings, then controls, and look at the keys that are assigned there. Save the file. Great, the console is activated. And you can open it and enter codes for dragon age by pressing the key of your choice. So, now let's look at the list that shows all the known cheats for dragon game age origins.

Runscript addxp X - Adds X experience
runscript zz_money X - Adds X copper coins
runscript pc_immortal - God Mode (Immortality)
runscript ai off - Disables auto intelligence
runscript selectparty - Change party
runscript chargen - character creation
runscript killallhostiles - Kills all enemies
runscript zz_dropparty - Removes the current party composition
runscript zz_pre_demo2 Takes the party to Duncan's fireplace in Ostagar, during his arrival in the city.
runscript zz_pre_strategy - transfers the group to Ostagar at the moment before the battle for Ostagar
runscript zz_talk_nearest - Start a dialogue with the nearest NPC
runscript setplayerimmortal - Immortality for the entire group
runscript healplayer - Restore the health of all party members
runscript zz_givearmor - Legion bone dragon armor appears in inventory
runscript cheat -Increases 30 armor and 100 group defense for 120 seconds
runscript zz_party_addgifts - Gives gifts that can be given to party members: - Antivan Leather Boots, Dalish Gloves, Alistair's Mother's Amulet, Duncan's Shield, Andraste's Grace, Cute Nug-Golden Mirror, Black Grimoire, Flemeth's Grimoire, and Sten's Sword
runscript levelparty - Reset character. Those. you bring him into the state of the newly created character
runscript zz_set_trap - Several traps appear in the inventory.
runscript zz_reveal_map - shows the entire map
runscript e3_party - Adds Yorick and Davet to the team
runscript cheater -Unlocks achievements
runscript zz_eurodemo_end - Transfers the group to Dalisha's camp (there may be an error or something like that)
runscript zz_add_skills3 - 3 skills appear that will appear only after rebooting or saving the game
runscript zz_economizer - Undresses the character
runscript zz_supercrit player - Adds 1000 mana and lives, and 50 points to strength and agility to each character in the group
runscript zz_addapproval X -Y - Add reputation to NPCs (X - party member number, YY - quantity).
runscript zz_jump_around - Transfers to an arbitrary point on the map

It should be said that some errors can be debugged in the console. Therefore, let's look at dragon age cheats that will help you fix any problem.

Runscript zz_cli_debug - enables fix mode related to Redcliffe Castle
runscript zz_pre_debug - Enables the repair mode associated with Starting locations.
runscript zz_cir_debug - Enables correction mode related to the circle of magicians
runscript zz_orz_debug - Enables fix mode related to Orzamar
runscript zz_arl_debug - Enables repair mode associated with Earl Eamon
runscript zz_urn_debug - Enables the debug mode associated with the sacred urn.

You can also use dragon age cheats to summon some companions to the party. To do this, enter the runscript command zz_addparty X, where X is the character number:
1 - Alistair
2 - Dog
3 - Morrigan
4 - Winn
5 - Sheila
6 - Stan
7 - Zevran
8 - Oghren
9 - Leliana
10 -Logain

Actually, it should also be said that remembering other games, I would not recommend using cheats, as sometimes this affects your achievements. So, in the third Heroes, after completing the game, your name changes to “Deceiver”. Not very nice, right? Therefore, if the need arises, use better trainers
