First, let's get acquainted with the parameters of the characters. The best magician in L2: choose wisely The most powerful magician in L2 interlude

In front of you complete guide for the Battle Mage class!

Battle Mages- this is class gnomes(magicians), which can be selected upon completion of the task to change profession at level 31. They wear magic armor and armed staves. They can be called the best in the game support class that imposes positive effects. Battle Mages raise attack And protection groups (which is especially important in PvE activities, for example, in elite dungeons). The main advantage of this class is the positive effects that not only contribute to survivability, but also increase damage per second.

Battle mages also deal good damage thanks to two area-of-effect skills ( earth spike And Three fragments). They make quick work of waves of enemies as their cooldowns are short compared to other classes. Successful defense gives a significant fixed increase in defense for the entire group, and Old fighter, Whispers of Death And Aggression impose positive effects that will undoubtedly be appreciated by the attacking classes in your group. Thanks to all this, Battle Mages are always valuable in groups, especially during bonus time, as well as when collecting cores and resources.

For all the advantages of the Battle Mage in PvE, she often has a difficult time in a single game due to the low personal damage. She is not strong in the Arena and in single missions. As a rule, in the Arena, battle mages avoid battles with warriors who have a lot of HP and high defense, for example, And . But they have every chance against the Rogue classes. Thanks to the potential of the gnomes, Battle Mages have a good HP reserve and good defense, which allows them to hold out against the attacks of the Rogues for some time. It can be difficult for a Battle Mage to gain levels quickly, but they usually don't lag behind in character development (since they have no difficulty collecting cores).

In general, both in PvE and in PvP Combat Mages perform best in groups. They raise stats and allow the party to reach their full potential, helping to achieve decisive victories in sieges and battles of the Rift. In addition, with a Battle Mage in the group, it is easier to collect cores and resources. And most importantly, they are sought-after companions for attacking classes.

The Battle Mage is a class for those who want to play as a support character that enhances both offensive and defensive gameplay capabilities.



Valuable party member with many massive buffs

Thanks to the potential of gnomes, they are the most tanky of the magic classes.

One of the most popular dwarven classes, along with And extremely useful in group battles

A unique class of universal support, capable of applying both offensive and defensive buffs.

Good area damage (Earth Spike and Three Shards skills); can destroy waves of monsters.

Significantly increases the group's overall damage (significant increase with each level)

A sought-after class in elite dungeons, where it speeds up the extraction of cores and resources


Relatively short range and slow skill animation speed

Slow moving, easy to catch up

One of several support classes that do not provide regeneration, forcing party members to consume HP or MP potions

Low overall damage, difficult to complete single missions (main, side missions, weekly missions, etc.)

Best Equipment

Priority of skills and their use

Before following the recommendations, be sure to get all skills to level 1 so you don't miss out on the benefits of passive skills in the early stages of the game. Mage Weapon Proficiency, Old fighter And Mastery of magical armor (passive skills) will make it much easier for you single player game. Next in importance are group-oriented passive skills: Whispers of Death And Successful defense. These will come in handy when you get to group activities like Elite Dungeons, Rift Raids, Temple Guardian, and Circle of Summoning. Aggression seems like a nice bonus to attack power, but the chance of the skill activating (proc chance) is quite low, so it's a pretty unreliable skill. It is better to first invest points in active skills (Earth Spike and Three Shards) with good area damage.

Skills for PvP arena and sieges — Earth Spike / Three Shards / Fire Strike or Old Fighter

Skills for PvE (dungeons) — Earth Spike / Three Shards / Old Fighter

Skills for PvE (in automatic play mode) - Old Fighter / Earth Spike and Three Shards (optional) / Healing Strike (rare skill). Set a low HP threshold for auto-healing

Using Specific Skills

Whenever possible, invest points in the Mage Weapon Proficiency, Elder Fighter, and Magic Armor Proficiency skills.

As an alternative to the Old Fighter, you can use Fire Strike as a skill that knocks the enemy down

Whisper of Death is one of the best passive skills, especially in Fire Strike.

Earth Spike is the best active skill, level it up first and then Triple Shards.

Aggression is useful, but spend only the minimum points on it (no more than two)

Priority of main characteristics and subcharacteristics

Flying arrowAnd Meteor shower can be called the best rare skills available. They are indispensable in PvP battles in the arena. In sieges you may prefer Healing Strike/Ultimate Shield or leave Flying Arrow/Meteor Shower depending on team strategy. Healing Strike saves HP potions when automatically killing monsters.

Optimal sets of jewelry for a battle mage: elf kit And black set. Elf set increases damage and gives resistance to stun, blocking attempts to immobilize you in battle. Black accessory kit will make you extremely durable in battle on top of your already high base HP and defense. It will be easier for you to survive in elite dungeons, boss battles and PvP battles.

Your main role is support, imparting positive effects. First of all, pump up passive skills (except Aggression), then active ones.

In the PvP arena:

Old Fighter (attack boost and damage reduction for 30s) > Earth Spike to knock down the opponent for 3s > [IMMEDIATELY] Meteor Shower and Flying Arrow > Three Shards > If the enemy is low on HP, finish them off with normal attacks, taking his blows. Otherwise, wait until your skills are restored.

Fire Strike to knock down an opponent > [IMMEDIATELY] Meteor Shower and Flying Arrow > Three Shards > Earth Spike to knock down an opponent for 3 seconds > If the enemy is low on HP, finish them off with normal attacks while taking their hits. Otherwise, wait until Fire Strike and Three Shards are restored.

In PvP siege:

Wait for an opportunity to attack; if enemies are in a group, use Earth Spike, if there are 2 or less - Fire Strike > [IMMEDIATELY] Meteor Shower and/or Flying Arrow > Three Shards if necessary > Retreat and wait for mass control skills to cool down (Fire Strike/Spike land)

Old Fighter (increases attack and reduces damage for 30 seconds) > Wait for an opportunity to attack; use Earth Spike to knock down opponents for 3 seconds [IMMEDIATELY] Meteor Shower and/or Flying Arrow > Three Shards if necessary > When finished positive effect Old fighter, retreat and wait for the Earth Spike to be restored.

If you prefer a defensive playstyle, you can use Absolute Shield/Healing Strike/Zone.

Mages in the game act as long-range damage dealers and are striking power that should not be underestimated. An experienced mage will cause a lot of trouble for any class, and trips to raid bosses will not take place without his participation. Battle mages are represented by SpellHowler - a dark elf, SpellSinger from the race of light elves, from the people are Sorcerer and Necromancer. All except the last one are elemental magicians, only Nekra has dark magic.

First, let's get acquainted with the parameters of the characters.

Sorcerer and Necromancer come from the same village and have the same stats.

STR 22 DEX 21 CON 27 INT 41 WIT 20 MEN 39
STR 23 DEX 23 CON 24 INT 44 WIT 19 MEN 37
STR 21 DEX 24 CON 25 INT 37 WIT 23 MEN 40

The main parameters will be INT (magic strike power) and WIT (spell casting speed). Since intelligence adds 3% magic attack, people will have 12% stronger attack than light people, and dark people will have 21%. The WIT value gives approximately 5% casting speed. The dark elves have the most low rate, so we will compare with them. SpellSinger by 20%, and humans have 5% greater casting speed. Intelligence is inferior in usefulness to the WIT parameter for a magician.
Briefly about skills.

The main attacking skills are basically identical, the only differences are in the nature of the magic. A special feature of the Nekra is the need to use one unit of the “cursed bone” item per shot. After receiving the third profession, all magicians receive the skill Vortex. In addition to damage, the skill imposes a portion of debuffs. The SS reduces the enemy's movement speed the most, the CX reduces the casting speed, and the Sork reduces the attack speed. All elemental vortexes have a set of debuffs with different percentage advantages, only the necra vortex restores some health relatively damage caused. In addition to the main nukes, there are also additional ones. SS and CX each have one more vortex and a powerful skill corresponding to the weakening from the vortex, the nature of which is light and darkness. Necrs and SH have a skill that reveals their power at low HP. But forty was unlucky; he was not awarded any additional skills.
Regarding AOE, we can note that everyone except the Nekra has the Aura Flash skill. CX gave a massive Tempest. Sork was given two skills that do not require targeting; only Blazing Circle will be useful in mass fights.

All elemental magicians have a meager set of debuffs. CX and Sorc slow down flagged enemies, SS can slow down anyone. CX has Silence - a skill that blocks magicians, but with normal jewelry, it is not particularly effective. Sork and SS are equipped with Cancellation - the skill removes several buffs from the enemy. Nekr, debuff champion. Silence and Curse of Doom block physical and magical skills, and Anchor paralyzes the victim. Curse Gloom and Mass Curse Gloom weakens the magic defense of one or more enemies. Curse Disease significantly reduces the effectiveness of healing, and Curse of Abyss will reduce almost all enemy stats for 30 seconds.

The most deprived in every sense is Sorcerer. This mage has few skills, and has the most resistance against fire in the game. Yes, and in terms of parameters it is average. SpellHowler and SpellSinger find their fans by maximizing the parameters of a particular character, since elves have specific traits for which they can be loved. SS has the best DPS. Any of the elemental magicians cannot be compared with a Necromancer; a combination of a necromancer and any other magicians would be ideal. Nekr has a small number of nukes, but many debuffs and sumon make him a separate subclass.

So, as you already understood, in this guide we will talk about one of the most beautiful and interesting classes in the Lineage world - SpellSinger.

SpellSinger– A light elven mage, he belongs to the elemental mages and uses the element of water as his main magic, but also has the skills to attack with holy magic. This is the fastest mage in the game, both in terms of movement speed and spell casting speed. Moreover, if you care appearance your character, then know that this is the most beautiful race in the game, as many Lineage players believe, but when you see a light elf at least once, it’s impossible not to fall in love with her.

Let's get started. You have decided to become a magician and not just a magician, but a light magician - Elven Mage.


21 STR– Strength, affects the power of your physical attacks (in principle, it’s not important to us)
25 CON– Constitution, affects HP - the amount of your health, CP - your Combat Points (combat points added to your health in ) on Load - the weight of the objects you carry and Stun resist - resistance to shocking spells (An important indicator is the average value among magicians)
24 DEX– Dexterity, affects the speed of your physical attacks, running speed, accuracy and chance of dodging (We are the most fleet-footed and evasive – the highest among magicians)
23 WIT— Affects the speed of casting magic spells and the chance of inflicting magical crit – Mage. Crit – a blow with magic that causes triple damage (The maximum indicator in the game is our main trump card)
37 INT— Affects magical power. attacks (Unfortunately, only orcs have a lower minimum magic power, but nothing can be done - game balance)
40 MEN- Affects MP - the amount of your mana and M.Def - protection from magic (One of the largest indicators - only orcs have more)
LOAD- what weight you can carry - initially the figure is 62,000.

The game is basically divided into 2 aspects:

  • PvE– player against the environment (monsters).
  • PvP– player against player.

As your Level increases, PvP will become more important than PvP. Already from basic characteristics it is clear that life will not seem like honey to us if we do not run fast and think quickly)

Leveling up your character, weapons, equipment, skills

1 – 39 level

So we created our character - we find ourselves near the village of the light-eared ones and see gremlins around. On panel 1 there is only a spell ( Wind Strike) and here is our first nuke - and here is our first killed mob and here is our first lvl.

Mobs are monsters that surround us everywhere in the world of Lineage.

Nuke is the common name for your magic attacks.

Skills - Your skills are active - which you can use and passive, having learned which once they will give you their effect constantly.

Gives for killing mobs Exp- needed to raise the character's level and SP— skill points necessary to learn these same skills. Well,. Gremlins are killed quite easily, you can level up to lvl 5-6 right here.

It's right there Newbie helper from whom you can complete a quest (a task for which you will receive a reward). Talk to him - kill the gremlin - pick up the dropped stone and give it to Newbie helper - you will receive your first SpiritShots(In common parlance - Nipples) place them on the panel and activate them with the right mouse click - now your damage is doubled but the nipples are consumed for each hit.

Next, we go out into the neighboring fields to hunt peacefully grazing animals Keltir, we fill ourselves with lvl 7, and do not forget to collect everything that falls from the mobs - items, adena (game money) and herbs - elixirs for restoring mana (MP), Health (HP) or increasing your performance.

We go to the village (or fly; there is a teleport scroll (SOE) in your inventory). We are looking for a temple there Temple of Eva(on the map - opens ALT+M) in which there are NPCs - trainers. We learn all the skills for which SP is enough. Priority Armor and Weapon Mastery, Wind Strike lvl 2-3 and Ice Bolt lvl 1-2.

Let's go Grosery Store we buy 300-400 nipples there and then go to the center of the village to Newbie Guide You can take another 100 nipples from him and get support with a buff for an hour. Buffs are positive spells that are cast on you and increase your characteristics. Here we get 5 weapon coupons that he has and change - Shadow item – Apprentice's Staff we take it from him, turn on the nipples and start killing mobs all over the area that are equal to us at lvl or a couple of lvl higher, preferring single mobs and hitting them from afar.

There are no problems in leveling up to lvl 20. At lvl 14 you can return to the temple to learn another portion of skills and update your buffs Newbie Guide.

Equipment (uniform) for lvl 1-20 does not play a big role, so we run around in what we have. Mages have very good damage when buffed and with a staff from Newbie Guide and the mobs simply don’t have time to reach us.

And now 20 lvl. We have a choice - to become an attacking mage or a support mage. There is no doubt, because I really liked bombing mobs with windstrikes and ice bolts.
Well you need to complete the quest Path to an Elven Wizard. The quest starts at . Talk to the High Priest (High Priest Raymond).

And now we are Elven Wizard. Away with the magic of the wind, it’s time to get used to the water.

Aqua Swirl– available from lvl 20 and will be the main spell up to lvl 40.
Solar Spark– Nuke with holy magic, damage higher than Aqua Swirl is possible over hit. (Given at level 25)

In addition, at lvl 20 a useful nuke is available.

A few useful tips:

Boost Mana— Increases maximum value mana.
Quick Recovery-Reduces the time between casting spells.
Robe Mastery— Increases Physical Defense when wearing a robe.

It also becomes possible to summon Unicorn Boxer and Unicorn Mirage.

Unicorn Boxer The horse restores your MP, but absorbs 30% of the experience gained.
Unicorn Mirage Absorbs generally 90% of experience but has attacking skills - good option For .

I won’t describe passive skills - they are all needed as soon as possible.

From lvl 20 Available for wearing D grade items (Marked with the letter D after the name). A choice appears and you should dwell a little on the equipment.

The higher the Mag. The attacks of a weapon are better - you can’t put SA in the D grade, so there’s nothing to choose. SA – I’ll look at the system of special weapon attributes a little later. After the quest for the 1st profession, you are given several coupons for D grade weapons - we choose a staff there, buy D nipples - this will do for the first time. If you have a sponsor, then of course it’s better to buy a one-handed one Staff of Life or two-handed Atuba Mace and sharpen if possible.

Alternatively, if you don’t have enough money, you can buy Common analogues of these staves and it will also be quite good, but it will not be possible to sharpen such a thing. Don't forget to buy weapons from the cat D-grade SpiritShots.

As for armor, there are 2 options:

Elven Mithril Set - +7 movement speed +1 Wit, -1 Int.

Has a good P.def (Indicator of protection from physical damage) + running speed but reduces the already naturally weak power of a magical attack.

Knowledge Set - +10% M.Atk -5% MP regeneration rate

Pdef is less than that Elven Mithril but at least 10% attack. MP regen cuts, but in the realities of grace mobs drop a lot of herbs for mana + in the store you can buy elix for mana, and we get levels quite often and therefore there will be no disaster with MP.


There are two possible options:

Enchanted Striped Mithril Shirt. Phys. defense 30, adds 70 MP, increases magic defense by 50 (but for physicists we don’t need Magic defense, don’t you agree?

Therefore the second option:

Striped Mithril Shirt. Phys. defense 30, when modified to +4 or higher adds 744 CP

And we choose according to the money, ideally the top.

Let's add a little pvp.

Well, now let's talk a little about pvp. I will not consider low-level tactics. Let's talk about PvP of an already leveled up mage of level 85 with all the skills.


There are several “builds” for MM and each is good in its own way.
+4 INT + 4 WIT +4 CON– balance, a good increase in CPU HP and resistance from the stun, can be left not only for leveling but also for pvp.
+5 Int +4 Wit– we maximize the magic attack and the chance of passive Skill mastery – we lose in HP and CPU, but we improve our weak m.attack quite well.
+ 4 int +5 wit– maximizing casting and crit chance – very good for an MA set, partially compensating for the lack of a casting bonus from the set.
There is 1 more build that has the right to life
+4 int +4 wit +4 Dex– we increase the running speed and dodge by wearing a staff and MA rar set, you can make an excellent kiter from MM.

Skills from sub class for MM

Counter Barrier— When hit, there is a chance to gain temporary invulnerability (lasts 5-10 sec)
Counter Spirit— When hit, there is a chance to receive a war soul (+10% m.atck, c.speed, atk.speed, p.atk)
Counter Defense— when receiving a blow, there is a chance of increasing physical and magical protection for some time (+300 p.def., +150 m.def., duration 15 sec.)

Alternative skills:
Boost CP— Increased max.CP (+738 CP)
Great Physical Defense— Greatly increases p.def
Resist Trait— Increased resistance to sleep, hold, paralyze and shock attributes
From all this you can combine something like this: Boost CP, Counter Spirit, Counter Barrier. We get a lot of useful bonuses for attack, plus CP for stability. Varian is more for PvP, in my opinion.


Everything is simple here:

  • In your main weapon we catch Passive Empower.
  • It is also good to have weapons in your inventory for Active m.def, P.def, VM, Celestial Shield.

Sharpening skills

I’ll look at the main skills and what to sharpen.
HydroBlast - power
IceVortex – chance of passing
IceVortex Crusher - power
Elemental symphony - duel
Aura Symphony - duel
Aura Flash – chance of shooting down a target
Ice Dagger - power
Resist Aqua - power
Diamond Dust - power
Surrender to water - chance of passing
Arcane Power - power
Frost bolt – chance of passing
Freezing Skin – Increased defense

Party vs Party

The general tactic is the same - No - rush, Yes - kite.
We are not tanks, we generally have little HP and armor. We try to land a couple of nukes and run back a little, use Blizzard and Frost’s bolt to slow down the enemies who have moved forward strongly, and after slowing down we try to finish them off before they leave the attack zone.

When it comes to rushing or melee:
— We actively use Aura Flash. Thus, we knock down the target of the enemies around, as well as Diamond dust.
— First of all, we try to demolish Bish and HER enemy, over if there is one. Then DD. We watch our heal, if your bish has a dagger hanging on it and the bish cannot transcribe it, we try to quickly kill the Vortex + crusher or launch 2 symphonies in a row.
— We avoid tanks, they actively use magic reflection after aggro and in general it’s not worth spending time on them, it’s best to cancel on cooldown and broadcast DOT.
— In a battle against daggers, we remove Freezing Skin from ourselves, since a mirage will hang on the daggers and your target will be lost much more often.
— At the beginning of the battle, we watch the enemy, from the crowd the enemy’s SD and SVM will definitely run towards you in order to hang the jellyfish and other mass debuffs. As soon as we find them, we quickly try to freeze them, when approaching, we cancel and run away so as not to fall into the affected area; if everything works out, they will no longer run back to their own.
- If we see a large number of enemies in a small area - Star fall or Raging waves.
— We move more, we try to be hit as little as possible, in order to relieve Bisha and HER for burning manna, trances and other dirty tricks.

1 on 1 fights, Olympus fights

I will continue the guide to MM with a description of the main tactics of fighting on Olympus:

To Olympus you must have 2 staves. One with CA on a chance cast of Bless of Body. Second with CA on Mental shield. At the beginning of the battle, we buff the chance buffs from these staffs with the Battle Heal skill on ourselves. During battles, we only fight under Arcana Power.

Tanks (YES, Palladins, ShK and TK)- a very difficult opponent, except large quantity HP have several UD and a magic reflection shield. We try to keep the distance as much as possible, slow down, knock down the target, if possible - we try to throw Cancelation, choose the moment when the tank is without a remote control and a mirror - sharply activate the enlightenment, knock down the target Aura flash, Vortex + crusher, symphonies, blizzard, while the vortex is rolling back we hit with hydroblast. Alternately, a couple with him can cast Ice dagger since the hydra has a fixed cooldown of 1.2 sec since the time of Grace, we manage to inflict additional damage with instant Ice dagger. The main task is to have time to inflict maximum damage before the tank uses the UD or mirror, or stuns us. There are not many chances to win. We are trying to run away from the tank while it is in the UD, it is useless to hesitate, but it is possible to escape (we put on talismans for running speed).

Freezing Skin is a must buff, tanks hit with regular hits, together with some Valakas’s attack, you can return up to 25% of the damage to the tank, it’s small but nice.
On Olympus it is good to use a talisman for a buff steal - you can remove the UD from the tank and transfer it to yourself, but the cast of the talisman takes about 4 seconds.

Dagershiki (TX, PV, AB)– The main thing is not to show them your back. It’s a matter of luck, if the dagger’s skills don’t work and we knocked down his Hide aura or Diamond Dust, there are chances. We won’t be able to maintain the distance here, they’ll jump behind us anyway - Keep our backs to the wall, keep an eye on the target, they’ll shoot us down. Well, we try to knock down their target. As soon as we target the target, we turn on the illumination and hit, hard, fast. Usually 2-3 nukes are enough for the dagger, as well as 1-2 backs for us. Aura Flash must be used constantly on cooldown. We do not use Freezing Skin under any circumstances. However, if you have a nekla Valakas or a frint, Freezing Skin can be buffed as there will be no difference.

Healers (Bishi, EE, CE)– These opponents will try to trance us and burn our mana. We use the talisman to resist sleep and mental attacks. The outcome of the battle is decided very quickly, either Enlightenment - vortex + crusher + hydra + dagger (or 2 symphonies + vortex + crusher), or they will trance us, burn all the mana and kill us. At the beginning of the battle, it would be good to use the Divine Protection Talisman, it will give a large mdef for 8 seconds and the chance of falling into a trance will be minimal. Very often, Healers, as soon as we turn on enlightenment, turn into stone or use Celestial Protection. In this case, we cut the distance and as soon as the target leaves, we shoot down the target with an aura and deliver 2-3 hits.

Bows (Hawk, Cheese, Phantom)– In fact, this is prey for us, if the bow does not pass the stun, the bow dies in 2-3 seconds. We use the talisman for protection from the stun, the crown of the castle (if any) for resistance to shock. We resist shock, use enlightenment vortex + crusher + hydroblast - we win the battle. Ideally, while the bow is using the stun to run back or hide behind a wall, the chance of avoiding is much higher. Or, on the contrary, cut the distance, knock down the stun cast with an aura and kill.

Enchanters (BS, SVS, Wark, PP)– This is prey, we slow it down and shoot it, if necessary, throw a cancel, Freezing skin, just like with tanks.

Overlord– A difficult opponent, has a good self-buff, HP drain and also enlightenment and stone. We try to keep the maximum distance because from a point-blank range we will get a lot of debuffs and will probably die. We try to re-damage him, if we are lucky with crits and resists, we can win the battle. If you use the Divine Protection talisman at the beginning of the battle, you can win. If Over doesn't use turning to stone while we're under enlightenment, we can win.

Wars (Glads, Destras, Tyras, Warlords,)- Let's keep our distance. We slow down and try to kill before they reach us, otherwise there will be no chance in close combat.
The spoiler can be included here.

Mages (SH, MM, Magpies, Nekras)- Against necrs. We are trying to kill Samon, then the Nekr himself. We cut the distance, knock down the castes and targets with an aura.
Against Elemental Mages - from maximum distance, Enlightenment - Symphony, vortex + crusher. Here, whoever starts hitting first and manages to inflict more damage wins. In the end, crits and magic resists decide.

Samoners (Warlock, Horse Breeder, Phantom Samoner)– From a maximum distance, under illumination, we destroy the Samoner, if a UD is placed on the Samoner, we quickly switch to the Samoner and hit him.

The chance of winning is very high.
This also includes Dwarven crafters. With them we are 100% sure to kill the golem first. And then we run away, otherwise we will collapse the camp and there will be problems. A vortex + crusher is enough for a golem, but for a gnome you can save 2 symphas and a blizzard, and a vortex + crasher on rollback.

Well, that’s basically it, my MM guide is finished. Huge respect to everyone who chose this wonderful class for themselves and bears the proud name of Mystic Muse.

SS guide

Best magician in L2: choose wisely

The Magician in the Line is a powerful force. No one can argue with this: with straight hands, any caster, with his set of attacking spells and debuffs, will drive anyone into a coffin. However, there are many magic classes in this game, and the question often arises, which of them is the best.

Let's start with the fact that Lineage magicians come in three classes: the light elven spellsinger, the dark elven windcaster and the human wizard. They have the power of all the elements at their disposal, but they use it in different ways (people can completely abandon the study of the elements, turning into necromancers, and use the magic of darkness).

So who is the best mage in L2, and who is better to choose for a player just starting his journey in the Lineage MMO? Let's try to answer this difficult question.

Racial differences among magicians in the Line

The nationality of the magician imposes certain restrictions on the use of various elements of Lineage magic and a set of spells. However, this does not play as big a role as differences in casting strength and speed. Races affect the character's stats, and therefore the characteristics of the cast.

For example, dark elves have very high spell damage, but also the longest cast (as well as extremely slow mana recovery). Their light counterparts, on the contrary, prefer to cast spells quickly, without causing as much harm. Humans traditionally occupy the golden mean, being the most balanced magicians in the Line - both in speed and in the quality of the work performed. Also, people can easily “go on dark side"during one of the quests to obtain a new profession and become necromancers - a kind of hybrid between a caster and a summoner.

Magicians of the Lineage world at work

Even if you play as the best magician in L2, hung with epic gear and with a bunch of artifacts in his bosom, you cannot do without a party. Although magicians have enviable power and the ability to knock out all the extra hit points from their opponents at a distance, they are physically weak and are unlikely to survive the touch of a blade to their internal organs.

It would seem that in this situation we need good tanks, which will take the blow, but in practice it often turns out to be more profitable to take another magician into the party: Lineage is replete with monsters that simply do not have time to approach, being fired upon by two or three adepts of high art. Also, it would be good to take with you a support who can increase the casting speed and effectiveness of spells. And if the caliper is also weak, then there is no price for it.

It’s impossible to say definitely who is the best magician in the L2 game in terms of PvP battles: it all very much depends on the situation and who is opposing you. In general, all magic classes in PvP start with debuffs and end (if they have time) with spells that deal damage.

In general, a mage of any race in the Line has its advantages and disadvantages, and they are not so critical as to clearly declare who is the best mage in L2. Everything depends more on the player’s ability to “steer” this or that character. So the only advice I can give to aspiring combat sorcerers is to try playing with each mage a little, and over time you will understand which magic class is right for you.
