Dizzy adventure walkthrough. Fantastic Adventures of Dizzy

911 - Walkthrough DIZZY-7

__________________________________________ 911 DIZZY - 7 (c) Azamat Kalimullin __________________________________________ ┌────────────┐ │ Level 1 │ └────────────┘In this level, in fact, you need to find out the goal of the game. Dizzy stood at Three Roots (Three Roots) and thought what fate befell him this time. Passing to the left, he went to wishing well (Wishing...) , to the right of which he found"weight" (Weight) the size of a bag, and on the cloud he tookgold coin(gold coin) for personal purposes. "And what to do with her?": I thought Dizzy regretting that they do not have shops, how his gaze fell on well. "Well, of course! As I immediately guessed! I'll ask him for something like that.": Dizzy dropped her into the well. But instead of appeasing: - What is your desire? Before Dizzy an impudent voice came from the well: - Excuse me, I only accept precious stones or banknotes. Dizzy However, he did not return the coin. Passing to the left, he went to waterfall (The waterfall), through which he could not pass. upset Dizzy returned to the three roots. To the right was daisy house, elevator and a button to it, standing on which, the elevator began to move. However, in spite of everything, I could not get up from the elevator to the house. "I wish there was something heavy here. Is there something to chip off from the well?": I thoughtDizzy and then remembered about weight. Slowly, he put the weight on the button and the lift started working. From this elevator Dizzy easily climbed up to Daisy. "Hello, Daisy," the egghead said cheerfully. - Get away from my house, Dizzy, - he heard in response. "Gee! And it was on her that I wanted to marry?!" Dizzy looking at her. Passing by the window, he did not hesitate to climb in. His labors were rewarded - Dizzy found whip in Daisy's bedroom. Walking into the backyard(Back yard) he saw an elephant CJ. - Hello, CJ, how are you? - I'm starving, Dizzy. Do you have any nuts for me? "No, I'm sorry," he said sadly. Dizzy and went to the garden (Garden), where I found another weight. In the house, in the garden, stood generator (Generator), apparently not working. From the box that stands under the window of Daisy's house, Dizzy climbed to Grand Dizzy's house (Grand Dizzy's house). Grandpa Dizzy's lab(Grand-Dizzy's study) , I decided to talk to my grandfather: - Hello, grandfather. - Do not bother me, Dizzy, I'm busy, heard Dizzy grumpy voice. “Well, well,” he thought, and went to Dora's house (Dora's house). “Mmmm, it smells delicious,” he smelled from the threshold, finding himself in Dora's kitchen. - Oh, Dizzy. I'm trying to make magic cakes, but I don't have enough energy. - Yes, - Dizzy remembered the generator. At Denzil's house, he put on the button"weight" and went up the elevator to the door. "Hi Denzil, you look very busy," Dizzy looked back at him workshop (Denzil's workshop). - I'm trying to fix fagot's glasses, but I lost some of my devices, did you happen to see them? - No, I'm sorry. From the edge of Denzil's house Dizzy jumped through the clouds The clouds . To the left, in the forest, he found screwdriver (Scriptdriver). Even further to the left bear pit (bear pit), in which Dizzy did not dare to jump. Taking a screwdriver in hand, he hurried to Denzil. "Great, you found my screwdriver, thanks," he enthused. - I no longer need a wrench, take it. Over time Dizzy was at the generator. With the air of a professional, he twisted some nut, and terribly smoking, making a deafening noise, the generator came back to life. "How's Dora doing?" thought flashed through his egg-shaped head. Entering the kitchen, he said, “I fixed the generator, Dora. - Great, try one of the moss magic cakes. - Thank you, and only Dizzy raised his teeth over the delicacy, as he remembered the hungry lonik CJ. "Well, sometimes you have to sacrifice yourself": he thought, making his way through the branches of trees. - Did you find any nuts? - the elephant CJ asked with hope in his voice. - No, but I took the magic cake. - Excellent, keep it from me, please, - and CJ held out Dizzy umbrella. "Not bad!" - thought Dizzy, looking at the umbrella. "It's a pity that it's not raining now, otherwise it would be useful to me. Not a single drop would fall. I would have come out dry even from the waterfall ..." - and he immediately hurried to him. Opening the umbrella Dizzy passed under it without problems. He passed through the mouth of the cave into the cave itself, where he found diamond . And then Dizzy remembered wishing well...Remembering how someone from the well took his coin without granting a wish, Dizzy tried to take revenge, trying to get a diamond on the head "thief". From the well, rubbing the bruised place, flew out gin and said that he would grant only one wish. - Mmmm, - thought Dizzy, - can you make my grandfather talk to me? - Your wish is fulfilled, - and the genie went into his well, remembering where the first-aid kit was. Dizzy went to check if the well genie had deceived him. “Grandfather, you look tired,” he said first. - I'm Dizzy, I - said the grandfather. Dizzy decided to leave him behind and, jumping from plank to plank, climbed up to three tops (Three tops) . Passing to the left, he saw a dividing abyss. There was a plank above it. At her sight Dizzy I remembered a movie about Indiano Jones, who jumped over the abyss with the help of a whip. With cries, he hooked the whip and with his help moved to another "berezhochek". Once at Dylan's, Dizzy looked around the room. - How to hang a dude? - Dylan angrily stared at him. Peace, brother. - I'm sorry, what? - What are you holding? - This is grandfather's newspaper, I study my stars on it. "And you don't want to give it to me?" - Why not... I finished reading, you can take it. - Thank you - Dizzy looked at his brother and took the newspaper to his grandfather. - Is this your newspaper, grandfather? - Thank you, Dizzy. "I wonder how he will read, because glasses it's under repair. By the way, Denzil was supposed to fix them already? Have you fixed your glasses yet? - menacingly began Dizzy, looking directly into the eyes of Denzil. - Here they are. Dizzy took them without paying Denzil a dime. "Grandfather will be happy" - thought Dizzy on the way to him. - Here are your glasses, grandfather. - Thank you, Dizzy. Oh Dizzy, what are we going to do?Treasures of Zeffarwere stolen. - How can I help you? - the egghead stared madly. - You must find the treasure and return it to the sacred tomb... Good luck. "Again!": Dizzy thought wearily, getting ready to travel.┌────────────┐ │ Level 2 │ └────────────┘In this level, you need to help the captain Black Heart prepare for swimming. Dizzy was walking through the woods and soon came out somewhere, where Dosie was sitting, and above him he found super glue .Passing to the right, Dizzy saw a fat Freddie's hut(Fat Freddy's surfshack) . Dizzy, like a well-bred egg, greeted him: - Hello, Freddie. - Hello, Dizzy, - Freddie answered the greeting and immediately switched to a business tone. - What can I sell you? - Thank you, nothing - Dizzy looked at him askance. Above the fat man's house there was something resembling a balcony where he found fish food. Out on the pier (The pier), Dizzy saw a resting fish. Kindly offering her food, he persuaded her to take him to ship Finding himself at the stern, Dizzy went to steering (The helm) where I saw the captain Black Heart. - Yeho, it's Captain Blackheart! Dizzy exclaimed. - Yeho, it's Dizzy! - shouted the captain. - Will you help the old dog get ready for swimming? - I'll try ... "And what, he couldn't hire sailors? A truly black heart, spared money, an unfortunate pirate": Dizzy thought, going to deck (The deck). Then he went up to the small sails (Small sail), where did you find the sticky tape (Sticky tape) . Then Dizzy walked onmast base(Mast bottom) climbed up the mast itself, went out tomain sails(Main sail) which have been raised. "I wish there was something sharp here," he thought, trying to break the ropes. On the crow's nest (Crow's nest) he found(Blue so). Deciding that he had nothing to do here yet, Dizzy went down to the main sails and from their edge jumped to the right and found himself at another small sail, where he found steering wheel. Leaving the adhesive tape here, he went to the helm, holding the steering wheel in his hand. Using(Blue tak) Dizzy firmly attached it to where it belonged. Clay Dizzy temporarily left on the box and went to the base of the mast, where he went down the stairs below the deck(Below decks). Through the wardroom he passed without visible results, but to the left he found scissors . In the galley Dizzy found patch (Patch) and rail (Plank of wood) . Remembering the main sails, he went to them. With the skill of a tailor, Dizzy cut the ropes supporting the sail, while thinking about where to apply the patch. The sails were lowered, and a significant hole gaped in them. "I am a prophet" - he thought, remembering if he saw a thread with a needle. And Dizzy went down below deck again. There he found another passage down. "Well, flow," he thought, looking atdrops in the coating(The Hull). Dizzy tried to plug it with a rail, but it turned out to be too big. Caught in the captain's quarter(Captan's quarter), he saw a needle and thread. "Well, now it's not disgusting to watch": Dizzy admired the patched sails. After that he went for adhesive tape. Descending from small sails, Dizzy found himself on bow of the ship (Bow), where he found a saw (Saw). After that, he again went to the leak. He corrected the dimensions with a saw and plugged the leak. The duct tape held the rail in place firmly. The flow has stopped. Looking at his work, he realized that the flag was missing. Dozi was fond of pirate games, so Dizzy decided to look flag him. - What's on you, Dozy? - This is the captain's flag, do you need it? - Yes please. And Dozi gave Dizzy the flag. With the flag, Dizzy quickly tumbled to the crow's nest. Strengthening the flag on the flagpole, I thought: "The picture could have been more beautiful to choose" and went to the captain to show off the fruits of his painstaking work. - I fixed your trough. What thought does this give you? - Great, you deserve a medal. Here, take this special badge. - Thank you, captain... What are we going to do now? "Do you know where the Crystal Isles are?" - No. Dizzy took the badge and went to fat Freddy, in the hope that he knows the locationCrystal Isles."Do you happen to know where the Crystal Isles are?" - No, but perhaps this card will help you. - How much does it cost? - asked Dizzy, rummaging in his pockets. - What do you have? I'll trade your badge and give you a fresh telescope. - Thank you, Freddie, - Dizzy gritted through his teeth, giving his reward. Then he tookmap and telescopeand went to the captain. - Great, you found the map - said the captain, When Dizzy casually handed it to him. - Now go and look around. Dizzy went to the crow's nest. "That's disgusting, I forgot"Funny pictures"he thought as he settled himself comfortably.┌────────────┐ │ Level 3 │ └────────────┘At this level, you need save the old man. And here again Dizzy was in the woods, where he found lantern (Torch). Walking to the right, he saw a non-working elevator. It looked rusty to Dizzy. Even more to the right, he found himself at the Three Roots. Jumped on the planks(2 times right, left, 2 times right, 2 times left, and down).On the last bar Dizzy found fins (Flippers). "I'll swim at my leisure": he decided. When he walked to the oil pipes, he saw a piece, lighter than the rest. "Probably the most fragile": he thought. In the docks (Dock yard) Dizzy found two pairedoxygen cylinders(Oxygen tanks). Then he went out to(Quey side) where lay (Dingy) . Knowing that he has fins and balloons, Dizzy boldly dived into the water and was under by the sea (Under the sea). Going even lower, he got into deep waters , through which, having passed through the visible entrance, he got into the underground cave (Underground cavern) where he left his balloons and fins. There was no lighting in the caves and a lantern had to be taken with them. Walking up the ledge above, he found himself under the docks, where he saw pickaxe. Remembering that in the dungeons a pickaxe is a necessary thing, he decided to go after it. You had to go through the dungeon to get there.(Underground) and through collapse. Taking it, he went straight, and straight along the top, until he found himself in a mine elevator (Lift shaft), where in some cave one could see an oil canister. "Just need to lubricate the elevator" - Dizzy thought quickly and hurried into the cave. Taking canister, he hurried to the cave(underground cavern). Once there, Dizzy left a lantern and a pick,put on diving equipment and swam up. "But the canister is empty!" - got to him(Quey side). Leaving her there, Dizzy swam for a pickaxe, remembering that somewhere he saw not very strong oil pipelines. Leaving flippers and balloons, he went under the docks and through the dungeon directly downstream. On the way he found pin (Pin) .After a few minutes of walking to the left, Dizzy saw old man. - Did you come to rescue me? he exclaimed happily. “I've been trapped here for many years. - Yes, follow me. - I can't go far, find me a shortcut. Dizzy looked at the end of the cable. "Looks like you won't be able to ride the elevator yourself," he thought sadly. Behind the old man revealed two boulders. Dizzy spat on his hands, tightened his grip on the pickaxe and hit the boulders with all his might. They scattered, forming a passage. "I'll have to compete with Iron Schwarzenegger," he thought, feeling his muscles, and went intosecret room(The secret room) where the goblet, sword and crown were located. "Let them stay until here" - and Dizzy hurried into the underground cave, where he temporarily left a pin and a lantern. Freed from the scuba diver's set, he took canister and went to the oil pipelines. A couple of precise blows - and the pipe broke, the oil began to flow. "I'm certainly not a vandal, these actions are dictated by life" - thought Dizzy, filling the canister. Kirk, he decided to leave there as useless. Holding the canister in his hand, he called into the well. But only an echo reached him. "No matter how hungry the old man stretched his legs" - thought Dizzy, lubricating the elevator. Zayatem he carefully stood on the button and the elevator slowly began to move. Seeing that the old man is not returning, Dizzy remembered that he had seen exactly the same button below. What to do? We'll have to go back, and he hurried to the old man. - Get in the basket. - Okay, just don't forget the treasure. Dizzy tookgoblet, crown and swordand carried them to him in a basket. "I hope you have insurance," he thought, seeing how heavy the basket was with each new thing. Dizzy pressed the button, and the elevator slowly began to move. After seeing him with his eyes, he decided to go upstairs. "Maybe he will say that smart" - unexpectedly thought Dizzy. In the underground cave, he left the lantern, deciding that he would no longer need it, and swam upstairs. The old man, seeing Dizzy, said: - Thank you for my salvation. - No problem - modestly said Dizzy. - Please accept this as a token of my gratitude, use it on(Dingy) before blowing it up. And Dizzy took camera (Puncture Kit). Taking it to the (Quey side), stuffed it into the (Dingy). Looking at this design, he decided that it was painfully deflated. With the help of their lungs, they could not inflate. “I wish there was a pump here, preferably a mechanical one, so that the hands could rest. And why are balloons worse? I hope there is still a little air left in them,” it dawned on him. Bringing balloons, Dizzy began to inflate (Dingy), making sure that he did not burst. Then Dizzy took the treasures into it. Approaching with a pin, Dizzy climbed into (Dingy) and hit it on him.(Dingy) flew through the air, taking Dizzy to the next adventure. "May I ever get involved in them again!" - he thought, soaring under the sky.┌────────────┐ │ Level 4 │ └────────────┘This level is the final one about Dizzy's adventures in the Crystal Kingdom. After flying through the air, Dizzy was inCrystal Labyrinth(The crystal maze) where the treasures were. The exit to the right was blocked by boulders. An old man was standing next to them. Dizzy tried to speak, but the old man shouted hysterically: - Faster, faster, take the crystal! "What to do? All the time, like a fairy, fulfill wishes" - thought Dizzy, making his way through moat with water (The watery end) . And here is the crystal" - he saw it on some ledge and, passing through(Aztec zone), hastened to take it. "On all these crystals, diamonds, coins, I could get rich if I didn't have to give them to someone every time," Dizzy thought, returning to the old man. - Okay, you took the crystal. Now go! - And the old man removed the barrier. "Bribery!" - Dizzy immediately identified, took his treasures and went into the resulting passage. After some time of walking, he found himself in dead end where was the loaded catapult. Having put treasures in a bowl, Dizzy jumped into it and he, along with all his treasures, was thrown through the air. And Dizzy found himself in a hole filled with water, at the bottom of which lay goblet (Chalise), but with all his efforts, he could not get it. Then he went to the cave, where he picked up a jar of salt (Salt pot) . Jumping higher, Dizzy was in the continuation of the cave. Passing to the right, he jumped diagonally up, then up and saw crown (Crown), frozen in ice. Sprinkling it with salt, she easily took it and Dizzy went down, then, going left and down, jumped up and went to the left, where he found ice block (Block of ice). Passing to the left, he found himself in(The change) where the gnome stood. - Put the treasures in their places - he said, seeing in the hands of Dizzy crown. Dizzy, out of habit, put it in the middle, to which the dwarf said: - Congratulations, you correctly placed one thing. Dizzy returned to the cup. The ice block displaced the water and the treasure along with it. With the cup Dizzy hurried in (The alter) and put it on right edge. But the dwarf said that only one thing was set correctly. Then Dizzy moved the cup to the left side. And the dwarf said that now two things are set correctly. All that remained was to find sword. Walking three times to the right, he saw a sword resting on a cloud. Before him, Dizzy could not jump and landed at parachute. "That's what I need!" - he immediately thought and returned to the place where he saw the sword. Like a real paratrooper, Dizzy jumped to the sword, with which he hurried to (The alter). Putting it in a free window, he approached the dwarf, who said that all three things were installed correctly. Here Dizzy with the help of magic found himself with his grandfather, who immediately began to say: - Well, you saved the Yolk people from an evil curse. You once again became a hero ... "Well, that's all!": Dizzy thought, sitting on the couch to relax after the adventure.

Fantastic Adventures of Dizzy

(walkthrough) (Rum for SEGI)

The description is based on the translation of the English passage.

At the start of the game, Dizzy is in her own comfortable little house high up in a treetop in Yolkfolk.

It doesn't take a lot of ingenuity here. Just take the key, the stars (collect all the stars along the way, you will need them later) and the fruit, if you want, use the key on the door to exit.

Outside, your first task will be to explore the forest area, solving a few simple tasks that will help you later. First go left and pick up the plank of wood. Now stop, go back past Dizzy's house and go down to the base of the tree while avoiding the spiders. From there, go to the right, behind the spider, use the plank of wood in front of the spiked pit to make a bridge.

Now you can cross the spikes, move on, pick up the weed killer as you pass. Keep going to the right avoiding the spiders and snails until you leave the forest area, now you are in the countryside where you are on a large pile of rocks. Here, go to the right, pick up the mushroom, and go across the bridge to find a wrench. Now go back to the pile of stones and go left into the mine.

Once in the mine, go right until you are in front of a large machine. Use the wrench there, then go back to the entrance to the mine, grabbing the key to Dizzy's grandfather's lift along the way. When you get to the entrance, stand on the crate and jump to the right to return to the top. Exit the mine, jump onto the pile of rocks and go left, back into the forest.

Once you reach the tree with Dizzy's house, keep going left to where the next lift key is. Unfortunately, we have to leave something here for a while, because, Dizzy is already carrying three things, and he must take that key. You take the key, go back and use it on the lift, then go down the lift, take the left thing again and climb the tree.

From there, go to the right, behind the two spiders is a man-eating plant. Apply a weed killer. Now go left past your house to a dead end.
This a good place to store things as they will be visible all the time. Put everything you have in your inventory so far (mushroom and Grandpa Dizzy's lift key). Here in the dead end you will find another key to the lift, this time from Denzil's lift, take it.
Once you've done that, go back past your house, under those two spiders, past the killer weed, and go nowhere on the lower of the paths, so you'll pass the screen with the rope. Next, find the key to Denzil's door. Once you've done that, grab it, then head back the way you came to the screen with the rope, and this time jump left to the upper platform.

Take the rope, then jump to the right platform, go up and jump to the left platform.

You should now be on the screen with the meeting house, go further left to the screen with the spider, jump right to the platform in front of the spider, use the rope and there's Dizzy on the other side, then go right past the straw stack, Denzil's house.

When you reach the lift screen, jump down to the bottom of the lift, then down left and get the key to Daisy's house, go back and activate the lift, go up again and go left to Denzil's house. Use Denzil's door key. You have gained access to Denzil. Enter the house. Denzil is encased in a block of ice! While you are in the house, collect stars and food.

Now you should only have Daisy's house key in your inventory, leave the rest (the rope) in a visible place. Go back to the fork where the rope lay and go from there to the right, where the key to Denzil's house lay, go further to the end, to the spider, from here jump to the left and go up. Now jump right to the platform with another spider and go straight to Daisy's house.

Here, use your key, then enter. Take the cage, Dozi's house key and the fruit with stars and go back to Dizzy's house.

When you pass, you have to wait a bit, now you have to use the cage to catch a little purple fluffy that runs back and forth. To do this, wait until he is about to run past you, then use the cage. You should get a fluffy cage!

When you do this, you can put it down for now, and you can also put down Dozy's door key, because his house will be the last one you visit.

So, now your inventory is empty, we go to the place with the rope, on the way we take it where we left it, where the rope lay, again past the spiders, past the killer weed. We jump to the right, go up, jump to the left and go to the meeting house, this time we will go into it.

Inside, take the key to Dizzy's grandfather's house and food, go left to the platform with the spider, jump over with the rope to the right, climb to the spider, jump to the left, go to the end and take the key to Dora's house. Now back to Dizzy's house.

Your next task meet Grandpa Dizzy, so you will need to take the key to the lift that leads to his house and the key to his house, and the magic mushroom. When you get these three things, go right and take the lift to Denzil's house.

When you get to the house, keep going left past the house, jump onto the left platform with the spider. Now continue to the left and when you reach the platform where you got the key to Dora's door, jump right to the platform with the spider. Go right to the next spider and jump left to the platform and go to the end.

At the end, activate the elevator to Grandpa Dizzy's house, go up and go to the house, use the key to the door, however, do not go inside, keep going to the right, and take the empty potion bottle at the end of the platform. Jump off this platform and then go left.

There, pick up the plant of magical stars and go to the lift to Dizzy's grandfather's house, go into the house. Grandpa Dizzy is sick, go right to the cauldron and use all three items (mushroom, empty potion bottle and magic star plant). Take the resulting potion and give it to Grandpa Dizzy, he will be cured and give you golden egg, carry the egg and collect fruits and stars, and go down to Dizzy's house.

Put the egg in for now and this time take the caged Pogie and the rope again. Now go right to Denzil's house. From there, go left, jump to the platform with the spider, go further, jump to the right platform with the spider. Go right to the end, passing two spiders, collecting stars and food, at the end, take the key to Dylan's lift. From here we jump to the left platform and go up. We got to Dylan's house. Activate the elevator, climb up, go left, to the end of the platform with Dora's house, jump down. Jump to the right platform and use the rope.

When you get to the other side, take Dylan's door key, jump to the right and go to Dylan's house. Use the key. Inside, approach Dylan and talk to him. You figure out that he wants to take care of Pogie while Daisy is away, so drop the cage on the table next to him and Dylan will give you a little cow! Wow! Before you leave the house, take this cow, fruit and another star, then go to the lift. Climb up, go right to the end of the platform, jump.

Once on the small platform, go left, then go right, and pick up the 1 ton weight at the edge of the platform. Now we return to the place where we jumped from and hang the weight of 1 ton on a small hook at the bottom of the platform.

The platform straightens and allows you to stand up. But don't jump yet! Instead, go back to Dizzy's house. When you pass you should have a rope and a cow in your inventory, two keys for the doors and a golden egg near your house. This time, put down the cow and the rope and take these two keys (the key to Dozi and Dora's house). When you take them, go to the place where you hung the 1 ton weight and jump to the left platform.

When you reach the top, you should reach a screen with Dozy's house on the right and the spider on the left. While you're here, jump right to Dozi's house and use the door key. There is no point in entering the house yet, because you do not have a plate to wake Sonya up! When the door is open, go back to the left under the spider and jump onto the small platform and down from it and land near Dora's house. Unlock the door with the key and enter.

You don't have to do anything inside. Just collect all the stars, fruits, and also Dora the Frog on the table! Once you've got it all, exit the house and jump to the left of the platform, then jump to the left again until you're on the ground.

Once you're on the ground, go slightly to the right until you're in front of the Enchanted Prince and release Dora the Frog there. He will give her a kiss and she will be saved! The prince will give you a crossbow, do not take it yet, go to Dizzy's house.

Our congratulations, you have now completed an episode of Tree House. Of course, you will return here from time to time throughout the rest of the game, but you have completed almost all the tasks here, so you will not be here for a long time! I hope you did everything right and collected all the stars.

Episode Two - Roads to Ruins

Throughout the game, all the items were near Dizzy's house, but now since we won't be climbing the tree house often, take these three items (egg, rope, and cow) from outside Dizzy's house and bring them down to where the Enchanted Prince stood. Put the egg there, keeping the other two things for yourself, because they are still useful. From now on, this place will be our vault. (Don't put things behind the trees or you'll forget!!)

When you have in your inventory (cow, rope) and an egg, a crossbow - near Dora and the prince, you can continue. Your first location is the city, you go to the left, picking up meat along the way. You go down the hill and use meat to get rid of that monster that tries to eat you. Now, continue to the left, taking the bag of gold, remembering to collect stars and food, and reach the waterfall.

Jump over the waterfall when the barrel appears above the water and move on. You can get an extra life if you click on the scroll on the other side of the waterfall and solve the Wizard's puzzle.

Go further up the mountain, and now you are finally on the edge of the city. Your first task is to get rid of the bag of gold, so go through the first door and you will find yourself in a tunnel with a troll between BRIDGE STREET-CASTLE STREET. Approach the troll and apply the bag of gold. Then, go through the tunnel and exit onto BRIDGE STREET, go right and take a barrel of rum.

When you've done that, head back through the tunnel with the troll, and this time go through the second door (go left) that leads to the DOCK STREET-CASTLE STREET tunnel. When you reach DOCK STREET, go to the right and give the barrel of Blackbeard Rum to the pirate and he will leave. This gives you a chance to get on board his ship. Once on board, climb up to the deck avoiding the mice and keep going straight ahead until you reach the boxes.

Jump up from yard to yard using the rope on the hooks, avoiding the birds, and move to the left, where on the last mast, take the winch wheel.

Now go back to Castle Street, where the umbrella is, here we will temporarily put everything we carry (cow, rope, winch wheel) and take the umbrella and rope. When you have these two things, go back to the right, to the place with the Enchanted Prince. Here put the rope and umbrella and take the crossbow. Now go back over the waterfall back to Castle Street.
Here, we are going to go and play the first arcade part in this game - "Troll Castle Storm". To do this, we must take the winch wheel and crossbow, and go through the first door again (tunnel BRIDGE STREET-CASTLE STREET). When you reach the other end of the tunnel, go left, taking a crowbar along the way, enter the DOCK STREET-BRIDGE STREET tunnel, go through it and go left again, and enter the door between the two lampposts (DOCK STREE-CASTLE STREET tunnel). Finally, go right and you will eventually come to a huge door. Use the winch wheel on the small black square on the left and then enter. Now the game will start.

The idea of ​​the game is quite obvious - you move the sight of the crossbow, and figures of trolls appear in the windows of the castle and behind the trees and bushes, which throw stones at you, and you must shoot at them. The game is very easy and you have to win quickly. When you do this, then find yourself in the Troll's Castle.

Explore the castle, collecting stars and food along the way, jumping over spiders and rats. The only thing you need to take is the D.I.V Bridge Kit, which is in the upper left corner of the castle.

When you are done, you can leave, the exit is where you entered the castle. You can leave a crossbow at the entrance, because now it is not needed. Now go to the beginning, to the place where you left the cow.

Place the crowbar and bridge kit here and take the cow. It's time to go to the market! We must again go through the first door (tunnel BRIDGE STREET - CASTLE STREET). When you reach the other end of the tunnel, go left, enter the DOCK STREET- BRIDGE STREET tunnel, go through it and go left again, past the door between the two lamps, past the extra life you can take if you want. At the end of the road you should come across another door a couple of screens in front of the water. Go through the tunnel (DOCK STREET- CASTLE STREET), go right past the door and into the market.

Once you get there, you should see a merchant standing in front of a small booth. You give him the cow and he gives you the magical green bean. Now you need to return to the very beginning, where you take the bridge kit along with the bean, and carry it to the place with the Enchanted Prince. Put them down and go back, picking up the crowbar along the way.

When you got the crowbar, go through the second door (on the left) through the tunnel (DOCK STREET- CASTLE STREET), then right and enter the ship. This time you will need to examine the ship properly. There are two things to take: sticks of dynamite, and a winch handle. The dynamite is in the lower right corner of the ship, and the handle is in the middle, under the bilge doors. Use a crowbar to open them.

Once you've found those two things, make sure you've collected all the stars, then exit onto the deck and head right past the crates towards the board. When you walk far enough along it, Blackbeard will pop up behind you and force you to walk across the board!

Congratulations, you have now completed the Trolltown episode. Of course, you will return here from time to time throughout the rest of the game, but you have completed almost all the tasks here, so you will not be here for a long time!

Part three

Episode Three - Mystery of the Castle in the Clouds

Now this part of the game is similar to what you played in Bubble Dizzy. The idea is to use the bubbles and get back to the surface of the water. Make sure you collect all the stars as you go up, and don't panic if you miss a bubble because you have plenty of time. Don't stay on one bubble for too long, it will burst. When you get to the top, jump to the right. You must land on a small island near the shore. Good luck!

At the end of this little game, you land on a small island. Here you will find scuba gear and a star. When you have collected these things, jump to the left, and exit the water, to a larger bank. From there, continue to the left, ignoring the pickaxe because you don't have enough room for it in your inventory! Instead, continue to the left and you'll end up in an area of ​​the countryside, continue on to the Tree Houses.

Once there, continue to the left, past the lift, to our main storage area (near the Enchanted Prince). Your next exploration will be down in the mine, put down the winch handle, scuba gear and pick up the umbrella and the golden egg. Take sticks of dynamite. Now go back to the right, to the countryside area, to the hole in the ground.

Once in the mine, go to the left, get down on the lift down, (it was activated by you with a wrench machine at the beginning of the game). Now go right, fall into the hole, then go right again. When you reach the next lift, go down one floor and then go left. At the end of the tunnel, jump over the ax and go down into the hole.

Now you are in the deepest diamond mine. Continue to the right, avoiding the lava, across several bridges, all the way to the other side of the level. Go down on the lift, pass the spider, go up on the lift. Go left, go through another spider, then use the sticks of dynamite next to the rubble. Step back and activate the fuse.

When the rock has been broken, jump onto the box, jump to the right from it. Go with the star and go past the dragon to Shamrock. Once you get to it, the dragon starts breathing fire, use your golden egg next to the one already there and it will stop breathing fire.

Take the Shamrock and head back through the lava pits and then jump to the right to stand next to the axe. Now take it and go back to the tree houses where the Enchanted Prince is.
Put the umbrella and Shamrock there, but leave the ax. Now take the scuba gear and go back to the right, through the countryside, to the bridge with the star below it. On the bridge, stand above the star and use the axe.

Now you must fall, taking the star. When you land in the water, head to the right avoiding the fish, collect the star, then jump up to the platform with the saucers, collect them as well. Finally, grab the star on the right, then go all the way to the left and exit the water into the mine.

From there, get out of the mine and go to the tree houses, to the Prince. Now put down the scuba gear, leave the plates and climb back up to the tree house. Go to the meeting house, to the lift to Denzil's house, to the place where you found the star plant for Grandpa Dizzy's potion. Go right all the way until you reach Dylan's house. Now go up on his lift, to the right, to the platform with the cargo, and finally to Dozi's house.

Go through the door and wake him up using the plates. When he wakes up, he should give you a thick rug. Now go all the way back to the ground (towards the Prince) and lay down this rug. Next, take the shamrock and scuba gear. Head to the right, across the countryside area, over the recently broken bridge, being careful not to fall into the water. Take the pickaxe and enter the sea.

You have to walk on the seabed collecting stars and food. First go to the left passages, then return to the right to the shipwreck on the seabed. For now, ignore it and instead keep going straight until you reach a dead end with only one star. Take this star, then go back and use the pickaxe in the place where the vial is pressed down by the stone. If you do it in the right place, you should see a big bubble float out of the hole.

You can bend down into the hole and take a star, other stars are not yet available. You also don't need a gold coin.
Now jump onto the bubble, grabbing an empty chest on the deck of the ship along the way, then climb up and jump to the right to the shore.

On the beach, go past the sandbag, teleporter, right up to the cliff at the end. Now place the chest to make a platform to stand on. However, before you go up, go back to the left and grab the sandbag. Now jump over to another area of ​​the countryside.

First of all, take a star. Now go right and stop on the left side of the broken bridge. Now lower the bag of sand and this will raise the log in the water. Magic, huh? Go back a bit, then jump onto the log. When you land on the log, jump over to the other side, then keep walking, picking up a match along the way. When you reach the Leprechaun Sleuth, give him the Shamrock and he will run away with it. Now go back to the teleporter, go into it and find yourself in a mine, go right and get out of the mine, then go into the forest to the Enchanted Prince.

Climb up to Denzil's house, taking with you straw (to the left, next to the house) and a match. Spread the campfire next to Denzil. He will thaw and give you flippers. Get down.

Take the bridge kit along with scuba gear and fins, and go to the beach (to the right), again to the shipwreck at the bottom of the sea. At sea, after practicing a little swimming (jump + direction of movement), collect all the stars that were not available before. When you have collected them all, swim to the right again to the right bank.

Once on the sand, continue to the right, over the chest, and towards the Sleuth, over the log on the water, past the snail, and into the next hole. Here you can get an extra life (but you can only get to the ledge from the trolley!), after playing the game, go to the right, to the Cemetery area.

Continue to the right, past all the creatures and the church. When you reach a small hole in the ground, jump onto the second hill where the spider is, go to the edge and use the bridge constructor. If you are in the right place, then you should now have a lovely little rope bridge. Go right across the bridge, pick up the key with the skull on the next hill. Once you've taken the key, keep going to the right and enter the city on Bridge Street. Make your way through town to the tree houses.
When you get to the place where you store all the items, put down your scuba gear and fins. Now take the bean. Then, go right again to the mine. Now go left, go down the lift, right, down the hole, and left. Soon you will reach the cart.

This is the next part of another arcade game. You will ride inside the trolley on numerous rails. Other trolleys with trolls are moving towards you, which you must avoid by driving the trolley (left-right), avoid falling stones. The correct route is marked with stars. The goal is to reach the final exit (there are 4 exits in total) which will take you to Bridge St. in the city. If you hit the other exits, you will end up in other areas of the game (either the coast or the countryside). If this happens, go back to the door (sometimes the path is irreversible) you find there and you can try to drive again. The longer you eat, the faster the cart moves. Watch out for the stars along the way because you'll dress up to come back for them.

When you get to the right exit, you'll be standing in a small tunnel in the back of the city on Bridge St... Go right with a shovel and a star and push your way past the rat. Now go up to the left and go to the Cemetery.

When you get to the cemetery, go to the place where you built the bridge, next to the hole in the ground. Use the shovel here and you will fall underground into a secret cave. Take an empty bucket, fill it with water while standing in a pond. Now get out of the water and while dodging the droplets falling from the ceiling, swap your bob for the springboard you find a little to the left. Collect the final two stars in the cave, then go back and lower the trampoline where the bucket was. Now go back and grab the bean, then jump on the trampoline to get back to the graveyard.

Once you're on the surface, go left all the way through the rest of the cemetery, and back into the countryside. Go through Samus's snails in the hole to a small post with a bean sign. Use a bean and it will turn into a lovely big sprout. Also here you must put a bucket of water and a key with a skull, you will need them later.

Now go left over the log on the water, into the teleporter. You will find yourself in a cave, get out to the surface and go left to the place where all the items are. When you pass, take a thick rug, a rope and a winch handle, then go back to the bean stalk (you can go through the city or through the mine on a cart). Climb right on top of him while standing in front of him.
Then jump on the clouds, collecting stars and food.

Two screens up and to the left you will land on a cloud with a castle. Don't worry, you can't fall through this cloud now! Use the winch on the door. Go inside and put what you have (mat, and rope) and go back down to get the skull key and a bucket of water near the base of the bean stalk.

When you take them, go up again to the castle. Enter the castle, go to the right, collecting the stars. When you reach the burning fireplace, use the bucket of water to douse the fire, which will give you access to the last stars on the right. When you've done that, go back and get the rope and rug.

Climb up the lift using the skull key. Climb onto the table, remembering to take the star. From there, to the right and land near the spikes. Use the rug on them, then jump up to the left, then to the right, collecting all the stars.

When you have collected all the stars, go to the place where you put the rug.
This time follow the spikes to the right, avoiding the rat. On the hook, use the rope to swing on the hook. Next, collect the stars, and at the top is an extra life.

When done, from the screen under the fireplace where the extra life lay, jump right and right again, and go right, avoiding the two rats. Now, if you have collected all the stars, you will finally be able to enter the Zax tower, if not, then look for more stars.

Then the final part of the game begins. The idea is to reach the top of the Zaks tower, but it's not easy, because. Zaks throws huge hot balls at you. When they hit you, you lose a lot of energy. It's not too difficult.

At the top of the tower, you'll see Zaks standing on a platform to the left, and Daisy on her own little platform above him. There is also another platform opposite Zaks with a giant mirror standing on it. The idea is to get to this platform, then jump when Zaks shoots at you, and again when the shot ricochets off the mirror. It's easy, and when you've done it, you've won the game.

At the end of the game, the shot that ricocheted off the mirror will hit Zaksa and he will shatter into small pieces. After that, Dizzy should stand on the platform with Daisy. Sad music plays, they kiss, and the final picture appears.

That's it, this is the end of Dizzy's adventure...

Download ROM for SEGA here.

Manufacturer: Codemasters
Year: 1993
Genre:, quest
Interface language: Russian
Tags: action, quest

About the game: Fantastic Dizzy is a platform game with elements of a quest about the adventures of a funny humanoid egg named Dizzy

The evil sorcerer Zaks has captured Daisy, the girlfriend of our hero Dizzy, and keeps her in his castle. Only Dizzy had the courage to try to save her from a terrible fate. Leaving the peaceful forest village of Yolkfolk, Dizzy went on a long and dangerous journey.

You control the funny egg character Dizzy on his journey through magic kingdom Zakeria. Throughout the game you will have to solve simple puzzles, collect various items and use them for their intended purpose. For example, if on your way closed door, then somewhere on the level there must be a key to it. Explore mysterious diamond mines, incredible caves, deserts, cities, a dragon's lair and a castle in the clouds. Find secret cards treasures, encounter strange magicians, wizards, trolls, pirates, gnomes and many other strange and wonderful creatures.

Fantastic Adventures of Dizzy, The / Fantastic Adventures of Dizzy Walkthrough

Surely you, dear readers, have heard about the famous game that tells about the adventures of Dizzy. This game was developed by the well-known company Codemasters. Subsequently, a whole series was released. First released in 1986, it has gained many fans around the world. Most of the games in the series were released on the ZX Spectrum, but there were also releases on consoles. Actually, I met the game in question in the mid-90s. I spent a lot of time going through it, I had to pretty rack my brains to figure out which item to use where and how to get it. Often, there was simply not enough patience - after all, there are only three lives in the game and not a single continuation. You will pass decently, you will die by negligence, and then everything again all over again. However, lives can be earned by collecting puzzles that will meet on the way. But first things first.
Main character, Dizzy is an egg with arms and legs, living in the fairy kingdom of Yolkfolk (Yolkfolk). Has a house in a small village, located on the branches of trees. Dizzy has friends and relatives who also live in this village.
Here they are:

Daisy is Dizzy's girlfriend.

Dozy is a big sleeper.

Denzil (Denzil) - a kind of dude, loves to listen to music.

Dora is Dizzy's little sister.

Dizzy's grandfather (Grand Dizzy) - in fact, his grandfather.

Dylan is a hippie and melancholy.

They lived peacefully, minding their own business. But what fairy-tale kingdom can do without an evil sorcerer, tell me? That's right, none. And in our Yolkfolk it is present! Zax, an evil sorcerer named Zax. And since he is very evil, he took and kidnapped Daisy. You understand, you took me away to your witch's castle. Well, if only he had taken her away, so out of harm he sent diseases and curses to Dizzy's friends and relatives. Sad things, you will not say anything. Well, we have to explore the kingdom together with Dizzy, save Daisy, and at the same time save all the other victims of evil spells. Let's start, perhaps.


Manage Dizzy as easy as shelling pears: button [ b ] - pick up / use / throw away the item; button [A] - jump. Well, with a cross, respectively, we go right and left. Yes, also - the entrance to the inventory, where we can read the description of each item taken, find out what location we are in, and also see how significant the damage caused by the enemies is. Well, if you want to pause the adventure, please click!
It should also be noted that three items are placed in the inventory, and if you want to take the fourth, be kind enough to lay out one of the three available! Don't forget where you left it, otherwise you'll have to look for it later. This is the secret of adventure!


And our adventure begins in Dizzy's house. We are locked inside! First you need to take the key to the house. However, there is a small hint here, they will tell you where the key is located and even which buttons you need to press to take it and then use it. So we approach the door, use the key, and it disappears. We wind on a mustache that a correctly used item disappears from the inventory. Going outside, we find ourselves on wooden bridges laid between the trees. Having run into the first spider lurking among the foliage, we understand that the longer we are in contact with the enemy, the more damage it will cause us. The scale of damage, by the way, is not so big. But fruits scattered here and there will help us improve our health. And right away my good advice to you, if there is no damage or they are insignificant, it’s better not to eat fruits, leave them, they will come in handy later, believe me! And you probably thought that I would now write where they say to go, what you need to take first, but where it lies, go there, take it, come back! No no and one more time no! I'm not in the mood for something. So, my dear ones, it will not be interesting to play. I'll take care of you! To deprive you of the joy of thinking a little, wandering, searching ... I can’t do this, understand, I can’t ... Well, actually, that’s it, goodbye, thanks for reading, good luck.
I'm kidding, I'm kidding. Were you afraid? Okay, don't get angry. I will tell you my friends about the belonging of the items, but I will give some important tips. And if you missed something, don’t look for it, it was a long time ago, after all, fifteen years have passed. You yourself, I think, can handle it, but you will find everything!

Item ownership

You need to collect 100 stars to disenchant Daisy.
The poison bottle destroys the killer flower. The keys open the doors and raise the lifts. Using the chicken, we drive away the triceratops. Plank - a swing bridge in the forest. The cage needs to catch a harmless animal, Pogi. With the help of a rope, you can jump over the abyss if there is a hook above the abyss.
In the cave on the trolley you need to go in the following way:
[→ → → ← → → → → ← ← ← → ← → ← ← ←] - we get to the bridge, from where Dizzy jumps into the barrel, in which we float on the water and swim to the waterfall near the ship.
A barrel of rum is given to the captain of the ship, one ton is hung on a hook in the forest.
To take the key with the skull, in the cave on the trolley you need to go the same way, only the last turn to the left is replaced by:
[→ ← → ←], that is, the full route will be like this:

[→ → → ← → → → → ← ← ← → ← → ← ← → ← → ←]

When the pirate pushes you off the ship, you need to swim up the bubbles to the shore, where we take scuba gear to swim underwater.
To take a piece of heavy rock, you need to ride in a trolley in the cave in the following way:
[→ → → ← → → → → ← ← → ← ←]

We give the bag of gold to the knight with the axe. Dynamite is laid in a cave, near the inscription. The blockage explodes with a detonator. After that, you need to go past the dragon and take the golden egg and the golden flower. The flower must be given to the gnome. The umbrella protects against falling drops. The chest is placed in the corner of the island (on the right side of the island), where there is a piece of heavy rock. Thanks to him, we jump onto a high ledge, there is a puzzle and a third heavy piece of rock. Pieces of heavy rock must be thrown into the lake so that the bridge rises. Having fully raised the bridge, we come to the dwarf on the other side. A pickaxe breaks the bottom under water and a bubble is released.
Straw and matches - for the release of Denzil.
Fly agaric, a magical star plant and an empty medical bottle - for Grandfather's recovery. The recipe tells how to prepare the medicine.
Animal in a cage - to free Dylan.
The frog must be given to the prince in order to disenchant Dora.
The crowbar opens the valve inside the ship.
The rope can be laid on hooks hanging on the masts of the ship. There we take the wheel with which the grate opens. A crossbow is needed to shoot at an enemy castle. After passing the castle, we take a kit (rope bridge and other equipment). This set is used to take an axe. The bridge breaks with an ax and a pair of copper plates is taken. They are used to awaken Dozi. He also gives us the key to Zax's witch's castle. With the help of a shovel, we dig a passage and fall into a hole. In it we collect the last stars. There is also a trampoline, which we use to jump out of the pit. Bob lands in the place where the dwarf stood. A tree grows out of it. Traveling through the clouds, we finally find the magical castle of Zaks. The skull key is used to take the elevator up in Zax's castle. The rug rests on the stakes inside the same castle.

It is interesting!

In conclusion, it should be noted that there were two versions of The Fantastic Adventures of Dizzy. The second version was released in 1993 on a special compact cartridge (the so-called Aladdin Compact Cartridge). The fact is that in November 1992, Codemasters released a special device for the NES, called the Aladdin Deck Enhancer. This device was a special adapter for the operation of compact cartridges, on which the company began to produce its games. It was inserted into the slot for a standard cartridge and contained several microcircuits. One of them allowed to bypass the security chip installed inside the set-top box, there was also a memory controller and a graphics chip. Thanks to the device, 64 kilobytes of RAM were added. So, the game released on a compact cartridge has some differences.
First, the stars are not one hundred, but two hundred and fifty.
Secondly, Dizzy moves a little faster.
Thirdly, when picking up an item, it automatically moves to the third inventory slot.
Fourthly, there is a slight difference in the arrangement of some items.
Yes, I’ll also say that six more games were released for Aladdin Deck Enhancer: Big Nose Freaks Out, Dizzy the Adventurer, Linus Spacehead`s Cosmic Crusade, Micro Machines, Quattro Adventure, Quattro Sports. The last two are collections of 4 games.


And finally, if it’s going to be really tight, here are a couple of secrets for you:
Temporary invulnerability (antidote) - go to the spider / fish and at the moment of taking life, press . Effective against spiders, ants, fish, crabs, crawling mice. It also works against drops and guillotines. The action ends when the fruit is eaten or damage is dealt.
Moving to a certain part of the game - go to the puzzle and press .

Now that's all for sure! Have a good game!

The evil wizard Zack took all of DIZZY's friends and relatives to his kingdom and bewitched them. Daisy, Dizzy's girlfriend, he imprisoned in the dungeon and increased to such a size that she could not climb through the door. He turned Dora into a frog and Dylan into bushes. Zach lulled Dozy's couch potato into a dead sleep. He hid Grandfather in the looking glass, and froze Denzil. With the help of a supercomplex machine created by his grandfather, our hero got into the kingdom of Zack, full of dangers. He has to free all his friends and return home. On his way, Dizzy will find diamonds that increase his strength.

1. In THE MISTERIOUS MONOLITH (mysterious monolith) take the key from the back door and go left. After jumping over the well and swimming across the river on the fin of a huge fish, open the door to CASTLE BACK DOOR (back door).

2. In THE GRAND HALL (ancient hall) take the handle and use it in YE OLDE WELL (old well) to lift the bucket out of the well.

3. After taking the bucket, return to the castle and in THE WATCH-TOWER (observation tower) take the energy pill. Now you can destroy the ghosts in the swamp in THE HAUNTER SWAMP (inhabited swamp). In this case, the ghosts, feeling your increased power, will change their color.

4. Having a bucket with you, go far to the right past the island of the good witch Glenda. Fill the bucket with THE HOT WATER GEYSER and return to the castle. On the way, take Dora the frog and in THE THRONE ROOM (throne room) offer her to the prince. He will kiss her and Dora will become herself.

5. In THE TOWER A VIEW (tower with a view), jump out of the window and get to the tree through the clouds. On the tree in UP A TREE (up the tree) take a large stick.

6. From the top of the tree, jump over to the top of the monolith, and from it to the gray gate. Take the dagger there.

7. Go left to the bridge guarded by the troll (turn on the drawbridge along the way by pressing ENTER). The troll will demand 30 diamonds from you for crossing the bridge. amount of diamonds. But there is another way to get on the bridge. At THE TROLL BRIDGE (troll bridge) cut the rope to which the goat is tied. Then hit her with a big stick. The goat will run and gore the troll. The passage is free.

8. Take a bucket of hot water and, after crossing the troll bridge, melt Denzil into the ICE PALACE ENTRANCE (entrance to the ice palace). He will give you his player.

9. Return to the castle and in THE WATCH-TOWER jump to the left as far as possible. You will fall on the walkways fixed on the tree. Climb up these walkways. There in THE BARDS TREE MOUSE you will see a bard playing the magic flute. Offer the player to the bard, he will disappear and leave you the magic flute.

10. In YE OLDE WELL, jump into the well and stand on the ledge opposite the rat and use the magic flute. You will play the tune MERRY DIZZI DITTY, the rat will fall asleep and fall to the bottom of the well.

11. After going to the left, you will find yourself in a secret underground passage leading to the palace. Climb up to the palace, taking an old lamp along the way.

12. Take the antique lamp to SLEEPY HOLLOW (sleepy valley) and put it next to Dozi.

13. In THE HIGHER TOWER (the highest tower) take a lightning rod and put it next to Dozi too.

14. In THE SKY, take a cloth for cleaning clothes and rub it on an antique lamp two times. A genie will appear from the lamp. The thunder and lightning that accompanies his appearance will wake up Dozi (if there was no lightning rod nearby, you would be killed by lightning).

15. IN THE TOP OF MONOLITH, take the black cat and take it to the good witch Glenda in GOOD WITCH GLENDA'S ISLE. She will thank you for returning the cat to her and agree to help disenchant Dylan, for which she will need a leaf from the bush, which Something poisonous to light a fire.

16. Use the dagger in BOOSHY GROVE to cut a leaf from a bush and take it to Glenda.

17. In SLEEPY HOLLOW, take the poisoned apple and take it to Glenda too.

18. In THE HAUNTER SWAMP, take the bottle that says "drink me" and go far left. Along the way, take a golden cross and a pie with the inscription "eat me".

19. In DEEPEST DUNGEON, remove the burning torch from the wall (the one under the stairs). This creates a gap in the wall. Jump into it and see Daisy. Give her a pie first. She will grow even bigger. Then give a bubble and she will shrink to normal size. You talk to her for a bit (she will offer you to marry, but you advise her to rest, stating that she is not completely healthy, after which she will disappear) .

20. Take the burning torch to Glenda. She will set fire to the wood, cast a spell and give you a magic potion. Pour it into Dylan's BUSHY GROVE. He will be released.

21. In SECRET PASSAGE take something sticky.

22. In THE SWORD IN THE STONE, draw a sword from the stone. You will become a king.

23. In THE CHESS BOARD, eat the queen chess rules. Note: to get on the chessboard, you need to climb to the second floor by jumping from the top step to the left up, from the right tower jump to left, left tower jump into the mirror (MIRROR,MIRROR).

24. In CURIOSER AND CURIOSER (strange place) release your grandfather. magical land and will not return home while Zack is alive. Therefore, you have to kill the evil wizard.

25. Exit the ice palace and go far to the right. Cross the volcano on clouds of steam and go down to hell. The devil will give you a trident to destroy wizards.

26. In the ice castle in ZAK "S TOWER, use a trident and kill Zack. He will leave a ring containing his soul. Take him to hell and in THE CRACK OF GEHE-NA (fire hyena) throw him into lava. Zack's soul will die on forever.

27. Collect 30 diamonds and go to the devil. He will take you home and you will see a wonderful fireworks display dedicated to your return home!!!
Note: 27 diamonds lie on the surface, and 3 are hidden behind the railing.


THE BACK DOOR KEY - the key to the back door
THE HANDLE - handle
A BUSKET - bucket
THE POWER PILL - energy pill
DORA-FROGG - Dora the frog
A DAGGER - dagger
A BIG STIK - big stick
A BUSKET OF HOT WATER - a bucket of hot water
SOME MAGIC PIPES - magic flute
AN ANCIENT ROD - lightning rod
A CLOTH DUSTER - cloth for cleaning clothes
A LRAIF - leaflet
A POISONED APPLE - poisoned apple
THE GOLD GROSS - golden cross
THE "DRINK ME" POTION - bottle "drink me"
THE "CAT ME" CAKE - pie "eat me"
THE BURNING TURCH - burning torch
WEED KILLER POTION - magic potion
SOMETHINT STICKY - something sticky
ZAK "S RING - Zach's ring
THE WIZARDSLAYER TRIDENT - a trident for the destruction of wizards
