Dima Bilan revealed the secret of his extreme thinness to fans on Instagram. Dima Kolyadenko revealed the secret of a happy family life and gave important advice to Fallout 4 lovers reveal the secret Dima Factory

After extracting and listening to the memories using a computer simulation, we need to access the remaining secrets and find out what else DiMA is hiding. The downloaded coordinates directed us to a medical laboratory located in the basement of the Vim! lemonade factory. The survivor needs to find the secret DiMA medical complex. We go to the place marked with a marker in the Pib-Boy.

The factory turns out to be occupied by super mutants, inside which the monstrous Grun is locked behind the iron hangar doors. If you kill him, you can take the nuclear unit from his corpse.

And Grün was the only one who locked him up breeder exotic dogs in Far Harbor.

You can get into the secret complex by taking the elevator from the first floor, after opening the iron door with bars using the terminal.

Going down to the basement, we find an unmarked grave in the middle of the room.

Inside the coffin we find a skeleton, a medallion and a holotape, after listening to which we learn terrible details.

On the top tier of the factory workshop Vim is power armor T-51 in a unique coloring. Using the nearby terminal, you can get the Vim coloring recipe.

DiMA killed the real Avery and replaced her with a double - a synth. The fate of the entire island depends on how the Survivor disposes of the evidence of his guilt.

Tell the people of Far Harbor about Avery's murder.

We go to the Harbor to talk with the locals and tell them what secrets of DiMA we were able to uncover. We tell Allen Lee about the murder of Captain Avery and her replacement with a synth. Harbovets asks the Survivor to show Teddy's skull so that the doctor can conduct a DNA test to make the evidence irrefutable.

The test conducted by the doctor turned out to be positive and refuted all doubts, the captain is really a synth!

Now we have a choice - present evidence to Allen or hide the truth. On the one hand, the criminal must be punished, but on the other... God-fearing residents can turn into a lynch mob in the blink of an eye. On Teddy's recommendation, we go to consult with the current Avery.

It is not so easy to convince a woman that she is not a person, and her memories are just a program laid down by DiMA... But, with the help of irrefutable evidence and high charisma, the Survivor succeeds. Avery believes that DiMA should pay for the murder and lies, but if he tells the Harbians about this, many innocents will suffer. Far Harbor is already on the brink. And this news will be the last straw. She asks to get even with DiMA if possible, but not to show this evidence to anyone.

Using the high charisma skill, you can shake off 1300 caps for silence from Avery.

The survivor must decide the fate of Acadia.

If evidence is presented that Avery has been replaced, the death of Acadia is inevitable. Allen Lee immediately gathers people in the Far Harbor square with accusations against DiMA and convinces the people with the help of evidence that Avery was replaced with a fucking car, and the real captain is rotting in an unmarked grave.

If you stand up for her (a high charisma skill is required), then Allen will not kill the current Avery. All the residents whom we have ever helped will be on the side of the Survivor.

We are going to finish off the inhabitants of Acadia.

During the shootout, Kasumi Nakano dies, thus beginning the quest “Family Affair”. For ridding the residents of Far Harbor of synths, we receive the “Lucky Eddie” weapon and 200 caps as a reward from Allen.

At the end of the quest, we acquire the skill “Death of Acadia”!

Charge DiMA with murder.

Returning to Acadia, we find DiMA as usual at his workplace in the main hall. DiMA is interested in what we managed to find out and whether it will be possible to resolve the conflict peacefully. We bring the interlocutor up to date and immediately accuse him of the murder of Captain Avery. Remembering the terrible events of those days, DiMa did not deny his involvement in the murder of a woman from Far Harbor and replacing her with a synth.

DiMA justifies that the murder was committed for the sake of peace between the inhabitants of Kharbra and Acadia. Far Harbor needed to be calmed; a voice of reason was needed. DiMA asks that this be kept secret from the residents of Far Harbor. After all, if they find out what he did, they will destroy not only DiMA, but also the innocent synths. If Acadia disappears, the fog capacitors will eventually become unusable and then there will be no one left. We demand that DiMA explain itself to the residents of Far Harbor. He must be punished for the life he took. If the Survivor has high charisma, DiMA will be able to convince him to give himself up to people. DiMA goes to Far Harbor and places his fate in their hands, with the hope that the people of Acadia will not die for his crime. Gathering all the residents on the Harbor pier, DiMA revealed to them the terrible truth about the murder of Captain Avery and her replacement with a synth. Worried about the safety of his agent, he will never reveal his name.

In his last speech to the people, DiMA asks for one thing, that only he be judged, and not what they managed to create together. May Acadia and Far Harbor continue to live in peace. Allen Lee and some other residents are making radical statements that we need to kill this scum, and then burn this damn Acadia to the ground! Otherwise, the synths will continue to kill people, replacing themselves, and the Kharbovites will never know about it.

Plot development options:

A) Intercede for the people of Acadia.

This option requires a high charisma skill.

We stand up for the innocent residents of Acadia, assuring them that they are not involved in this story; DiMA alone should be judged. The rest of the residents support us, reminding everyone that they owe a lot to the Survivor. From being an outsider, the Survivor became a friend to many people on the island.

DiMA was executed... But Acadia and its inhabitants remained unharmed and thus, although fragile, peace was preserved between synths and people.

B) Acadia must answer for Dim's crime.

We set off to finish off the inhabitants of Acadia; during the shootout, Kasumi Nakano dies. For ridding the residents of Far Harbor of synths, we receive the “Lucky Eddie” weapon and 200 caps as a reward from Allen. At the end of the quest, we acquire the skill “Death of Acadia”! Either option begins the “Family Affair” quest.

C) Do not reveal DiMA's secret

Returning to Acadia, we find DiMA as usual at his workplace in the main hall.

DiMA is interested in what we managed to find out and whether it will be possible to resolve the conflict peacefully. We bring the interlocutor up to date and agree to his proposal to conceal the truth in the name of saving the inhabitants of Acadia and Far Harbor.

Immediately DiMA outlines his idea to the Survivor. Since we managed to bring the inhabitants of Far Harbor to reason... then perhaps the same trick will work with the Children of the Atom. DiMA wants to replace High Confessor Tect with someone who would be willing to forgive Far Harbor and take a step towards reconciliation. It won't be easy, but there is no other choice. We need to lure the High Confessor to some secluded place. In the old control center you can deal with him and hide his remains. After this, the synth double will go there and take his place.

It is not necessary to kill Tekt; any method that allows him to be removed from power will do.

While we deal with the confessor, DiMA will be busy creating memories for the volunteer double. Tekt is afraid that his predecessor Martin will return and overthrow him, although Martin is most likely already dead. But if we can get evidence that Martin is about to show up, Tect will want to hear everything we know. It is only necessary to produce such evidence. This will require some materials. Martin recorded many of his conversations with DiMA. Those stored in the core have probably already been destroyed. There remains hope for some kind of shelter that he built for Martin. The survivor needs to go there and collect all the records.

For our work for the benefit of Acadia, DiMA awards us the “Shield of Acadia.”

Of all the paths leading to peace, this one involves the least sacrifice.

Popular performer Dima Bilan is an active user of Instagram; the artist often listens to the advice of his fans and shares with them many details from his life. This time too, Dima Bilan told fans why he lost so much weight and why he was in the hospital for the second time. In addition, the artist told many other details from his biography.

Dima Bilan made a confession on Instagram, talking about his health today

Many fans of the popular singer Dima Bilan are concerned about the artist’s health; in a short time he has already been in a hospital bed twice. Fans are all worried and bombard their idol with uncomfortable questions on Instagram, where Dima happily shares all the problems and listens to his subscribers.

After Bilan posted a photo in which the artist’s hands were noticeably blue, fans became seriously alarmed and began to actively ask Dima to undergo an examination and take care of his health.

Fans did not have time to recover from Bilan’s previous hospitalization with pneumonia after a concert, and once again the idol disappeared from television for more than two weeks. Everyone began to assume in horror that Dima was again in the hospital, since one of the photos clearly showed the abnormal color of the skin of the singer’s hands. In addition, there was a remark that the star had lost even more weight. The singer himself supported the remark of his fans about health problems and made a double-digit post on social networks.

All fans appreciated Dima’s joke on Instagram, but they didn’t worry any less. Fans simply bombarded the artist with questions about his condition and appearance. Many are alarmed and worried about their favorite singer. Bilan is pleased with such attention in his direction, because he is an active user of the network and is always ready to listen to the advice of his fans.

Dima Bilan shared with fans on Instagram the reason for his weight loss

All fans and acquaintances are very closely monitoring the singer’s health, suspecting that Bilan does not talk about his illnesses and often ends up in hospitals. The artist’s thinness haunts no one, and finally Dima decided to tell and reassure fans about why his weight went off so quickly. As the artist said, he began to actively engage in physical activity.

Like many artists and television stars, Bilan decided to get his body into a certain shape to please his fans. According to the calculations of the star’s personal nutritionist, it was determined that Dmitry needed to lose exactly that much weight. With Bilan’s height of 182 cm, his weight is 80 kg and experts consider this to be the ideal shape for a singer.

The artist said that he does not infringe on his gastronomic preferences and eats in any quantity; he does not actively engage in sports since it is very difficult to find time between events, but this need for form is perfectly replaced by performances on stage. As Dima admitted, he can lose more than 2 kg in one concert.

Bilan once did a small experiment for himself: the artist weighed his body weight before his concert, which took place in Astana and lasted about an hour, and after the final weigh-in it turned out that Dima had lost 1.3, which was a big surprise. Bilan gives himself so much to his fans on stage, which led him to such thinness.

Another frank confession from the star surprised fans. Bilan admitted that he does his own styling and often buys outfits at second-hand stores. Dima often visits these stores and simply finds interesting options for himself. Recently, the star also pierced his ear, which he had been dreaming about for a very long time; the earring now features a black diamond there.

Quest “Find your place” — the third story quest of the Far Harbor DLC Fallout game 4. In that quest, the main character digs through the “dirty laundry” of the founders of Acadia and finds the missing Kasumi.

For convenience, use summary :

Walkthrough of the quest “Find Your Place” (DLC Far Harbor)

This quest begins immediately after completing the quest "A Walk in the Park". During this quest, the main character meets the ruler of Acadia, and also finds Kasumi Nakano, but his investigation does not end there, as one might think, but, on the contrary, only gains momentum. Still, the developers of Fallout 4 know their stuff.

Task #1: “Talk to the ruler of Acadia”

There is no need to stand and stare at Acadia, our path leads us inside the building, because in the first task we need to find and talk with the ruler of Acadia. The main character can find this ruler in a room with a telescope and a lot of equipment of unknown purpose. The ruler of Acadia will be a very old synth named DiMA, this synth is quite friendly, he will tell the main character a lot of useful information about Acadia, he will tell that Kasumi is really in Acadia and she is safe, and DiMA will sow seeds of doubt in the soul of the main character, and isn't he a synth?

Task #2: “Talk to Kasumi Nakano”

Kasumi can be found on the lowest level of Acadia, in the repair shop. Having started a dialogue with Kasumi, one can only be surprised at her stubbornness; she got it into her head that the real Kasumi died, and she was her replacement - a synth. Persuasion, threats, and blackmail will not help the main character convince Kasumi to go home to her parents.

In addition, Kasumi will awaken the professional curiosity of the detectives; she will tell you that she accidentally stumbled upon the memories of DiMA and there was something in these memories that she really did not like. What Kasumi didn’t like was the calculation of the consequences of modulating two events, a nuclear explosion on the island and the complete filling of the island with toxic fog.

This is what really alarmed the girl and she asks you to help her figure out what these possible situations are and how DiMA is involved in this.

Task #3: “Reveal the secrets of DiMA”

This task can be completed in three different ways:

  1. Overhear the conversation between Faraday, DiMA and Chase. In order to complete that task in this way, the main character needs to get to the lowest level of Acadia and get into the warehouse, the door there is closed with a level lock - “complex”, this door can also be opened with a regular key, it can be taken from the character by named Kog on the second floor (level) of Acadia (you can learn about this from Kasumi), or rather, not even take it, but find out where to look for it, because Kog lost it (it can be found in the observatory room, in the one in which the telescope is located);
  2. Hack the Faraday terminal. To do this, you need to get into Faraday’s office and hack the terminal with difficulty - “very difficult”;
    1. Get Faraday's program. If you choose the first or second option, the main character will be asked to obtain the Faraday program to extract the external memory of DiMA;
  3. Ask DiMA directly for everything. Main character can directly ask the synth everything, but then you will have to use charisma so that one of the founders of Acadia will be frank with you.

Whatever method you choose, you will learn a terrible secret - it turns out that Acadia can no longer maintain neutrality in the growing war between the children of Atom and the inhabitants of Far Harbor, no matter how unfortunate it is, but Acadia will have to choose who they will be with next. And here a problem arises, at the base of the children of Atom, which is called the Core and in fact was sold to the children of Atom by Acadia, the old memories of DiMA are stored, what is not known in them and what the reaction of those who find these memories will be is unknown.

Task #4: “Return to Kasumi Nakano”

Having learned this dangerous information, the main character needs to return back to Kasumi and tell her everything. Kasumi will decide to help you solve the problems of this island and will decide to stay in Acadia to be your eyes and ears in it. You have to pull out DiMa's memories, but that will already happen

Old Man Longfellow brought you to Acadia, as you agreed during the quest “A Walk in the Park”. Talk to the ruler of Acadia to find out at least something about Kasumi, Nakano's daughter. To do this, go forward to the room with equipment and a telescope. His name is DiMA, she is an old synth, more than a hundred years old. Kasumi is safe and you can see her at any time if you wish. But first he will ask you a few questions. tricky questions, which may make you doubt whether you are a synth. In return, ask DiMA about its history and about Acadia and its inhabitants. The ruler of Akdia seems quite friendly, and perhaps he is.

DiMA invites you to walk around Acadia and meet those with whom he founded it: Faraday and Chase. Both may need your help - the quest “Ideals of Acadia”.

Talk to Kasumi Nakano

Kasumi usually works on the bottom floor, so all you have to do is go down there and meet her. And along the way you can look around here in Acadia.

Acadia has three levels. The observatory with the telescope where you just spoke with DiMA is on the upper level. Faraday's office is located on the same floor; you can see it through the glass windows of the observatory. Go down one of the two stairs to the level below. This floor houses the laboratory/medical station, where Aster is in charge, and the living quarters, where most of the residents are concentrated.

In the laboratory/first aid station, you can stock up on medications by taking them from the first aid kit on the wall and from the table. The main one here is Aster, a kind of scientist and physician. She admires the island and collects samples, information about the course of evolution for future generations. If you offer her help in research, she will give you a tiny task - a quest from the Miscellaneous section “Beautiful Flower”. In the same room you can meet Koga, a man in overalls, selling in his spare time. He has it on sale unique item armor – Reconnaissance armor Marine Corps for the torso.

Reference: Marine Corps reconnaissance armor for the torso.

Damage Resistance: 52

Energy Damage Resistance: 51

Radiation resistance: 10

Weight: 25

Price: 26715


  • Marine assault armor

Peculiarity: Reduces damage while stationary by 15%.

In the large living area, you can find ammunition in chests near the beds and mattresses, and also chat with the syns and find out how they live in Acadia and what they think about it all.


Once you go down to the lower level, you can easily find Kasumi at work. Tell her her parents sent you. She firmly believes that she is a synth, and their real daughter is dead, so she does not want to return.


You can try to convince her that she is confused or that she did not replace anyone (the level of persuasion is medium).

However, now it’s not this that worries her at all, but the fact that Acadia turned out to be more than just a colony. She asks you, like a detective, to get to the bottom of the truth. She knows big secret. While repairing DiMA's equipment, she delved into his memories and came across situations that DiMA simulated. In one, fog engulfs Far Harbor, and in the second, a nuclear charge is detonated on the island. And forecasts for the number of deaths. She began to have doubts about DiMA's intentions. Offer her help in this matter.

Reveal the secrets of DiMA

You need to reveal the secrets of DiMA. On the lower level of Acadia, at the end of the corridor, there is a laboratory where DiMA, Faraday and Chase often confer about something, according to Kasumi. They can be overheard from the storage room nearby, but the door is locked. Kasumi also tried to hack Faraday's terminal, but the security there was brutal. You have many options for resolving this issue:

  • Open the door to the pantry and eavesdrop on the conversation between DiMA, Faraday and Chase.
  • Hack Faraday's terminal, he and DiMA have no secrets.
  • Talk to DiMA and ask him directly about everything you learned.

1. Get access to the warehouse (Optional)

The warehouse door is at the end of the corridor in the lower level of Acadia (castle level is hard).

If this door is too much for you, Kasumi mentioned that someone had the key to the storeroom, probably Koga (see screenshot above), because he is organizing supplies. Find him on the second level of Acadia and ask about the key (persuasion level - easy). If you're lucky, he'll tell you that he lost it while carrying equipment to the observatory. He was moving furniture on the upper sublevel in the telescope room. Go to the top floor of Acadia and even higher, when you reach the end, you will find a key on the table.

Eavesdrop on a Meeting (Optional)

One way or another, you managed to open the pantry door. Collect the supplies stored here: medicines in the first aid kit and on the rack, ammo in the boxes for them and hairpins on the rack. Now you must hide and wait, to do this, go close to the glass separating the laboratory and the pantry, and you will have this opportunity. Now sit quietly and listen to what the founders of Acadia have to discuss.

Due to the feud between the Children of Atom and the residents of Far Harbor Acadia, it is necessary to choose a side. Acadia used to be neutral, but by installing capacitors on the pier residents, they incurred the displeasure of the Children of the Atom. Acadia had good relations with the Children of the Atom; DiMA once gave them a submarine base, which they renamed “Core”. But then they had another confessor, now killed by the residents of Far Harbor, and the new one does not intend to be friends.

Another problem arises from this situation - the old DiMA memory banks are located at the submarine base. He doesn't know what's in those memories and has simulated possible worst-case scenarios if the wrong information fell into the wrong hands. Most likely, it was them that Kasumi saw. Sending Chase there is risky, as the Children of Atom know that she is from Acadia and it will lead to war. But DiMA and Faraday still wrote a program that would extract the memories of the old synth, in case there was no other option. You need to get this program, but first you can examine the laboratory in which the meeting took place. Another door comes out of it (the lock level is very difficult), which can be unlocked using the terminal, but the hacking level needs the highest (very difficult). Behind the door is a warehouse of ammunition, of which there really is a lot.

2. Hack Faraday's terminal (Advanced)

Another way to unlock DiMA's secrets is to hack Faraday's terminal (very hard level), which is located in his office on the top level of Acadia. If you have enough experience for such a brutal hack, then in the terminal you will find “Faraday's Journal”, in which he presented the same information as described above.

Get Faraday's program

The program can be found on Faraday's desk next to the terminal if you chose the first option. Or in the terminal itself after hacking it and reading Faraday's Journal, if you chose the second option. To extract it, click on the line that appears “Download Faraday program”, and it will be in your reserves.


The third way to find out about DiMA's secrets is to ask him directly by accusing Kasumi. DiMA will ask you to leave the decision on this issue to him, but you can use your charisma.


You can demand a direct answer from DiMA (medium persuasion level) or say that you want to help (medium persuasion level). If you're lucky, he'll tell you everything.

Talk to DiMA (Optional)

If you chose one of the first two options, then you can still talk to DiMA and bring him to a frank conversation. He sees the benefit in this, he cannot send his people, so he offers to send you. Perhaps you will be able to pretend to be a newcomer to the ranks of the Children of the Atom and get to the memory banks. But you will have to overcome pre-war security systems. And DiMA urgently asks not to shoot at the Children of Atom, because otherwise there will be no peace.

Far Harbor, like the original RPG, it has multiple endings. The main task of the latest DLC today is find Kasumi girl on a distant island. Similar to what happened in the Wasteland, on There are also different factions on the island and the Hero has the power to help some of them, and prevent others from achieving their goals. One way or another, the player’s actions will influence the development of the world and the plot.

We'll go into detail below in the guide. All endings and important decisions in Far Harbor.

IN DLC Far Harbor exists three factions: Children of Atom (Core), Far Harbor and synths (Acadia). Despite the fact that at first glance it seems that they have little influence on the world, this is absolutely not the case. They can be forced to live in peace, they can be destroyed, they can... a lot of things.

Choice of Acadia and synths

Basic solution regarding Acadia synths: destroy them or not. You can tell about them to the Institute or the Brotherhood of Steel (whom you joined in original game), you can even report them to Captain Avery in Far Harbor or Allan (the arms dealer).

If you decide to destroy, then you will receive unique weapon sniper rifle"Lucky Eddie", the "Bane of Acadia" perk and the achievement "The Way Life Should Be".

Kasumi will die during the massacre.

If you want to help the synths– just help DiMe, complete his tasks. Kasumi will survive. We described her fate below.

Far Harbor Choice

If you want to destroy settlement on the pier Far Harbor, then the easiest way is to play around with a wind power plant in the task “ Cleansing the land" As soon as ordered It's better not to remember you will find Capacitor disconnect code, you can immediately begin destruction.

Go to the wind farm service building and select Tempest at terminal 03 and then report to High Confessor Tect in the Core. You will also receive perk “Inquisitor of the Atom”, title “Inquisitor” and armor “Bastion of the Atom” (1 piece) and achievement “Cleansing the Earth”.

If you decide to help them, then after finding Avery's corpse in DiMa's medical laboratory, you can tell the truth about Avery or not. Tell me– the residents will get excited and rush to destroy Acadia, which will lead to the first point of the material on the destruction of Acadia (the same rewards). Keep quiet- everything will be calm.

Choice of Children of the Atom

Destroying a faction is easy, if you use the key to launch the missiles that are on the submarine where they have settled Children of the Atom and they call this place Core. Go to the center of the submarine, where he lives High Confessor Tekt and behind his back insert the flash drive into the terminal. Then quickly leave the Core.

Accordingly, you will receive perk “Far Harbor Resident”+5 to all resistances and achievement "Cleansing the Earth". But, if you decide to help them, you will have to destroy Far Harbor, and the rewards are described just above.

Peaceful (best) ending

But you can do it this way, for the three factions to live in peace with each other. During the mission What life should be like there is a moment for the Hero to tell DiMa about Captain Avery. Say that DiMa did everything right, and he can do the same to the head of the Children of Atom. As a result quest will appear - Reformation. Upon completion of all conditions, DiMa will control the entire island through new proxies and there will be no more bloodshed. The hero receives perk “Defender of Acadia”(in case of severe injury, with some probability you can receive a temporary large bonus to energy and normal damage).

Kasumi will live.

Ending Genocide (bad)

There is a way to destroy all factions. As a result, you will receive only one perk and no more rewards.

  1. Use launch codes to destroy atomic nuclei and explode the Core.
  2. Go to the wind farm and destroy Far Harbor (at terminal 03, select Tempest).
  3. Go to the Brotherhood of Steel and tell them about Acadia. They will send a detachment and destroy the synths.

Of course that Kasumi will die.

Kasumi's fate

Kasumi's story will end after you decide what to do with the island as a whole. She will return to her parents and tell the truth. Talk to her back on the island(before leaving for the mainland) and help me decide whether she wants to return at all or would prefer to stay on the island.
