Didactic games in winter for the preparatory group. Manual labor “Sprinkle sand on a slippery path”

D/I “Finish the phrase” - the child is asked to complete the phrase by answering the questions

“which?”, “which?”, “which?”, “which?”.

Goal: to teach how to coordinate nouns and adjectives in gender, number and case.

D/and “what first, what then” - children show the seasons in order.

The goal is to consolidate children's knowledge about the seasons.

D/and “who knows more words?” - the teacher invites the children to look around and name objects using the sound [s].

The goal is to find words with the sound [s] at the beginning of the word.

D/i “what’s the wind?” - answer the question by choosing relative adjectives.

The goal is to expand your vocabulary.

D/i "seasons". The teacher names the objects of the season, the children determine. The goal is to develop attention, develop thinking and speech.

D/i “how does the wind sing?” - children imitate the hum of the wind, pronounce the sound [v].

The goal is to consolidate the pronunciation of the sound [v].



Didactic games about winter.

D/I “Finish the phrase” - the child is asked to complete the phrase by answering the questions

“which?”, “which?”, “which?”, “which?”.

Goal: to teach how to coordinate nouns and adjectives in gender, number and case.

D / and “what first, what then” - children show the seasons in order.

The goal is to consolidate children's knowledge about the seasons.

D/and “who knows more words?” - the teacher invites the children to look around and name objects using the sound [s].

The goal is to find words with the sound [s] at the beginning of the word.

D/i “what’s the wind?” - answer the question by choosing relative adjectives.

The goal is to expand your vocabulary.

D/i "seasons". The teacher names the objects of the season, the children determine. The goal is to develop attention, develop thinking and speech.

D/i “how does the wind sing?” - children imitate the hum of the wind, pronounce the sound [v].

The goal is to consolidate the pronunciation of the sound [v].

D/and “was-will be” - the teacher offers a verb in the past tense, the children form the form of the future tense.

The goal is to track correct use words in past, present and future tenses.

D/i “what kind of ice?” - children give a description of the ice.

The goal is to teach children to select a relative adjective and expand their vocabulary.

D/i “when does this happen?” - a descriptive story of ice is given, a story of one of the seasons, the children call it.

The goal is to consolidate knowledge about the seasons and their characteristic features. Develop connected speech, attention, resourcefulness, endurance.

D/and “who needs what for work” - children talk about “professions”.

The goal is to consolidate children’s knowledge that different things and tools help people in their work.

To cultivate an interest in the work of adults, a desire to work.

D/and “what first, what then?” - children answer the questions “what does a tree grow from?”, “what can happen to it later?”

The goal is to develop logical thinking and imagination. Learn to speak in complete sentences.

D/i “thicker higher” - children describe the tree proposed by the teacher.

The goal is to develop the ability to use comparative adjectives in speech, spatial orientation, and repeat the names of trees.

D/i “guess by description” - children make up a descriptive story about the proposed bird without showing it.

The goal is to teach how to write a descriptive story.

D/and “who sings what?” - children pronounce onomatopoeic words, imitating birds.

D/i “Come up with a sentence” - children come up with a sentence with the given word “winter”.

Goal – To develop coherent speech, speech, and the ability to correctly construct a common sentence.

D/i “Roll the word down the hill” - the teacher invites the children to draw out monosyllabic words, for example “house”, “com”.

D/i “Words of relatives” - children select words with the same root for the word “snowman”.

The goal is to practice selecting words with the same root.

D/i “Whose traces?” - the teacher draws in the snow or shows cards with images of bird tracks. Children guess whose footprints

The goal is to form possessive adjectives.

D/i “Walk to the proverb” children come up with nicknames for the dog.

The goal is to activate animal names in speech.

D/i “Different dogs” - the teacher shows the breed or size of the dog, the children pretend to bark, choosing a certain timbre.

Goal: to develop the ability to regulate the strength and volume of the voice.

D/i “Call me affectionately.” Children select words with diminutive suffixes for the proposed words on the topic “Winter clothes.”

The goal is to form nouns using diminutive suffixes.

D/i “Name in one word” - children select generalizing words for the proposed examples on the topic “winter clothes”.

The goal is to consolidate generalizing words.

D/i “Whose fur coat?, whose scarf?, whose coat?” Children answer questions

The goal is to consolidate word formation in the masculine and neuter gender.

D/i “Come up with a sentence” - children come up with a sentence with a given word.

The goal is to develop coherent speech, the ability to correctly construct a common sentence.

D/i “Roll the word down the hill” - the teacher invites the children to pronounce it drawlingly

Monosyllabic words, for example “house”, “com”.

D/i “Words of relatives” - children select words with the same root for the word “snowman”.

The goal is to practice selecting words with the same root.

D/i “What did the artist forget to draw?”

The goal is to correctly use singular and plural genitive nouns.

D/i "Bullfinch"

The goal is to learn to use new words in speech (feathers, head, beak, tail, wings, walks, sits, jumps, flies.)

D/i “What to take for a walk?”

The goal is to use nouns in the nominative singular case; The game helps develop memory.

Finger gymnastics



One two, three four bend their fingers

You and I were making a snowball “They’re making a snowball”

Round, strong Show a circle, clasp your palms together,

Very smooth Stroking one palm over the other

And not at all sweet. They threaten with their finger.

One - let's toss "Toss"

Two – we’ll catch them. They squat and “catch”.

Three - let's drop They get up and "drop".

And we will break Stomp.


Come on buddy, be brave, buddy “Make a snowball”

Roll your snowball in the snow - “Roll”

It has turned into a thick lump. They show the ball with their hands.

And the lump will become a snowman “They draw a snowman with their hands.”

His smile is so bright! Show a smile.

Two eyes, a hat, a nose, a broom. They show.

But the sun will be a little hot - Hand to forehead, looking at the sun.

Alas, there is no snowman. They shrug their shoulders, arms to the sides.


White flakes, white fluff and calmly rotate the hand.

Circling above the trees smoothly and calmly

Circling above the trees and above the bell tower Hands in the air.

Every house and every bush is warmed and dressed. They show the roof of the house.

Snow coat snow hat Show a hat and a fur coat.

White flakes white fluff. They show the snow falling.

It's falling from the sky.

"Dog and Sparrows"

The sparrow is jumping, jumping, the children are jumping

Jump - jump!

Jump - jump!

Calls out to small children: Repeat “Chiv!” Chiv! Chiv!

Chiv! Chiv! Chiv!

Chiv! Chiv! Chiv!

Throw crumbs to the sparrow

I'll sing you a song

Chick - tweet! Repeat Chick - tweet!

Chick - tweet!


How many birds are coming to our feeder, rhythmically clenching and unclenching their fists?

Has it arrived? We'll tell you.

Two tits, a sparrow,

Six goldfinches and pigeons,

Woodpecker with mottled wings.

There were enough grains for everyone.

“We went for a walk in the yard.”

One, two, three, four, five, bend their fingers.

You and I made a snowball. Children "Sculpt".

Round, strong, very smooth Show a circle, clench your palms,

They stroke the other with one palm.

And not at all sweet. They wag their fingers.

Once - let's throw it up, They throw it up.

Two - we'll catch you, they'll catch you.

Three - we drop it, they drop it.

And... we'll break it, Stomp.


Let's play - the children clap their hands for a while.

Let's clap our hands.

We warm our fingers, clench our fingers into a fist and unclench

We squeeze them, we unclench them.


Snow fell on the threshold; palms lowered slowly.

Who made a pie for themselves “make a pie”

In the meantime I sculpted and baked

The pie has flowed away like a stream, fingers are running.

Bake your own pies, “bake a pie.”

NOT made from snow – made from flour


For the first time, let's count the clapping of the palms and the blows alternately

With your fists.

How many shoes do we have? They bend one toe at a time.

Shoes, slippers, boots,

For Natasha and Seryozha,

And even boots

For our Valentine.

But these are felt boots,

For baby Galenka.

Thematic selection of games and exercises, theme: “Winter”


Activate children's vocabulary on the topic.
Continue teaching children to identify and name the color of an object.
Develop the ability to compare objects by size.
Consolidate knowledge about geometric shapes, numbers “1”, “2” and “3”, learn to count, relate numbers and quantities.
Teach children to determine the shape of an object, to find the middle of an object. Determine the place of an object in space.
Improve the skills of modeling, manual labor, and drawing.
Practice the ability to coordinate words and movements.
Develop thinking, observation, fine and gross motor skills.


Subject picture “Winter”.
Colored silhouette toys, their image on a sheet of paper.
A cloud cut out of cardboard with two snowflakes tied to it.
Mittens of different colors, colored trailers of different colors.
White napkins.
Plastic plates with the numbers “1” and “2”.
Picture background, white plasticine.
Pictures-backgrounds with images of trees and stumps in the form of geometric shapes, two silhouette pictures of clouds with images of three and many snowflakes.
Background picture with a picture of a path, PVA glue, sand.
Silver wire.
Blank pictures depicting a winter landscape with a tree without snow, glue, cotton wool.
Snow in plates.
Audio recordings: “It’s so cold!”

Progress of the lesson:

Looking at the painting “Winter”

Guys, look at this picture. Tell me what is drawn.

Reading an excerpt from the poem “Blank Verses” by S. Mikhalkov

The snow is spinning
The snow is falling -
Snow! Snow! Snow!
The beast and the bird are glad to see the snow
And, of course, a person.

Didactic game “Christmas tree toys”

In winter we meet New Year, the most fabulous holiday. Do you love this holiday? For the New Year we decorated the Christmas tree. Now it’s time to remove the toys from the tree and put them in a box.

(Children put colored silhouette toys on top of their image on a sheet of paper).

Breathing exercise “Snow Cloud”

Snowflakes fall from a snow cloud. Count how many there are? Now blow on the snowflakes to make them fly.

Didactic game “Everything was covered with snow”

Show a tree that looks like a circle (triangle, oval).

There are two snow clouds in front of you.

(The clouds are cut out by the teacher and distributed to the children in twos).

Place a cloud in the picture with few snowflakes. Count how many snowflakes are in this cloud? Three snowflakes. Now put another cloud on the picture, with a lot of snowflakes in it.
Snow began to fall from the snow clouds and covered the entire earth. Cover the trees with snow - suitable ones geometric shapes white.

Finger painting “Snowflakes”

Children leave a fingerprint in the center of each snowflake.

Handmade “Snow Tree”

Be careful, first coat the tree branches with glue, and then tear off pieces of cotton wool and apply to the tree branches.

Research activity "Snow-water"

Now, children, show your palms. Place them on your cheeks. Which palms are cold or warm? Palms are warm. What's on your plates? Snow. Touch it with your fingers. What kind of snow? Cold. What color is the snow? White. Place some snow on your warm palm. What happens to the snow? He's melting. What do you see on your palm? Water. The snow melted on the warm palm and became water.

Dynamic pause “We went for a walk in the yard”

We went for a walk in the yard
One, two, three, four, five,
(Walking in place)

We came to the yard for a walk.
They sculpted a snow woman.
(Imitate sculpting lumps)

The birds were fed crumbs,
(Crush the bread with all your fingers)

Then we rode down the hill.
(Sit down, stand up)

And they were also lying in the snow.
(Sit on the floor)
Everyone came home covered in snow,
(Shake yourself off)

We ate soup and went to bed.
(Make movements with an imaginary spoon, place your hands under your cheeks)

Didactic game “Match mittens by color”

We need to wear mittens when playing with snow, otherwise our hands will quickly freeze. Choose a pair for your mitten. Now put your mittens in trailers of the same color.

Finger gymnastics “We made a snowball”

One, two, three, four, five,
(Bend fingers)

You and I made a snowball
(Children “sculpt”)

Round, strong, very smooth
(Show a circle, clasp your palms, stroke the other with one palm)

And not at all sweet.
(They shake a finger)

Once - we'll throw it up,
(Tossed up)

Two - we'll catch

Three - let's drop

And... we'll break it.

Handmade “Snowballs”

Children roll a snowball from crumpled white napkins.

Didactic exercise “Put the snowball down”

How many snowballs did each of you make? One snowball. Now put your one snowball on the plate with the number “1”. How many snowballs should you make and put on a plate with the number “2”? Two snowballs.

Modeling “A snowball is quietly falling on the trees, on the meadow”

Children stick round pieces of white plasticine onto a colored background. Snowflakes are placed on top of the plasticine and the children press them down to work.

Relay race “Carry the snowball” and throwing at the target

Children with a snowball in their hands walk along a bench, path, and step over obstacles.
Then the children are asked to hit a target with a snowball (chest, hoop, etc.)

Exercise "Icicle"

Children make an icicle by folding silver wire in half.

Manual labor “Sprinkle sand on a slippery path”

In winter you need to be very careful, because there can be slippery ice outside. This path is very slippery because it is covered with ice. To prevent slipping and falling on the ice, it is sprinkled with sand on top. Spread the path with glue and sprinkle sand on top. Now your paths will not be slippery.

Musical and rhythmic exercise “It’s so cold”

Children perform movements to the music according to the lyrics of the song.

Game "Signs of Winter"

Listen to the poem by Ivan Zakharovich Surikov. What time of year is this poem talking about? Justify your answer. List the signs of winter.

White snow, fluffy

Spinning in the air

And the ground is quiet

Falls, lies down.

And in the morning snow

The field turned white

Like a veil

Everything dressed him.

Dark forest with a hat

Covered up weird

And fell asleep under her

Strong, unstoppable...

God's days are short

The sun shines little.

Here come the frosts -

And winter has come.

Game "Snowfall"

The snow is spinning and flying.

(We raise our hands up and make lanterns.)

The wind blows, the snow flies.

(Lean forward and straighten up.)

Snow flies from a gray cloud

On our feet and hands.

(Shaking our hands.)

And the snowdrifts keep growing

There and here, there and here.

So that your feet don't get cold,

We'll gallop along the path.

(We jump on the spot.)

We'll shake off the snow

(We show how we shake ourselves off.)

And let's start playing in the snow.

(We show how to throw snowballs.)

Game "Winter words"

Participants in the game take turns pronouncing words associated with winter. For example: snow, snowflake, snowfall, ice, icicle, frost, blizzard, etc. The one who says the word last will win.

Game "Snow round dance"

We listen to poems and perform various movements.

All the snowflakes became friends

They started spinning in a round dance.

They lead a round dance to the right,

And then vice versa.

(We go right, then left.)

Snowflakes are spinning

Light fluff.

(Everyone spins on their own.)

The round dance began to spin.

The holiday is coming - New Year!

(We hold hands and walk in a circle.)

Game "Dance of Snowflakes"

The teacher invites the children to imagine how snowflakes are spinning and dancing in the air. Music sounds (play “Waltz of the Flowers” ​​by P. I. Tchaikovsky). Children, performing smooth, slow movements, come up with and show a dance of snowflakes. The teacher determines whose dance is better and announces the winners.

Night riddles

Black cow

She conquered the whole world. (Night.)

Walks at night

And during the day he sleeps. (Moon, month.)

It shines, but does not warm. (Moon, month.)

Bagel, bagel -

Golden horns!

Hid behind a cloud

I played a little. (Month.)

Growing up

Growing up.

Was horned -

Became round. (The month has become the moon.)

Game "Day - Night"

The teacher discusses with the children: during the day it is light, animals and people are doing different things; It’s dark at night, everyone is resting and sleeping. After this, the teacher invites the children to play. When he says: “Day,” the children do something - in the role of some kind of animal (beast, bird) or person (you can drive a car, cook soup, clean, etc.). When he says: “Night,” everyone should freeze (fall asleep). The game ends and the children explain what they did during the day and who they portrayed.

The day comes

The sun is rising

And it becomes light.

Everyone works, plays,

And everyone has a lot of worries.

And then night comes.

So it's time to sleep.

Everyone goes to rest

Everyone fell asleep until morning.

Game "Winter exercise"

Listen to poetry and perform various movements

Very cold in winter

(We hug ourselves.)

But I don't want to go home.

(We shake our heads.)

We reached the icicle,

(Raise our hands and stretch upward.)

Slipped, swayed

(We swing left and right.)

And we ran around a little

Through the snowdrifts, along the paths.

(We run in place, raising our legs high.)

Game "Let's find words"

The teacher tells the children that he will start talking about something, and they must guess what’s next and continue, say the right word (that is, finish the sentence).

In winter,... (snow) falls from the sky.

In winter, the river was covered with... (ice).

In winter,... (icicles) grew on the roof.

In winter, he sleeps in a den... (a bear).

In winter there are no... (leaves) on the trees.

In winter, you need to make... (a feeder) for the birds.

Game "Bunny"

We listen to poems and perform various movements.

The bunny jumped and jumped.

(We jump on the spot.)

He tore bark from an aspen tree.

(We show.)

A wolf wandered through the snowdrifts,

(We walk in place.)

I didn't find anyone.

(We shake our heads.)

The bunny immediately began to tremble,

And then he ran away.

(We run in place.)

He quickly rolled down the hill,

Hid behind a hillock.

(We squat.)

Game “What do animals eat?”

The teacher throws the ball to the player and says the name of the animal. The player catches the ball and says what the named animal eats in winter, and then throws the ball to the teacher. For example:

Squirrel. (Mushrooms, nuts.)

Hare. (Tree bark.)

Elk. (Branches, tree bark.)

Jay. (Acorns.)

Woodpecker. (Pine seeds.)

Bullfinch. (Berries, seeds.)

Spiny riddles

We listen to riddles and try to guess them.

What kind of tree grows?

Everything is in needles all year round. (Spruce.)

I have longer needles

Than the Christmas tree.

I'm growing very straight

In height. (Pine.)

The needles lay, lay

And they ran away under a bush. (Hedgehog.)

Game “How are they alike?”

We listen to questions and try to answer them.

1. How are spruce (Christmas tree) and hedgehog similar? (The spruce tree has needles and needles. And the hedgehog has needles.)

2. How are spruce and birch similar? (These are trees.)

3. How are larch and birch similar? (These are trees. They turn yellow in autumn.)

4. How are spruce and pine similar? (This coniferous trees. They remain green in autumn and winter.)

5. How are cows and goats similar? (These are domestic animals. They are horned. They give milk.)

Game "Fence"

We listen to poetry and perform hand movements.

There is a high fence,

Behind the fence the snow is deep.

Who is hiding there?

Who doesn't respond?

Maybe a big deer

Hiding there all day?

(We spread our fingers, place our crossed arms above our heads.)

Maybe a prickly hedgehog

Hiding without smelling legs?

(Spread your fingers, put your palms together.)

There's a dog sitting there -

Harmful biter.

Game "Confusion"

The teacher tells the children that the words in the story are mixed up and asks them to say it correctly. You can ask the children additionally: “Why?” That is, ask to explain the rearrangement of words.

It often snows in autumn and rains in winter.

In spring the river is covered with ice, and in winter the ice melts.

The hare is white in summer and gray in winter.

In the summer the hedgehog sleeps, and in the winter he runs through the forest.

In summer the bear sleeps in a den, and in winter it eats raspberries.

Forest mysteries

We listen to riddles and try to guess them.

Animals walked through the forest.

They did a round dance.

And then they rolled in the snow,

They boasted about what they wanted.

Who walked through the forest?

Who praised himself in the forest?

Can you guess it or not?

Give me a quick answer.

I'm the smartest person in the world.

Even children know this. (Fox.)

I'm afraid of everyone, even crows.

But I am a champion in running. (Hare.)

Well, I’m the quickest of all.

I jump from a branch and gnaw a nut. (Squirrel.)

Clumsy, clubfooted,

But there is strength in the paws. (Bear.)

Game "Signs of Winter"

Children take turns naming the signs of winter (it is snowing, frost appears, icicles are hanging, a blizzard is blowing, snowdrifts are growing, there are no leaves on the trees, many birds have flown to warmer climes, etc.). The one who names the sign last will win.

Game "Winter in the Forest"

We listen to poems and perform various movements.

The squirrel jumps on the branches,

Throws cones down accurately.

(Throw the cones.)

A woodpecker flies through the forest.

He doesn't know fatigue.

(We wave our hands.)

A wolf walks through the snowdrifts.

He clicks and clicks his teeth.

(We walk in place.)

Well, the bear is sleeping in the den.

He pulled his legs under him.

(We squat.)

Game "Who is bigger?"

The teacher offers some category of animals. The children take turns calling them. The winner will be the one who names the animal last. The game can be continued. The teacher changes the category. Wild animals: bear, wolf... (fox, hare, squirrel, hedgehog, badger, raccoon, ermine, elk, deer, lynx, tiger, lion, etc.).

Pets: dog, cat... (cow, goat, ram, sheep, pig, rabbit, goose, duck, etc.).

You can also: forest animals, African animals, animals with horns, etc.).

Game "Signs of Winter"

You can announce and hold a small competition: who will give the most accurate and more full description winters (who can name more will accept).

Listen to the poem by Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov. What time of year is this poem talking about? Justify your answer. List the signs of winter.

The snowball is fluttering, spinning,

It's white outside.

And puddles turned

In cold glass.

Where the finches sang in summer,

Today - look! -

Like pink apples

There are bullfinches on the branches.

The snow is cut up by skis,

Like chalk, creaky and dry,

And the red cat catches

Cheerful white flies.

Game "Name the Bird"

Children take turns saying the names of the birds. For example: sparrow, tit, bullfinch, oriole, nightingale, nuthatch, woodpecker, owl, owl, pigeon, crow, magpie, falcon, eagle, stork, crane, peacock, penguin, ostrich, etc. The winner will be the one who names the bird last .

Game "True or false?"

The teacher offers the children a game to remember who makes supplies for the winter and talk about it. When children give answers (“yes” or “no”), you can ask them additionally: “Why?”

We listen to the poems and shake our heads (up and down or sideways), thus answering “yes” or “no.”

Is this true or not?

Are you ready to give an answer?

We shake our heads.

This is how we respond.

Who dries mushrooms on branches?

Who will accurately throw them into the hollow?

Not a game or a trick.

Stores protein.

Give me a quick answer:

Is this true or not?

Who's running under the tree?

Does the mushroom carry around on needles?

You can hear the clatter of quick feet

The hedgehog is stocking up.

Give me a quick answer:

Is this true or not?

Who's walking through the forest there?

Roars loudly throughout the entire forest?

Who collects the cones there?

The bear is stocking up.

Give me a quick answer:

Is this true or not?

Game "Sparrow"

We listen to poems and perform various movements.

The little sparrow flew

And he sat down on a maple branch.

(We wave our arms and then squat.)

He sat on a branch

He looked to the right, to the left.

(Turn right and left.)

I rested and dreamed.

Chick-chirp, he said to himself. -

Is there a cat nearby?

Where can I find crumbs?

(We shake our heads and shrug our shoulders.)

The sparrow flew

I found a lot of crumbs.

He pecked the crumbs

In the park on the path.

(Tap the palm of your hand with your index finger.)

Game "Sparrow Dance"

The teacher invites the children to remember and show how sparrows move - how they jump and fly. Music is playing. The children dance: they wave their arms, jump, and squat. The teacher determines whose dance is better and announces the winners.

Riddles about mustaches and tails

We listen to riddles and try to guess them.



Sings songs. (Cat.)

There is a mustache and a long tail.

Lots of fur, short stature.

In the morning he will sit by the window.

Did you guess it? This is... (cat).

Sits on the window.

Tail - like a cat's

And the ears are like a cat's,

Still not a cat. (Cat.)

Who will be born with a mustache? (Kitty.)

I won’t let a stranger into my house.

I'm sad without my owner. (Dog.)

There's a roll in the yard,

And in the hut - pie. (Dog.)

Lives under the porch.

The tail is a ring.

Runs to the owner

The house is guarded. (Dog.)

Game "Guess the animal"

The teacher (leader) thinks of an animal and describes it. For example, about a cat: “This is a small animal, it is fluffy, with mustaches and claws. He has small ears and a long tail." The one who guessed the animal becomes the driver.

Game "Winter Fun"

We listen to poems and perform various movements.

Hey, we can't afford to get bored!

Let's play in the snow!

(We show how we play snowballs.)

One snowball and two snowballs.

Throw it far, my friend!

(Throw snowballs.)

Don't freeze in winter

You and I will jump.

(We jump on the spot.)

We'll stomp hard

And clap your hands.

(We stomp and clap.)

Game "Winter Clothes"

The teacher names different items of clothing. Children hug themselves as if they are freezing if the item is winter clothing (a fur coat, sheepskin coat, earflap hat, scarf, mittens), or spread their arms to the sides as if they are sunbathing if the clothing is intended to be worn in the summer (Panama hat, shorts, sundress, T-shirt ).

Then the teacher asks the children to explain the purpose of winter clothing. Each participant in the game chooses some piece of winter clothing (shoes can also be used) and tells why it is needed in winter. For example: mittens - needed to prevent your hands from freezing; warm (woolen) socks - needed to prevent your feet from freezing; a warm (woolen) scarf - needed to prevent a sore throat; etc.



4. Purpose:



Age: 6-7 years.

Project type: creative

Duration: weekly


6. Stages:

1. Preparatory:

2. Basic:

3. Final:

Expected result

Integration of educational areas on the topic: WINTER

Educational area Activity Contents of the activity
Social and communicative development Play activity D/i: “Build a snowman”, “On the contrary”, “What happens in winter”, “Snowflakes”, “What hides behind a snowdrift”, “When does this happen?”, “Guess by the description”, “Choose a word”, “Fourth superfluous,” “Say a word.”
Cognitive development Cognitive and research Research activities: conducting experiments and experiments with snow. Observations while walking. Looking at the paintings: N. Krylov “Winter Evening”, I. Shishkin “Winter”, K. Yuon “Winter in the Forest”, K. Yuon “Russian Winter”, I. Grabar “February Azure”.
Speech development Communicative GCD by topic: Winter, signs of winter. Compiling a descriptive story on the topic: “Winter.” Communication: “What does winter give us?”, “Why I love winter,” “Winter in our region.”
Artistic and aesthetic Perception of fiction M. Prishvin “Floors of the Forest”, V. Bianki “Forest in Winter”, “A Simple Letter and a Letter with Cunning”, G. Skrebitsky “In a Forest Clearing”, V. Arkhangelsky “Fluffy Snowflakes Are Flying”, E. Uspensky “The Mischief of the Old Woman of Winter ", N. Nosov "On the Hill". Russians folk tales: “Winter quarters of animals”, “Bragging hare”, “Two frosts”. Literary fairy tales: “Morozko”, “Twelve Months”, “Moroz Ivanovich”, “Snow Maiden”. Foreign fairy tales: " Snow Queen", "The Nutcracker". Exhibition of books about winter. Poems, riddles, proverbs about winter.
Visual activities Drawing: “Bullfinches on a branch”, “Winter birch”, “Snowflakes” Application: “Winter”. "Snowman". Modeling: “Snowman”, “Snow Maiden” Construction: “Snowflakes”-origami
Musical Listening to “The Seasons” by P.I. Tchaikovsky, “Waltz of Snow Flakes” from the ballet “The Nutcracker” by P.I. Tchaikovsky. Dance creativity “Blizzard” by G. Sviridov”, Learning songs “What we like in winter”.
Physical development Motor P/i “Two Frosts”, “Red Nose Frost”, “Little White Bunny Sitting”, “Homeless Hare”, “Snowballs”. Folk round dance games “Golden Gate”, “Blizzard”, “What we like in winter”.

Planning joint activities :

Organization of activities of children and parents.

Development of the content of the entire educational process on the topic “Winter”;

Organization of a developmental, cognitive, subject environment;

Determining the directions of search and practical activities of children and parents.

Collaboration with parents:

Design of mobile folders for parents: on the topic

“Six Misconceptions Parents Have About Winter Weather”;

· A selection of poems to learn with children at home, offer to bring food to feed the birds, and in conversations with children, clarify the child’s ideas about what needs to be done to prevent colds during the cold period.

· Consultation “How to make a winter walk interesting?”


Final event: exhibition of books “Winter-Winter”.

Consultations and information in the corner for parents and pupils.

Project results:

Increasing the percentage of children with secondary and high level cognitive development.

· Children have an idea about winter, its signs, and have acquired new cognitive experiences;

· familiar with the works of poets, writers and artists on the theme of winter;

· have an expanded vocabulary;

have an understanding of nature native land;

· exhibition of children's creative works;

· Systematized literary and illustrative material on the topic “Winter”;

· increasing the percentage of parents showing interest in the life of the kindergarten.

· DVDs with cartoons about winter were purchased;

· CDs with classical music have been recorded;

Appendix 1.

Build a snowman."

· Development visual attention, spatial representations.

· Improving phrasal speech.

Each child has 3 circles of different sizes (large, medium and small). Children, following a model or an idea, assemble a snowman from them. They tell you what details are missing and describe them.

Vice versa".

· Development of auditory attention, logical attention.

· Activation of the dictionary - consolidation of antonym words in speech.

The teacher pronounces a logically incorrect phrase, the children refute it. For example, the snow is black (no, white), the snowman is hot (no, cold), trees with leaves (no, bare), the sun is warm (no, it’s shining), the birds are singing (no, they’re cold), a bear is walking through the forest (no, sleeps in a den).

What happens in winter."

· Developing an understanding of the signs of winter.

· Improving coherent speech.

The game is played using board game"Seasons". children pick up big map, which depicts winter, small cards with signs of this time of year.


· Development of strong directed exhalation.

· Consolidation of prepositions in speech On.

Each child has a paper or plastic snowflake. Children are asked to blow on a snowflake so that it hits a given object in the plot picture, blow and tell where the snowflake sat down to rest.

What's hiding behind the snowdrift?

· Development of visual attention.

· Activation of the dictionary on the topic.

A snowdrift is cut out of cardboard. The teacher hides behind it a silhouette image of an object (sled, snowflake, sun, tree, hat, mitten, scarf, skis, skates), shows the children part of the object from behind a snowdrift, they guess what kind of object it is.

When this happens."

· Teach children to name the seasons according to their characteristics.

Material: pictures with the seasons, riddles about the seasons.

The teacher asks the children riddles about the seasons, the children guess them, find the corresponding seasons in the pictures and put them on the easel.

Snow on the fields

Ice on the rivers

The blizzard is walking,

When does this happen? (Winter)

The snow has melted, the water is roaring,

The earth is already full of flowers.

Young grass is growing,

Everything that is dead comes to life

When does this happen? (In spring).

The sun is shining, the linden tree is blooming,

The cherries are ripening

When does this happen? (In summer)

Bare fields, the ground is getting wet,

Does it rain when does it happen? (Autumn)

Guess from the description."

· Teach children to name the seasons according to their signs.

· Develop thinking, memory, attention.

Material: pictures with seasons.

The teacher describes the seasons, and the children guess them.

Educator: At this time of year, children love to sled, build a snowman, and play snowballs.

Children answer or pick up a card with a picture of winter.

Choose a word."

Hit... (frost)

Crunchy... (snow)

It's raging... (blizzard)

Frozen... (rivers)

Creaks... (snow)

Blizzard... (blizzard)

Falling... (snow)

5. “Say the word”

1.Quiet, quiet, like snow 2.Fluffs are still sliding from the sky

Falls to the ground... (snow) silvery…..(snowflakes)

3. To the village, to the forest 4. Here's fun for the guys

Everything is going down... (snowball) More and more... (snowfall)

5. Everyone is running in a race 6. As if in a white down jacket

Everyone wants to play….. (snowballs) Dressed up…. (snowman)

7. There is a snow figure nearby 8. Look at the snow

This is a girl... (snow maiden) With a red breast..... (bullfinches)

9.Like in a fairy tale, like in a dream

Decorated the whole earth... (snow)

Appendix 2

Plastic studies

Winter fun.

Depict: you are skating, playing in the snow, making a snow woman, carrying kids on a sled, skiing.

Depict wintering birds: a woodpecker, a crow hatching chicks, and a frozen sparrow.

Depict animals in winter: a bunny hiding under a bush; a fox listening to the rustle of a mouse under the snow; hungry wolf; sleeping bear; a squirrel that found its pantry, etc.

Dear parents!

On beautiful winter days, especially on weekends, try to spend more time walking with your children. Of course, most of the time during the walk will be spent playing outdoor games and sledding down the mountains. But still try to find a few minutes to observe winter nature and weather with your children. When you go in the morning kindergarten or returning home in the evening, draw the children’s attention to:

1. Watching the snow fall. While watching snowfall, draw children's attention to how the shape of snowflakes changes depending on the weather.

On a windless frosty day, snowflakes fall slowly, they are large, shiny, like flowers or stars. They fall one at a time, so they can be clearly seen on a mitten or dark coat sleeve.

In mild frost, snowflakes look like small balls, then they say that “snow pellets” are coming. When there is a strong wind, there is continuous “snow dust” - it is the wind that breaks off their beautiful rays from the snowflakes.

In severe frost, the snow crunches underfoot - this is the breaking of the rays of snowflakes, which have become fragile due to the frost.

When there is no frost, in humid weather, snow falls in flakes. These flakes consist of many stuck together snowflakes, which, like cotton wool, envelop everything around;

2. When it snows heavily, you can explain to the children what it is snowfall, and ask why they think people call him that.

Draw the children's attention to winter trees.

When frost hits after a thaw, the trees, their branches and trunk are covered with an icy crust, and, quietly ringing, the icy branches hit each other.

Trees look beautiful when frost hangs fluffy garlands of snow on the branches, as if someone decorated them with the finest lace.

While admiring trees in different weather, ask children to express their impressions, teach them to compare them. Let the children find the following comparisons: “The Christmas tree has icy fingers,” “The Christmas tree is wrapped in snow right up to the eyes, like in a duvet,” “Beautiful, like in the snowy kingdom.”

In winter, wintering birds need our special attention and help.

Together with your children, make and hang a bird feeder outside the window or near the house. Every day, take bread crumbs to the feeder and feed the birds.

Various birds fly to the feeder. Sparrows are easily recognized by their brown-gray plumage. Draw children's attention to the fact that in severe frosts, sparrows, as a rule, do not jump, but sit motionless, with their feathers fluffed and ruffled - this is how they warm themselves. Children should recognize bullfinches by their pink chest and gray-blue plumage. You can tell the children the comparison “like pink apples in the snow.”

Observations of titmice. Children should recognize tits by their yellow chest and black tie. Tits mainly feed on harmful insects, which they pull out from under the bark of trees with their sharp beaks. Let the children watch the titmice sitting on a tree branch. Explain to the children that during icy conditions, when tree branches are covered with a crust of ice, tits go hungry because they cannot get insects from under the bark. At such times it is necessary to feed the birds. Chickadees love lard.

Appendix 4

Lexico-grammatical games and exercises on the topic "Winter"

* Name 10 “winter” words (snow, ...).

* Name the winter months. What month does the year end? What month does the year start?

* Pick up the signs : What kind of snow? What is the wind like in winter? What kind of sun is it? What is the sky like? What clouds? What kind of ice? What's the weather like?

* Correct errors: Summer has come, and the river is covered with ice. Winter has come, and the starlings have arrived. Autumn has ended and spring has come.

*Continue the sentences: If it is colder in winter than in spring, then in spring... . If the snow fortress is higher than the bench, then the bench... . If there are more boys than girls in the park... .

* Solve the problem: “There were 4 bullfinches and the same number of tits on the feeder. How many tits were there on the feeder?”

* Put the words in order to make a sentence (draw a sentence diagram): the boys poured seeds on the feeder

Source - Notebook "Stories about the seasons. Winter" by N. Sozonova, E. Kutsina



The main signs of winter; winter fun; preparing people and animals for winter.

Lexico-grammatical games and exercises

"Which!" Selection of homogeneous definitions for the word winter: cold, early, late, snowy, angry, harsh, frosty, warm, windy, cheerful, elegant, etc.

"Come up with a word." Formation of related words: snow - snowball - snowball - snowflake - snowfall - snowman - snowman - snowballs - snowmobile - snowmobile - snowy - snowballed - snowflake - snow maiden - bullfinch - snow-white - Snow White - snowdrop.

"What's he doing?" Selection of homogeneous predicates for the word snow: walks, melts, spins, flies, falls, lies down, sparkles, creaks, curls.

The speech therapist clarifies what else can go on (clock, train), melt (ice cream, ice), fly (airplane, butterfly), fall (apple, stone) etc.

“What doesn’t happen?” Mastering the category of the genitive case.

Children make up sentences in which they talk about what does not happen in winter: “There is no heat in winter (leaves, leaf fall, flowers, grass, ice drift, migratory birds, insects).”

“Finish the sentence.” Composing complex sentences with the meaning of opposition.

Children must complete the sentence and then repeat it in full.


The role of nature in the spiritual life of society is great. Nature is the entire Universe with the organic (living) and inorganic (non-living) world existing in it. Since time immemorial, humanity has valued nature and seen in it not only its nurse, but also a wise educator and mentor.

Hello, in a white sundress made of silver brocade. Diamonds are burning on you, Like bright rays. Hello, Russian pullet, Beautiful soul. Snow-white winch, Hello, mother winter! P. Vyazemsky

3.Relevance.The participation of children in the project will maximize the enrichment of knowledge and form in children a holistic picture of the world about winter phenomena through the integration of educational areas; develop coherent speech, creativity children, search activities.

The “Zimushka-Winter” project provides great opportunities for creativity, allows you to bring learning closer to life, develops activity, independence, the ability to plan, and work in a team.

4. Purpose: Organizing work with children on the topic “Winter”, expanding children’s understanding of winter as a season


1. Formation of elementary ecological ideas in children, expansion and systematization of knowledge about winter.

2. Consolidation of ideas about winter and its signs. Clarification, expansion and activation of the dictionary on the topic “Winter”

3. Systematize children’s ideas about the signs of winter, seasonal changes in nature associated with the winter period

4. Formation of skills of cooperation, mutual understanding, goodwill, independence, initiative, responsibility.

5. Raising children’s ability to admire winter nature and respect it.


Age: 6-7 years.

Project type: creative

Duration: weekly

Participants: speech therapist teacher, educators, parents, older children preschool age

6. Stages:

1. Preparatory: studying material on this topic, diagnosing children’s assimilation of program material

2. Basic: carrying out educational and educational activities, ICD, didactic and vocabulary games in joint activities on this topic, interaction with participants in the educational process: educators, music workers, physical workers. instructor, psychologist, creation of instructions for parents in the speech therapist's corner.

3. Final: analysis of the effectiveness of work on this topic.

Expected result

Children gain experience of productive interaction with each other, the ability to listen to a friend;

Increased cognitive activity;

Mastering the necessary knowledge on the topic “Winter”;

Forming a sustainable interest in observing natural phenomena;

The interest and cooperation of parents as participants in the pedagogical process.

Integration of educational areas

recommendations for organizing and conducting walks for children 3-7 years old.

The goal is to form children's idea of ​​winter.

Progress of the walk

Observation: On a sunny day, pay attention to the beauty of the winter landscape (it’s white, light all around, the snow sparkles in the sun, the sky is blue). Note what kind of sun it is (dim, bright, covered by clouds). Remember what it was like yesterday. Draw the attention of older children to the fact that in winter the sun does not heat, does not rise high, and its path becomes shorter. Draw conclusions that the sun rises later and sets earlier, because of this the day is getting shorter. In January, the days are noticeably longer, but it is getting colder.

Poems on the topic:

The days have become shorter
The sun shines little
The frosts are here,
And winter has come.
I. Surikov

Frost and sun
It's a wonderful day.
A. Pushkin

Under blue skies
Magnificent carpets,
Glistening in the sun, the snow lies.
A. Pushkin

I didn’t eat bread, I didn’t drink water,
And it warmed everyone and illuminated everyone.

What is higher than the forest,
More beautiful than the world
Does it burn without fire?

Kolobok, Kolobok,
golden side,
I dived behind the fir trees,
There he fell fast asleep.
And in the morning I woke up
Smiled for the whole world!
L. Kuzmin

Big sunflower in the sky
It blooms for many years.
Blooms in winter and summer,
But there are still no seeds.

What kind of golden ball is this?
Rolls across the sky
Rolls across the sky
Smiling at people?

Didactic games

`What comes first, what comes next`, children show the seasons in order. The goal is to consolidate children's knowledge about the seasons.

`Who knows more words?` The teacher invites the children to look around and name objects with the sound [s]. The goal is to find words with the sound [s] at the beginning of the word.

Exercise for the development of fine motor skills of the hands "Make a pattern"

Make a pattern of colored ice floes.

Construction of a slide.
Walking on a limited surface.

Outdoor games

`Lifesavers`. The goal is to teach them to run quickly in different directions without colliding with each other.

Progress of the game:

Salochka won't catch up with us,
Salochka can't catch us.
We can run fast
And help each other out.

The children run away with their last words. The one who was insulted must stop.

`Catch the tail`. The goal is to teach running in a column, holding the shoulder of the person in front with your right hand. Game ode: Children stand in a column. The `head` is trying to catch the `tail`.

Winter: Watching the wind

Ulanova L. A., Jordan S. O. Methodical recommendations on organizing and conducting walks for children 3-7 years old.

The goal is to introduce children to such phenomena as blizzards and blizzards.

Progress of the walk

Observation: In windy weather, watch low and fast moving clouds and swaying tree branches. Pay attention to how the wind lifts snow from the ground and carries it to another place, hitting the window with force. Offer to listen to the howling of the wind. Explain that it is a blizzard. Ask older children where the wind blows from. Why you can’t walk during a blizzard.

Poems on the topic:

The winds blow in February
The pipes howl loudly.
Like a snake rushes along the ground
Light drifting snow.
S. Marshak

The storm covers the sky with darkness,
Whirling snow whirlwinds;
The way she howls like a beast,
Then he will cry like a child...
A. Pushkin

Faithful servants of snow blizzards,
Notice all the ways
So as not to go into the thicket...
S. Marshak

Blizzard sweeps away
White way.
Wants in soft snows
S. Yesenin

And there's a snowstorm in the yard
Spreads a silk carpet,
But it's painfully cold.
S. Yesenin

There's a snowy bed in the field
Lays down for the bunnies... (blizzard).

Who throws snow in your face?
Sweeping onto the porch?
Who howled in the chimney?
Who opened the gate?
N. Nishcheva

Whipped on the cheeks
lashed my hands,
He tore the hat off his head
And he ran away.

I whip up a whirlwind, tear everything down, bend the trees down.

Didactic games and exercises

`Which wind?` Answer the question by choosing relative adjectives. The goal is to expand your vocabulary.

`Seasons`. The teacher names the signs of the season, the children determine. The goal is to develop attention, thinking, logic, speech.

`How does the wind sing?` Children imitate the hum of the wind, pronouncing the sound [v]. The goal is to consolidate the pronunciation of the sound [v].

Exercise for the development of fine motor skills of the hands "Laces"

For the exercise, lacing toys are used: Christmas tree, bunny, snowflake, snowman. The goal is to develop fine motor skills fingers

Work and individual physical exercises

Outdoor game 'Traps with ribbons'.

The goal is to train in running in all directions, teach how to dodge the driver, and develop spatial orientation skills.

Progress of the game: The trap runs after the children, picking up ribbons. Whoever took it from is eliminated from the game.
