Business game: child and his health. Business game with parents: “A healthy lifestyle is the key to health

Business game for teachers

"Physical training!"

Prepared by:Nesmashneva N.I.,

senior teacher

Target: systematize the knowledge of teachers on issues of health improvement and the formation of healthy lifestyle skills, develop creative activity, coordination of actions, mutual assistance and collectivism.

Preparation. 2 teams are formed from among the teaching staff of the preschool educational institution.

Presenter (senior teacher):

You can't hear the children in the kindergarten.

A sweet dream overcame everyone.

Teachers gathered here

Take a break from different activities.

Make some noise and chat

Songs to sing and dream

And, of course, into fagots

In the mood to play.

Dear teachers! Today our meeting is dedicated to health and healthy lifestyle. We have gathered in this room to communicate in a friendly atmosphere, relieve fatigue, get a boost of energy and get in a good mood. After all, only a healthy teacher can raise a healthy child. And since the leading activity of children is play, we also have to play with you. Our game is called “Physical Education Hurray!” Two teams will take part in the game. There will be no jury today. Because friendship should win in our game, and its result should be a great mood.

  1. Blitz survey on the program:

Name the main types of movement. ( Walking, running, jumping, crawling, climbing, throwing, catching, throwing, balance exercises, drill exercises, rhythmic gymnastics.)

Name the drills. ( Formation in a column, in a line, formation in columns of twos, threes. Opening, closing in a column, in a line. Turns right, left, around.)

Name exercises for developing and strengthening back muscles and spinal flexibility. ( Raise your arms up and down, alternately lift your bent legs, bend forward and backward, twist your torso.)

Name exercises for developing and strengthening the muscles of the abdominal girdle and legs. ( Step on the spot without lifting your toes off the floor, squat, raise your straight legs forward in a swing, lunge forward to the side.)

Give an example of outdoor games with running ( “Traps”, “Mousetrap”, “We are funny guys”, “Burners”, “Kite and hen”, etc.)

Give an example of outdoor games with throwing and catching ( "Knock Down the Pin", "Hit the Hoop", "Hunters and Beasts".)

Give an example folk games (“Burn, burn clearly!”, “The Drake and the Duck”, “By the Bear in the Forest”, “Loaf”, “Poplar”, “Ring”, “Two Frosts”, “Baba Yaga”)

Name sports games (Towns, elements of basketball, badminton, elements of football, hockey.)

  1. Teams are asked to remember 2 finger games and demonstrate them.
  1. On the tables there are cards with sayings from wise people who lived in different times, but agreed on the same opinion. I invite you to read them and express your opinion about what is written on them. Say whether you agree with this aphorism or not. And why? How do you understand this aphorism?

Sayings of wise people living at different times:

* “You must definitely shake yourself up physically in order to be mentally healthy.” L.N. Tolstoy

* “It is not yet clear whether a healthy mind is in a healthy body, or vice versa - a high spirit generates health.” F. Abramov.

* “Health so disturbs all other blessings of life that, truly, a healthy beggar is happier than a sick king.” A. Schopenhauer.

* “You cannot treat the body without treating the soul.” Socrates.

  1. Game Abbreviation(USSR, MBDOU, FSB, CIS, Ministry of Emergency Situations, CIA,...)

Teachers offer a decoding of the abbreviation in accordance with the physical education and health topics. For example: the USSR is the strongest and bravest guys, the Ministry of Emergency Situations is the champion of sports, and so on.

  1. Teachers of each team show 2 options for physical education.
  1. Finish the proverbs about health (teams take turns):

Purity - (guarantee of health).

Health is more valuable (gold).

Health is good - (thanks to charging).

If you want to be healthy - (toughen up).

In a healthy body - (healthy mind).

Health for money (you won't buy).

Take care of the dress from new (and health from a young age).

There will be health - (everything will happen).

Keep your head cold ( and your feet are warm)

I have a stomach ache, hold on (closed mouth)

Fast and dexterous ( the disease won't catch up)

The heat dries the earth, man ( illnesses)

To the weak and illness ( pesters)

Loving purity ( will be healthy)

Who smokes tobacco? he is his own enemy)

Cabbage soup and porridge - ... our food.

If you are sick, get treatment, but if you are healthy,... beware.

You'll be healthy - that's it'll get it.

Smoking is good for health... harm.

Garlic and onions from... seven ailment

  1. Prevention of postural disorders(2-3 min.) all teachers

Let's do a warm-up.

Keep your back straight.

Head back, head forward,

Right, left turn.

Raise your arms straight up,

That's how tall they are.

And now the pelvis is dancing,

Look at us!

With this glorious exercise

Sit down together

And stand up together.

We are not too lazy to jump,

Like a ball all day long!

  1. Reflection “Grandma and Little Red Riding Hood” (played by teachers).

Enter Little Red Riding Hood and her Grandmother. The following dialogue takes place between them:

Grandma, grandma, why is your face so wrinkled?

This is because I did not like to wash my face in the mornings and evenings, my granddaughter.

Grandma, why are your teeth so yellow?

Because I didn’t clean them and smoked, just like your grandfather.

Grandma, grandma, why are your eyes so dull?

Because I didn’t like to eat carrots, my granddaughter.

Grandma, grandma, why are you trembling and walking slowly?

This is because, my Baby, I never did exercises in the morning...

Leading: This is the kind of reflection and attitude we have today.

Be healthy!

Francois Voltaire

Target: Increasing the competence and success of teachers in teaching and developing healthy lifestyle skills in preschool children.



Business game "Health is important"

(nomination “Working with teachers”)

senior teacher of MADO No. 23

Andreeva A.N.

And to manage it skillfully is an art.”
Francois Voltaire

Target : Increasing the competence and success of teachers in teaching and developing healthy lifestyle skills in preschool children.


1. To consolidate and systematize the professional knowledge, skills and abilities of teachers on the issues of improving the health of preschool children and developing healthy lifestyle skills in them.

2. Contribute to the growth of teaching skills, create a favorable atmosphere for the creative work of all participants.

3. Improve your ability to debate and speak.


Teachers of all age groups, specialists

Principles business games :



Practical usefulness;

Maximum occupancy;

Prospects for the creative activity of each teacher.

Criteria for evaluating activities in a business game:

Pedagogical excellence;

Ability to find optimal, simple and effective solutions;

Level of activity of participants;

A creative approach to solving game problems.

Preliminary work:

Studying scientific and methodological literature on this topic;

Conducting consultations “What is a healthy lifestyle”, “Preschool children’s ideas about health and a healthy lifestyle”, “Organization of a health-saving space”, “Psychological comfort in kindergarten and at home”.

Conducting a thematic audit;

Production of didactic manuals on healthy lifestyle;

Methodological support:

Active learning methods:



Non-game methods (analysis of specific situations, solving situational problems).


Exhibition of literature and teaching aids; chamomile; tape recorder; audio recording, herbal tea, beans, doll, disk, flower, soap bubbles, grass pad, glove, orange.

Rules of the game:

teachers are divided into 2 teams, each team chooses a captain. Preparation time for the competition: 1-3 minutes. The jury evaluates each competition and sums up the overall result. Maximum score all competitions - 3 points.

Business game plan:

1. Motivational - organizational stage.

3. Final stage.

Progress of the game.

(When entering the hall, teachers take yellow and green circles)

I invite you to play

And solve problems.

To remember something, repeat it,

What we don’t know, learn.

Our meeting today will take the form of a business game, and you will tell me the theme of our game yourself; an old parable will help us with this.

  1. Motivational – organizational stage.

Introductory part /parable/:“Once upon a time, the gods lived on Mount Olympus. They became bored, and they decided to create man and populate planet Earth. They thought for a long time what a person should be like. One of the gods said: “A person must be strong,” another said: “A person must be healthy,” the third said: “A person must be smart.” But one of the gods said this: “If a person has all this, he will be like us.” And they decided to hide the main thing that a person has - his health. They began to think and decide - where to hide it? Some suggested hiding health deep in the blue sea, others - behind high mountains.

Where do you think the gods hid their health?(teachers' answers)
One of the gods said: “Health must be hidden in the person himself.” This is how people have lived since ancient times, trying to find their health. But not everyone can find and preserve the priceless gift of the gods! This means that health turns out to be hidden in me, and in each of us and in every child. So, the topic of our today's game is dedicated to
…… (health). To do this we need to split into two teams. Each of you received circles of a different color. Teachers who received a yellow circle are one team, green - the second. Please take your seats at tables of the same color.

  1. Content stage.

Page 1. "Greetings"

Come up with a team name and motto, greetings and wishes to the opposing team.(Assessed on a 3-point system)

Page 2. “Warm-up”

Continue the phrase “The path to health is...”

(blitz survey of teachers), the highest number of points is scored by the team that gavemore correct answers.

Page 3. " Wonderful bag."

Ved: Take an object out of the bag and answer: “What type of health does it reflect?”

1 team

1) beans – dry pool

2) doll – art therapy

3) disc – music therapy

4) flower – color therapy

2nd team

1) soap bubbles - breathing games

2) a pad with grass - herbal medicine

3) glove – finger gymnastics

4) orange – aromatherapy

Page 4. “Glade of Health”

Ved: (each team is given flowers)You have flowers on your table, you need to write on the petals what associations arise for you when you think about your child’s health? (Teachers write associations on petals,the presenter attaches them to the easel).

After the associations are named, a summary is made summarizing the answers.
Ved: Thus, in order for our children in kindergarten to be healthy, it is necessary to teach them safety in modern conditions, a conscious attitude towards their health, i.e. adapt children to the conditions that can or will certainly await them. And, of course, it is necessary to instill in children the need for a healthy lifestyle, to teach them how to treat their health correctly.

Page 5. “Game pause”

“Grandma and Little Red Riding Hood” (played by teachers).

Little Red Riding Hood and her Grandmother enter to the music from the film “Little Red Riding Hood.”

The following dialogue takes place between them:

Grandma, grandma, why do you have such a wrinkled face:

This is because I did not like to wash my face in the mornings and evenings, my granddaughter.

Grandma, why are your teeth so yellow?

Because I didn’t clean them and smoked, just like your grandfather.

Grandma, grandma, why are your eyes so dull?

Because I didn’t like to eat carrots, my granddaughter.

Grandma, grandma, why are you trembling and walking slowly?

This is because, my Baby, I didn’t do exercises in the morning.

Page 6. "Erudites"

Practical situations are offered to the teams for discussion. The maximum score is 3 points for each situation.

  1. team

1 situation.

While washing, the children became naughty, began playing with fountains, blowing soap bubbles, and it was already time for breakfast.


1. What should the teacher do?

  • Make a note to the children.
  • Wait patiently for the water game to end.

2. What would you do?

Situation 2.

Five-year-old Vitalik, showing up at kindergarten in the morning, immediately starts running around. It is difficult to switch him to quiet activities. And if, obeying the teacher’s demands, he begins to play with the children, then a quarrel breaks out, which often ends in tears. This is how he started behaving recently. Why?

In a conversation with the father, it turns out that, having moved to a new apartment, the parents are forced to kindergarten take my son on the bus.

This means that the child is tired, the teacher assumes.

No, this cannot be. After all, he sits all the way,” the father objects. - If I were tired, I wouldn’t be making a fuss when I came to kindergarten!


1. Is the father right?

Can a child get tired of being in a monotonous position for a long time?

2. Why?

2nd team


While getting ready for a walk, one of the pupils suddenly took out a note from his coat pocket addressed to the teacher, asking the mother not to harden

her child after a nap, no reason given.


  1. Would you fulfill the request?
  2. What will be your next steps?

Situation 2.

Morning. IN group room unusual excitement: new toys have appeared in the play corner. All the guys look at them carefully. Intended interesting game. Only Vasya, secluded, looks indifferently at the children.

Why are you so sad? Are you sick? - the teacher asks him.

No... I’m like that,” the boy whispers, turning to the wall so that no one would see the tears welling up in his eyes. And suddenly, buried in the teacher’s dress, he sobbed:

I feel sorry for mom... Dad came late again and drank wine with Uncle Tolya. And mom kept crying. Dad made noise all night.


  1. Analyze how Vasya’s father’s behavior affects the child’s condition.
  2. What kind of help do you think a kindergarten can provide to a family in creating a healthy life?

Page 7. "Fair of Pedagogical Ideas"(Presentation of teaching aids)

Ved: For homework you were asked to prepare didactic manual according to healthy lifestyle.

The presentation should follow the following plan:

For what age is this benefit intended?

What goals does it pursue?educators present manuals made with their own hands).

(maximum score 3 points)

The jury sums up the results, the presenter at this time proposeseach teacher evaluates his contribution to the work of the team: a smiling emoticon - I did everything in my power for success, a sad emoticon - I could have done better, an angry emoticon - I am not happy, I did not do everything.

Summing up the game. Awarding the winning team.

  1. Final stage

Ved: Today, during the business game, we have activated your knowledge and skills in the field of developing healthy lifestyle skills in preschool children.

Let's discuss your expectations from the business game and your feelings over a cup of herbal tea(tea-discussion).

Business game “Healthy teachers - healthy children”

1. Check competence in questions about a healthy lifestyle.

2. Foster a culture of health and a healthy lifestyle.

3. Develop a sense of responsibility, collectivism, self-confidence and strength.

Teachers are divided into 2 teams. For each correct answer the team receives a prize (nuts)

I present to your attention1 task “Find the correct answer”,

1. Complete the definition: absence of illness and physical defects, but also complete physical, mental and social well-being:

2.What, according to the well-known slogan, is the key to health:

3. What is the name of the science of health:

4. There are many proverbs and sayings about health. Which of the following proverbs is incorrect:
Money can't buy health
Health is cheaper than wealth
Health is more important than anything in the world

5. A condition in which most people slow down
physiological processes and create the best conditions for restoring the body’s performance

6. Rational distribution of time for all types of activities and rest during the day is -
Daily routine

7. Children are more likely to have curvature of the spine and legs than adults. However, children are less likely to break bones than adults. What substance does this depend on the presence of in the bones? What food products can the body obtain this substance from? What vitamin is needed for the body to absorb this substance into the bones?


This substance is calcium, it gives bones hardness. Dairy products contain a lot of calcium. Vitamin D promotes the entry of calcium into the bones and prevents rickets.

8. A hare raised in a cage dies the first time running fast. Can this happen to a person? What is physical inactivity, and why is it dangerous?


Of course, if an untrained person participates in a running competition. Physical inactivity is a sedentary lifestyle, which is dangerous because it leads to weakening of the muscular system, obesity, heart disease, digestive system, etc.

9. The family has two sons. One of them washes his face with cold water every morning, and the other with warm water. Which of them is less likely to get colds? Why?

Answer: Cold water is a means of hardening, so the first boy gets colds less often.

10. In the spring months, fatigue, lethargy, and irritability increase. Gums are bleeding. Bruising may appear on the skin. Why does this happen? How to deal with this?


This is a manifestation of vitamin deficiency. In spring, the body experiences a lack of vitamins, which can be corrected by eating multivitamins or introducing salads from carrots, apples, beets, cabbage, onions, herbs, etc. into your diet.

11.How much sleep should a person sleep? When is the best time to sleep?


Eastern sages noticed that sleeping before midnight is twice as effective as sleeping after 12 o'clock at night. Therefore, it is recommended to go to bed early and get up early: sleep from 21-23 hours to 6-7 hours. Sleep duration is 8-9 hours.

12.What does children’s health depend on? (organization of optimal motor mode; walk; ventilation; prevention of colds; safely organized environment; adherence to daily routine)

13. You are on a walk with your children and it starts to rain. How to turn this weather phenomenon into a factor child development? (organize an outdoor game: “Let’s run away from the rain”; in summer, in an ecologically clean area, use it as a hardening factor), etc.

14. Children's tourism is ... (walks and excursions).

Task 2 "Organization of health-preserving work"

1.Name the forms of organizing health-saving work:

    physical education classes

    independent activities of children

    outdoor games

    morning exercises (traditional, breathing, sound)

    motor-health-improving physical training sessions

    exercise after nap

    physical exercises combined with hardening procedures

    physical exercise walks (to the park, to the stadium)

    physical education

    sports holidays

2. Name the types of health-saving technologies (breathing exercises, eye exercises, self-massage, finger exercises, invigorating exercises after sleep, communication games, fairytale therapy, dynamic pauses).

Task 3 “A fairy tale from scratch”

The child’s health depends on the psychological climate in the group, on the teacher’s ability to maintain the children’s emotional state. Imagine that you have nothing at hand except those items that are in this chest. Each team takes 2 items from the chest, supplements them with the necessary details, with the help of which these items “come to life,” and tells a fairy tale or poem. (toys)

Task 4 “Rules for a healthy teacher”

You need to develop and write down “Rules for a Healthy Teacher.”

(Each group is given sheets of whatman paper and markers, work time is 10 minutes. Music is turned on...


Our game has come to an end. And we must sum up the results of today’s work. I ask you to fill out an interview questionnaire in which you express your attitude towards participating in the game. And the results of our game will be summed up by the jury.


1. Most of all I liked….

2. The most useful thing for me was...

3. My wishes and suggestions...

Business game for teachers “It’s fashionable to be healthy”

Business game for teachers

“It’s fashionable to be healthy”

Goal: to systematize the knowledge of teachers on issues of non-traditional health improvement for preschool children.

direct the efforts of teachers in the right direction, unite them in the desire to acquire new knowledge and skills, improve professional qualities, and use in practice the knowledge and skills acquired during the business game.

Principles of the business game:

The principle of situation simulation;

The principle of problematic content;

The principle of role interaction in joint activities;

The principle of dialogic communication;

The principle of two-dimensionality of gaming educational activities.

Rules for business game participants:

Complete immersion and involvement of everyone in business issues

games and an atmosphere of creativity;

Respect for the opinions of others, even when

when they do not coincide with their own point of view;

Self-expression, when each participant in the game tries to express himself

and make a personal contribution to solving the problem;

Adaptation of knowledge and skills acquired during the business game into

practical work with children.

Criteria for evaluating activities in a business game:

Level of activity of participants;

Pedagogical excellence;

The ability to find the optimal or most simple and effective

A creative approach to solving game problems.

Progress of the business game:

Good afternoon, dear friends and respected colleagues! Today in our hall we are holding a meeting, which we dedicate to one of the important topics of our days - “Childhood is the foundation of health! "

Human health is the main value in life. You can't buy it for any money!

Being sick, you will not be able to make your dreams come true, you will not be able to devote your strength to overcoming life’s challenges, you will not be able to be fully realized in your life. modern world, and also you will not be able to raise your children healthy and cheerful.

Therefore, our meeting today will be held under the motto “We are for a healthy lifestyle! "(slide 1)

It's good when in the morning

The game begins!

Laughter, fun, running around,

When the kids are playing.

You'll envy the kids:

Both girls and boys.

Adults want to play

Yes, you need to observe moderation.

But today is a special day,

We gathered for a reason.

Both in adults and in adults,

The game begins!

Educators are offered unfinished proverbs about health. Task: complete the proverbs. (slide 2)

Cleanliness - (key to health)

Health is more valuable (gold)

To live cleanly - (to be healthy)

Health is fine - (thanks to exercise)

If you want to be healthy - (temper yourself)

In a healthy body - (healthy mind)

Keep your head cold, your stomach hungry, and (your feet warm)

What is good for a Russian is (death for a German)

Onion from (seven ailments)

To develop successfully

Need to play sports

From physical education

You will have a slim figure (Slide 3)

Competition-Crossword. Riddles about sports are asked to each teacher in turn, and the leader fills out the crossword puzzle.

1. Get up earlier in the morning

Jump, run, do push-ups,

For health, for order

People all need... (Charging)

2. He always watches the field,

It was a fair game! (Judge)

3. I have no time to be sick, friends,

I play football and hockey.

And I'm very proud of myself,

What gives me health (sport)

4. He is with you and with me

Walked in steppe stitches.

A hiking friend behind your back

On belts with buckles. (Backpack)

5. The mesh is tightly stretched,

The goalkeeper is standing nearby,

What kind of place is this?

Where is the blow directed? (Gates)

6. On a clear morning along the road

Dew glistens on the grass.

Feet are moving along the road

And two wheels run.

The riddle has an answer:

This is my... (Bicycle)

7. Both boys and girls

They love us very much in winter,

They cut the ice into a thin pattern,

They don't want to go home.

We are graceful and light

We are curly. (skates)

8. To make it big

become an athlete

There is a lot to know.

Help you here


And, of course... (training)

Next competition

1. Is cough familiar to Eskimos? (no, there are no bacilli in the Arctic Circle)

2. Who is cough’s brother? (runny nose)

3. Is shyness a disease? (No)

4. Disease of dirty hands. (dysentery, hepatitis (jaundice, tuberculosis, gastrointestinal diseases)

5. What diseases are fraught with a sip of water from a river or lake? (cholera, dysentery, hepatitis, helminths)

6. How to avoid sunstroke? (wear a hat, drink plenty of fluids, spend less time in the sun)

7. Notes that only a pharmacist can understand. (recipe)

8. Conversational doctor. (speech therapist)

9. Aibolit's specialty. (vet)

10. Whose blood pressure is always high? (hypertensive)

In the morning you harden yourself,

Douse yourself with cold water.

You will always be healthy.

There is no need for unnecessary words here.

Next competition “Troubles from a Barrel”

Participants take out barrels with numbers and answer the questions:

1. The daily duration of children’s walks is ...

2. What needs to be done in the middle of the lesson?

(physical education minute)

3. How many times a week are physical education classes conducted for children 3-7 years old?

(3 times a week)

4. What is the duration of classes in the senior group?

(no more than 25 minutes)

5. How many minutes is the break between classes?

(at least 10 minutes)

6. How long does sleep last for children 1.5 - 3 years old?

(at least 3 hours)

7. What is the duration of classes in the middle group?

(no more than 20 minutes)

Competition (slide 4)

We work not only with children, but also with parents. I suggest you come up with forms of working with parents for the following headings:

"Health Day"

"Beneficial and harmful"

"Tree of Health"

“Note to moms”

"Healthy break"

"Useful little things"

"Color, light for health"

There is an image on the slides, answer: “What type of health does it reflect?”

1) pad with grass - herbal medicine (slide No. 5)

2) disk - music therapy (slide No. 6)

3) orange - aromatherapy (slide No. 7)

4) soap bubbles - breathing games (slide number 8)

5) doll - art therapy (slide No. 9)

6) glove - finger gymnastics (slide number 10)

7) flower - color therapy (slide No. 11)

Fairytale play “Turnip” (prepared in advance (slide number 12)

Presenter -

Attributes: turnip mask, shovel, purple beret, soap bubbles, vitamins, spiked balls, Health mat.

There is a vegetable garden near the house. Grandmother and granddaughter at the gate. The bug has a ringed tail and is dozing under the porch. Grandfather comes out onto the porch, he is dressed in a large sheepskin coat. Music can be heard from Grandfather’s open window: “Get ready to exercise, get ready to exercise!” »

My health is good.

I’d better plant a turnip!

He takes a shovel and goes into the garden.

And the grandmother has no charger,

Thank God everything is fine!

His mouth opens - he yawns sweetly.

Makes the poor thing sleepy!

I'll start on Monday.

He sits down on a bench and braids his hair.

Let's play hide and seek!

Let's do without charging!

The bug is behind the Cat, the Cat is in the window. Mouse comes out in sports pants, a T-shirt on his body, and dumbbells in his paws.

One and two! And three or four!

I will become the strongest in the world!

I will perform in the circus -

Raise the hippopotamus!

Runs, jumps, kicks its paws.

Oh, I'm tired this morning...

Yes, it’s time for me to bake.

Dawn is breaking. Grandfather is on the porch again. He sees turnips in the garden and doesn’t seem to believe himself. He stood next to the turnip - the turnip was higher than his cap. The same music can be heard from the open window.

Eh, a bulldozer would be here,

Without it, it’s a complete disaster!

I have become old, and I have become grey.

Immunity has decreased.

Will help raise immunity -

Purple beret! /grandfather puts it on, takes it, pulls the turnip/

He pulls and pulls, but he can’t pull it out.

Grandfather. Grandma!

I'm coming now!

Oh, the turnip was a success!

I read it in a smart book a long time ago,

To become healthy and strong.

You need to breathe correctly! /takes out soap bubbles and blows/

Grandma for Grandfather, Grandfather for the turnip. They pull and pull, but they can’t pull it out.

How to pull? Which side?

Come out, Granddaughter, to help!

My back hurts, my arms ache!

There is only one way out:

Have more vitamins! /takes out vitamins and treats Grandfather and Grandmother/

Granddaughter for Grandma, Grandmother for Grandfather, Grandfather for the turnip. They pull and pull, but they can’t pull it out.

No, you can’t cope without Bug!

Bug. /on Zhuchka’s chest there is an inscription: Chow-Chow/

I'm not a simple dog

I was born a long time ago in China.

I'll tell you about SUJOK!

This is not a pie for you.

Handles /hands out spiked balls, heroes give massage/

Feet /walk on a rug with spikes/ one, two, three!

And you became stronger.

Bug for Granddaughter, Granddaughter for Grandmother, Grandmother for Grandfather. They pull and pull, but they can’t pull it out.

You'll have to wake up the cat -

Let him work a little!

So you don't have to worry

She brought a bouquet of flowers.

Their medicinal aroma

Relieves stress and adds excitement! /lets you smell the bouquet/

Cat for Bug, Bug for Granddaughter, Granddaughter for Grandmother, Grandmother for Grandfather.

They pull and pull, but they can’t pull it out.

I would like to click on the yard with the mouse.

Call the mouse! What a shame!

We still have a mustache ourselves, it seems!

Here the Mouse jumps out of the hole!

She grabbed the horizontal bar.

Why trample a garden bed to no avail -

Get ready to exercise!

To get down to business,

We need to gain strength!

Everyone leaves in order

Do exercises together!

/all the characters do exercises together to the music/

Get up! Exhale, inhale!

Now it's time to pull!

Mouse for Cat, cat for Bug, Bug for Granddaughter, Granddaughter for Grandmother, Grandmother for Grandfather, Grandfather for a turnip. They pull and pull - they pulled out the turnip!

And the moral here is: Together we will solve problems.

And we will strengthen our health!

Our strength is in the team

Health is an invaluable wealth in the life of any person. Each of us has an inherent desire to be strong and healthy, to maintain mobility, vigor, energy for as long as possible and to achieve longevity. It’s not for nothing that they say: “If you’re healthy, you’ll get everything.” So be healthy everyone! (slide number 13)

Subject : « A healthy lifestyle is the key to health »

Target : introduceparentspupils with the main factors contributing to the strengthening and preservationhealthpreschoolers at home and in kindergarten; formation ofparentshealthy lifestyle motivation, responsibility for one'shealthAnd the health of your children.

Form of conduct : "Oral Journal"

Participants : parents, teachers, children.

“Health is more precious than gold” (William Shakespeare)

“Movement is the storehouse of life” (Plutarch)

“A healthy family lifestyle is the key to a child’s health”

Move :

Good afternoon, dear guests!

Today we are holding a meeting, which we dedicate to one of the important topics of our days -Healthy lifestyle .

Health human being is the main value inlife. You can't buy it for any money!

Being sick, you will not be able to realizelife your dreams, you will not be able to devote your strength to overcomelife tasks, you will not be able to fully realize yourself in the modern world, and you will also not be able to raise your childrenhealthy and cheerful.

« A healthy lifestyle is the key to health » .

Today it is important for us, adults, to form and maintain interest inhealth improvement, both themselves and

V. Krestov “Greenhouse creation”

The child is constantly sick.

Mother in panic, in tears : both fear and sadness.

After all, I have him since the cradle

I always try to keep it warm.

The apartment has windows even in summer

He’s afraid to open it in case there’s a draft,

With him - either to the hospital or to the pharmacy,

The number of medications cannot be counted.

Not a boy, in a word, but suffering.

That's how, sometimes, we are from children

We grow a greenhouse creature,

And not fighters - heroes.

I hope that these words are not dedicated to any of us.

Educator : Healthy, a strong and developed child.

How to achieve this? What are we doing for this? How to strengthenchildren's health, avoid illness?

1. Warm-up game:"Continue the sentence" .

Rulesgames : Participants sit on chairs in a circle. The leader throws a heart in a circle, each participant passes the heart to the next participant withwords :

My child will healthy if I..." .

Educator :

"We health We value - we adhere to our regime"

For the child to growhealthy, balanced, physically strong, had a good appetite, good sleep, you must strictly adhere to the regime. It is the most important condition for proper education. A routine is a rational and clear alternation of sleep, food, rest, and various types of activities during the day. Sleep, eat, walk, directlyeducationalactivities - all this must be carried out in a certain sequence. Rhythmic routinelifepromotes the normal development of the child's body.

Why is the regime so important? Allvitalprocesses in the body proceed in a certain rhythm. The heart works rhythmically - contraction is followed by relaxation; breathing is rhythmic, when inhalation and exhalation alternate evenly; food in the digestive tract is processed within a certain time frame.

All phenomena in nature also occur inrhythm : change of seasons, day and night. Scientists have found that the ordered regimelifeensures normal flowlifeprocesses.

A correct regimen appropriate for the child’s age strengthenshealth, ensures performance, successful implementationvarious activities, protects against overwork.

If a child eats, sleeps, rests, walks, and exercises whenever he pleases, then he will soon lose his appetite, sleep becomes restless, the child develops poorly, whims and stubbornness appear. He is less disciplined and obedient.

Educator :

In the morning you harden yourself,

Douse yourself with cold water.

You will always be healthy -

There is no need for unnecessary words here.

2. And now I suggest you continue proverb :

1 . Healthin order -thanks for charging .

2 . If you want to behealthy - harden up !

3. Cleanliness is the keyhealth !

4 . INhealthy bodyhealthy mind !

5. Dream-the best medicine!

6. Health to everything…. (head)

7. Who plays sports…. (he is gaining strength)

8. Taking care of your health is the best (medicine)

9. Move more, you will live…. (longer)

10. Health is more valuable (money, wealth)

11. Take care of the dress again…. (and health from a young age)

12. If you are sick, get treatment, but if you are healthy…. (beware)

13. You will ruin your health, new….(you won't buy)

Educator :

It takes a lot of effort to look healthy.

Exercise more often, sleep and eat right.

Eat vegetables and fruits, they have so many vitamins,

What is good for health and necessary for strength.

Don't forget about parsley, it will only decorate the dish.

What would you tell your girlfriend if you suddenly feel bad?

Who will help the body, is it really medicine?

Only healthy eating is what you need.

Raise a childhealthy- this means teaching him to lead from childhoodhealthy lifestyle.

In our kindergarten we use traditional ones such as

Morning exercises.

Daily morning exercises are a mandatory minimum of physical activity for the day. You need to make it a habit like washing your face!

Daytime nap promotes vigor and high performance of a person. And also relieve tension.

After sleep gymnastics promotes awakening and activation of the body.

Physical education classes promote muscle development and strengthen the immune system.

Children staying outdoors - is the use of natural factors forhealth improvementand hardening of the body

Prevention of diseases is mandatory hand washing.

Complete nutrition.

Scientists have proven that a child’s home routine should be a continuation of the daycare routine.

Fun andhealthy lifestyleinseparable from each other.

According to studies, people who regularly exercise are 25% less likely to get colds. However, don't be too zealous. Just 30-60 minutes of exercise a day will allow you to becomehealthier.

Rememberhealth baby in your hands.

At the same time, it has long beennoticed : in thosefamilies, where adults get sick a little, and children, as a rule,healthy.

3. “Do gymnastics with your children” .

Invite one team to do morning exercises with the children, and the second - finger exercises.

Components healthy lifestyle :

rational mode;

systematic physical education;


proper nutrition;

4. « Sun healthy lifestyle"

Exercise : from those offeredmaterials : (large paper circle, rays, felt-tip pens, lay out the sun, the rays of which will represent the components of a healthy lifestyle. Label the rays (for example, good nutrition, healthy sleep, exercise, etc.);

5 . Contest “Make a menu for your child for the day” . Invite parents to create a balanced menu for the child for the whole day.

Educator :

To develop successfully

Need to play sports

From physical education

You will have a slim figure.

Riddles .

These fruits are not edible

But they are huge and comfortable.

Their other athlete for hours

Pounds him hard with his fists.

(Punching bags)

I don’t understand, who are you guys?

Birders? Fishermen?

What kind of net is there in the yard?

Wouldn't you interfere with the game?

You'd better go away.

We are playing….....


I want to become a strongman.

I come to the strongman:

Tell me about this

How did you become a strongman?

He smiled in response:

Very simple. For many years

Every day, getting out of bed.

I'm raising...


We are nimble sisters,

Craftswomen run fast,

In the rain we lie down,

We run into the snow,

This is our regime.


My new girlfriends

And shiny and light,

And they frolic with me on the ice,

And they are not afraid of frost.


I have no time to be sick, friends,

I play football and hockey

And I'm very proud of myself.

What gives me health.....


To keep your health in order,

Don't forget about.....


I glide across the ice with my stick,

I move the puck forward.

I'll go to the gate now,

I'll score a goal from a turn!

(Hockey player)

Pass, attack and strike,

The ball hit the goal again!

So that the goalkeeper fails,

The player needs skill.

He doesn't want to lie down at all.

If you throw it, it will jump.

You throw it again, it rushes at a gallop,

Well, of course it is.....


Child 1 : To maintain health,

Strengthen your body

My whole family knows

There must be a routine for the day.

You guys should know

Everyone needs more sleep.

Well, don’t be lazy in the morning -

Get ready to exercise!

Child 2 : Brush your teeth, wash your face,

And smile more often.

Temper yourself, and then

You're not afraid of the blues.

Health has enemies

Don't make friends with them!

Among them is quiet laziness,

You fight it every day.

Child 3 : So that not a single microbe

I didn't accidentally get it in my mouth,

Wash your hands before eating

Need soap and water.

Eat vegetables and fruits.

Fish, seafood -

Here's some healthy food

Full of vitamins!

Child 4 : Go for a walk,

Breathe fresh air.

Just remember when leaving:

Dress for the weather!

Well, what if it happened:

I got sick,

Know that it's time for you to see a doctor,

He will always help us!

Summing up the meeting.

Meeting decision:

Raising a child healthy means teaching him to lead a healthy lifestyle from childhood.

"Code health »

Dearparents, remember thathealthbaby in your hands! You need to create the conditionshealthy lifestyle for a child .

1 . Remember : Health is not everything , but all withouthealth is nothing !

2 . Health - not only physical strength, but also spiritual mercy.

3 . Health It is necessary not only for you, but also for the people whom you are obliged to help and protect.

4 . Health - this is your ability to satisfy our needs within reasonable limits.

5 . Healthy a person needs not only bread, but also spiritualfood : Man does not live by bread alone.

6 . Health - this is the physical and hygienic culture of ourbody : There is nothing more beautiful than the human body.

7 . Health - this is spiritual cultureperson : kindness, hope, faith and love for those around you.

8. Health - this is love and respect forperson : Treat others the way you would like them to treat you.

9. Health - this is love and respect fornature : nature is not brother or sister, but the father and mother of humanity.

10 . Health is the style and way of your life ; lifestyle is the source of health and the source of all troubles - it all depends on you and yourlifestyle .

11. Do you want to behealthy - make friends with physical culture, clean air andhealthy food : Use everything, but don’t abuse anything.

12 . Remember : the sun is our friend and we are all children of the sun, but with its rays we cannotjoke : Tanning should not become sunburn.

13. Periodically walk on the ground barefoot - the ground gives us strength and removes excess electricity from the body.

14 . Learn to breathe correctly - calmly, shallowly and evenly.

15 . Work measuredly, calmly, without jerking andexcesses : work should be joyful, then it will be productive and healing.

16 . Family is our support and ourhappiness : do everything in the family so that each family member feels needed and dependent on each other.

Baby food.

Proper nutrition is the key to health, as each of us knows. However, unfortunately, few people can answer affirmatively the questions: “Are you eating right?”, “Are you feeding your child correctly?” What kid would voluntarily give up chocolate and chips in favor of oatmeal? How to interest children in issues of proper nutrition? How to teach to love stewed vegetables, dairy dishes and jelly? How to prepare various healthy dishes and drinks?

A problem that kindergarten teachers often face is non-compliance with the children's nutritional regime at home. Children often come to breakfast late, having had something to eat at home, or they come to the group with candy or gingerbread in their hands. In the evening, when parents pick up their children from kindergarten, they pamper them with sweets, forgetting that dinner is waiting at home. Based on this, we can conclude that work to educate children’s nutritional culture should begin with adults.

You should know this!

Forming healthy eating habits begins in early childhood.

The process of children eating healthy foods is based on meaningfulness, positive emotions, and arbitrariness of actions.

The following ideas are available to children of primary and secondary preschool age: in order not to get sick, you need to eat healthy foods; healthy foods are vegetables, fruits, milk, juices, bread, fish, meat.

Developing interest in children helps them quickly become accustomed to eating healthy foods.

The process of organizing proper nutrition for children is based on the use of the game method.

Parents' awareness of the problem and desire to solve it are important.

What is important is the desire of parents to lead a healthy lifestyle (own nutrition, positive example of an adult.

It is necessary to unite the efforts of teachers and parents in achieving the goals (coherence in actions, unity in approaches and requirements).

Five rules of baby food.

1. Food should be simple, tasty and healthy.

2. The mood while eating should be good.

3. A child has the right to his own habits, tastes, and aspirations.

4. The child has the right to know everything about his health.

5. There are no bad products - only bad cooks.
