Role-playing games in physical education lessons as a means of harmonious development of a child’s personality. Abstract: "Role-playing games in physical education lessons. Role-playing games in physical education lessons.

Class: 2

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Annotation: Role-playing physical education lesson for 2nd grade. “Hike to a forest clearing” is carried out for the purpose of propaganda healthy image life, where students acquire skills in running and jumping; Games develop friendly relationships, motor skills and mental abilities, and improve health.

To conduct the lesson, I used non-standard equipment: homemade foam devices - fish, mushrooms, nuts; buckets and baskets; soft toys, gymnastic hoops, “garbage”, cardboard stumps.

Younger school age– the most active period in the formation of a child’s motor coordination, his physical qualities. The relationship between play and learning is manifested in the influence of play on the formation of elements of educational activity. Thus, by solving motor problems, children learn about the world around them in a role-playing lesson. They travel in a lesson whose content is filled game stories. Children have a high emotional mood, and their interest in physical activity in class increases. The lesson develops not only the physical qualities of children, but also their intellectual abilities; while relaxing, children solve riddles and sing songs during relaxation. The guys enthusiastically use homemade non-standard equipment - fish, mushrooms, nuts; soft toys, etc. Homemade visual aids help you perform the exercises correctly. The use of ICT in the classroom gives children the illusion of being in a forest clearing.

Academic subject: physical training

Level of education of schoolchildren: 2nd grade students

Target: Developing interest in sports and tourism. Fostering a love for nature, caring for animals, birds, and green spaces. Formation of the development of physical qualities as one of the main components of a healthy life.


  1. Develop coordination of movements, speed, agility, flexibility, attention.
  2. Improve the combat elements previously studied.
  3. Improve relay passing

Venue: gym

Equipment: Non-standard: homemade devices made of foam plastic - fish, mushrooms, nuts, buckets and baskets, soft toys, gymnastic hoops, “garbage”, cardboard stumps). Visual aids. Use of ICT.

Lesson progress

Lesson parts and content Dosage Organizational and methodological instructions
I. Preparatory part (10 min.)
1. Formation, greeting, communication of the lesson objectives: “When going into the forest, on a hike in a forest clearing, we must repeat the safety rules, do a warm-up, prepare the muscles for long journey» 1 min. Repeating the commands “Be equal!”, “At attention!”, “At ease!”.
2. Repeat the turns in place learned earlier: “Right!”, “Left!”, “Round!”. March in place, march forward! 1 min. Hands are pressed to the body while performing turns; turns are performed in the second part of the command.
3. Walking. Walking on your toes, on your heels, raising your hip high.
Teacher- We are walking along a narrow forest path. Let's look around: head turns left, right. To the left and right of us are tall pines, green spruce trees, and young birch trees. They give us oxygen. The forest has the cleanest air. Take a deep breath. Inhale…exhale….
1 min. Place landmarks at the corners of the hall that need to be walked around without touching.
Watch your posture, keep your back straight.
4. Slow running. Running on your toes, running while raising your hip high, running with your shin whipping back. Walking. Exercises to restore breathing.
Teacher“They opened their arms at outstretched arms and formed a circle.”
2 min.
At the corners of the hall there are landmarks that you need to run around without touching. Watch your posture, keep your back straight.
Carry out a set of general developmental exercises "Tourist Charging"
1. Shake a finger of one hand, then the other.
If in the morning you do exercises
You're too lazy to do it
It's a walk away from her
There's no escape.
4.5 min. Students stand in a circle. Mark the best children in performing exercises.
1. Keep your back straight, turn left, right, wave your finger when turning.
2. I.p. – hands up, locked. Tilting the body - “chopping wood.”
It's time to make a fire,
Make friends with an axe.
Friends are just like that, friends
It's impossible to imagine anything better.
2. Bend the torso forward, backward with a wave of the arms, fingers in the lock. Feet shoulder width apart.
3. I.p. – o.s. Swing your arms up and down.
To set the fire's heat,
Wave everyone's hands.
The light buzzes: “Wait,
I’m not simple either!”
3. O.S. Feet shoulder-width apart, arms raised up - swinging movements, arms down - swinging movements.
4. I.p. - hands on the belt. Torso rotations.
So as not to get lost in the forest,
We need to spin together.
And a tired back,
This is just nonsense.
4. Circular movement of the body. Feet shoulder width apart.
5. Walking in place with high knees.
My legs don't know how tired I am
They walk through the mountains.
I'll tell you, "This is clever!"
That's what training means.
5. Keep your back straight.
6. Smooth movements with your hands in front of you.
Here our fire is smoking,
A cloud of smoke swirls.
It finally goes out
And a charger
6. O.S. Keep your back straight. Feet shoulder width apart.
Walking. Rebuilding from one column to two.
Teacher: We ended up with two teams for different relay races.
30 sec. Ensure that formation changes are carried out correctly.
II. Main part (30 min.)
Teacher:“Guys, we came with you to our clearing. But what do we see in the clearing? Garbage (jars, plastic bottles, paper wrappers, candy wrappers) needs to be removed urgently.
1. “Cleaning the forest clearing”
Whichever team removes garbage on its territory the fastest will win.
3 min. Ensure that the rules of the game are followed correctly.
Teacher: There are animals that store food for the winter. These include proteins. Let's help the squirrels collect mushrooms, cones, and berries.
2. “Let’s help the squirrel”
Opposite each team, 5 meters away, “mushrooms, cones, berries” are laid out (according to the number of players in the team). On the opposite side of the site there is a hoop, and behind the hoop on a chair there is a “squirrel” toy. The hoop is the squirrel's home. In the hands of the first numbers there is a basket or bucket. At the signal, the player with the bucket runs to the first mushroom, puts it in the basket, runs further to the squirrel’s house, crawls through the hoop and leaves the mushroom near the squirrel. He runs around the chair with the squirrel, returns and passes the basket to the next participant. The relay race is repeated. The team that harvests the squirrel's crops the fastest will win.
5 min. Repeat the safety rules to the children. Ensure that the rules of the game are followed correctly.
The team that harvests the squirrel's crops the fastest will win.
Teacher: And now, guys, let’s relax and sing a funny mouse song, but at the same time we will draw out the sounds “e”, “ya”, “y”.
What a wonderful d-e-n (hands up)
We can't do too much work (hands on belt)
In the forest my friends-me-me (hands on chest)
And the song is my-me-me (hands to the side, let's march)
What a wonderful p-e-n (hands down)
Bloomed into a radiant de-e-n (hands up)
Flowers are blooming on it (arms to the sides)
And next to me, take off we-s-s (hands on chest)
3 min. Form a circle. Watch your posture
Teacher: Who is resting here in the forest clearing, yes, it is a falcon and falcons. The falcon teaches its chicks to fly. But who is that hiding in the bushes? Yes, it's a fox.
3. "The Falcon and the Fox"
A falcon and a fox are chosen. The rest of the children are falcons. "Falcon" teaches "falcons" to fly. He runs in different directions and at the same time shows different flying movements with his arms. A flock of “falcons” runs after the “falcon” and repeats the movements after it. At the time when the “fox” jumps out, the “falcons” must sit down.
5 min. The time of the fox's appearance is determined by the leader's signal. The fox catches only those who did not have time to sit down
Teacher: There is a lake next to the forest clearing, there are fish there. But what are these holes filled with water near the lake? Valuable fry swim in them. After all, the holes will soon dry up and the fish will die. Let's help the fish, move the fish from the holes to the lake.
4. Operation Living Silver

Team members line up in a column one at a time, opposite each team there is a hoop - this is a hole, then 5 meters away there is another hoop - this is a lake. There are “fish” in the hole; they need to be transferred to the lake.
5 min. At the signal, the first numbers run to the hoop with fish, take 1 fish and transfer it to another hoop, then quickly return and pass the baton to the next one. The team that finishes the relay faster will win.
Teacher: Now, guys, let’s take a break and answer the fold riddles:
Fold riddles
×Cossacks are standing, wearing white caps.
×Winter and summer in one color.
×It cheers in the spring, cools in the summer, nourishes in the fall, warms in the winter.
×The sieve is hanging, not twisted by hand.
×He sleeps during the day, flies at night and scares passers-by.
×Not for fish, but for setting nets.
4 min. Students sit on the floor in a circle with their legs crossed.
Teacher: Guys, there is a stump in the middle of the clearing. Let's play the game "Don't hit the tree stump"
5. “Don’t touch the tree stump”
Holding hands, the children, when given a signal, begin to run around the “stump”, trying not to touch it, and at the same time push their neighbor towards it. Whoever hits the stump is out of the game.
5 min. During play, children should not break away or bump into each other.
III. Final part (5 min.)
Teacher: Today in class we visited you in the forest, in a forest clearing. We helped the squirrels and fish, cleaned up the clearing and played in it. And now it's time to go home, our trip is over. A plane came for us.
“We boarded the plane together,
And we took flight
We flew over the forests,
They sat down on the playground at school.
One, two, one, two -
So the game is over"
3 min. They held hands and stood in a circle.
1. Formation in one line, summing up the lesson, Homework. Encouraging the best students. 2 min. Homework – Fill out an observation diary. What did you like about the forest?
2. Organized exit of students from the hall.

Abstract: The article presents the practice of working on the harmonious development of a child through the use of role-playing games in physical education lessons in primary school secondary school.
Key words: role-playing game, harmonious development of personality, physical education lesson.

A physical education lesson, more than any other lesson, is fraught with joy for a child: movement itself is joy for a growing organism. And if the teacher clearly organizes the lesson, and the children do not sit, freezing, on benches along the wall, then the physical education lesson is a great joy for them. That's how it should be. This corresponds to the physiology and psychology of the child, as well as the desire for everything new and unusual. I strive to ensure that in my lessons children experience the joy of movement, the joy of learning new things, the joy of discovery.

Primary school students take part in physical education with great pleasure. They are especially interested in various types of games: from folk games, ending with sports - basketball, football, hockey, table tennis, badminton, etc.

Various types of games and exercises help improve the functioning of the main physiological systems of the body (nervous, cardiovascular, respiratory), improve physical development, physical fitness of children, and cultivate positive moral and volitional qualities. It is very valuable that playing games contributes to the development of positive character traits in primary school students and creates favorable conditions for developing friendly relations in a team and mutual assistance. They are held in summer and winter not only in gym, but also in the open air, which is an effective means of hardening the child’s body.

Outdoor games- one of the most favorite and useful activities for children. They are based on physical exercises, movements during which participants overcome a number of obstacles and strive to achieve a certain, pre-set goal. Due to the wide variety of content of gaming activities, they have a comprehensive impact on the body and personality, while at the same time contributing to the solution of the most important special tasks physical education, for example, the development of speed and strength qualities.

Play activity is always associated with solving certain problems, fulfilling certain responsibilities, overcoming various kinds difficulties and obstacles. Overcoming obstacles strengthens willpower, cultivates endurance, determination, perseverance in achieving goals, and faith in one’s strength.

All these developmental aspects are enhanced by the specifics of role-playing games.

That is why the competent use of role-playing games in physical education lessons is not only useful for children, but also extremely important, since the correct “inclusion” of game elements in the process of physical education actively contributes to the harmonious development and physical fitness of students. In my work I actively use plot- role playing games in the process of physical education of junior school students.

Taking into account the educational and developmental significance of games, the solution to a set of physical education problems is pursued:

  • promoting health, improving posture, promoting harmonious physical development, hardening;
  • formation of knowledge and skills in the field of personal hygiene;
  • introduction to independent physical exercises and outdoor games;
  • fostering discipline, responsiveness, honesty, courage;
  • development creativity children in physical education lessons.

Cooperative play- a unique type of cooperation. It is no coincidence that psychologists believe that truly democratic relations between adults and children are possible only in play. And above all, games with rules - a traditional means of folk pedagogy - have a positive impact on their relationships.

In games, more than in other physical exercises, participants can perform various motor actions the way they want, as their individual characteristics allow them. One of the undoubted factors in the attractiveness of games is the element of competition. They contain clearly expressed aspirations of the players to win: to run around the circle faster, to catch up with a partner or to have time to run away from him. Games in which participants are divided into groups, teams, and where each group or team, each team member strives to achieve better results and win, are even more competitive in nature.

While playing, children satisfy their inherent need for movement.

In the methodology of physical education for primary school Many means have been developed to achieve the harmonious development of the child’s body. Games and exercises are used that develop dexterity and endurance, courage and speed, and the ability to control one’s actions. However, dance and rhythmic elements, elements of rhythmic gymnastics and plastic arts have not yet received due attention. I believe that the inclusion of dance exercises in a physical education lesson is a powerful tool for the harmonious development of a child’s personality.

By combining complex physical exercises with dancing and role-playing games in one lesson, you can achieve high results and sustainable interest in physical education. All these elements can make up story lesson, which, as a rule, is the result of the material covered during the quarter. This lesson is a holiday for children. One of the tasks of a role-playing lesson is to learn new things and improve what has been learned. But in addition to educational and cognitive tasks, moral and aesthetic tasks are set and solved, including the task of instilling in children a respectful attitude towards each other, the manifestation of such qualities as mutual assistance, solidarity in completing the proposed tasks. In my story lessons, I use materials from oral folk art, local history material, and show slides and films.

To increase children's work activity and their mood, I often use musical accompaniment, for which they use folk, classical and modern music. The uniqueness of the plot lessons is improvisation and dancing. No matter how difficult educational material, dance is an integral part of the lesson. Used in dancing various types movements: rhythmic gymnastics, rhythmics, plastics, theatrical elements. The boys dance willingly. Through dance one gets acquainted with Russian culture and the culture of other peoples and countries. Dancing has a positive impact on children’s aesthetic feelings, fosters organization and discipline, and makes the lesson meaningful and complete. A story lesson is a performance, and the children in it are artists. The teacher’s task is to reveal the creative and physical potential of children, to give each child the opportunity to express themselves and be happy for themselves and others. Role-playing lessons represent a special organization of a physical education lesson, in which the assigned educational tasks are solved in a creative, game form using a previously conceived plot in conjunction with the performance of various roles.

On the one hand, role-playing lessons give children momentary joy, on the other hand, these lessons should be aimed at the future and should model some fairy-tale or life situations. Examples of role-playing lessons include the games “Journey to the Jungle”, “Find the Treasure”, “Sports Marathon”, “We Are Robinson”.
Role-playing lessons can consist of competitive programs such as “Sports Serpentine”, “The Best”, “Forward to the Olympic Medal”.

Role-playing lessons contribute not only to the physical and moral improvement of children, but also develop their creativity. Such lessons create positive motivation and emotional mood in children. They can also be presented as sports and musical theatrical performances on a specific topic, where the intellectual, physical, and ethical development of children is carried out. In role-playing lessons, children simultaneously feel the joint joy of learning, creativity, sports achievements, and beauty.

So, role-playing games in combination with other elements of a physical education lesson in the lower grades represent the basis of the initial stage of the formation of a harmoniously developed personality, combining spiritual wealth, moral purity and physical perfection, and in the future, thanks to this, the teacher achieves high speed and strength indicators at physical education lessons in middle school.

Outdoor games are the most accessible and effective method of influencing a child. Thanks to them, the ordinary becomes unusual, and therefore especially attractive. The game uses natural movements, mostly in a non-intrusive, entertaining way. Play is a child’s companion, and it meets the laws inherent in them by nature itself - the insatiable need for movement. The main feature of outdoor games is the presence of active motor actions, due to which they are a recognized means and method of physical education and development. The use of outdoor games allows you to develop not only physical, but also intellectual qualities: observation, memory, logical thinking, and intelligence. In games that have plot form, there is room for imagination and artistry, elements of dance and singing. In addition, games can be played with musical accompaniment. All this shapes the aesthetic worldview. Being carried away by the game, children very clearly demonstrate their character traits and other individual characteristics.

For children with mental and physical developmental delays, play is a vital need, as it helps develop understanding of instructions and spatial orientation. Along with insufficiently formed general motor skills, deviations in the organization are noted fine motor skills, providing subtle, differentiated movements, for example, when modeling, designing, writing, etc. Children with mental retardation have virtually no ability to practice and consolidate motor actions. This requires significantly more time and repetition.

The most important result of the game is joy and emotional uplift. Thanks to this remarkable property, outdoor games, especially with elements of competition, meet the needs of children with mental retardation more than other forms of physical education. In addition, outdoor games, selected taking into account age, health status, and the degree of their physical fitness, contribute to healing, hardening, and strengthening the body.

The game develops

When organizing outdoor games, it is necessary to carefully monitor the sanitary and hygienic conditions of the activities, in particular the cleanliness of the gym and the air temperature. Equally important is the cleanliness of the body and clothing of the practitioners themselves. During the game, metabolism increases significantly, gas exchange and heat transfer increase. In this regard, children need to develop the habit of systematically washing their hands and feet, wiping the body with a damp towel and dousing themselves with water, using generally accepted rules of hygiene and hardening.

If a problem is solved in class strength development, then it is very beneficial to include in his program auxiliary and leading games associated with short-term speed-strength tensions and a wide variety of forms of overcoming the enemy’s muscular resistance in direct contact with him. The main content components of such games include various tugging, pushing, holding, pushing, elements of wrestling, weightlifting, etc. Exercises with accessible weights are also very effective for solving this problem - bending, squats, push-ups, lifting, turns, rotations, running, jumping with a load that is feasible for students. This also includes throwing various items to range.

For speed development games should be selected that require instant responses to visual, sound or tactile signals and include physical exercises with periodic accelerations, sudden stops, rapid jerks, short distance running and other motor actions aimed at consciously and purposefully ahead of the opponent.

For dexterity development They use games that require precise coordination of movements and quick coordination of their actions with the actions of their teammates, and a certain physical dexterity.

For endurance development it is necessary to use games that obviously require a large expenditure of strength and energy, with frequent repetitions of exercises or with prolonged continuous motor activity determined by the rules of the game.

The game teaches

Outdoor games are best used in close connection with other means of physical education through integrated use with general developmental, preparatory and special exercises. When planning, you need to take into account the overall lesson load and determine the purpose, time and place among other exercises and learning tasks used. The level of difficulty and duration should be accessible to those involved and increase smoothly and gradually.
When holding games, serious attention must be paid to strict adherence to generally accepted safety standards and regulations for both the players and spectators.

At gymnastics lessons

Keep your balance

Purpose of the game: development of coordination abilities and courage. Used as an auxiliary exercise for teaching motor actions in balance.

Organization: The class is divided into equal teams, which line up in a column one at a time behind the common starting line. The distance between the columns is 2–3 m. In front of each team there is a gymnastics bench with 3 medicine balls on it, and 10 m after it there is a turning stand.

Carrying out: at the signal, the first numbers rush forward, run along the bench, jumping over the balls lying on it, then run to the counter, go around it to the left and return back, where they pass the baton to the second numbers by touching an outstretched arm, and they themselves stand at the end of the column. If a player loses his balance while running and leaves the bench, he must resume movement from the beginning of the bench. If a player knocks down the ball, he must replace it. The team that finishes the relay first wins.

Crossing on narrow poles

Target: development of dexterity and vestibular apparatus.

Organization: The class is divided into equal teams, which line up in a column one at a time behind the common starting line. The distance between the columns is 3 m. After 10 m in front of each team there are two inverted benches parallel and close to each other.

Carrying out: At the signal, each team, holding hands, runs up to its crossing and begins to cross the river along the narrow slats of an inverted bench in a chain, without breaking hands. The team that crosses the fastest without losing balance or breaking the chain wins.

Balance beam wrestling

Target: development of coordination abilities, perseverance and tactical thinking. Used as a lead-in exercise for teaching motor actions on the balance beam.

Organization: The class is divided into equal teams, which line up in a column one at a time: boys are in front, and girls are behind them - from opposite ends of the log. Gymnastic mats are placed directly under the beam and nearby.

Carrying out: at a signal, one player from each team climbs onto the log from their end and, meeting in the middle, tries to use deceptive movements to unbalance the opponent and push them. The player who succeeds brings his team 1 point. The team that scores the most points wins.

Acrobatic relay

Target: development of dexterity, speed, courage. Used as an auxiliary exercise for teaching acrobatic elements.

Organization: The class is divided into three teams, which line up in columns, one at a time, behind the starting line. Three benches are installed 2–3 m in front of the columns, 3 m apart from one another; Gymnastic mats are placed behind each of them. Turning posts are installed at a distance of 15 m from the start line.

Carrying out: at the signal, the first numbers run to their turning stands, perform three long somersaults with a running start through three benches standing in their way, run around the turning stand and return back, where they pass the baton to the second numbers. The team that finishes the relay first wins.

Medicine ball medley relay

Target: development of agility, speed-strength qualities, flexibility. Used as a lead-in exercise for teaching acrobatic elements.

Organization: the class is divided into two teams, which, in turn, are divided into two groups and line up in opposing columns at a distance of 10 m from each other. Each player assumes a wide stance position. The distance between players is 70 cm. A gymnastic mat is placed in the middle between the columns. The captains (directors) of one of the subgroups receive a medicine ball.

Carrying out: At the signal, the captain passes the medicine ball over his head to his partner, bending backwards. Having received the ball, he leans forward and passes it back between his legs to the third participant, etc. The last player, having received the ball, runs forward with it; Having reached the mat, he rolls forward with the ball in his hands, then continues running and passes the ball to the guide of the other column, while he moves to the side. The players in the second column perform the same task. The team that completes the task first wins.

Don't let the hoop fall

Target: development of agility and speed. Used as a lead-in exercise for teaching motor actions with a hoop.

Organization: the class is divided into teams that line up one after another at the start line; the interval and distance between players is 1 m. Three lines are drawn at 6, 8 and 10 m from the start line. The players in the first row receive a hoop.

Carrying out: the game is played in three rounds.

First round. At the signal, the players in the first row must roll their hoop forward, and when it crosses the 6-meter mark, run out and catch it before it falls to the floor. A participant who does not have time to catch his hoop or runs out ahead of time is eliminated from the game.

In second round the same task must be completed when the hoop reaches the 8-meter mark, and in the third - the 10-meter mark. The team that retains the most players after the final round wins.

Ten jump ropes

Target: development of dexterity, speed, attention. Used as a lead-in exercise for learning to jump rope.

Organization: The class is divided into four teams, which line up in columns. The interval between students is 1.5–3 m. The first numbers receive a jump rope. The method of jumping is agreed upon in advance.

Carrying out: at the signal, the first numbers perform 10 jumps on the spot in the agreed manner and pass the rope to the second numbers. The last participant, having completed the task, raises the rope above his head. The team that completes the task before the others wins.

Catching "frogs"

Target: development of agility, speed, strength. Used as an auxiliary exercise for teaching vaults.

Organization: the class is divided into two teams, which line up in two lines: one is on the starting line and crouches down, the other is 1.5 m in front of them. The finish line is marked at a distance of 10–12 m from the start line.

Carrying out: upon a signal, all participants in the game begin to perform jumps in a crouched position, supported by their arms extended forward (“frog”), pushing off with their arms and legs. The task of the team behind is to catch up and harass the players of the team in front until they reach the finish line. Then both teams return to the starting point and change places. The team whose members catch the most frogs wins.

On easy lessons athletics

Running downhill


Organization: in a free clearing with a slope of up to 10–12°, the class lines up in one line behind the common starting line. Ahead, two control lines are drawn at 20 and 50 m.

Carrying out: at the signal, all players run forward downhill, and for the first 20 m they must run evenly, without overtaking each other, and upon reaching the first control line, begin running a race. The winner is the participant who crosses the 50-meter line first without breaking the rules. There are separate scores for boys and girls.

Obstacle relay

Target: development of speed and agility. Used as a lead-in exercise to teach handing over the baton.

Organization: The class is divided into two teams, which line up in a column, one at a time, behind the starting line. The interval between the columns is 3 m. The first numbers receive the baton. A turning stand is installed 15 m from the teams, and in the middle of the distance a hoop is placed, in the center of which a small white circle is drawn with chalk.

Carrying out: at the signal, the first numbers run to the turning post, having reached the hoop lying on the way, climb through it, then put it in place so that the white circle is in the center, and run further, run around the turning post and come back, climbing through the hoop again, after Then they pass the wand to the second numbers. The team that finishes the relay first wins.

Jumping on one leg

Target: development of strength, agility, jumping ability. Used as an auxiliary exercise for teaching long jumps.

Organization: The class is divided into two teams, which line up in columns, one behind the starting line.

Carrying out: at the signal, the first numbers, standing on one leg, perform 5 jumps in a row as far as possible and stop. The second numbers begin performing the same task from where the first ones stopped, etc. The winner is determined by the total length of jumps of all team players.

Jump over the stream

Target: development of speed and jumping ability. Used as an auxiliary exercise for teaching long jumps.

Organization: The class is divided into two teams, which line up in columns, one behind the starting line. 8 m from the starting line, two parallel lines mark a conditional stream 2 m wide, and after another 8 m, turning posts are installed.

Carrying out: at the signal, the first numbers run to the turning point, jump over the stream with a running start, run around the stand, return back, crossing the stream in the same way, and pass the baton to the second numbers. If a player fails to jump over the stream, the team is awarded 2 penalty seconds. The team that finishes the relay in the shortest time, including penalty seconds, wins.

Accurate throwing

Target: development of dexterity. Used as an auxiliary exercise for learning to throw at a target.

Organization: The class is divided into pairs who receive a small ball and a gymnastic mace. The players of each pair stand facing each other at a distance of 8 m from each other, marked by intermediate lines 1 m apart from each other. Clubs are placed in the middle between the players.

Carrying out: At the signal, players in pairs begin to take turns throwing the ball at the mace, trying to knock it over. The participant who succeeds moves it one line closer to himself, and the game continues. The one who ends up moving the club closest to himself wins.

Dodge the ball

Target: development of speed and dexterity, operational thinking. Used as a lead-in exercise for learning to throw a ball at a target.

Organization: The participants of the game disperse around the court, in the center of which the driver is located with a tennis ball in his hands.

Carrying out: at the signal, the players begin to move arbitrarily around the court, dodging the ball that the driver throws at them. The participant who was hit by the ball goes to the driver’s support group and, together with him, tries to make fun of the players; You can use ball passes. The winner is the player who doesn't have time to beat down.

Throwing with maximum bounce

Target: development of dexterity and strength. Used as an auxiliary exercise for learning to throw a ball and a grenade at a target and at a distance.

Organization: a control line is drawn 8 m from the basketball backboard, followed by every meter parallel lines indicating the footage. The class is divided into two teams, which line up in a column, one behind the control line. The first numbers get the ball.

Carrying out: at the signal, the first numbers throw the ball at the backboard in such a way that it bounces as far as possible, then they pick it up and pass it to the second numbers. The further the rebound, the more points the participant brings to his team. The number of points corresponds to the length of the drawn lines. The team whose players score the most points wins.

Catch up with the one in front

Target: development of speed, dexterity and attention. Used as a lead-in exercise for completing training tasks to practice low or high start techniques.

Organization: The class is divided into two teams, which line up in two lines. The distance between the ranks is 2–3 m. A control line is drawn 30–40 m in front of the first rank.

Carrying out: At the signal, both teams run from a high (low) start to the control line. The players in the back rank try to catch up and touch the hands of those running in front. Players who are spotted before the control line must stop and raise their hand. Their number is counted. Then the teams change places. The team that manages to stain more players from the other team wins.


Target: development of speed and agility, jumping ability. Used as a lead-in exercise for teaching long jumps.

Organization: The class is divided into two teams, which line up in a column, one at a time, behind the starting line. Turning posts are installed 15 m from it. The first numbers take a basketball and squeeze it between their legs.

Carrying out: at the signal, the first numbers take long jumps, holding the ball between their knees, rush to the counter, go around it and return to their teams, where they pass the ball to the second numbers, etc. A player who loses the ball must pick it up, return to the place where he dropped it, and continue moving from there. The team that finishes the relay first wins.

Throw the ball higher

Target: development of speed. Used as an auxiliary exercise for teaching sprinting.

Organization: Participants line up in one line in front of a circle with a diameter of 3 m, in which a small ball lies. The treadmill starts from the circle. Two judges are appointed: one at the circle, the other at the treadmill. The second referee has flags of different colors in his hands.

Carrying out: At a signal, the first participant enters the playing circle from the line, takes the ball and throws it up. While the ball is flying, the player accelerates along the treadmill, trying to run as far as possible while the ball is flying. At the moment the ball lands, the referee at the circle says loudly: “Stop!” - and the track judge places a flag opposite the place where the runner was at the moment of landing. Then all participants take turns performing the same task. The winner is the one whose flag is furthest from the circle.


Target: development of speed, jumping ability and attention. Used as an auxiliary exercise for learning to overcome vertical and horizontal obstacles.

Organization: The class is divided into 2-3 teams, which line up in a column, one at a time, at the starting line at a distance of 5 m from one another. Turning posts are installed 20 m from them, and on the way to them at an equal distance there are two barriers, between which a gymnastic mat is placed.

Carrying out: at the signal, the first numbers run to the racks, jumping over barriers along the way, run around the racks and come back, jumping over the mat with a running start, then pass the baton to the second numbers with a touch of the hand, etc. For each mistake - for example, if a player does not jump over a barrier or mat - 2 penalty seconds are added. The team that completes the task in the shortest time, including penalty seconds, wins.


Target: development of speed, dexterity, tactics of joint actions.

Organization: The class is divided into two teams, which line up in a column, one at a time, at the starting line. A medicine ball is placed 10 meters in front of each team.

Carrying out: All participants assume a sitting position with their legs bent. Each player grabs the partner sitting behind him by the ankles. Thus, the entire column resembles a caterpillar. At the signal, both teams, alternately moving their legs and buttocks, move to the medicine balls, go around them and return back in the same way. The winner is the team that completes the task first without getting disconnected.

Handicap Chase

Target: development of speed, dexterity and attention.

Organization: At an interval of 3-4 m from one another, two parallel lines are drawn - A and B. Finish line C is drawn at a distance of 8-10 m from line B. The players are divided into two teams and line up in two lines on lines A and B, respectively. The participants of the second team take an awkward position - crouching, lying down, sitting, standing with their backs in the direction of movement, etc.

Carrying out: at the signal, the participants rush to line C, and the players standing on line A try to catch up and spot the players who are on line B. For each person caught, 1 point is awarded. Then the teams change places. The team that scores the most points wins.

During sports lessons

Ball flight

Target: development of speed and agility. Used as a lead-in exercise for learning to catch and pass the ball in basketball.

Organization: The class is divided into several teams that perform the task in turn. The game is played in several rounds.
The team lines up in one line at a distance of 1 m from a cord with flags stretched across the hall, the height of which is 2.5 m. Each player has a ball in his hands.

Carrying out: At the signal, the members of the first team must throw the ball over the cord and, quickly running under it, catch the ball on the other side. A player who fails to catch the ball before it lands is eliminated from the game. Then the second team performs the same task. In the second round, the distance increases to 1.5 m, in the third – to 2 m, etc. The team with the most players remaining after the final round wins.

Race balls in a circle with side steps

Target: development of speed, dexterity and attention. Used as an auxiliary exercise for learning how to dribble and pass the ball in basketball.

Organization: The class is divided into two teams, which line up opposite each other on the end lines of the basketball court. 2 m in front of each line, a circle with a diameter of 6 m is drawn with chalk. The first numbers receive a basketball.

Carrying out: at the signal, the first numbers begin dribbling the ball with side steps in a circle, making the first turn with the right side forward, and the second with the left side, after which they pass the ball to the second numbers and step aside. The team that completes the task first wins.

Ball interception

Target: development of speed, dexterity and operational thinking. Used as an auxiliary exercise for learning to catch and pass the ball in basketball.

Organization: The participants of the game receive the ball and line up in a circle. A ball interceptor is selected and goes to the center of the circle.

Carrying out: at the signal, the players begin to pass the ball, and the interceptor, running in a circle, tries to intercept it in flight, on the floor or snatch it from the hands of the participants. Having taken possession of the ball, he takes the place of the player who lost the ball. The winners are the players who do not make a single mistake in catching or passing the ball.

Shots into the basket from the spot

Target: development of dexterity, attention and accuracy. Used as an auxiliary exercise for learning to throw baskets in basketball.

Organization: The class is divided into two teams. Team members occupy their half of the basketball court and line up in a column, one at a time, behind the free throw line. The first numbers have a ball.

Carrying out: at the signal, the captains shoot into the hoop, then run to the backboard, pick up the ball and pass to the second numbers, and then return and stand at the end of the column. The team whose players throw the most balls into the basket within a set time wins.

Volleyball relay race

Target: development of speed, accuracy of movements, attention. Used as a lead-in exercise to teach passing the ball in volleyball.

Organization: The class is divided into two teams. The participants of each team line up on their half of the volleyball court in two opposing columns different sides nets behind the offensive lines. The captains receive the ball.

Carrying out: At the signal, the captains pass the ball with both hands from above through the net to the guide of the opposite column of their team and run to the end of their column. The person to whom the ball is addressed sends it through the net to the next player in the same way, etc. The team that finishes the relay first wins.

Martial arts at the shield

Target: development of speed, dexterity, attention. Used as an auxiliary exercise for teaching how to fight for the ball in basketball.

Organization: The class is divided into two teams, which line up in a column, one at a time, behind the center line of the basketball court and settle down in order. The distance between the columns is 2–3 m.

Carrying out: The teacher throws the basketball at the backboard and calls any number of the participant in the game. Players from both teams with this number run out of formation and rush towards the ball, trying to take possession of it before the opponent. The one who succeeds brings his team 1 point and immediately makes a long pass to the leading player of his column, and he, having received the ball, quickly passes it with both hands back along the column from hand to hand to the last player in the line, who, having received the ball , lifts it up. The participant who lost the fight for the ball runs with side steps to his previous place in the column, trying to overtake the ball, which is passed over the heads of the players of the opposing team. If the runner with side steps ends up in his place earlier, then his team is awarded 1 point; if not, then the opposing team gets 1 more point. The team whose players score more points wins.

At ski lessons

On one ski

Target: development of push-off strength with sticks, balance, attention. Used as a lead-in exercise for learning to move with a sliding step.

Organization: The class lines up in one line. The interval between students is 2 m. Each participant makes his own ski track, and the teacher marks the start and finish lines at a distance of 20–50 m from one another.

Carrying out: At the signal, all participants in the game try to slide along their ski track as quickly as possible to the finish line on one ski, lifting the other top and pushing off with sticks. A player who touches the snow with a raised ski is eliminated from the game. The winner is the one who finishes first.

Now on the right, now on the left

Target: development of push-off strength with sticks, balance, speed, agility. Used as an auxiliary exercise for learning to move on skis with a sliding step.

Organization: The class lines up in one line at the starting line. The interval between students is 2 m. A turn line is marked 20–30 m from the start line.

Carrying out: At the signal, the players, pushing off with sticks, glide to the turn line on the right ski, and back on the left. The winner is the one who completes the task first without ever stepping on the snow with his free foot.

On a snowy slope

Target: development of dexterity and courage. Used as an auxiliary exercise for learning to ski downhill.

Organization: on a hill with a slope of 15–18°, the class is divided into two teams.

Carrying out: At the signal, players from both teams take turns skiing down the slope in a high stance, trying not to fall. For each person who falls, the team is awarded a penalty point. The team with the fewest penalty points wins.

Descent together

Target: development of dexterity and courage, attention. Used as a lead-in exercise for learning to ski downhill.

Organization: on the hill, the class is divided into two teams, which line up in a column of two behind the starting line. Each pair of participants has one pair of skis.

Carrying out: At the signal, the players, trying not to fall, take turns sliding down the slope, standing together on one pair of skis. The partner standing behind holds the one in front by the belt. The pair that completes the descent without falling earns their team 1 point. The team that scores the most points wins.

Assault on the summit

Target: development of agility and speed. Used as a lead-in exercise for teaching ski lifting techniques.

Organization: The class is divided into two teams, which line up in one line in front of the slide.

Carrying out: at the signal, all players rush forward, trying to climb to the top as quickly as possible snowy mountain. The winner is the team whose players all reach the top first before the other.

Vacant position

Target: development of speed, coordination abilities and attention. Used as a lead-in exercise to teach ski turning techniques.

Organization: in the clearing the class lines up in two circles. The interval between students is 2 m. Girls are located in one circle, boys in the other. The distance between the circles is 10 m. A driver is chosen in each circle.

Carrying out: at the signal, the drivers begin to circle around their circle from the outside and, having chosen one of the players standing in it, touch it with their hand, and they themselves continue to move. The greasy skiers immediately turn and run in the opposite direction, trying to go around the circle as quickly as possible and take their previous (vacant) place. The driver, moving in his previous direction, is trying to do the same. The player who does not have time to take a seat becomes the driver.

Descent with snowball throwing

Target: development of dexterity and courage. Used as an auxiliary exercise for learning to ski downhill.

Organization: the class is divided into two teams, which line up one at a time on the top of the mountain behind the starting line. All players prepare two snowballs. At the end of the descent, 5 m to the side of the finish line, a portable shield measuring 1x1 m is installed.

Carrying out: At a signal, players take turns sliding down the slope and, driving past the shield, throw two snowballs at it. For each snowball hitting the target, the team is awarded 1 point. The team whose players score the most points wins.

Select the checkbox

Target: development of coordination abilities. Used as an auxiliary exercise for learning to ski downhill.

Organization: The game is played without sticks on a small slope. The class is divided into two teams, which line up in a column one at a time. On one of the descent sections, a control flag is placed on the right side, and a judge with spare flags is located here.

Carrying out: at the signal, the players of the first team one after another with an interval of 10 seconds. start from the hill and try to pick up the flag on the descent, without delaying the following participants. The judge immediately replaces the flag taken away with a new one for the next participant. After the first team completes the task, all flags are returned to the judge. Then the second team performs the same task. The team whose players pick up the most flags wins.

Don't hit the gate

Target: development of coordination abilities and courage. Used as a lead-in exercise for learning to ski downhill.

Organization: The game is played on a long, gentle slope, along which there are gates made of ski poles. The judges are located opposite the goal. The class is divided into two teams, which line up in a column, one at a time, behind the starting line.

Carrying out: At the signal, players take turns skiing down the slope, trying to pass through all the gates standing in the way, bending down so as not to hit them. For each goal that is hit or knocked over, a penalty point is awarded. The team that scores fewer penalty points wins.

Mutual Pursuit Race

Target: development of speed endurance and coordination abilities. Used as a training exercise in preparation for passing training standards in cross-country skiing.

Organization: the class is divided into two teams, which line up opposite each other in lines, the distance between which is 100 m. A turning flag is placed to the left of each player.

Carrying out: at the signal, the players rush forward to the flag of the opposing player of the opposing team, and, bypassing the flag to the right, turn back, trying to catch up with the opponent and touch him with their hand. The one who manages to do this in the time specified by the teacher brings his team 1 point. The team that scores the most points wins.

Tatiana Kreminskaya,
physical education teacher, Special correctional boarding school No. 11, Mezhdurechensk, Kemerovo region.


Gracheva Marina Sergeevna, physical education teacher at Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 3”, Bratsk, Irkutsk region.
Purpose: outdoor games are a universal means of physical education in preschool institutions and primary school, in addition, they are the leading type of activity for children preschool age. The use of outdoor games allows us to enhance the possibilities of pedagogical influences, contributing to the successful formation of vital motor skills, knowledge systems, mental and moral qualities of the individual. “An outdoor game is a type of activity characterized by active creative motor actions motivated by its plot” (V.E. Grizhenya). The game can be played in the most different conditions: in the hall, on the sports field, in recreation as during lessons physical culture, and during extracurricular activities, used as a means of active recreation in a health camp. At the same time, the age and number of participants can be completely different and are not regulated in any way.
This event may be interesting physical education teachers, additional education teachers, summer camp workers, organizers in kindergartens.
Description: games activate cognitive activity, developing observation, attention, motor memory, imagination, and intelligence. The social significance of the game is due to the fact that games are collective in nature and teach interaction, which is built on a sense of camaraderie, solidarity and responsibility. methodically correctly constructed and systematically used outdoor games have a positive effect on the cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, respiratory and other systems of the body. During the game, functional activity increases, large and small muscles are involved in work, mobility in joints increases, motor and visual analyzers are improved.
Target: formation of vital motor skills, knowledge systems, mental and moral qualities of the individual in the process of using outdoor games,
1. Fostering the need for outdoor games;
2. Fostering collectivism, interaction and mutual understanding; needs for movement, communication, independence, receiving positive emotions, novelty, self-affirmation;
3. Unlocking the potential of every child;
4. Comprehensive development of physical qualities;
5. Satisfying the biological and social needs of those involved.

The health of the younger generation is a matter of serious concern today and is a matter of concern for the state and society. To solve this problem, the formation of physical culture of the student’s personality is of great importance, in promoting the development of which outdoor games are of great importance, allowing to instill a sustainable interest and form value orientations of the younger generation in the context of leading a healthy lifestyle.
The effectiveness of the physical education process is directly related to increased creative initiative, independence, expansion of physical education means, and satisfaction of the actual needs of the child’s personality in the process of physical education and sports activities. All these tasks can be successfully solved by outdoor games.
N.K. Krupskaya called play “a natural need of a growing child’s body.” Outdoor play has unlimited possibilities for the simple reason that it helps to satisfy many needs at the same time: movement, self-affirmation, receiving positive emotions, relaxation, communication, independence, new experiences, etc.
A large number of outdoor games are very similar in essence, differ in certain nuances of the rules, but have the same basic content: one or more drivers catch up and catch other players, after which the caught players change places with them.
We offer you several options for outdoor games that have verbal accompaniment (recitative), which makes them more emotional and expressive, contributing to the development of creative imagination. These games are used mainly with children in primary school.

1. “Two frosts”

Inventory: not required.
Preparing for the game: at opposite ends of the hall or site, at a distance of 10-15 meters, “home” and “school” are marked with parallel lines. From among the players, two “frosts” are selected - “blue nose frost” and “red nose frost”, all the other “guys” who are located behind the house line. In the middle between “home” and “school” there are two “frosts”.
Contents and course of the game: frosts turn to the guys with the words:
“We are two young brothers, two brave frosts!”
One of them, pointing to himself, says:
“I am frost - red nose!”,
another: “And I am frost - blue nose!”,
and together: “Which of you will decide to set off on the path?”
The guys all answer together:
“We are not afraid of threats and we are not afraid of frost!”
After these words, the players run from home to school. The frosts catch, “freeze” those running, and they immediately stop at the place where the frosts “frozen” them. Then the frosts again turn to the guys with the same words, and the guys, having answered, run back into the house, helping out the “frozen” guys along the way, touching them with their hands, and they join the rest of the players. After several runs, new frosts are chosen from among the uncaught players, and those caught are counted and released, after which they join the rest of the players, after which the game starts over.
The players should run out of the house only after pronouncing the words, and they cannot run back into the house or stop in place.
If the player does not follow these rules, he is considered caught.
The caught person must remain in the place where he was “frozen.”
accelerations alternating with pauses.
Pedagogical significance: the game teaches collective action and mutual assistance, teaches how to run in an organized manner, and at the same time, when given a signal, to join the game, while developing independence, initiative, and creative imagination. The game develops speed, speed endurance, and agility.
Methodical recommendations:
Since the game is thematic in nature, it is advisable to conduct it in the fall or winter.
If the game is played outdoors, then the recitative can be shortened to the words: “Which one of you decides to set off on this little path?”
Caught players, in order to avoid freezing from standing for long periods of time, can perform motor actions, such as jumping.
At the end of the game, the best guys who have never been caught in the cold are celebrated, as well as the best pair of drivers.
If time permits, it is advisable that all players play the role of frost.
If the game is played in a mixed group (boys and girls together), then you can choose a boy and a girl as drivers, with the girl “freezing” the girls and the boy the boys.
The game can be played starting from 1st grade.

3. The choice of untrained drivers.
4. The game is not held in accordance with the season.

2. “Geese - swans”

Venue: playground, gym, corridor, recreation.
Inventory: not required.
Preparing for the game: On the sides of the hall or area, a long line marks the “houses” of the “geese”, between them there is a “wolf’s lair”. One or more players are chosen as “wolves”, the other as “mistress of geese”; the remaining participants are “geese” and “swans”. The wolf stands in its den, the geese are swans in their home, the mistress is away from the geese.
Contents and course of the game: The mistress of the geese comes up to the house and says loudly:
"Geese - geese!"
Geese answer: "Ga-ga-ha!"
The hostess asks: “Do you want something to eat?”
Geese answer: “Yes, yes, yes!”
The hostess offers: “So fly home!”
Geese answer: “The gray wolf is under the mountain, he won’t let us go home, he sharpens his teeth, he wants to eat us!” The hostess says: “So fly as you want, just take care of your wings!”
The geese fly to their house, and the wolf catches them. The caught geese go to the wolf's den, and the game continues.
The geese fly into the field, and the wolf begins to catch them only after the words of the mistress.
You can only fish up to the borders of the house.
When the wolf catches several geese, the game ends, a new wolf and mistress of the geese are chosen, and the game starts over.
Preferred type of movement: acceleration with a change in direction of movement combined with pauses.
Pedagogical significance: the game teaches you to act in an organized manner in a team, at the same time and quickly get involved in the game, develops expressive speech skills, creative imagination, initiative, dexterity, and courage.
Methodical recommendations:
You need to learn the text before starting the game.
When a small number of players take part in the game, you can continue the game until the wolf catches all the geese.
If the game is being played for the first time, then the role of “hostess” can be played by the teacher himself, who can correctly reproduce the recitative.
For the role of housewife, it is better to choose one of the children exempt from physical education.
Children who are in the wolf's den can be given some simple task (squats, jumping in place, etc.).
Organizational and methodological errors:
1. The players are not familiar with the recitative before the start of the game and therefore confuse the words.
2. The site size is too large.
3. Rare change of roles during the game.

3. “We are funny guys”

Venue: playground, gym, corridor, recreation.
Inventory: not required.
Preparing for the game: A square is drawn on the site, the dimensions of which depend on the number of players. The driver is selected from among the players.
Contents and course of the game: The players join hands, forming a circle, in the center of which is the driver. The game begins with the players walking in a circle in a pre-designated direction, saying the recitative:
“We are funny guys, we love to jump and gallop,
But try to catch up with us!
One, two, three – run!”

After pronouncing these words, the players open their hands and try to run outside the marked square. The driver tries to catch any of the players, after which the caught player becomes the driver's assistant.
Game options: All of them are carried out according to the rules of the main version of the game, but their plot and role-playing basis is different.
Sovushka is an owl.
From among the players (small animals), Sovushka is selected - an owl that sits in the middle of the circle, the players walk around the circle and say the recitative:
It's dark in the forest, everyone has been sleeping for a long time,
But only one owl does not sleep,
He sits on a branch, turns his head,
But suddenly, how it flies!

After pronouncing the recitative, the owl tries to catch up and make fun of the children.
Whiskered catfish.
A line is drawn on the ground, this is the “shore”, on one side there is land, on the other there is water. A leading “catfish” is selected, which stands in the “water” at a distance of 4-5 meters from the shore. Everyone else stands in the same place, but at a distance of 1.5 -2 meters, facing the shore and pronounces the recitative:
The catfish doesn't sleep under the stones,
He moves his mustache,
Fish, fish, don't yawn,
Everyone, come ashore!

After these words, the catfish tries to catch up and nag the fish.
Vaska the cat.
On the site, a cord is pulled onto pegs at a height of 50-70 centimeters from the ground. A driver is selected - “Vaska the cat”, who sits on the floor or on a chair at a distance of 3-4 meters from the cord.
Vaska the cat says the words:
On the bench, by the gate
Vaska the cat is resting.
Vaska is guarding the mice,
Pretended to be asleep.
Quieter than a mouse, don't make noise,
Don't wake up Vaska the cat!

Children carefully, without touching the cord, crawl and approach the cat.
After the words of the last line, the cat says meow - and begins to catch mice that run away from him, not crawling under the cord, but running around it from either side. The mice, greasy by the cat, are taken captive by the cat. The game continues until the last mouse is caught, which then becomes the driver.
The players do not have the right to run away before the entire recitative has been said.
The driver does not have the right to insult players who are outside the square.
The game continues until the number of drivers and those forming a circle is approximately the same.
Pedagogical significance: The game helps to develop self-control, determination, intelligence, spatial orientation and the ability to run quickly.
Methodical recommendations:
Strict adherence to the rules must be ensured so that players do not run out before the last word is spoken.
It is necessary to ensure that the driver is in the center of the circle and does not leave it ahead of time.
To ensure the safety of those involved, it is necessary that the free zone outside the square be at least 3 meters.
To make the game interesting, you can have the players form a circle, standing with their backs to the driver.
Organizational and methodological errors:
1. The players are not familiar with the recitative before the start of the game and therefore confuse the words.
2. The players always go in one direction, and do not alternate the direction of movement during the next repetition of the game.
3. Players are always offered the same game option.

4. "Blind Bear"

Inventory: not required.
Preparing for the game: A large circle is drawn on the site - a “den”, in which the playing “bear cubs” are located; a driver is selected from among the players, who is blindfolded - this is the “blind bear”.
Contents and course of the game: The players stand around the bear at a distance of 2-3 meters and, at the leader’s signal, begin to clap their hands. The bear follows the sound of clapping and, at a signal from the leader, they begin to clap their hands. The bear follows the sound of clapping and tries to catch one of the players who is running away from him.
Whoever is caught by the bear becomes a blind bear.
If the bear goes outside the playing area (den), the players say loudly:
“Where did you put your foot?
You go bear to the den!

The cubs must clap their hands continuously.
Recitative: the game can begin with the words:
We are animals, bear cubs,
The shaggy bear is catching us,
It's not easy to catch us,
Even though we are short!

Preferred type of movement: walking, running, with changes in direction and stops.
Pedagogical significance: the game develops the ability to navigate in space without using a visual analyzer.
Methodical recommendations:
If there are many players, you can choose several blind bears.
You can give the bear the opportunity to lift the headband while standing still in order to get his bearings, then put on the headband and continue the game.
It is better to learn the recitative before the start of the game.
If the bear does not cope, then it can be changed before the end of the game.
Organizational and methodological errors:
1. The size of the playing area is too large.
2. The number of bears is not optimal for the game.
3. Rare change of drivers.

5. “Painter and paints”

Venue: playground, gym, recreation.
Inventory: not required.
Preparing for the game: At a distance of 10-20 meters, two parallel lines are drawn and a gymnastic bench is installed on one of them. On the side between the lines they draw the house of a “painter”, who is selected from among the players, the driver is selected, the rest of the players become “painters”.
Contents and course of the game: the paints sit on the gymnastic bench or on the ground behind the line. The driver distributes the colors of paints among the players: red, blue, yellow, black, etc. The painter takes up space in the house. At a signal, a painter approaches the driver and asks him:
I came to you for paint
I'm doing coloring
May I borrow some paint?

The driver answers:
“Which one should I give you?”
The painter names any paint color. A participant in the game with the name of this paint quickly gets up from the bench and runs to the second line.
The painter must catch up with the paint and take it to his house.
If the painter does not catch the paint, then she returns to her house and changes color, after which the game is repeated.
The painter who catches it wins greatest number paints, or paints that have never been caught.
Preferred type of movement: acceleration with a change in direction of movement alternating with pauses.
Pedagogical significance: The game develops imagination, expressive speech skills, dexterity, and speed of reaction.
Methodical recommendations:
If there are many players, then you can name several colors at the same time.
You can also choose several painters.
If there are several painters, then 2-3 players can paint the same color.
Organizational and methodological errors:
1. Too many paint colors, which will lead to many colors not being named.
2. Rarely changing the painter, which leads to his overload.

6. “Sparrows - jumping sparrows”

Venue: playground, gym, recreation.
Inventory: not required.
Preparing for the game: children stand in a circle at arm's length, a circle is drawn in front of their feet, a driver is selected from among the players - a “cat”, the rest of the players are “sparrows”.
Contents and course of the game: The players - the "sparrows" - jump and jump out of the circle, and the driver - the "cat", standing in the circle, tries to make fun of them.
The driver has the right to spot players only within the circle.
The winner is the player who made the most number of jumps into the circle and back before the end of the game.
Caught players can become the cat's helpers.
The game ends when the “cats” catch all the “sparrows”.
Recitative: Before the start of the game, the players standing behind the circle - the “sparrows” - say the words:
We are sparrows, we are crumbs
Teasing, teasing the evil cat
The cat has been catching us for a long time,
He won't catch it anyway!

Pedagogical significance: the game promotes the development of dexterity and attention, the driver develops observation, intelligence and agility.
Preferred type of movement: jumping.
Methodical recommendations:
If there are a large number of guys present, you can divide them into several teams or by gender.
If the level of preparedness of the players is high enough, you can give the task to jump on one leg, randomly changing legs.
You need to choose the most dexterous driver as the cat.
To ensure that the load is distributed evenly between the players, you can simply give penalty points to those players who are caught by the “cat”.
If the players are well prepared, you can place them with their backs to the circle and perform jumps with their backs forward.
Organizational and methodological errors:
1. The circle size is too large.
2. The players are not given the task of counting the number of jumps.
3. The leader does not encourage the players to be active and they just stand there without performing jumps.

7. "Bird in a Cage"

Venue: playground, gym, recreation.
Inventory: not required.
Preparing for the game: Depending on the number of participants in the game, a circle is drawn, the players are located around the circle. In the center of the circle stands one of the players - this is a “bird in a cage”, next to whom the driver (“bird catcher”) is located, all the other players are located outside the circle.
Contents and course of the game: the players try to help out the “bird in the cage” by running into the circle and touching it with their hand, and the driver tries to stain the helping players.
Rules of the game:
The driver can only catch players within the circle.
If he succeeds, then the caught players become “caught birds” and take a place in the center of the circle.
If they manage to rescue the caught "bird", then the player who did this becomes the driver or the caught "bird".
Recitative: the game can begin with words spoken by the driver:
I am a very clever bird catcher!
The cell is the skill
I'll catch a lot of birds
Woodpeckers, sparrows, tits.

The players standing behind the “bird cage” answer:
We won't leave the bird in the cage
Woodpecker, sparrow, tit.
Even though we are looking at you
We will free the bird!

Preferred type of movement: short accelerations with changes in direction of movement.
Pedagogical significance: The game develops a sense of camaraderie and mutual assistance, and expressive speech skills.
Methodical recommendations:
If a “bird catcher” catches a “bird,” it must tell everyone about itself (for example, say its name, where it lives, what it eats).
As a bird catcher, you need to choose the most dexterous driver.
Organizational and methodological errors:
1. Insufficient motivation of players to provide revenue.
2. Lack of interdisciplinary connections in the game (lack of a story about a caught bird)

8. “Hares in the garden”

Venue: playground, gym, recreation.
Inventory: chalk, carrots cut out of cardboard, heads of cabbage.
Preparing for the game: Two concentric circles are drawn on the floor (platform): an outer diameter of 7-9 meters, and an inner one of 3-4 meters. From among the players, a leading “watchman” is selected, who is located in the middle of a small circle, in the “garden”. The players represent “hares” and are located outside the large circle. Carrots and cabbage are scattered in the space inside the small circle, so the closer to the center of the circle, the more there are.
Contents and course of the game: the game begins with the hares uttering a recitative, after which the hares try, jumping on two legs, to penetrate the garden, take one carrot or cabbage and return outside the large circle, and the watchman tries to catch up with them and make fun of them.
The watchman has the right to catch hares only in the garden.
Hares that are caught can return to the game if they put the carrot or cabbage back in its place.
The hare has the right to take no more than one head of cabbage or carrot at a time.
A hare that is spotted and does not have carrots or cabbage is eliminated from the game.
The game ends when there are no carrots and cabbages left in the garden.
The winner is the hare who managed to take the largest amount of vegetables out of the garden.
Game options:
Hares should jump only on their left or only on their right leg.
Hares should jump in a squat - “hare jumps”.
Hares that are caught are eliminated from the game.
In the game you can use the dialogue between the guard and the hares:
Watchman:“Bunny, where have you gone?”
Bunnies: “We rested in the cabbage!”
Watchman: “Didn’t you eat the leaves?”
Bunnies: “They just touched me with their tail!”
Watchman:(wakes finger) “You should be punished!”
Bunnies: “So try to catch up with us!”
Recitative: the game begins with words spoken by the hares:
It grows thickly in the garden,
And carrots and cabbage!
We'll get there
Let there be a watchman
No problem!

Preferred type of movement: jumping - acceleration with a change in direction of movement.
Pedagogical significance: The game develops imagination, expressive speech skills, jumping ability, dexterity, intelligence, and the ability to take risks.
Methodical recommendations:
When playing the game, you need to carefully ensure that the players do not take away more than one carrot or cabbage.
You need to make sure that the hares are jumping and not running.
When playing outdoors in the fall, you can use real carrots.
Organizational and methodological errors:
1. The number of “vegetables” on the court is insufficient for the normal conduct of the game.
2. The size of the “vegetable garden” is too large or small.

9. “Through bumps and stumps”

Venue: playground, gym, recreation.
Inventory: gymnastics stand.
Preparing for the game: On one side of the court there is a line behind which the players are located. A jumping stand – a “Christmas tree” – is placed 10-20 meters from it. Three or four leading “bees” stand near the stand.
Contents and course of the game: At the leader’s signal, the guys come out from behind the line and walk, raising their legs high, to the stand (tree), saying the recitative:
We came out to the forest meadow and raised legs higher,
Through bushes and hummocks, through branches and stumps,
Whoever walked so high did not stumble or fall!

With these words, the children stop near the Christmas tree and continue to say:
Look, the hollow of a tall tree, angry bees are flying out!
The bees begin to circle around the tree and buzz:
Zhi-Zhi-Zhi – we want to bite!
The players answer:
We are not afraid of a swarm of bees - we will quickly run home!
- and run beyond the line, raising their knees high, imitating running through the forest.
The bees try to catch up with the fleeing ones, touch them with their hands - “sting”.
You can run away only after the words: “Let’s run home quickly!” Those who run away prematurely are considered caught.
Players who are stung by bees are eliminated from the game.
Bees can catch players only after the words: “Evil bees fly out.” Those caught earlier do not count.
Preferred type of movement: running with high hip lifts and changing direction of movement.
Pedagogical significance of the game: The game develops imagination, expressive speech skills, dexterity, intelligence, and the ability to take risks.
Methodical recommendations:
The text must be learned before the game starts.
You can specifically select one of the freed players to recite the chant.
Organizational and methodological errors:
1. The game is played with children who do not know recitative.
2. The distance does not correspond to the preparedness of the children.
3. Before the start of the game, it is not told what kind of insects bees are and their significance in nature.

10. "Magic Grass"

Venue: playground, gym, recreation.
Inventory: a bunch of grass, a forfeit, a small object.
Preparing for the game: a “wolf” driver is selected and the children are randomly placed on the playground.
Contents and course of the game: The participants of the game say the words together:
We are not afraid of the gray wolf, gray wolf, gray wolf,
Stupid wolf, teeth click, teeth click, teeth click,
The wolf won't catch me, because there is magic grass!

After these words, the driver begins to catch the children, who, seeing that they will inevitably be caught, can throw their bunch of grass with the words:
Don't eat me, here's the magic herb!
The wolf must first pick up the grass, and while he does this, the player has the opportunity to run away further.
You can only throw grass once.
Players caught by a wolf leave the game or become the wolf's helpers.
Pedagogical significance:
Methodical recommendations:
If there are a large number of players, choose several wolves.
If girls and boys play together, let one wolf (boy) catch up with the boys, and the she-wolf (girl) catches up with the girls.
You can select several wolves who will take part in the game in turn.
Organizational and methodological errors:
1. One driver is selected when there are a large number of players.
2. The game is played on an area that is too large, which increases the load on the driver and reduces the load on the other players.
3. The opinion of the players themselves is not taken into account (drivers are appointed by the leader themselves).

11. "Samovar"

Venue: playground, gym, recreation.
Inventory: not required.
Preparing for the game: The driver is chosen - this is a “samovar”, all the other children are different “sweets” and stand in a wide semicircle.
Contents and course of the game: The driver (samovar) starts the game with the words:
The samovar is boiling, he asks for tea!
Leading asks: What will the tea be with?
Samovar answers, for example:
“With raspberry jam and a good mood!”
Leading answers:
“There is such sweetness!”
After this, the “raspberry jam” player must run around a semicircle, as indicated in the diagram, and the samovar tries to stain it.
If there is no such sweetness that the driver named, then the leader says:
There is no such sweetness, you drink it - come on, tea on the other!
After this, the game is repeated, and the samovar names another sweet.
If the driver stains the player, then he becomes the new driver.
At the end of the game, the most successful players are celebrated.
Players do not have the right to run around the semicircle until the words of the recitative are spoken.
Pedagogical significance: The game develops attention, imagination, and resourcefulness.
Methodical recommendations:
You can name two sweets at once.
If children cannot come up with the name of a sweet for themselves, then you can tell them this.
Organizational and methodological errors:
Children are not familiar with the plot of the game and do not know the words of the recitative.

12. "Teremok"

Venue: playground, gym, recreation.
Inventory: not required.
Preparing for the game: children stand in a circle - this is the “teremok”.
The counting table selects the animals: “mouse-norushka”, “frog-frog”, “fox-sister”, “arrogant bunny” and “bear-trap”, which stand behind the circle.
Contents and course of the game: The players forming the tower walk holding hands in a circle, saying the recitative:
There is a teremok, teremok in the field,
He's not short, he's not tall, he's not tall,

A small mouse runs, stops in front of the “door” and knocks on it with the words:
“I’m a little mouse, let me into the little house,”
after which it passes inside the circle. Next, the frog runs and asks:
“Who, who lives in the little house? »
“Who, who lives in a low place?”

The mouse answers: “I am a little mouse. Who are you?
I am a frog - a frog
The mouse invites the frog:
"Come live with me"
And thus all the other animals enter the circle, and the last one to appear is the bear and says:
"I am a bear - a trap"
after which all the animals run out of the circle, and the bear tries to catch them.
The game continues until the bear catches two or three animals (by agreement), after which the players change roles.
Animals, escaping from the bear, can run through the tower, but the bear has no right to do this.
Pedagogical significance:
Methodical recommendations:
Before playing the game, you need to familiarize children with the content of the fairy tale.
All children must play different roles during the game.
It is necessary to explain to the children playing the role of animals that they can use the tower as protection by running through it.
The game is best played outdoors.
Organizational and methodological errors:
1. Children play only one role in the game.
2. The animals, escaping from the bear-trap, run too far from the tower.
3. The game is played in an unsuitable room.

13. “Baba Yaga”

Venue: playground, gym, recreation.
Inventory: not required.
Preparing for the game: children stand in a circle, in the center of which the leader is “Baba Yaga” (girl) or Kashchei – the immortal (boy).
Contents and course of the game: players approach Baba Yaga (if she is a girl) and tease her by saying the following chant:
Baba Yaga - bone leg
She fell from the stove and broke her leg.
She went into the garden and scared the people.
I ran to the bathhouse and scared the bunny!

After these words, Baba Yaga, jumping on one leg, tries to catch those running away.
If Baba Yaga cannot catch up with anyone for a long time, she says:
Oh, I’m so old, I’ve become so old,
Or maybe she didn’t get enough rest,
I want Nina
(says the name of any player) ask,
To catch children for me.
Kashchei in this case says:
Oh, I've become quite old,
I've rested too long
I want to ask Misha
Catching children for yourself!

If a woman is a yaga, or Kashchei catches someone, the person caught becomes a new woman-yaga.
Pedagogical significance: The game develops imagination, attention, and resourcefulness.
Methodical recommendations:
If the driver is a boy, then the players say recitative:
Old Kashchei ate sour cabbage soup,
He ran through the forest, scared away all the animals,
I was running across the field and broke my leg on a hare!

If the game is being played for the first time, the leader himself can act as the driver.
If a player cannot annoy anyone for a long time, he needs to be replaced.
Organizational and methodological errors:
1. Children do not know the text of the recitative, so they get confused.
2. The playing area is too big.
3. Excessively long stay of one player in the role of Baba Yaga or Kashchei.
4. The game is played for children of middle school age.

14. "The Greedy Cook"

Venue: playground, gym, recreation.
Inventory: skittles or sausages cut out of cardboard, or pencils, a hoop.
Preparing for the game: a “cook” is selected by counting, who stands in the “kitchen”, which is a square or circle measuring 2x3 meters. A hoop is placed in the middle of the kitchen, into which “sausage” skittles are placed. Children - “kittens” stand around the kitchen.
Contents and course of the game: kittens move randomly around the kitchen saying:
Pussies are crying in the corridor,
In kittens great sorrow:
Greedy cook for poor pussies
Doesn't let you grab the sausages!

After this, the kittens run into the kitchen, trying to take away the sausages, and the cook tries to grease them. Players who are insulted by the cook remain in the position in which they were insulted. The game continues until all the sausages are stolen.
The caught kitten must come up with an interesting name for its position, and after that it can continue playing.
You cannot take away more than one sausage at a time.
If the cook catches a kitten that has already taken away several sausages, he must return one of them to the kitchen.
The game continues until all the sausages are stolen.
Kittens that managed to carry away a lot of sausages are noted.
Pedagogical significance: the game develops attention, imagination, and resourcefulness.
Methodical recommendations:
When playing the game, you can use skittles, pencils or anything else as sausages.
The “sounding” of the game can first be done by the director himself.
Organizational and methodological errors:
1. Children do not know the content of the text well.
2. The children are not told that they need to help animals.

    Cooperative play is a unique type of cooperation. It is no coincidence that psychologists believe that truly democratic relations between adults and children are possible only in play. And above all, games with rules - a traditional means of folk pedagogy - have a positive impact on their relationships.

    In the methodology of physical education for primary schools, many means have been developed with the help of which the harmonious development of the child’s body is achieved. Games and exercises are used that develop dexterity and endurance, courage and speed, and the ability to control one’s actions. However, dance and rhythmic elements, elements of rhythmic gymnastics and plastic arts have not yet received due attention. I believe that the inclusion of dance exercises in a physical education lesson is a powerful tool for the harmonious development of a child’s personality. By combining complex physical exercises with dancing and role-playing games in one lesson, you can achieve high results and sustainable interest in physical education. All these elements can make up a story lesson, which, as a rule, is the result of the material covered during the quarter. This lesson is a holiday for children. One of the tasks of a role-playing lesson is to learn new things and improve what has been learned. But in addition to educational and cognitive tasks, moral and aesthetic tasks are set and solved, including the task of instilling in children a respectful attitude towards each other, the manifestation of such qualities as mutual assistance, solidarity in completing the proposed tasks. In my story lessons, I use materials from oral folk art, local history material, and show slides and films.

    Role-playing lessons can consist of competitive programs such as “Sports Serpentine”, “The Best”, “Forward to the Olympic Medal”.
    Role-playing lessons contribute not only to the physical and moral improvement of children, but also develop their creativity. Such lessons create positive motivation and emotional mood in children. They can also be presented as sports and musical theatrical performances on a specific topic, where the intellectual, physical, and ethical development of children is carried out. In role-playing lessons, children simultaneously feel the joint joy of learning, creativity, sports achievements, and beauty.

    So, role-playing games in combination with other elements of a physical education lesson in the lower grades represent the basis of the initial stage of the formation of a harmoniously developed personality, combining spiritual wealth, moral purity and physical perfection, and in the future, thanks to this, the teacher achieves high speed and strength indicators at physical education lessons in middle school.

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“Article “Plot-role-playing games in physical education lessons””

Tolkova Svetlana Viktorovna, physical education teacher, secondary school No. 8, 446306, Samara region, Otradny, Orlova street 20, apt. 28, e-mail: [email protected], 89276937721

Role-playing games in physical education lessons as a means of harmonious development of the child’s personality.

A physical education lesson, more than any other lesson, is fraught with joy for a child: movement itself is joy for a growing organism. And if the teacher clearly organizes the lesson, and the children do not sit, freezing, on benches along the wall, then the physical education lesson is a great joy for them. That's how it should be. This corresponds to the physiology and psychology of the child, as well as the desire for everything new and unusual. I strive to ensure that in my lessons children experience the joy of movement, the joy of learning new things, the joy of discovery.

Primary school students take part in physical education with great pleasure. They are especially interested in various types of games: from folk games to sports - basketball, football, hockey, table tennis, badminton, etc.

Various types of games and exercises help improve the functioning of the main physiological systems of the body (nervous, cardiovascular, respiratory), improve physical development, physical fitness of children, and cultivate positive moral and volitional qualities. It is very valuable that playing games contributes to the development of positive character traits in primary school students and creates favorable conditions for developing friendly relations in a team and mutual assistance. They are held in summer and winter not only in the gym, but also in the open air, which is an effective means of hardening the child’s body.

Outdoor games are one of the most favorite and useful activities for children. They are based on physical exercises, movements during which participants overcome a number of obstacles and strive to achieve a certain, pre-set goal. Due to the wide variety of content of gaming activities, they have a comprehensive impact on the body and personality, while at the same time contributing to the solution of the most important special tasks of physical education, for example, the development of speed and strength qualities.

Gaming activities are always associated with solving certain problems, performing certain duties, and overcoming various kinds of difficulties and obstacles. Overcoming obstacles strengthens willpower, cultivates endurance, determination, perseverance in achieving goals, and faith in one’s strength.

All these developmental aspects are enhanced by the specifics of role-playing games.

That is why the competent use of role-playing games in physical education lessons is not only useful for children, but also extremely important, since the correct “inclusion” of game elements in the process of physical education actively contributes to the harmonious development and physical fitness of students. In my work, I actively use role-playing games in the process of physical education of primary school students. Taking into account the educational and developmental significance of games, the solution to a set of physical education problems is pursued:

    promoting health, improving posture, promoting harmonious physical development, hardening;

    formation of knowledge and skills in the field of personal hygiene;

    introduction to independent physical exercises and outdoor games;

    fostering discipline, responsiveness, honesty, courage;

    development of children's creative abilities in physical education lessons.

Cooperative play is a unique type of cooperation. It is no coincidence that psychologists believe that truly democratic relations between adults and children are possible only in play. And above all, games with rules - a traditional means of folk pedagogy - have a positive impact on their relationships.

In games, more than in other physical exercises, participants can perform various motor actions the way they want, as their individual characteristics allow them. One of the undoubted factors in the attractiveness of games is the element of competition. They contain clearly expressed aspirations of the players to win: to run around the circle faster, to catch up with a partner or to have time to run away from him. Games in which participants are divided into groups, teams, and where each group or team, each team member strives to achieve better results and win, are even more competitive in nature.

While playing, children satisfy their inherent need for movement.
In the methodology of physical education for primary schools, many means have been developed with the help of which the harmonious development of the child’s body is achieved. Games and exercises are used that develop dexterity and endurance, courage and speed, and the ability to control one’s actions. However, dance and rhythmic elements, elements of rhythmic gymnastics and plastic arts have not yet received due attention. I believe that the inclusion of dance exercises in a physical education lesson is a powerful tool for the harmonious development of a child’s personality. By combining complex physical exercises with dancing and role-playing games in one lesson, you can achieve high results and sustainable interest in physical education. All these elements can make up a story lesson, which, as a rule, is the result of the material covered during the quarter. This lesson is a holiday for children. One of the tasks of a role-playing lesson is to learn new things and improve what has been learned. But in addition to educational and cognitive tasks, moral and aesthetic tasks are set and solved, including the task of instilling in children a respectful attitude towards each other, the manifestation of such qualities as mutual assistance, solidarity in completing the proposed tasks. In my story lessons, I use materials from oral folk art, local history material, and show slides and films.

To increase the working activity of children and their mood, I often use musical accompaniment, for which we use folk, classical and modern music. The uniqueness of the plot lessons is improvisation and dancing. No matter how complex the educational material, dance is an integral part of the lesson. Various types of movements are used in dancing: rhythmic gymnastics, rhythmics, plastic movements, elements of theatricality. The boys dance willingly. Through dance one gets acquainted with Russian culture and the culture of other peoples and countries. Dancing has a positive impact on children’s aesthetic feelings, fosters organization and discipline, and makes the lesson meaningful and complete. A story lesson is a performance, and the children in it are artists. The teacher’s task is to reveal the creative and physical potential of children, to give each child the opportunity to express themselves and be happy for themselves and others. Role-playing lessons are a special organization of a physical education lesson, in which the assigned educational tasks are solved in a creative, playful form using a previously conceived plot in conjunction with the performance of various roles.

On the one hand, role-playing lessons give children momentary joy, on the other hand, these lessons should be aimed at the future and should model some fairy-tale or life situations. Examples of role-playing lessons include the games “Journey to the Jungle”, “Find the Treasure”, “Sports Marathon”, “We are the Robinsons”.
Role-playing lessons can consist of competitive programs such as “Sports Serpentine”, “The Best”, “Forward to the Olympic Medal”.
Role-playing lessons contribute not only to the physical and moral improvement of children, but also develop their creativity. Such lessons create positive motivation and emotional mood in children. They can also be presented as sports and musical theatrical performances on a specific topic, where the intellectual, physical, and ethical development of children is carried out. In role-playing lessons, children simultaneously feel the joint joy of learning, creativity, sports achievements, and beauty.

So, role-playing games in combination with other elements of a physical education lesson in the lower grades represent the basis of the initial stage of the formation of a harmoniously developed personality, combining spiritual wealth, moral purity and physical perfection, and in the future, thanks to this, the teacher achieves high speed and strength indicators at physical education lessons in middle school.
