What does the balloon symbolize? Balloon tattoo

In order to at least partially explain the system of action of this energy ball, it is necessary to understand that each shape and color has not only a frequency and wavelength, but also its own spiritual essence. Thanks to the mutual selection of these particular shapes and colors, the ball affects the level of body, soul and spirit. This happens because the basic symbols of man and the Universe are encoded in it. We will not find evidence to confirm this fact in the physical world. In it you can only find frequencies and wavelengths, but as for the spiritual-soul world, we can explore it only at the level of feelings and intuition.

Shape symbols

In the interpenetration and arrangement of figures we can find many answers. The meaning of any symbol is not limited to this and frees it from unambiguous interpretation. This happens because at the present stage of human development, it is often impossible to express in words some spiritual truths and a person is constantly developing in his knowledge of the world. That is why this interpretation is very necessary, and the above concepts are the main symbols in ET. The ball also captures man's relationship to the Earth and to the universe. But it is a mistake to think that these concepts are something material, because the action takes place on other levels and dimensions. The forms indicate relationships and clearly demonstrate how the interpenetration of the trinity with body, soul, spirit and the unity of the microcosm and macrocosm occurs.

Flower symbols

For a ball, the shape symbols correspond to the color symbols. Colors are complementary - opposite polarities and, thus, complementary. The material basis of ET is pure “white clay”, which contains “silver aluminum”. This is very important as white is associated with light and silver is associated with spiritual creations. Thanks to this, the frequencies of the applied paints are enhanced, and the effect of the sphere is increased.

The warm colors of the ever-living spirit and soul - orange and yellow - belong to the non-material active spiritual world. In contrast, the passive mortal body and the universe are symbolized by cold colors - blue and violet. But the purple in the ET ball turns into red - pink - crimson, which is very important because this color combination " in the trinity of the body, spirit and soul, blood and love unites them into life" The choice of colors for ET is key. The other colors in the ball are contained at an energy level, although we cannot see them with the naked eye. We can demonstrate their presence as a part or combination of existing colors or perceive them supersensibly.

The specific relationship of color symbolism can also be found in human energy centers called chakras or lotuses. The seventh main chakra, which allows you to easily connect to the universe and higher worlds, most often associated with violet-purple and white, which contain the entire spectrum of other colors. The blue fifth and sixth chakras, in turn, allow the body and person to feel and perceive. Orange color corresponds to the second fertilization chakra, which affects the fluids in the human body (the human body contains about 70% water), in which all living things and spirit are born. Yellow is a symbol of the soul, where information is stored and which is closely connected with the third chakra of the solar plexus and the manifested emotions and feelings of the astral - spiritual body. The spiritual symbol of white color is light, and this is pure white clay, its embodiment.

Symbols of primary colors and their division:

It is important to understand that individual colors are not more or less spiritual. Example for blue and the human body: the physical body is often mistakenly perceived as something secondary. We must know that although it is the last link, it is also the oldest and most perfect of human bodies. The astral body, which is still less perfect and makes many mistakes (thanks to instincts and passions), is one of the causes of diseases of the physical body. This fact is a suitable comparison so that we do not consider any body (no color or number) less significant or less spiritual. Comparison with the color black: “With a knife you can not only feed, but also take a person’s life, and under the cover of darkness, you can commit a crime or hide from it in the dark.” It always depends on what and how we perceive...

Overall valueET , of course, wider, but all of the above must be understood as the main symbols of shapes and colors. That is, whoever convinces himself that the ball is a symbol of life - body, soul and spirit and that this trinity combines love, where the red - violet - purple color also symbolizes the blood shed for the truth, which united with the earth, then he will is quite close to the following understanding - for now, everything cannot be said here, but “he who has eyes to see and ears to hear” knows...

In essence, the function ET sphere dual: on the one hand, spiritual beings help a person, and on the other hand, a person gives the opportunity to spiritual beings to manifest themselves. Thus, they mutually help each other, and spiritual beings, in turn, are glad that they can serve a person. The greater the role prayer or meditation plays in this process, the more intense this process will be realized. The ball really has a very high level connection and allows each person to come into contact with spiritual consciousness and with the higher spheres of angels. When “working” with the ball, it is important to engage our spiritual and sensitive sides.

Selling Note: If we are talking about this type of energy objects, then ET is not some kind of addition to “faith”; rather, it explains the essence. The item sold does not represent any type of energy, spirituality or initiation, the price of the ball only includes the product itself, materials and costs associated with development, production and sale. What a person will gain in the future thanks to this ball is purely individual. In short, the ball is only a mediator on our own path and helps us get rid of destructive energies and their forces, and allows us to accept pure energy and connect correctly.

Balloon - aircraft(a balloon) that uses lighter-than-air gas for flight. Consists of a gas-filled shell and a basket or trailer cab attached to it. WiKiPedia.org

Quite rarely, people decide to decorate their body with the image of a balloon. Perhaps the explanation for this fact is that balloons, in general, are rarely seen in modern life.

Who is it suitable for?
This tattoo is done by men and girls. The image of a hot air balloon will fit perfectly into the composition of another more complex tattoo.
Often there are tattoos with accompanying inscriptions or dates that are important to the owner of such a tattoo. This could be a date that marked a dramatic change in your life.

Places and style of tattoo.
There are two most popular styles of balloon tattoos: realistic and cartoon.

Symbol meaning

The image of a balloon indicates a free from stereotypes and easy attitude to life.
Common features characteristic of owners of this symbol:

  • easy to climb
  • positive attitude
  • openness to the world
  • desire to play by one's own rules
  • calm and ironic attitude towards emerging problems
  • readiness to change places

Realistic tattoo with image hot air balloon indicates a willingness to take risks. A person with this symbol on his body must be ready, like a balloon, to “take off” and go on a dangerous journey.
Tattoo with the image of a child's colored ball will indicate childishness and no desire to grow up. Such a person, regardless of age, is as happy as a child. After all, he knows how to appreciate the moment of the present and is grateful for what he has at the moment.
A balloon in a basket with several people in it indicates the ability of the owner of such a tattoo to “pull up” his company.


Video of a girl getting a tattoo with a balloon (realistic technique).

Tattoo balloon, the meaning of which is described below, is very popular. The romantic plot of such tattoos attracts the attention of many people who want to emphasize their individuality. You will learn about the meaning behind a tattoo and in what styles it is performed in this article.

The Montgolfier brothers succeeded in launching a hot air balloon for the first time in 1783. The first passengers who had the opportunity to make such an unusual journey were a ram, a duck and a rooster. However, after landing it turned out that the rooster was injured: its wing was damaged. However, it turned out that the problem was not in the imperfection of transport, but in the fact that the ram hit the bird during the flight. Interestingly, in the 19th century in Europe duels were very popular. balloons. It was necessary to damage the enemy's ball. Naturally, if the ball was damaged, the person who was in its basket died, falling from a great height.

Controlling hot air balloons is extremely difficult. Usually flights are made at sunset or dawn: at this time there is rarely strong wind.

The world record for staying in a hot air balloon was set by Fyodor Konyukhov and Ivan Menyailo: they completed a flight lasting 29 hours. Usually tourists stay in the air for about 2 hours.

Tattoo meaning

A balloon tattoo can have the following meanings:

  • desire for freedom. A balloon soaring up is an excellent symbol of the desire for independence, which adorns the bodies of people who have their own opinions and do not follow generally accepted rules;
  • a balloon tattoo, a photo of which is presented in the article, can mean a love of travel;
  • sometimes such a tattoo is made by romantic, dreamy people who, as they say, often have their head in the clouds and like to build castles in the air in their imagination;
  • sometimes a balloon is made as a symbol of mourning for a lost person. Of course, in this case, the meaning of the tattoo is emphasized by various additional elements, for example, a black ribbon or the dates of life of a deceased loved one.

Advice! Do you just love the look of balloons and would like to have a tattoo like this? You should not focus only on the meaning of the symbol: you are free to choose how to decorate your body, and are not obliged to report to others about why you made such a choice.

Performance styles

The balloon tattoo, sketches of which you can study in the article, can be made in almost any style. Often old school or new school is chosen for this plot. Bright, but at the same time filled with deep meaning, tattoos have different meanings depending on additional motives. For example, a balloon in combination with a compass can represent the desire to find one's path in life, and next to bones it symbolizes the many dangers that a person faces.

A realistic balloon will look very impressive. Such tattoos, reminiscent of photographs applied to the body, look like real works of art.

A simpler, but no less stylish option are graphic tattoos. Made in black and complemented by geometric shapes and symbols, they are laconic and restrained. The graphic style can be combined with other styles, for example, with dot-work, which gives the tattoo a special depth and volume.

Styles can be combined with each other. For example, tattoos that combine graphics and realism are often made. We are talking not only about trash polka, but also about images in which the drawing smoothly flows from a graphic sketch into a realistic object.

It personifies both the Sun and the Moon, so games with balls are associated with both solar and lunar rituals and festivals. They symbolize the power of the gods to scatter planets, meteorites and stars across the skies. Golden balls are attributes of the Harpies and the emblem of St. Nicholas of Myra. , like the sphere, means peace, eternity, self-sufficient power over the universe, strength and imperial dignity. It is usually held in the left hand as a symbol of the far-reaching power of a deity or sovereign. , placed on a base, means Heaven, limitation or limit. In alchemy, the crowned ball is the philosopher's stone, sometimes called the Great King. In Christianity, a ball topped with a cross signifies the rule of Christ over the world, as well as the predominance of faith in Christ. In Christian art, God the Father is sometimes depicted standing on a ball. Emblem of Saint Charlemagne. In Greco-Roman mythology, the ball SIU volved good luck, fate, being associated with Tyche (Fortune) standing on the ball. and the compass are emblems of Urania. The blue ball is an attribute of Zeus (Jupiter), as the god of Heaven, as well as Apollo and Cybele.

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Matochkin Ball- the strait between the North. and Yuzh. about you Novaya Zemlya. Named after it flows into the strait. r. Matochka (ball in Pomeranian - “strait”). Connects the Barents and Kara seas. Length approx. 98 km, name. width........
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Yugorsky Shar- a strait between Eurasia (Yugorsky Peninsula) and about. Vaygach. Connects the Barents and Kara seas. Length 40 km, width 3–16 km, depth 13–40 m. The banks are steep. B.h. covered with ice for years.
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Yugorsky Shar- a strait between the mainland (Yugorsky Peninsula) and the island. Vaygach; Nenets a.o. Ugra or Ugra Land in Russian. sources of the XI-XV centuries. the territory from the lower reaches of Pechora to the lower reaches was called........
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the sphere as a whole is the basis of all symbolic images associated with integrity, starting with the idea of ​​a mystical center, to the world, soul and eternity. In Neoplatonic philosophy, the soul is clearly associated with the form of the sphere, and the substance of the soul is preserved as quintessence in the concentric spheres of the four elements. In alchemy, a black globe is a symbol of first matter, but it can also be depicted with wings, then denoting spiritual movement or evolution. Another important symbolic property of the ball is perfection and happiness. The absence of corners and edges is analogous to the absence of inconveniences, difficulties and obstacles.

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It personifies both the Sun and the Moon, so games with balls are associated with both solar and lunar rituals and festivals. They symbolize the power of the gods to scatter planets, meteorites and stars across the skies. Golden balls are attributes of the Harpies and the emblem of St. Nicholas of Myra. ,...
