Which is better IS 7. IS4 or IS7 which is better? After the armor, we immediately move on to the guns


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Giving preference to the Soviet branch of heavy tanks, players are often faced with the choice of which heavyweight to give preference to: or the IS-7? If you analyze the statistics, the lion's share of tankers choose the latter. Let's try to figure out what caused this interest.

IS-7 guide

So, let's start with the basics. The IS-7 has a very convenient development branch for leveling up. Accordingly, when reaching the main prize, players get acquainted with some pretty interesting cars. For example, KV-85.

This tank appeared in the game relatively recently, replacing the legendary Tier 6 “tascher” KV1-S in its combat post. The technique is quickly mastered by beginners and brings a lot of pleasant sensations to experienced players.

In the same branch there is an absolute imba of the 8th level, and its older brother T-10. Both vehicles are also easy to learn, have excellent damage for their level, and provide an opportunity to prepare for the acquisition of the IS-7.

If we talk about the branch, everything doesn’t look so rosy. The only tank worth mentioning here is the ST-1. Perhaps someone will say that the KV-4 looks attractive, but on this tank newbies will experience the pain and suffering of slow heavy tanks.
The main criterion for the survival of heavy tanks in a random environment is the safety margin and the thickness of the armor given. The IS-7 cannot boast of the first parameter: 2,150 HP, this is far from the best indicator at the level. But in terms of armor, the Soviet heavy can give odds to any tank in the game.

In addition, the “seven” has greater speed, better dynamics and maneuverability, which allows you to change the direction of attack depending on the developing situation.
Of course, the legendary and attractive to many IS-7 is not without its drawbacks. In particular, the ammunition rack is located in the front of the tank, so breaking through the cheeks can lead to critical damage and an explosion.
Let's talk about weapons. On this front, not everything is so rosy and cloudless for the seventh IS. So, a 130-mm S-70 gun is installed on the vehicle. Armor penetration basic projectile is 250 mm, one-time damage – 490 units. The rate of fire of the gun is quite acceptable at the level: the tank can distribute up to 2 150 units of damage per minute. In principle, the indicator is not phenomenal, however, it is fully consistent with its class of technology. It is worth noting that the characteristics of the gun allow you to do without gold, but for greater confidence and comfort, a dozen sub-caliber shells will not be superfluous.

What really causes dissatisfaction is the accuracy, stabilization and long mixing time. When shooting at long distances, the tank will openly blur. In this regard, the IS-4 looks somewhat more attractive, although in addition to accuracy, the “four” gun is inferior in penetration and one-time damage.
A separate line includes uncomfortable vertical guidance angles. The barrel goes down only 6 degrees, which prevents effective game from the relief.

Where to shoot the IS-7

So, the frontal projection of the IS-7 turret has an armor thickness of 240 mm, which, taking into account the gun mantlet and the correct placement of the armor plates, provides reliable protection against any weapon in the game. The front part of the hull is covered with 150 mm armor plate. The indicator is not impressive, however, the tank is the happy owner of a “pike nose”, which does not allow it to penetrate the “seven” at a right angle. At the same time, the NLD and cheeks remain vulnerable if the tank tries to tank with a diamond, and experienced players usually have no difficulty finding penetration zones. Therefore, in close combat and clinch it is necessary to constantly “dance”, increasing the chance of a rebound.
The sides are not distinguished by good armor, but they are covered with a narrow screen, which well absorbs hits from cumulative bullets and sub-calibers. Therefore, often even top-end heavyweights do not penetrate the IS-7 with gold. If we continue the analogy with the IS-4, this tank can be penetrated head-on by experienced players without much difficulty, which often serves as a reason for dissatisfaction. At the same time, critics forget about one nuance: the “four” only breaks comfortably at a right angle. An easy turn of the hull, and the tank confidently tanks sideways in front of opponents of any level. Therefore, the IS-7 seems more attractive: it is almost impossible to penetrate the strand at a right angle.

Equipment on IS-7

From additional equipment The rammer and aiming stabilizer are clearly installed. The last slot is filled variably, but it is better to opt for improved ventilation in order to comprehensively improve all characteristics.
There is no choice for combat consumables, so we load up an automatic fire extinguisher, a large repair kit and a first aid kit. This set of equipment will significantly increase the vehicle’s chance of survival. If there are problems with silver, premium consumables can be replaced with basic ones.

IS-7 crew

Leveling up the crew skills for the IS-7 differs little from the standard set of any heavy tank in the game. Therefore, we adhere to this sequence:
In addition, it will be useful for the driver of the “Seven” to master the “King of Off-Road” skill, which will help to significantly improve the driving characteristics of the vehicle. It is important to remember that one of the loaders combines his specialization with the duties of a radio operator, so you can master the skill of radio interception. Mandatory perks include combat brotherhood and camouflage.

How to play the IS-7

We started the review with a comparison of the two top heavyweights of the Soviet development branch. So, the IS-7 is a breakthrough tank that can rush a direction, confidently repelling random hits with its armor. The IS-4 is a defense vehicle capable of confidently defending any city street or exposing its sides to enemy attacks to hold back the onslaught near its base.
Speaking of the IS-7, the main task of the tank is to systematically push out the enemy in the chosen direction. At the same time, the vehicle can also protect any of the flanks abandoned by its teammates.
So, taking advantage of the impressive parameters of the given armor, the “seven” needs to hide NLD and take any hits with the tower. It is worth noting that the frontal armor holds up well shells fired by level 10 tank destroyers, so purely theoretically, the IS-7 correct positioning quite capable of holding off an enemy attack single-handedly.
If it is not possible to completely hide the NLD, we use any cover to attack the enemy, turning our cheeks. Here the armor plates are located at good angles, which gives a high chance of ricochet. Thus, you can peek around the corners of buildings and destroyed equipment. The enemy sees only part of the tower and hull, which prevents him from causing damage. Although rare hits can still penetrate the lower armor plate, there is no escape from this: completely hide the tank on open maps it won't work out.
It is important to understand that it is better not to be alone. Not a single tank in the game can withstand several enemies who are attacking en masse, so ideally, the IS-7 should be covered by 1-2 teammates who will not allow the tank to be bypassed from the sides.
Remember that " seven“has good dynamics, so it has time to occupy advantageous positions, change directions of attack, or return to defend its base.
When meeting fast-firing opponents in a random environment, it is better to clinch with them. This way we neutralize the advantage of the enemy’s weapon and do not allow him to leave the confrontation. When going point-blank, you need to constantly aim your sights at the enemy’s gun, preventing him from aiming vulnerable areas. The mechanics of the game are designed in such a way that a shot into the barrel with an armor-piercing projectile does not cause damage, but a high-explosive charge becomes dangerous for the shooter. In a clinch, you shouldn’t “dance” with your opponent, turning your vulnerable cheeks. The IS-7 may well look at the enemy head-on, catching unpenetrated targets and inflicting damage.

IS-7 output

The IS-7 looks attractive to both beginners and experienced tankers. The tank feels confident on the front line, opening the enemy’s defenses like a tin can. At the same time, the machine does not require getting used to and can be pulled even in inexperienced hands. Continuing the comparison, we note that the IS-4 is more suitable for experienced players who can quickly master the intricacies game mechanics on this weight. Therefore, when deciding which heavy load to pump out first, the scales definitely tip in favor of the formidable IS-7.

IS-7 video


When you're pumping heavy Soviet branch in World of Tanks, then, whether you want it or not, you become a participant in an epic holiwar between fans of IS 7 and IS 4. These are the two coolest heavy tanks of the Soviet branch, and this pair is also one of the most severe opponents that you can meet in ways.

Let's start with the main thing. After browsing the forums and reading the results of various votes, you will find that the majority of tankers clearly vote for the IS 7. Their motivation is quite simple: the IS 7 has a cooler turret, engine and frontal armor. The combination of these factors makes this tank the most suitable for what it was created for - tanking, pushing through the center and covering the defense of the weak.

Those who advocate the IS 4, not without reason, insist that it has stronger sides and an evenly armored turret. The IS 7, for example, has the rear part of the turret quite weakly armored, while the IS 4 has a very lightly armored top, which opens up a number of prospects for the enemy. Firstly, the IS-4 can be well protected from artillery, if you are lucky enough to hit the turret, of course. Also, the IS 4 turret can be punished from above by a taller tank. This doesn’t happen often, and few people know about it. weak point this technique, but it’s also not worth not mentioning this drawback.

Let's try to understand the above facts.

It’s worth saying frankly: the speed that IS 7 has is not such an advantage. Often, in inexperienced hands, speed, on the contrary, can be a disadvantage, since it can cause you to end up in the wrong place at the wrong time ahead of time. Often the owners of high-speed tanks took off at the start in an attempt to score an important point, and were successfully robbed by those who also needed it. And in general, the difference in speeds is not that significant. Moreover, the difference in speeds can only be felt on a perfectly flat surface or on a descent, but on an ascent, both competitors drive almost the same.

The IS 7 has a stronger forehead than the IS 4.

Frontal armor.

For a heavy tank that is going to tank, it is important to have strong frontal armor that would allow us to play our favorite game of sticking around a corner, shooting, and then returning to its original position. IS 4 has certain difficulties with this. The funny thing is that IS 7 for tanking is much easier to learn. It has excellent frontal armor angles and a virtually impenetrable turret. This is very convenient for fighting in urban areas, when you know exactly where the enemy is, and you know for sure that he will not approach you either from behind or from the side. In this regard, exposing the face to IS 4 is much more problematic.

The whole point is that IS 4 penetrates head-on quite easily, but there is one important nuance: it penetrates exclusively at a right angle. That is why this tank is difficult to master initially, and that is why it is often unfairly criticized, called all possible epithets, instead of understanding and forgiving its subtle nature. To protect IS 4 from penetration, you only need to place your forehead on it at an angle. If the projectile arrives even slightly tangentially, then the penetration, with a high degree of probability, will not be counted. Another thing is that it’s not always possible to pull this off, and if you put someone’s forehead at an angle, then for someone else it will be exactly at the right angle. In general, everything here depends on taste and color, as well as the ability and desire to show off and maneuver.

The sides of the IS 4 are also much stronger. IS 7 has a longer base and completely cardboard sides. Penetrating it in the side is not a problem even for medium tanks of the 7th level. For IS 4 this is more complicated. Its sides are armored quite strongly, and they do not always penetrate even at a right angle, but if you place these same sides at a slight angle, then it becomes almost impossible to penetrate them. Many cunning people take advantage of this feature of the tank, placing it at a slight angle, as if deliberately exposing the side. This usually ends with a mass of ricochets from the shooter.

Simply put, IS 7 is more suitable for assault, and IS 4 is more suitable for defense. This would be the end of the analysis of this holivar, if not for the guns. We will return to them later, but for now we need to add that the positive qualities of the IS 7 are high speed and a powerful forehead. Cons - not like that cool gun, like the IS 4, uneven turret armor, as well as thin sides. The advantages of IS 4 are: a strong turret, strong sides and a cooler gun. Cons: weak forehead and relative slowness. IS 4 should be taken if you like to fight in built-up areas, and IS 7 if you like space. In the open air, IS 4 can become an excellent target for artillery, and IS 7 in the city can very easily be exposed if it carelessly exposes weak points.

The IS 4 has a more accurate and “fast” gun, while the IS-7 has a more powerful one.

After the armor, we immediately move on to the guns.

In short, the gun of the IS 4 is more convenient and versatile. It recharges faster, but most importantly, it is more accurate. The IS 7 cannon, despite all the advantages of this tank, is quite oblique. Hitting a difficult target even at medium distance becomes a difficult task, and there is no need to talk about shooting at long distances. When the scope is fully closed, your entire target will fit into the circle, and there will still be “milk” left, so there is no need to say that you will be targeting individual fragments of enemy equipment.

The IS 4 gun reloads faster and fires more accurately. In this regard, this tank can perfectly compete with medium-class tanks, which, as a rule, have time to fire twice while a heavy tank reloads once. The IS 4 has a great opportunity to surprise the enemy sitting in a medium tank with its rate of fire. Unless the enemy, of course, has a fully charged “drum”. As for accuracy, the IS 4 is perfect for those who do not get into the thick of battle, who are used to driving to the periphery, freezing in a half-position, hiding in the bushes, and starting to fire at enemies with their precision cannon. It is also possible to do this on IS 7, but not as effectively.

Hence the disagreements between tankers. Some argue that IS 7 is better, not without reason claiming that it has a lower barrier to entry and is easier to manage due to greater versatility, while others insist that IS 4 in capable hands is much cooler than IS 7, and This means it’s cooler in all respects, because at the tenth level there are almost no newbies or incompetents, unless, of course, the account was simply bought or donated by someone. IS 7 is criticized for its slanted cannon and a rather weak turret, and IS 4 is criticized for its slowness and weak forehead. This is the difference between these two tanks.
It is worth adding, by the way, that IS 4 and IS 7 in a pair represent a formidable combination for which it is not easy to find the key. The IS 4 has a very good gun, which will complement the IS 7 with its terribly slow aiming and low accuracy.

Slow IS 4 is an easy target for artillery.

According to the author, very good tank would have turned out to be an IS 7 if given a gun from an IS 4. But at the same time, the IS 7 will not cease to be one of the most lightly armored heavy tanks of the tenth level. Well, IS 4 would be much better if they had given it a more powerful engine and welded on the frontal armor from the generally thin IS 7. But miracles don’t happen, and if you want something perfect, try upgrading some another branch. Although there, of course, you will not find something absolutely universal. Therefore, in our case, it remains to add that you need to select tanks purely according to your character and habits. If you like to arrange a game of “climb, shoot, hide,” then the IS 7 is better for you, since it has a stronger forehead and a more powerful gun, for which shooting at short distances is not yet uncomfortable. If you love a game like "Shooting Range" and don't disdain shooting from bushes at distant targets, then you need IS 4.

Finally, it remains to add that all those reviews that you see on the Internet, where players compare IS 4 and IS 7 on different maps, are not worth a damn, since all this is very subjective. Therefore, if you don’t yet know what to spend your earned experience and in-game silver on, try to answer yourself: which fighting style suits you best, and after that make your choice, not paying attention to the fact that seven out of ten are most likely , they will advise you to take IS 7.

On IS 7 you need to tank, taking up the most advantageous positions in advance due to the advantage in speed, and on IS 4 you need to defend yourself, or sit on the flanks, where you can catch medium tanks, which you can compete with due to an accurate and relatively fast-firing gun. Well, where there are more advantages and where there are more disadvantages - everyone must decide for themselves.

Soviet heavy tanks are the most popular tanks in game World of Tanks. However, these days are such times when there are as many as 2 different branches of these very Soviet heavyweights, namely, a branch up to IS-4 and a branch up to IS-7. When should we go? And the main thing is what awaits us at the end of this sometimes difficult, sometimes easy path...

Leveling branches

On our way, quite suitable comrades await us in both branches. Particularly noteworthy are such comrades as the IS-3 (in the IS-7 branch), as well as the KV-4 and ST-1 (in the IS-4 branch). I simply recommend keeping these tanks in your hangar, they are great. Many people also like the T-10, but I'm indifferent to it. In general, you won’t have to suffer either here or there.

Pros and cons

First of all, I leveled up the IS4 and I really liked it... Until I leveled up the seven. However, first things first.

Gun considered identical, but I disagree here. Both guns are now frankly weak (no accuracy, no alpha, no DPM). If we want to penetrate something armored, we load gold.

The four have better accuracy, but the 10-second reload time (with the fraternity and the rammer) drives us crazy - we are being shot at by medium tanks. Alpha in 440 is now simply ridiculous, especially since 350 often crashes, while, say, 140 crashes 370 or more over and over again. Only we give him 1 shot, and he gives us 2. Well, that’s about it. to exchange fire with normal guns that hit 700-800 is out of the question. The gun bends more or less (6 degrees), this is not much, but it is enough. Well, this infection takes a monstrously long time to resolve for such an alpha.

The seven has an even more oblique gun, but here we are already consistently hitting 500, which is somewhat compensated for. penetration is a little less, but there is not much difference, you still need gold.

Tower Both tanks are quite strong, if you do not take into account some details.

The four have a bathhouse that makes its way into the upper part, so even if we hide the body, buns with full damage will periodically fly to us. It is often said that the tower holds from the side and even from behind. She doesn't hold anything. The tank must be on a hill for the turret to hold.

The seven has her tower - this is her pride. We hid the building and no one will break through us. Taking land mines at 100-200 is much more pleasant than at 700-800.

Frame both of these supposedly armored tanks holds absolutely nothing.

The four allegedly have armored sides. And indeed, if we get caught by those who don’t play that often, we won’t be penetrated often. It’s a nice thing to crawl out from around the corner, and even against inexperienced players it will seem that the slightest twist of the body is no longer a penetration. But you just have to run into those who know the features of the tank and the armor disappears somewhere. Even fireflies sew us in any position. If they don’t complete the body, they sew us into the forehead (yes, yes, the fireflies sew us there), if they complete the body, they sew us into the knapsacks and the corner (the fireflies also sew into the katkas with great pleasure). And then it suddenly turns out that the tank has no armor in its hull at all.

The seven doesn’t have such chic sides - they will easily penetrate us there, but we don’t need to make a diamond, moreover, this is contraindicated for us. We must stand strictly straight here, otherwise they can even flash through the Upper Armor Plate. The lower one hits us easily and without strain, but even there, with the right positioning, ricochets can occur. The only thing is that the seven are criticized quite often (ammo rack and tanks), the four do not experience such disgrace.

General reservation as follows from the description, both of these comrades cannot fulfill their role as tank tanks in principle. But if the four are punched head-on anywhere, then going at the enemy head-on with the seven is more profitable. Even though the four have as much as 450 more HP, the seven is still a more durable tank.

Dynamics This is where the difference is very significant.

The four have no dynamics at all. The turret rotates slowly, the body rotates slowly, there is no maximum speed, no acceleration. If they start turning us around, then we're screwed. Of course, the circular armor sometimes helps, but again, this is not a problem against experienced players.

But the dynamics of the seven sometimes allow it to ride alongside medium tanks. From the hill you can even overtake some people. Yes, the acceleration is also not very good, but it is better, and the tank turns noticeably faster.

My impressions and conclusion

Both of these tanks are not particularly relevant now. In the field, we can be spun (it’s more difficult to spin a seven), or damaged (both guns are oblique, take a long time to bring down and reload). Both tanks do not have much armor (well, except for the turret of the seven). In the city, inflicting 400 damage with a four and 500 with a seven, a response will fly at us twice as much. But the dynamics of the seven allows us not to suffer for a long time - we can quickly get to the place and shoot a little, but with the four we will drive and, often, not even get there.

If the game had a bonus and points for tanking, then the four would be more or less playable, but as it is, it looks completely pale. Seven allows us to appear suddenly, in addition, this tank is designed for a breakthrough, it is more fun to play on it. If you have to choose between these two tanks, then definitely the IS-7.

IS4 or IS7 which is better? was last modified: August 16, 2016 by admin

In the game "World of Tanks" there is large number various models military equipment, relating to various branches of development - German, Soviet, French and so on. If you are pumping the Soviet branch, namely heavy tanks, then as a result you will be faced with a choice between two incredibly powerful heavy vehicles - the IS-4 or the IS-7. Which is better? This question has been tormenting gamers for a very long time, and both models have supporters. Well, since it’s impossible to say for sure, it’s worth examining the situation in more detail. This article will help you understand which tank is better to take, IS-4 or IS-7, which is better to choose for a certain situation. We will also determine what advantages each model has.

A quick comparison: what's good about the IS-7?

Before going into a detailed comparison of the two models and choosing specifically between the IS-4 or IS-7 - which is better for your battle, you should just take a quick look at both models and also find out what many gamers think about them. So, opinions, as you already understand, differ - some believe that the four is the ideal option, while others vote with all their might for the seven. The time has come to put an end to the differences and compare the two tanks to understand which one to choose - IS-4 or IS-7. Which is better? In the case of the seven, the first thing to highlight is a more impressive turret, a much more powerful and safer to use engine, as well as stronger frontal armor. If you combine all these factors and put them in the hands of a competent player, then you will get a real death machine that will easily push through the enemy’s defense line, and, if necessary, cover light and medium tanks of an ally.

What's good about the IS-4?

It would seem that the arguments in favor of the seven are very weighty, and there is no point in further considering the pair: IS-4 versus IS-7 - who to choose? But you need to be a little patient, because the four has its own advantages, which, when considered, will understand why there has been debate about these two models for so long. One of the most outstanding advantages of the four is the sides, or rather their armor. From the front, this tank is protected much better than the other model. But another advantage lies in the uniform armoring of the turret - the armor in this vital part of the vehicle is equally strong and has very few weak points, while the rear side of the IS-7 turret has a very thin layer of armor that is easy to penetrate. So which tank is better, IS-4 or IS-7? As you can see, a superficial comparison does not help, both cars are incredibly good. Therefore, it is worth conducting a more in-depth analysis.


When some gamers are faced with the age-old World of Tanks question: “Which tank is better, IS-7 or IS-4?”, they often point to the speed, which is slightly higher for the seven. However keyword here - not much, this difference can only be noticed on certain flat types of territory or on the descent from a mountain or hill. Moreover, in fact, speed turns into an advantage only in the hands of very experienced gamers, and in the hands of beginners, speed sometimes even plays against them, since they do not act tactically and immediately try to squeeze the gas to the maximum. And as a result, they find themselves facing a competent attacking formation of the enemy, who can defeat the newcomer, despite the fact that he has in his hands one of the most powerful tanks in the game. So, if you are asked a question about World of Tanks: “IS-4 or IS-7, what do you recommend?”, then do not rush to give an answer without considering the question more deeply.

The most important factor is frontal armor

Everyone knows that both of these tanks are heavy, so armor is very important for them, since in most cases they absorb enemy fire. And here the IS-7 has a serious advantage, since its armor in this place is a little stronger, and most importantly, it is located at an interesting angle, which increases the likelihood of a ricochet and reduces the chance of penetration. That is, if the enemy simply shoots you in the forehead, then you may not even receive damage, which makes this model more flexible and varied in actions. As for the IS-4, everything is not so rosy here, because the angle of inclination of this vehicle is not so good, so a direct hit to the forehead is likely to penetrate the armor. This is not as bad as it might seem, because with the proper skill and desire to maneuver, you can correctly position your tank in such a way as to reduce the likelihood of a direct hit in the forehead.

Side armor as compensation

Side armor has already been discussed above, but it’s time to talk about it in more detail. So, you already realized that the seven has very good frontal armor, but the four compensates for this with its side armor. The thickness of the armor, set at a slight angle, will allow you to avoid penetration in the side in almost a hundred percent of cases. The IS-7 has a longer hull, but the side armor is much thinner than that of the four. As a result, it turns out that it is almost impossible to pierce it in the forehead, but in the side it is as easy as shelling pears. So, as you can see, everything is balanced between these two models of heavy Soviet tanks.


Among these two tanks, it is impossible to single out a definitely better one - they are both good, but if you wish, you can share that the seven looks much stronger when storming enemy formations, while the four - during defensive actions. Another important point, which would be worth highlighting is a weapon. In many respects, the IS-7 is superior to the IS-4, but the four have one impressive trump card that finally equalizes these two models. The IS-4's gun is much more powerful, faster-firing and armor-piercing than that of the IS-7, so even if someone says that the seven is superior to the four in terms of armor and survivability, do not forget to point them to the gun.
