Combat system. Skyrim combat system mod body parts strikes

Version: 2.2
Language: Russian

This mod adds new expanded gameplay to the game in order to increase realism, or rather damage to various parts of the NPC body. If the enemy is undressed or lightly dressed, then he now has no chance of surviving; if you are an experienced warrior, 2-3 accurate hits and the bandit is dead. But do not think that this does not concern you, the same will happen to you if you are dressed naked or wearing light or heavily exposed armor. Also in the mod, recognition of the parts of the body that are being struck is added; if you allow the enemy to strike you on some vulnerable part of your body, then it will be very difficult for you. If you want to fight on top level, then you must strike at the enemies’ weak spots, and not just hit with your weapon anywhere.

- New critical hits that depend on the body part of NPCs and draugr
- The mod adds new options for critical hits (only affect characters and draugr). The hits depend on the part of the body you hit, they occur depending on how well the NPC or PC is armored
- Critical Hits lead to various effects such as disarming, stunning, blurred vision, etc.
- Additional damage to magic and stamina when hitting the head/legs
- If there is a magician on your way, then it is better to hit him on the head, then he will lose his magic supply
- The mod supports not only melee combat, but also shooting and magic
- Enemies will try to hit the most vulnerable places on your body, for example if you are with a sword, then the NPC will try to hit your hand so that you drop the sword
- Percentage damage adds additional damage, which depends on your skill with weapons, the power of the weapon and the protection of the part of the body where you hit

The fashion involves 14 body parts:
Head (+ face) and throat (+ neck)
Left and right shoulder, left and right arm, back, groin, legs, feet
Each part of the body can be disabled or enabled in the MSM menu (SkyUI)

Effects of hits on body parts:

Head: Loss of Vision, Instant Kill (Archery)
Face: stunned, if the weapon is heavy, the helmet may fall if a shield attack is used

Throat: Bleeding
Neck: instant kill (melee)
Back: Knocks back with a power attack and/or heavy weapon
Breast: Knocks the target down
Heart: 20%/40% of existing health or stamina is subtracted
Right shoulder: Damages two-handed and one-handed weapon skills by 50% for 10 seconds
Left shoulder: Damages Archery skill by 50% for 10 seconds
Right hand: Disarms the target
Left hand: Reduces blocking skill to 0% for 10 seconds, the victim may drop the shield
Groin: temporary paralysis
Legs and feet: Knocks down when the target runs

The mod adds damage to various parts of the enemy’s body to the game. This mod should increase the realism of battles in Skyrim. For example, a half-naked bandit now has no chance against you, if you are an experienced and powerful fighter, 2-3 accurate hits and the bandit is finished. But the same applies to you if you are dressed in too much light armor. Simply put, the essence of the mod is to hit the enemy without getting hit yourself. In addition, as was said at the beginning, the author added recognition of the parts of the body that are being hit, so if you allow the enemy to hit you on some vulnerable and especially tender part of your body, then you will not be happy. And if you want to fight effectively, you should also try to hit your enemies' weak spots, and not just swing your weapons and throw spells in all directions.

The mod was created for playing exclusively on hard difficulty! It has not been tested on easy difficulty, and therefore its behavior there is unpredictable.

Peculiarities -
New critical hits based on the body part of characters and draugr:
The mod adds new types of critical hits (only affect characters and draugr). The hits depend on the part of the body you hit.

New effects:
Critical hits lead to various effects, such as disarming, stunning, clouding, etc., which will serve as an excellent reward for a well-aimed fighter.

Additional damage to magic/stamina when hitting the head/legs:
An excellent opportunity to strike accurately. If you need to deal with a magician, then it is best to hit him on the head, then he will lose most of his magic reserve.

The mod supports not only melee combat, but also shooting and magic.

Your enemies also try to cleverly strike at your most vulnerable places, for example, if you attack enemies with a sword, they will try to wound the hand holding the sword and thus disarm you.

14 body parts:
Head (+ face), throat (+ neck), left shoulder, right shoulder, chest (+ heart), left arm, right arm, back, groin, legs, feet.
Please note that each body part can be disabled/enabled for each module in the mod configuration menu (SkyUI).

Percentage Damage:
Percentage damage adds additional damage based on your weapon skill, weapon power, and the armor of the body part you hit.

List of possible effects -
Blurred vision
Instant Kill (for Archers)
Face: Stunned if the weapon is heavy enough
The helmet may come off when hit with a shield.
Damages magic (melee)
Damages health (for archers)

Damages health
Neck: Instant Kill (Melee)

Subtracts 20%/40% of existing health/stamina
Right shoulder:
Damages two-handed and one-handed weapon skills by 50 for 10 seconds
Damages health

Left shoulder:
Damages Archery skill by 50 for 10 seconds
Damages health

Right hand:
Disarms the target if it attacks
Damages health

Left hand:
Reduces blocking skill to 0 for 10 seconds
Target drops shield
Damages health

Damages health
Knocks down the target if it is stunned/jumped away

Knocks back with a power attack and/or heavy weapon
Damages health

Damages stamina

Knocks back if the target is running
Damages one-handed and two-handed weapon by 30 for 10 seconds
Damages stamina

Knocks down or pushes back if the target is running
Damages stamina

Q: Does the mod work with any weapon?
A: Yes.

Q: Does the mod work with all creatures, not just draugr? If not, will you add them later?
A: No, the mod does not work with all creatures, and they will not be added. Because each creature will need to create its own script for recognizing body parts, and this will quickly lead to the fact that your save will die.

Q: This mod is compatible with Deadly Combat, Duel - Combat Realism, ACE, SkyRe, etc?
A: This mod only adds new forms to the game, so it should be compatible with everything, including the above mods.

What's new in version 2.2 ()

  • Optimization: percentage damage has been balanced.
  • Optimization: Balanced magic.
  • Optimization: Balanced throat bleeding, can be stopped with two healing potions.
  • Optimization: other small improvements.
  • New features: New configuration menu sections.
  • Changes: The detection system has been improved.
  • Changes: Artificial intelligence has been greatly improved.
  • Bug fixes: the work of crossbows has been fixed.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed the option to instantly kill when hit in the head.
  • Bug Fixes: Fixed a rare bug where some players had no damage to body parts at all in their game.


Pirate DLC for Licensed Skyrim

Interface/SkyUI replacement


Random Alternative Start\Random alternative start

DeadlyHeadshots\Deadly Headshot

Locational Damage/Hits to body parts

Skyrim Monster Mod More-Spawns(Main and Additional)

More flexible interaction with satellites / Amazing Follower Tweaks

Whistle for a horse / Horse Whistle

Replacing coins and money bags

Immersive Fallen Trees\Large Trees

Your Magicka Your Way


This small plugin gives the player the opportunity to enhance various character skills.
This purpose is served by a system of special points (or " units", as you can see in the game).
Actually, you can increase your health and stamina, increase your mana level and spell power.

TES V: Skyrim v1.9 and higher
DLC: Dawnguard
Skyrim Script Extender (SKSE)
SkyUI interface

New Hairstyles \ Lovely Hairstyles

Demon Form


Cloaks of Skyrim

Luxurious hunter armor\DreamBurrows Regal Huntsman Armor

Mithril armor \ Matys Mithril

Cicero's Robe - new textures + stand alon \ Jester Outfit ReTexture

Silver Daedric set \ Daedric Armor - without pauldrons

Lost Paladins of the Divines Wrath Armor

Open Faced Guard Helmets

I had this idea at a certain period of time to open up the faces of the helmets. There was a model that would reveal the face, but it was not adjusted to the human model. So I created a skeleton mesh for her and here we are! I may add more variations of the helmet when I have more time. This was a quick mod since the mesh already exists in the game. The variations are a little more complex, I'll add them later if I think it's necessary. I planned variations from the very beginning as it would be nice to have different versions helmets depending on the climate.

In warm climates, some may not enjoy wearing a full-face helmet all the time; they will benefit more from an open-face version. In colder climates there may be warmer sets... and so on. But since it takes a lot of time to experiment, I realized that this option is enough for now.

All helmets of the 17 largest cities in Skyrim have undergone changes.

All skills in the game are divided into three categories: combat, magic and thieves. This article will focus on combat skills.

The Blacksmithing skill is responsible for creating new items here. Offensive skills are Shooting, One-handed weapon And Two-handed weapon, and defensive ones - Heavy armor and Blocking. Activating the Warrior Stone increases the growth rate of combat skills by 20 percent.

Hand to hand combat

In the game, in addition to various weapons and magic, you can also use your own fists. Damage in hand-to-hand combat is always caused to the enemy's health, but not to his magicka or stamina. Hand-to-hand combat is not as effective as other fighting styles, but it can still kill. If you play as a Khajiit and find yourself a pair of heavy gloves, then somewhere up to level 10 the damage dealt by hands can exceed the damage from weapons. It is important to note that you can deal critical damage from stealth with your bare hands, but you cannot apply poison to your hands. The distance of fighting with hands is approximately equal to the distance of fighting with daggers, the speed is average. You can combine hand-to-hand combat with the use of magic or a shield, striking with only one hand. Unfortunately, since hand-to-hand combat is not a skill, your early game development may be a bit stagnant if you use this fighting style heavily.

Damage with bare hands at the beginning of the game is fixed for each race. All races, with the exception of Argonians and Khajiit, deal damage equal to 4 . Argonians and Khajiit have the same base damage 10 , and the latter also have passive ability, which increases the total damage with hands to 22 . These values ​​do not change as you level up and are associated with only one perk - Fists of Steel, which can be found in the branch Heavy armor.

People and elves

Base Damage without weapons: 4

Total damage: 4


Base damage without weapons: 10

No additional bonuses

Total damage: 10


Base damage without weapons: 10

Additional Damage: 12

Total damage: 22

Increased melee damage

The Fists of Steel perk adds damage in hand-to-hand combat, numerically equal to the base armor rating of the gloves worn by the protagonist. The maximum base rating is daedric gloves, and, accordingly, the damage added by them is equal to 18 . Growing skills or improving gloves at the forge does not affect this number.

There is only one item in the game that improves unarmed combat. It's called Fighter's Gloves. You can find him in the Rat Hole, the infamous sewer of Riften, with a comrade named Gian the First. This item can be broken at the altar of enchantment and then enchanted with a ring or other gloves to increase damage from punches. There is also a ceiling here and it is equal 14 .

So the maximum damage you can achieve in the game without using alchemy is 10 (base) +12 (Khajiit Claws) + 18 ( daedric gloves) + 28 (enchantment for ring and gloves) = 68

Fight with weapons

In order to use a weapon, you must assign it to your left or right hand. Two-handed weapons and bows require the use of both hands. When equipped, shields automatically appear in the left hand, and they cannot be reassigned to the right hand.

If your attack deals enough damage to kill an enemy, the game may show a kill animation. If you have activated perks Merciless Strike And Crushing blow in skills One-handed weapon And Two-handed weapon Accordingly, you will sometimes be able to observe the decapitation of the enemy. Finishing moves occur only in relation to the last enemy in the immediate vicinity at a certain distance.

Two weapons

This fighting style is characterized by speed and pressure. If you assign a weapon to each trigger, you will not be able to block enemy attacks, but you will be able to interrupt his attacks with a continuous barrage of blows. A double attack takes about one and a half times longer than a one-handed attack, but the damage done is much greater.

Double attack speed is determined based on the weight of the weapon in your left hand, and the stamina cost depends on the weight of the weapon in your right hand. Thus, it makes sense to hold a dagger in your left hand so that the double attack is faster. But most likely, using one type of weapon will be more effective due to the perks used.

The Double Whirlwind perk increases the speed of the weapon not only when striking with both hands, but also with one, if you have a weapon in both hands.

If you assign a spell to your main hand, you will lose the dual-weapon combat bonuses, but if you assign spells or a shield to the other hand, the bonuses remain.

Power attacks

A power attack is carried out by holding the corresponding key. It deals twice the damage of a normal attack and also has a chance to stun the enemy. Your stamina decreases according to the following formula:

Stamina cost for a power attack = (20 + weapon weight) * attack cost multiplier * (1 - perk effect)

The attack cost multiplier is 2 for a power attack with one hand and 3 to attack with two hands (the protagonist deals 3 blows in a row).

Depending on the direction you move, you can perform different power attacks. So, when performing a forward power attack, you will lunge, which will quickly reduce the distance between the enemy and you. By using a force attack while moving backwards, you can effectively counteract enemy attacks. Using the Fan Attack perk allows you to deal damage to all enemies in front of you with power attacks with a two-handed weapon while moving sideways.

The stamina spent on an attack does not determine the damage dealt to enemies, so if you spend less stamina on an attack, this does not mean that the damage has decreased.

WITH comparison of different fighting styles

Possible variations of different fighting styles are described below. Hand-to-hand combat is not included in the consideration, since it was discussed above, and combat with a weapon in one hand, because it is obviously weaker than combat with a two-handed weapon.

One-handed weapon and shield

One of the most popular fighting styles, balancing between attack and defense. One of the benefits of this fighting style is the passive bonus to overall armor rating that the shield provides. Leveling up the Blocking skill reduces physical damage received to a minimum. Perk Elemental protection in Blocking, halves magical damage from elemental spells.

Unfortunately, to get the full benefit from this fighting style, you need to spend a large number of perks - 25 . Even a more “budget” option with leveling up only the left side in the Blocking skill tree and investing in the Strong Hand and Fighting stance V One-handed weapons will require about 15 perks For the same amount of perks, you can use two-handed weapons more effectively.

Two-handed weapon

Using this fighting style, you will be less protected than using a weapon and shield, however, the benefits are also great: more damage per second, as well as truly devastating power attacks. However, you will still be able to use the block, albeit not as effectively. To get the full benefit from this fighting style, you only need to spend 15 perks

Two weapons

This fighting style has the least defense among all the others. The game hint says that a two-handed strike immediately deals twice as much damage, but this is not entirely true, because it takes 50% more time. And the total damage per second increases to 133% of the base. The Double Whirlwind perk speeds up attacks with one or two hands, as well as power attacks (if the weapon is in both hands). With two-handed power attacks, you land as many as three hits in a row. The main perks for this fighting style are Strong Arm, Fighting Stance, Double Whirlwind and Double meat grinder. To pump them up it will take about 9 perks The price for such cheapness is an almost complete lack of protection and increased consumption of stamina, so you must take care of potions for restoring health and stamina in advance, and act decisively and quickly in battle. Redguards with the Battle Fury ability can do without stamina restoration potions.

Warrior of the word

Warriors of the word skillfully combine a weapon in the main hand (because the weapon in this hand is 15% faster) and a spell in the other. Word warriors can be divided into two categories: some supplement the damage from melee weapons with magic, others use support spells. The first concentrate on the school of destruction and weaken the enemy at a long distance and, after depleting their magical reserves, use their weapons. Others call on creatures from Oblivion to help, heal themselves, etc. Since one of your hands can have a spell of absolutely any type, from a jet of flame to illusion spells, it is quite difficult to say how many perks are needed to see the most effective work of the chosen one style. The most “budget” warrior of the word is obtained after taking the perks Strong Arm, Fighting Stance and several from the Restoration school (a full-fledged school of magic). This fighting style is very easy to combine with the above-described fighting style Two weapons. Master

The difficulty level also affects the cost and duration of the spell Balance from the school of Change.

Fall Damage

If you fall from a great height, you will receive a certain amount of damage, which is calculated using the following formula:

Fall damage = ((height - 600) * 0.1)^1.45 * modifiers

Perk Soft padding in skill Heavy armor Reduces fall damage by half.

The damage that other characters receive is calculated using a more “severe” formula:

Fall damage = ((height - 450) * 0.1)^1.65 * modifiers


  • Two-handed combat improves mastery of one-handed weapons rather than two-handed ones.
  • Unlike the previous two games in the series, Morrowind and Oblivion, weapons in Skyrim do not require repair, cannot break, and do not deteriorate with use.
  • Fighting is one of the points of persuasion. After winning, the character will give you all the information you need.
  • Swords, axes and maces are combined into one skill, and the required specialization is determined by perks.
  • Using your fists as a weapon will not increase your level, since hand-to-hand combat is not tied to any skill.

Version: 2.2
Language: Russian

This mod adds new expanded gameplay to the game in order to increase realism, or rather damage to various parts of the NPC’s body. If the enemy is undressed or lightly dressed, then he now has no chance of surviving; if you are an experienced warrior, 2-3 accurate hits and the bandit is dead. But do not think that this does not concern you, the same will happen to you if you are dressed naked or wearing light or heavily exposed armor. Also in the mod, recognition of the parts of the body that are being struck is added; if you allow the enemy to strike you on some vulnerable part of your body, then it will be very difficult for you. If you want to fight at the highest level, then you must strike at the enemy's weak points, and not just throw your weapon at random.

- New critical hits that depend on the body part of NPCs and draugr
- The mod adds new options for critical hits (only affect characters and draugr). The hits depend on the part of the body you hit, they occur depending on how well the NPC or PC is armored
- Critical hits lead to various effects such as disarming, stunning, blurred vision, etc.
- Additional damage to magic and stamina when hitting the head/legs
- If there is a magician on your way, then it is better to hit him on the head, then he will lose his magic supply
- The mod supports not only melee combat, but also shooting and magic
- Enemies will try to hit the most vulnerable places on your body, for example if you are with a sword, then the NPC will try to hit your hand so that you drop the sword
- Percentage damage adds additional damage, which depends on your skill with weapons, the power of the weapon and the protection of the part of the body where you hit

The fashion involves 14 body parts:
Head (+ face) and throat (+ neck)
Left and right shoulder, left and right arm, back, groin, legs, feet
Each part of the body can be disabled or enabled in the MSM menu (SkyUI)

Effects of hits on body parts:

Head: Loss of Vision, Instant Kill (Archery)
Face: stunned, if the weapon is heavy, the helmet may fall if a shield attack is used

Throat: Bleeding
Neck: instant kill (melee)
Back: Knocks back with a power attack and/or heavy weapon
Breast: Knocks the target down
Heart: 20%/40% of existing health or stamina is subtracted
Right shoulder: Damages two-handed and one-handed weapon skills by 50% for 10 seconds
Left shoulder: Damages Archery skill by 50% for 10 seconds
Right hand: Disarms the target
Left hand: Reduces blocking skill to 0% for 10 seconds, the victim may drop the shield
Groin: temporary paralysis
Legs and feet: Knocks down when the target runs
