Black Desert - Pirates' Treasure, quest walkthrough. Quest system in Black Desert Walkthrough of the game black desert online

Quests in Black Desert- This is one of the important industries in the game, thanks to which you can get many important benefits.

It is worth noting that, in principle, BDO, as an MMORPG, is not designed for mandatory completion of tasks and quests, since without them any player can easily level up, engage in trading, fishing, cooking, alchemy, etc. However, within the framework of this article, we will review the most important and important rewards and trophies for the game, which can be obtained after completing many quests in Black Desert Online.

Why are quests needed?

So, let's start with the fact that all quests in the game are divided into categories:

— Story tasks;

— Ordinary (disposable);

— Daily (recurring);

— Group;

— Guild;

- Crafts.

In addition to the above categories of tasks, the developers are introducing some of the new types of quests for exploring the world of BDO (searching for NPCs, discovering new locations, studying mobs, obtaining secret knowledge, etc.).

The story missions in the game have their own story with a rather impressive plot that is interesting to go through. At the same time, the dark spirit, which is actually a guide in the game, offers the most trump reward for completing story quests - sharpening weapons / armor, game experience (Exp), skill points, expanding inventory slots, inlay stones, scrolls for additional experience, weapons, jewelry, armor and much more. Moreover, after performing story missions In Black Desert you can get several useful items at the same time. In order to receive several useful rewards at the same time, you need to complete quests to summon single bosses.

One-time quests give not so sweet trophies, but among the rewards you can also see slots for backpack expansion, skill points and experience. It is important to say here about the opportunity to receive influence points as a reward, which play a vital role in economic development any player. After all, for these influence points you can create trade and transport hubs, increase cells in city warehouses, grow, collect and craft resources. You can also create workshops for the production of sharpening tools, furniture, vehicles, weapons, armor and other things. Therefore, for those players who are interested not only in quality on mobs, completing quests and gaining influence points will serve one of the main roles in the process of personal “capitalism”.

Daily quests mainly give only influence points and do not hint at us getting any fat trophies. However, they are not difficult and quick to perform. Even if you perform them often, you can get a significant increase in influence points.

Group quests, as in most MMORPGs, involve completing complex tasks that are best completed as part of a group.

Guild quests are mandatory events, which we will talk about in more detail in another article.

Crafting tasks are not useless, since they, firstly, introduce the player to different types of crafts and, secondly, provide a good increase in crafting experience and the opportunity to obtain good tools.

Finally I would like to do next output and at the same time answer the question - is it worth bothering and spending time on quests? Answer: basically, quests in the game Black Desert, like in Lineage 2, do not bring experience. Therefore, if you want to quickly level up a new character, you can ignore the quests and go straight to grinding. By the way, constant grinding (quality on mobs) also gives a solid profit, since you can get a lot of enchantments and expensive things. But if you love trading, crafting and more variety in the game, then completing quests will give you the opportunity to grow well economically. However, in this case, you will lose a significant portion of the time that you could spend on non-stop pumping. Ideally, it is a combination of business and pleasure. That is, combine grinding and completing quests. This way, you can swing and earn extra money by collecting and crafting.

"Black Desert Online is over." Today’s news feeds greeted players with similar headlines. Even if you don't care MMORPG and Black Desert in particular, you couldn’t help but hear about what happened. After all, Black Desert is one of the most popular online games played by millions. However, not everyone realized what EXACTLY happened to the game and why there was so much fuss around it. Here we remembered how the game was launched in Russia, what problems the players encountered and tried to understand what happened between the domestic publisher and the Korean developer.

The path to the release of Black Desert lasted five long years. Korean developers from the Pearl Abyss studio began working on the game in 2010. The first country chosen for the beta test was, of course, South Korea. Several beta stages took place between October 2013 and September 2014. That same year, Black Desert entered the Korean market. Six months later, the beta game moved to Japan and then to Russia. By the end of 2015, Russian servers were launched. GameNet became the localizer and publisher in Russia. The company gained almost complete control over the game through its client, and Black Desert fans were already worried. The first problems were not long in coming.

Almost immediately after the launch of Black Desert, GameNet published a post on the forum in which they stated that only users from the Russian Federation and the CIS would have access to Russian servers. IP players living in other countries have been blocked from entering by the publisher. The stench has already risen here, as you might guess, hellish. GameNet was written by Russian-speaking players from Europe, but everything turned out to be no use.

Players had a new reason to be angry at GameNet after another month. In February 2016, the developers introduced a system of P2P servers, that is, premium servers, to which you get access by paying a fixed amount. The publisher asked for 2,500 rubles for permanent access to P2P. And this money was not spent on fun cosmetics or beautiful skins: by purchasing a premium account, players received a completely different game. For example, some fundamental monetization mechanisms have been greatly redesigned. The publisher collected pre-orders for the P2P edition, promising to launch servers in January. However, in last days Before the launch, something went wrong at GameNet, which is why the launch date was postponed. Then again. Do I need to explain what was going on on the Black Desert community forums?

All my life in Russia, scandalous news has constantly swirled around Black Desert. In 2016, the developers redistributed (not in favor of players) the experience gained and damage from opponents; the GameNet client was more than once suspected of using mining programs, as it consumed an indecent amount of resources; someone reported that his Windows completely crashed because of the game; many players were concerned about the suspicious processes thorn.exe and thornhelper.exe, which allegedly monitored user traffic and worked even with the GameNet client turned off. Of course, all of the above is pure conspiracy theory, but Black Desert fans have always had something to discuss on the forums.

On October 12, 2018, Pearl Abyss and GameNet announced the closure of the Russian division of Black Desert Online. We have already talked about the conflict between the publisher and the developer, we noted users to the news and an explanation of the situation from GameNet. In short, GameNet’s contract for overseeing the game in Russia ended; Pearl Abyss did not want to continue cooperation; they asked the publisher to transfer the data of all users, to which GameNet refused. As a result, Pearl Abyss will publish and translate the game into Russian on its own, but all player data and money spent will disappear without a trace. Pearl Abyss blames the publisher, and GameNet blames the developer.

It is clear that the matter is dark, and there are several options for what happened. First: GameNet used domestic players so much, and screwed up so much during its operation, that Pearl Abyss decided not to cooperate with such an incompetent publisher anymore. The overwhelming majority of the community is inclined towards this version, but there are a lot of haters and people who believe in fantasies and fairy tales. Second: the greedy Pearl Abyss saw how much they were earning on the Russian GameNet market and decided to refuse their services so that every penny would go into their pockets personally. This may also be true, since Pearl Abyss is not doing well, and its shares have recently dropped significantly in price. It is quite possible that we don’t know much, and the situation is much more complex than the ordinary “we didn’t share.” Where the truth is hidden, only time will tell.

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Black Desert players very often ask the question: “How to complete the Pirates’ Treasures quest?” And this question arises for a reason. The reason for this is not very obvious clues that are present in the game itself. The main problems are finding the right NPCs to complete the tasks and how to glue the Balenos map together. So, first things first:

Pirate treasure is one of the most interesting and confusing quests in Black Desert. Once you reach level 15, you can take this quest from an NPC named Adriano Loggia in Velia. Adriano is located here:

The first few stages will not cause you any difficulties, however, when you reach the fifth stage, in which you will need to find the first hidden cave using the Balenos map. When you open your inventory, you will see 2 pieces of the Balenos map that need to be glued together.

In order to glue a Balenos map, you need to disable auto sorting in your inventory and arrange the cards horizontally in numbering order, that is, first card #1 then card #2. As a result, a “+” icon will appear on the first map. Click on the plus sign and the map is connected. This operation will need to be done twice.

Having glued the map, click on it and you will see a marker (luminous pillar) indicating the location of the first hidden cave. The whole problem is that the cave is underground, and the marker shows us the location above the surface of the earth - this confuses the players.

To find the first cave, go down to the water itself and not far from the place where the marker points, you will find the entrance to the first cave. The entrance is located from the sea.

This is a very large cave in which you need to find the desired NPC. He, in turn, is in a small hidden cave inside a large cave. Run along the cave and you will see on one of the walls the entrance to the desired cave:

Get inside. The required NPC is waiting for you there.

This NPC will give you a quest that completes the NPC near the entrance to the cave. You can easily find it by following the paved path. This NPC will give you a lantern and the next piece of the Balenos map. We connect it the same way as the first time.

And we run to look for the second hidden cave. The entrance to it is also located from the sea near NPC Andrew:

In the cave we find an old book. Reading it ends the quest:

Return to Adriano and receive your reward in the form of beer and influence points.

Successful walkthrough Black Desert you will be able to provide yourself with knowledge of the game’s nuances and secrets. Some of them are presented in our knowledge base.

Character Creation

First of all, in this game world you will need to create your character. When creating a character, you need to choose the class to which he will belong. At the moment, the Russian version of Black Desert provides four character classes.

At the beginning of the gameplay, all the characters are located on the territory of one village, so feel free to choose any of the classes - this will in no way prevent you from starting playing together with a friend or a whole group.

During character creation, there is no need to select any characteristics important for development. However, it is impossible to complete character creation without choosing a constellation, which only influences the character. To do this you need to visit a special menu.

It is also worth noting that in this game project there is no classical division into tanks, healers, and so on. All classes of the game are, by and large, DD. But there is some dependence on the selected class. Each class rewards the character with certain features, for example, chances of evasion or increased defense.

Class selection

In this game project there is one feature in choosing a class - each class is tied to a specific gender.


A representative of the human race, a fragile and gentle girl whose main specialization is high-speed combat at close and medium distances. The main type of attack is massive. Differs in confrontation with mobility and speed. The use and recovery of skills occurs quite quickly. This character quite difficult to catch. Many abilities of this class have an AoE effect and are capable of causing damage over a wide area.

The sorceress is endowed with a special skill: a teleport spell, with the help of which she manages to evade attacks and suddenly attack, teleporting in any direction. Her attacks are spectacular and beautiful. To destroy a witch, you need to try hard, because this is a rather difficult task. In addition to the attacking skills were vampirism and a dark shield, as well as the ability to steal mana from the enemy. He uses special talismans as weapons, which he carries on his hands. The source of energy is manna (MR).


A sweet and fragile representative of the elf race, fast and agile. Endowed with the ability to dodge most enemy attacks with amazing ease and move across the battlefield at fantastic speed. She is armed with a short bow, but in addition there are two daggers. So, if the enemy manages to catch her, then she is able to respond with dignity. It is worth noting that it is quite unusual that the archer is capable of taking part in close combat. Many of the archer's attacks slow down the enemy and even throw them back. Therefore, getting to her is doubly difficult. Also endowed with the ability to increase speed during battle. Thanks to some of his skills, he can rain arrows on a large number of opponents at once. Her mobility makes the Archer one of the best PvP classes. The basis of combat mechanics is special energy, which is regenerated both passively and with the help of certain abilities.


A fighter with a shield and sword, which he wields perfectly. This class most similar to a “tank”. His attacks are quite fast. The ability to perfectly combine sword skills with knowledge of hand-to-hand combat significantly increases his survivability. Most of the skills are based on combinations that are repeated. Using a shield, he takes a defensive stance and repels blows. The warrior effectively stuns and knocks down his enemies and from this receives additional advantages in the confrontation. A fairly large number of attacks are based on a forward dash, with the help of which it inflicts great damage on the enemy. To use skills, a warrior needs rage, which can be accumulated by delivering basic attacks or blocking blows with a shield. It is worth remembering that if rage is accumulated in large quantities, then the character can go into a rage and inflict huge amounts of damage on the enemy.


A giant whose size significantly exceeds other characters. His weapons are two huge axes, as well as his own enormous strength. The barbarian's attacks are more than spectacular. For example, he can grab his opponent by the face and hit him on the ground.
The barbarian is simply a machine for mass extermination of opponents in PvE, but he is not distinguished by his high speed of movement, which makes him vulnerable in PvP battles. Therefore, it is worth thinking carefully before taking it if you are focused on PvP battles. However, if the barbarian manages to capture the enemy in his mighty hands, then no amount of speed will help him.

It takes a barbarian a lot of time to attack, but this is compensated by a huge impact force character. To use his abilities, a barbarian needs rage, which can be accumulated while using basic skills.

How are energy points earned?

In this game project, your character accumulates energy points. Using these points you can collect materials for crafting. Also, with their help, you can take part in mini-games that help you develop relationships with NPCs, increase the node level, communicate in a general chat, and much more.

Increasing the maximum number of energy points is possible with the help of a knowledge book. As you gain more knowledge, you gain more energy points. To gain knowledge, you need to destroy monsters, explore locations, and complete quests.

How are skill points earned?

To learn new abilities and increase their level, you need skill points. To obtain these points, you must complete certain quests. Also, destroying monsters (grind) will bring a certain number of skill points.

How influence points are earned

To purchase houses, activate nodes, rent various things, you need influence points. Unlike energy points, these types of points cannot be accumulated over time. To replenish influence points, you need to complete various quests, the reward of which will be a certain amount of these points. Don’t rush to waste influence points left and right. They will be especially useful if you have a desire to take up crafting.

Character equipment

You can equip your character:
  • armor– armor, gloves, helmet, boots and belt;

  • weapons– main and additional;

  • accessories of various types– jewelry, tools for collecting materials, a lantern.

You can find all this during grinding, craft it yourself or purchase it using influence points or by visiting an auction.

Your character has the ability to wear any type of armor. Armor does not have a specific level, but all its elements are endowed with their own basic protection and weight indicators. In addition, armor may have additional bonuses, which can be either for an individual item or for an entire set.

Weapons differ from armor because they are tied to a specific class. Therefore, equipping, for example, a sorceress with a knife and a bow will not work. Currently, weapons are distributed according to the following principle:

  • for an archer - a bow with knives;

  • to the barbarian - axes with tassels;

  • for a warrior - a sword with a shield;

  • for a witch - bracelets with amulets.

The weapon does not have a defense indicator; instead, it has an attack indicator, consisting of two numbers - the minimum amount of damage dealt and the maximum. Weapons, like armor, are not assigned a specific level, so you can wear any of the items if your character class allows it, no matter what level your character is at.

It's also worth noting that weapons and armor have several upgrades that affect the bonuses your character receives.

Inlay and sharpening

Black Desert provides the ability to enhance equipment by sharpening and inlaying it with gems.

With the help of sharpening, you can increase the attack indicators of weapons, as well as the protection indicators of armor. You can sharpen your equipment using two types of black stones: separately for sharpening armor and separately for weapons.

When sharpening, remember that this process is not always 100% successful. The developers also provide safe sharpening, the chances of which are also 100%. In this case, the item is strengthened in increments of +1, without losing strength. To do this, you only need one black stone. Safety indicator for weapons is +7, and for armor +5.

Gem inlay adds new bonuses to your armor or weapons if these items have a free slot. Stones in the game are provided various types and you can insert them into certain items: shoes, helmet, additional weapon and so on. Everyone has gemstone has its own form and bonuses.

Durability of things

Many things in this game project are endowed with two durability parameters - maximum and current. When sharpening and grinding, these parameters may change. During grinding, changes occur with the current strength parameter, and during sharpening - with the maximum.

With the current stock being zero, you will not be able to use this item. If the maximum parameter is zero during sharpening, there is a possibility of breaking this item.

To restore the strength parameter in the game there are different ways. But it is worth remembering that for some things the durability parameter is not restored. These items are usually a variety of tools that allow you to collect crafting tools. Therefore, this type of item will have to be purchased or created again.

Relationships with NPCs and knowledge system

Each family of characters (during the first authorization, you first give your characters a surname, and only then create them) has a book of knowledge. This book stores knowledge about the monsters you destroyed, the materials you obtained, new locations and familiar NPCs. The more knowledge you have, the more energy points your character has access to.

Moreover, the more you get to know different NPCs, the easier it is for you to develop relationships with specific NPCs, which will bring you additional quests and many different bonuses. To develop friendships with NPCs, you must take part in mini-games.

Trade and transport hubs

In this game project, the developers have provided a special system of trade and transport hubs. Nodes in the game are points (road intersections) that are connected to each other. The purpose of these nodes is to collect a variety of rare materials for crafting by your workers, receiving a special buff during the process of increasing the level of a certain node. Also, using these nodes, you can get the opportunity to trade 100% of various items.

At first, your character does not see any node on the map, so you will have to open them yourself. Just so that the open node is completely at your disposal, activation is necessary. This process is very simple - you need to find the NPC in charge of this node, and then use influence points to press the activation button for the corresponding node.

Activation of nodes must be sequential. A specific node cannot be activated if the color of the previous node in the chain gray(the activated node turns yellow).

Home ownership in the game

Each character has the option of renting a house. Every large city or a village consists of different types of houses, the purpose of which is different: storing items (warehouse), housing for workers, creating armor, crafting tools and weapons, processing materials, etc.

To purchase houses, you need to spend a certain amount silver coins and influence points. The way the house buying system works is very similar to the node activation system. To activate a specific house, you must activate the house that is in the chain before it.

There are several types of houses in the game. Each type has its own level and the higher it is, the more bonuses are available for this type of house.


To produce a variety of products and extract resources, you need to hire workers. Only for this you will need to purchase a special house in which you can place your workers.

It is also worth remembering that each worker has its own specific validity period, which is determined by the number of steps. For each action, for example, finishing off several units of resources, you need to take one step. To replenish the previous number of steps, the worker needs to be fed.
Workers are also endowed with their own grade, level and abilities. By performing different types of work, a worker increases his level, thereby giving himself access to new abilities, which in turn give bonuses to different types activities.


In Black Desert you can create your own weapons, armor, jewelry, boats, tools and much more. Moreover, cooking and alchemy are available to you. There are no special restrictions, other than the level of profession, special tools and houses for crafting. However, the level of the items that you can make depends on the level of the profession.

The current level can be seen in general information your character. Increasing the level is possible by gaining experience to create items belonging to a given profession or, for example, while collecting various materials.

In crafting, you use houses that have been purchased in advance. They enable workers to make a variety of items by processing existing materials. Moreover, workers can help you find rare items on the territory of the nodes that you rent. You need to hire workers and provide them with food so that they can do the work that you ask them to do.

Opportunity to become a farmer

In this game project, you have every opportunity to grow the necessary plants that are necessary for alchemy or cooking, cultivating your own garden.

Just remember that your farm can be installed outside an urban area. Its validity period is seven days. If the allotted time runs out, the garden and everything on it is removed and moved to the nearest warehouse.

In Black Desert, there are indicators of the efficiency of growing plants: temperature, humidity, groundwater, soil fertilization. Also, during growth, plants may need pruning or need to be saved from pests.

Guild system

To join a guild, this game project provides a special system. Your character has the opportunity to sign a special agreement with the leader of the guild whose ranks you want to join. Signing this agreement makes it possible to receive wages and participate in guild quests.

Each guild has its own level, to increase which and replenish the treasury you must complete guild quests. As a member of a guild under an agreement with the guild leader, you are awarded special points when completing such quests. Their number affects the wages paid daily in silver coins.

Moreover, guilds have the ability to declare war on another guild. After this, you can almost freely attack players of the hostile guild. All results of the war are displayed in the guild management interface.

Clan system

Clans are small groups of players, which can include a maximum of fifteen people. Having fulfilled the necessary conditions, the clan can be transformed into a guild. It is important to remember that only the guild has the opportunity to take part in guild wars and sieges. The clan does not have the opportunity to actively participate in the life of the server. Therefore, at the first opportunity, transform your clan into a guild.


In this game project you can take part in classic sieges, territorial wars and sieges of nodes. Sieges of nodes are planned to be carried out twice a week, and sieges of castles and territorial wars - once a week, without changing the day of the week.

Sieges are held in open world, without limiting the number of participants. Each key area has its own castle.
The castle becomes the property of the guild that established the “command center” within the established time frame. During a siege, you can use a variety of siege equipment: cannons, war elephants, traps, and more.


Horses are the main thing in Black Desert vehicle. You can purchase them at an auction or from NPCs, and you can also try to catch them in the open world or grow them yourself. Horses are endowed with various grades that influence their appearance and main characteristics. Depending on the breed, horses have unique abilities.

Moreover, you have the opportunity to equip the horse to your taste using a variety of equipment. This equipment can be made independently using crafting.

It is also worth noting that your very first vehicle is a donkey, which you will receive by completing a quest in the city of Velia.

Today, any user can download Black Desert, but do not forget that after downloading the game and just starting to play it, you may encounter some problems due to a lack of knowledge and subtleties of achieving results. Knowledge means a lot and, for example, a person who intends to get a special achievement clearly needs to work his head, looking for interesting information about buildings, NPCs, players or dangerous monsters. Most often they look for information about monsters, because in Black Desert destroying enemies is not as easy as it might seem at first.

Killing in Black Desert

In fact, here, like in many other games, there is a special system that allows players to develop evenly, acquiring skills that contribute to even more rapid development. Therefore, it is not surprising that people began to read as much as possible in Black Desert Online useful information. For example, system requirements games force you to learn about how to improve your PC (banal, of course, but not all computers can play this game). Some want to know what quests can be completed, what kind of horses are in the game, and a lot of other information.
But if the game and computer system requirements are connected in one area, then quests and killing monsters are also directly connected in another area. Black Desert offers the player several dozen different options to complete certain quests in which you need to kill strong monsters, the so-called bosses or monsters that await the player in the dungeons. Actually, this is what knowledge is needed to prepare as best and as efficiently as possible for a meeting with such opponents who can kill half the team at once. Horses can also get hurt, so don't forget about them.
Directly killing monsters is important for those players who collect resources from them. If we are not talking about bosses, then you can ride a horse across vast areas of the world (if, of course, the PC system requirements allow you to load large map), admire its beauty and wave your sword. In Black desert online Each player receives equal rights and opportunities to destroy evil. By the way, this is one of the ways to get rare and not so rare pieces of equipment, money and resources, as well as fame. For this reason, Black Desert is not very different from other MMORPGs, but in general it can be noted that the absence of tasks like “kill 1000 monsters to complete the mission” has a positive effect on the interest of players.

Map in Black Desert

Each player gets the opportunity to view a map on which there are many marks. If the PC system requirements do not meet the needs of Black Desert Online, then you should disable the animation on the map, but in no case the markers themselves. They are very important and show features of the world, events that can happen, or what is already happening in the world. Therefore, it is not surprising that most players whose system requirements are not very good simply turn off the animation. The card does not suffer, but performance increases. By the way, you can also view the map on a horse.
A big advantage in terms of knowledge are guides. If you want to find out how to destroy a monster, or even go through an entire quest (very often a chain of tasks is presented in guides as a single quest), then you need to read the guides. In them, quests are described step by step, with an explanation of what the player should do in order to achieve a better result. The game doesn’t like those who think for a long time, so it’s very easy to get hurt while going through a dungeon while simultaneously reading guides. Prepare in advance, study the map - the game allows you to do this without participating in gameplay. You can do this in your own home if you have already acquired personal real estate. But in any case, which is very important for the player, quests become easier to complete if you read all the guides that relate to the game in advance.

This game is for those who like to think

Unlike simple games, where leveling up goes forward, that is, the player receives more powerful equipment so that the next levels are easier to complete, Black Desert online offers a completely unusual system that will appeal to those who often lose interest in online games due to... for their platitudes. The game gives the player a chance to get a more powerful item approximately halfway through the next level, so if pumping up was relatively slow before, now it speeds up and allows everyone to move towards the goal even faster. The game in this regard is very democratic and does not require serious effort either from the player who wants the game to be enjoyable, or from the computer, whose system requirements must fully meet the needs of Black Desert.
As for reflection, even the answer to the question of whether horses are needed when passing through dungeons should only be given after careful thought. If you are going to answer it without thinking or reasoning, then you are unlikely to get an accurate answer that will allow you to save your horse. The guides, by the way, also describe in detail everything that is required for the player. For the most part, quests require horses, but do not forget that having a horse is also a responsibility. When a horse is killed under you, you will have to return home on foot, if you can still return at all.
The map never gives any hints about how the game should be played. Despite this, there are a lot of options, and it’s worth taking care in advance to determine a style for yourself passages Black Desert online. If you read the guides, the quests will be easy to complete, but in terms of the game and interaction with other characters it will not be easy. To beat the game, you just need to think, because any MMORPG is a reflection of life, in which each player shows a side of himself that he would never decide to show in real life.

Quests and their passage

Many players were happy that there would be horses in the game. Yes, this is great, and the system requirements have increased slightly because of this, but what should players who could not understand the advantages of being on horseback do? Think about it, who would ride a horse into a cave where it is difficult to turn around or simply impossible to drive through? Such simpletons can be killed not only by other players, but even by ordinary monsters, which are easily pecked by experienced players. The game is not at all difficult, you don’t even have to read the guides to beat it, but if you don’t act logically, nothing good will come of it.
Completing quests includes a very important stage, which is usually removed from other games in large numbers - reflection. Of course, you can read the guides and do everything as written, but then where is the pleasure from playing Black Desert online? It is worth taking care in advance to conduct reconnaissance of the area, if it is a dungeon, to prepare equipment and assemble a team. Some quests can only be completed alone, but do not forget that the group is also important.
Gather for yourself people who can help you, gather those who will make the passage of the game very simple and effective, gather those who will not betray or run away. The weak can be pumped up, the strong will cover the rear, but the team must always be reliable.
