Black desert kunoichi awakening guide. Cycle: black moon

Having gained my own experience of playing for the Kunoichi class, I decided to make a guide on this character. Today I will tell you what gear to wear as you level up, what skills to learn, and about inlay stones.

If you just started playing and you have little understanding of the game, but you know where to download and farm silver. So you shouldn't have any problems. Well, if you don’t know this, then you can look at our guide on where it’s better to level up to level 50 and from 50 to 60+ levels.


From the first to the 50th level, you should understand that this is only an introduction, and all accumulated savings should be left for later. And to achieve your cherished 50th, it will be enough to wear the following gear:

  • Helm of Rojav's Reach
  • Rojav's Reach Armor
  • Witch decoration
  • Witch decoration
  • Shadow sign
  • Shadow sign
  • Rojava Limit Shoes
  • Gloves of Rojav's Limit
  • Tree Spirit Belt
  • Necklace Sichil
  • Elsie's Blade of Limit
  • Shuriken Limit Kitar
  • Max. HP +75
  • Max. MP/FP/DP: +75
  • Evasion +12
  • Evasion(Hidden) +29
  • Damage reduction +26
  • Accuracy +56
  • Max. lifting capacity +80 LT
  • Damage for all races +5
  • Add. damage to monsters increases (depending on the boost level)
  • Increase all accuracy
  • All evasion increases
  • Add. damage from all special attacks: +10%


*Sharpen this whole miracle as points and opportunities become available.


Having reached level 50-51 and set aside a certain amount of savings, you should strive to take 55. But with the equipment your Kunoichi is wearing, there is no prospect. Let's switch to this setup:

  • +I: Helm of Rojav's Reach
  • +I: Armor of Rojav's Reach
  • +2: Witch's Decoration
  • +2: Witch's Decoration
  • +2: Shadow Sign
  • +2: Shadow Sign
  • +I: Rojav's Shoes of Limit
  • +I: Gloves of Rojav's Reach
  • Tree Spirit Belt
  • +1: Sichil's Necklace
  • +I: Elsie's Blade of Limit
  • +I: Shuriken of the Limit Kitar
  • Increased grip resistance 20%
  • Increased pushback/knockup resistance by 20%
  • Increased knockdown/knockdown resistance 20%
  • Increase in resistance. Stun/Daze/Freeze 20%All Evasion: +7%
  • Max. HP +75
  • Max. MP/FP/DP: +75
  • Evasion +98
  • Evasion(Hidden) +269
  • Damage reduction +125
  • Damage Reduction(Hidden) +4
  • Accuracy +286
  • Max. lifting capacity +80 LT
  • Damage for all races +14
  • Add. damage to monsters: +2



Well, here you will have to try to farm mobs comfortably in the media region and the desert. This gear can be considered pre-top for this class.

  • +III: Helm of Rochav's Reach
  • +III: Armor of Rojav's Reach
  • +3: Witch's Decoration
  • +3: Witch's Decoration
  • +3: Shadow Sign
  • +3: Shadow Sign
  • +III: Shoes of Rojav's Limit
  • +III: Gloves of Rojav's Reach
  • +2: Tree Spirit Belt
  • +3: Sichil's Necklace
  • +III: Elsie's Blade of Limit
  • +III: Shuriken of the Limit Kitar
  • +III: Old limit chakram
  • Increased grip resistance 20%
  • Increased pushback/knockup resistance by 20%
  • Increased knockdown/knockdown resistance 20%
  • Increase in resistance. Stun/Daze/Freeze 20%All Evasion: +7%
  • Max. HP +75
  • Max. MP/FP/DP: +75
  • Evasion +123
  • Evasion(Hidden) +330
  • Damage reduction +163
  • Damage Reduction(Hidden) +12
  • Accuracy +334
  • Max. lifting capacity +80 LT
  • Damage for all races +25
  • Add. damage to monsters: +9



This is where you find a new dream in life, to the extent that it ideally becomes unattainable for you at the moment. If possible, your current gear will need to be sharpened, and that’s all.

  • +IV: Helm of Geass
  • +IV: Armor of the Giant Ancient
  • +4: Witch's Decoration
  • +4: Witch's Decoration
  • +4: Shadow Sign
  • +4: Shadow Sign
  • +IV: Maskan's Shoes
  • +IV: Bracers of Bheg
  • +3: Tree Spirit Belt
  • +3: Sichil's Necklace
  • +IV: Blade of Kzarka
  • +IV: Kitar Limit Kunai
  • +IV: Karanda Chakram
  • Increased grip resistance 20%
  • Increased pushback/knockup resistance by 20%
  • Increased knockdown/knockdown resistance 20%
  • Increase in resistance. stun/stun/freeze 20%Max. HP +300
  • Max. Stamina: +200
  • Attack speed +4
  • Skill Speed ​​+1
  • Evasion +162
  • Evasion(Hidden) +370
  • Damage reduction +163
  • Damage Reduction(Hidden) +49
  • Max. MP/FP/DP: +100
  • Accuracy +406
  • All evasion increases
  • Increase all accuracy
  • Max. lifting capacity +80 LT
  • Damage for all races +19
  • Add. damage to monsters: +14
  • Add. damage (Humans) +5


Geass Helm:

  • Crystal of enhanced magic - Harpy (Evasion +20\HP+50\HP Recovery+5)

Tree armor (torso):

  • Iolite IV - Defense - damage taken reduction +2 \ Resistance to stun, daze, freeze +10%

Bhega Gloves:

  • Amber III - (Crit chance +2\grab resistance +5%)

Maskan Boots:

  • Essence of the Blood Arena - Durability (Resistance to knockdown/knockdown+25%; stun/stun/freeze+5%)

Kzarka Weapons:

  • Garnet III (Accuracy) - (All Accuracy +8\Ignore Resistance +10%) or Blood Arena Essence - Attack Power (Attack Power + 5\Additional Damage Humans +2)

Additional weapons of Nuber\Kutum:

  • Awakened Spirit Crystal - (Max HP +150\Attack Power +5)
with Grunil\Rohava + Kzarka weapon


  • Crystal of enhanced magic - Harpy (Evasion +20\HP+50\HP Recovery+5)

Armor (torso):

  • Iolite IV - Defense - damage taken reduction +2 \ Resistance to stun, daze, freeze +10%
  • Iolite IV - Defense - damage taken reduction +2 \ Resistance to stun, daze, freeze +10%


  • Amber III - (Crit chance +2\grab resistance +5%)
  • Amber III - (Crit chance +2\grab resistance +5%)


  • Essence of the Blood Arena - Durability (Resistance to knockdown/knockdown+25%; stun/stun/freeze+5%)
  • Essence of the Blood Arena - Durability (Resistance to knockdown/knockdown+25%; stun/stun/freeze+5%)

Kzarka Weapons:

  • Crystal of enhanced magic - Karme (Crit Chance and Attack Speed ​​+1\Attack+5)
  • Crystal of enhanced magic - Karme (Crit Chance and Attack Speed ​​+1\Attack+5)

Additional weapons of Nuber\Kutum\Roshar\Krei:

  • Awakened Spirit Crystal - (Max HP +150\Attack Power +5)
  • Awakened Spirit Crystal - (Max HP +150\Attack Power +5)
Budget option
Grunil\Rojava + Liberto


  • Valuable Amethyst III - Evasion - (Evasion +20)


  • Valuable Iolite - Armor - (Damage Reduction +5)


  • Amber II - Attack Speed ​​- (Attack Speed ​​+2)


  • Valuable Malachite - Durability - (Resistance to knockdown/knockdown + 25%)
  • Valuable Malachite - Durability - (Resistance to knockdown / knockdown + 25%)

Liberto weapons:

  • Valuable Grenade I - Skill Speed ​​- (Crit Chance and Attack Speed ​​+ 1)
  • Valuable Garnet I - Critical Strike - (Crit Strike +1)

Additional weapons Roshar\Cray:

  • Grenade - Grab - (Effect of ignoring grapple resistance +10%)


*You learn the rest of the skills to your taste, and according to the freedom of points.
These skills are taken to my taste. Write which build you use.

Pros/cons of ninjas;
Pros/cons of kunoichi;
Comparison of kunoichi and ninja;
Description of skills and abilities;
Brief battle tactics;
Links to the build in the skill calculator;
To begin with, I would like to point out that kunoichi and ninja in Black Desert classes on the one hand they are very similar, but on the other they are very different. Due to the fact that most of the class skills, equipment and farming style are almost identical to each other, there will be one guide, but with a division of skills and signatures of the skills belonging to the class.
IN Black Desert Kunoichi/ninja are a fairly typical class of DD killer. Analogues: in L2 - assassins using knives, in WoW - Rogue.
Pros and cons of ninjas in Black Desert

Strong damage to one target;

The fastest class in terms of movement - there is a special skill that allows you to effectively run away and catch up with opponents, the ability to sprint for a long time without losing stamina;

Relatively weak protection;
Relatively low amount of health;
Cannot block attacks.

Pros and cons of kunoichi in Black Desert
Strong damage to one target;
Fast farming - a lot of massive attacks;
A slightly less fast class in terms of movement than a ninja - there is only the ability to sprint for a long time without losing stamina;
Demonstrates itself strongly in PVP and PVE.
Requires skillful control to play effectively;
Lack of full invisibility - when using disappearance, the character's outline is visible, which makes invisibility poorly applicable for disappearance in solo PVP;
Relatively weak protection;
Relatively low amount of health.
Comparison of kunoichi and ninja in Black Desert in facts
Digression: here we indicate what one class can do and another cannot, so if you see any fact about one class, it means this fact is not identical to another. In other words, this retreat is dedicated to demonstrating how a ninja differs from a kunoichi in Black Desert.
There is a skill that allows you to quickly cover short distances (Ninja Speed);
Can use Shuriken for a massive attack (Shuriken: Escape);
Skill: “Shuriken: Butcher” - long-range mass attack;
Skill: “Cycle: Spinning Blade” - massive attack with good damage;
Skill: “Assassination” - allows you to knock over enemies;
Skill: “Decapitation” - a massive attack with high damage.
A continuation of the main skill “Sting of Darkness”, which allows you to inflict a lot of damage - “Kunai”;
The “Kunai Defense” skill, which allows you to block attacks;
Skill "Shuriken: Malice" - poison for shuriken;
Skill: “Swift Cut” - counterstrike to defend with a kunai;
Skill: “Strike on the tendons” - a strong attack with the effect of invulnerability;
Skill: “Cycle: Shadow Explosion” - a good AOE with a knockback effect.
It's also worth noting that some players claim that kunoichi's animation is noticeably faster than ninja's, but these are unconfirmed visual claims.
Skills and abilities of ninja/kunoichi in Black Desert

Wind cut - given free of charge. Normal attack.
Whirlwind of Death - increases the chance of inflicting crits with a skill. Since the skill itself (death cut) is improved for free, strengthening it in general is very important. In almost all ninja/kunoichi builds in Black Desert this skill There is.
Combo: steps in the sky - given for free. Allows you to tumble an increased number of times. With this skill, a ninja/kunoichi in Black Desert can make up to 4 jumps without touching the ground.
Cycle: To pieces - given for free, allows you to get a damage buff and stun the enemy if the character appears above the enemy’s head.
Pursuit is one of the most useful and versatile skills for classes. Allows you to run faster for 10 seconds and not waste stamina, which allows you to both effectively run away from pursuit and effectively catch up with fleeing opponents. Often the skill is not upgraded, since the first level is enough. With the improvement, the sprint speed accelerates and the cooldown of the skill decreases slightly, but even a starting increase in sprint speed (by +15%) is enough.
Non-existence - allows you to make a small jump to the side, during which the character is invulnerable. The first level is enough, since subsequent levels simply increase the range of use, but it is not so important, because there are other skills for retreating/approaching the enemy, and this skill is sometimes, on the contrary, needed so that the radius of its work is as small as possible. For example, if you are standing in front of a character and want to use this skill to jump behind him.
Ninja Dodge - allows you to somersault into different sides. No comments here. The first level is enough.
Sting of Darkness is one of the main damage skills. The blow is dealt instantly, the critical chance is 100%, and also applies a stun effect. We pump it to the maximum, because it helps both to quickly farm and deal huge damage in PVP, which is almost impossible to dodge.
FOR KUNOICHI: the skill can be improved by leveling up the skill “Kunai skills of ninja kunoichi in black dessert", which allows you to deliver another quick strike that deals a lot of damage. They almost always pump.
Sobriety of spirit - restoration of FP. To get started, the first level is enough.
Crescent is an attack skill that deals a little damage and knocks up the enemy. The main drawback of the skill is its relatively (compared to other skills) slow animation and weak damage. Often they don't download.
Ninja Speed ​​- FOR NINJAS ONLY. Allows you to quickly approach the enemy, while being unharmed while using the skill. We pump it up right away, because reducing the AC for such a skill is very important. It is worth noting that this skill makes it impossible to try to run away from the ninja or catch up with him. This statement is true if the opponent has a class other than ninja.
Kunai Defense is a free skill available ONLY TO KUNAICHI. Allows you to block attacks with a kunai, spending stamina. Blocks attacks from the front only.
Hellish pain - a blow that throws up the enemy. The first free level is enough to get started.
Swing - a kick that knocks the enemy over. Often not upgraded, but you will not lose anything if you take the first level of this skill as additional control. However, not the most useful skill in PvE.
Combo: kicks - do not take, because the character's flight animation is very slow for this class. Eat better ways approach the enemy much faster and deal much more damage.
Kunai Throw is a common long-range attack skill by throwing a kunai. It is not recommended to upgrade from the very beginning, since the main damage of the class comes only from melee attacks, and ranged skills are secondary, although they are present in abundance.
Kunai: Paralysis - the skill is not initially pumped up, but it is useful simply because it exists, because it increases the speed of attacks and skills by 5\10\15%, respectively. It accelerates a close combo well if you throw a kunai before performing it and approaching the enemy.
Throwing a shuriken is the same as for a kunai, but when throwing a shuriken, the running and attack speed is higher than when throwing a kunai, but the damage is lower. It is also not recommended to study it at first due to its low efficiency in farming.
Shuriken: anger - ONLY FOR KUNOICHI. Improved shuriken that allows you to poison the enemy. They don’t download it in principle due to its uselessness.
Shuriken: Butcher - NINJA ONLY. Mass attack with shuriken with 100% crit and stun. Download as needed.
Shuriken: Escape - NINJA ONLY. Allows you to throw up enemies, causing them a lot of damage. We pump up whenever possible when free points appear, but only after leveling up the basic skills specified in this build for ninjas in Black Desert.
Comet is one of the main melee skills. It is applied without a cooldown, deals good damage and adds a buff to attack speed. It is used primarily for farming, because in PVP its usefulness is lower. We pump up immediately and all the way, because whoever farms faster is better dressed and all the derivatives from this.
Smoke screen - stuns the enemy and increases evasion. The first level is enough.
Cycle: hide and seek - invitation for 5 SP. What more can I say? Let's download. However, it is worth noting that this is not completely invisible, because the outline of the character remains visible.
Demon Heart - Upgrade "Sting of Darkness" with increased damage. Apply from invisa. Quite strong damage, 100% chance of crit, hits and additional stun. We upgrade to 2, because this is enough for a start.
Fall - lift the enemy, cause damage and knock over. Some semblance of a barbarian capture. It is recommended to level up to the maximum at the first opportunity, since the cost of SP is relatively low, and the effectiveness of both PVP and PVE is high.
Massacre - a quick strike that knocks down the enemy and debuffs his defense. In general, the first level is enough. It’s not rational to upgrade your skill further when you don’t have enough points.
Phantom of the Night - quickly run to the enemy and stun him. The first (initial) level is enough, because in black dessert the kunoichi/ninja have quite a few different ways to approach the enemy, who is also much better than this.
Fox Claw - a quick series of strikes with good damage and stunning the enemy. In general, the entire branch is quite cheap, so it is recommended to level up the skill right away, due to its high efficiency.
Cycle: defender's shadow - allows you to run up to the enemy and throw him up. To get started, the first level is enough, in the future we recommend leveling it up, because the speed of performing the skills increases significantly.
Cycle: shadow trail - a continuation of the previous skill, enhancing it. It is worth teaching only when there are enough skill points to fully study the branch. So, without the pumped-up “Cycle: Shadow of the Protector’s skills of the ninja kunoichi in black dessert,” the skill demonstrates itself very sourly.
Rain of blades - ONLY FOR KUNOICHI. Allows you to enter invisibility and then deal a series of blows with good damage. It is enough to pump two.
Assassination - ONLY FOR NINJAS. A normal blow with a knocking or knocking effect.
Cycle: trap - stunning the enemy, reducing his running speed and normal damage, BUT almost no one upgrades the skill, because it has a very long cooldown to call it really good.
Swift Cut - KUNOICHI ONLY. Counterattack with kunai defense. The first level is enough, because the probability of catching someone in PVP with it is extremely low, and in PVE the skill is simply meaningless, because there are more damaging and faster skills.
Symbiosis - add-on “Steps into heavenly ninja kunoichi in black dessert.” We don’t download it, because the efficiency is quite low.
Hitting the tendons - FOR KUNOICHI ONLY. A single skill with extremely high efficiency. When used, the character begins to rush from side to side and strike opponents. It is not expensive, and when used, it is difficult to hit you and dodge your attacks.
Cycle: Spinning Blade - NINJA ONLY. Deals a lot of damage and leaves enemies. We definitely take it.
Cycle: black moon - allows you to drop shurikens on the enemy. During execution, the character is stable, and opponents are stunned. Quite a useful skill in PVP, although the cooldown is low. It's worth downloading, but not right away. I advise you to initially pay attention to other skills.
Cycle: shadow explosion - KUNOICHI ONLY. Good damage and knockback for everyone except other players. It is precisely the fact that the skill simply causes damage and makes it unattractive.
Decapitation is for NINJAS ONLY. Huge damage with stunning the enemy and innocence at the time of use. Leveling up to 2 is quite enough. Next - according to feelings.
Elimination - improves evasion, attack and accuracy. We upgrade as soon as possible.
Equipment for ninja/kunoichi in Black Desert

There is nothing new in terms of equipment:
By weapon: yuria - liberto - kzarka;
By armor: ajeri - health - boss set;
For jewelry: standard attack set.
It is worth noting that the kunoichi uses the same weapons as the tamer. If you had a high-level tamer, then leveling up your ninja will only be a pleasure for you.
Guide: ninjas\kunoichi in Black Desert - approximate battle tactics in PVE\PVP

In general, as a ninja in PVE it is enough to aggro mobs with shurikens (you can run faster with them) or kunai (they do a lot of damage), and then kill them with massakhs, of which there are a lot. You can move between wigs using Ninja Speed ​​if you are a ninja.
In PVP, everything is somewhat more complicated, and it’s impossible to describe it right away. In general, if the enemy uses ranged attacks (such as an archer, a ranged witch, a wizard, etc.), we simply run up point-blank and start using our most powerful skills. In principle, they will not be able to leave us. With melee enemies, everything is somewhat more complicated, because our main damage also comes from melee attacks. The best tactic is to control and only then deal damage. With proper and skillful play, you can defeat opponents without any problems, however, playing in this class depends only on your personal skills, reactions and perception of you as a player.
Links to ninja\kunoichi build in Black Desert
To go to the build in the skill calculator, click on the corresponding image.
Kunoichi: level 48 \ 375 skill point;
Ninja: level 48 \ 399 skill points.
kunoichi build in black dessert build ninja in black dessert


In general, these classes are very strong in the game, since they farm quickly and are able to instantly overcome long distances, high obstacles, etc. We can safely say that if this class If he's not the strongest, he's definitely in the top three.


The Kunoichi class was the 11th grade to be released in Korea. This class uses a sword as their primary weapon and shurikens as their secondary weapon. The class is dynamic and fast paced with many movement and jump skills. Kunoichi uses light armor and has many complex combos making it a hard class to master.

Check out the video below to see some examples of combat.


  • Great sustain
  • Good at PvE
  • Good at PvP
  • Many buffs/debuffs
  • Good damage
  • Lots of mobility
  • Dodge skills
  • Some crowd control


  • Complex skill combos
  • Combat can get repetitive


This is a well-rounded build for players who have just reached level 50. It uses just under 500 Skill Points.

Above is a level 50 less than 500sp version of the build I linked (you could throw spare 7 points into bondage shackles if you wanted another AoE for mobs or a PvP snare)

I do think multiple builds is a good idea as well :)

Sorry if my original post was a bit rude/abrupt it was late and I was a little hammered 😀

Oct 10, 2015 @ 15:58 pm

Hi. The skill build we’ve recommended is for when you’ve literally just reached 50 and don’t have many skill points to spare. It’s just to put you in the right direction and show you what skills you should be using and maxing when you later have the points for it. The skill build you've linked uses 90+ more skill points than the build shown in this guide. Obviously using the build you’ve linked (which is similar but with the skills maxed) is much better if you have the skill points for it. Perhaps we should add multiple build recommendations to fit people who have just reached 50 and people who are level 51 or 52 and looking for a more finished build. Thank you for your input and for checking out our guide 🙂 It’s definitely given me something to think about on how to improve our future class guides.

  • Kunoichi and Ninja are the latest classes added to the official Russian ones. Some users mistakenly believe that these heroes are no different in anything except gender. However, this is not entirely true. The difference between a kunoichi (or kunoichi, as many gamers like to say) and a ninja is quite significant.

    What does it represent?

    Both classes are very agile and mobile. Their representatives can be safely described as typical assassins - both kunoichi and ninja, created for a sudden attack on the enemy, inflicting great damage on him and the same sharp retreat. However, both classes have significant differences. Kunoichi is more suitable for those who like to block and defend. Ninja is a pure “critic hitter” and “damage dealer.” At the same time, both the first and second spend rage points to use most skills. The Assassin playstyle is somewhat similar to the Sword Master, Sakura, and Mystic classes.

    Advantages and Disadvantages of Classes

    The main advantages of “killer” classes are their crazy mobility and high damage. In speed, kunoichi and ninjas surpass even such “livelings” as maeva and sword master, which allows them to be used in mass PvP for reconnaissance, destroying archers and distracting enemy strike forces.

    Assassins also look good on the grind. But if you like to destroy monsters alone, then first you should practice using “combos” well and get good equipment. The only downsides they have are that they have too few hit points and low armor at the initial stage of the game.

    Key skills

    Despite the fact that both classes have their own unique abilities, a number of them should be obtained from both kunoichi and ninja:

      Cycle: Into Chips. One of the main skills of assassins. Allows you to quickly move around the battlefield, avoiding enemy attacks.

      Persecution. It will help you catch up with the enemy without spending a unit of stamina.

      Nothingness. The skill needed to perform “blinks” - lightning-fast movement, during which your character becomes invulnerable.

      Dodge. Allows you to dodge even while performing combinations.

      Sting of Darkness. Increases chance critical hit and does good damage in close combat.

      Sobriety of spirit. Restores rage points.

      Shuriken Throw(for ninja) and Kunai Throw(for kunoichi). Skills for using additional weapons.

      Fall– a capture for these classes, during which the character is invulnerable.

      Massacre. "Debuff" and type of control.

      Decapitation. One of the main skills of assassins. Deals great damage to multiple targets at once.

    Moreover, each class has its own unique abilities. Thanks to them, the ninja will become even faster. And the kunoichi will be able to block enemy attacks and defend better. And don’t forget about the need to pump passive skills, which will help you survive in both PvP and PvE.

    Weapons and equipment

    Aspiring assassins will suffice with Yuria as their main weapon. Then you should strive for Liberto, but leveling him up to the maximum does not make sense if you liked the kunoichi or ninja and will play for them for a long time. Then it’s better to save up for Kzark right away, sometimes bypassing Liberto altogether.

    Until you reach top levels, when you manage to acquire a set of Bosses, it is best to use Grunil with jewelry to attack. And in the initial stages, it’s enough to wear a black set.

    If you previously played as a mystic, and now decide to take a break, then most of the ammunition for this time can be easily transferred to the killer. The equipment of these classes is very similar.

    "Sharpening" and "awakening"

    We try to “sharpen” exactly those things that are missing in your ammunition. But first of all, kunoichi and ninja require accuracy, increased damage, increased HP and reduced duration of the “procast”. It is best to add “resists” to boots.

    It is advisable to “awaken” those skills that you use most often. Of the unique skills of a ninja, this can also be Spinning Blade, and the kunoichi has a branch on using kunai.

    What's the result?

    For those who like to crit and act with lightning speed, assassins will be the ideal classes due to their enormous speed and high damage. Depending on your playing style - more emphasis on attack or a quick transition to defense - you should make a choice in favor of one of the killers. It is best to play as a ninja if you prefer to constantly attack, and as a more “defense” kunoichi if you prefer to alternate between dealing damage and going into blocking.

    In any case, both classes are very agile and difficult to control. So it is advisable to play them with minimal “ping”.

    Hello, dear readers of my blog.

    Let's continue exploring the fascinating game world called .

    The developers of the most popular online RPG do not sit with their hands folded; updates are constantly appearing in the game, which cannot but please us.

    Today you will learn about the latest classes introduced into the game. Detailed guide on kunoichi and ninja in Black Desert will help you master them as quickly as possible.

    You will learn all the features of ninjas in Black Dessert and kunoichi and will be able to easily control them.

    New Heroes - Review

    The ninja and kunoichi classes have almost identical sets of skills and have similar combat characteristics. But at the same time, they cannot be called “clones,” as is the case with the sorceress and the wizard.

    I would compare the heroes with two sides of the same coin, since although they are similar, they have different battle tactics.

    The ninja easily avoids opponents' attacks by bouncing over long distances. The kunoichi blocks attacks in the same way as a Valkyrie and a Warrior.

    Players immediately appreciated these two classes in Black Dessert for their high level delivering lightning attacks.

    They are even associated with Assanin , since they can successfully fight with any of the classes available in the online game.

    Moreover, these characters are the most dexterous and fastest of all. If they are properly upgraded, the characters will perform well both in PvP battles and in PvE.

    Their arsenal impresses with a large number of skills - both for single targets and for large concentrations of opponents.

    They can increase damage from behind, become invisible, tumble and jump well, and are excellent at serving as scouts.


    Of course, they also have disadvantages. First of all, kunoichi and ninja in Black Dessert have a minimum amount of health.

    Although they have the skill of invisibility, they do not disappear completely, but become transparent. So the enemy can see them.

    Another drawback is the dependence on ping.

    The main advantage of the new classes is their attack speed and mobility; if the ping is low, the chances of realizing their potential remain negligible.

    It is extremely difficult for beginners to cope with such characters.

    Equipment, weapons

    Although the characters have low performance protection, this is more than compensated by mobility, therefore, there is no need to increase good HP and def.

    The advantages of classes are their damage, crit, and attack speed.

    Tips for stones are standard: in boots - knockdown resistance, in helmet - evasion, in gloves - crit.

    Regarding weapons, here choose what it will be needed for - attack speed or damage.

    You can increase damage using jewelry. First, take Asvol or Yuria, then exchange it for Liberto, then for Clarke.

    Skills and their upgrade

    In the system of skills/abilities of the kunoichi class in Black Dessert and the ninja, there are mainly similarities, although there are differences, but they are few.

    1. Wind cut skill. We get it for free - auto attack.
    2. The “whirlwind of death” skill continues the previous branch.
    3. The “steps in the sky” skill is also free. With them, the heroes perform a series of jumps without touching the surface.
    4. Cycle “to pieces” - stuns the enemy plus damage buffs, free.
    5. The “pursuit” skill allows you to run quickly without spending points for ten seconds. Useful for both escape and pursuit.
    6. Skill "non-existence" - jumping to the sides. We will definitely upgrade to one.
    7. The skill of “ninja twists” - we study the first level, this is quite enough.
    8. The “Sting of Darkness” skill is a basic skill that helps you deal instant blows and stun enemies.
    9. Skill “sobriety of spirit” - level up to one, needed to restore AF.
    10. “Crescent” - knock-up effects, inflicting attacks with low damage.
    11. The “ninja speed” skill will help you cut the distance to the target with lightning speed, pump it to the maximum.
    12. The “kunai defense” skill is obtained for free (only for kunoichi).
    13. The skill “Hellish Pain” is an attacking skill that has knock-up effects.
    14. The “swing” skill is unlikely to be useful. A kick that will knock down an enemy.
    15. Kick combos are also useless.
    16. The “bathing throw” skill is long-range attacks, we pump it up not at the beginning, but later.
    17. The skill “paralysis” is something we learn, but not right away.
    18. The skill “shuriken throw” - increases the speed of attacks and running, we put it off for later.
    19. “Angery” is a useless shureken, suitable only for kunoichi, gives the effect of poisoning.
    20. “Butcher” - suitable only for ninjas, download after learning the rest of the skills.
    21. The “comet” skill is the main melee skill.
    22. “Smoke Screen” - improves evasion and stuns the enemy.
    23. “Hide and Seek” - we definitely pump it up, the characters become invisible.
    24. The “demon heart” skill will improve the “sting of darkness”.
    25. “Falling” skill - pump it up to the maximum, lifts the opponent, knocks him over, deals damage.
    26. "Carnage" - allows you to make rapid attacks.
    27. The “sign of the night” skill - stunning, plus reducing distances, just needs to be upgraded to the first level.
    28. The “fox claw” skill - pump up immediately, gives a lightning-fast series of strikes.
    29. The skill “rain of blades” is a series of strong blows for a kunoichi.
    30. The assassination skill is a common attack for ninjas.
    31. “Swift Cut” is a practically useless skill, suitable only for kunoichi.
    32. “Symbiosis” is an unprofitable skill, you shouldn’t pay attention to it.
    33. The “tendon strike” skill is inexpensive and effective, allowing you to deliver a series of quick strikes to targets. For kunoichi.
    34. Decapitation – provides enormous damage, invulnerability, and stun effects. For the ninja.
    35. “Elimination” skill - upgrade as needed, a passive skill to improve accuracy, attack, evasion.

    Just choose the skills we use most often and improve them.

    In conclusion, I will say that playing for these classes in Black Dessert, although quite difficult, is also incredibly interesting.

    If you pump them up correctly and learn how to control them competently, you can easily defeat even the strongest opponents.

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