Here is the American tank server. World of Tanks Blitz: detailed description of US tanks

If there is no XVM in the table for the current one World versions of Tanks, which means the stable version is still in development.
As soon as it is ready, it will immediately appear in the table. Stay tuned to or on this page for updates.

On this page you can download XVM, as well as track the emergence of new versions of the modification.

A little explanation about the files published on this page:

xvm-N.N.N.exe(where N.N.N is the number XVM versions) is the installer for the stable version of XVM. N.N.N is the XVM version number) is an archive of the stable version of XVM for manual installation.

Among inexperienced users, the statistics module is widely known as “ reindeer surveyor», « Olenometer" or " user" These are misnomers related to outdated versions fashion. Please remember and use the correct name: XVM.

Please note: Statistics are disabled in the standard version of the modification.
If you want to use statistics, you must include them in personal account on .

Please note: We recommend downloading XVM only from the official modification website.
By downloading XVM from third-party sources or as part of modpacks of unknown origin, you are putting the security of your PC at risk.
Also, when downloading from third-party sources, there is a possibility of receiving a damaged or incorrectly configured mod.

Nightly XVM builds

We call "nightly builds" test versions XVMs built automatically (by robot) from the latest available source code without subsequent manual human verification.

Nightly XVM builds not intended for use by inexperienced users, as they may be unstable or contain errors. They are created for testing purposes only.
If you want to take part in testing nightly builds, please review the bug reporting procedures described in this support forum thread. Your properly formatted bug reports help us fix potential problems faster. Thanks for your participation!

At the moment, all nightly builds are collected and published automatically on a special page: , as well as in this support forum topic.


(eXtended Visualization Mod) is definitely the most popular modification for World of Tanks. At the moment, this mod is actively used by more than 3,700,000 players around the world. This modification is better known as “User Meter” or “Deer Meter”.

The main and original purpose of the XVM modification is to display the efficiency rating or efficiency in battle, as well as the percentage of victories for all players of both teams. Possessing this data, XVM also calculates the team’s chance of victory, which, although practice has proven, does not mean anything and does not guarantee, but is still sometimes interesting. True, it is much more interesting to find out about the chance of victory after the end, in the results of the battle. This functionality will be very useful for many players, allowing you to plan your travel at the beginning of the battle, looking at the players’ performance and determining dangerous opponents, which you should focus your attention on or, on the contrary, avoid, leaving for last or for your stronger allies.

There are eight rating display options to choose from, two-digit and four-digit. Wot-news, Wargaming algorithms or efficiency ratings are used for calculations.

Over time, the XVM modification has acquired additional pleasant functionality that increases the information content of the interface. Among its additional features are convenient markers above vehicles that allow you to better see the damage you inflict thanks to a different color; modification of the base capture bar will allow you to see the time before capture and the number of vehicles in the circle, and much more.

Among the particularly useful features of the mod, it should be noted that the tank icons in the team’s ears are replaced with alternative ones, which allows you to determine the team’s setup much faster, as well as turning the ears themselves into a minimalist mode, leaving more space for viewing on the screen. It is also impossible to overestimate the light markers in the same ears, which make it possible to determine which enemy tanks are currently in the light, which were discovered during the battle, and which vehicles are still unknown around what corner.

Among the features that are not so required to install, but are quite useful and visually pleasing, it is worth remembering the seven icons for displaying the “Sixth Sense” to choose from in combination with a 10-second voice-over of the light timer, which allows you to better navigate in battle. It is possible to add an asterisk to the marker of each player, which in its color will display the degree of danger of the player, which will make it possible to approximately assess the danger during skirmishes or duels, without distracting your gaze from the list of commands. It is also possible to display the number of hit points of each tank in the ears, but you should use it only if you have a fairly powerful machine, as it significantly drains the FPS value.

Do not forget that for a modification to work, it is not enough to simply install it! After installation, you should go to the official XVM website and activate it online.


Video (installation assistance)



  1. Place the mods and res_mods folders from the archive in the World of Tanks root folder;


  1. Run the installer and follow the prompts;
  2. Go to and activate statistics collection.
sirmax2, iBat Version: 8.2.3 Updated: December 23, 2019

XVM, or one-dimensional in common parlance, is the largest modification for World of Takns, which, according to the developers, is used daily by more than 3,700,000 users. And all this is not without reason, because the reindeer measurer is a really useful addition that includes a huge number of Wot features and improvements.

Update from 12/23/19

XVM-8.2.3: [GENERAL] * Fixed font loading

As already mentioned, XVM adds some useful features to the game, the most important of which is player statistics, but this is only part of the mod; the most important features will be described in more detail below.

Markers above tanks

The deer meter complements the standard markers above the equipment by adding a display of various parameters. Moreover, all this can be configured in a convenient HTML CSS style. You can change the colors, font, icons, display of any information you are interested in about the enemy.

Do you want to see the player's efficiency there? Easily. Do you want a WN8 stat or any other? Not a problem either. In a word, everything will be as you want.

Display of damage dealt

One more useful thing, this displays the damage you dealt to the enemy. A very useful feature during fighting World of Tanks, the panel displays a list of the last players you dealt damage to, their tank icon, name and amount of damage. In addition, the total damage you dealt during the battle and the last damage is displayed at the top.

And again, all this can be customized and made more beautiful and informative, although the standard version looks good and is quite suitable for almost all players.

Of course, if hitlog is of no use to you, you can turn it off, or show only the last and total damage.

Custom light bulbs

This feature provides almost no benefit, although perhaps the default light bulb is not noticeable to you and because of this you do not notice it. Now it is very easy to replace it with any picture, for this you need to take any picture (it is important that the format is png), rename it to SixthSense and copy it to a folder World of Tanks\res_mods\mods\shared_resources\xvm\res\.

Or you can download ready-made ones, we have them on our website, and we also have a set of sounds for the 6th sense light bulb.

"Ears", tab and loading screen

And here is something very interesting in the deer meter, modified displays of players in the so-called ears, while pressing “TAB” and on the battle loading screen. Here the percentage of wins and other statistics of the player are displayed, for example, even on the loading screen you can understand which player plays well or poorly, and therefore build tactics before the start of the battle itself.

The same information is also in the ears, which also allows you to better navigate in battle and understand the balance of power. Well, by pressing TAB, you can take a closer look at the stats of each player, whether there are any noobs left and how many are alive cool players both you and the enemy on your team.

Clan icons

Yes, yes, with the help of hvm, any player and/or clan can add any picture. There are a huge number of use cases, for example, uploading images of the logos of all popular clans and easily identifying them in battle. You can also add any logo to any clan, as well as to individual players, for example, tagging friends or, conversely, some of your ardent opponents.

The process of adding an image is quite easy, you just need to add your images to the folder World of Tanks\res_mods\xvm\res\clanicons\[your server folder]\[player nickname or clan id].

In addition to this, you can set the required size of the icon and its location.

Base capture strip

After the jump and XVM installations, the capture strip will also be slightly modified.

The number of base invaders will appear, as well as the time until the end of the capture. And all this can also be customized according to your wishes.

In general, this helps a lot in battle, you always know how many of your comrades are capturing the base, and the time before the capture will allow you to decide whether you need to help or whether the base will be captured faster than you get there.

A very useful modification to the standard World of Tanks interface.

XVM Minimap

The minimap has also undergone improvements, and since it plays an important role in battle, there are plenty of useful innovations here. Firstly, you can now enlarge the minimap without restrictions, regardless of screen resolution.

Secondly, circles were added to display areas of exposure, and this greatly adds advantages over opponents, because now you know where it is better not to go if you do not want to be exposed.

Rating: 4.1 out of 5
Votes: 7

Xvm Mod(Olenemer) - the most famous and probably the most useful mod for the popular online Games World Of Tanks. Thanks to the information received from Olenemer, an experienced player will be able to help his team much more effectively on the battlefield.

Main features of the mod
- Detailed statistics for each player who participates in the battle. Knowledge about the skills and experience of players will help you set priorities at the beginning of the battle (tactics of your game, priority targets in the enemy team, players who can be counted on for help, etc.).
- A convenient XP scale for allied and enemy tanks, a more convenient and informative mini-map, a forecast for victory at the beginning and during the course of the battle.
- Color-coding your allies and rivals according to their win percentage will help you and your artillery target the most dangerous opponents first.
- Performance characteristics of the equipment participating on the battlefield when pointing the crosshairs at it (overview, armor thickness, armor penetration, etc.).

Activation xvm mod
In order to enable all the features of this mod, it must be activated on the official website (link in the block Additional information). Moreover, there you can check the boxes next to the data that you want to see in the WOT client.

*Mods are current and tested for current version WOT client. IN new version You may need to reinstall this mod. If there are problems with the work, please report it in the comments.

Additional information
License: For free
Software Developer:
Supported OS: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8
Interface language: Russian
Update date: 2019-01-18
Program size: ~6.5 MB

Comments and reviews: 19

1.UserWot 28.05.2015
Great program. I usually put it in a set of Mods from Protanka, which also add a lot of usefulness.

2. Lion 01.06.2015
And how can this MOD be useful other than to stroke your vanity with its rating. If of course he exists.

3. Moskit 29.07.2015
"And how can this MOD be useful other than to stroke your vanity with its rating. If, of course, it exists."

I have good statistics, but I personally do not ride with the Olenometer for the sake of beautiful statistics. It really helps in battle. How?

Well, at least the points where the enemy was last spotted on the mini map. When you drive blind, it greatly helps to determine where danger may be coming from.
- Direction of enemy and allied artillery guns on the mini map.
- Assessing the potential danger of each individual player and the possible benefits of allies. For example, when playing on LT, I will never go specifically to shine for art if it has a red rating. There will be no point.
- Illumination circles on the mini map and the drawing square also often help.

I think that this is not enough. Whoever says that you need to play without mods, and noobs play with mods, this is just his opinion. But as a rule, these loudmouths roll with mods themselves, or don’t install them for a reason weak computer, which even without them good FPS doesn't show.

Maybe you don’t even need to download perks?

4. Non-Statistician 13.10.2015
The XVM deer gauge is very helpful in combat. Even with a quick glance at the setup, I can say with 90% confidence whether we will win or lose. If our entire TOP is red from 40-46% of players, then loss is guaranteed. In addition, we can change battle tactics depending on whether our TOP is strong or not.

5. Maksvel 15.10.2015
BOT on Matilda.
The AFK player comes to life when enemies come to his base.

6. Sergios 30.10.2015
I want to learn how to play WOT well, but I can’t. I deer 45% of victories, but now I have IP. Everyone will be hurt.

7. Hecntv 18.11.2015
Link to replay

Played well on T82. He himself is a fan of riding land mines. It’s a pity that in patch 9.12 this tank was turned into level 4 artillery, and instead they gave it a wretched GO*BUT, which I immediately sold from the hangar.

8. Sarich 23.11.2015
Hello guys. Is it possible to see data on average damage by vehicle somewhere? I know that on open vehicles in the garage you can see this data in XtE, but is it possible to see the same data on unexplored tanks?

9. Chih-Pih 02.12.2015
How tired the whiners and reindeer hunters are. They will see the winning percentage at the beginning of the battle<40% и начинается: за что меня так, как же задолбало, опять слив, поеду топиться...

And what’s interesting is that they often drown or simply leave the AFK battle.

What's there to complain about? The fact that you are a red-orange 45% player and you were deprived of turquoise-green players on the team? So play better and there will be one more good player.

10.X2-ff 03.12.2015
If I get into a drain team and I know for sure that there will be a drain, since you can’t win with the Deer, who rush into the breach without looking at the map, then I just try to squeeze out as much as possible in this battle before leaving for the hangar.

I always fight to the last, and as a result I have good statistics on the main technique. Everywhere there are 2 marks, on one tank I was even able to get 3. At the same time, the victory percentage is 55%. Not the best indicator, but I always play solo and sometimes too boldly, for which I get punished with a hangar. But I simply can’t sit in the bushes for the entire battle, especially if the equipment encourages movement.

11. kokomo 04.12.2015
And it infuriates me when I see how, at the beginning of the battle, top heavy tanks, assault rifles or fireflies stand in the bushes near the base and begin to wait for something unknown. If the opponents are not completely crayfish, then the battle is 99% lost, because active actions begin at our base, when the whole team is squeezed into a corner.

Well, you took the heavy, you are at the top, press the direction, the main thing is to take into account that there is support from behind in the form of other trunks. If it is not there, lure the enemy under the allies' guns.

If you have an armored assault tank, do not stand in the bushes, help the heavies. If you have a cardboard one, don’t go to the first line, play from invisible and live as long as possible causing damage.

If you have LT, keep the lights on. Doesn't the gun hit anyone? Just stand in the bush closer to the enemy and don't shoot. Based on your exposure, you will receive a lot of experience and credits. Remember - no light, no damage. No damage - no victory.

ST is generally a universal technique. They can shine, damage and tank on occasion.

12.rasta 14.12.2015
Guys, I wonder if ships and planes have their own version of a reindeer meter?

13. valera 15.12.2015
There is no deer meter for World of Warships yet. It seems to be due to the fact that in this project there is no way to directly obtain player statistics. But this is not important, it is important that if somewhere you are offered to download this program for ships, then it is most likely a virus that steals player accounts.

14. The pain begins 21.12.2015
It’s funny sometimes to see turquoise extras on some kind of e-25 in the top (at the same time, our team has players on slow blind vehicles and 3-4 self-propelled guns) who quickly occupy the bushes near the base and stand stupidly. The team is also standing, as there is no light. Sometimes some crustacean can’t stand it, crawls forward and dies without lighting up anyone. But e-25 continues to stand. This is really annoying. Often you have to play light on the heavy lines, shining e-25 damage with clusters. I understand the e-25 is not a profile firefly, but it can shine successfully. If you stand in the bushes, a crowd will come and you won’t be able to do anything, no matter how hard you try. Oh, and the extras will have time to shoot damage thanks to Eshka’s excellent DPM.

These extras are really annoying. I understand if there is Chaffee or Bulldog on the team, but if there is no one else to shine, then I have to use such a tank. I’m on a helcat, and if I see something like this, I always try to carefully highlight it from the bushes.

15. Alexey 18.07.2016
The pain begins, it infuriates me when I’m standing on some kind of helicate, and an extra on e-25 writes to me in the chat, helicate light and pokes at the minimap. At the same time, I can illuminate the indicated square only at the cost of my death, so that this extra can fire several shots.

Helkat firefly. It’s too clumsy and there’s practically no speed back to get away. Of course, you can highlight it, but the first light usually leads to the hangar. Although in the top without sharp-eyed and fast LTs, he can shine on some maps.

16.Imirat 26.07.2016
I played several battles in, it's just a nightmare. I have never seen so many bugs after an update. XVM seems to work, but after the countdown it simply turns off, the correct artillery guide mod no longer works, tanks sometimes freeze. You have to wait a couple of days, it’s impossible to play.

17.boba-boba 26.08.2016
I just downloaded and installed the deer meter and I still don’t see the players’ statistics. What am I doing wrong???

You need to activate XVM after installation otherwise it will not work.

1. Log in with your username/password to the official WOT website -

2. Go to the official website of XVM (aka reindeer measurer) -

3. At the top right there will be a Login button (click on it) and select the desired location. If you play on Russian-language servers, then select Russia as in the screenshot.

5. Then you will find yourself again on the website but as its user, and the Activate services item will appear in the top menu. Click on this link and your XVM mod will be activated.

6. Restart the WOT client, and after that the mod for displaying statistics of other players will work.

The reindeer meter needs to be activated every 2 weeks

18. Stinger 05.09.2016
Guys, tell a newcomer to WOT what mods to install so as not to load the client and at the same time make it more convenient to play. There are a lot of mods, I'm confused what's what.

19. irgok 06.09.2016
Stingerr, install the XVM mod, aka deer tracker, so that you can monitor your progress and see who you will have to play with in battle. I use protanka mods with built-in XVM, which have a lot of useful things:
Automatic crew transfer and equipment change (no need to constantly remove and rearrange the stereo tube and mask network). I use a mod for repairing tracks with a spacebar, a sniper scope for artillery.
And the main thing is a “smart” minimap: circles of exposure and drawing, the last points of exposure of the enemy and the direction of their shots are very helpful in battle.


Without exaggeration, the Deer Messenger can be called the most popular mod among tankers. According to statistics from the XVM portal, over 3,500,000 players around the world use it every day. This popularity of the mod is due to its capabilities. It allows you to see the following data:

  • efficiency rating of tankers during battle loading and during battle;
  • percentage of victories of tankers;
  • number of battles;
  • the possible probability of victory in battle, taking into account all of the above indicators.

All displayed data can be configured in configuration files. You can display, for example, not the overall % of victories of a particular player on all tanks, but only on a specific one. This makes Deer Measuring a flexible and extremely popular mod.

This mod was created on the basis of XVM, specially made for World of Tanks 0.9.20, which is also an extremely popular mod that allows the tanker to radically change the game interface and introduce a number of improvements to it, without which it is difficult for a modern player to play, in particular:

  • smart mini-map containing all important data;
  • log of damage caused;
  • tank light indicator located in the ears;
  • base capture indicator, which shows the number of invaders present on it and the speed of its capture;
  • modified markers located above the equipment;
  • ping on the login screen, as well as in the hangar.

These are just the main functions of the mod. It also contains a lot of jokes and tricks, which you can learn gradually when using it. This page presents the latest version of the reindeer meter for the game World of Tanks 0.9.20. It is also called a user. The site contains the most detailed instructions for setting up and installing all elements of the mod.

To make installation and configuration of the reindeer meter extremely comfortable, we did the following on our website:

  • possibility of manual installation from archive;
  • possibility of automatic installation using a well-designed, convenient installer.

However, by installing the deer meter for the game WOT 0.9.20 once, you are condemning yourself to further torment and burning chairs, because with the deer meter you will find out how many crayfish there really are in the world of World of Tanks.

Numerous requests from users of our site prompted us to create 2 ways to install the deer meter, since not everyone has a good enough PC, and the operation of certain XVM functions requires additional resources that are not available on weak computers. Therefore, for both manual and automatic installation, 2 reindeer meter options are available: Full and Light.

The Full version contains all the mods that can be included in XVM, and the Light version contains only the deer meter itself, as well as the hit log. For those with weak PCs, it is recommended to install "Deer Measuring Device Light". Configuring additional features is done by opening the folder called “Add-ons for reindeer surveyor”, in which you can find a configuration file for:

  • installation of vehicle markers;
  • informative carousel in 2-3 rows;
  • switching ratings manually;
  • different types of damage logs.

In our deer harvester build, we use the rating switching tool directly in the hangar, created by the ProTanki player. To change the rating displayed in the deer meter, you only need to press the F6 key, after which further messages will appear.

With this modification, it is possible to change the rating to one of the following:

  • eff - 4-digit efficiency rating (PE);
  • xeff - 2-digit efficiency rating (PE);
  • wn6 - 4-digit WN6 (Wot-news);
  • xwn6 - 2-digit WN6 (Wot-news);
  • wn8 - 4-digit WN8;
  • xwn8 - 2-digit WN8;
  • wgr - 4-digit rating from WG;
  • xwgr - 2-digit rating from WG;
  • xte - 2-digit rating, which takes into account the number of frags and average damage;
  • r - rating, which is configured on the official website.

Updating XVM to version 6+ made it possible to switch deer hunter ratings directly on the modxvm mod website by going to the game account settings.

The latest update of our mod contains this feature. To change the rating displayed on the site, you must first enable this feature in the hangar by pressing the F6 key, and then switching your rating to “r”.

Then you need to do the following:

  1. Go to
  2. Log in to your personal account.
  3. Login to Settings.
  4. Select your preferred rating to be displayed.

Deer gauge WoTSite.Net

This is the very first and still the best deer meter installer for the game W.o.T. It was created by the WoTSite.Net team, taking into account the wishes of many players. It is based on a deer measurer from ProTanka, which already says a lot. It makes it easy to install XVM and configure it to suit your needs.

The installer allows you to turn each element on and off, making customization of the mod extremely fine-grained. You can install only the reindeer meter and nothing else, but it is also possible to install the maximum package of all add-ons that help in the game.

The installer’s features also include the ability to change your Deer Measuring configuration as many times as you like by reinstalling the mod with other options. At the same time, you can be sure that you will always receive exactly what was selected last.

The installer's greatest advantage is the update manager. A one-time installation of the reindeer meter from WoTSite.Net will allow you to always know about the release of new versions of this mod and easily update to the latest version by simply running the installer, which will remember which installation items you chose the previous time, so you just have to quickly press the buttons Next and Install.

By updating this mod to its latest versions, game crashes are minimized and the player gets the opportunity to always use the most stable and optimized version of the mod.
