Ukrainian folk games for preschoolers. Physical education “Ukrainian carousel of outdoor games” for younger preschoolers Ukrainian folk games for preschoolers

The variety of such games will provide the opportunity to choose the appropriate option. for every child, taking into account his inclinations and preferences. Ukrainian outdoor games will be a great way to actively spend time and improve your child’s physical fitness.


This game requires very little equipment - just one rope that needs to be tied to a fence, tree or other stationary object. This rope will be the “fishing rod” with which the “fish” is caught. One of the players is chosen as the “bait”; he must hold on to the free edge of the rope and use it to catch the “fish”, that is, the other players. The remaining participants must “take the bait,” that is, touch the driver, but not allow him to catch them. When one of the players is caught, he becomes "bait" and the game continues. This fun is perfect for any time of year and can be played both indoors and outdoors.

Hidden bell

This game is also good for any time of year and any place. It requires a small bell, which the participants, standing in a circle or in a line, will pass to each other. It is important to convey the bell so that it does not ring. The driver must determine who has the bell. The one who gave himself away by ringing becomes the driver. This fun is great develops observation and reaction speed.

Jumping sparrows

This fun game is best played on a platform on which you need to draw a circle about 6-8 meters in diameter. The participants in the game stand behind him, they play the role of “sparrows”. The leader sits in a circle, his task is to prevent the “sparrows” from collecting “grains”, that is, to prevent them from entering the circle. “Sparrows”, jumping on one leg (you can also hold the bent leg with your hand or play in pairs) try to jump into the circle. The central player “pecks” them (touches them with his hand), the one touched by the driver leaves the game. The goal of the “sparrows” is to stay in the circle as long as possible. The driver can be changed by choosing the fastest and most dexterous of the children.


This game is convenient because a whole group in a kindergarten (20-30 people) can play it. One of the participants is selected by the “tongue” of the bell, the others form the bell itself: they join hands and stand in a circle. Children in a circle move clockwise or counterclockwise, and the “tongue” must break out of the circle, that is, separate the players’ hands. He has three attempts in total. As soon as the driver breaks out of the circle, he must run to a flag or other conventional mark at a distance of about 50 m. While he is running, the rest of the participants must try to catch up with him and touch him. The one who does this last becomes the driver. This fun will perfectly replace physical education classes. It perfectly develops the ability to work in a team (not to let the driver out of the circle), and also develops the will to win.


This original game can be played in large groups. The only equipment needed for this fun is a branch of willow or other tree. The participants in this game form a loose circle, they hold their hands behind their backs and pass a twig to each other. In the center of this circle is the one who drives. His task is to find a twig and snatch it. When the driver manages to grab the twig, the one from whom he took it stands in a circle, and the game begins again. With the help of this game you can develop observation skills, speed of reaction and endurance.

Ukrainian folk games are perfect for fun at different times of the year, they do not require complex equipment and are very entertaining for children. Children can play them without adult supervision, organizing into teams and choosing their own driver.

Many children have little idea of ​​what they can do away from computers and the Internet. The most they know is snowball fights, catch-up games, and sledding. And there are many interesting outdoor games that you can play both in winter and summer. So…


Rules of the game: The children are divided into the driver (khlibchik) and the rest of the participants, who are divided into pairs and stand holding hands, one behind the other. The driver is having a dialogue.

“I’m baking and baking some bread,” the little bread boy shouts.
- Will you bake it? - ask the children from the last pair in the row.
- I'll bake it!
- Will you run away?
- I'll take a look!

Next, the children from this pair should scatter in different sides in order to, having dodged the little bread, again join hands and stand in front of the first couple. Khlibchik must catch one of them and prevent the pair from joining.

What develops: leg muscles, intelligence, coordination in space.


Rules of the game: the sorcerer extends his hand forward, palm down, participants hold their index fingers under it. On the count of “one, two, three,” the sorcerer must grab someone’s finger, and the participants must prevent this from happening and scatter to the sides. The sorcerer must catch up and touch any of the participants. The one who has been “greased” should freeze with his arms spread to the sides. He is bewitched, other participants who touch him can disenchant him, but the sorcerer does not sleep... A player who has been enchanted three times himself becomes a sorcerer.

What develops: leg muscles, speed, coordination in space.

Round horsetail

Rules of the game: the game begins with the phrase: “Cheers, play “Round Horse”! Stand on the mountain and don’t get caught!” Children are divided into pairs, standing in front of each other (two extreme and one in the middle).

The task of the children from the “extreme” pairs is to change places on command, forming new pairs, and the participants of the middle pair must catch someone. As soon as you catch it, the partner from the middle pair and the caught one from the last one must run towards them with all their might. Whoever gets there first forms an outer pair with his partner, the rest stand in the middle.

What develops: agility, reaction speed.


Rules of the game: children choose a leader (heron). The remaining players become frogs. Starting position: the heron is sleeping (the player leans forward with his hands on his knees), at this time the others move, imitating the jumping movements of frogs. Suddenly the heron wakes up and, screaming, begins to catch frogs. Attention: a heron can only move with long steps on straight legs, without bending its knees, and frogs jump on their haunches. The one who rises from the frogs to his full height becomes a heron.

What develops: leg muscles.


Rules of the game: The driver turns his back to the players. Suddenly he must shout out the name of a color (red, blue, yellow), the players quickly find it on their clothes and hold on to the color so that the driver can see it. Those who do not have the named color on their clothes begin to run away. Whoever the driver catches becomes him.

What develops: knowledge of colors, leg muscles, reaction speed, coordination in space.

Vovk and kids

Rules of the game: the wolf is the leader, the rest are the kids. A large circle is drawn with chalk on the asphalt/snow/sand, and around it, at a distance, there are small circles (“houses”), the number of which is 1 less than the number of players. On the count of “three,” the kids from a large circle run around the houses; the one who didn’t get the house must run away from the wolf. If the kid runs around a large circle 3 times and is not caught, then the wolf must stop the pursuit. If the wolf catches up with the kid, it becomes the driver.

What develops: speed, coordination of movements, leg muscles.


Rules of the game: children stand in a circle and join hands. The driver stands inside the circle. Covering his face with his hands, he slowly moves in a circle, asking:

- Whose gate?

- Whose are these?

- Tarasa.

-Will you let me in?

- We won’t let you in!

After this, the driver, shouting “Bov,” runs at someone, trying to break his closed hands and run out of the circle. If the hands open, then this pair must catch up with the driver. The one who catches up with the driver becomes the driver himself.

What develops: dexterity, ingenuity, reaction speed.

Love friends! If you are already tired of computer “shooters”, we offer you a variety of exciting games that you can play with friends during breaks, after classes and at home.


To determine who will be the “bunny”, play a prank on the doctor:

Let the little bunny run wild,
The children follow him in a line,
Bunny bunny, don't miss it,
Throwing the head over his shoulder.
Go ahead, little bunny,
Otherwise I’ll sleep.

Todi is already standing like a stake and holding hands. And the “bunny” is in the middle. Walk in a circle, quietly:

They fenced the bunny
Tink, flax,
There's nowhere for the bunny
Don't jump out
There's nowhere for the bunny
Don't scream,
And we have a gate
Zhovtim pіskom

The “bunny” is trying to get out of control. And don’t give them what’s in the stake. kick with their frozen hands, stand more powerfully, blocking the way. And if the “bunny” breaks through, then everyone rushes to catch it. Whoever sleeps becomes a “bunny.” And if the girl is needed, then she is obliged to replace one of the boys. Don't call girls "little bunny".


Children choose two people together - the womb and the wolf. The womb of the wife of all participants, their children in the field, and then. sitting down on the singing distance, behind the line that is called the city, after its children:

Geese, home!
- For what?
- Vovk is behind the mountain.
- Why bother?
- Geese scuba.
- Yaki?
- Siri! Siri!
The geese are flailing, go straight to my house!
The geese run into the city, and the wolf crosses their path and tries to make someone angry.
If you catch a wolf behind the line, then the geese fly away, and you don’t take the goslings caught behind the line with you; but you take those caught on the road to the city and plant them all at once.
The game continues until all the geese are caught.

In pea screen

I’ll be the first to tell you who will get the “pea skin.” “Pea screen” sits or squats. Everyone else surrounds her with a stake, holds hands and spins around, saying:
Sit, sit, screen,
In the pea place,
Shut your mouth.
Yak gate,
On a hook, on a lock,
And who doesn’t have
I'll screw that one up.

It’s time to treat “pea screen”:

One, two, three,
Grav i ti,
And I won,
And you don't
Beat you
Me - no.

Treat the “pea screen” in such a way that the remaining word falls on the one in the stake. Everyone is hesitating, and the one who is ordered to go out takes off her headdress, otherwise the speech will be given. Immediately it turns around in its place, and the game continues until each person is deprived of the “pea skin”.
They stand side by side and ask for “pea screen” to turn their speech:
- Kindly, little blue, give me mine!
And the “pea screen” suggests:
- No, it won’t work out that way. Show me this and then I’ll give it to you.
The children sing songs, learn tricks, and dance.


I’ll first decide who will be the “sister”. All the others stand in twos, then squat down on their knees, one opposite the other. There are a couple nearby, in rows, just like radishes growing in a garden bed.

“Susidka” comes to the extreme bet and confronts Rozmova:

Babo, give me some radishes!

Dig a garden bed, then you know that the radishes are springing up.

“Susidka” walks around the bottom of the “radish”, showing how to dig a bed. And then it’s time to start another bet:

Babo, give me some radishes!

Plant yourself.

I’ll go around the trail again until I get the “radish” and show how to plant them.

With the same words, the “sousadka” goes up to other pairs, and they say:

Poliy sobi.

Snore yourself.

Weed yourself.

“Susidka” shows how everyone should be afraid until they feel it:

Virtue yourself.

That couple, as it turns out, is touching hands passionately, and the “maid” grabs one of the hands and tries to separate the one with whom his hands are stuck. If you don’t get it, then we’ll move on with our food. And if you fail, you will sit in that place, and replace them with the one who could not resist. The game will continue further.

Kit and Misha

Choose a “cat” and a “bear”, which stand in the middle of the stake. Everyone else shakes hands and walks awkwardly around the stake and says:

And before nori, mishko, before nori.

And to the Golden Komori.

Bear - at nіrku,

And the cat - for the tenderness:

Come here! -

What kind of bear is that? - Don’t worry,

And what kind of cat is that - I don’t care!

The bear goes to the girl, and the cat goes to the girl:

Come here, come here!

When you raise your hands up in the air, the “bear” flows towards the “cat”. Vin rushes after her, but lowers his frozen hands in front of him, not allowing him to jump out. Once you break through and catch the “bear,” those who can’t hold it back go to the middle of the stake and the game continues.

Seriy whale

The graves stand in a row one by one, tied at the back by the belt, walking in different directions, straight, and in circles, and huddle. At this hour, if they walk like this, the “gray whale” is the gravel who stands first and Lead your ears, ask:

What about the mice?

Those who stand next to the rest and are called mice indicate:

Shouldn't you be afraid of the cat?

Oh, if you steal a whale’s hair, you’ll strangle all the mice.

With these words, the whale is catching mice. The one he catches becomes a cat, and the cat becomes a target.

At the spring key

The children stand at the stake, holding hands, and one of them gets lost in the middle and tries to break through, pressing on their hands. Yogo nourish:

What key?

Vin states:


As soon as someone’s hands are uncapped, he turns from the stake and runs in, and after him everyone marries and sings:

Oh, ring, ring,

Horti Vovka to drive

Through the swamps, outlines,

Where people don't go.

Whoever is evil becomes a wolf himself, and then the evil is played from the beginning.


Gravtsiv may have an unpaired number of knives. All but one of them are doing the same thing. Gravets, who does not make a bet, stands in the middle of the stake - the merchant. Children who created the outer world are called little pots, and internally - hospodars. The merchant goes wild against any of the rulers and feeds:

Are you selling a pot or something?

When he sells, the bidding begins. When the price comes down, both the merchant and the ruler go out for a stake and run at the far side, near the roarers. Whoever reaches the “pot” first, which is for sale, becomes the ruler.

The game continues in the same order.

Children call themselves names of birds and sit in an open place.

One guy came up to them and said:

Give me a pigeon.

The one who is called blue gets tired of running, and the one who catches up with him. If he doesn’t manage to sit down in his place and gets caught, then he stands in the place of the one who was catching, and he sits down, and continue to chew until he gets tired.

The princes are divided into two teams, each of them selects a king. One is a white king, the other is Turkish.

The team of the Turkish king is standing in a row, everyone is shaking hands. On the contrary, the White Tsar’s team is enjoying themselves. Then the people from the command of the white king, starting from the edge and ending with the king himself, are outraged and try to break the hands of some pair of opponents. If he rozіb, then he takes the broken part from the full, and then he takes his part from the white king, and if he does not rozіb, then he takes the broken part - he himself is deprived of the full from the Turkish king.

They keep playing until one team takes away the ears.

Having joined hands, everyone stands at the stake, and one of the participants, by choice, stands behind the fox and goes to the middle. The ring moves first to the right, then to the left with the song:

Ha-ha-ha, gi-gi-gi!

The fox was angry in the trap.

Jocks, smoke, blue "yata,

Be quiet, laugh, gi-gi-gi!

An evil fox at a trap.

Oh, oh! Virvate, run away!

Now the anger is terrible,

The one who is evil is the one who is evil.

If they sing the whole song to the end, then they will scatter on all sides and catch foxes. Whoever he catches becomes a fox, and the game begins from the beginning.

This group will have the best time in the spring if you first release the chicken with the chickens above the surface. Hammer a stick into the ground, tie the skewer to the skein; each of the children stands behind the skein and, holding the end of the skewer, chants:

Walking kvochka

Kolo kolochka,

Drive the kids

Friendly quotes.

Children-kviti: “Kwok,” -

walk mug. After the words: “Children-quicks: “Kvok” - everyone is scattering everywhere, and the quok, kvokchuchi, is trying to catch them.


Children sit in a row or a stake. Take a small one, usually a ring. This ring should be placed near the hand so that the diviner does not know who has this ring. Children instruct their hands, and the one who distributes the ring, put their hands with the ring in the other hands and, whoever it pleases, lowers the ring. This is deprived of the prison, so that the guesser does not lose his finger. If the ring is distributed, the one who guesses should go up to those sitting and say:

I wondered, I wondered

Walked across the field

Let me guess, God.

І take the ring.

When you go up to someone with children, you think they are waving a ring. When he guesses, he sits in his place, and he becomes the guesser. If the guesser doesn’t guess right, everything is repeated all over again until he guesses right.

(Dzherelo: Woodwood L.F., Woodwood I.M.
From the homeland, go to the life of the people. Ethnology.
– Donetsk: Center for the preparation of applicants, 1998) Last updated: 03.13.2008

Enchantment belongings

Here on the seashore you know the boundary. Crooks over twenty years old should be placed on the sides between the borders according to the “treasures”. It could be a Justina, a Panama hat, and the original little stick.

Then divide everything into two equal heaps and start cooking.

The skin of the skin is responsible not only for preserving the moisture belongings, but also for protecting the belongings of the household. It is not possible to place a guard near your treasures. All the hope here is on the feet. Running into the current field is usually required. Because someone from someone else’s group grabs you and touches you with your hand, then you begin to dig and scratch until your military doctor comes to remove those spells.

Whoever's first bunch will get someone else's belongings and win.


It's a fun game, where two or three groups of children act for the spiders. The skin is cut off with a strip of skin, like from a spikelet to a sheaf. The team moons loudly, the front of the gang collapses to the appointed place. Whoever gets there first becomes a winner! To swim in this game you need to wear barefoot shoes so as not to trample one's feet.

Dzherelo: Grigoru, A. Solomyan sea:
News about folk games:
for preschool and young school age.
– K.: Veselka, 1987. – 72 p. Last update: 05/07/2008

Folk games, known to us as fun, as a form of physical training, are a kind of school of education that forms poetic thoughts and mystical relishes. The graph was conceived by even the first people as part of a complex ritual, which aimed to intensify human energy for the greatest influx into the phenomena of nature and life. The verbal text of the game, which at the same time, for example in spring games, is of primary importance, often being just one of the storage elements, and not the most important, in the complex of rhythmic movements, gestures, and gestures. In a collective action, a magical ritual, a celebration of the blossoming growth of plants and creatures, the main meaning of the movement was imitation. Spring games at that time, if the smells were of growing plants and magical actions and were formed by mature representatives of the family, can be called vegetative. Later, the smells lose their magical meaning and pass into the category of youth and children's amusements.

The research of the Igor provides rich material for understanding the historical foundations of the formation of the Ukrainian nation, its roots, faith and tradition. For example, a popular version of the child’s game in blind man’s buff is “kitsi-baba”, which is nothing more than a lesson from the ritual that honors the Rozhanitsa and, singing, wooing the wives, as they celebrated children. Even the meaning of knitting from the love of children, and more profoundly from the significant status of a newborn baby, and the very pose of readiness of the “kitsi-baby” - arms stretched forward - resembles the image on old embroideries of Women in Birth b. Or the old game “crooked tank”, which is how the spring games begin. The girl, holding hands, collapses like a rope between the three children seated on the ground, or simply wherever they are drawn. Hell, there’s no sense in this game. Verbal support is not associated with the cob replacement of the ritual - awakening the energy of the plants that are growing. In addition to the cult of spring generosity, spring games have inherent love motives. In the many verbal tracks of spring games there are elements-symbols of both main motives of these actions. This may be the main character of the Gryptah Bonfire - a magical harbinger of spring, the funeral of which symbolizes the victory of the sun over the cold; gate or foot and mouth disease, they either release or take away a young girl. As for foot and mouth disease, this game has its own reflection of ancient myths and ritual meanings about sacrifice, which are also found in the Cossacks. The number of spring mountains that we have found confirms this.


The girls and boys are divided into two groups. The soldiers from the first group sleep and advance on their opponents, moving forward a few steps and leaving again, the soldiers of the other team appear to be ending the same ruins.

And we just sat and sat,

Oh marvelous, Lado, they were shining, they were shining.

And we will trample the millet, we will trample it,

Oh marvelous, Lado, let’s get on with it, let’s get on with it.

So how do you trample, trample?

And let us let the horses out, let us out.

And we lap at horses, lap at them.

What do you want, lapati, lapati?

Oh, seam net, net.

And we will buy the horses, we will buy them.

What should you buy it for, buy it for?

And we give you a hundred coins, a hundred coins.

We can’t take thousands, thousands.

And we will give you a girl, a girl.

And we’ll take the girl, we’ll take her.


The children make a circle with a string in the middle. The boat is collapsing, everyone is sleeping, splashing in the valley.

Quiche, quiche, verebey,

Don't eat hemp.

My hemp,

Friendly, green,

The virchiki are in a huddle,

They don’t undertake it themselves,

Brotherhood doesn't work.

Verebey rushes at the children, who have made a stake, the stinks disperse. The one you want to catch takes his place, and the game begins again.


The girls are getting ready. One in a group is picked for foot-and-mouth disease, the others hold hands, dance in a circle and sing:

Oh, don't sit, foot and mouth,

In the pea place,

May you have a girl,

Like a quail,

Kotru maesh,

You take your own.

I don't understand

You'll die in no time.

Early morning tomorrow

We make a hole.

We'll bake pies,

Let's remember foot and mouth disease.

And yet, foot and mouth disease,

Don't worry

Worship this lady.

Whether old or small,

Chi me, young man.

Those who have overslept, stutter, and foot and mouth selects a crush from the girls and bows to her. The girl gives some kind of gift. The children continue to chew the food until the foot and mouth disease protects their skin and the participant takes away the gifts. Then the girls begin to ask for gifts from the foot and mouth:

Little lizard, little dove,

Give me my skinny,

What did I spin, pay for,

I skipped foot-and-mouth disease.

The foot and mouth disease tries to make the girl laugh, but she must be surprised and not laugh, otherwise the foot and mouth disease will not give a gift.

It is not easy to trace the in-depth history of the games that are not connected with calendar rituals, and their connections with rituals, since most of these rituals have become power games, not being preserved in the practice of adults. If you are amazed at all the childish fun, you can notice elements of magic, experimentation, worship and sacrifice. It’s great that the sheer number of games has preserved a clear division into “girls” and “boys,” which also indicates that they have been around for a long time. In addition to the pedagogical value of fun, we can say from the song that children’s games are the greatest manifestation of a systematic approach to the education of a child, in which the physical, aesthetic, mental and moral formation of characteristics and the cultivation of love are transferred as one of the most important orders.

Let's take a look at the actions from these games, which are best known from the literature and the wisdom of our grandparents.


The wolf, the shepherd, the mother and the geese are gathering. Keep the little ones away - at home. A shepherd lets his wife graze geese in a field. Vovk sit between the mother and the field, like geese. Mati starts clicking:

Geese, geese, home!

Vovk is behind the mountain!

Gray, white, hairy! Tick ​​your shvidko to your home!

The geese are ticking, but the wolf is catching. Whoever he catches, bring him home. Mati overkills the geese and, without finishing one, slaughters the shepherd:

De guska?

What did you buy?

The mother is a shepherd and again forces him to herd the geese. This continues until all the geese are caught. Turning around the remaining gander, the shepherd realizes that the wolf has taken the geese. Mother tells him to pick up the geese and go to the wolf.

Didn't you batch our geese?

No, don’t talk (the geese are gurgling at this hour).

What do you want to do?

Then boil the borscht (sizzle the geese).

What about hissing?

Porridge to run.

Let me wonder,” the wolf says, “maybe it’s our geese.”

Having recognized his geese, he opens his hands, which he gently squeezes. Whoever does not spoil will become a wolf.


The girls stand in order and hold hands. One of the girls, the lady of the Lord, begins the game, trying to get to know which of the girls is right-handed:

Hello, godfather! Chi ti spoons sweet?

What about opolonic?

So don’t forget, little one.

In this case, the ruler tries to hit the girl with a vine, and she is forced to run under the hands of other girls and become left-handed. It’s sad that all the girls won’t be in the same order as they are on the cob. Then they rob everyone else of their state gift.


The girls stand in pairs one after another, the girl in front says:

I'm burning, burning, stump!

The remaining pair feeds:

Why are you burning?

I want a red girl.

To you, young lady.

At these words, the remaining couple separates, trying to get together in front of the leading pair, and the latter is trying to be evil towards one of them. As it is, the game is repeated again.


The boys and girls are playing. Whomever they rob with Panas, tie their eyes with khustina, bring them to the middle and wrap them, feeding:

Panase, Panase, What are you standing on?

On the stone!

What are you selling?

Catch the chickens, but not us.

They let Panas out, and they themselves run away. Vin begins to catch children, and the one whom he catches becomes Panas.


The boys are playing. They cross the “city” on the ground (long distance, meter by meter), then they stand on the club, who will be in the city (upper), and who will be near the field (lower). The one who starts, in the middle of the city, put a trench (a piece of wood with a 30 cm stick on both sides) and a stick so that, if the trench is under, you can hit it again sniffle at 10 gil). Tsurka needs to beat you up, don’t fly out of town. If you can’t hit the gravel in the wind (make it dark), you gain 10 gil; if you make it worse, you get another ten gil, and so on. A tsurka knocked from the city takes one of the boys from the field and throws it into the city, having previously earned from the place where the tsurka lay, two kroks to the city. As soon as the tsurka falls in the city, there will be an advancing grave from those located near the city; in the fall of the city - the first city will continue and the tsurka from the place where it fell. The game continues until the last team leaves the city.

“The townspeople” will follow the line and lead the rahunok gil until everyone from them is thrown into the city. Then there will be “clearings” just like that, trying to gain more gil.

They drive the hammer into the ground, and then they pull it out of the ground with their teeth.


Ten round clubs with a depth of 30-40 cm - skracliv - should be placed either in checker order, or in a row of five pieces. Dry for 25-30 minutes, meaning the middle of the surface (“oil”). The princes throw their clubs across the entire road along the river. As soon as the first gravel is scratched, then the next step will be “oil”. The one who gets the most scratches wins.


The boys are playing, standing one by one in front of the police station at a distance of 2 meters. The head and back are slender, and the gravel, who stands behind, gets angry, cuts across the skin and stands in front, and so kill everything one by one.


The princes take advantage of grandfather Makar, who is responsible for finding out what the stink is about. Children go out and tell a robot something like: sew, pick berries, dance, etc. Having made your wish, go up to your grandfather and say:

Hello, grandfather Makara!

Hello, children. Why were they afraid?

Children speak in such a way as to show a little: in the city, in the kindergarten, in the house, etc., and show that there was a stink. When I guess, everything flows, and you have to catch them; Whomever he takes in, he becomes a grandfather. And if he doesn’t guess right, the children know that they were timid, and they are still leaking.

As can be seen from the pointings of the butts, the games were varied and uninhibited at some point in time, until then we had not yet included such a type of fun as guessing riddles, which was extremely widespread among the people. So, as it turned out, folk games with balls are similar to those of old. The balls were made from animal wool, which was soaked and rolled in the valleys, and then the ball was sheathed with hide. They prepared the balls with straw and then covered them with skins. Before the game, the ball was chewed so that it became important, which is necessary for the game.

Meta: in the application of Ukrainian folklore to show that the worship of healthy children has always had an important place in the life of Ukrainians; to learn the importance of playing in folk games and to the benefit of the Ukrainian people, to language, to traditions rituals
The event takes place on the galyavin (maidan).


And the magpie white-sided: what, what, what, what, what, what!
Against the sun until the end, krekoche, krekoche.
Come on, children, tear up the knits, bye bye, bye!
There will be guests, not just yet, none in us, none in us!

At the words “Well, children, tear up the knits,” etc. Children give in to collect tickets. In the remaining four bars (repeated in a big way, to the rhythm of the song, the hands are about forty years old.)
Children give gifts to guests.

Everyone loves to be happy: little kids and little ones, cats and dogs. And who loves the group of children the most: boys and girls, black and white, tall and short, small and no longer...

“Like a child runs and plays, so she is healthy,” I grin, I affirm.
And this is how things have been done for a long time. Our fathers loved to play, just like our fathers’ fathers, so did our grandparents. And the grandfathers and grandmothers of our grandfathers and grandmothers also loved to play. They all guessed the carnage of the games, which began one after the other. The elders passed on their clues to the younger ones, and the younger ones added their own, came up with their own jokes. Collective creativity, melodiously, gave birth to so many games.

Our fathers still remembered all these games without books, but, unfortunately, we have already ruined them. And as usual, songs, rituals, are also our most valuable treasure and it is not worth wasting. fun, and at the same time the school of life is fun.

Games contain folk wisdom. They do their best to develop imagination, intelligence, modesty, and to teach justice, honesty, to educate us about old folk sayings and manifestations about the world.
Whenever the children got together and played different games. And for whom the stench knew a lot of fun. Listen to them:

Walk like a kolochka,
Bring a one-year-old child.
I'm baking, baking some bread
For children to be offended.
Bigger - bigger,
Menshomu - the youngest,
Shur u pich!
The bag was boiling
From the high hump,
And in that bag there is bread, baked goods,
Whoever gets the chance will have to squint.
Plive pumping on the water,
Carrying eggs of gold
One gold piece at a time
And you, kachko, go home.
Red maiden,
I walked across the field,
I lost my keys
Misyats bachiv -
Without saying
And the sun has gone
I found the keys.
From Ukrainian children
Our little group.
Let's get together here today,
For fun, sleepovers.
For peace and science,
Learn different things:
How can everyone go to the march,
Garno vershi say.
How to get involved, move, eat,
I shouldn’t sit in front of people.
Avoid, greet,
And the “poser” is a bit of a no-brainer.

Bula in the forest

For girls who are even more tender, so that their evil is not easier than boys, this game is lost. The couple stands opposite each other.

- Was it in the forest?
- Bula.
- Chopping wood?
- Rubala.
- Did the Vova bash?
- Bachila.
- Were you afraid of anything?
- No.

The one who nourished her waved her little one in front of her eyes.

Before the woman

Two boys stand opposite each other. Hthos begins:

- Will you go to the woman's place?
- Let's go.
- Aren't you afraid of these dogs?
- No.

To rejoice, why is it so, the one who, having nourished, splashes before the eyes of another in the valley. If it’s strong, you’ll be afraid, but if it’s vitriol, you won’t be afraid. Even the one who was tried, it seems:
- I wonder why you’re not angry?
But they switch roles.

Riba danced with cancer

Riba danced with cancer: gop, gop, gop, one, two, three!
And parsley with parsnips: go, go, one, two, three!
And the cibul marveled: gop, gop, one, two, three!
That little dog got away like that: hop, hop, one, two, three!
Dancing the snip with the yoke,
And the horses are overweight,
And makitra with makogon
I was dancing under an elephant:
Ha, ha, ha, ha, go, go, go, go, gop, gop, one, two, three!

At the words “gop, gop,” the children jump.
At the words “one, two, three!” - splash trichi in the valley.


The children sit in a row and fold their hands in front of each other. The child walks out and closes her eyes. And the one who leads the way to the children and the treasure in the valley will receive a ring. At this hour, the little girl who came up to the side turns around, and the crowd moves towards her in chorus:

Gadul, gadul, gadul,
Here is my zozulka,
I walked across the field
I collected gold fir.

Then the girl who came out guesses who the ring is wearing, saying the words:

Wii, vii curl
You, Oksanko, give me the ring.

Birdie in the Klitsy

- Birdie, birdie, when do you fly from your cage into the sky?- the children repeat three times, walking until the “birds” stand undisturbed from their eyes. Then everyone begins to stutter, and one of the children asks:
- Birdie, birdie, guess who is going to destroy your cage?
Whoever the bird recognizes by its voice takes its place.


There are quite a number of participants.
Place a circle with a diameter of 4-6 pieces in the middle ("nest", in which case - "crane"). You stand on one nose, bending the other under you, one hand goes to the side, and the other reaches behind it. Children, holding hands, walk around the “nest” and sing:

Entering the crane, crane
To the woman's hemp, hemp.
So-so, crane,
So, so long-legged,
So, so long-legged,
So-so appears,
He plucks all the hemp.
About you, crane, crane,
Don't fly to hemp, hemp,
So-so, crane,
So that you no longer fly, no longer fly,
Without pinching or pinching the hemp.

During the process of sleep and confusion, children become confused and fall apart to the right.


In order to get it right, get to an appropriate doctor, for example:

One, two, three, chotiri, five.
They began to circle around in circles.
They circled, separated,
Don't look up to anyone.

The axis has already been decided who will start it. The treatment itself is not taken lightly. They are playing right up "yatoh." Four stand along the corners, on the sharp edges of the square. And the fifth one is in the middle. Vin starts. It moves on both legs and orders or urges:

Stump, stump, give me hemp,
Some peas,
Olya with a spoon!

After the last word, the four of them rush to change places. So play until you get tired.


Boys and girls may share the same fate. Behind the bushes, everyone is Panas. You will be called to the eyes with a hustka and a towel, taken to the middle and shouted until the end with these words:

- Panas, Panas! What are you standing on?
- On the stone!
- What are you selling?
- Kvass!
- Catch the chickens before us!

Panas begins to catch. Whoever he catches becomes Panas.

Teddy bear and cat

Oh to nori, Mishko, to nori
That to the golden komori.
Don't make the black cat angry with the bear,
Bear - at the door, the gold coin,
To nori, to nori!
Oh cat, oh cat,
Lastly (children support),
And finally to the hut,
The cat caught the bear (splash near the valley).

The significance of this game is as follows:
2-3 bears are selected (as many as cats) and are assigned to each cat whose bear can catch.


The boys separate and stand in two lines, one against the other.
The central leader of the first team begins the dialogue. Yomu is confirmed by the central gravel from the other team:
- King, king, will there be war?
- No.
- Why?
- It's a lot of work.
- Beat yourself.
The central one disperses and begins to separate the line in one place. If it goes in, then the tail part goes to the next one. The game will continue until one of the teams will lose one participant - the “King”, who lost the war.


All the children sit in a row. They mean a leader, a “shura” and an “angel”. The presenter calls kolir farbi in the ear of the skin. “Angel” and “shchur” then enter into a dialogue with the presenter:

Angel: Zen-zen.
Presenter: Who's there?

- Angel.
- Stars?
- From the sky.
- What do you need?
- Farby.
- Which one?
Called color.
Shchur: Gur-gur.
Presenter: Who's there?

- Senior Schur.
- Stars?
- Wow.
- What do you need?
- Farby.
- Which one?
Called color.
As you can guess, then gravets, names in this color, go to the other side. Since there is no such farbi, the presenter says:
- I went on the road and hurt my leg.
If all the colors are guessed, two opposite groups are created, consisting of “angel” and “squint”. The stinks disappear one by one and begin to drag themselves together. In this manner, good (the “angel” command) and evil (the “shura” command) are overcome.

An hour to get home, an hour

An hour to get home, an hour,
The dawns are calling us.
The evening dawns call to us,
Let's fall asleep in a friendly choir:
An hour to get home, an hour,
The dawns are calling us.
Tra-ra-ra! I etc.
It's an hour until I get home.
The birds are calling us.
The birds are calling us to hell,
It’s too early for us to get up behind them.
An hour to get home, an hour,
The birds are calling us.
Tra-ra-ra! I etc.

Children blow pipes at the paper pipe, clenching their hands into a fist, like a pipe.
