How many people play teso. The Elder Scrolls Online walkthrough time

After the May announcement The Elder Scrolls: Online in Game Informer magazine in 2012, many Dovahkiin, not yet fed up with the snowy expanses of Skyrim, had their hands in dragon gloves itching, and under the horned helmet flashed fantastic images of duels on the Tu'ums, gathering of Companions to farm rare equipment and joint fulfilling orders of the Dark Brotherhood in the spirit of the Hitman series games. “Multiplayer Skyrim, where, thanks to a flexible leveling system, everyone can play as they want and as they want in your favorite universe of the Elder Scrolls!” – this is exactly how the developers from ZeniMax Online Studios positioned their brainchild. It's no joke, the fifth part of the series was miraculously good, you don't have to wait six years for the next one, and what could be better than fighting off mud grabbers in the company of Khajiit friends?

But after the release in April 2014, it became clear that, first of all, this is an MMO, which has all the subtleties of the genre, and there is no smell of “Skyrim Online” here. Many players and journalists criticized the crooked mount system, a local level restriction that did not allow free exploration of the surrounding area due to invincible monsters; B2P subscription system, large number lags and many other sins. As a result, lukewarm reviews from the press and the need to pay monthly for a dubious pleasure scared off most of the players, as evidenced by weak sales, half-empty servers and an inactive community.

Did you find out? It is on this site that 1000 years later Martin Septim will sacrifice himself to light the Dragonfires and save Tamriel from the encroachments of the Daedric Prince of Destruction.

However, almost 4 years have passed since the release and it seems that recently the situation has changed a lot. More than 78% of positive reviews on Steam and a permanent place in the TOP 10 MMOs in terms of sales leave no doubt that increased online play in the game is taking place. And this despite the fact that Gable’s creation is not the only platform for selling the game. ZeniMax Online has its own website with slightly different terms of sale. By the way, I personally took both of my accounts from the official website and played a total of over 5,000 hours. So what is The now? Elder Scrolls: Online?

After SkyrimOrsiniumlooks like home.

First of all, this is, of course, the same universe of the Elder Scrolls. Severe Nords fight giants in the snowy expanses near Windhelm, withdrawn Argonians pray to the Hist in the swamps of Shadowfen, and cunning Dunmer explore the long-abandoned ruins of the Dwemer on the island of Vardenfell. Soul stones for reloading weapons, Mundus stones as an analogue of guardian stones from Skyrim, rock riders, the Mages Guild, Sheogorad, Hermius Mora and other Daedra... In a word, the spirit of numbered series feels great in multiplayer. It is unlikely that in the same TES 5 you will be able to see how a half-naked Khajiit with a staff, through the chat, gathers a group of strong green-skinned warriors, rushes with them to the nearest flock of dreugs and, after sitting behind the stones, takes loot from the dead carcasses of monsters. But the general ambience of the game, as well as the excellent graphics for an MMO, were perfectly shown at release.

Capturing any of the districts in the Imperial City will bring your alliance not only additional loot from mobs, but also the opportunity to respawn after death at the hands of another player.

Over four years, the developers have added an extensive list of new content. The first was Imperial City, which gave players a separate PvP zone with its own interesting features and two rather complex, and therefore interesting for both beginners and seasoned veterans, dungeons. Hello, damn The Planar Inhibitor! The city itself was globally destroyed by the attack of the minions of the evil Daedra Molag Bal, but some places can be recognized even after 1000 years in TES 4. Orsinium, filled with quests, was released, bringing PvE game arena with the best weapons in the game. Next was the long-awaited Thieves Guild with the opportunity to rob caravans and see the most difficult trial in the game. Dark Brotherhood showed cities familiar from TES IV: Oblivion - Anvil and Kvatch, and also made professional killers out of players and littered the cities with the bodies of NPCs, who were immediately resurrected and again fell under the knife...

Things are going pretty well for the Thieves Guild.

Every player inTESIV andTESV represents what is behind that door.

The free One Tamriel add-on was more of a bug fix, as the developers from ZeniMax put it on stream: “If at the start of the project we could implement everything that we planned in One Tamriel, then it would definitely be a much better game, but at that time we did not have enough resources and experience to implement these ideas.” A system for scaling players by level, finally giving them the ability to comfortably explore the world from the very start and “go wherever they look”, without falling from one poke from a level 50 wolf. Two and a half years after release, duels were introduced into the game. Many smaller changes really seriously transformed the game and made the gameplay much more comfortable, for example, it became possible to invite characters from other alliances to the group.

Homestead is next free add-on gave the residents of Tamriel their own housing and the opportunity to equip it to their own taste and color, including adding crafting machines, a merchant and a banker to their abode. If desired, it was possible to open access to everyone, which the guild masters took advantage of, giving rise to the creation of guild halls.

For some players, standard houses are not enough, so this results in creativity that was not intended by the developers.

But of course, Morrowind, announced in February of this year and released in June, became the people's favorite. Sand Riders and loud Silt Striders, echoing the surroundings of Red Mountain with their roar. The great houses of Morrowind, in the struggle for power, do not hesitate to resort to the services of the Morag Tong assassin guild. Balmora and Vivec, which is just under construction. The Almighty Tribunal... In a word, everything for which we once fell in love with the third part of the series. Even the main musical theme of the update was a remade composition from TES III: Morrowind. And for good reason. A feeling of nostalgia hits you as soon as the character sets foot on Vvardenfell. And ZeniMax Online Studios did not hesitate to play on the feelings of long-time fans of the series and hit the jackpot. If all the released DLS could be played with an optional subscription, then for Morrowind you have to pay separately at least 1,400 rubles and nothing else. “We also brought you battlegrounds there!” Indeed, there have been talks about adding Battlegrounds for a long time, but the main innovation was the new game class Warden - a kind of mixture of a shaman-summoner and a cold mage, focused on healing and supporting allies, but also capable of dealing good damage and even tanking. The resulting hybrid is essentially the quintessence of all other classes. And although in the role of a healer the Varden turned out to be quite controversial and unsuitable for veteran trials even when paired with a templar, he is not capable of tanking the veteran version of Maw of Lorkhaj better than the Dragon Knight, but for all other in-game purposes the newcomer is a very interesting choice, even in PvP, straight arms make him a death machine, scattering Khajiit like kittens and stepping on the scaly tails of the Argonians.

Vvardenfell looks amazing!

With Battlegrounds ZeniMax Online they didn't go wrong either. On four maps, players are divided into three teams of four with one goal - to score more points. And in what way depends on the modes: the well-known Team Deathmatch, Capture the Flag and Domination. Crashes and lags that literally made it impossible to take part in 4x4x4 battles at the start have long been fixed. In such an arena, blood flows no less than in the Imperial City, the regime is popular, and gathering a group is not difficult.

This is roughly how the developers cut Veteran Ranks from the game.

But as mentioned above, you won’t get there without additional investments. Donation is not at all necessary, most dungeons, quests and locations will be available anyway, but you can buy a subscription a couple of times, get in-game currency and buy the necessary add-on, and at the same time get rid of problems with an always cluttered bank - all resources are automatically sent to a bottomless craft bag , where you can get them at any time. One problem is that once you try it, it will be extremely uncomfortable to play without a bag; your hands will be tempted to check every chest you come across for the presence of sweet rolls.

New Year in Tamriel it's calledNewLifeFestival and is celebrated at the end of December.

Among dozens of similar MMO grinders and boring mastodons like WoW, The Elder Scrolls: Online looks like a saving sip of skooma. Beautiful graphics and a deep atmosphere, many interesting quests and varied PvP/PvE, a large RU community, a low entry threshold and the ability to play without extra financial costs make the game, although not ideal, a very worthy alternative for fans of the genre and the Elder Scrolls universe. Among the disadvantages: the lack of a Russian-language version (fixed by installing the RUESO addon), and in general the need to install addons (the interface in the game is a C grade, you can’t even see buffs/debuffs on the target!), long-term elimination of old and frequent appearance of new bugs, Morrowind is sold separately. Many ideas are borrowed from other projects, but unlike most of them, TESO does not stand still, but changes regularly, not letting experienced players get bored and making those who came to the game after a long break sweat.

Hello everyone, dear friends! =D

The Elder Scrolls Online- a game with mixed reviews from the public, but in fact, today, the game is best MMORPG having, in my opinion, at the moment, in terms of content quality (this is just a personal opinion), WoW and Guild Wars 2 and any other game.

It all started back in March-April 2014. Personally, as a fan of the series, I immediately pre-ordered the Imperial Edition, and therefore was one of the first to appear in the game, at the very moment (well, almost) as soon as the servers were launched. Moreover, the Imperial edition was also bought for my sister, which emptied our far from bottomless wallets by as much as 7,000 rubles. But the buzz knew no bounds. The real Tamriel and the opportunity to play in co-op brought ecstasy.

After the initial euphoria wore off, we began to notice the game's downsides. A huge number of useless and unused items, the absence of theft and punishment for it, huge crowds of Dovahkiin in public dungeons, a relatively large number of bots, a small number of dungeons, some kind of useless and similar leveling of heroes. In addition, despite the quite decent money paid for the game (in those days there were no such prices for games), the game also had a mandatory subscription of rubles, it seems for 500 per month.

It was very sad to see how familiar playmates were not in a hurry to TESO because of such a pricing policy.

Time passed, there were fewer and fewer players, and my sister and I also got excited about the game.

However, the mandatory subscription was canceled some time ago. And then several new addons Orsinium and Imperial Sity were introduced. This all brought back the former interest. Moreover, upon returning to the game, we discovered that the characters’ skills had been deeply reworked and balanced, and finally such hero parameters as Magic and Stamina became really useful.

Bethesda has also come to its senses in terms of pricing policy. You can buy it with discounts base game for a little more than 1000 rubles, which in our realities is a good deal. Mandatory subscription has sunk into oblivion. Huge pieces of content are added at intervals of about 3 months, which today have expanded the already rather large game by about 20 percent. Very successful addons “Thieves Guild” and “ Dark Brotherhood", the ability to be a vampire or a werewolf, which introduced content into the game that, even against the backdrop of the super-successful classic Morrowind and Skyrim, looks like a big step forward. Well, quests - quests are just a song here. The unique thing is that they are interesting, textual (I am sure that work has been done to comb the text and now it is understandable even to those who really know English basic level), often interactive, categorically far from the usual grind in MMORPGs. There is a huge field of activity for PVP lovers - capturing castles and epic battles are present, you can even become the Emperor!

Let's summarize. From an ugly duckling, with an unpleasant price and even a mandatory subscription, the game has turned into a real flagship of the MMO industry. Huge spaces to explore. A huge, simply endless number of epic views. Great quests. Deeply researched craft. The constant release of addons filled with content that really improve the game. Fans of pets and costume mounts will not be disappointed. And much more awaits players in The Elder Scrolls Online. =D

For all this, thank you for your attention = D

In recent years I have become strong fan Bethesda, for such great series as The Elder Scrolls and Fallout. I've played several hundred hours in Oblivion and Skyrim, Fallout 4 is also not on my personal list, but the idea came to buy it for playing on the TES Online network, and at that moment the studio gave me the opportunity to try it for free for 5 days.



I’ll say right away - this is the worst thing I’ve played in the last 10 years. Not counting Kingdom Come, of course. Even with my not very high demands for games, incredible love for the series The Elder Scrolls, the only thing that saved me from anger was that I didn’t have time to pay money for it. But let's talk about everything in order.

Visual and trifles

Graphics: Lord, even for a man who spent half his life sitting on PlayStation- this is too much. She's not just bad, she's terrible. Honestly, T he Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind will look better, I'm not kidding. The textures are disgusting, there is no detail at all, just hello from the 2000s, although this is excusable for games of that time, but not for a game in 2014, with regular updates and expensive DLC (which often cost as much as half the game, or even more than the game itself) . Fortunately, at least at “ultra” any bucket will run it (by the way, the GTX 950 coped with this task with a bang, not to mention the RX 570). And it seems like I wouldn’t be so harsh, but everyone can play, it’s undemanding, and the picture as a whole is not so scary... There is another end to this stick. I downloaded and installed the game for literally half a day. Why so long? But because with such disgusting detail - THE GAME WEIGHES 102 GIGABYTES! I'm not kidding, she really weighs that much. I have no idea where this weight came from. The map, at least the one we were on during two hours of play, Morrowind, less than in Fallout 4 or Skyrim, which, by the way, weigh 5-7 times less (without 4K textures).

But okay, the weight of the game is 102GB, I downloaded it and okay... It’s not that simple! In fact, Steam warns about 102GB, but only 85GB will be downloaded. The rest of the weight, i.e. another 17GB, you need to download through the game launcher, which, by the way, is launched through Steam , and all this time he adds hours of play. Why is this important? Because whoever wants to buy the game, and who may have already bought it, knows that Steam only issues refunds if less than 2 hours have been played. For me, with 100 megabit Internet, everything took 1 hour. However, it’s not just a matter of downloading... In fact, Steam also downloaded a 60 GB patch, which is also used in the game launcher when Steam is running! I have never seen such an obvious manipulation of the refund system.

As a plus, I would say water. She looks very nice here, has good reflections, and is generally cool. But our favorite mirrors, what everyone is sick with modern games, have no reflections AT ALL!


This is a real pain for the fans. Well... It was definitely painful for me and my friends. The combat in the game is absolutely terrifying. It looks even worse from the third person than from the first. Moreover, some strikes do not cause damage to the enemy. They are random. They can calmly pass through it, and that’s all. Fabulous. Enemies, after death, instantly disappear. Only some can be looted, although this is said very loudly. A random thing, that’s better. It won’t work to take off everyone’s clothes or take a weapon, we’re daydreaming. But even if the enemy is found to have a sword or clothing, it is not a fact that it will be to your liking, or will be stronger than what you have already equipped. And it makes no sense to sell these things if the weapon is not highlighted in color, say blue, it will cost 0! In other words, you won’t be able to farm coins simply by killing enemies, and God forbid, they have 3 gold coins in their pockets... With the cost of a CARROTS being 150...

Absolutely no physics in the game. Walking across the tables, everything is in its place, nothing can be moved and there is little that can be taken. Everyone knows perfectly well that in Skyrim or Fallout 4, which lives on the same game engine, you can take any objects, such as cups, bowls, plates, in general, you can steal all kitchen utensils, in the name of your own love for someone else's service. Here, in most cases, you can only take food and empty bottles. In general, no creativity. At the same time, at the location you can find many light objects, such as boxes, vessels or barrels, through which your sword passes through when struck. While in the numbered parts everything was breaking. In general, complete zero development, it was painful to watch.

A little higher I described the water, that I liked it, but only visually. Either I didn’t have time to figure out the controls (Multiplatformer: I spent 2 hours in this water while I was waiting for you, and something underwater world I didn’t see it), or it’s not a joke: you can’t dive.

...Plot, online, co-op

As already mentioned, TES Online was planned to be purchased in order to play online with friends, in your favorite universe, with magic and dragons. But I expected too much, apparently. I'll say a few words about the plot: it's nothing at all. Even so, the game, with a price tag of 2000 rubles with DLC, was not even translated. I had to look for an amateur translation, which is not yet 100% (but fans are not obliged to do this, although thanks for that). The tasks themselves, the dialogues, were interesting only at the very beginning, about ten minutes. Then I skipped all the dialogues, just to play faster, because it was very banal, boring and not interesting, just like the notes in the game. (This comes from a man who has read all the books and notes of Skyrim and Oblivion).

Online and co-op. Too loud words. I'll start with a little fun: my co-author started playing a few hours earlier, and I started playing later. After completing the prologue, we couldn’t understand why we were trying to add friends to play together, but the game was writing that such a user does not exist. It turns out we were on different servers. O`kay, I thought, I’ll re-login now and that’s it, we’ll play. Not so. When you reconnect to another server, absolutely nothing is saved. I had to re-create the hero, go through the same prologue, moreover, I had to turn on the subtitles again and configure the keyboard layout, because even the settings on the other server returned to “Default”. Great. After the prologue, we were finally able to add ourselves as friends, invited each other to the team, and decided to try playing together. It didn't work out that well. My partner started the mission, I’m standing next to him, but I have no reaction. That is, there is no real in the game cooperative game. To start the task, I also had to activate it and complete it. In fact, for us these were solo tasks that we each performed for ourselves, just running together, because we were going to the same places. Accordingly, due to the individuality of the tasks, we activated them at intervals, which is why we couldn’t even laugh together at the stupidity of the dialogues, because they were out of sync. After another 10 minutes, the combination of ALT+F4 passed, after which the game was erased from the hard drive.

After this, the question arises, what is the point of The Elder Scrolls Online? In fact, this is exactly the same as Skyrim Together... Only one thing was done by fans for a game that initially had no network code, and the second was Bethesda itself. The meaning is the same: a solo game, its own plot, but somewhere nearby a hero is running, showing off his character and armor... By the way, I, a Multiplatformer, was extremely dissatisfied with the external character customization. I love playing as a female character, especially when I can create the heroine myself. I can spend two hours in the character editor alone, and the same amount in the clothing store. But here everything is not like that, not at all, I chose the race, somehow corrected something in the heroine’s appearance and that’s it. I couldn’t get rid of the “Asian eyes” (and SHARP likes them), which every second person who logged into the server had (and believe me, I spent a lot of time in the governor’s office!)... I won’t say anything about breast augmentation, In all games, the breasts move forward so that the tits from the future cleavage fall out and bulge out... Immediately, the breasts, according to Bethesda’s logic, grow up and down, like some kind of tumor or fat deposit... Brr, terrible. Even worse are the textures on the character in the editor and the way he looks in the game itself, because the situation is exactly the same as with Monster Hunter World!

Various little things and bugs

Bugs are part of the lore of Bethesda games. Without them there would be no Fallout, no Skyrim, nothing. Here, they decided to leave this powerful phenomenon and strengthen it. I, Multiplatformer, while I was waiting for my comrade, suffered from something unknown: I ran around the map, killed enemies, talked with merchants, looked at the interiors of locations, even sat in the governor’s chair! During this time, I caught so many bugs, and serious ones, that now it’s scary to meddle with Fallout 76; unlike this game, it’s heavily criticized for it.

So, while SHARP went through the entire prologue with exclamations, I, at the end of its journey, decided to just sit down and wait. By the way, there was a governor for other players, but not for me. This is already funny, I think. But the point is different, sitting down (not on the bottle) I simply waited for my friend to run into this room. Running in, I wanted to get up... BUT I CAN’T! It’s not just that I can’t move, I can move by turning in different angles in my chair! I pressed action and tried to jump, I tried everything... It didn’t help. I had to restart the game.

Then, when my friend left for a short time, I reconnected but somehow lost sight of him. I decided that since I’m in friends, it means there’s a mark somewhere. There is a mark, even the treasured button to move to the player. Since the game didn’t teach me anything, and after dying once, when I moved some city 3 - 4 km from the starting point of the game, I decided to click “move to player”... Moved to ANOTHER CITY! Without thinking twice, I wanted to move to another city... But moving costs money, I don’t even have money for carrots, but now I’ll move to the city? Well, no, I’ll go on foot, I’m a seasoned citizen of Russia, I’m no stranger to it. In the end, I found my friend, he suddenly appeared near the closet... Well, I wanted to see his girl, but it turned out that I could see her eyeballs and oral cavity, including: teeth, tongue, mouth... It’s strange that The characters generally have a mouth and teeth inside (but not brains, heh, how symbolic, download 102 GB, or better yet, pay for it), but they cannot speak. Just yell and that's it.

On our website you can find out the completion time of the game. Of course, this is individual and depends on various factors, but you will have a rough idea.

The Elder Scrolls Online Completion Time Calculation

Gameplay Hours Chart

Playing style Normal mode Quick game Calm On average the game takes
Main mission 42 hours 21 min. 10 p.m. 50 min. 63 hours 43 min. 32 hours 34 min.
Game with extras 155 hours 25 min. 75 hours 40 min. 318 hours 10 min. 105 hours 16 min.
Complete walkthrough 228 hours 22 min. 169 hours 44 min. 271 hours 44 min. 210 hours 33 min.
All game styles 109 hours 45 min. 49 hours 38 min. 298 hours 31 min. 72 hours 22 min.

Playing styles

The time it takes to complete The Elder Scrolls Online depends on your playstyle.

Normal mode

For an average player, at normal speed, it will take 42 hours to complete the Main Mission in The Elder Scrolls Online. 21 min. or so.

How long will it take to complete The Elder Scrolls Online if you play quickly?

Same style (Main campaign) at maximum quick game will take no more than 22 hours. 50 min.. Sometimes I do this: I install some toy I like, set the trainers to “immortality” and “all weapons” and...” Forward!!! - Crush everything in your path". Passed through the day, like watching a movie.

But this quickly loses interest, which makes the next style much more exciting.

Quiet mode

Here the whole world of travel through the gameplay opens up before the player, studying every detail gameplay: detailing, graphics, searching for unusual places on maps. This is how game bugs are often found. The mode can be described as Study.

It will take a long time to play. It takes 63 hours to complete The Elder Scrolls Online from start to finish. 43 min.. And that's just it Main topic. The entire game can be completed in 271 hours. 44 min..

The fastest time to complete The Elder Scrolls Online?

Completely - in 169 hours. 44 min.. If you play normally, without rushing - 228 hours. 22 minutes. In quiet mode it will take up to 271 hours. 44 minutes, so you won’t be able to while away the evening for a couple of hours. But playing calmly from the heart is the best!

How long does it really take to complete The Elder Scrolls Online?

Poll: How long does it take to complete The Elder Scrolls Online?

Platform: PC
Language: English, Russian (unofficial)

Operating system: Windows 7 64-bit or Windows 8 64-bit
CPU: Quad Core 2.3GHz or equivalent
Video card: Direct X 11 compatible video card with 2GB memory ( NVIDIA GeForce 560 Ti / ATI Radeon 6950 or better)
Hard: 60GB free space
Internet: broadband Internet from 1 megabit per second.

- MMORPG game developed by Zenimax Online Studios.

The game's plot takes place long before the bloody events last game series. At a time when there was no single power and when Tamriel was divided into three warring parts: the alliances of Aldmeri, Daggerfall and Ebonheart.

Aldmeri Dominion(Bird) - union of elves and Khajiit. The main enemy, the Colovians, greatly weakened and exhausted the union politically and on the fronts. Despite this, the Aldmeri Dominion is a strong ally and a formidable enemy.

Ebonheart Pact(Dragon) - an equal collection of dark elves, Argonians and Nords. Initially they fought for the freedom of peoples, then they fought bloody wars because of the desire to take Tamriel into their own hands.

Daggerfall Covenant(Lion) - alliance of orcs, redguards and bretons. The smallest union of all listed. At the same time, he is the strongest in military and political affairs.

Each player at the beginning must choose who he will fight for. Think before you choose. Each faction has its own advantages and disadvantages.

According to the plot, the main enemy of all alliances is Molag Bal, progenitor of vampires and owner of enslaved souls. He gathers a huge army of undead, titans and other hellish creatures far beyond the borders of Tamriel in order to strike and conquer the kingdom.

In addition to factions, the player will have to choose a class for his character. Below I will give brief description each of them:
  • Dragon Knight. The most beginner-friendly class of all the ones listed below. Can use not only two-handed axes, swords or one-handed blades, but also magic spells. Divided into three branches of development: Heart of the Earth, Zealous Flame And Dragon power.
  • Templar. Something between a tank and a support. Uses the power of Light to heal and help his teammates. Holds sword and shield well. Has a huge protection against evil spirits. Branches of development: Aedric Spear, Dawn And Revitalizing Light.
  • Sorcerers. At first glance, the most flimsy and harmless class of all, but this is not at all the case. Sorcerers are the most capable and skilled assassins in all of Tamriel. Using different magics, they destroy their enemies in a matter of seconds. Branches of development: Summon Thunderstorm, Dark Magic And Summon Daedra.
  • Sword of Night. Graceful killers lurking in the shadows. They handle blades and bows effectively. The most dexterous class of all. Branches of development: The real killer, Ghost And Conductor.

    There are also class abilities:
    Vampires. Vampirism is, first and foremost, a disease. Being infected with it means not seeing the sun, feeding on blood and being at odds with werewolves. But there are also advantages: a tree of unique skills, enormous capabilities at night, and transformation without transformation, like werewolves.
    Only an experienced hero can become a vampire. Infection occurs only through contact with a vampire, with the consent of both parties. The disease can be cured.

    Werewolves. An easily accessible disease for fighters Ebonheart Pact- There is a quest in Mournhold where players have to fight off waves of wild werewolves. IN this quest a huge percentage of people become infected with lapinosa, a werewolf disease, and become covered in fuzz. Infection also occurs either from an infected person or through contact with the animal itself. The disease is curable.

    There are also two guilds with their own PvE and solo quests:

    Fighters Guild. The player, by joining this guild, signs up to fight against Dark Anchor, Molag's minion. The fighters who are members of the guild also sign up not to be afraid to face the enemy, no matter who he is, and to protect all the inhabitants of Tamriel.

    Mages Guild. Brave but cautious. Dangerous and mysterious. Like shadows they watch over Tamriel. Everyone who joins the Mages Guild is obliged to find old dangerous scrolls and protect them. Especially when Mannimarco, a famous necromancer, is also hunting for secret publications.

    Each guild has its own abilities. By raising the rank of the community, the character will learn not only basic skills, but also guild skills.

    I hope this mini-guide will help you choose the right class for you. Let's move on.

    The most exciting part of the game. Each alliance must strengthen its position on the PvP fronts. This is achieved by capturing the fortresses of Cyrodiil. Imagine huge map: open spaces and forests, mountains and castles. These huge locations are divided into 3 parts. Each neutral and enemy location can be enslaved by capturing the castle.

    Let's say a group of 50 players captured the enemy's castle and raised their flag. Now the task of each player is to complete the walls and gates, as well as hire guards. This is done with the help of special zones: farms, sawmills and mines. Farms provide provisions for the guards, sawmills repair gates, and mines improve walls.

    The most important task in PvP is to capture the Imperial Castle. Alliances will have to enter into a temporary alliance against Molag Bala, invader of the city. Afterwards, players will have to destroy their former allies, thereby capturing the fortress. Fighters who win will receive a special achievement and unique abilities.

    Dungeons are PvE task zones. Each player can invite up to 5 people and rush into deep mines and caves in search of the treasured loot, or do the same only solo. This is highly undesirable.

    PvE tasks are performed to find hidden scrolls and loot that is not available in PvP. There are more than enough tactics and co-op in the dungeons - players will have to unite as much as possible in order to destroy more bosses and get a lot more things and experience.

    Information about network modes:

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