Plague inc how to beat bacteria on intermediate level. Plague Inc

Part 1. Creation of viruses.

1. Select genes to create a virus. At the beginning of the game, you will be able to choose several options to improve your virus. This choice will play a very important role in the further development of events. Here are some options good choice to create a strong virus:
-DNA gene - Quick start. This choice will give you extra DNA points early in the game, which will help you slow down the healing process.
-Infectivity gene - Aquacit. Used to infect difficult places such as Greenland, Iceland, New Zealand.
-Development Gene - Ionization - this gene will ensure a slight manifestation of the symptoms of the disease.
-Mutation Gene - Mimicry - this gene slows down the healing process, which will be very useful to you, since the search for a vaccine will begin at the beginning of the game.
-Climate Gene - Extremophile - this gene increases the percentage of infection in different environmental conditions.

2. Select your starting country. The choice of starting country will determine the speed at which viruses spread. Most players recommend starting in India, China due to the large population and proximity to China, others say it is better to start in Saudi Arabia.

3. Buy some important upgrades. Use your starting DNA points to buy some important upgrades. This will make the game easier and help slow down the treatment of the virus.
-Intercepting code fragments will help slow down the creation of a vaccine.

4. As soon as you select a country, vaccine development will begin.

Part 2. Infecting the whole world.

1. Develop qualities in the virus that are beneficial to you. At the very beginning of the game, start developing certain qualities of your virus so that it has a better chance of survival. The following side effects will be useful to you:
-Code enzyme interception
-Resistance to drugs

2. Take care of sterilization. If you receive a message that planes and ships have been sterilized, prioritize development over appropriate methods of virus transmission: when sterilizing planes, develop Air 1.
-When sterilizing ships, develop Water 1.

3. Try to slow down your treatment. The following symptoms make treating viruses particularly difficult:

4. Increase the percentage of infections. The following improvements will make your virus more resilient and spreadable:
-Stabilization of radical elements
-Water 2
-Air 2
-Drug resistance 1, 2
-Resistance to frost 1, 2

5. Pay attention to symptoms. After the virus spreads, you need to deal with the increase in the number of symptoms. These symptoms will increase the number of patients and accelerate the spread of infections:
-Skin lesions

6. Strengthening viruses. To reduce the number of recoveries, buy the following virus upgrades:
-Cracking encryption
-Immunity to medications

7. Use Autoreplication. Once you have infected all countries, use this effect to increase the virus's infectivity for a short time. After some time, the infection rate will drop below the normal value, so use this effect when all countries in the world are already infected.

8. Development random symptoms. Sometimes the virus will mutate randomly. You need to get rid of these random symptoms because they can kill the entire infected population before the infection has a chance to spread to enough people.

9. Change the gene sequence. At the end of the game you will be competing against scientists trying to cure the population. If you randomly change the combination of genes, it will slow down the healing process. This effect has 3 levels. Each of which will slow down the healing process.

10. When everyone is infected, start developing the most life-threatening symptoms, since there is no one else to infect. The faster you kill everyone, the better.

Today Plague Inc. is one of the most popular Android games, and for good reason. The mobile user, as it turned out, really enjoyed creating and developing, albeit virtual, extremely harmful epidemics, simultaneously reflecting various government countermeasures.

Controlling the speed and scale of the spread of viruses, the degree of their contagiousness and lethality - this is what a player in Plague Inc must do to win. But this is already a tactic.

The strategy is to create and skillfully use the most effective weapons, because each of the virtual diseases has its own characteristics and potential free games there are quite a few for Android good strategies, and we already talked about this, but the sinister electronic brainchild of Ndemic Creations on general background- this is something completely unusual, and in an extremely radical way.

This mobile Android toy is for those who are already tired of protecting, saving and helping. Here you have to be bad, but act competently, sophisticatedly and knowledgeably. The latter, by the way, is extremely important, otherwise the game will lose all its originality and excitement. However, if you have played Plague Inc, you probably already understood a lot.

If you have not yet made the necessary conclusions, then here are some useful recommendations on how to extract more dark fun from Plague Inc.

1. win at Plague Inc - First infect

One of the key factors for success in the game is the contagiousness of the disease. In other words, it is necessary to ensure that the disease, regardless of its type, can infect as many virtual citizens as possible. If you inflate DNA parameters too much high level lethality, then the disease will quickly destroy all carriers in the country and will not spread further, since too high a “mortality rate” will force neighboring governments to take measures to protect their populations and cause concern in isolated states that will close ports.

In this regard, at the beginning of the game it is necessary to develop the “contagiousness” of the disease and select those that already have at least a few infected in other countries of the world. Over time, viruses will mutate, the symptoms of diseases will change, and some, for example, cough, will contribute to the further development of the epidemic. For more later stages games, before you begin to actively develop lethal symptoms, you also need to check that the number of countries in whose territory carriers have already appeared is as large as possible.

2. Win at Plague Inc - Start with an isolated country

It is better to start from the territory of some island state. This could be, say, Madagascar or Greenland. Countries with a warm climate, low average income per inhabitant, and high population density, such as India, may seem more promising for a successful start in the game, but they must be captured when the disease is already sufficiently advanced.

True, Madagascar or Greenland each have only one port, and getting from these countries to others is extremely difficult (including through migratory birds). But there you can “nurture” such viruses for a long time, which will then successfully spread throughout the world

3. Win at Plague Inc - follow the news

Messages containing the most dramatic data appear as pop-ups on the Plague Inc screen. But all information is important, so during the game you need to constantly monitor the headlines in the “News” section. This will help to quickly identify the next target country, or vice versa - to refuse to invade the state where scientists have achieved great success in the field of medicine

4. Win at Plague Inc - explore countries

If you select one of the countries on the map, then next to its name the letter “i” pops up, after clicking on it game screen information about a given country is displayed: climate features, the number of carriers of a certain disease, healthy residents and dead. Such statistics help to better plan the direction of attacks and select their future targets.

To obtain more detailed information, click the “World” button in the lower right corner of the screen, in the window that appears, select the “Data” tab and then “Infection Spread Summary”. If there is at least one item left in the Healthy Countries column, then Plague Inc is not finished for you yet

5. Win at Plague Inc - we are planning development

The cost of developing diseases will increase as you buy new samples with higher DNA parameters. Therefore, you must first understand which of the characteristics of the disease will be important in the future, so as not to waste money on pumping up secondary ones that cannot be used with proper efficiency.

In addition, spreading the disease in several ways at once will be very expensive and may not lead to the desired result. In general, first we count and predict and only then pay and attack - this is precisely the sophistication

And finally: cheat codes for global anarchy

As for cheats in Plague Inc, then, of course, they already exist. However, they can only be used after completing the Brutal level. So, if you have already completed this stage, then download the corresponding APK file and get endless DNA (where? The search engine will tell you!), i.e. in fact, an endlessly contagious virus with all the consequences for the virtual world of Plague.

Plague Inc is most popular game, according to the plot of which you need to destroy the human population using various types of epidemics. At the very beginning of the game, you will need to choose what kind of infection you will use in the fight against humanity, then determine the characteristics of its spread and use it correctly. Walkthrough of Plague Inc. you won't find it too difficult if you know how to get through Plague Inc, playing as your chosen virus or bacteria.

Walkthrough of Plague Inc as a bacteria

This disease is spreading around the world at an average speed, so start walkthrough of the game Plague Inc It is best to buy the bacteria in China in order to initially infect the maximum number of people.

Simultaneously with the spread of the bacteria, it is necessary to develop resistance to drugs, waiting until the number of infected people exceeds 6 billion people. Next, you need to treat the symptoms – cough, and then vomiting. People will not be able to develop a cure in time and will die out.

Plague Inc Tactics for the virus

Due to rapid mutations, the symptoms of the virus develop on their own, which may prevent the implementation of the plan to destroy humanity. Therefore, until at least 80% of people become infected, you need to cancel the symptoms without sparing points for this.

Start in Greenland - this will allow the virus to become resistant to sub-zero temperatures. Spend points on disease transmission through moisture and air. Once 80% of people are infected, stop canceling symptoms and pump up the instability of the disease so that they appear at an even faster rate.

Walkthrough of Plague Inc for fungus

The peculiarity of the fungus is that it spreads very slowly, and this must be taken into account. You will need to use the Spore Eruption and Spore Explosion abilities. They should be pumped up at the start.

After about 15 countries are infected, pump up the transmission with water and air to level 2. Also upgrade your antibiotic resistance. After infection, 99% of humanity needs to develop Pneumonia, Cough, Pulmonary Fibrosis, Pulmonary Edema.

Playing for a prion

An incredibly dangerous and, at the same time, easy to pass pathogen. First, you need to improve the transmission of the disease through water, air and blood (add 1 point for each case), after which you should upgrade the Amitrophy ability. Thanks to this, scientists will need even more time to create a medicine.

Walkthrough of Plague Inc using the nano virus

First you need to study Element Stabilization and Code Fragment Interception up to level 2, which will slow down the work of the drug creators. After this, transmission through blood should be increased to level 1 and transmission through air and water to level 2. Once about 60% of people are infected, start studying the symptoms.


A very terrible infection that immediately begins to kill people. Your task is to keep mortality under control and manage to infect all of humanity. Start working in South Africa, pumping up Gene Deactivation, RNA Neutralization and Gene Compression to reduce mortality. Pump the transmission routes too. After 95% of people are infected, turn on the Annihilation Gene.

How to play the game?

Guide - walkthrough for the game Plague Inc.


The peculiarity of the use of bacteria is the average rate of destruction of humanity, the almost complete absence of obvious symptoms of the disease. Remember that bacterial resistance will increase the time it takes to develop a vaccine. The tactic in this case is to develop symptoms such as coughing and vomiting. Next, you need to increase your stability to the third level. Then the disease will quickly spread, and there will be no time to create a cure.


The best thing about playing as a virus is the development of signs of the disease without spending points, the constant mutation of cells. Therefore, the virus takes on different forms, and for removing the signs, money goes to the player’s account. Main feature– this is an unstable condition, the inability to control some symptoms.

The tactics consist of several rules:

  • start the game in Greenland to develop resistance to low temperatures;
  • accumulate points and then spend them on developing infectiousness;
  • It is better to cancel new signs;
  • if more than 90% of the world's population is affected, pump up your resistance to the third level, then the virus will kill people without your help.


When working with a fungus, people will become infected slowly, and spreading to new countries will be difficult. The main feature is the explosion of spores when the disease suddenly appears in a new country. And when a spore erupts, the population of five countries is affected at once, but this happens only at the fifth level. The best thing is an intense infection, when every minute the fungus appears in a new country. Perhaps this is after the development of the eruption.


A prion is a pathogenic protein of an infectious type that affects the human psyche, so it takes a lot of time to develop a medicine. The main feature is amytrophy, which for a long time prevents the selection of a vaccine. The development tactics are simple: pumping up the transmission routes, amytrophy to the third level, studying and developing symptoms.

Nano virus

Nano virus in the game Plague Inc. appears suddenly, from an experimental laboratory, so humanity knows the genetic code for developing a vaccine. Qualities of nano-viruses:

  • interception of part of the code, hacking of broadcasts, which increases the time for developing a vaccine;
  • high infectiousness;
  • contagion even in rich countries.

The tactics of playing the game when working with a nano-virus are intercepting part of the code, stabilizing the elements, pumping up the spread paths, developing symptoms and using protection against treatment.


Bio-weapons in the game are released accidentally, but they destroy everything in their path; as the game progresses, lethality increases, and the main goal is to quickly infect people. The main features are gene compression, neutralization, high infectiousness and severe course in patients.

The tactics are:

  • launch of bio-weapons in South Africa;
  • reducing mortality;
  • after defeating 90% of the population, you need to turn on the annihilation gene.

Before starting the game and choosing a weapon, remember a few tips:

  • start from the casual level;
  • to discover new bacteria and viruses, you need to go through the medium and difficult levels;
  • interfere with drug development;
  • follow the news to upgrade and improve the disease;
  • Click on the red and yellow icons, which adds points.

When choosing a particular microorganism, consider their characteristics:

Despite the differences in microorganisms, there are a number of general recommendations for the development of diseases:

  • start with cold countries to develop resistance to different climates;
  • reduce mortality to remain undetected longer;
  • spread viruses through water, air;
  • with viruses, it is better to include DNA reassembly to slow down the development of a vaccine;
  • After infecting most of the land, upgrade your symptoms and resistance to the medicine.

Video walkthrough in Russian Plague Inc

Initially, everything seems strange and incomprehensible. When templars and scientists start attacking you from both sides, it’s time to panic and become despondent. But in fact, this puzzle is easy to crack, even at a super complex level. Sit back comfortably, let's begin!

Many players make the mistake at the very beginning when they begin to develop vampire skills and symptoms at the same time. They spend precious points, getting in return only hemorrhoids and frantic throwing around the world in attempts to solve many problems. A well-known saying goes: If you chase two hares, you won’t catch either. Therefore, first we need to knock out the most dangerous enemies, in the person of Templar Industries.


A well-rested vampire should appear on some remote island. We immediately pump up our “Bloody Rage” and begin to slowly eat people, gaining DNA points. The advantage of being an island will be the destruction of isolated human enclaves at the start, which will be useful to you at the stage of the plague. Before you kill the last person, invest in "Transform into a Beast" and leave the depopulated area in the form of a bat, otherwise you will face starvation.

By destroying a couple of islands, you will increase your combat skills to level four and will undoubtedly attract the attention of vampire hunters. After the 300,000th victim, templar bases will appear around the world that must be quickly eliminated. Use the remaining points to pump up the “Dark Ritual” treatment (now you are not afraid of civil defense and martial law) and rush to the nearest Van Helsing stronghold.

Death to garlic eaters!

You will demolish the first base effortlessly. But each time it will be more difficult, as the survivors regroup and receive more and more information about the vampires, making your campaign of conquest more difficult. First, crush the Templar strongholds located on islands and inaccessible areas. The final base, which must be located among many crowded countries, is left for dessert. Now the blitzkrieg strategy does not work - the survivors have barricaded themselves and even the postman Pechkin will not break through to them. Until this moment, do not place lairs around the world, as templar drones will destroy them in your absence.

You fly into a country next to the last stronghold of humanity and set up a lair there. You study “Teleport” and go on the first assault. IN best case scenario you will nibble off ten percent of the base. As soon as your hit points show the bottom, quickly teleport to the lair and restore your health using “Bloody Rage”. If the templars released a drone during the assault on the base, return and shoot it down - we need the lair for treatment! Repeat courtesy calls until the citadel falls. Voila, now you have no barriers!

Twilight slaves are ready to serve their new master!

Freaky fun

Then you can relax and slowly gnaw out the population. Until you launch the Twilight Plague, scientists around the world won't even bother making a vaccine. Therefore, we migrate to China or India (where the loss of 20 lyams of population will not be particularly noticed), and we begin to fatten ourselves up on DNA points. You should have 500 of them in total, but you can have less. Then you rush around the world like a hog and place your lairs everywhere in order to quickly teleport to even the most remote corner of the world. And only then do you pump up your symptoms, focusing on contagiousness and complexity. We practically do not need lethality.

Be sure to download the “Cloud of Darkness” chain, which will become available after opening the symptoms in the vampire skills branch - things with infection will go tens of times faster. The appearance of a second and even a third vampire will not hurt - do not forget to throw points into the corresponding slot of the symptom tree. When the number of infected people exceeds hundreds of millions, they themselves will appear in the mass of infected people.

Well, then everything is standard - we penetrate into countries with the largest traffic flow and spread the infection. When someone wants to set up a laboratory, teleport through the lair system and demolish the Aesculapians wherever they are. Scan who is investing the most in vaccine research and visit these unfortunate countries. They will be the first to fall in the chaos of the civil war thanks to the "Twilight Slaves" symptom. Where airplanes cannot reach and steamships cannot reach, a good bat will reach. That's all - humanity will completely glue its flippers together, and you will take the throne of the owner of the Twilight World.
