Quest game initiation into friends of nature. Ecological quest in kindergarten

Intellectual quest game “Nature Experts”.

Participants: children and teachers, parents.

Material support:signs with the names of stations, corresponding pictures for the names, envelopes with tasks in accordance with the age of the children, multi-colored ribbons (tie on a tree) to motivate children to take care of their native nature, chips for distribution to children for correct answers, hats similar to headbands with words “Clever” and “Clever” for children and “Chief Clever” for teachers and parents, a surprise moment - fruits according to the number of children.

Game idea: movement of groups of children, accompanied by teachers and parents, through 5 areas with the completion of intellectual tasks at each: stations: “Sunny House”, “On Unknown Paths”, “Forest Riddles”, “Flower Meadow”, “Mushroom Basket”. Balloons are hung on trees for aesthetics. Musical signal for the start and end of the game.

  1. General construction. Entering the game: Leading:

The sun is playing in the sky, everything around has come to life!

The dew sparkles on the flowers, the birds in the blue sky!

Hello children! Hello everyone who is with us today! Do you love trees and flowers, grass, rivers, animals and birds? Today we invite you to a game - the “Nature Experts” competition. May the smartest person win today!

2. Introduction to the rules of the game:

Teams of participants move from one station to another and perform various tasks.

It is explained that at each of the 5 stations, participants will find envelopes with their group number and tasks in them. The plan map also contains a hint in which direction to move next.

- Not announced to participants:in the last envelope there is a special task: colored ribbons that each player needs to tie on a tree, saying kind words (about caring for nature).

It is announced that while completing tasks at each station, children will receive chips , which at the end of the game the teams will count and determine 1st, 2nd, 3rd places.

We invite all participants to wear “Umnikov” and “Umnitsa” hats.

3.Practical part of the game.

Tasks at stations by groups:The teacher removes an envelope from the tree with an assignment for his group. Children listen to the text of the task the first time, complete it, receive chips for correct answers, and move along the map to the next station. At the last station, the children also find a task with ribbons in the envelope with the task. Having said kind words about nature, each child ties his own ribbon to the tree. Children count their chips and find out the winners. Then everyone returns to the place of formation and awards.

4. Summing up the results of the game and rewarding the winners.

Let's all join hands together! And let's say thank you to Nature for the beauty that surrounds us! All in chorus: THANK YOU, NATURE!

Us at any time of the year

Wise nature teaches.

Birds teach singing

Spider - patience,

Bees in the field and in the garden

They teach us how to work.

Snow teaches us purity,

The sun teaches kindness.

Nature has it all year round

You need to study!

All her forest people

Teaches strong friendship!

Presentation of diplomas to groups. We announce the names of the winners for each group (1st, 2nd, 3rd place) and present certificates. A surprise moment with the removal of apples.

Love and take care of nature! Thanks everyone for participating!


Plan map for one group (sample):

Samples of chips for children for correct answers.


"Sunny House"

"On Unknown Paths"

"Forest Riddles"

"Flower Meadow"

"Mushroom Basket"


  1. Station "Sunny House"

Younger age:

"Riddles about animals"

1) Under the pines, under the fir trees

A bag of needles lies (Hedgehog)

2) Sleeps in winter - stirs up hives in summer (bear)

3) Cunning cheat, red head,

The fluffy tail is beautiful! And her name is... (fox)

4) Jumps from twig to twig and frolics

Agile, agile, not a bird! (squirrel)

5) A ball of fluff, a long ear,

Jumps deftly, loves carrots (hare)

6) Who is cold in winter

Walking around angry and hungry? (wolf)

Second youngest.

Brain teasers.

  • There are fruits in the vase: orange, apple, cucumber. How many fruits are in the vase?
  • Cherries and cabbage grew in the garden bed. How many vegetables grew in the garden?
  • There are three large branches on the birch tree. There was 1 apple hanging on each large branch. How many apples are there in total?

Middle group.

"Find out from the advertisements"

The teacher invites the children to play. Explains the rules of the game: you need to listen carefully to the announcement and guess whether the announcement is about an animal or a bird.

5. Please wake me up in the spring. Better come with honey. /bear/

6. I want to build a nest. Lend or donate down and feathers. There aren't enough of our own. /bird/

7. I got bored and started howling at the moon. Who will keep me company? /wolf/

10. Everyone, everyone, everyone! Who has a need for horns? Contact us once a year. /elk and deer/


"Find out from the advertisements"

The teacher invites the children to play. Explains the rules of the game: you need to listen carefully to the announcement and guess whether the announcement is about an animal or a bird. The one who guessed correctly gets a chip.

1. Come visit me! I don't have an address. I always carry my house on me. (snail)

2. Friends! Who needs needles, contact me./hedgehog/

3. Do you want to learn to crawl? Come to me, I won’t bite. I promise. /snake/

4. I will help everyone whose alarm clock is broken! /rooster/

5. Please wake me up in the spring. Better come with honey./bear/

6. I want to build a nest. Lend or donate down and feathers. There are not enough of our own./bird/

7. Somehow it became very boring for me to howl at the moon. Who will keep me company? /wolf/

8. To the one who finds my tail! Keep it as a keepsake. I'm successfully growing a new one! /lizard/

10. Everyone, everyone, everyone! Who has a need for horns? Contact us once a year. /elk and deer/

11. I teach all sciences! I make birds out of chicks in a short time. Please note that I conduct classes at night. /owl/

12. I can help kind but lonely birds find chicks! Hatch my chicks! I have never experienced maternal feelings and never will. I wish you happiness in your personal life. Cuckoo! /cuckoo/

13. I am the most charming and attractive! I'll fool anyone you want to deceive. Considering all this, I urge you to call me by my first name and patronymic. Don't call her Patrikeevna anymore! /fox/



  • Lives in seas and rivers,

But it often flies across the sky.

How will she get bored of flying?

It falls to the ground again.

Answer: Water

  • It is unknown where he lives.

It swoops in and bends the trees.

If he whistles, there will be tremors along the river.

You're a mischief maker, but you won't stop.

Answer: Wind

  • Everyone goes around this place:

Here the earth is like dough;

There are sedges, hummocks, mosses...

No leg support.

Answer: Swamp

  • Two brothers

They look into the water

They won't get along forever.

Answer: Shores

  • Passes through the nose into the chest

And the return is on its way.

He's invisible and yet

We cannot live without him.

Answer: Air

  • On trees, on bushes

Flowers are falling from the sky.

White, fluffy,

Just not the scented ones.

Answer: Snow

  • She grows upside down

It grows not in summer, but in winter.

But the sun will bake her -

She will cry and die.

Answer: Icicle

  • In winter - a star,

In spring - water.

Answer: Snowflake

  • Transparent like glass

You can't put it in the window.

Answer: Ice

  • Fluffy cotton wool

Floating somewhere.

The lower the wool,

The closer the rain comes.

Answer: Clouds

  1. Station “On Unknown Paths”:


- The game “Who is screaming?”

The horse neighs!
Goose - (cackles gha-ga-ga)

Duck - (quacks, quacks)
Chicken - (clucks cluck-tah-tah)

Crow - (croaks croak)
Rooster (crows)
Cuckoo - (cuckoo cuckoo)

Chicken - (squeaks pee-pee-pee)

Second youngest.

“Who talks like that?”

Bee - ... buzzing. Frog - ... croaks. Cuckoo - ... cuckoos.
Elk - ... trumpets. Crow -...caws. Snake - ... hisses. Hedgehog - ... snorts. Woodpecker -...drumming. Wolf - ... howls.

“Who was who in childhood?”

The bear is a mighty giant,
In childhood I was... a bear cub,

And this predatory wolf -
A little... wolf cub.
And the cunning fox
Red-haired... little fox,
Long-eared fast hare
As a child I was... a little bunny.


"The third wheel."

I will name three words: animals, birds, insects. Think carefully and tell me which word is superfluous, why?

1 - fox, hare, bee;

2 - mosquito, ant, sparrow;

3 - cow, sheep, wolf;

4 - bee, dragonfly, caterpillar;

5--- magpie, pigeon, chicken; 6--- bear, wolf, pig; 7--- bullfinch, waxwing, swallow; 8---ant, butterfly, worm;



Make sentences based on the picture on the wall. As much as possible! For each proposal - a chip.

  1. Station “Forest Riddles”:


- "Guess my house"

Where does the bear live? (den)

Where is the hare's house? (under a bush)

What is the name of the mouse's home? (mink)

Where does the cow live? (cowshed)

What is the name of a wolf's home? (den)

What is the name of the squirrel's house? (hollow)

What kind of house does the dog have? (kennel)

Second youngest.

Game "If I come to the woods."
I will tell you my actions, and you will answer, if I act well, we say “yes,” if bad, then we all shout “no” together!
If I come to the woods
And pick a chamomile? (No)
If I eat a pie
And throw away the paper? (No)
If a piece of bread
Shall I leave it on the stump? (Yes)
If I tie a branch,
Shall I put up a peg? (Yes)
If I light a fire,
Won't I put it out? (No)
If I mess up too much
And I’ll forget to remove it. (No)
If I take out the trash,
Shall I bury the jar? (Yes)
I love my nature
I'm helping her! (Yes)


Choose the right behavior in the forest.

  1. Don’t break branches, don’t mutilate trees, don’t tear up a blade of grass or a leaf in vain.
  2. You can play in the forest: tear leaves, weave wreaths, collect huge bouquets. Just think, there are already a lot of them in the forest (the rule is accompanied by a picture).
  3. Finally, you can make noise, shout, run, and most importantly, you won’t bother anyone!
  4. Try not to make noise, otherwise the forest will be afraid, hide, and you will not learn a single secret.
  5. A bug-eyed frog, a creeping snake, a clumsy toad, and nasty caterpillars can be driven away, but it would be better if they were not there at all.
  6. All kinds of animals are important - all kinds of animals are needed. Each of them does their own good for nature.
  7. Plant as many trees as possible so that we can breathe clean air.
  8. When relaxing in the forest, do not remove garbage from the grass, but leave it there.


"Question - answer"

Target: Develop the ability to answer questions posed.

Show resourcefulness and intelligence.


1. Why does a person look back? (because he has no eyes on the back of his head).

2. Why does a cat run? (can't fly).

3. What comb can you use to comb your head? (rooster).

4. How many eggs can you eat on an empty stomach? (one thing: after the first one there will be no more fasting).

5. Why does a goose swim? (from the shore).

6. How will you reach the sky? (with a glance).

7. What does the dog run on? (on the ground).

8. What can you see with your eyes closed? (dream).

9. What can’t you bake bread without? (without crust).

10. Why is there a tongue in the mouth? (behind the teeth)

11. Who has a hat without a head, a leg without a boot? (at the mushroom).


Task 1. Identify a plant by its fruits and complete the sentence.

Acorns grow on... (oak tree).
Apples grow on... (apple tree).
Cones grow on... (spruce and pine).
Bunches of rowan grow on... (rowan).
Nuts grow on... (hazel tree).

Task 2. Remember the name of the plant fruit and complete the sentence.

There are a lot of... (acorns) ripe on the oak tree.
The children picked ripe... (apples) from the apple tree.
The tops of the fir trees bent under the weight of many... (cones).
On the fallen rowan tree there were bright lights burning... (bunches of berries).

  1. Station "Flower Glade":


Guess those berries:

  1. It's easy to pick a berry -

After all, it doesn't grow very high.

Look under the leaves -

There ripened... (strawberries).

  1. Not in the garden, but in the swamp.

Round like a button

Little red... (klyukovka)

Second youngest. Guess the berries:

  1. Everyone knows these berries

They are replacing our medicine.

If you have a sore throat,

  1. It's easy to pick a berry -

After all, it doesn't grow very high.

Look under the leaves -

There ripened... (strawberries).

(cranberry) (blueberry)


Guess the berries:

  1. Everyone knows these berries

They are replacing our medicine.

If you have a sore throat,

Drink tea with... (raspberries) at night

  1. It's easy to pick a berry -

After all, it doesn't grow very high.

Look under the leaves -

There ripened... (strawberries).

  1. I'm red, I'm sour, Under the leaf on every branch

I grew up in a swamp, little children are sitting,

Ripened under the snow, The one who gathers the children,

Come on, who knows me? He'll stain his hands and his mouth.

(cranberry) (blueberry)


Guess the berries:

  1. The berry tastes good, in haymaking it is bitter,

But go ahead and pick it: And in the cold it’s sweet.

A bush with thorns, like a hedgehog, - What kind of berry?

So it’s called... (blackberry) (viburnum)

  1. I'm red, I'm sour, Under the leaf on every branch

I grew up in a swamp, little children are sitting,

Ripened under the snow, The one who gathers the children,

Come on, who knows me? He'll stain his hands and his mouth.

(cranberry) (blueberry)

  1. Red beads hang, Red, sweet, fragrant

They are looking at us from the bushes. It grows low, close to the ground.

They really love these beads (strawberry)

Children, birds and bears.



1. They often call me, wait for me, but when I come, they hide from me(rain).
2. From the sky - with a star, on the palm - with water(snowflake).
3. He won’t knock on the door or window, but will come up and wake everyone up(Sun).
4. We are forest dwellers, wise builders. The whole team is using needles to build a house under the spruce tree.(ants).
5. An elegant arc rises through the fields, through the meadows(rainbow).
6. No arms, no legs, but opens the gate(wind).
7. In the morning the beads sparkled, they covered all the grass with them, but we went to look for them during the day, we searched and searched, but we couldn’t find them.(dew)
8. The housewife flew over the lawn, fussed over the flower, he shared the honey(bee).
On a white leg.
He has a red hat
There are polka dots on the hat. (fly agaric)

Second youngest.

Guess the riddles:

  • Among forests, fields, swamps
    The poisonous mushroom grows
    In a pale hat with a thin stem,
    You can’t put it in a basket.
    Dangerous mushroom, decoy mushroom,
    This is a pale...(toadstool).
  • Mushroom picker's outfit
    Will be the best of the awards.
    The tubercle stuck to the ground,
    Cleverly hiding, ...(Porcini mushroom).
  • Mushroom with a red cap and white dots
    Ours immediately catches the eye.
    It stands showing off on a hummock.
    All poisonous...(fly agaric)


Guess the riddles:

  • In summer it grows in the forest,
    It doesn't go into the basket itself.
    He needs to bow down
    Cut off the leg, don’t be lazy,
    Then he will take off his hat,
    It makes delicious food.
    What's growing under the hat?
    Doesn't go into the basket itself? (Mushroom)
  • Strong, dense, very stately,
    In a brown and smart hat.
    This is the pride of all forests!
    The real king of mushrooms! (
    White mushroom)
  • In a red hat under an aspen tree
    A yellow leaf stuck to the hat...
    Get into your cart quickly
    You are an edible, delicious mushroom. (Boletus)
  • I found mushrooms in the forest.
    I'll take it to mom quickly.
    Red color
    Greetings from the summer.
    Their sisters love them very much.
    They are called... (chanterelles)
  • The brightest mushroom in the forest
    I won't bring it home.
    Although its pattern is beautiful,
    Not edible..(fly agaric)
  • Early in the morning under the bushes
    We just found it ourselves!
    On a stump - like on a bench,
    Cheerful family! -
    Mushroom selection - guys
    Called... (Honey mushrooms)


Guess the riddles:

  • On a mossy, old stump
    Happy mushrooms are growing
    They're colorful like your chickens
    And what are their names? (
    Honey mushrooms).
  • Pink is a nice color and the rings have a bright trail.
    Girlfriends are so worried! These are mushrooms
  • Bright, red fungus
    I was able to find it today.
    Like friendly sisters
    Hiding in the grass - (
  • The best mushroom in the forest
    I'm carrying it in a basket -
    Strong, not wormy,
    With a beautiful hat.
    You'll guess in a moment what's in the basket - (
  • Look how good it is!
    Red polka dot hat,
    Lace collar -
    He's not new to the forest! (
    fly agaric)
  • It looks oily
    Also very famous
    Not a kid, not a honey fungus,
    Very tasty mushroom...(butter dish)

  • Modest, thin and pale...
    This mushroom, imagine, is harmful.
    A mushroom gets into the soup -
    You will be taken to the hospital.
    Because it's poisonous
    And angry at everyone around him.
    We'll leave you in the clearing
    This harmful...


Guess the riddles:

  • She stands pale
    She looks edible.
    If you bring it home, it's a disaster,
    That food will be poison.
    Know that this mushroom is a deception,
    Our enemy is pale...
  • Their heads are like oil
    And they can hide cleverly.
    Very nice guys -
    Golden... (Butter).
  • When it grows, the asphalt breaks,
    Breaks through dry ground
    Among mushrooms he is a champion,
  • The strong guy stands on a pedestal.
    The mushrooms took off their caps with respect.
    Such a nice good guy.
    King fungus...(boletus)
  • It grows where there are birches,
    Loves rain, fog and dew.
    There are fibers on the top of the cap,
    Below are white plates.
    It is the best for pickling
    From time immemorial.
    Who will he be?
    In the glorious army of mushrooms?
    Mushroom pickers know everything by heart
    They will tell you what it is... (milk)
  • These cunning mushrooms
    They hide from us in leaves.
    Light red sisters...
    What do we call them? ...(chanterelles)
  • Legs like tubes
    Little white skirts,
    Guys sitting on a tree stump
    They are called...(honey mushrooms)
  • Yesterday we went into the woods,
    And what did we find there?
    He stood on a thick leg,
    In a strong hat by the path. (Fungus)
  • There is a hat and there is a leg,
    There is no boot on my foot!
    And the leg and the hat -
    Delicious soup for the kids!
    An alder leaf stuck to the hat...
    Well, of course it is...! (Mushroom)

***The last task for each group is in the envelope with the last task at the last station of the group:

“Let each of you take a ribbon from this envelope. He will say kind words to trees and flowers, grass, water. Now tie your ribbons on a thin tree on your site so that your kind words and wishes will come true. THANK YOU!!! NATURE"

Brief description of the quest - team building in nature from the Club “Mafia St. Petersburg”

“Pirate treasures or a great sea voyage”

“Pirate Treasures or a Great Sea Voyage” is a corporate event that is a fun, atmospheric and exciting program based on... This quest game is perfect for a large company; its purpose is to unite, raise team spirit, and create a real team.

The program is based on images that are familiar to us from childhood - you can become a treasure hunter, an adventurer, a sailor or a pirate.

Depending on what tasks are set, the program can be carried out in the form of a corporate event or as a training required to form a team based on the “Rope Course”.

Organizing a team building quest ensures that several tasks are accomplished at once - it strengthens team spirit, unites, improves communication in the team, and creates a corporate spirit.

Legend of the quest program - team building in nature “Pirate Treasure or a Great Sea Voyage”

Imagine the situation - you, as well as your colleagues, find yourself visiting Captain Hook himself. You need to find a chest containing treasure, but you don't know its exact location. The map to the treasure is divided into several parts, and they are all in different places. To find the treasure, you have to find all the parts, and only in this way can you become rich.

To search for treasures, you will have to become real robber pirates and go through difficult trials with your crew.

Only when you have in your hands all the parts of the map, which are scattered in different places, without exception, will you have a chance to find treasures and become the proud owner of a treasure! After this, you need to share the resulting loot with the team members.

At the beginning, all participants must meet the well-known Captain Hook. This is necessary to unite into a pirate brotherhood, which operates according to the “laws of pirates.”

After this, the participants turn into “treasure hunters”, they choose their captain and come up with a name and a bold motto for the team. In addition, they must create an image of the team and even the captain. At the end of the "transformation" the team demonstrates team spirit and strengths.

Once the teams become so-called “treasure hunters”, they begin to go through numerous tests, during which they are supported by “guides” (animators and instructors)

After completing all team tasks, the pieces found by each team are combined, and as a result, the exact location of the treasure is determined. All participants begin to look for the place where the magic chest is hidden, and to do this they need to pass a common test and get all the treasures. What is included in these “treasures” is discussed separately with the Customer personally.

The “Pirate Treasure or Great Voyage” program ends with participants receiving diplomas stating that they have completed the team building program (this service is paid additionally). Participants will also be rewarded with delicious champagne, this is also paid additionally. You can choose other gifts, it all depends on the Customer and the overall budget of the event. If desired, it is possible to continue the program and discuss the results, organize a corporate party or a festive event.

Example of a program for 30 people.

Quest - team building in nature for 30 people (3 teams of 10 people) is divided into 5 stages:

  1. Arrival at the site, meeting of participants, coffee break
  2. Getting acquainted, warming up in a general circle
  3. The main part of team building
    1. Formation of teams
    2. Introduction to teams, introduction of teams
    3. Warm-up (Team Relay)
    4. Finding parts of the treasure map by stages:
      1. Leap over the abyss
      2. Notes of an old carpenter
      3. Tower
      4. Ring throw
      5. Cobweb
      6. Toxic waste
      7. Source of life
      8. Last straw
  4. Collecting treasure maps, Searching for treasure.
  5. Award ceremony, seating in cars, departure.

Detailed description of the quest - team building

Meeting of participants

Organizing a meeting of participants at the site where the event is being held, participants will be greeted by a host, several animators and cheerful music that sets a great mood. If there is such a need, participants register, each receives a badge and symbols necessary for dividing into several teams. During the general meeting, you can organize a coffee break.

Warm-up with all participants

Several animators, together with the host of the event, invite all participants, without exception, to make a circle, they must see each other. The presenter will greet all participants and joke about the event. After this, light exercises are carried out; they will create a friendly atmosphere and help the participants get to know not only the program, but also each other.

Breakdown into teams

The final moment of the “common circle” is the formation of several teams, and the animators and the presenter will help to do this. The principle of formation is discussed personally with the Customer, and an experienced instructor will be assigned to the team.

Meeting the team members

During team warm-ups, all members choose their captains, and also come up with a fun motto and an original name for their team. Participants promise to maintain fair competition and not cheat

Competition program

As soon as the leader gives the command, the participants begin to compete. All stages are selected individually, taking into account which site is being used.

Results and awards

All competition results are immediately calculated, so you can summarize the results immediately after the end of the game. Awards and prizes will be agreed upon with the Customer. It doesn’t matter which team takes the top place, in any case they will be awarded an incentive prize, and they will also be able to express their aggression.

TOP 15 popular team building tasks for the TEAM GAMES program:

Our company can offer you more than a hundred team building tasks. You can choose any option for thematic tasks in different scenarios.

Leap over the abyss
Toxic waste
Last straw

The cost of the program for a company of 30 people (Calculation example, if there are fewer or more of you, then call for details).

BUDGET PACKAGE – 20,000 RUR – (3-4 hours) the price includes:

1. 2 presenters - animators in pirate costumes

2. Breakdown into teams of 15 people

3. Preparation of the clearing (arrangement of stages and props)

4. Team building tasks with a minimum of props

Package “STANDARD” - 30,000 rubles - (3-4 hours) the price includes:

2. Breakdown into teams of 10 people

3. Badges for each team member

4. Preparation of the clearing (arrangement of stages and props)

5. Team building activities with props, e.g. The Last Straw, Toxic Waste steps

Transfer to the clearing and back for presenters, props, and teams is not included (paid separately)

Package “STANDARD +” - 37,000 RUR - (3-4 hours) the price includes:

1. 3 leading animators in pirate costumes

Topic: Quest game "Ecological serpentine"
Goal: To form in children the foundations of ecological culture, correct
the child’s relationship to the nature around him, to himself and people as part of
to introduce global problems of pollution of the planet Earth;
instill environmental thinking;
to form the foundations of ecological culture;
teach how to solve environmental problems and problems;
Ecological fairy tale “The first day in the life of a butterfly.”
Today we will go to a forest clearing. Look who's us
meets? (drawing of a butterfly). She was just born yesterday and nothing
doesn't know about this world yet. She sits on a daisy petal and looks around.
And all around is the land, large, wonderful, unknown.
_What is this? asked the Butterfly. And many voices answered her: “Earth.”
Guys, what is Earth? (children's answers).
This is what Earth is like! The butterfly spread its wings and rose into the air.
The air was fresh and clean. Before I had time to think about all this, I heard
voices "Air, air"
Guys, tell the Butterfly what air is.
It was pleasant to fly in the air, but the Butterfly felt that from below
smelled damp.
What is this? thought the Butterfly.
A quiet murmuring voice whispered: “Water.”, and there was a splash of fish.
Answer, what is water? (children’s answers)
The butterfly was flying, rejoicing, and suddenly on the shore she saw that two
huge eyes.
Who do you think it could be?
_ YES, this is a person. What the earth, air, and
water. And in order to love and protect nature, we must know it well
Good afternoon, dear friends! Can someone tell me what year?
2017 announced in Russia? (ECOLOGY). This is the reason we
Let's play our game today.
We are pleased to welcome you to the game "Ecological Serpentine".
We all owe our lives to the planet - the beautiful and only Earth
mother. Green from forests, blue from oceans, yellow from sands. Our planet -
greatest mystery and miracle. She keeps the most mysterious mysteries from
the origin of life to the future destinies of humanity.

The science of ecology studies our home - planet Earth and how to live in it
home. Everything in our house is interconnected, everyone depends on each other: if
the sun will go out - everything will freeze and be covered in darkness; if the air and
water - there will be nothing to breathe and nothing to drink; if the plants disappear -
there will be nothing for animals and humans to eat... Therefore, save nature
means saving life.
1.There is one planet garden
In this cold space.
Only here the forests are noisy,
There are many migratory birds here.
Only on her alone will you see
Lily of the valley in green grass
And dragonflies are just noise
They look into the river in surprise.
Take care of your planet
After all, there is no other one in the world!
2. We are talking about
That the whole Earth is our common home
Our good home is a spacious home
We all live in it from birth
We are also talking about this
That we must take care of our home
Let's prove that it's not in vain
The Earth hopes for us.
3.Nature is the home we live in
And forests rustle in it, rivers flow and splash
Under the blue vault under the golden light
We want to live in this house forever.
4. There is simply a temple, there is a temple of science.
And there is also a temple of nature -
With scaffolding reaching out
Towards the sun and winds.
He is holy at any time of the day,
Open to us in the heat and cold,
Come here, be a little hearty,
Do not desecrate her shrines.
5. Forest, fields, seas and mountains
These are the open spaces of the Motherland.

Where the wind blew up,
Or the rain was raging,
Where is the swamp with mosquitoes,
Or mud under boots.
Where the snow falls like a wall,
Covers with gray hair.
Everything is dear to you and me,
Everything is wonderful, alive.
6. Adults and children!
Take care of nature.
To its rich depths
Don't reach out to greedy hands.
With care and affection
You will give her
She will respond in kind.
Just help!
Song “Nature has many days”
Host: Now let’s play the game “Ekomyachik”
“Ekomyachik” pass the ball to each other:
“You roll our eco-ball,
Hands in hand for a long time,
Who has the ball left?
He will tell us now...”
The one who has the ball left answers the questions.
1. In the city (large industrial center) all green signs were removed
plantings. What could this lead to?
2. A ship carrying oil suffered an accident. She poured out into the sea
spread over its surface and covered the banks. What environmental
What consequences might this accident have?
3. Midges (small mosquitoes and midges) are very annoying in some areas
person. What will happen to the natural environment if it is completely destroyed?
these insects using pesticides?
4. For a long time in our country, wolf hunting was encouraged, and for each
a bonus was given for the killed animal. Then hunting was completely banned. IN

Currently, in a number of areas this ban has been lifted again and some wolves
allowed to shoot. How do you think this can be explained?
“inconsistency” in the orders of environmental authorities?
5. Into a reservoir (not large in size) from the surrounding fields with rain and
Fertilizers and pesticides are washed away by melted snow. Make it environmentally friendly
forecast of possible consequences of this phenomenon.
Ved. So, each of us can love, protect, and appreciate nature. But
love is impossible without knowledge. It is for this purpose that we conduct our
meeting. During today's fun game on serious topics, we will remember
basic environmental concepts, we will consolidate those learned in lessons
environmental knowledge. And then you can safely make discoveries for yourself,
communicating with nature, reinforce knowledge in specific natural
And now we are going on a journey where we will show our knowledge about protection
nature, we will learn many more new things
Station "Forest Riddles"
1. Who travels through the air on a string?
2. Who has a pantry on the knot?
(At the squirrel).
3. What bird is called “white-sided”?
4. Chicks, which bird does not know its mother?
5. There are lumberjacks on the rivers
In silver-brown fur coats
From trees, branches, clay
They build strong dams.
6. The little animal is jumping:
Not a mouth, but a trap.
Will fall into a trap
Both a mosquito and a fly.
7. He is in flight over the river,

This miracle plane.
It soars smoothly over the water,
It's planted on a flower.
8. I carry the house on my back,
But I won’t invite guests:
In my bone house
There's only room for one.
9. There is a rope lying
The cheat hisses,
It's dangerous to take it
It will bite. Clear?
10. Waves carry to the shore
A parachute is not a parachute
He doesn't swim, he doesn't dive,
Just touch it and it burns.
Station "Erudite"
1. Which tree gives sweet sap, like birch? (Maple).
2. What terrible beast loves raspberries? (Bear)
3. Does the tree grow in winter? (No).
4. Which flower is called the flower of lovers? (Chamomile).
5. Is the hare sideways? (No).
6. What does a hedgehog do in winter? (Sleeping).
7. Which animal of our stripe has the loudest voice? (Elk)
8. Where is the grasshopper's ear? (In the knees of the front legs).
13. What is the largest animal? (baleen blue whale, weight more than 200 tons).
14. Who has a mouth on its belly? (At the shark).
15. Which fish have weapons on their noses? (Fishing saw, fish sword).
16. Is it possible to catch a lizard by its tail? (No, she'll throw it away)
Station "Logical chain"
It is necessary to emphasize the extra word in this chain.

1. Root, stem, flower, bouquet, leaf are parts of plants.
2. The sun, stone, oak, sky, snow are inanimate nature.
3. Elm, alder, pine, ash, maple are deciduous trees.
4. Pigeon, sparrow, woodpecker, starling, tit are wintering birds.
6. The bear, chipmunk, badger, and squirrel hibernate.
7. Spruce, pine, fir, birch, larch are coniferous trees.
8. Nightingale, swallow, swift, crow, cuckoo, larks are migratory birds
9. Sparrow, nightingale, lark, thrush are songbirds.
10. Mother-stepmother, chamomile, yarrow, nettle, dandelion, wolfswort
bast are medicinal plants.
4. “Correct the mistakes”
After reading the text, find the mistakes made by the children during the walk and justify
your answers.
A trip to the forest
For a whole week there was only talk about a future trip to the forest. IN
At the last moment, teacher Anna Vasilyevna fell ill. But the children are still
We decided to go for a walk ourselves. The road was familiar, we took a compass,
They forgot about the tape recorder. But what happened next, we learn from the story
one of the students.
“We notified the forest with cheerful music - we’ve arrived! The days were hot, dry,
but in the forest the heat was not felt so much. A familiar road led us to a birch tree
grove. Along the way we often came across mushrooms - porcini, boletus,
boletus. What a harvest! Who cut off the elastic legs of mushrooms, who
twisted them, and someone pulled them out. We knocked down all the mushrooms that we didn’t know
with sticks.
Halt. They quickly broke branches and lit a fire. We brewed tea in a pot,
We had a snack and moved on. Before leaving the grove, Sasha threw away the cans and
plastic bags, saying: “Microbes will destroy them anyway.” Coals
the bonfire winked at us goodbye.
In the bushes we found a bird's nest. Holding warm ones in your hands
bluish eggs, put them in place in the nest. The sun is getting higher
rose above the horizon. It was getting hotter. We are at the edge of the forest
found a little hedgehog. Deciding that his mother had abandoned him, they took him with them - to
the school will need it.
In the forest we met many anthills. Sasha decided to show us how
extract formic acid. He planed some sticks and began to pierce them

anthill. A few minutes later we were already sucking with pleasure
ant sticks.
Gradually clouds began to roll in, it became darker, lightning flashed,
thunder. It started to rain quite heavily. But we were no longer afraid - we
managed to run to a lonely tree and hide under it.
Lively, we walked to the station, jumping over puddles, with armfuls of field
flowers. And an hour later the train was already approaching the city.”
7. “Ecological traffic light”
The ecological traffic light was installed in order to protect nature and
help children observe the rules of reasonable relationships with nature.
 Black color – stop! Your actions harm the environment.
 Red color – be careful! Try not to harm nature
by your actions! Follow the limits and rules!
 Blue color - you are a true friend and protector of nature! Your actions
useful for her! Keep helping nature!
Show circles in black, red, blue, depending on
the decision that is made.
1. The guys are watching the ants. (With)
2. The children left the fire in the forest. (h)
3. The guys fenced off the anthill. (With)
4. The boys took a dog into the forest in the spring. (h)
5. The girls did not pick lilies of the valley in the forest. (With)
6. The guys cut the mushrooms with a knife. (To)
7. Students clear the park of garbage. (With)
8. The guys saw a nest in the grass. (To)
9. The guys throw garbage on the road. (h)
10. Children make a lot of noise in the forest. (h)

11. A boy walks with a dog on the lawns. (h)
12.The girl picks flowers in the flowerbed. (h)
13. The guys walk in the park only along paths. (With)
14. The guys caught the bullfinch and put it in a cage. (h)
15.Children are hanging a feeder. (With)
Station "Ornithological"
Identify birds by their voices
“Man made a huge mistake when he imagined that he could separate
yourself from nature and not take into account its laws. The gap between man and
its natural environment has existed for a very long time. Old
the contract connecting primitive man with his habitat was
terminated by one of the parties - the person, as soon as he felt himself
strong enough to recognize henceforth only the laws created by him
ourselves. This position needs to be completely reconsidered and a new one signed
an agreement with nature, giving man the opportunity to live with it in full
consent,” suggests J. Dorst.
What our planet will be like in fifty or fifty years depends on you and me.
three hundred years. Will it become a sultry desert, will it be dressed in concrete?
shirt, or a person will learn to live with nature in complete harmony,
carefully using the benefits it provides, but at the same time sensitively
responding to her needs.
Summing up
Some good advice:
 Learn to understand nature, become its friend and protector.
 Enjoy the beauty of nature, do not harm it with your attitude.
 In the lap of nature, behave quietly and inconspicuously: look, listen and don’t
make some noise.

 Take every opportunity to do something for nature
or useful.
 Be a friend to all living beings and do not torture or kill animals.
 Keep the waters clean, take care of springs and wells.
 Keep the natural environment clean and leave no traces behind
stay in it.
 Help those who care about nature, protect it from pests and
unconscious tourists.
1. You and I should always take care of nature,
So that feelings rise to the sky,
May there always be fish in our rivers,
And then the descendants will tell us: “Thank you!”
2. We want butterflies to flutter everywhere,
So that they decorate the meadows with themselves,
So that pure rain pours from the clouds,
So that the garden blooms with ebullient foam in the spring!
3.And let my Earth bloom,
And forests, and rivers, and fields.
We are responsible for everything now,
If we want to live on the planet!
Final song “Let there always be sunshine”

“The Secret of the Vanished Tribe” is a quest in nature, the script of which is completely ready for use.

Players are invited to plunge into the world of fantastic adventures in nature.Main idea- find artifacts and archaeologist's notes and unravel the mystery of a tribe that disappeared many years ago.

The quest is designed for different numbers of participants (there are options from 1 to 35 people). If the number of guests is more than 6, it is recommended to divide everyone into teams.

Where can I do this quest?

The quest can be carried out in any open space: a clearing, a forest, a river bank, any park and even a summer cottage.

How to prepare a quest?

To prepare the game you need:

1. read the instructions,

2. hide tasks and riddles, artifacts and surprises on the territory.

If you are an organizer of outdoor recreation, you can invite your guests to join you in half an hour. During this time, you will easily and simply prepare the quest.

If you downloaded the electronic version, you will need a little more time to print and cut out all the elements.

How long does this outdoor quest scenario for adults and teenagers last?

The approximate duration of the game is 1-1.5 hours of excitement, fun, joy, riddles, adventures, surprises, good mood and positive emotions.

What's in the set?

  • instructions,
  • tips,
  • artifacts,
  • props needed for the game,
  • cards-messages to players - participants,
  • invitations,
  • decorations for treats.

This quest is also available in electronic form. When you don’t have time to wait for delivery, you can download and print it yourself.

The electronic script is a little different from the FunBox. But it also has all the necessary elements.

How to download this script?

Be sure to indicate for which holiday the script and other information is needed. This is necessary for the designer to prepare a script for you.

Typically, after placing an order, you will receive a download link within a few hours (maximum 24 hours).

The script and all its components will already be ready for your holiday.

“Legends of Loshitsa Park”

If the previous quest can be arranged anywhere, then this quest can only be played in a specific park - Loshitsky Park in Minsk (Belarus). This is also an outdoor quest scenario for teenagers and adults.

It is available free of charge to registered users of our site.

How to play?

This is a quest from the project FunQuest(), which means it is available online on our website.

To play you will need a phone with internet access.

Having received the first task, you have to go to an ancient park and find the answer. If it turns out to be correct, you will move to the next level and receive a new task.

"In Search of Treasure"

A more complete version of pirate-themed entertainment is collected in

It includes not only a quest, but also pirate challenges (competitions and games), decor and an example of background music.

Quest scenario for children in nature - version of "In Search of Treasures"

The version of the set for children is identical in design and game design. Only the tasks differ; they are simpler and designed for small players. If you wish, you can combine both versions and arrange, for example, a family holiday.

New Year's quest in nature

"New Year's Quest" You can also spend it outdoors: in the park, on the street and in the yard.

The main thing is to indicate the venue when placing your order.

Because tasks for such a venue are selected in such a way that participants quickly go through stage after stage, move a lot and do not freeze.

Other scenarios

For convenience, these and other scenarios are collected on one page -

Play, arrange adventures for your friends and let your holiday become brighter and more interesting!

Tatyana Adamovna Volkova

Good day, dear colleagues. I bring to your attention a quest - a walk that I took today during my second shift during an evening walk. These are the children I had the year before, they are now in the senior group. Assignments were prepared for thirty children, 25 were present.

Quest-game “Insects” (senior kindergarten group)

Target: development of cognitive activity, consolidation of knowledge about insects.



consolidate counting to 10, teach how to correlate number and number, learn to identify the first sound in the name of an insect and correlate the sound and letter, continue to teach how to solve riddles, and consolidate color names.

Developmental: develop fine motor skills of the hands, visual and auditory attention, thinking, be able to navigate the terrain using a diagram.

Educational: teach to listen carefully to instructions, work in a team, and treat each other with respect.

Materials: three site diagrams, 12 sheets of tasks, 30 yellow, red and orange squares with numbers from one to 10, 3 felt-tip pens, three buckets, pebbles, white chalk, 10 riddles about insects.


Butterfly Mila invites children to draw her portrait, but not with crayons or pencils, but with pebbles. (Video)

The course of the quest is explained to the children: a diagram of the area with arrows is shown, sheets with

tasks, multi-colored squares are given for selection. .

Children go outside, are divided into three groups of 10 people, find places according to the diagram to complete the task, after each task the children return to their original place to receive another task.

1. task: solve riddles.

2 task: determine the first sound in the name of the insect and draw a line from the picture to the letter.

4 task: collect pebbles and post a picture of a butterfly.

After completing the tasks, the children return to the group, where the butterfly Mila asks what they did, whether they got her portrait and treats the children.

Publications on the topic:

Game lesson on physical education in the style of a quest for middle groups of kindergarten “How children rescued a snowman from trouble” Game quest for the middle group “How children rescued a snowman from trouble.” Developed by physical education instructor S. V. Gracheva. Purpose:.

Integration of educational areas: speech development, social and communicative development; artistic and aesthetic development. Methodical.

Summary of the outdoor quest game “Amazing Adventures” (senior, preparatory group) Goal: To develop children's communication skills, the ability to work in a team, to unite kindergarten children, to include parents in the life of the preschool educational institution.

Quest game “In Search of Animals” (second junior group) Scenario of the quest game “In Search of Animals” (second junior group) Purpose: to create conditions for consolidating children’s ideas about wild animals.

Quest game “Surprises of Zimushka-Winter” (senior group) Summary of the quest game “Surprises of Zimushka-Winter” (senior group) First stage. Equipment: A bright, attractive snowflake. Game progress: Adult.

Quest “In Search of Treasures” for the middle group of kindergarten Equipment: rope, tunnels. We need treasure, fragments of tasks, pictures, photos of the group. The gnome comes to the group. Gnome: Hello, guys.

Goal: Moral and patriotic education. Objectives: - fostering love for the Motherland; - expansion of ideas about the small Motherland; - fastening.
