Competitions for a fun company for children 10 years old. Competitions for children

All children love candy, but they are used to unwrapping it. In this competition it’s the other way around; the candies will need to be wrapped in candy wrappers. The guys are divided into teams of about 4 people. For each team, piles of sweets and candy wrappers of the same quantity were prepared. At the command “start” the guys begin to wrap the candies in candy wrappers. The team that completes the task faster will win.


Children are divided into teams of the same number of people. At a certain distance from the teams there are piles of sticks. The presenter gives the command “start” and records the time, for example, 5 minutes, and the team members, one by one, run to their pile of sticks using the relay race method, one participant takes one stick and runs with it to his team. The team stacks sticks in the form of a pyramid-anthill. Whoever has the largest anthill will be declared the winner.

Line up, one, two

The guys are divided into 2 teams with the same number of people. The leader gives commands, and the guys line up accordingly, for example, Line up in a circle! Form a triangle! Shape yourself like a heart! Build in a square! Form in a semicircle! Line up in two straight lines! And so on. The team that will cope with the formation faster and more skillfully will receive a prize.

Arrange in alphabetical order

Children are divided into two teams with the same number of people. In each team, captains are chosen, who, at the command “start”, begin to arrange the guys of their team in alphabetical order, for example, Anna, Borya, Vitya, Olya, Sergey, Tanya, Yasha and so on. The team whose captain completes the task faster and, most importantly, correctly, will win.

Squat racing

Children are divided into 2-3 teams with the same number of people. The guys from each team are in a “squatting” position, holding each other with one hand in a “train” pattern. There is a chair at the same distance from each team. At the command “start”, the teams begin the race: the guys must get to the chair, run around it and return to the starting position, without throwing their hands away from each other or getting up. The team that squats the fastest to cover the distance will win.

Crab race

Children are divided into teams with the same number of pairs. At a certain distance from the teams there are cut out flower petals. Each couple is in a back-to-back position, holding each other's hands in a lock. At the command of the leader, the first pair of “crabs”, that is, they run sideways, reach their petals, grab one and back, then the second pair starts the race, and so on. The team in which the guys are the fastest to assemble a whole flower from the petals will win.

Name your profession

For this competition you need to prepare appropriate pictures in advance. The presenter takes turns showing a certain combination of pictures, and the children guess the profession from these pictures. Whoever guessed it raises their hand and answers, for the correct answer - a point, and whoever has more points in the end receives a prize. And examples of pictures can be absolutely anything: brick, concrete mixer and trowel (builder); microphone and stage (singer); stethoscope and white coat (doctor); handcuffs and police cap (policeman); broom and trash can (janitor); scissors and hair (hairdresser); pots and white cap (cook) and so on.

Chupa Chups

Mind you, don't cheat and don't bite. Each participant receives Chupa Chups and, at the command “start,” begins to dissolve it. The participant who will dissolve the candy faster than others and show an empty Chupa Chups stick will win.

Fruit for speed

The guys are divided into 2 teams. The game is played on the principle of a relay race. At a certain distance from the teams there are plates with fruit cut into equal slices (according to the number of participants), for example, an apple or a pear. Each participant runs up to the plate, eats a piece and runs back, then the second participant runs and so on until the last one. The team that finishes the relay race and eats its fruit faster will win.

Little frogs

Each child is a frog who must catch as many mosquitoes - balloons - as possible. They let people into the hall and pour out a lot of inflated balloons and which of the guys can collect the most balls and hold them in their hands, in their bosom, in their legs, will win.

For any child, the age of 10 is the first real anniversary, a round date. On this day, the child needs to arrange all kinds of entertainment, competitions and games. How to arrange everything, and what competitions are best to organize, we’ll talk further.
First, the child needs to create festive mood, which means you need to decorate the house with balloons, Christmas tree garlands, and shiny rain. Hang the date and congratulations in the center of the room. If games and competitions are planned in another room, which is much larger in space, then the table can be placed in the middle. At the entrance, give guests various accessories for the celebration: masks, glasses, caps, and so on. This way, already at the beginning of the celebration, they will have the appropriate mood.
We share competitions

If it’s a boy’s birthday, then intellectual, musical, artistic competitions are suitable, but with a certain bias: about weapons, about cars. You can show your imagination and make a holiday in a certain style, for example, “Guess the melody.”

If it’s a girl’s birthday, then more creative competitions need to be done. As an option, lay out a lot of different clothes and offer to create one stylish outfit out of it all. Invite guests to create an original brooch or hairpin themselves, just don’t forget to purchase everything for the competition in advance. Many girls love to cook, prepare sandwiches or salads with them, you can choose any dish or sweet, but you should take into account the age of the “cooks” and select the easiest recipe to prepare.

Costume party

Not a single child can forget the holiday, which is based on the film “Harry.” "Poter." In this case, the mother of the birthday boy will have to work hard, since she needs to take care not only of her child, but also of the visiting guests. But it’s best that the guests themselves do everything for this, so it will be interesting and fun for them.
1. Magic wand. Prepare the children with all the necessary materials to make it.
2. Potion. Several ingredients are placed on the table, which you need to put on your plate strictly according to the proposed recipe and season with magical power.
3. Magic conspiracy. You need to pronounce it clearly and without hesitation, only in this case it can take effect.
4. Portrait of Voldemort. But you need to draw it not just, but blindfolded, the one who can do it best should receive a prize.
5. The science of herbs is herbology. First, threads with gifts are tied to the stick, and the children begin to cut off the selected thread with eyes closed.

Other competitions

We offer a list of the most common games for children 10 words

Each child is given a card with ten unpopular words written on it. It could be anything, since children’s vocabulary is not that large and they simply don’t know many words yet. The most important thing is that they can explain these words; choose ones that are not very complex in content.


All children are given several letters, which are made of cardboard or plain paper, along with a rope and clothespins. The task is to assemble the words “Happy Birthday” as quickly as possible and secure the greeting on a rope using clothespins. Whoever completes this task first is considered to have won the competition.

Who gave it

It’s also easy to make the presentation of gifts an unusual event, turning it into a competition. To do this, all children must describe their surprise, using only words and gestures; it is forbidden to pronounce its name. If the hero of the occasion guesses right away what the guest wants to tell him, then the latter receives a gift in the form of candy or candy.

We make a gift ourselves

Children are given plasticine and rhythmic music is turned on. While she is playing, the participants must have time to make several small figures that will be a gift for the birthday boy. Traditionally, the winner is the one who can make the figures first. And of course you can’t leave your favorite without a gift.


Children must be divided into two teams and each given 10 apples and 10 toothpicks. Mark the place where the finish will be and place a large piece of foam on it. Then the start is announced and the children, one by one, must run to the finish line and attach an apple to the foam using a toothpick. The winner will be the team that collects the hedgehog faster, that is, attaches all 10 apples.

Number 10

First you need to find a paper or fabric tape, write numbers on it with a marker, starting from one and ending with ten on each side. As a result, the sign number 10 should be exactly in the center. When the signal sounds, the participants on both sides begin to twist the ribbon; whoever reaches the number 10 faster is the winner.

Searching for the birthday boy

Parents should collect several photographs in advance, depicting small children in infancy and a little older, including the birthday boy. The goal of the game is to find the birthday boy among all the children. The one who finds it the fastest receives a prize - a photo as a souvenir.

Playing with balloons

Children are divided into two groups, and each participant is given a colored balloon. At the signal, everyone tries to burst the opponent's balloon with their hands. Whoever has the most whole balls left wins.

We freeze on command

A balloon is thrown into the air until it lands, children can move, dance and talk, but as soon as it touches the floor, everyone must freeze. Anyone who does not have time to do this leaves the game. They play until there is only one winner left.

Have time to sit on a chair

All the chairs are in a circle. The calculation is based on the fact that there are one more chairs than there are participants in the game. Then they turn on the music and, on command, begin to walk around the chairs. When the music ends unexpectedly, children must have time to sit down in a chair. If someone is left without a chair, they are eliminated. After this, one chair is removed. The game continues until one participant remains.

Time passes and very soon your son or daughter is going to celebrate their first anniversary. What competitions can be offered to little guests at a 10-year-old child’s birthday party so that they don’t get bored? The games you play with your children should be quite creative, because at this age yesterday’s kids are already beginning to feel that they belong to the serious adult world. Also, try to clear out as much space as possible in advance to give children plenty of space, and some competitions are best held outdoors. And prepare awards in advance, or at least colored tokens that you will give to the winners.

Competitions at a child's 10th birthday. "The smartest"

Come up with some interesting and tricky questions that will allow children to demonstrate their intelligence. Here are some possible options:

  • Which month is the shortest? (May – 3 letters)
  • Can an ostrich call itself a bird? (no, he can’t speak)
  • What can you cook but can't eat? (lessons)
  • Which hand is required to stir tea according to etiquette? (tea is better with a spoon)
  • What tree does a crow sit on after rain? (for wet)
  • What kind of dishes can you not eat anything from? (from empty)
  • Which European capital stands on mown grass? (Paris, on the Seine)
  • What can you see with your eyes closed? (dream)
  • What key won't you put in your pocket? (violin)
  • Which state can you wear on your head? (Panama)
  • What are we eating for? (at the table)
  • What stones can't you find in the sea? (dry)
  • What word belongs to you, but is pronounced more often by others? (Name)

This competition is quite simple, you can play it at the holiday table. Most importantly, do not forget to give the children a colored token for each correct answer. Then at the end of the game you can easily determine the winner, who will receive a well-deserved prize.

Competitions at a child's 10th birthday. "Young Burglars"

Divide the children into two teams. Each team is given an old lock and a large bunch of keys. The team that picks up the fastest wins correct key for the castle.

Competitions at a child's 10th birthday. "Fun Bowling"

Bowling. This game can be played both at home and outside. For it you only need a set of multi-colored pins, a ball and some free space. However, skittles can also be made from ordinary plastic bottles. Mark a bowling lane with tape, crayons or regular ropes and start the competition. Not only children, but also adult guests will take part in this competition with great pleasure.

Competitions at a child's 10th birthday. "Freeze-die"

The presenter takes the children to the center of the room and turns on the music. The children begin to dance, and the leader throws a balloon into the air. As soon as the ball touches the floor again, all children should freeze in the positions in which this moment found them. The one who did not have time to freeze or moved after this is eliminated from the circle. The game continues until the last winner, who receives a reward.

Competitions at a child's 10th birthday. "Sit on the chair"

An old, funny and very active competition, in which both children and adults equally love to participate. Several chairs are placed in the middle of the room, one less than those playing. While the music is playing, the children move in a circle near the chairs, but when the music suddenly stops, each of them tries to sit on an empty chair. The one who was lazy and did not have enough space leaves the circle and takes one chair with him. The game continues until the last winner, who receives a prize.

Competitions at a child's 10th birthday. "Guessing Game"

All children stand in a circle, in the middle of which there is one driver, who is blindfolded. Music sounds, and the children mix up, changing their places so that the driver cannot find out who is standing where. His task is, when the music stops, to identify by touch the player who is in front of him. You can agree in advance which parts of the body can be felt and which cannot.

Competitions at a child's 10th birthday. "What am I doing"

All the children sit or stand in a circle, and the leader, or the leader of the children in the middle, begins to depict some actions. For example, “cooking soup” - depicts how he fills a pan with water, puts it on the fire, peels and cuts potatoes, salts it, and so on. The rest are trying to guess what exactly the driver is doing. Whoever guesses first gets a prize and takes the place of the driver himself, so that the others can guess what exactly he will do.

Competitions at a child's 10th birthday. "Tails"

Several empty glass bottles are placed on the floor, according to the number of participants in the competition. Each player's waist is tied with a rope so that it hangs down by its tail, and a pencil is tied to the free end of the rope. The task of the competition participants is, without helping themselves with their hands, to insert the free end of a pencil into the neck of the bottle. The one who manages to do this first is the winner.

Competitions at a child's 10th birthday. "Air, water, earth and fire"

All children stand in a circle, and the leader is in the center. He has a small ball in his hands, which he throws to any of the players in turn and says one of the words: earth, water, air or fire. The player to whom the ball was thrown must quickly name one of the land-living fish or birds, depending on which word the presenter said. But if the leader said “fire,” the player should not catch the ball, but should quickly turn his back. If he catches the ball, it is considered that he is “burned”, and then he is eliminated from the circle. This a fun competition game You can play both at home and outside. Naturally, the winner is the participant who can stay in the circle the longest.

Funny birthday contests for children 10 years old at home will be no less funny and interesting than in some entertainment center. All you need is a little time and imagination, and then children's party will become unforgettable. Here are some games that you can play with children aged ten.

Fun competition - game “Hang the Fruit”

Rules of the game:

We draw a tree on a large piece of paper. Participants of the competition are divided into teams and given paper fruits, which are glued with double-sided tape. Each participant approaches the tree and, blindfolded, tries to hang the fruit on the tree. The winner is the team that hangs the fruit on the tree faster and more correctly (does not miss).

Birthday game for children 10 years old “Magic Tree”

Rules of the game:

Children are told a story about a magic tree. This magical tree is growing. And once a year, it bears fruit. Today is that special day on which the tree bears fruit. So let's collect these fruits.

Children are given containers to collect fruits that have fallen from the tree and lie on the mat. They collect these fruits (candies, chewing gum, etc.) blindfolded. The one who collects the most “fruits” in his basket wins. The rest of the participants share their “harvest” with him.

Game "Feed the animal"

Rules of the game:

On the table are bottles with paper animal heads with open mouths on the necks. Each participant is given the same number of objects (peas, small balls, etc.). Children must fall into the mouths of animals from a certain distance. Whoever hits the most times is the winner.

Game "Still Artist"

Rules of the game:

Participants are divided into pairs. Some are stationary artists, others are assistants. The artist is given a pen, pencil or felt-tip pen. To the assistant - a piece of paper. The artist must stand still, the hand with the felt-tip pen must be extended, the assistant holds the paper parallel to the felt-tip pen. The task is to draw a specific picture. Important! The artist does not move; the assistant himself moves the paper to depict a certain object.

Game "Snoop"

Rules of the game:

A box with a surprise is placed in the center of the room. All participants stand in a circle and are given inflated, but not tied, balloons in their hands. On "three", the children must release their balloons. The one whose ball lands closest to the surprise box wins.

Game "Pests"

Rules of the game:

A room or any playing area is divided into two halves. We are filling this room balloons. Red (or some other) balls will be “pests”. Children are divided into two teams and try to drive these “pests” to the side of the other team. The game is played for a while, a timer is set at the request of the host, and when the time runs out, the team with the fewest “pests” left in its territory wins.

Game "Sleight of Glove"

Rules of the game:

Two people play in the game. Children are put on boxing gloves and given candy. The children's task is to deploy it as soon as possible. The winner is the one who quickly removes the wrapper from the candy.

Game "Funny Scarf"

Rules of the game:

All participants make a circle with the birthday person in the center. They give him a handkerchief which he must toss. The others' task is to laugh when the handkerchief is in the air and freeze when it falls to the floor. Whoever breaks the rules is eliminated from the game. The one who remains (one person) wins.
can be changed, added, simplified or complicated. It all depends on the characteristics of children and the imagination of adults.

Make your little ones' holiday fun and special and they will love it more than anything else.

For this competition you need to prepare 10 identical pictures for each team of children. And each team will consist of approximately 4 people. The pictures will contain images of the eyes of various creatures, for example, the eyes of a crocodile, human eyes, snake eyes, cat eyes and so on. So, each team of guys receives 10 pictures with images of eyes. Each picture has a small space for a signature. At the command “start”, the teams confer and sign each picture - whose eye it is. The team with the most hits will be the winner.

Get into the top 10

Each participant receives 10 identical coins. There is a glass with a fairly wide neck at the same distance from each participant. At the leader’s command, the participants begin to throw their coins into their cups. The participant with the most hits will be the winner.

At 10 years old, find the correct answer

The presenter takes turns reading questions from life to the children, in which the symbol of the birthday person's date - 10 - will certainly be present. And the children, using accumulated knowledge or intuition, or, in extreme cases, with the help of hints, answer. For the correct answer, the guest receives 1 point, and whoever has the most points in the end wins.
Examples of questions:
1. Who is on the $10 bill? (Alexander Hamilton);
2. The tenth element in the periodic table. And even if you are not familiar with chemistry, you know this element. Hint - light in the dark. (Neon);
3. A cartoon about a hero who “counted to ten.” (“The little goat who counted to 10”)
4. “Ten” is the largest number on playing cards, is this true?
5. There are 10 commandments that Moses received from the Lord, is this true?
6. The highest height from which one jumps in the sport of “diving” is 10m, is this true? And so on.

My 10th planet

An interesting fact for children who didn’t know: in solar system 8 main planets and plus another dwarf planet called Pluto. The others are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. And now it’s your turn, guys, to come up with your 10th planet in the solar system in honor of the birthday boy (birthday girl). There are no limits to imagination. So, after 5 minutes of thought, each participant imagines his planet for the birthday boy and describes it in a few words, for example, this is the planet Mikhail, the soil there is sweet caramel and kazinaki, gingerbread and buns grow on the trees, the planet is inhabited by Mikhail people - cheerful people, who love computer games and large trips to neighboring planets. The participant who comes up with the most interesting planet and presents it best will receive a prize.

10 funny fingers

It is advisable to conduct this competition in the late afternoon, as darkness will be required. You also need a flashlight. The guest guys are divided into teams of about 5-7 people. In turn, each team goes on stage and shows their performance. The presenter holds a flashlight, and the guys, using only their hands, 10 of their cheerful fingers, show their performance, and which one will be determined by the forfeit that the team pulls out before going on the “stage.” Any stories or plots from the life of the birthday boy can be written in the forfeits, for example, “I haven’t learned a poem and am trying to come up with it myself, during this the director and his mother come into the classroom” or “The birthday boy ended up in the land of dragons and met one of them there” and so on further. Ten years is a great age to dream and imagine, and at the same time demonstrate all sorts of tall tales.

10 funny fingers

On the table is a large bowl of medium-sized bagels (not too small). At the command “start”, each participant puts bagels on each finger. The participant who can fit the most bagels on their 10 fingers will be the winner and receive a prize.

At 10 years old we know everything

The guys are divided into teams with the same number of participants - approximately 5 people each. Starting with the first team, the guys in a circle (team) name one name from the corresponding category, which the leader will ask. So, the presenter names a category, for example, domestic animals, after which the first team names their animal, for example, goat, then the second team - rooster, then the third - cat, and then again the first team - turkey, then the second team and so on until , until there are 10 items in this category. Then the presenter changes the category (wild animals, mushrooms, fish, and so on). If a team cannot say the words, they lose their point. And at the end of the game the team with the largest number points receives the title of winner and a prize.


It's time for the guys to show dexterity and attentiveness, perseverance and accuracy. So, each participant receives 10 identical coins and on the command “start” the guys must place all the coins edge-on, creating a kind of train. The participant who completes the task first will win and receive a prize.

Diversity of the world on the 10th letter of the alphabet

The guys are divided into teams with the same number of people. The presenter asks the guys: what is the 10th letter in the alphabet, and the guys answer: of course, “and”. Then the teams receive cards with the same categories, which the guys must quickly fill out. Example of card categories: animal (iguana/ibis), bird (turkey/oriole), flower (iris/fireweed), tree (willow/fig), female name (Irina/Inna), male name (Igor/Ilya), country (India/Iran), cartoon character (Ivan Tsarevich/Ilya Muromets). The team that completes the categories on their card the fastest will be the winner.
