How to build the most powerful lighthouse in Minecraft. How to make a beacon in Minecraft and what is it for? Dependence of zone on height

In Minecraft there is no special character leveling system, because this game is more reminiscent of reality, where you would not be able to level up to the maximum. Therefore, your uniform, weapons, as well as all sorts of effects that are imposed on you as a result of using various potions are of great importance here and items. The most useful in this regard is the lighthouse - this item will allow you to get a permanent improving effect within a certain radius from it. Accordingly, everyone should know how to build this structure, how to turn on the lighthouse in Minecraft, and also what it does for you. eventually it will.

Crafting a lighthouse

It’s worth clarifying right away that a lighthouse in Minecraft is not a solid structure, but only one block that you can craft. Naturally, if you want to know how to enable a beacon, you will first need to create one. This is exactly what you should do now, but for this you will need quite rare materials. Of course, five blocks of glass cannot be called such, because they can be smelted in a furnace quite quickly, but then it will be much more difficult for you to get three more blocks of obsidian. What can we say about the Star of the Lower World - one of the rarest objects that can be found in this game. You can only find it in Hell, after long wanderings, but it's really worth it. So, you need to place the Star in the central cell of the workbench, fill the bottom row with obsidian, and the rest will be filled with glass. As a result, you will get a block that vaguely resembles a smaller diamond placed under a glass cover. Now you have a beacon. As has already been said, this is not a whole structure, but a separate block, and in order to find out how to include a lighthouse in Minecraft, you still have to create a base for it.

Creating a Foundation

If you are seriously thinking about how to include a beacon in Minecraft, then you have a lot to learn. The fact is that a fully functioning structure consists of the lighthouse itself, located at the top of the pyramid, and the base, which is made up of diamonds, emeralds, gold or, in extreme cases, iron. The quality and range of the beacon does not depend on the materials - it depends on its height. If you lay out a pyramid of one layer of three by three material, the radius of action will be very small. It is best to build a pyramid of five floors because it will have a maximum radius of more than forty blocks, but it is rare that someone manages to create this in a regular survival game rather than in creative mode. So, if your pyramid is built, and at the very top of it is the desired block, then it’s time to find out how to turn on a lighthouse in Minecraft.

Beacon activation

Now you know how to build a lighthouse in Minecraft. It's time to turn it on. This is not that difficult to do - you just need to left-click on it. Naturally, it doesn’t end there, the fact is that using the lighthouse is not free, and you need to give a unit of the material from which the pyramid was built. Only then will the beacon work and you will be able to use it in the world of Minecraft. What is a lighthouse for? Now you will find out.

Benefits of a lighthouse

After activating the beacon, a window will appear on your screen in which you can select a specific effect that will be broadcast at a radius specified by the height of the structure. Naturally, if you have only one base layer, then few effects will be available to you, but if you have three layers, you will be able to choose from a maximum of effects. The last, fourth, layer opens for you new opportunity- selection of not only the main, but also an additional effect.

Good evening, users and guests of our portal. Editor Sailor is with you and today I will tell you How to turn on a beacon in minecraft.

How to turn on a beacon in Minecraft

In one of my articles, I talked about how to make a lighthouse and what it is needed for. If you haven’t read it yet, I advise you to go to the forum and find it. There you can also find answers to various questions, as well as ask your own question, which our editors will be happy to answer. But that’s not about that now.

In that article we learned how to make a beacon, but after you put it up, it won't work. We need a base of blocks. These blocks can be different: Diamond, iron, gold, emerald. Each pyramid and size gives a different effect. It is best to make a five-story pyramid, as it will give the maximum effect.

These blocks are made by combining ores in the amount of nine pieces corresponding to these blocks. As I said above, you can visit our forum. There you can find a bunch useful articles. Also there you will find all the crafts and cheats for minecraft (I don’t encourage anyone to play with cheats).

The editor was with you game portal Play`N`Trade - sailor. See you again on our portal and enjoy the game!

Greetings to all Minecrafters, experienced and brave conquerors of other worlds in Minecraft. If you managed to do the incredible: defeat the main monster in the lower worlds, then you have earned the right to light a beacon in your domain. Next, my friends, you will find out what you will have to do for this in minecraft.

Where might a lighthouse be needed?

So why do we need a lighthouse? Firstly, dear friends, he will serve us in Minecraft as people in their world: to show the way. But besides this, like many other things in our cubic world, it can perform completely different and very important tasks. But more on this later.

How to create a beacon

I must note that, as unfortunate as it may be, making a lighthouse is not very easy in terms of the materials required.

So, my friends, to make a minecraft beacon in our possessions, we will need the following components: glass, obsidian and nether star. As for the first two, they are relatively easy to do in Minecraft:

  • Glass blocks can be made by burning sand in a stove (we discussed the issue of glass in great detail in the article on how to make glass in Minecraft).
  • Obsidian should be mined with a diamond pickaxe, mainly from mines: after receiving it, watering the lava with water. You just have to do it carefully so as not to fall into the lava yourself!

Get a nether star

Afterwards, we extract 4 blocks of soul sand, and install them with the letter T - a design of 4 blocks - 1 block, on which a strip of 3 blocks is placed on top. And then we place 3 heads of wither skeletons on these three blocks. And wait, in a few seconds this horror will spawn.

And now hold on! This thing is very angry, aggressive. Without high skill, excellent armor and weapons, it is useless to even try to kill him :)

And from this fiend of hell the star of the lower world drops. Fortunately, always, and always alone (even if you enchant the sword for looting).

And when, after so much work and feats, we receive all the required materials, all that remains is to arrange them in the right way on the workbench:

How to properly build a pyramid for a lighthouse

Now, my friends, that we have managed to make a lighthouse, the question arises: how to light it. Simply placing it on the ground will not turn it on: for this you will need to make a special base that will look like an “Egyptian” pyramid. The simplest option would be a base made of three by three blocks. We place the beacon block in the center: this will enable it, that is, there is no need to do this specially. Simply, when installed, a dazzling beam of light will burst out of the beacon, which will stretch high into the sky and it will be ready for work.

  • For this purpose only diamond, emerald, gold and iron blocks. Moreover, it does not matter which blocks to make from, whether to use one type or all at once.
  • For proper operation it is necessary that there were no opaque blocks, blocking the rays. Otherwise it won't work.
  • When building a pyramid, do not be stingy, my friends, and do not build it hollow: to build the largest one possible you should use exactly 164 blocks!
  • To use all the opportunities to enhance abilities that the lighthouse provides, you need to make a large pyramid according to the following parameters: the base is 9x9, the next row on it is 7x7, then 5x5, and finally the last row is 3x3. And on it, in the center, the lighthouse itself is placed.

How to use the device

Finally, friends, we managed to do a truly grandiose thing in Minecraft: build and turn on a lighthouse. In addition to its main purpose - to enhance abilities - it can also be used as, for example, a light source, or a path indicator, since its light rises to a height of 255 blocks. Now let's figure out how to use it in minecraft.

  • Firstly, open its window by right-clicking on it. Then we put one of these items in the square: emerald, diamond, gold or iron ingots. Then select the one you need from the main effects sector. It appears in the secondary power sector, next to the heart. Select by clicking the green checkmark next to the cross.

  • Secondly, ability enhancement is given by the beacon for a certain time, but if you stay at a certain set proximity to the beacon, the effect will last without ending, that is, they will be updated to the initial parameters all the time. The range of action depends on the size of the pyramid: for the smallest, 3x3, this will be 16 blocks. Further in ascending order: 24, 32 and finally 40 blocks.

Here are the abilities that can be enhanced.

A lighthouse in Minecraft is a multifunctional item, very necessary. The main purpose of a beacon in Minecraft is identical to the purpose of a beacon in ordinary life. That is, he points the way. The versatility of the beacon lies in the fact that it can enhance the character’s abilities for some time.

Multifunctionality of a lighthouse in Minecraft
If, after turning on the finished beacon, you right-click and select an additional effect in the window that appears. Next, you need to put a tick next to the heart. After this, the player will have access to enhanced abilities.

What abilities can be enhanced using a beacon?

  • Speed. Upon receiving this upgrade, the player will move faster;
  • Rush. The ability will definitely come in handy in battle and in normal game. It increases the speed of block destruction and the frequency of impacts;
  • Resistance. This perk, which the player obtains through interacting with the beacon, allows the player to receive half as much power.
  • Powerful jump. The name of the ability speaks for itself - the length of the jump increases by two blocks.
  • Strength. The perk allows you to increase the character's damage.

How to make a lighthouse in Minecraft
Creating a lighthouse is a complex process. And it is complicated because to craft it, the player requires rare and hard-to-find materials in the game world, such as Nether Star, Obsidian, Glass. The next step is standard for the Minecraft game - placing the components in the crafting window. All materials should be placed as follows: obsidian should be placed horizontally in the bottom block of cells - thus, there will be only three blocks. It needs to be surrounded on top by four glass blocks. If you did everything correctly, you need to place one single Star of the Lower World in the center.

Lighthouse operating conditions.
When work on the lighthouse is completed, it's time to launch it. But this is impossible unless special conditions are met:

  • Correctness of design;
  • There should not be a single opaque block above the beacon block;
  • The lighthouse must be installed on a pyramid-shaped structure, which must consist of certain types of blocks - diamond, gold, emerald, or iron;
If everything is done correctly, after a few seconds a column of bright light will light up above the lighthouse. The beacon is activated.

If you are the hero who defeated the main boss in the lower worlds of Minecraft, then you have the right to light a beacon in your domain. Below you will find out how and why this is needed.

Why do we need a lighthouse?

A lot can be said about the functions of a lighthouse in the world of Minecraft, but we will deal with this further. Although it is worth mentioning that the lighthouse will do what any other lighthouses do - show the way.

How to create a beacon

It is quite difficult to create a lighthouse, because the ingredients for its creation are obsidian, glass and a star of the lower world. The first two components are easy to obtain:

Glass is created by firing sand in a kiln.
Obsidian is mined with a diamond pickaxe in mines, after first filling the lava with water.

Star of the Underworld

But to get a star you will have to try hard, killing the mini-boss - the wither. To summon him, you will have to get three heads of wither skeletons, which are taller than regular archers. The chance of dropping heads is very low, so get ready to sweat. To get to the withers you will need a portal to hell.

After extracting the heads, we collect four blocks from the sand of souls, and install them in the shape of the letter T: three blocks on top, one in the middle. We place heads on three blocks, and in a minute a mini boss will appear.

For a mini boss, this creature is very aggressive and hits hard, so without preparation and good equipment You shouldn't even try to kill her. After his death, you will absolutely receive one star of the lower world. Now that you have all the ingredients, you need to assemble them properly on the workbench.

We build correctly

Now that the beacon is ready, I want to turn it on. But it doesn’t work when you put it on the ground, which means you need to build some kind of cone-shaped base for it. A three-by-three block pyramid is best. When it is ready, we will place it in the center of the lighthouse, and a dazzling ray of light will burst out of it.

  • Ordinary blocks are not suitable for the lighthouse. Only diamond, iron, gold or emerald. Blocks can be of mixed types.
  • For correct operation lighthouse there should not be opaque blocks above it.
  • It’s better not to skimp on the lighthouse, don’t let it be hollow. It will take you one hundred and sixty-seven blocks to build the largest lighthouse.
  • To get all the boosts from the lighthouse, the base of the pyramid must be nine blocks by nine, the next one seven by seven, then five by five, and finally three by three.

Beacon functions

So, the grandiose construction of the lighthouse was completed. Now let's figure out whether he is capable of anything other than being a source of light.

1. Click on the beacon RMB, place one of the diamond, gold, emerald or iron ingot, select an additional effect that will appear in the main effects sector next to the heart. By clicking on the green check mark next to the cross, we will get an additional effect.

2. The enhancement of abilities that the beacon provides is temporary. But if you stay close to him all the time, the gain timer will be updated. The range depends on the size of the beacon. A lighthouse with a three-by-three base will have a range of sixteen blocks, and the largest one will have a range of forty.

The abilities that can be obtained from the beacon are presented below:

Reinforced beacon

The lighthouse, like almost everything in Minecraft, can be strengthened. To do this, you need to build a pyramid with a base of nine blocks by nine, so at the very top you can put as many as nine beacons and get one boost from each by collecting them all.

Six facts about the lighthouse

  1. The lighthouse does not work underwater.
  2. Ice, colliding with the light of the lighthouse, turns into water.
  3. You can't move the lighthouse with a piston.
  4. A lighthouse can be built in the region and even in the lower worlds, but in creative mode.
  5. To build a pyramid for nine lighthouses you will need one thousand four hundred and seventy-six blocks.
  6. The appearance of the beacon block changes from patch to patch.

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