Games on a military patriotic theme. Scenario of a military-patriotic sports game (quest) for children of senior preschool age "lightning"

Military-patriotic scenario holiday game“One day in army life” for students

Purpose of this event:

Organization of children's leisure time

Celebration Defender of the Fatherland Day

(military-the sports game takes place in the form of a journey through stations)

Objectives of the event:

Cultivating patriotism, love for Homeland, respect for the Russian army;

Development of thinking, imagination, dexterity;

Establishing friendly relations between children and adults, attracting employees orphanage in organizing leisure time for pupils.

Equipment and tools: computer, speakers, Russian flag, poster and drawings on military theme, signs with the names of stations, route sheets, insignia of the two teams (green and blue khaki scarves, bandages, scissors, pins, task cards, self-adhesive stars.

Place and time: KGBOU Children's home 34, 02/22/2012

Teams of participants: 7th-8th grade students

Supervisor: Boroday A.V.

Progress of the event

Day Defender of the Fatherland is holiday not only professional military, but also all men. Therefore, this day It is customary to congratulate those who served in the army, those who are currently serving, and those who will do so in the future.

A good gift for boys would be a sports one. holiday. What is the best way to organize it for children so that they not only compete, but also learn a lot of interesting things about serving in the army? How to involve girls in it?

Rules games and participants

Participating in competitions students 5-8th grades, 6 people per team. Girls act as fans and assistants at certain stages.

Competition program

Program holiday includes:

Grand opening military-patriotic game “One day in army life”;

Passage of task stations by participants games;

Summing up games, awarding the winners and prize-winners;

Organization games

Start games

Fanfares are heard, the command sounds “Parade be equal! Attention". Teams are lined up in their pre-designated places. Squad leaders submit a report to the judge in front of the participants.

Commander's report: Comrade chief judge, team (team name, our motto (they say the motto, in military-dedicated to a patriotic game holiday Defender of the Fatherland Day, built. Team Leader (F.I.O.).

Greetings from the Commander-in-Chief:

February 23 – Defender of the Fatherland Day. Our game is dedicated to this significant day. Now, as in the old days, our army is proud of its victories. She has a glorious past and, we hope, a worthy future. And the future of our army is you, our boys and girls today. The strength of our army depends on how you grow up. I congratulate you and everyone present in this hall on the upcoming Defender of the Fatherland Day.

Alignment with the flag (Russian anthem plays)

Military-patriotic game “ One day in army life” is declared open.

Presenter Boroday A.V. introduces the program holiday.

Teams, level up, at attention. And so we begin. Today it's not easy gym, and your place of military battles. It will consist of three rounds.

1. Tour. "Landing to the battlefield", where you will need to go through an obstacle course, get and collect a map for further progress games.

2. Tour « Military training» - in accordance with the map, the passage of stations where you show your military training.

3. Tour « Combat battle» , where the final test awaits you, in which you will show your combat power and accuracy.

After this the first part begins holiday, 1st round – “Landing to the battlefield”

Teams need to run across the bench, go through a tunnel in which to find one of the map elements, after leaving the tunnel, perform a somersault on the mat, return to the team and place the finished card element on the chair. The following participants repeat these actions. After collecting all the elements of the map, the team proceeds to collect it (mosaic) Having completed the collection, the captain raises his hand.

(after this, the team fastens all the elements of the map with tape).

After collecting the card, the teams go to the second round - « Military training» .

Station 1 – “Company, rise!”

Inventory: sports short uniform (T-shirt, shorts).

Sportswear sets have been prepared for the players - T-shirts and shorts. Their task is on command "Rise" put the uniform on over your clothes in 15 seconds. Only those who are fully dressed and neat are considered to have completed the task. For a neat appearance and good posture, students are additionally awarded 1 star.

Station 2 - "Brainstorming"

Inventory: sheets of paper and pencils.

Exercise: for a certain time, name military ranks and types of troops. The number and correctness of names are assessed. Task completion time – 3-4 minutes. The team that gave the most complete answer receives 2 stars.

For reference:

Types of the Armed Forces:

Air Force(BBC)- assault fighter, army, strategic aviation;

Navy(Navy)- surface, underwater;

Ground forces - tank, artillery, engineering, special forces.

Branch of the military:

1. Space forces.

2. Strategic Missile Forces (Strategic Missile Forces).

3. Airborne troops (Airborne Forces)

Military ranks:

private, corporal, junior sergeant, sergeant, senior sergeant, sergeant major, junior warrant officer, warrant officer, senior warrant officer, junior lieutenant, lieutenant, senior lieutenant, captain, major, lieutenant colonel, colonel, major general, lieutenant general, colonel general, army general.

Supreme Commander-in-Chief - President of Russia.

Station 3 – "Medical unit"

Inventory: bandages and cotton wool.

Chief judge at the station: nurse.

Exercise: within a certain time, the team must apply a cotton-gauze bandage to the arm, leg, and head. The correctness and accuracy of completing the task is assessed - from 2 to 4 stars.

Station 4- "At a halt"

Chief judge at the station:


About whom they say that he is only mistaken once? (Sapper)

Which troops retired? (Cavalry)

What are shoulder marks called? military? (Epaulettes)

4. What does the word ram mean? (Direct strike from an airplane, tank, ship.)

5. What types of bladed weapons do you know? (Mace, sword, sword, knife, bayonet, saber.)

6. Which year is considered the year birth of the Red Army? (1918th).

7. What medicinal plant is used for bruises and abrasions?


8. What forest plants or parts of them are used to brew tea?

(Leaves of strawberries, raspberries, lingonberries.)

9. What is the name of a teenager - the youngest sailor on a ship? (Jung)

10. What do wood and a rifle have in common? (trunk.)

Station 5. "Checkpoint"

Chief judge at the station:

The children are invited to work as signalmen who, using a key, decipher various ciphergrams containing intelligence reports.

Each team is given a card with an encryption and a key. In the allotted time, who can decipher it faster and more correctly.

Card 1.

25, 19, 1, 2, 3, 12, 6, 18, 20,

18, 12, 6, 3, 1, 15, 19, 4, 15, 17,

15,.22, 17, 1, 14, 31, 30, 19, 5, 3, 6,

16, 20, 25, 11, 9, 15, 5, 9, 14, 19, 1, 14, 11.

(Encrypted text cards: headquarters in the forest, to the left of the mountains, guarded by two cannons, one tank).

Card 2.

15, 22, 17, 1, 14, 1, 13, 15, 18, 19, 1

5, 3, 1, 19, 1, 14, 11, 1, 8, 1, 17, 6, 11, 15, 10,

18, 12, 6, 3, 1, 3, 15, 3, 17, 1, 4, 6, 15, 5, 9, 14,

(Encrypted text cards: guarding the bridge - two tanks across the river on the left, in a ravine one tank).

Cipher key card:

a b c d e g h i j k l m n o p s t u v x c w y j.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31.

Third round "Landing in battle"

Inventory: Balloons(16 pcs., skate (2 pcs., darts (2 pcs., mats) (2 pcs.).

Exercise: At the signal, the first participant lies down with his stomach on the skate and moves like a swimmer "sails" to the gymnastics mat, leaves his skateboard there, where the judge is waiting for him. The participant performs a somersault on the mat, receives two darts and shoots balloon weighed on the wall, the player has two attempts, then rolls forward or backward on the mat, lies down on the skate and returns to the team, passing the baton to the next participant, who continues the game. At the end of the competition, the results are summed up. The team that comes to the finish line first receives 2 stars, for every two balls knocked down an additional star.

After the final stage, the teams are lined up. Chief referee of the team blowing:

Stand at attention! I ask the captains to hand over the cards for completing the stages.

Cards with stars are dealt to the jury, which sums up the results while the chief judge says the final word.

Our game today has reached its final stage. Today in this hall you have shown and demonstrated combat power and courage. You all, as a single unit, as one cohesive team, passed all the tests of our games. Summing up games, sweet prizes and military games are awarded to winners and participants games.

Teams, level up, at attention. Game « One day in army life» I declare it closed." Congratulations to all participants and those present in this hall on Defender of the Fatherland Day (applause).

Organized care with holiday.

Venue: Victory Park in Lipetsk.
Target: Formation of knowledge and skills of initial military and physical training.
1. Attracting the younger generation to classes physical culture and sports.
2. Fostering patriotism, camaraderie and responsibility in children preschool age using gaming technologies.
3. Introduction to the history of Ancient Rus'.
1. Parents and students of the Center early development children "Emerald City".
2. The total number of participants in the game is 30 people.
3. The team consists of 10 people (5 adults and 5 children).
4. Members of the jury - 12 people, station heads - a person, an assistant, a doctor and a nurse.
Conditions for determining the standings, winners and prize-winners:
At the opening of the festival, participating teams receive “Route Sheets” indicating the task stations. Each team is sent to the station. After completing the task, the team moves to the next station (round robin). At each station, the team earns points, which are entered in the “Route Sheet”. At the end of the game, the points are summed up. Winners and runners-up are awarded diplomas from the Oktyabrsky House of Creativity.
Event plan:
- Registration of game participants.
- General construction teams in front of the stage.
- “Attention” signal.
- Phonogram.
- Exit of the presenters.
1 presenter:
Each nation has its own treasured pages of history, its own heroic names that will never be forgotten. The days of glorious military victories, in which Russian troops gained honor, respect and glory, are forever inscribed in the history of our country.
2 presenter:
At different times, foreign hordes approached Rus' from different directions. They burned, robbed, killed, wanted to conquer the Russian people, take them into slavery.
1 presenter:
For two hundred years there has been a terrible yoke in Rus'. Russian people pay tribute to the horde. They pay an unbearable tribute - in sables, furs and gold. If you don’t pay tribute, you will go into captivity, into the horde. You will bend your back forever.
Scene “How the Tatars collected tribute”
Khan and his servant Temnik enter the stage. Nearby there is a chest of gold, furs, and a peasant girl sitting.
Well, tell me, how much gold was collected from these dogs?
So much that horses cannot carry away, my lord!
Peasant woman (addressing the viewer):
How long can one remain under the Tatar yoke, under a dark cloud? No matter how much we bend our backs, no matter how much gold we earn, we give it all to these Herods!
Not enough for the ruler of the entire Universe! Few. How many furs did you take?
So many that they cannot fit in our yurts, my lord! Peasant woman:
Let's go through the winter without furs! So many furs were caught, so many animals were killed! They will dress and cover their children and wives, but ours will be freezing!
Not enough, not enough for the ruler of the entire Universe! How many prisoners?
So many that you can’t count them. Peasant woman:
The most beautiful girls and the strongest husbands were taken away! Vile adversaries! They don't let honest Russians live!
Let's go, Khan, further, where there are new cities, where there is a lot of fur and gold! We'll take everything, we'll steal everything!
Khan and Temnik leave smiling.
Peasant woman:
How can the earth throw off the terrible yoke, the black, infidel yoke? Is there no strength against the enemy? I know that faith is needed - everything will change, and with patience the trouble will be eradicated. I believe that a savior will come to us - a strong sovereign, who will gather an army, defeat the Tatars and liberate the Russian land!
2 presenter:(unfolds the package, reads)
“In the fall, the accursed Mamai came to Rus' with his like-minded people. Having become proud and considering himself a king, he began to carry out an evil plan, calling his dark princes. And he said to them: “We will go against the Russian prince and all the Russian power, as it was under Batu, we will destroy Christianity, and we will burn down the churches of God, and we will shed their blood, and we will destroy their laws.”
1 presenter:
All cities and villages heard calls from Moscow Prince Dmitry Ivanovich to gather in the army. Bells were ringing throughout the Russian land...
A recording of a bell ringing sounds.
2 presenter:
Dmitry calls out to the whole country,
To the holy war:
"Isn't it enough, brothers, for nothing,
Give good to the Tatars?
Isn't it time to throw off the yoke?
How many years have we been robbed!
Raise your spear higher!
...Evil Tatar, Khan Mamai
...The whole horde went to Rus'.
I’m going to lead you into battle!”
And under the glorious Kolomna
Every single prince
The army was greeted by a huge
His commander.
Gathered in the wilderness
One hundred and fifty thousand souls.
1 presenter:
According to the chronicle legend, before the campaign, Dmitry Ivanovich visited the Trinity Monastery. The spiritual mentor of all Rus', Sergius of Radonezh, not only encouraged Dmitry, blessed the troops for the battle and sent two monks - heroes - Peresvet and Oslyabya - into battle, but also predicted his victory.
2 presenter:
Behind the warriors - Nepryadva
On the left is the foggy Don.
And there is a great space for only two,
It is only divided into two camps.
Right now - not in the far distance somewhere -
Here they will meet like thunderstorm with thunderstorm...
The duel of Peresvet broke out,
Who went into battle with Temir-Murza.
The grass of the meadow has drooped to the ground,
And the oak trees rose to the sky:
The riders rush towards each other,
We met, and the horses reared!
Performance by "North Shore". Battle.
1 presenter:
More than 3 centuries have passed, but the memory of that battle remains forever in the people's memory.
2 presenter:
The Battle of Kulikovo is one of the most outstanding events in Russian history. This year marks 637 years since the Battle of Kulikovo.
1 presenter:
The Battle of Kulikovo, like many other battles (Battle of the Ice, Battle of Borodino, Brusilovsky breakthrough, Battle of Moscow, victory in the Great Patriotic War) will forever remain in the memory of generations as a symbol of Russian valor and glory. As long as we keep the memory of the heroes who defended the Russian land, as long as we live as they do - honestly and with love for the Motherland, our country and its people will live.
2 presenter:
Glory forever, Rus', Russia!
And always be yourself.
Your peoples together are strong!
Nobody can handle you!
Song "Rus the Great Power"
1 presenter:
I announce the grand opening of the military-patriotic game “Heirs of Victory”
Attention! Teams get ready to take out the banner! Attention! Align with the banner!
The Russian anthem is played and the banner is carried out.
Comrade soldiers, are you ready to carry out combat missions?
Always ready!
Commanders present their units.
1. Detachment commander, full name (step forward and report).
Commander of the "Bogatyrs" detachment:
Our squad "Bogatyrs". Our motto:
You, enemy, wipe your nose,
Let's do it one, two, three,
Listen, fear and see -
The heroes are going into battle!

2. Detachment commander, full name (step forward and report).
Commander of the "Scout" detachment:
Our squad "Scouts". Our motto:
We've walked a lot of paths,
We have acquired wisdom.
And our schedule is simple:
Let's win anyone in the game!
Ready to carry out combat missions.
3. Detachment commander F.I.O (step forward and report).
Commander of the "Varyag" detachment:
Our squad "Varyags". Our motto:
Let the enemy tremble
Varyag has arrived!
We will win
We'll destroy everyone!
Ready to carry out combat missions.
Consider the military-patriotic game “Heirs of Victory” open! Start performing combat missions.
The teams disperse to stations.

Station 1 "Sharpshooter"
Inventory: balls, baskets.
Each team is given 4 attempts, each hit is worth 1 point. One person can make one attempt. Throwing is carried out from a certain place, in turn. The route sheet records the number of points scored by the team.
Station 2 "Patriotic"
Inventory: sheets of paper, brushes and paints (felt-tip pens or colored pencils).
1. Name the state symbols Russian Federation.
1.1 National anthem of the Russian Federation.
1.2 State emblem of the Russian Federation.
1.3 State flag of the Russian Federation.
2. Draw the flag of the Russian Federation.
Particular importance in judging the competition should be given to the correct location and range of colors of the flag. For correctly completing the task, the team receives 5 points. The flag of the Russian Federation is a rectangular panel of three equal horizontal stripes: the top is white, the middle is blue and the bottom is red. The ratio of the width of the flag to its length is 2:3. White color represents freedom. Blue– Mother of God (patron of Russia). Red color – sovereignty (courage, generosity). The task completion time is 3-4 minutes.

Station 3 "Medical Unit"
Inventory: bandages and cotton wool.
Within a certain time, team members must apply a cotton-gauze bandage (on the arm, leg, head) to each other. The correctness and accuracy of completing the task is assessed on a 5-point scale. For incorrect and careless completion of the task, 1 point is deducted.

Station 4 “Sing a Song”
Inventory: tape recorder, phonograms, sheets of songs.
The team receives the task of performing a song on a given topic accompanied by a soundtrack. The competition is assessed on a 5-point scale. Knowledge of words and vocal skill are taken into account. Time: 3-4 minutes.

Station 5 "Step by step"
The team must follow the General's instructions. Formation, turns left, right. The team then marches. The correct execution of commands, attention, and coherence are taken into account. The competition is assessed on a 5-point scale.

Station 6 "Tinker Tailor Spy"
Inventory: word sheets.
The team has captured a foreigner and now must give him commands in his native language English. Participants must memorize a few words in English and give the correct command to the prisoner.

Station 7 "Cross the Border"
The guard and the players are in different sides two lines that are drawn at a distance of 5–6 meters from each other.
The team’s task is to reach the guard as quickly as possible and touch him. But getting to the guard post is not easy. The team moves only to the words of the guard: “If you drive more quietly, you will go further. Stop!" At the word “stop”, all the players freeze. The guard, who had previously stood with his back to the players, turns and looks. If at this moment someone from the team moves, and the guard notices this, then this player will have to go back beyond the line. The guard can make the frozen guys laugh. Whoever laughs also returns beyond the line. The speed of completing the task and the number of people reaching the guard are taken into account. How many people reach the guard, the team will receive so many points.
After completing a combat mission, all units gather at headquarters, where the formation of troops-detachments takes place. Marching with a song, formation.

Summing up the game.
Squads, stand at attention! Report to the detachment commanders on the completion of the task.
The commander of the “Bogatyrs” detachment marches up to the commander-in-chief and reports:
Comrade Commander-in-Chief of the “Bogatyri” detachment completed the task! Detachment commander Full name

The commander of the “Scouts” detachment marches up to the commander-in-chief and reports:
Comrade Commander-in-Chief! The “Scouts” squad completed the task! Detachment commander Full name
The detachment commander gets into formation.
The commander of the “Varangians” detachment marches up to the commander-in-chief and reports:
Comrade Commander-in-Chief! The “Varyag” detachment completed the task! Detachment commander Full name
The detachment commander gets into formation.
Comrade fighters! You did an excellent job with all the tasks. It's time to announce the winners:
The bravest are the heroes.
The most singing ones are the scouts.
The most resourceful are the Varangians.
Presentation of certificates.
Well done, guys! I would like to express my gratitude to you for participating in today’s game dedicated to the heirs of great victories.
1 presenter:
An ideal world is one where there is no war. Let's love our Motherland, protect it and be kind!
You and I need peace
Clean air on earth
Bird hubbub, children's laughter,
Sun, rain, white snow.
Only war, only war
Not needed on the planet!
2 presenter:
We wish you a peaceful sky above your head and a happy future. At this point, the military-patriotic game “Heirs of Victory” is considered closed.
Attention! Teams get ready to take out the banner! Bring out the banner!
- A military march sounds.
- Carrying out the banner.
Firecrackers and balloon release.
1 presenter:
All units coped brilliantly with the combat mission, and it was time to reinforce themselves.
2 presenter:
We invite everyone to a stop where you can try field cuisine and taste front-line porridge.

Patriotic music is playing. Participants are invited to have buckwheat porridge with stew.

Route sheet
Team "Bogatyrs"
Station "Marksman"
Station "Patrioticheskaya"
Station "Medsanchast"
Station “Sing a Song”
Station "Step March"
Station "Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy"
Station "Cross the border"
Total points

Military-patriotic game "Heirs of Victory"
Route sheet
Team "Scouts"
Station "Medsanchast"
Station "Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy"
Station "Marksman"
Station "Patrioticheskaya"
Station "Cross the border"
Station “Sing a Song”
Station "Step March"
Total points

Military-patriotic game "Heirs of Victory"
Route sheet
Team "Varyag"
Station "Patrioticheskaya"
"Step March" station"
Station "Cross the border"
Station "Medsanchast"
Station “Sing a Song”
Station "Marksman"
Station "Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy"
Total points

Scenario of a military-patriotic game dedicated to

Defender of the Fatherland Day "Zarnitsa"

Explanatory note

The military-patriotic game “Zarnitsa” is one of the elements of patriotic education for schoolchildren, held in winter and dedicated to the holiday Defender of the Fatherland Day. The game takes place at a stadium or sports ground. The route is prepared a week before the game.

In addition to children, Zarnitsa involves: organizing teachers and additional education teachers (two teachers accompany the teams, the rest are at the stations).

When holding a game, one should take into account the experience of the organizers, logistical capabilities, safety measures and weather conditions.

Carrying out the military-patriotic game “Zarnitsa” is a very interesting and difficult task, requiring a lot of preliminary preparation.

To successfully prepare and conduct the game, it is necessary to draw up a plan that includes the following questions:

    Preparation and issuance of an order to conduct military sports game"Zarnitsa"

    Creation of a headquarters for the preparation and conduct of the military sports game “Zarnitsa” with the definition of the functions of each member of the headquarters.

    Taking the necessary measures to maintain public order during the game, appointing guards.

    Conducting TB training for all participants.

    Ensuring that the most interesting moments of the game are photographed.

    Recording the results of the competition (members of the headquarters).

    Awarding the winner.


- upbringing positive emotions to the Russian Army. Learning basic knowledge about serving in the armed forces.


- propagate healthy image life, physical education and sports, develop the physical activity of students in play activity;

To unite the team, to cultivate the spirit of patriotism among the younger generation;

Create a desire to win;

Develop quick reaction skills in unusual situations

Scope of application: elementary school students.

Age of students: 8-10 years.

Expected results :

Children's interest in sports and outdoor games;

Manifestation of collective responsibility for a common cause, feelings of love for the country and the army;

Demonstration of the spirit of competition and the desire to win;

Demonstrating a sense of independence and quick response skills in different situations.

Form of conduct – traveling through stations.

The teams start at the same time. The time for completing the stages is recorded according to the last participant who arrived at the finish line. The route sheets only indicate the number of points scored.

Venue design : multi-colored flags, banners with the inscriptions: “Start”, “Finish”.

Event location: stadium or sports ground.

Date: February.

Conditions for determining the winner:

At the opening of the game, the participating teams receive route sheets indicating the task stations. Each team is sent to the station. The game starts at the signal. After completing the task, the team moves to the next station (round robin). On Each station the team earns points, which are entered in route sheet. At the end of the game, the points are summed up. The team with the most points takes 1st place.



- chief of staff;



Event program:

- grand opening of the game;

- passing the task stations of the game;

- summing up and awarding the winner.

Organization of the event:

The teaching staff takes part in the preparation and conduct of the game.

Dress code:

a single uniform that does not restrict movement and the performance of special tasks during the stages;

a mandatory element of the uniform is a uniform sign (emblem) of the team;

the uniform should not contain undeserved signs of military valor and state awards.

Thematic content of the game:

Stage I - Formation at the headquarters;

II stage - Traveling through stations;

Stage III- Search for the flag;

IV stage - Awarding the winners .

Before the start of the game, team commanders report to the chief referee about their readiness, in the form:“Comrade captain. Team “________” of ___ people is ready for the game. Team commander ____________________.”

After the report of all commanders, the start draw takes place, i.e. The stage at which the team starts is determined. Commanders receive route sheets from the head of headquarters and, together with their team, advance independently to the first stage, which was drawn by lot.

At the general signal (bell), the game begins.

Having arrived at the stage, the commander reports to the judge at the station and acts on his instructions.

Each team moves strictly along the route.

Having passed all the stations, the team arrives to the head of the headquarters, the commander reports on the completion of the game, hands over the route sheet, takes the team to a designated room for heating, bringing appearance in order and awaiting an invitation to the gym to participate in the celebrations and summing up the results.

Progress of the game "Zarnitsa"

Stage I. Formation at the headquarters

Leading: So, let’s begin the military-patriotic game “Zarnitsa”, dedicated to those who served and will serve in the ranks of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, who protect and who will protect the peace of citizens and the peaceful sky above their heads!

I ask for commands to form!

Military music is playing. Children line up on the playground. They have emblems and elements of a military uniform (epaulettes).


Nations live as one family,

Russia is as strong as granite.

On guard of peace, happiness and freedom

A soldier of the Russian army is standing!

Who knows how to compete?

Who doesn't sit idle,

Who wants to compete with force -

For those our holiday is open!

Chief of Staff: Hello fellow fighters!

Children: Hello!

Chief of Staff: I congratulate you on the start of the sports and patriotic game “Zarnitsa”.

Children: Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!

Chief of Staff: Unit commanders submit reports.

The detachment commanders submit a report one by one.

Squad leader: “Comrade Chief of Staff, the “________” detachment of ... people has been formed to participate in the military sports game “Zarnitsa”. Commander of detachment "__________"

Chief of Staff: Today, as in the old days, our army is famous for its warriors. She has a glorious past, and we hope for a worthy future. And the future of our Army is you, today’s boys and girls. And the power of our Army depends on how you grow up. Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day. Today our Center is being transferred to “martial law.” Our task is, using the route sheet, to go through all the stages, collect greatest number points, return to headquarters with your team's flag as soon as possible. The team that scores the most points and returns to headquarters in the shortest time will be the winner.Please consider the military-patriotic game “Zarnitsa” open.

Each squad receives a route sheet (Appendix No. 1)

II stage. Traveling through stations

Station 1 "Sharpshooter"


Each participant is given one attempt, each hit is one point (snowball in the basket). The total number of points is entered in the route sheet.

Each participant runs to the start and knocks down the pin with the ball, returns to his place, passes the baton, number of hits = number of points.

Climb through the tunnel and hit the target. A basket held in the hands of the commander is used as a target. Students line up in a column one after another and, on the command “Fire,” throw grenades from a distance of 8–10 m. For each hit, the squad receives 1 point. The final result is recorded in the route sheet. The commander is trying to catch the grenade.

Station 2 "Patriotic"


    Perform a song military themes

    Quiz “Q&A”

( You must give the correct answer “yes” or “no”)

1. Is a trench a dug hole? (Yes)

2. Is a compass a device for measuring time? (No)

3. Gymnastics shirt - a shirt for gymnastics? (No)

4. Can tanks swim? (Yes)

5. A visorless cap is a headdress without a visor? (Yes)

6. Does the star have five rays? (Yes)

7. Does a soldier serve for 10 months? (No)

8. Do live grenades grow on trees? (No)

9. Two boots a pair? (Yes)

10. Is a tank smaller than a gun? (No)

11. Is the parachute made of paper? (No)

12. Is an anchor an extra weight that is thrown overboard? (No)

13. Are binoculars a device that helps you see the enemy? (Yes)

14. Is a sailor the same as a sailor? (Yes)

15. Is the lieutenant older than the general? (No)

16. “Katyusha” is Katya’s girl’s personal car? (No)

17. Is the department 7 people? (Yes)

18. Are there airplanes on the sailors’ shoulder straps? (No)

19. Does the compass show the direction? (Yes)

20. Is the magazine a place for cartridges? (Yes)

3. Collect a picture and explain what it shows. (picture attached) (Appendix No. 2)

Station 3 “At a halt”


    Riding a horse (riding a gymnastic stick to run to the mark and back)

    Over bumps


    Who do they say makes one mistake? (Sapper)

    Which troops retired? (Cavalry)

    What types of bladed weapons do you know? (mace, sword, epee, knife, bayonet, saber)

    What does the word "ram" mean? (direct strike from an airplane, tank, ship)

    What are shoulder marks called? (epaulettes)

    What year is the year of birth of the Red Army? (1918)

    What can be used in the forest to brew tea? (lingonberry, strawberry, raspberry leaves)

    What do you call a teenager who studies maritime engineering? (cabin boy).

    What do wood and a rifle have in common? (trunk)

Station 4 "Sappers"


1. Minefield

The task for this stage is prepared in advance. In the snow in certain areas - depending on the number of participating teams - individual objects of different sizes are hidden (for example, 3 pieces of large bricks and 3 pieces of half bricks), representing mines. The task of the sappers is to find 3 larger “mines” as quickly and safely as possible. If smaller “mines” are found, it is assumed that they exploded during demining and the sapper who found them was wounded.

2. First medical care

Hand burn (apply a sterile bandage);

Leg fracture;

3 .“Ferry the wounded »

The commander transports the entire team one by one on the ice boat

Station 5 "Military ranks". (Appendix No. 3)


The teams are given blank sheets and pens. The team must, within a certain time, remember and write down military ranks, from “private” to “army general”. The best score is for the correct sequence of ranks and a greater number of ranks.

III Flag Search stage

Each team receives an envelope with the coordinates of the hidden flag. The task of the whole team is to find the flag. The flags of each unit are hidden in advance.

Example coordinates :

1. Stand facing the school building at the starting point. 2.Take 10 steps forward. 3. Turn left. 4. Take 6 steps. 5. Turn to the right. 6.Take 10 steps. 7.Look for the banner here.

While the results are being summed up, the teams are invited to proceed to the station "Field kitchen" where everyone gets a cup of hot tea and soldier's porridge.

IV stage . Awarding the winners.

The winner in the team championship and the winner in the individual championship are announced.

List of used literature

1. Education of schoolchildren // 2014, No. 2.

2. Last call // 2013 No. 2.

3. Practice of administrative work at school // 2014. No. 3

4. Russian State Library [ Electronic resource] / Information center RSL technologies; ed. Vlasenko T.V.;Web-master Kozlova N.V. - Electronic data - M.: Ros. state b-ka, 1997 – access mode:http// www/ rsl

2. Station "Sappers"

3. Station "Marksman"

4. Station "Military ranks"

5. Station « At a rest stop »

Appendix No. 2

Appendix No. 3

"Military ranks"

Patriotism is love for the Motherland. So in the simplest form we can characterize this complex, multifaceted concept. Why is patriotism a feeling that should be needed not only by the leaders of the country, but also by all its citizens, adults and children? Because for real harmonious personality Only the person who feels his involvement in the events of the past and responsibility for the present and future of his country can be considered.

How can we explain to children brought up on overseas games and films what love for the Motherland is for? In this difficult matter, a special role is assigned to patriotic games for children, which teach the most important civic and human values ​​in an interesting and unobtrusive form.

Origins of patriotism

The education of patriotism in children begins at a very young age and continues at all stages of personality development. A home, a yard, close people and good neighbors, lilacs under the windows - these are the baby’s first impressions that will be remembered for the rest of his life, no matter where fate takes him.

Patriotic education of preschoolers and schoolchildren consists of several large blocks:

  • studying the history of your country, its folklore and traditions, culture, achievements, studying history small homeland: cities, towns, research of your ancestry;
  • instilling respect for the defenders of the Motherland, for military exploits, awareness of one’s own civil and military duty;
  • developing respect for the laws of your state and understanding the importance of their mandatory implementation;
  • formation of a responsible and respectful attitude towards work and its results;
  • nurturing love and respect for native nature etc.

Playing and learning in kindergarten

Without games, it is impossible to imagine either the development or learning of a child. This is especially true younger age, when many personality qualities are laid, including a caring and respectful attitude towards one’s home country and home city. Parents and teachers should do their best to encourage the spark of interest in children, which can subsequently develop into sincere love and respect for their country. Competitions for crafts made from natural materials carefully collected in a park or autumn forest, drawing competitions on the theme “My City”, “My Russia”, preparation of stories about relatives who took part in hostilities and antiques kept at home - all this helps children realize their belonging to a big country.

Patriotic events include active games and entertainment, relay races and competitions:

  • "Report from the Front"

For this relay race, children need to be divided into two or more groups, and a captain must be selected from each group. Each team is given an envelope with a report cut into pieces. This could be a puzzle with a picture or in a simple word, for example, “Victory”. The captains are at the finish line. On command, the first participants run to the captain with one part of the dispatch, give it back and return to “theirs”, and the next participants carry the next part of the letter. Victory is awarded to the fastest team.

  • "Young Fighter Course"

A simple course for kids can be held in a spacious group or outdoors. Young defenders of the Motherland will have to walk through “swamp hummocks”, crawl through a tunnel, bypass enemy mines, climb a hill and look through binoculars. Obstacles are easy to make from available materials, and the winner is determined based on the time spent passing the lane by all participants.

Cultivating patriotism among schoolchildren

At school, a deeper study of the native history, literature, cultural and scientific achievements of Russia begins. IN primary school folklore performances, ancient folk games and fun. They are not only exciting, but also help children learn a lot about their homeland. Quiz games and quizzes are common in middle and high schools. intellectual competitions on the topic of native history and culture, allowing children to demonstrate their knowledge, as well as performances of excerpts from military literature and historical reconstructions. As a rule, they are timed to coincide with Defender of the Fatherland Day and Victory Day.

Many adults remember the legendary military-patriotic game “Zarnitsa”, which, albeit in game form, allowed me to feel the atmosphere of wartime and feel the feat of my country. Now games of this kind are being revived at the level of classes and schools. One of the alternatives to Zarnitsa is the Oath game, which can be played indoors, for example, in a school gym.

It includes 4 blocks:

  • “Political training” - testing the knowledge of young soldiers about their native history, famous battles and military leaders;
  • “Physical training” is a complex of sports competitions between the participants of the game;
  • “Combat readiness” - competitions for knowledge of the theory and practice of combat;
  • “Drill training” - testing the ability to march.

Based on the results of the competition, the best fighters worthy of service in the armed forces are identified. The winners are awarded duffel bags with valuable prizes.

So, loyalty to one’s Fatherland is a noble feeling that must be cultivated from an early age. Games for children with patriotic content are a valuable element of the entire system of moral development of future worthy citizens of our society.