Ice skating games for girls. Play sports games figure skating

The first roller skates appeared in the 18th century, but they became popular only in the 19th century, and today they have acquired different directions in the method of skating and are an excellent way to actively spend leisure time with a family or a group of friends. Anyone who knows how to skate on ice will quickly master skates with wheels. Since they remain traumatic equipment, protection for the knees and elbows is required, and don’t forget about gloves and a helmet.

Modern roller skates are different from the ones your parents skated on. Back then they were four-wheeled and attached to a metal plate that moved apart and folded to fit the size of the leg. They were not as comfortable to ride on, although they seemed more stable. The material for the wheels themselves has also improved. If the previous ones were made of plastic or thick rubber, then the current ones are silicone. This is a springy and durable material that does not make noise when sliding and makes movements precise. And since various areas of roller skating are actively developing, wheels vary in diameter, rigidity, profile and hub type.

But the need for the above disappears if you start the game’s videos. These products are self-sufficient, and you can ride in any style, just enjoy the process and without fear of injury. A little about existing methods sliding on rollers:

This is the first use of rollers. But the old devices did not allow skating on the street, but only in special halls with a flat floor.

  • Rides and roller games.

Gathering in a group, skaters map out a route and move towards the goal. When you want variety, they arrange games for teams to complete tasks. Often this resembles a game of catch-up, when one group of skaters chases another, and they are called sorcerers. This is how you can play roller skating games in our section.

  • Speed ​​skating.

In speedskating, roller skaters compete on speed to see who can complete the distance first. And in downhill they move down the slope, gradually gaining acceleration.

  • Aggressive riding.

The basis of this direction is sliding (grind - sliding on any surface without touching it with wheels; slide - lateral sliding with wheels along a plane). We can also distinguish three main types of aggressive skating: street, park, vert. Start playing roller skating games and get familiar with this art.

Street (or freestyle) - the ability to use street obstacles to demonstrate tricks. These are jumping over railings, fences, pipes, benches. Park - skating takes place in special skateparks. There are structures not found on the streets: curved ramps, half circles and quarter circles. Vert - skating inside a ramp.

Speed ​​skating is similar to speed skating. There are even high jumps, when at speed the skater must jump higher and then get back to his feet. Freestyle slalom is almost figure skating, as the athlete performs a dance to the music. There are also such areas as in line, speed slalom, slides, style jump, skate cross, summer biathlon and roller ski racing. All these disciplines are represented by roller racing games.

  • Team sport on roller skates.

Hockey (rollerkey), roller derby, football (rollerball) and basketball (basketroll).

Have fun riding

Cute girls, reckless guys and cartoon characters attract you to online video games. They boldly cut through the streets, overcoming the obstacles that arise; compete with cars on the track in speed; They skate professionally and learn new tricks. Join the reigning fun too.

During the winter season, children abandon their household toys and activities to go for a walk in the snow. Some people like to sled, some prefer skiing, and some simply cannot live without ice skating. But skating is not so easy, because not everyone can buy expensive skates and go to the skating rink. Sometimes you want to ride when the weather is bad outside or it’s already very late. At such moments, remember about free online games. You can skate while sitting warm, without wasting your strength and energy, and without any injuries. Now there are many sports related to skating and all of them have long become Olympic. Figure skating is considered the most beautiful. This is a real art to go on the ice and show dance. Figure skating involves the athlete moving on ice on skates, performing certain dance or artistic movements. He can go in any direction and make a beautiful jump. You can prepare any girl online for an important performance. To do this, you need to prepare her program by choosing movements on the ice or practicing the given pirouettes and jumps. Figure skating is a very spectacular and beautiful sport. The girls look graceful on the ice and jump so easily, but behind this lies hours of training and falls. But they are usually rewarded for it. Fans love to give souvenirs and flowers to figure skaters. In free online games you will be able to take part in collecting these rewards. For more serious athletes, there is the option of speed skating. In these online games there is no need to move beautifully on the ice; speed and agility in skating are important in them. The most important goal is to get around your opponents and not fall on the ice. Skating was also famous in ancient times, as we can even see Flintstone skating. He must ride them the entire distance, not fall, but also collect some objects.

For all fans of the wonderful winter sport - figure skating - we offer a variety of exciting free figure skating games. Players are invited not only to cheer for their favorite participant, but also to take part in creating his unique and inimitable image, in which the skater will appear on the ice in front of many spectators. In these games you can not only choose the right outfit, but also radically change the image of your participant. Simulators flash figure skating games will appeal to all fans of this graceful winter sport. For more adventurous and enthusiastic players, free figure skating games are offered as a real skater performing a mandatory program and breathtaking stunts. Can you handle the difficult elements on the ice and earn the highest scores from the judges? Will you be able to perform well at a serious figure skating championship? For players who take sporting achievements less seriously, online figure skating games provide a wonderful opportunity to play the role of a funny cartoon character and, overcoming all the obstacles and tricks of insidious opponents, collect all the bonus points of the game and become an ice conqueror. At the same time, it is important to avoid collisions with opponents and try to destroy them in the holes formed after your skating. Figure skating games require a lot of attention and dexterity, because it is extremely difficult not to fall into your own traps, collect all the bonuses and emerge victorious in the game. With each level passed, it becomes more and more difficult to play, and the opponents become more insidious and there are more and more obstacles on the way to victory, but it becomes even more interesting. Test your skills and dexterity by playing figure skating flash games. If you don’t want to play the role of a little mole or penguin, figure skating flash games can invite you to become an elegant princess or ballerina who gracefully moves along the surface of the ice, collecting bonuses, catching various objects or choosing the right sources of energy and strength. Colorful online figure skating games have bright graphics and a varied soundtrack that does not give players the opportunity to relax during the game and achieve even better results. Figure skating games allow you to make good use of your free time, sitting at home in front of your computer, practicing the complex but flawless beautiful art of skating, which requires dexterity and concentration. Free games Figure skating develops not only sports skills, but also the taste of the players, since skaters must always look bright and impeccable on the ice. All figure skating games have a different plot and main characters, they are always united by one thing - ice, cold, at first glance, indifferent, but always impeccably beautiful. Whatever genre of flash figure skating game you choose, it will always delight you with its shiny, smooth surface. By following the instructions and tips provided by the figure skating game, you can easily become a star on the virtual ice. And it doesn’t matter whether you prefer to perform breathtaking tricks on the ice surface or just chose a new outfit, free figure skating games will allow you and, of course, your hero to shine on the ice. Exciting figure skating games virtual ice will help players feel like real skaters, worthy of the highest praise from specialists. Figure skating games will not leave indifferent both novice athletes and moderate fans, because gliding on the ice is a great art that requires grueling training, which not everyone can master, but in virtual world In the game, anyone can try on the role of a world figure skating champion.
