Game-competition “through the mouth of a baby.” Scenario of an intellectual and educational game for parents in kindergarten “Through the mouth of a baby Through the mouth of a baby surprise

Elena Deeva

Scenario of an intellectual and educational game for parents in kindergarten on the topic: « Through the mouth of a baby» .

Prepared and conducted by teacher Deeva E.V.

Tasks: attract parents to cooperate with teachers and with each other, to cultivate the desire to actively participate in entertainment, to develop the need to spend free time in a variety of creative activities.

Job description: intellectually- educational game « Through the mouth of a baby» intended for parents. During games parents V game form consolidate knowledge on cognitive and speech development children.

Equipment: musical hammers, portrait children's writer Sergei Mikhalkov, audio recording of the song "Pinocchio", video recording with an excerpt from the cartoon “Alyosha Popovich and Tugarin the Serpent,” illustrations depicting a governess, shopping boxes, a giraffe, an organ, mushrooms, a tram, prizes for participants games.

Progress of the game:

Three couples playing parents. From parents are selected by a jury. The players take their places at the tables, and there are musical mallets on the tables.

1Competition "Rationales"

Parents It is proposed to use children's reasoning to find out who the children are talking about. Three attempts are given. The fewer attempts the players used, the more points the team gets. (1 attempt - 3 points, second - 2, third - 1 point)

Task for the first pair players:

1 This children's writer. Our grandfathers and grandmothers knew his poems. They really liked them.

2 He lived long life. His children and grandchildren became famous people.

3 His most famous character wears a uniform. Always protects everyone.

(Sergey Mikhalkov) (Showing a portrait)

Task for the second pair of players.

1 This children's song, it was composed 20 years ago. She is cheerful, you just want to jump and clap her hands.

2 This song was invented for the film, there is also a lot of different music. And the movie was based on a book written by Alexey Tolstoy.

3 The song is called after the name of the main character - a cheerful, long-nosed man.

("Pinocchio") (listening to an excerpt from a song)

Assignment for the third couples:

1 This is a cartoon. In general he children's, but adults also love to watch it. There the characters talk funny, making fun of each other all the time.

2 This hero in Vasnetsov’s painting is drawn with two epic heroes.

3 In the cartoon there is main character. He is big and strong, he has a heroic horse that can talk.

(Alyosha Popovich) (View a fragment from the cartoon)

Second competition "Riddles"

Parents You are asked to answer the question correctly in three attempts. The fewer attempts are used, the more points are awarded for it. Three questions are given for each pair; if a pair answers incorrectly, the pair wishing to answer answers.

Questions for the first pair:

The car has

It can be a circus

The phone has it (number)

There are a lot in our river,

Necessary in icy conditions

Can be sugary (sand)

A person has two of them,

When it hurts, into it "shoots",

The grasshopper has it on his leg (ear)

Questions for the second pair players:

We have in our group,

Needed by chess players

They make the floor out of them (board)

He needs a compass

They swim on it

There is a rescue (circle)

Lying in the sea

They wash dishes in it,

There's a pearl inside (sink)

Questions for the second pair

She eats grass

Spinning around the tank

Transforms into a butterfly (caterpillar)

I've been in houses before

She's warm

It was heated with wood (stove)

She comes in spots

Lives with his grandmother in the village,

Gives milk (milk)

Third competition "Explainers"

Each pair is asked to listen to the child’s explanation, guess what is being said, and answer the question on the first try. Two attempts are given, two points are awarded for the correct answer on the first attempt, and one point on the second.

Task for the first pair:

1 Previously there were many of them abroad, but we don’t have them. Now we have them, but the Indians and Chukchi do not. We don't have them at home.

2 She is caring for a child, only it is not her child, she was hired to look after her. If she doesn't do it well, she could be fired. (governess)

Task for the second pair:

1 They appear and disappear. There are pink and blue. Boys have one, girls have another.

2 I want people to always buy everything for me... Girls think about rich and smart suitors, this is a completely useless activity. (dreams)

Assignment for the third couples:

1 This happens in the store and at the market. Sometimes it's beautifully packaged, sometimes not so much. It’s better not to go with dad for this.

2 For a millionaire they are big, for us they are so-so. We drag and drag, we can barely drag it home. Actually, the more the merrier. (Purchases)

Contest "Overtaking"

The host reads the questions to the players, the pair that guessed first hits the musical hammer. If the answer is incorrect, the next pair to hit the musical hammer answers. Two points are awarded for each correct answer.

This is a plant that grows in the forest. They love sun and moisture. They do not grow in swamps and come in different colors. People love to collect them, they come in edible and inedible varieties.


There is usually a rush there during rush hour. The driver sits in front. It's like a bus, but it runs on wires and on rails.


This is a musical instrument. The keys are white and black. They play it in large halls, where in addition to the keys there are many pipes, they play it with their hands and feet.


It lives in hot countries, is yellow in color, has a short tail with a tassel, and runs fast. It eats foliage, and its long neck helps it with this.


The housewife makes circles from the dough, puts the filling there, then cooks everything in a saucepan.


At the end game jury sums up the results, awards the winners with diplomas and prizes, and the remaining participants with prizes

Publications on the topic:

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Scenario March 8 “Through the Mouth of a Baby” Scenario March 8 “Through the Mouth of a Baby” ( preparatory group) Dance (PRESENTATION) The day before his birth, the child asked God: - I.

Katya (3 years old) watches a fairy tale on TV with her grandmother and comments:
- This, grandma, is a bear cub, and this is his daddy, a bear cub.

Katya (4 years old) and her parents are going to go to the city of Chernyanka. Mom comes home from work and says:
- Well, everything has been decided, we are going on Friday.
Katya burst into tears:
- I don’t want to go to Friday, I want to go to Chernyanka!

Arseny (6 years old)
- I was so scared, my heart even went hoarse!

Arisha (4.5 years old):
- Give me a towel, any kind, just pink.

Yanka (4 years old) changes clothes for the arrival of guests on her birthday:
- Well, now I’ll be so beautiful that you all won’t think it’s enough.

The son suggested that his mother swallow a Kinder Surprise toy - a small one so that the doll would play in her tummy and not get bored.

Alice, 7 years old:
- I’ve already grown up to my mother’s shoulder!
Elya, 7 years old:
- Yes?
- Yes, her mother is short.
- And I’m tall. I'm up to her chest. My breasts are already gone, but I’m still growing.

Evening. A three-year-old toddler watches cartoons (an old cartoon series about a mole). Children's time ends, it’s time to go to bed, about which the mother tactfully hints to the child: “Son, one more cartoon - and we’ll go to bed.”
- Okay, play “Ice Age” for me!

Matvey, 6 years old:
- At your service, I’ll go to the toilet first.

Lena, 4.5 years old:
- We were near St. Petersburg.
Fedya, 4 years old:
- How did you go underground?

Dima (7 years old) says at breakfast:
- I don't like drinking tea!
- Why?
- Because I can’t hold a spoon in a mug like dad...

9 year old Nastenka:
- Mom, when you give birth to a child, you can get a dog. You will still sit at home, there will be nothing to do...

Masyanya on TV! - Goshenka (2.5 years old) screamed enthusiastically when he saw Vitas for the first time.

History in first grade.
The teacher reads to the children a fairy tale about the three little pigs.
Now she has reached the part where the first little pig is trying to collect building materials for his hut.
"...So the little pig went to the farmer with a cart full of hay and said, 'Excuse me, sir, could you give me some hay to build my house?'" The teacher stopped and asked: “What do you think the peasant said to this?”
One boy raised his hand and responded, "I think he said, 'Holy shit! Talking pig!!!""
The teacher could not continue the lesson for about 10 minutes.

Mom, your perfume smells so wonderful!

Leshka (5 years old) is sitting at the table, lunch, of course, is not going to fit, his whole body is also shaking in all directions, and here on you, his head against the wall. Of course it's funny to us.

The fairy tale "Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka" ends with the words:
- And they began to live better than before!
Olya, 3 years old:
- Of course, now they also have a dacha. After all, they will now get Baba Yaga’s hut.

A girl of about three, putting her leg forward, says:
- Mom, mom, look, my legs are so beautiful - crooked!

Elya, 7 years old:
- We’ve been sitting here for an hour already!

A 4-year-old child has a sled. The surname is written on the sled under the seat so that in kindergarten it will not be confused with strangers. And the child suddenly asks:
- Dad, we need to erase this inscription, because Maxim has the same sled, and we confuse them.
Dad explains:
- The last name is written here, just the opposite, so that you can find your sled.
The child explains:
- Maxim also has his last name written under his seat. Dad, are you thinking with your head? We don't know how to read yet!

Anna Zhigalova

spruce. Involve parents of pupils to participate in the life of the kindergarten. Create a friendly environment and positive relationships between parents and children. To achieve an optimal level of interaction between teachers and families through a system of social partnership and the introduction of effective forms of work. Demonstrate to parents that collecting a child’s sayings is an extremely exciting, interesting and at the same time serious matter.

Leading. Hello, dear moms and dads! The children look somewhat similar to their own parents: They have the same shape of nose or ears, the same eye color. But the character of a child is not always similar to the character of his mother or father, and therefore it is sometimes difficult for adults to understand the motives for the actions and thoughts of their son (daughters).

Our meeting today will help you find out what your children are thinking and saying. We will hold it in the form of a game - a competition « Through the mouth of a baby» . Six adult players will take part in five competitions. In the fourth and fifth competitions, players will compete for the main prize - a piggy bank for collecting and storing children's sayings.

Who are these six people who will take part in the competitions?

Pay attention to the invitation cards. Whoever has a ticket with the letter U becomes a participant in the game, whoever has a ticket with the letter Z will join the jury. The rest are spectators. Please take your seats.

Members of the jury and players, please introduce yourself.

The jury included a kindergarten employee familiar with the proceedings of the parent-teacher meeting and two parents. The players sit down at the tables. There is a musical instrument in front of everyone (tambourine, pipe, whistle, etc.) and a sign with a number is displayed. Each player says his first and last name.

Leading. Let's start with a warm-up (not rated).

Watch three videos in which children explain the meaning of a word without saying it. At the end of each story you have to guess. what or who they were talking about.

Children's statements.

1) - They are put on the ears and nose. They are prescribed by a doctor.

These mirrors protect from the sun. They have a nose.

They may fall off the nose if there are no sticks.

Sometimes they come with a string.

They are brown, black, light, yellow, green, blue.


2) - This is the woman a man is looking for.

She cooks the man's lunch, washes his clothes, and takes care of his child.

She gives birth to children. She is beloved and the most beautiful.

She cleans up and he lies on the sofa.


3)- It is specifically designed for parents to leave home.

There play, eat, sleep, walk.

I love going there every day and miss it on the weekends.

This is teaching children all sorts of different things.

It’s just like at school, only more interesting.

There are many, many children and few parents.


Leading. Now meet our dear children!

An audio recording of the song is playing "Small Country". Children enter.

Child reading a poem "Kindergarten"

I love my kindergarten.

It's full of guys.

One, two, three, four, five...

Maybe there are a hundred of them, maybe two hundred.

Children (Together).

It's good when we are together!

Children perform a song "Kindergarten".

1 Competition "Overtaking".

Leading. Watch videos in which children explain the meaning of a word without saying it. At any moment, each of you can give a signal using a musical instrument to interrupt the plot and say a word. For the correct answer you get 20 points.

If no one guesses the word, the presenter calls it.

Children's statements.

1) - It happens on paper and in a folder.

It's on my dad's cell phone.

It's big and there's a lot of food in it.

French fries, hamburger, cocktail, Coca-Cola.

They choose from it.

It's where you can eat.

We also have them in the kindergarten.


2)- It is round and white.

I saw square ones with flowers.

We have it on our balcony.

In the summer we are with her played.

It can be thrown and caught.

And she is also in the circus.

This is the name of a musical instrument.

It may contain soup and pasta.


3)- It can be big and small.

Everyone has their own. It’s impossible without her.

In fairy tales it is wooden and beautiful.

We have a lot of them at home. They are iron.

Sometimes I knock on the table for her, and my mother swears.


4) - For children it is half. Because mom either scolds or buys ice cream.

This is when you are happy.

This means loving each other.

Don't separate, but live together.

The heart is kind.

- Playing games, clean up, that you have everything.

This is when a person rejoices and laughs.

This is a difficult question.

This is when you have a dad and mom.


5)- She has wings and a crown.

She fulfilled all wishes.

Can fly and turn into a girl.

She swims on the sea.

Can flap its wings.

The light is on her head.

She has many brothers and one uncle.

There was also a squirrel and a mosquito there.

She is a princess.

(Swan Princess.)

6)- He rushes to the rescue, saves people.

He is good and kind.

He's not greedy.

This is when you love someone.

He helps and never forgets.

He doesn't fight.

I don't have it yet, but I will soon.

With him you can play.

I miss him.

We fight with him and let's play, and then we make up.


The jury sums up the results of the competition. Children enter.

2 Competition "Toys".

Leading. Children love it very much play. Every child has his own favorite toy.

Listen to the poems "My bear" And "Car".

First child (Holds the bear).

My bear is alive

Fluffy, soft and dear.

Let him be silent sometimes

But the head nods to the beat.

I'll take it to bed with me,

And I'll tell you a bedtime story.

The bear and I are true friends,

And it’s impossible for us to be apart.

Second child (Holds the typewriter).

Class! I'm driving the car

Electrically driven.

Batteries, wires -

So it jumps over the bumps.

I'm incredibly happy with the car.

He didn’t part with her in the bathroom either.

If only I knew that water is

A very harmful environment.

From driving so underwater

Suddenly became completely useless

And now doomed

It's in manual mode.

While reading poems, the presenter arranges toys (ball, Lego, teddy bear, doll) with numbers attached to them.

Leading. Which toy do you think your child would prefer? Give the number of the toy.

Participants complete the task. The jury writes down the numbers.

Leading. Let's see what toys your children choose. If your choice and theirs match, you will receive 20 points.

Children approach the toys and stand near the one they have chosen.

And now let’s get down to business together,

Toys need to be put away.

Fold everything together and don’t break it.

We'll be back tomorrow play.

The children put away their toys and leave. The jury compares the parents' answers with the choice and sums up the results of the competition.

3 Competition "Guessers".

An audio recording is playing "Orange Song". Now we’ll find out if parents can guess what their children drew. For the correct answer - 20 points.

Children's drawings are handed out to players and spectators. Players express their opinions. Viewers can compare their guesses with the players' opinions after the game.

Leading. The jury sums up the results of the competition.

Leading. Yes, children have a special outlook on life, which they reflect in their drawings.

And now the jury speaks.

The jury sums up the results of all three competitions. Those who dropped out of the game are named, thanked for their participation and awarded incentive prizes - notebooks for children's statements.

Playing with spectators.

Videos are shown in which children explain the meaning of a word without naming it. The player who guesses the word first claps his hands and calls it.

Grandma does it best.

Mom does a good job too.

But dad cuts bread well.

It makes you fat.

I grow from her.

It's so delicious.

You can die without it.

It can be tasty and tasteless.

It should not be thrown away in vain.


He is kind and yellow. He jokes a lot.

Children run after him.

He makes children laugh.

He shows the theater for them.

His grandmother gave him a sweater.

He went far, far away.

And the children waved to him.

He fell into the sea, and there...

(Baniface the Lion from the cartoon "Baniface's Vacation".)

Sausage, meat and porridge are cooked there.

It's made of meat. It's soft.

They put on a T-shirt, jacket, and shorts.

It comes in thick and thin.

You can lie on it when it hurts.

There's a lot of food in it.

It hurts when you don't eat for a long time.

There's a belly button on it.

There may be a child in it.


5 Competition "Rationales".

Leading. Watch the videos. At the end of each, one player explains what the children were talking about. If he answers incorrectly, the turn passes to the next player, who voices his version, etc. If the first player answers correctly, the next player answers the new word. For one attempt you get 20 points, for two - 10 points, for three - 5.

It could be anything sweet: ice cream, chocolate, kinder.

They're probably talking about him.

You can make it yourself or buy it.

I think they give it as a gift.

And I love receiving it.

You know, this is a pleasant surprise.


It won't be from sunstroke.

When you eat a lot of sweets, it’s gone too.

If you stay in the rain for a long time, you can get your feet wet, and it won’t come.

The icicle is as tasty as candy, but you can't eat it. And if you eat it, it will be broken.

To have it, you need to brush your teeth and wash your face.

You also need to dress nicely.

You must wash your hands before eating.

Cross the road correctly.

And also play sports.


He always cheats.

He has round black glasses and a black hat.

He loves money.

He is hairy and wears glasses. Beggar.

He is all in rags and patches.

He loves to pretend.

He is cunning and catches fish. He can also eat sour cream.

(Basilio the cat from the fairy tale "The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio".)

The jury sums up the results of the competition.

6 Competition "Guessers".

Leading. You must draw out a piece of paper with the name of the animal ( "camel", "wolf", "fox", "elephant", "monkey", "giraffe", "horse") and with the help of facial expressions and gestures, depict him so that the children can guess who it is. The one whose image the children guess on the first try gets 20 points, 10 on the second, and 5 on the third.

Parents pretend to be animals. Children take turns guessing.

The jury announces the results of this competition, and then the entire game. The families who took third, second and first place are announced. He gives notebooks to families who take second and third places, and the winners receive a piggy bank for collecting and storing children's sayings.

Children enter.

Leading. Family is the basis of all that is good in a child. Respect and love are built in the family. Love your children, respect their opinions and desires, and they will answer you in kind! Be friends with children! Listen to the poem "Family".

First child.

Family is a big word!

Second child.

Family is a ringing word!

Third child.

Family is an important word

Everyone will tell you this.

Fourth child.

Family is the sun that shines

Fifth child.

Family is the stars in the sky.

Sixth child.

Family is all love.

The love of sons and fathers,

Love of daughters and mothers.

All together.

We give you our love!

An audio recording of calm music is played. The presenter reads a poem "Children need us".

The way children are born in the world,

Let them rise like flowers.

Our moment on the planet would be gray,

If childhood had not painted the path.

We, of course, come from childhood,

But childhood also comes from us...

So, rocking the inheritance in a stroller,

Let's be happy here and now.

Those who have not tried will not know

What's happened - baby rock

And, inhaling his native smell,

It's sweet and sweet to hold close to you.

Let fatigue, sleepless nights

We, parents, are given from above.

Because there is a son or daughter,

Because children need us.

Children will sing a song "we were born into the world".

Leading. Our meeting has come to an end. We really want to give you something to remember this day!

An audio recording of the song is playing "we wish you happiness". Each child gives their parents a silhouette image of their palm pasted onto a heart cut out of colored cardboard.

Leading. We wish you happiness! We invite everyone to a tea party.

"Through the Mouth of a Baby"

Ved. The game requires two teams. Give yourself a name.
So, the first “Getting Acquainted” competition.
Tell a funny story from your childhood.
Each story is worth 1 point.

The next competition is “Rationales”.

First team:
A). – This happens in a fairy tale, and sometimes in life;
- This is the name of everything amazing, magical;
- When it happens, we always rejoice. (Miracle)

Second team:
A). – They are so small that they are not visible;
- They can make you sick;
- They hide under dirty nails. (Microbes)

First team:
b). – She happens often and in many places, because of her you have to waste time;
- But if you really need something, you’ll have to put up with it;
- You wait as long as necessary and take what you want. (Queue)

Second team:
b). – Every person should have it, but those who have long forgotten about it;
- When you do the wrong thing or hurt someone in vain, she should torment you;
- It helps you become a real person. (Conscience)

Ved. Well done, guys!
The next competition is “Riddles”.

First team:

Can lie on a board with nails. (Yogi)
- A car that levels the road. (Ice rink)
- The smallest bird. (Hummingbird)
- They stick it on the envelope. (Mark)
-Horse symbol of good luck. (Horseshoe)

Second team:

Appears on iron due to dampness. (Rust)
- They use it to catch butterflies, dragonflies, and fish. (net)
- Inventor of scuba gear. (Cousteau)
- Shows the way to ships at night. (Lighthouse)
- A very confusing road. (Labyrinth)

Ved. The next and final competition will be
"Overtaking." Whoever is ready to answer raises his hand:

Grandmothers have it most, and mothers come home from work tired, and it disappears from them. (Kindness)
- They always wish it to each other, especially in cards. (Health)
- Every person dreams of him, and that everything will be fine in his life. (Happiness)
- When they don’t like to give gifts or share. (Greed)
- This is when you are deprived of something, not allowed to go out for a walk because of a bad deed. (Punishment)
- When it happens, they say: “Well, lucky!” (Luck)

Ved. Our game has come to an end. We count the points and choose the winners.

Second option:

Dear audience, I ask for your attention. Now we will start a fun show. “Through the mouth of a baby”! And there are 2 visiting teams in our hall. The first team is the Parents team and the second team is the Teachers. Guys, let's welcome our participants. Our transfer consists of several stages. Each stage is assessed using a three-point system. And your task, dear you, is to guess the intended word, for which three explanations are given. If you guess after the first explanation, you get 3 points, after the second - already 2 points and after the third - you have 1 point. The team with the most points wins! And so the first word was conceived:

1.- Salary depends on this.
2.-If you count to twenty, then it can even be counted.
3.-The more, the better.

"Hobby" (passion)
1.-Many people simply cannot live without it
2.-This takes a lot of time and money.
3.-But they get a lot of fun.
Hint: It is different for each person.

1.-This is when you can bask in bed for a long time.
2.-They usually save money for this.
3.-This is when you do what you want
Hint: When you don't want it to end.

1.-This is designed to attract our attention.
2.-And it happens very often, and there is no escape from it.
3.-They always offer something so persistently that it’s impossible to refuse. Hint: You often look and even more often you don’t understand anything, what’s the matter?

1.-Interested people come here.
2.-Some people stay there for a long time.
3.-And many people often take away with them what is there.
Hint: Our school has this too.

1.-After this, the salary is raised.
2.-This is when a group of people evaluates one.
3.-This is when you tremble with fear.
Hint: You prepare carefully for this.

"Summer camp"
1.-It’s when it’s warm, there are a lot of friends around and everyone is having fun.
2.-This is when they eat and sleep together at the same time.
3.-This is an expensive pleasure today.
Hint: This is where people swim and sunbathe together.

1.-It brings a lot of joy.
2.-At the same time, they often scream and jump with happiness.
3.-Many rejoice with you.
Hint: This is waiting for someone here soon.

Now let's summarize. But first, a round of applause for all participants! Thank you all for your ingenuity, you guys for your active support of the players. And our team turned out to be the winner…….stormy applause for the winners!

Teachers and parents - mutual understanding forever!
