Domino game. General rules

Domino rules

Each of us held dominoes in our hands. They are wooden or plastic, more often black or white with white / black dots. Previously, everyone loved to play dominoes.

Nowadays, of course, children play more often, but you can see both old people and adults laying out the dice in the correct order on the flat surface of a table, bench or board. It would seem, what is difficult in the correct arrangement of numbers? Let's look at the rules of the domino game.

The domino set includes 28 rectangular plates divided in half by a line. Each square half has a dot, whose number can be a digit from zero to six. By the way, why knuckles?

It is believed that this name came from the word bones, that is, cubes. And each plate symbolizes a roll of two dice. Some sets of dominoes may include dice with more than six dots on one half, up to eighteen.

Also in China there are duplicate tiles, and none of them have empty squares. In addition, there are children's dominoes, where there can be children's or exclusive dominoes, where pictures are used instead of dots.

The reverse side is usually flat, but can be covered with any of the same pattern.

Now we know what the set consists of. Let's get down to playing. There are usually two or four participants. If you play together, you need to deal seven chips, if four, then five. The rest should be put aside (in the "house", "bazaar", "reserve").

The first move belongs to the one with two zeros or two sixes (depending on how you agreed or what game you are playing). If no one has dropped these dice, then you can start with any other double chip, according to seniority (that is, two deuces, two fives, and so on).

If suddenly no one has duplicates, they start with the dominoes with the highest sum of numbers. The first chip is laid out in the center playing field... Then, one by one, they begin to attach the rest to the line.

You can continue in both directions, putting the same numbers according to the rule (six to six, five to five, etc.), but sometimes a different method is used, when the sum of the adjacent numbers should be equal to six (that is, six must be answered with zero, five by one and further according to this principle). Remember these domino rules.

If there is nothing to spread, it is worth taking from the "home" until there is something to upload. However, it may happen that there is absolutely nothing to lay out on the table, and everyone has chips on their hands. This is called "fish".

The winner is the one who is the first to place his last dice on the table (or who has the smallest amount on the chips in case of “fish”). The rest count the amounts on their chips and write them down on the sheet. The game is repeated again until reaching a predetermined limit (one hundred, two hundred points).

There are many varieties of domino games. For example, in China their number reaches forty. In Russia, the following options are known: 1. Goat. There are two, three or four participants in this game.

The game starts with the smallest take. In the next game, the winner of the previous round goes first. The losers record the number of points, but only if it is thirteen or more. The game is played up to 101 points, and the loser is declared a "goat".

There is an option team play when four people are paired by two. In this case, the players of the same team sit opposite each other.

2. A kind of Goat. Sea Goat. This game is longer and more difficult than the previous one. There are two or four players (four are divided into teams).

The game also starts with the smallest double, but now the winner writes down the points for himself. He calculates the sum of the remaining figures in the hands of the losers, if it is more than twenty-five, then you can write it down.

But if the winner in the next round is different and he also has twenty-five points or more, your points are deducted. The game is played about 125 points. Now for a few subtleties.

If you have two takes in your hands, and you can lay them out at once, then you have the right to do so. If the player who started recording points has the right to start the game with a double of sixes. If he wins, he wins the game, but if he loses with more than 25 points, he is eliminated from the game.

The one who ends the game with two zeros also wins (such a "goat" is called "bald"). If the last chip was a double six, then this is either a win (with a total of 25 points on the loser's hands), or the next round starts with two sixes.

When calculating points, the following domino rules are taken into account. If there are only two zeros on the hands, then this is 25 points. If there are only two sixes, then 50 points.

If there are only zeros and sixes - 75.

In the case of a fish, the steps are as follows. The player who placed the last chip (except for the double) is considered a "fisherman". If the “fisherman” has less than 25 points, and the other has more, then the “fisherman” wins and starts with sixes.

If the “fisherman” is in the losing position, then you can try to write off the “fish”, continuing the game with any tile. If the "fisherman" wins, and the second player has more than 25 points, then the "fish" is written off.

If it was not possible to write off in three runs, then the "fisherman" loses, and the winner still starts the game with sixes. If with the "fish" the sum of points in the hands of all players is equal, then "eggs" are obtained. They are written off from only two units.

If it was not possible to write off the “eggs” three times, a draw is declared. The game ends.

3. This is also a kind of Goat, but this time it is sports. There are four players (again in two teams). Chips are placed on special stands. The right of the first move passes from team to team in turn. The number of rounds is divisible by four.

The points are recorded according to the principle of the Sea Goat, that is, the winner is the winner. The winner is the pair with the largest number points.

4. Donkey. The differences from the Goat in the Donkey are as follows. The game goes not in two, but in four directions. Duplicates can be displayed in any quantity, at least two, at least four.

Duplicates can be closed, that is, points turned down. In this case, chips cannot be placed in that direction. If the beginning was not with a take, then only a couple of takes can be set closed before the first open take. Scoring, as in the Goat, goes to 101.

If the points are less than 13, then they are remembered and deleted only after the next round, if nothing was recorded in it.

5. Another type of Goat is the General. The players are again two teams of two. There are seven tiles each. To tell your teammate that you have two zeros on your hand, you need to wink, and if you have two sixes, puff out your cheeks.

The first piece to be laid on the table is the 2-unit chip. In the event of a fish, the game is not counted. The chips are laid out only in two directions.

If the player managed to finish with two zeros or two sixes, then he is declared a "general". The game will end anyway if there are no chips on hand.

Here the score is not based on points, but on the "generals" in the team. The game is limited by time - half an hour or an hour. It's lunchtime. To make it more interesting, you can play with four, six, and eight.

Two teams still play, and if one loses, the third team takes over. If some team immediately received a "general", then it is worth giving way to another.

6. A slightly different game. Telephone (sometimes called Lodges). Players from two to four.

The first piece is the "house", in which the pieces are placed from four sides. The game goes up to 72 points.

The scoring rules are as follows. When the sum of the numbers at the ends of the tracks is a multiple of five, the player is awarded this amount divided by five. Double is equal to the sum your glasses.

The winner divides the amount remaining in the hands of the losers by five and writes it down to himself. If not completely divisible, round up.

As a variant of the rules, you can set up to four takes at once. There are still many games. Finally, it is worth mentioning the English version of dominoes, which took root in Russia. This game is called Miggins. Two, three or four play.

If there are two players, then seven chips are dealt, if more, then five. The first player is drawn by lot. You can start the game with any tile. After the first take is laid out, the game develops in four directions.

Points are awarded at the moment when the sum of the points at the edges of the tracks is a multiple of five. Each five gives the player five points. The win brings ten more. With the "fish", the winner will be the one who has fewer points on his hands.

In this case, the points won are calculated as the difference between the points of the winners and all the losers. The account is kept up to 200.

At first, it may seem to you that the rules of the domino game are complicated and confusing, so we recommend that you print this page and keep it in front of your eyes for the first time as a hint. Learn the rules of dominoes and play for fun!

Learning to play the classic goat domino is not as difficult as it might seem. All you need to do is read in detail the rules of the game for beginners that are written here. The instructions with the rules are illustrated with photo examples, so the rules are much easier to perceive. After reading this article, you will not have a question How to play table domino

How many dice should there be in a set of dominoes?

The number of dice in one set of dominoes must be 28 pieces. V chinese dominoes there are more bones, and in a classic domino there are exactly 28 pieces of tiles in a box. By the way, many people mistakenly ask how many chips, dominoes are in a set, correctly name bones, stones or just dominoes.

These are paired bones with the same number of points on both sides, in a set with 28 duplicate bones there should be 7 pieces: 0–0, 1–1, 2–2, 3–3, 4–4, 5–5, 6–6.

How many takes in dominoes - 7 pieces.

How to play domino goat

We figured out what doubles in dominoes are and how many tiles there should be to play "Goat" (28 pieces). We proceed directly to how to play the goat dominoes.

1 Mix the bones
Pour the bones on the table so that the glasses (dots) on the bones are not visible. We mix the bones well, now this pile of stones is called "Bazaar".

2 Take dominoes
Then the players take turns taking the dice from the Bazaar, you need to take it so that other players do not see the numbers (dots) on your dominoes.

How many dominoes to distribute per player?
Depends on how many people will play, a maximum of 4 players is possible.

  • 2 players - take 7 dice each;
  • 3-4 players - take 5 dice each;

Bazaar- these are the closed extra dominoes that remained after all the players took the dominoes in their hands. When there is nothing to walk with, players from the Bazaar pick up dominoes.

After everyone has taken the dominoes, the game begins.

3 First move
The first stone is placed on the center of the table by the player who has a double with fewer points in his hand, 0–0, 1–1, 2–2, and so on. If no one has duplicates, a simple die with a lower score is placed, for example, 0-1, 0-2, and so on. For example, two players have the smallest dice for the number of points, 2-2.

4 Second move
After the first player, the others lay down their bones in turn. If a player has several options for walking dominoes, for example, 2-6 and 2-3, he himself decides which dice to put. In the example, the second player was like a stone 2-6.

5 What to do when there is nothing to walk with?
It's your turn to put the dice on the table, and you don't have a suitable domino in your hands. Then the player searches for suitable dominoes at the Bazaar. Each open stone from the "Bazaar" is taken by the player in his hand.

5 End of the game
The game ends when one of the players runs out of dice or when a Fish is obtained. All other players with bones in their hands begin to count the points.


Before the start of the game, the players agree to what amount of points they will play dominoes, for example, 300 points. This means that the winner is the one who gets the first 300 points. After each game played, the winner receives points from the stones that remain in the hands of the losing players.

Which bone gives how many points?

  • Dummy or empty-empty (0–0) - count as 25 points;
  • Dice 6–6 - count as 50 points;
  • All other stones give how many points, how many points are on them. For example, dice 1–4 are 5 points, dice 6–4 are 10 points, 3–5 are 8 points, and so on.

What does domino fish mean?

Sometimes in dominoes there is such a situation that none of the players have a stone in their hands that can be placed to continue the game and the Bazaar has run out of bones for selection, such a situation called Domino Fish.

What is dummy and empty empty dominoes?

Zero, dummy, empty, bald, naked is the name of the stone 0-0, this is a bone on which there are no points (points).

If you have reached this part of the article, then you have read all the rules on how to play table dominoes. To consolidate and understand everything that is written in this article, try to play the dominoes below. And remember, never say chips, bones, stones or dominoes will be correct :)

You have reached the end of the page, which means that you have read all the rules of the domino game and it is time for you to consolidate your knowledge in the game against real opponents.

The domino game belongs to the category of incredibly interesting and exciting entertainment, which does not require a large number of people. So, you can play this game even in a pair with your son or daughter, and from this it does not lose its attractiveness at all.

Meanwhile, the rules for playing dominoes together with a child are somewhat different from the version when a group of children and adults of different ages plays this fun.

What is the correct way to play dominoes in pairs?

Before starting the game, all the chips must be turned face down and thoroughly mixed. After that, each participant randomly pulls out 7 dominoes from the total mass and places them in front of him. The first move is made by the player who got the 6-6 counter. If no one has it, the owner of double 5-5, 4-4 and so on goes down.

In rare cases, it may turn out that both players do not have a single double in their hands. Under such circumstances, the chips can be replaced, or the first move is made by the participant who has in his arsenal a domino with the maximum amount of points on it.

The next player adds his own to this chip with the same number that is depicted on it. If there is no opportunity to make a move, the participant must take one domino from the total mass. If it fits, you have to make a move. Otherwise, skip it and pass it to another player.

The winner of the game is the one who managed to get rid of all his dominoes faster. After that, the points are counted - each player is awarded the sum of points on the bones remaining in his hands. Moreover, if one of the participants has only one domino with a dignity of 0-0, he immediately receives 25 points. If the double 6-6 did not come out of the game, its owner is awarded 50 points at once. Ultimately in classic version double domino the one who is the first to score more than 100 points loses.

Often, a game of dominoes ends a little earlier - if a situation called "fish" arises on the field. In this case, both players cannot make a move, despite the fact that they have already used the "bazaar". Under such circumstances, the participants count their points, but the one who received the lower is not awarded anything, and the second is recorded the difference between the points of the winner and the loser.

How to play goat?

Much faster and funnier is the version of this game called "goat". It is as easy to play this variant of dominoes for two as in the classic one, however, it has some peculiarities. So, the owner of the double 1-1, 2-2, and so on in ascending order starts this game.

If no one has duplicates, the first to go is the one who has a domino in his hands with the minimum amount of points on it. Further, the moves are carried out in the same way as in the classical version, but if one of the participants cannot lay out a chip, he turns to the “bazaar” as many times as it takes to find the one he needs.

Thus, in one move, any player can take the entire "bazaar" for himself, and the outcome of the game will be predetermined at the very beginning. The scoring for determining the winner and the loser in this case is carried out in the same way.

Also learn how to play with your child in equally fun and Russian

Yesterday my son was presented with a domino, but for some reason there were no instructions and rules of the game in it. I had to search the Internet and figure it out myself.

It turns out that the goat variation of the domino game is the most popular. It can even be called a domino classic. This option attracts players with its simple rules, calls positive emotions... It is especially interesting to play if 4 people are going.

Let's try together to learn the rules of the goat domino game.

Kit complete set

The game set includes 28 unique dice:

0-0, 0-1, 0-2, 0-3, 0-4, 0-5, 0-6
1-1, 1-2, 1-3, 1-4, 1-5, 1-6
2-2, 2-3, 2-4, 2-5, 2-6
3-3, 3-4, 3-5, 3-6
4-4, 4-5, 4-6
5-5, 5-6

Dice with the same value on both halves (0-0, 1-1, 2-2, 3-3, 4-4, 5-5, 6-6) are called doubles.

The game can be played by two to four people.

The essence of the game of dominoes "Goat"

The game uses the set of dice described above with a certain number of marked points. The lowest value on the bones is 0, the highest is 6. Each bone has two values.

In the process of laying out the Goat dominoes, the participants place the dice on the table so that the number of dots on one side coincides with the value of the number of dots on the dice already laid out on the table.

The player who first gets rid of all the tiles belonging to him wins.

How to play Goat dominoes?

The game of "Goat" is divided into several stages. At the beginning of each of them, the players blindly take seven dice in their hands.

If a player hits five or more doubles or six or more dice with a repeating value, the dice are dragged.

If less than four people take part in the game, then the extra, remaining dice "open" are moved to the edge of the table, they are called "bazaar". It is addressed if there is no bone on the hands with the required numerical value to make a move.

Game progress

The first move belongs to the player who has a 1-1 double. If no one has such a double in their hands, then the one of the participants who has a double of 2-2 moves. And so on until bone 6-6. If none of the participants has dice 6-6, then the first move from the double is 0-0. If there are no duplicates at all, then we move from the dice with the lowest total of points: 0-1, 0-2, etc.

The move is passed clockwise. The next player in the circle must put a dice with the 1st dot on one side, for example 1-3 (provided that the first dice was put on the table 1-1).

That is, each next player must put a dice, the value of which is equal to the value of the dice already laid out on the table on the contact side.

If the player does not have suitable bones, then he "goes to the bazaar" and blindly draws out one of the extra piled up bones. This continues until the player finds a bone with the required value. In one move, you can take an unlimited number of bones from the bazaar until they run out.

If there is no "bazaar" or it is over, and not a single dice has come up, the player skips a move. All the bones taken at the "bazaar" remain in his hands.

A player has no right to skip a turn if he has a dice on his hand that he can play.

A player can put only one die at a time.

The first stage of the game ends when any of the players have no bones left in their hands, that is, the player "left", or when the player bets a "fish". Then the first move at the next stage is made by the “exited” player, or the “fisherman”, that is, the one who placed the “fish”. He can walk from any bone.

A “fish” is a situation in which all players have dice on their hands but are unable to walk. A similar situation is possible when all six (not counting a double) dice with the same value on one side are laid out on the table and both ends of the chain close the dice with the same value.

For example, dice 0-2, 1-2, 2-6, 2-3 are already laid out on the table. The chain ends with a 5-2 bone on one side, and a 2-4 bone on the other. This is a fish".


If the first stage of the game ends with a “fish”, the player with the highest total of points in his hand will add all the points of the other players.

In general, the winner of the game is the one who first puts all his chips on the table. To the losers - who have bones in their hands.

If the next stage of the game ends not with a “fish”, but simply with the “exit” of one of the participants, who got rid of all his dice, then the remaining players open their dice and count the sum of the points of these dice.

If a player has one single 0-0 dice in his hands, then it is considered 10 points. All other dice are considered at par.

If the total of the player's dice does not exceed 12 points, then this number is "remembered" for the next stage of the game. If at the next stage the player collects the amount of 12 or less points again, then the new amount is added to the old "memorized" amount and goes to the "memorized" amount for the next step. If the player “left”, then all his “memorized” points are reset to zero.

If the player scored more than 12 points in the game, then he opened his account in the game. If the player had "memorized" points at the time of opening the account, then they are added to the accumulated amount. From the moment the account is opened, the points are not "remembered" and any, even the smallest, number of points scored in one game will immediately be added to the player's account.

The game is considered over as soon as one of the players scores 101 or more points. A player who scored 101 or more points in total according to the results of the games played is considered a loser, that is, he becomes a "goat".


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Domino is board game, which is known to everyone from childhood. Its essence is to build a logical sequence of chips, also called dice. In entertainment, there is a system by which the chips are in contact with each other - the stones are connected in halves if they have the same number of points.

China is considered the homeland of domino. And it was brought to the European part of the continent of Eurasia by the navigator from Italy Marco Polo. The original version of the entertainment did not have an empty knuckle; it appeared later in Europe. At first, the game was popular only among the ministers of monasteries, who whiled away their free time, and then ordinary people began to play it. It is known that in ancient times, and in some countries until now, with the help of such knuckles, magicians and shamans predicted the future.

The term domino means a combination of two colors. During the cold season, French priests wore a warm robe, which was white on the inside and black on the outside, and they called it "dominoes". Also in Europe, this name was given to white and black masks for masquerades. Apparently, this is where the entertainment got its name. There are many types of it, but all of them are based on the same principle of constructing a logical chain.

General rules of the classic domino game

In order to play the entertainment in question for two, three, etc., participants will need twenty-eight rectangular chips, which are divided by a strip into two halves, each of them contains a certain number of points from zero to six.

The rules of the classic domino game usually do not cause difficulties for beginners. The number of players taking part in a battle can vary from two to four. If two players participate in a duel, then the players get seven dice each, if gamers play three or four, the number of chips in the distribution is reduced to five. The remaining records are still in the reserve called the bazaar.

In the classic form, the right to move first belongs to the owner of the one-to-one take. If the players did not have this knuckle in their hands during the distribution, then the owner of the double moves two or two, and so on in ascending order. It is prohibited to start a battle from an empty stone. Rarely, but it happens that the partners did not have duplicates at the beginning of the battle, in which case the owner of the stone with the smallest number of points starts the fight, for example, 1-0. In the future, the participants carry out their moves in turn. According to the rules of the domino game, partners add their chips to the first tile in such a way that the number of dots on two halves of different stones is the same. When the participant's turn came to walk, and he did not have the required bone, the phrase "I am going to the bazaar" is used in the duel, and the gamer pulls one stone from the reserve. V traditional game In dominoes, the rules of the game stipulate that the player will pull stones until he gets the one he needs, or until the bazaar is empty.

The one who placed his chips on the playing field before the opponents is declared the winner. This is where the fight ends.

Purpose of the game

The main goal of the participant is to be the first to get rid of the knuckles in each game.

Fish in dominoes

In all varieties of dominoes, there is such a thing as fish. This is a situation in which none of the partners has the opportunity to continue the fight. For example, if there are plates with the number three on both sides of the chain, and all the chips with this number of points have already been used in the duel. Fish means that the battle has come to an end, and the participants need to count the points scored during the battle. In such a situation, victory remains with the gamer who has chips with fewer points in his hands.


In dominoes, the rules stipulate that the battle ends at the moment when the sum of points of one of the opponents exceeds one hundred. Chips give as many points as there are dots on them, except for double 0, for which twenty-five points are given, and double 6, for which fifty points are awarded. The winner is credited with all the points in the hands of the opponents who were defeated. With a fish, the difference in the opponent's points goes to the winner's account.

Classic domino rules

There are many subspecies of entertainment, but among the users of the Russian Internet, the most popular variations are goat, donkey, blitz and some others. They differ from each other only in the conditions for achieving victory.

Consider the most famous:

  • 1. Goat. The duel is attended by from 2 to 4 players, each of whom receives 7 stones. The owner of the smallest double starts the battle. If a partner has a need, he "goes to the market", but the last disc from the reserve cannot be taken. After the end of the battle, gamers count, points are recorded only if the player scored at least thirteen. The second game is started by the winner of the previous one. The participant whose total points exceed the threshold of one hundred points is the first to lose.
  • 2. Donkey. Its zest is that after the first move, the other players have the right to apply stones to all four sides of the double, so a cross is formed on the playing field. The participant who placed the double has the right to close it by simply turning it over. After that, stones cannot be placed on the same side. Counting in this variety is carried out in the same way as in a goat.
  • 3. Blitz. 4 players participate in Domino Blitz. This variation is interesting in that in it one player has the right to make several moves in a row. If the participant was like, but he still has the opportunity to make one more move (there is a knuckle with a suitable number of points), he moves again. You can make as many calls as there are matching chips. If the situation allows, it is allowed to lay out all your tiles in one go. For example, a player has laid a dice 3: 4, but he has 4: 6, 6: 2 and 2: 1. The walker places each on the table in that order. After the matching chips run out, the right to move passes to the partner on the left. The one who leaves the game first (gets rid of the chips) wins.

Despite the fact that in the game a lot depends on luck, there are still some tricks that can increase the participant's chances. Correctly chosen tactics will definitely bring a positive result for the gamer. Therefore, the study of possible entertainment strategies and their application in practice will have a positive effect on the player's skill.

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