Achievement generator for downloading in Minecraft. wow achievements

We are happy to introduce you to our innovation. Have you heard about the achievements? Yes, everyone heard! Every time you load a new cubic world, you complete the most banal achievements, such as “Cut down a tree” or “Create a workbench”. Aren't you tired of them? Many are already languishing with melancholy - how much useless achievements can you get if you have completed the whole Minecraft world up and down?

It's for you that we do it Minecraft achievement generator online! You can use it to make fun of your friends, or make an achievement for yourself - isn’t it great when you can stroke your pride by completing a task you prepared yourself? Compete with your friends and create millions of challenges for each other!

The icon for your “task” is created very simply. Just four steps will allow you to see your creation! The very first thing is to select an icon. Don't worry, we have an incredible amount of them, so you won't have any problems with them. The second step is to enter the “title” of the achievement, which will be highlighted in yellow. Come up with an original name with a pun or play on words - it is very important to interest someone in your unique task! The third stage is to enter white text, which should describe the method of obtaining the achievement, or comment on the name if you decide to make fun of a friend. And the very last stage is also the easiest. Just one click on the "Generate" button will allow you to see what you worked hard on.
Isn't this amazing? Try it! Now you too will have a special, unique achievement made by your own hands!

You can see examples in the comments! Add this page to your bookmarks and create your own Achievements in any quantity!

The new Achievement Generator is exactly what the modern owner of his server needs. If earlier such generators could be seen in some other games or themes, now every fan Minecraft games can create a long-awaited Achievement from the provided image options with unlimited descriptions.

Almost all fans of this game are familiar with the possibility of obtaining various achievements that you receive for various actions, from the simplest cutting of a tree to the construction of a house of 100 square meters.

But everyone is tired of the usual list of achievements, then it will come to the rescue new plugin, which will allow you to create any achievement and distinguish yourself among the entire gaming community and among your friends.

Many people regard this plugin as the possibility of using it to make real profits. Imagine what it would take to top up your account with 100 rubles gaming player receives achievement. For 500 one more, etc. in the same direction. Many people want to stand out and show everyone what they have donated, for them this is amazing news.

It is also convenient that the achievements themselves are not limited both in quantities and in possibilities. The online achievement generator in MineCraft is suitable for everyone.

Creating an achievement is done in just 4 simple steps that even a 6-year-old child can perform, the main thing is to be able to read these steps.

Let's talk a little about these steps, their functions and purposes.

The first step is to select an icon; there are a huge number of them on our website. Therefore, if you decide to create not one or 10 achievements, but, for example, a thousand, no problem, everything is in your hands.

In the second step, you are required to write text, the name of the achievement itself, which will be highlighted in yellow text. The best thing, of course, is to come up with a name that will attract and at the same time be interesting. Such names will provoke one to achieve the same achievement as the presence of his other players who have noticed him.

The third stage performs 2 functions - the first is a description of obtaining the achievement. In the second version, it can act as a joke or a special text for a friend, oneself, or a particularly distinguished player. This text will appear white in the game.

After going through all four stages with one click of the mouse on the “generator” button, you will be able to see what happened. Then everything is simple, 3 options for links to place it wherever you want. For example, on a forum or website, with a signature.

If all the conditions for creating an Achievement are not met and you click on the *generate* button, then nothing will happen and after trying to generate an Achievement, you will be redirected back to the page for creating these wonderful achievements.

You can see some examples of what can happen and what it looks like by looking at the comments below the generator, also post yours, brag and share your impressions.

Please leave all your wishes before adding new icons for the generator in the comments. who knows, maybe your proposal will be the one that will eventually be placed.

Introduced the players to new achievements character. Old achievements have been permanently removed from the game, only some of them have been re-implemented.

Therefore, I would like to dwell a little on the features new system achievements. In addition, since the names of achievements (both in the original and in translation) contain various references or jokes, I would like to talk about this too.

Features of the new achievement system

The main feature of advancements (this is the name of the new achievement system in English) is the ability to add new achievements using configuration files. That is, all the achievements that exist in the game are not “programmed”, but are described in json files. And if you wish, you can add new achievements to the game yourself.

The achievement system appears to have been reworked to make it easier for developers to add new achievements to the game. At the same time, the system has very great capabilities, and we have yet to realize the enormity of the potential inherent in it:

First, there are three types of achievements. This, in my opinion, is not very important; This is simply how the achievements in the game are structured:

  • Goal- a set of thematically combined achievements;
  • Advancement- a common achievement, a unique unit of character development progress in the game world;
  • Challenge- optional achievement, may contain some meaningless actions;

Secondly, the achievement description is something like a script that includes:

  • Triggers- events that initiate the achievement;
  • Terms- a set of verifiable characteristics, on the basis of which a decision is made to give the player an achievement or not;
  • Rewards- a set of actions performed when conditions are met: issuing a recipe (in fact, “filling out the reference book” is precisely what is provided by the hidden achievement branch), experience, executing a trigger for another condition, and even... executing a function (a file containing a list of console commands).

And this scripting system is very important! It is something like what my ReActions plugin implements - when some event occurs, it checks conditions and performs certain actions.

In essence, it is a full-fledged scripting language. And although at first glance its capabilities seem limited, I'm sure that we will soon see many cards that combine the capabilities of achievements and command blocks in the most bizarre ways.

But all this relates more to the technical part. I would like to pay more attention to the standard achievements and how their names were translated.

New achievements in Minecraft 1.12

The game has several main goals, united by a common theme:

  • Minecraft is a set of achievements that lead the player to the End dimension.
  • Adventure- this is just a set of funny, risky events - a battle with monsters, a search for the totem of immortality, etc.
  • Agriculture (Husbundry)- everything is clear from the name: growing wheat and breeding animals.
  • Nether- achievements that can only be obtained by visiting the Nether.
  • End- achievements that can only be obtained by visiting the End.

Each goal includes a specific set of achievements.


Main story of the game

To start completing this branch of achievements, you just need to get a workbench.

Stone age

To complete this achievement, you must mine a block of cobblestone using a pickaxe.

The name of the achievement (in both Russian and English) is a reference to the name of the prehistoric era.

New thing! (Getting an Upgrade)

To complete this achievement you need to create a stone pickaxe.

Strike iron... (Acquire Hardware)

To complete this achievement you need to smelt an iron ingot.

The name of the achievement (in Russian) is part of the famous proverb: “Strike while the iron is hot.”

Dress code (Suit Up)

To complete this achievement, you must create some type of iron armor.

The name of the achievement in the original is a reference to a phrase uttered by Barney Stinson, a character on the TV show How I Met Your Mother.

In the translation, as a name, I used the phrase “dress code” - the form of clothing required when attending certain events. It seems to me that fighting monsters is clearly an event that would not be hampered by a certain “dress code.”

Hot Stuff

To complete this achievement you need to fill a bucket with lava.

The original title is believed to be a reference to the Donna Summer song. The Russian title can simply be called a proverb, but if fans of the series “Adventure Time” see a reference to episode 79 here, I won’t object.

And the pickaxe rusts idle (Isn’t it Iron Pick)

To complete this achievement you need to craft an iron pickaxe

The original title contains a reference to the Alanis Morissette song “Ironic” (it contains the line “Isn’t it ironic”). For the Russian name, I slightly changed the proverb “And the saber rusts idle.”

Can't wait! (Not Today, Thank You)

To complete this achievement you need to deflect an arrow with a shield.

The original title is a reference to the title of a comedy radio show on the BBC. In Russian, a phrase is used from an old joke, which has long become a kind of saying.

Two elements (Ice Bucket Challenge)

To complete this, you need to mine an obsidian block.

The original name refers to the "bucket test" ice water" - a campaign designed to draw attention to amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, as well as charitable activities aimed at studying and treating this disease. This plays on the fact that to obtain obsidian, lava is filled with water from a bucket.

The Russian translation uses the title of a poem by Evgeny Yevtushenko, and water and lava are considered as two elements.


To complete this achievement, you must mine a diamond.

Molten Core (We Need to Go Deeper)

To complete this you must teleport to Nether

The original used an Internet meme as the title. In the Russian translation, the title is a majestic description of Nether, which (by chance) coincided with the name of a set of cards from the game Hearthstone.

Cover Me With Diamonds

To complete the achievement, you must obtain any piece of diamond armor.

The original used a reference to the Kylie Minogue song “Cover Me With Kisses”. The Russian version uses an almost direct translation, but I like to think that there is a hidden reference to the saying “shower with gold.”


To complete the achievement you need to enchant an item.

Zombie Doctor

To complete this, you need to throw a weakening potion at the zombie peasant, and then feed him a golden apple.

Eye Spy

To complete this achievement you must find a fortress.

The original uses a consonance with I spy - a children's game in which players must guess what the presenter has wished for. In Russian, the title of the story by Saltykov-Shchedrin was chosen as the name of the achievement.

End? (The End?)

To complete this achievement, you simply need to enter the End portal.


A set of achievements related to Nether.

Wormhole (Subspace Bubble)

You need to run a distance in Nether such that when you return to the ordinary world, there are at least 7000 blocks between the entrance and exit portals.

The original name was taken from the name of the interstellar engine from the Star Trek series. The Russian language uses a similar reference, which in my opinion is even more successful. “Wormhole” is how travel through “subspace” is called in science fiction works.

Halls of the Nether (A Terrible Fortress)

To complete the achievement you need to enter Nether's Fortress.

The Russian language contains a hidden reference to the “Chambers of Chaos” from R. Zelazny’s books “The Chronicles of Amber”.

Return to Sender

To complete the achievement you need to kill the ghast with a fireball.

The original appears to be a reference to Elvis Presley's song "Return to Sender". The Russian translation uses a direct translation, which fits perfectly here. We may not have such a song, but we do have a reference to a stamp on a letter that did not find its addressee.

Into Fire

Kill the flash and get the fire rod.

The translation turned out to be almost a direct translation, but also with a reference to the saying “Out of the frying pan and into the fire.”

Poor Yorick (Spooky Scary Skeleton)

Obtain a wither skeleton skull

The original contains a reference to the song of the same name. I don’t know a Russian popular song about skeletons, so with us everything is more serious - we turned to the work of “William, you know, our Shakespeare.”

War of the Worlds (Uneasy Alliance)

To get the achievement you need to kill a ghast who is in the normal world.

The phrase "Uneasy Alliance" is a reference to a map from Scrolls games, but the phrase itself is quite common. And the translation uses the title of a science fiction story by Herbert Wells. If you haven’t read it, be sure to read it, I recommend it.

Local Brewery

To get the achievement, brew a potion and take it from the potion maker.

Miracle Yudo (Withering Heights)

To get the achievement you need to be close to the place where the wither spawns.

The original title contains a reference to Emily Brontë's book Wuthering Heights. In the Russian version, a monster from Russian fairy tales is played out - Miracle Yudo, which is often something multi-headed like the Vizer.

Bring Home the Beacon

To get the achievement, you must be near the lighthouse at the time of its launch.

The original title refers to the idiomatic expression "bring home the bacon", which means "to make money, to feed a family." The translation uses a reference to the saying “The desired light for a sailor is the fire of his native lighthouse.”

Mayakovsky (Beaconator)

To get the achievement you need to be next to the lighthouse, which is installed on a pyramid with a 4x4 base.

The original name plays on the word Baconator - the so-called... sandwich. Well, in the Russian translation, this is a kind of nod to the famous poet Vladimir Mayakovsky.

A Furious Cocktail

To get the achievement you need to be under the influence of 11 different potion effects at the same time.

The translation of the title into Russian was approved by Dinnerbon. I asked him if there was any hidden meaning and said that its name reminded me of “Energy Drink”. He agreed, so I settled on this translation option.

The impossible is possible! (How Did We Get Here?)

To get the achievement you need to be under the influence of 20 different effects at the same time.

The original title means something like “How did we get to this point in life?” But this phrase in Russian has a rather negative connotation, but I wanted something more positive. And the title of Dima Bilan’s song, in my opinion, is perfect for this.


A set of achievements related to End.

Free the End

To complete the achievement you need to kill the ender dragon.

The Next Generation

To complete the achievement you need to pick up a dragon egg.

The original title contains a reference to the title of the series Star Trek: The Next Generation and it was preserved: in one of the translations of the series it was called “Star Trek: The Next Generation”.

Perfect Escape (Remote Getaway)

To complete the achievement, throw an ender pearl into the portal of End.

Deja Vu (The End... Again...)

To complete the achievement you need to summon a new ender dragon.

The English title plays on the duality of the meaning of the word End (in relation to Minecraft), so in Russian it was decided to use the word “Deja Vu”, which is a reference to the comedy of the same name by Juliusz Machulski (1989) or (if you prefer) the science-fiction thriller by Tony Scott (2006) .

Freshen your breath (You Need a Mint)

To complete the achievement, you need to acquire a vial of dragon's breath.

There is no reference in the original. Perhaps in the Russian version someone will see a reference to the advertising slogan of some candies, but this is just a proposal to the Ender dragon: “Fresh your breath!”

Make yourself at home, traveler (The City at the End of the Game)

To complete the achievement you just need to enter the city of Enda.

The English title plays on the name of the End dimension, and also contains a reference to the book “A Restaurant at the End of the Universe”. Therefore, when translating, it was decided to build on the description, which reads “Keep moving, what could happen?” and a phrase from the song of the group King and the Jester “Forester” was chosen as the title.

Where are your wings (Sky's the Limit)

To complete the achievement, acquire elytra.

The original phrase means something like “there are no limits to human capabilities.”
When translating, one could use something like “Only the mountains are higher...”, but the original saying has a negative connotation: “Only the mountains are higher, the only steeper are the eggs” - this is what they say about an arrogant person. Therefore, the title of the Nautilus Pompilius song “Where are your wings” was used. This phrase correlates perfectly with the task itself for obtaining the achievement.

Great view! (Great View From Up Here)

To get this achievement, you need to fly up 50 blocks under the influence of the levitation effect.


Adventure, exploration and combat

Monster Hunter

To complete the achievement you must kill any aggressive mob.

The English title contains a reference to the fantasy RPG.

Without leaving the cash register! (What a Deal!)

To complete the achievement you need to purchase something from the peasants.

The translation uses part of the slogan of Soviet trade - “Count your money without leaving the cash register.” And there is also an internal reference to another achievement, the phrase “Strike iron without leaving the cash register” is obtained, which in turn is a quote from the film “The Diamond Arm”.

Sleep, my joy, sleep (Sweet dreams)

You just need to sleep on the bed.

The original title contains a reference to the song Sweet Dreams (Are made of this).

The Russian title uses a line from a famous lullaby.

St. John's wort (Monsters Hunted)

To complete this achievement you must kill at least one monster of each type.

The Russian title uses the title of a novel by Fenimore Cooper.

Light at the end of the tunnel (Postmortal)

To perform, you need to survive death thanks to the totem of immortality.

The expression “light at the end of the tunnel” is often used in relation to a difficult situation from which a way out has been found. In addition, some people who experienced clinical death said that they saw something like a tunnel, at the end of which there was light.

Three laws of golemtechnics (Hired Help)

To complete this you need to create an iron golem.

The original uses a common expression meaning something like temporary labor. In Russian - a reference to the series of works by Isaac Asimov. What’s especially nice is that I liked the idea, and a similar reference appeared in some other translations.

Adventure Time

To complete it, you need to visit all possible types of biomes.

The original contains a reference to the animated series Adventure Times. And it was perfectly preserved after translation.

Right on target (Take Aim)

To complete this achievement you need to shoot a bow at some mob.

Sniper duel

To complete this achievement, you must kill a skeleton, wither-skeleton, or zymogor with a bow shot from a distance of at least 50 blocks.


A world of friends, kindness and food.

Romantic Dinner (The Parrots and the Bats)

To complete the achievements, you need to feed two animals and wait for their baby to be born.

The original phrase refers to the established expression "The Birds and the Bees"

Best Friends Forever

To complete the achievements you need to tame an animal.

The translation uses the popular saying “A dog is a man’s friend.”

Field of Miracles (A Seedy Place)

You need to plant some seeds in the ground.

The English phrase contains a certain ambiguity. The word seedy, on the one hand, means something filled with seeds (for example fruit), on the other hand, the word seedy can be translated as an adjective meaning bad quality or condition.
The Russian title uses a reference to A. N. Tolstoy’s story “The Golden Key or the Adventures of Pinocchio.”

Happy Farmer (Two by Two)

To complete the achievement you need to raise one animal of each type.

As Dinnerbon said, the English title originally sounded like “After The Ark.” However, he changed it to "Two by Two" to avoid a direct reference to the story of Noah's Ark. The best translation for this phrase is: “There are two of every creature” - and this is essentially a direct quote from the Bible. Therefore, it was decided to use another reference, and the name of a game that once existed on VKontakte was chosen as the name of the achievement.

Robin Bobbin (A Balanced Diet)

To get this achievement you need to taste everything edible in the game.

The title of a children's poem was used in the translation.

Patience and Labor (Serious Dedication)

To get this achievement you need to grind a diamond hoe into dust.

The Russian title used the proverb “Patience and labor will grind everything down.” Or if you want...
