Jin kills with 1 hit Witcher 3. Walkthrough “The Last Wish”

Sheikh Abu Abbas said the following about this: “It is forbidden to kill jinn without a reason. Just as unjustifiably killing a person is not permitted, killing a jinn without a valid reason is considered prohibited. Harassment in any form or manifestation is considered prohibited. Even the oppression of non-believers is condemnable and prohibited.”

Allah says in the Holy Quran:

“O you who believe! Be steadfast for the sake of Allah, testifying impartially, and do not let the hatred of people push you to injustice. Be fair, for this is closer to fear of God. Fear Allah, for Allah knows what you do.”

Aggression can be suppressed by aggression. However, if it is possible to get rid of a genie that harms a person without killing him, then it is preferable to choose this path. For crossing the boundaries of what is permitted without compelling reasons cannot be justified (Imam Shibli, Akamul Marjan fi ahkamil jan, p. 84).

As we said earlier, jinn can come to people in different forms, guises and guises. Therefore, when you see a snake, ask it to leave three times, in case that snake might be a genie in the form of a snake. And if after the above three times she is killed, you are not responsible for this. Even if the killed snake turns out to be a genie, you will not be considered to have committed a crime, for he was ordered to leave three times, but he did not obey, moreover, by threatening his life, he frightened the person.

In one of the hadiths, according to legend from Ibni Umar (r.a.), the Prophet (ﷺ) said: “When you see a snake with two stripes on its back, with a cut off tail and blue eyes, kill it. Because they take away the light of your eyes and cause miscarriage” (Bukhari, Badul-Khalq: 14, No. 3123, 3/1201; Muslim, Salam: 37, No. 5961, 7/38).

The hadith uses the expression “zut-tufayatain”, which means with two tufiyas. “Tufia” is the leaves of one of the berry plants. That is, two white stripes are similar to the stripes located on the leaves of this plant.

The expression “abtar” used in this hadith indicates a short-tailed snake with a very strong poison.

Pregnant women who see such a snake may experience premature labor out of fear.

In another hadith, transmitted according to the legend of Ibni Masud (ra), the Prophet (ﷺ) said: “Whoever kills a snake will receive seven sawabs, and whoever kills a lizard will receive one sawab. He who does not kill the snake, fearing the consequences, will not act according to our sunnah” (Ahmad ibni Hanbal, al Musnad, No. 3984, 7/9; Tabarani Al-Mujammul-Kabir, No. 10492, 10/209-210).

The command to kill snakes immediately prescribed in this hadith applies to cases in open areas. If you happen to encounter a snake in the house, with the exception of the case of snakes with two stripes and a short tail, then you must ask it to leave three times, and only then, in case of disobedience, you can kill it.

The work of Imam Qurtubi, called “Al-Jamigu li Ahkamil Quran,” describes one case that confirms the correctness of this opinion.

Aisha (ra) was at home, reading the Quran, and when she saw a snake resting in the house, she killed it.

That same night she heard a voice that told her: “You killed the believing genie who came to the Prophet (ﷺ). To which Aisha (ra) replied: “If he had been a believer, he would not have entered the chambers of the Prophet’s wife.” Then a voice told her: “He came to listen to your dhikr when you were covered.”

The rest of the night Aisha (ra) passed in complete anxiety and mental anguish. In the morning, having bought several slaves, she freed them to atone for the murder of a snake, which turned out to be a genie (Tafsirul Qurtubi, 16/125).

According to the accounts of Abu Said Al Khudri, Sahl Ibn Sad and Ibni Umar (r.a), another similar case is described.

One of the young Ansars, who had gotten married not long ago, went out with the others to dig a ditch before the battle, which was later called Khandak. But during the day, having asked for leave from the Prophet (ﷺ), he visited his wife at home.

Having asked for leave once again, he came home, but when he saw his wife at the door, in a fit of jealousy he grabbed a spear. To which his wife told him, “Take your time! Go and see what’s there.” Entering the house, he saw a large snake lying curled up on their bed. Throwing a spear, he killed her, and then stuck the spear in the yard. But it was at that moment that the snake attacked him, which makes it unclear who died first.

The Sahaba, having gathered, asked the Prophet (ﷺ) “Pray to Allah Almighty to resurrect him for us.” According to the tradition of Abu Said Al-Khudri (r.a.), the Prophet (ﷺ) replied: “Undoubtedly, among the believing jinn who have settled there are those who, in the guise of snakes, have settled in your houses. If you see something like this, try to drive them away by asking them to leave three times. And if they don’t leave, then kill them. Because it's an unfaithful genie. Now go and bury your comrade" (Muslim, Salam: 37, no. 2236/139-140, 4/1756-57; Tabarani, Al-Muzhammul-Kabir, no. 5935, 6/184, Al-Mujamus-Sair, no. 1148, page 473)

Some scholars, based on this hadith, believed that it is forbidden to kill snakes without warning only in the houses of Madina, and not in all other places.

At the end of this question, I would like to note: if some gin harms a person, you can find peaceful solution getting rid of it by reading prayers and other means, then aggression in this case is clearly not justified. But if the harm from gin continues, despite all the measures taken, then it is necessary to turn to specialists in this matter for more serious ways to solve the problem.

May Allah Almighty protect us all from their harm! Amine.

Mufti of the Republic of Tatarstan Kamil hazrat Samigullin

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This exercise will become available for completion immediately after you complete quest, where you managed to find out about a strange creature that appeared on the island after Ciri left it. After discussing with Yennefer everything related to Ciri’s disappearance, she will hint to you about some important matter that you need to talk about. This is where this quest will begin.

Important! You will be able to complete this task only until you complete the task, after which the quest will become unavailable ( failed) For passing, since Yennefer goes to Kaer Morhen.

And so, Yennefer suggested meeting in the tavern, which is located in the village of Larvik. Upon entering the tavern, an unpleasant sight awaits you, in which one of the visitors decided to express his opinion to the sorceress regarding her personality, for which he paid, since Yennefer would cast a spell on him.

By starting a conversation with the sorceress, you will find out the reason why she wanted to meet with Geralt before leaving the island. In one of the books that the sorceress found in the imperial library, she managed to find out about a certain sorcerer who specialized in genies. He managed to disappear somewhere on Skellige. The reason why Ian is interested in this sorcerer named Amos is that he had a genie under his command, having acquired whom the sorceress could increase the level of her power, which could be useful in the search for Ciri in battles with Wild hunt. The final place where the sorcerer arrived was the island of Hindersfjall; after his departure, a monstrous storm formed, after which no one saw Amos.

Having agreed to help the sorceress, you will go in search of a crashed ship, which should be nearby. Yennefer will cast a spell on the boat that will allow her to find shipwrecks on the ocean floor, and she will sit at the “wheel”, so you will have to rely on her ability to steer the boat and this time become a passenger.

Having reached the first place where the “locator” showed the presence of debris, Yennefer will cast a spell on Geralt that allows him to remain in water without air indefinitely.

At the depths, a cave awaits you, in which three drowned men will meet you. Having cleared your way, you need to search the cave. You will find only the wreckage of the Trumond clan ship there, this is clearly not the same one ship which the sorcerer was traveling on, so Yennefer will tell you to return to the boat. Having climbed into the boat, the sorceress will continue swimming (at this stage it is possible bug, in which the floating corpses of the drowned people will block the further path, after some time the boat will be able to overcome the obstacle).

In the second place, the Military Horn of the Heimei clan awaits you, having found it, Yennefer will tell you to open the nearest chest in the hope that something belonging to Amos will be found there.

On the deck of the crashed ship you will find a huge shield, the history of which will tell you that the drakkar has been here for quite a long time, which is why these are not at all the wreckage that you need.

Interesting! During the journey to the third point, a conversation will begin between Yennefer and Geralt, in which they will remember the story about the old journeys for the golden dragon, where they had to find themselves hanging over the gorge one step away from death. This is a reference to the Witcher series "Dragon".

Once at the third point, while studying the bottom, Geralt will notice something strange, Yennefer will want to look at what he noticed through his eyes and cast a spell. After examining the area, the sorceress will come to the conclusion that this depression appeared here because of the opened portal.

You need to search the bottom, where to the right of the crashed ship you can find a part of the seal; it is this that will interest the sorceress, who will ask Geralt to climb back on board the boat.

After showing the sorceress part of the seal, she will try to find the other half using magic and move you to the place where it is using the portal that Geralt hates so much.

You will find yourself not far from a wrecked ship, which inexplicably ended up on top of a cliff. A conversation will begin with the sorceress, in which she will tell you why exactly she needed the genie. In the old days, Geralt and Yennefer met another genie, and the witcher wished that he and the sorceress would always be together. Yennefer worries that this is what makes them feel attracted to each other and wants to break this spell and test your feelings.

You need to board the ship and then go down into the hold, where you will find the sorcerer's boots.

After examining the shoes, you will find drag marks on the floor, which indicate a fallen cabinet.

You need to lift it, you can do this by going close to the cabinet, after which Geralt himself will lift the weighty object. Under the closet you will find Amos' body. Apparently, during teleportation, the ship fell from a great height, which threw the sorcerer away, and the falling cabinet completed the murder.

After searching the corpse, the witcher will find the second half of the seal. Having risen to the upper deck, Yennefer will use a spell to connect the parts of the seal, which will provoke the appearance of Jinnah.

You will have to fight the genie, which will weaken him and allow the sorceress to cast a spell on him.

How to defeat the Genie:

In order to defeat this enemy, you need to constantly move, since he uses mainly long-range attacks, and also teleports, armor with resistance to elemental damage, as well as the Quen sign, will be useful in order to avoid accidental damage. Land multiple hits and use a roll.

Having enclosed the genie in a ball, Yennefer will set a condition for him - she will free him if he removes the spell that another genie cast on them. He will be forced to obey

After the spell is lifted, Geralt and Yennefer will sit on the edge of the ship and a conversation will begin, choice phrases which carries consequences in the relationship between Yennefer and Geralt:

1. And I still love you - Having confessed your love to Yennefer, you will reciprocate the sorceress, there will be no sex scene, but she is waiting for you in Kaer Morhen. You can also connect Geralt’s life with Yennefer at the end of the game. (There is one more feature here, if up to this point in the task you have confessed your love to Triss, then later an unexpected turn of events awaits you, the possibility of the appearance of the task “Tango for Three” will open, in which at the end of the game the Witcher will be left without a partner).

2. It’s a shame, but I don’t want to be with you anymore - Yennefer’s wish is fulfilled, and now your Geralt has no feelings for the sorceress. If in the task you confessed your feelings to Triss, then this phrase will finally set your Geralt’s priorities regarding relationships.

Regardless of the decision made, the sorceress will take you to her room, not far from Kaer Trolde, the sorceress will not want to discuss what happened and will say about her intention to go to Vizima.

Kill... It is not without reason that today we did not focus on any goal in the game in the title of the material that needs to be killed. There will be a countless number of such victims during the game. Especially for you, we have made a selection of the most pressing questions and answers to them in The Witcher 3: how to kill this or that creature.

Let's start with the task in the Crooked-Eared Marsh along the main storyline. When completing a task, players often encounter a problem in The Witcher 3: how to kill witches at their coven. There will be three witches. They can move in space and time, delivering sensitive blows. But despite this skill, witches are very slow and clumsy. Try to deliver a series of quick blows and jump away from the counterattack. You need to try to kill two vixens, because the third, frightened, will run away from reprisals.

During the passage of The Witcher 3, how to kill the toad in the “Hearts of Stone” add-on? Before the fight, prepare bombs and a crossbow with bolts. Without them, you will not be able to defeat the angry giant toad, as it constantly jumps and gives you the opportunity to get close. Avoid the poisonous cloud that comes out of the toad's mouth. The Igni sign will be an excellent assistant in a duel with a toad. Use it when the toad is standing on the ground and when there is an open attack on you from the toad. The energy consumption is colossal, since you constantly have to dodge. At every opportunity to approach the toad, deal damage to it and do not wait for a response.

Another enemy in the game waiting for the sword is the key keeper. In the “Hearts of Stone” add-on, The Witcher 3, how to kill the key keeper guarding Iris on the orders of Olgerd von Everec.

The fight with the key holder will not force you to bother, since victory will be easy. In a battle with the key holder, it is very important not to get under attack and not give the key holder a chance to kill the summoned dead.

And the key keeper can also regenerate thanks to the dead and a magic shovel, which transfers part of the damage in the form of health. The shovel will be given to you as a trophy after the battle. To prevent the key keeper from sucking the life out of you, use the Quen sign and hit with the blade. Try to kill the dead as quickly as possible, without giving the enemy the opportunity to replenish their health reserves.

The ghost in the game is a very serious opponent who is not visible to an ordinary person. Only Geralt can defeat the ghost. In The Witcher 3, how to kill a ghost without hurting yourself. For the fight, you need to prepare in advance a miracle anti-ghost oil and a powerful silver sword one of the witch schools. Keep in mind that the ghost is immune to poison. He is not afraid of light and does not feel pain.
When completing the task “Wild Heart” in The Witcher 3, how to kill the werewolf in the settlement of Bolshie Suchya? To meet the werewolf, you need to wait until 0.00 (at midnight, the werewolf returns to the cave). Your opponent can regenerate. To prevent this from happening, use the Igni sign in your battle tactics. You cannot apply more than four pokes, otherwise you will get a painful counterattack. Try to press the werewolf against the walls of the cave, which will limit its movement around the lair. In the middle of the fight, after the woman who gave you the order appears, you will be faced with a choice - after family proceedings, you can continue to fight with the wolfman or give him the opportunity to kill the woman who has appeared. If you choose the second option, the werewolf will still not survive. He will ask you to kill him without resistance.
The task “Killing Radovid” confronts us with the question in The Witcher 3 of how to kill Radovid and why. In this political quest, there are three possible outcomes of events that entail a change in the political system. If you kill Radovid and support Roche, then Emperor Emhyr, Ciri's father, will certainly take advantage of the situation, seize the north and fight the opposition. If, after killing Radovid, you side with Dijkstra, then Emhyr will die at the hands of Reuven.

If you need an answer to the question in The Witcher 3, how to kill a golem, then carefully study the combat tactics. The golem constantly uses ramming runs and floor kicks. Use the Quen sign and try to hit the golem from behind with your sword. Dodge the attack with rolls. Might come in handy alchemical potion“Swallow” to restore HP and “Thunder” to increase damage.

In the battle with the detlaf, try to dodge the bats that the monster unleashes. It causes a number of difficulties in The Witcher 3, how to kill a detlaf, since mice can destroy all HP at one moment. Try to run as far as possible when sending the bats, since the greater the distance, the less damage. You can also get used to rolling away from them, since they do not change direction, and you can easily jump to the side from their flow.

In The Witcher 3, the question of how to kill the genie should not arise to you, since you will not have to deal with this. You'll just have to guess the riddle about the mirrors.

In The Witcher 3, how to kill a ghost-goblin that constantly disappears to restore HP? Be sure to use the Yrden sign, as well as special anti-ghost oil that you use to coat your sword. Deal no more than two blows with your sword, and then use a somersault to retreat. These actions will allow you to stop the regeneration of the leprechaun's HP. A bomb called “Moon Dust” will significantly reduce the time of combat.

After Geralt and Yennefer last saw each other in Freya's garden, the sorceress hinted to the Witcher that they needed to meet and discuss one very personal matter. She did not disclose details, and the meeting was scheduled in Larvik.

You will need to complete the quest "Nameless", and then Yennefer will have a new business for you. She will want to find the Genie, but will not tell a single detail (if you read the books, you will immediately guess why the sorceress might need the Genie). This is where it begins quest The Last Wish in The Witcher 3.

How to get on the boat?

Having gone with Yennefer to the boat, the player may encounter the problem that he cannot get into it. The solution is not difficult - you need to sit on the bow of the boat, and Yen will steer herself.

There won't be anything interesting at the first two crash sites, but it's better to pick up the loot in the chests. In third place Geralt will find broken seal.

How to search a ship?

Next, Ian will teleport us to the top of the mountain, where it will be necessary to find the second part of the broken seal on a strange ship. To find it, you need to go down into the hold. There will be an overturned cabinet. All you need to do is go up to it, stand up, so that the button you press lights up. And Geralt will easily lift this cabinet, where the seal is located.

How to defeat Jin?

When two fragments of the seal are connected, a Genie will appear. We need to defeat him. Nothing will cause much difficulty here (unless, of course, you are in New Game+). After this, Yen orders Jin to remove the spell that Geralt once asked from another Jin - so that he and Yen would always be together.

Consequences of the quest The Last Wish

Naturally, this was not without consequences. If you don't want spoilers, then it’s better not to read further. Yen will say that after the spell was lifted, nothing has changed and she seems to love Geralt as before. But you have a choice of what to tell her. Accordingly, you can choose to love her even more, then in the end, most likely, you will be together. Or you can say that your feelings went away along with the spell.

To the question I can’t defeat the genie in The Witcher 3 asked by the author Anya Novikova the best answer is It's my own fault

Reply from European[active]
It was necessary to develop Quen, but still, if you have a Quen shield (it restores health with each blow), then use it. If not, then put quen on for a while, you will have to play for a long time. Scheme of evasion-quen-bombs-strikes-elixirs-food-evasion-quen. You can also download the patch and enter the god mode code, although it’s more interesting to do it yourself. Therefore, you can use all the food and elixirs you have +quen.

Reply from Russian[active]
I completed this task without being too pumped up and struggled with it for a long time. Even under Quen, this infection knocked me down. And one day, while jumping from him, I fell onto the lower deck... and then the following happened: he does not restore health, and if you stand on the lower deck, Herald “leaves the battle” and there is an opportunity to save. So I started running from deck to deck. smear the blade with oil and hit the genie 5 - 10 times (it’s better not to be greedy). And save down again. If you load something and his health is already less. Just like that, slowly but surely I overcame him. Maybe it’s not entirely honest and I’m running... I confess)) but there was no choice.

Reply from Dmitry Lvov[newbie]
replay the game, complete additional tasks, buy Michi's armor and he won't deal damage, I'm level 22 and with 2 hits Evo takes 15 percent and I killed him with 3-4 hits

Reply from Slava Mishin[newbie]
What a hat)) the wiki claims that the main storyline(gameplay without any orders or other branches) for 25 hours, but to kill this shit you have to swing. At lvl 21 I tried it * without options * only based on “cunning”: I jumped onto the stairs that lead to the lower deck, leaned out slowly to get it and shot igni (better effect than from a crossbow, it still removes 200 HP, but the question of time remains .) it’s also reasonable to attack from the upper deck, the “fascist genie” doesn’t go there)) however, even Ian is freaking out the whole battle because he got caught by a strong genie

Reply from Eorg vvv[newbie]
There is a way to honestly kill him. In general, it doesn’t matter what you rocked into. you need two potions:
Tawny Owl (the stronger the better) - accelerates energy recovery.
Archgriffin decoction.
What’s the trick, if you have energy and you hit with a powerful attack, the decoction will consume all your energy and take away 5% of the enemy’s health. hitting the gin 20 times is quite possible, although quite difficult

Reply from yfvfyvfyv yfwyfvfyv[active]
Top solution: Settings; Game process and remove the increase in level and complexity for the plot and fights, it will be nowhere easier, and honestly, without bugs, but it’s almost impossible to kill him at the top difficulty, even with the top set for your 20-25 lvl. Well, of course, then you return everything to your level of difficulty.
