Children's games for getting to know each other and activating communication. Let's get acquainted! Games and exercises aimed at introducing children to each other Group game let's get acquainted for elementary school

Children from different schools and different cities gather at the summer camp, but they have to relax together, have fun, and for the vacation to be successful, they need to get to know each other very quickly. The proposed games will help them quickly get to know each other.

GAMES FOR DATING (within a group and between groups)

Dating games

The organizers and presenters are teachers or counselors. They explain the rules of the game and correct its course. The game allows children to remember each other’s names and reveals their creative and organizational skills.

Name-color, name-association

All participants are in a common circle. Each person in turn must name his name and color (image: object, animal, plant), which, in his opinion, he is similar to, and justify his similarity (list similar qualities).

Tell me about me

We divide everyone into pairs. For a few minutes, pairs tell each other about themselves. Then they tell everyone about their couple, then vice versa.

Let's get acquainted

All players are invited to find their namesakes and unite in groups by name. Those with rare names are united in the “Assorted” group. Each group is tasked with presenting their name creatively.

We're going on a hike

The player, having said his name, names an item starting with the first letter of his name, which he can take with him on a hike. For example: “My name is Katya, I’m going on a hike and taking a compass with me.” The next player says: “My name is Seryozha, I’m going on a hike and I’m taking a sleeping bag with me, and also Katya with a compass,” and so on until everyone is called by name.

My favorite thing

The player says his name and favorite activity. The next player states his attitude to the named matter, then introduces himself and says what he likes. For example, the first participant says: “My name is Andrey, and I like to play the guitar.” Next participant: “I don’t know how to play the guitar. My name is Rezha, I love to play football.” And so on.


All players sit in a circle on chairs. The leader stands in the center of the circle, leaving one chair free. The task of the player sitting to the right of the empty chair is to hit it with his hand and call the name of any player. The player whose name is called moves to an empty chair. The presenter must take a new empty chair until the player sitting on the right hits it and calls his name. If he succeeds, then the player on whose right side there is a chair occupied by the leader becomes the leader.

Count to thirty

The players sit in a circle with the leader. The leader offers to count to 30 with the whole squad, making sure to clarify that rarely does anyone cope with this task. The conditions are as follows: players take turns calling one number out loud. In this case, players who receive numbers ending in “3” or divisible by “3” without a remainder say their name instead of the number. The player who makes a mistake stops playing, and the game starts from the beginning.

Who can

The presenter hangs up a pre-prepared poster consisting of a field divided into 9 squares. In each square there is a question: Who can play the guitar? Who's dancing? Who is drawing? Who plays sports? etc. Total 9 (according to the number of squares) questions. All players take pens and pieces of paper, draw a similar field, and number the squares.

The players' task: interview the players and find among them those who really know how to play the guitar, draw, etc. d., write down the first and last name of this player in the appropriate box on your sheet. You cannot write the same person's name in more than one square. After the game, the presenter sums up the results and learns about the skills of the guys in the squad.

Name in circle

Participants stand in a circle. Everyone in turn takes a step to the center, says their name and shows any movement. Then all participants simultaneously repeat his name and the movement he just showed.

Target: meet the children.
Tasks: creating a positive atmosphere in the group;
introducing children to a new teacher;
development of initiative and independence in play and communication;
developing skills to interact with peers and adults;
developing the ability to obey rules and social norms;
development creativity.
Form: games

Junior, middle group

“Come on, let’s get acquainted”

How to play: Children stand in a circle. The presenter begins the game with the words: “Hurry up. What’s your name, tell me,” while throwing the ball to one of the players. He catches the ball, says his name, then he throws the ball to another player, while the words are spoken again: “What is your name, tell me,” etc.

"My name."
Progress of the game: - Guys, let's move a little. I will call names, and if you hear your name, you should jump like bunnies and pull both hands up (Children jump and stretch their hands up, then sit down in their place).
- So I found out that in our group there are many children with the same names. But perhaps you are different from each other? (Children's answers). Let's check it out.

"Tender name" (for children from 4 years old)

Progress of the game: Children, passing the ball to each other, call the affectionate form of their name.

(for children from 5 years old)

Progress of the game: Children stand in a circle, an adult approaches one of them, rings the bell and says: “Hello, Vanya, my friend!”, shaking the child’s hand.

Senior, preparatory group

"Dating phone"

How to play: Players stand in a circle. The presenter has a phone in his hands. The first child standing in the circle is also given a telephone receiver. The presenter calls each child and conducts a dialogue. Hello. What is your name? What kind of person are you? What do you love most?

“Roll call - confused” (for children from 4 years old)

Goal: Development of voluntary attention, consolidation of acquaintances

Progress of the game: The presenter calls the surnames and first names of the children present, confusing first name and surname (the name is called correctly, the surname is not; the surname is correct, the name is wrong). Children listen carefully and respond only when both their first and last names are correctly named. Whoever makes a mistake is out of the game.

"Tender name" (for children from 4 years old)

Goal: formation of positive self-esteem and self-acceptance, acquaintance.

Progress of the game: Children, passing the ball to each other, call the affectionate form of the name of the previous participant in the game.

"Greeting with a bell" (for children from 5 years old)

Purpose: greeting, setting children up in a friendly manner.

Progress of the game: Children stand in a circle, an adult approaches one of them, rings the bell and says: “Hello, Vanya, my friend!” Afterwards, Vanya takes the bell and goes to greet another child. A bell should greet every child.

Fun games

"Let's say hello"

Goal: development of imagination, creation of a favorable atmosphere.

Progress of the game:The presenter talks about in different ways greetings, pleasant and humorous. Then it is suggested to say hello by touching your shoulder, back, hand, nose, cheek.

"Pass a smile around"

Goal: exchange of positive feelings.

Progress of the game:Participants in the game are invited to stand in a circle, shake their neighbor’s hand and convey a smile.

"Compliments" (for children from 4 years old)

Goal: increasing self-esteem, creating a positive self-image, developing communication skills

How to play: Sitting in a circle, everyone joins hands. Looking into your neighbor's eyes, you need to say a few kind words to him, praise him for something. The receiver nods his head and says: “Thank you, I’m very pleased!” Then he gives a compliment to his neighbor, the exercise is carried out in a circle.

Warning: Some children cannot give a compliment; they need help. Instead of praising, you can simply say “delicious”, “sweet”, “floral”, “milk” word. If a child finds it difficult to give a compliment, do not wait for his neighbor to be sad, give the compliment yourself.


Goal: allows children to quickly remember names, each other, and establish contact.

Progress of the game: The first participant (for example, to the left of the leader) says his name. The next one repeats it, and then names his own. And so on in a circle. The exercise ends when the first participant names the entire group

"Roll" (for children from 5 years old)

Goal: activating the group, creating group cohesion.

How to play: Children stand in a line, holding hands. Child, first standing, begins to turn around its axis, dragging those standing behind it. Thus, the children form a kind of “roll”. Children's attention is drawn to the fact that during the exercise it is important not to release their hands. The task can be complicated by asking the children to “unwind the roll”, or spin the roll while saying their name.

"Body Touch" (for children from 5 years old)

How to play: Explain to the participants that you will touch someone. Then they must, using only the part of the body that you touched, touch someone else. Continue the game until all participants are involved. This exercise forces you to interact closely with each other.

"Face to face" (for children from 5 years old)

Progress of the game: Everyone finds a mate. The presenter calls actions, for example, “hand to nose,” “back to back,” “head to knee,” etc. Participants must follow the instructions in their pairs. When the leader says “person to person,” everyone must find another pair. The exercise can be used in the middle and at the end of the lesson.

Option: Children pair up only after the leader’s command. For example, after the command “Shoulder to Shoulder”, children must find a partner and touch their body parts

"Palm to palm"

Goal: activation and unity of the group, development of tactile attention

Progress of the game: Children press their palms against each other and thus move around the group, where you can set up various obstacles that the pair must overcome. This could be a chair or a table. IN certain moment children must be able to agree on further action. An adult-child pair can participate in the game.

“Hands get to know each other, hands quarrel, hands make peace.”

Goal: correlation of a person and his tactile image, removal of bodily barriers; developing the ability to express one’s feelings and understand the feelings of another through touch.

Progress of the game: The exercise is performed in pairs, with eyes closed, children sit opposite each other at arm's length. An adult gives tasks (each task takes 2-3 minutes):

Close your eyes, stretch your hands towards each other, communicate with just your hands. Try to get to know your neighbor better. Put your hands down.

Stretch your arms forward again, find your neighbor's hands. Your hands are fighting. Put your hands down.

Your hands search for each other again. They want to make peace. Your hands make peace, they ask for forgiveness, you are friends again.

Discuss how the exercise went, what feelings arose during the exercise, what did you like more?

"My Mood"

Goal: developing the ability to describe one’s mood, recognize the mood of others, and stimulate empathy.

Progress of the game: Children are invited to tell others about their mood: they can draw it, compare it with some color, animal, physical state, show it in motion. It all depends on the imagination and desire of the child.

"Humpty Dumpty"

Humpty Dumpty

Sat on the wall.

Humpty Dumpty

Fell in his sleep.

The child turns his body to the right and left, his arms dangle freely, like rag doll. When you hear the words “fell in your sleep,” sharply tilt your body down.

"King Borovik is not in a good mood"

The presenter reads the poem, and the child acts according to the text.

King Borovik was walking

Straight through the forest.

He shook his fist

And he tapped his heel.

King Borovik was not in a good mood;

The king was bitten by flies.

"Mouth shut"

Purse your lips so that they are not visible at all. Close your mouth tightly, squeezing your lips very, very tightly. Then relax them:

I have my own secret, I won’t tell it to you, no!(Children say words and purse their lips).

Oh, how hard it is to resist saying nothing.(The teacher says the words)

Still, relax your lips and leave the secret to yourself.

Games for kids

« Come to me"

Progress of the game:The adult takes a few steps away from the child and beckons him to come to him, affectionately saying: “Come to me, my dear!” When the child approaches, the teacher hugs him: “Oh, what a good Kolya came to me!”

"Treasure Hunt"

Progress of the game:The teacher shows the children a treasure chest (pebbles, buttons, beads) and asks them to find some toy in them.

« Sunny bunnies"

Progress of the game:The teacher lets in sunbeams with a mirror and says:

Sunny bunnies. They play on the wall.

Lure them with your finger. Let them run to you!

At the signal “Catch the bunny!” the children are trying to catch him. The game can be repeated 2-3 times.

« Parsley has arrived"

Progress of the game:The teacher brings Parsley and examines it with the children. Parsley rattles the rattle, then distributes the rattles to the children. Together with Petrushka, they shake the rattles and rejoice.

« Hiding the bear"

Progress of the game:The teacher hides a large toy familiar to the child (for example, a bear) so that it is slightly visible. Saying: “Where is the bear?”, he looks for it together with the child. When the baby finds the toy, the adult hides it so that it is more difficult to find.

« Give the dog a paw"

Progress of the game:The teacher holds the dog in his hands and says:

Woof-woof! Who's there?

This is a dog visiting us.

I put the dog on the floor.

Give Petya a paw, little dog!

Then he approaches the child, whose name is named, with the dog and offers to take it by the paw and feed it. They bring a bowl of imaginary food, the dog “eats the soup,” “barks,” and says “thank you!” to the child.

"Have pity on the bunny"

Goal: creating a positive emotional background and activating children, developing attention.

Progress of the game:Reading a poem to children: “The mistress abandoned the bunny...”

Appearance game character A bunny who cries and tells how bad he feels because his owner abandoned him. Discuss with children how you can help Bunny, how to feel sorry for him. Then the children take turns feeling sorry for the Bunny.

Explanatory note to the competitive game program “Let's get to know each other!”
Goals and objectives of the event:
creating a festive atmosphere, goodwill, and a favorable mood for visiting the CDT;
development of children's creative abilities, communication relationships, musical and rhythmic skills;
education of moral qualities;
broadening the horizons of children.
Necessary materials and equipment for the event:
colorful visual design;
attributes for games;
Attributes for the fairy tale “Turnip”.

The main goal of the program was- creating a festive atmosphere, goodwill, developing children’s creative abilities and communicative relationships.

Children were accommodated in assembly hall CDT, mischievous Klepa appeared on the stage, who was glad to meet the children; they had not seen each other all summer.
The acquaintance began with the “Fixies” dance, in which everyone took part. After which the guys played several games, and then 7 people were chosen to stage the fairy tale “Turnip” in a new way, and while the guys were preparing, the rest took part in dance-game"Locomotive". After which the previously selected children performed, who gave a measure of positivity and charged their peers and themselves with a good mood.
Klepa again invited everyone to stand up and play a few games for unity. And in conclusion there was an incendiary general dance “Chucha Chacha”. The atmosphere in the hall was a warm atmosphere of friendliness and joy. Children from 7 to 13 years old took part.
Competitive game program It will be good for introducing teachers to newly arrived children, as well as for introducing the children themselves.
Competitive game program “Let's get to know each other!”

Venue: MKUDO "CDT"
Characters: presenter Klepa.
The music “01 For Klepa” is playing in the background.
In the hall, the children are seated in a semicircle, Klepa runs in and says:
Klepa: Wow, there are so many of you, I miss you so much, all summer I was waiting for this day when you came to me at the Center children's creativity new friends will come!!!
Well, well, well, it seems I forgot something, of course, I forgot to introduce myself! I'm Klepa, what's your name? (children's answer). What, what? and all together! Great. I wonder what circles are present here, Fantasy here? (children's answer) I don't hear. Is there a City of Masters? (children's answer) Great, what about break dancing? (children's answer) what about legos? (children's answer) Great. Now I see that everything is assembled.
To entertain you, friends,
Distract from household chores
I'll try now
I will captivate you with the game.
But first, we’ll warm up a little. We all stand so that I can be seen!

Let's dance the dance "Fixies" to the music "02 Dance of the Fixies"
Klepa: And now we all stand together in a circle, the game is called “Winking.” I will be the driver, who stands in the center of the circle, and you must change places with each other so that I do not have time to take your place and see how you wink at each other. If I stand in an empty seat, then the one who ends up in the circle is the driver. And let's go.
The music “03 for the game of winking” is turned on
Klepa: Now let's test your dexterity. The game is called Racing. The rules are as follows: the ball must be passed in a circle to each other, and no more should be held in the hands.
3 seconds, the driver in the center tries to take it for himself. The ball can be passed in any way. If the ball falls, anyone can take it, including the driver; if he managed to catch the ball, then the one who dropped the ball stands in his place.
The music “04 for the racing game” is turned on
Klepa: How friendly you are, I'm so glad to meet you.
The concert will take place here
Let's be happy in a moment
They will perform before you now
Those who are among you.
And I will choose 7 guys, the guys go to the stage, and while they are getting ready, you and I will dance. We stand so that everyone can see me.
(Klepa selects 7 children and sends them to the stage behind the scenes, where Klepa’s assistant will tell them everything)
Klepa: While the guys are getting ready, we will play another game “Electric Locomotive”. We stand up so everyone can see me and repeat after me.
Let's dance to the song "Tektonik"
Great, and now friends, let’s take our seats, because a group of artists has come to us with their ultra-modern, incendiary number “Turnip”. And we invite them to the stage to thunderous applause!
(music for the fairy tale turnip is performed by the children selected earlier, against the background the story of the fairy tale turnip, the story is led by Petrushka’s assistant)
Voice-over: Grandfather planted a turnip and said:
- Grow, grow, turnip, sweet! Grow, grow, turnip, strong!
The turnip grew sweet, big, well, so-so.
(a small child is selected, depicting a so-so turnip)
Voice-over: Grandfather went to pick a turnip: he pulled and pulled, but couldn’t pull it out.
(A boy comes out in a hat with earflaps and a small spatula)
Voice-over: Grandfather called grandma.
(Calls on a cell phone: Grandma, and grandma help me, and grandma rides out on a scooter)
Voice-over: Grandma for grandfather,
Grandfather for the turnip -
The grandmother called her granddaughter.
(granddaughter comes out with a big wig on her head)
Voice-over: Granddaughter for grandmother,
Grandma for grandfather
Grandfather for the turnip -
They pull and pull, but they can’t pull it out.
The granddaughter called Zhuchka.
(someone comes out wearing a dog mask)
Voice-over: Bug for my granddaughter,
Granddaughter for grandmother,
Grandma for grandfather
Grandfather for the turnip -
They pull and pull, but they can’t pull it out.
Bug called the cat.
(Comes out gracefully wearing a cat mask)
Voice-over: Cat for Bug,
A bug for my granddaughter,
Granddaughter for grandmother,
Grandma for grandfather
Grandfather for the turnip -
They pull and pull, but they can’t pull it out.
The cat called the mouse.
(A big boy in a mouse mask comes out, pushes everyone away and pulls out a turnip)
Klepa: Bravo, bravo! Fabulous.
Come down to us guys and we all stand in a line and turn our backs to each other. The game is called Broken Fax.
The first and last player are given a pen and paper. The last player draws what I say on the sheet, and then draws exactly the same with his finger on the back of the neighbor in front.
Each subsequent player draws on the back of the person in front what he felt on his back.
The first player redraws on paper what he felt on his back.
After all, they compare the resulting pictures and have fun.
The last player moves to the beginning of the column and the game starts again.
(Music 04 racing game)
Klepa: And again we unite in a circle and check if you can jump.
Klepa spins the rope and the players jump. One of the participants is called, he is blindfolded and asked to jump, without a jump rope, and the player diligently jumps without suspecting anything.
(music 03)
Klepa: Well done, now let's play the game "Zoo"
In the center of the circle is the leader. All players hold each other by the elbows. The presenter begins the game with the following words. “Now we will play a game called “Zoo”. I will now whisper in the ear of each of you the name of an animal, which you should not tell anyone. Then, when everyone gets the name of the animals, I will name them in my story If suddenly the name of the animal that someone received comes up, then this player must immediately sit down and pull behind him two neighboring players, whom he is now holding by the elbows. The task of these neighboring players is to hold him in time. Is that clear? Then the presenter comes up to everyone and whispers the same thing in his ear, for example, “hippopotamus.”
But each player thinks that only he has the name of this animal. “Yesterday I went to the zoo. I pass by one cage, and there sits... an elephant. - At the same time, everyone is tense, but no one sat down - I go further, in another enclosure... a fox. I looked at her and I see straight opposite her sits a huge HIPPOPOTAMUS - at this time, each player, having heard the word that was spoken in his ear “only to him,” suddenly crouches down. (MUSIC OR 04, 03 ANY)
Klepa: Great, now let's all dance a little together
Let's dance to the song "Music chucha chacha in order from 08 to 13"
Klepa: How great everything turned out for us! We got to know each other better and became more friendly! Well guys, did you like it? I will be glad to see you again!!! Bye! See you soon, wait for your letter!
(Klepa leaves. Before each event, the children receive a letter of invitation)

Game "Let's get to know each other"

In older groups, children already show more interest in fairy tales and they love to briefly turn into princes and princesses. They really like this game.
The game starts with magic:
The teacher offers to turn children into princes and princesses.
-One, two, three!
Prince or princess now
you will become!!
-Let's close our eyes and imagine Magic Lands. Very polite people live in these countries, and the most polite people there are princes and princesses.
Today they came to our ball. They all live in different magical lands and they don’t know each other at all and have never seen each other!
Let's get to know each other now.
Children stand up one by one, approach each other, say hello and get to know each other:
-Hello, I’m Prince Maxim, what’s your name?
-Very nice, and my name is Princess Katya.
And then the music turns on and the princes and princesses dance, after the ball everyone must be turned into children, otherwise their crowns will be lost.

Game "Pass a Smile"

This game lifts the mood well and brings children together; it teaches them to enjoy a smile and appreciate it.
The game takes little time and can be played in almost any situation.
The children sit in a semicircle on chairs, the teacher passes his smile on to the last child, then this child passes on to the next one, and so the smile returns to the teacher. Advice: when a smile is conveyed, you need to look into the eyes - then the mood from the game really improves!!!

I really hope that my advice will help you introduce new children to each other in a fun and interesting way, help them get to know you and create a fun and friendly atmosphere in your group.

Game "Terem-Teremok"

All the kids know and love the fairy tale “Teremok” very well and, of course, play it with great pleasure.
To play you will need a hoop. Children sit in a circle or in random order. The teacher brings a hoop to each child and asks:
-Terem-teremok, who lives in the tower?
The child must say his name clearly and loudly. The teacher says:
- Very nice!!!
This game can be played in all age groups starting from nursery to preparatory group.

Game "Who's Hiding?"

Of course, hide and seek can be called a favorite children's game - everyone plays it and with great pleasure.
To play you will need a small blanket. Children can sit down
in a semicircle on chairs or just on the carpet. Everyone closes their eyes and under no circumstances peeks!! The Meleno teacher walks around the children and says:
- I twist and turn, I want to confuse,
Now I'll hide someone!!!
And covers one baby with a blanket. The rest of the children must guess who is missing. When the children named the name of the hidden child, the teacher says:
-Where is our baby? Here it is!!!
And removes the blanket. And then you will see the happy baby you found and hear his joyful laughter. The rest, as a rule, ask to be hidden too, which cannot be denied. You can hide two or three kids at a time, but you definitely need to hide them all!
This game helps develop children's attention and get to know the teacher better.

Game "Radio"

This game also allows you to get to know new children well. The guys sit in a semicircle on chairs. The teacher takes a microphone or something similar and begins the radio broadcast:
-Attention, attention, there is a meeting going on! Our child is missing!

The girl (boy) was dressed in... (more detailed description child) a blue skirt and white socks with two blue hairpins on the tails, etc. And who is missing?
Children should find out from the description who the teacher is describing and call him. The child who was guessed stands up and says:
-I'm here.
In the middle and older groups the child who is guessed can become an announcer and continue the game.
This game helps develop children's descriptive storytelling skills. And all children love it when people talk about them (especially on the radio!)

Guess Who Said Game

Children sit on chairs in a semicircle; another chair is placed at a distance of one and a half meters from them with its back to them. According to the counting, a driver is selected who sits on this chair. One of the children says the word loudly and clearly.
The presenter turns around and guesses who spoke.
The child who was guessed becomes the leader, you can let the leader guess three times.
In older groups, you can name pieces of furniture, clothes, dishes, animals.

It's no secret that the first stage of creating a team is getting to know each other. The faster the guys get to know each other, the easier it will be for you to work with them. One of the simplest forms of dating is a game.



Dating games

In the first days, it is important to interest and captivate children with interesting activities. For this purpose, it is advisable to direct all efforts to get to know and unite children with each other. Teacher, try to be joyful, cheerful, a little “reckless”, try to “unwind” to the fullest extent of your capabilities, then the children will begin to imitate and copy you in everything, and isn’t this what you need for further participation in the program. It's no secret that the first stage of creating a team is getting to know each other. The faster the guys get to know each other, the easier it will be for you to work with them. One of the simplest forms of dating is a game.

Very important for the selected games is:

  1. criterion “number of participants”, because some games require a number of participants of at least 20 people, while others are not recommended to be played in groups of more than 14 participants;
  2. criterion “game time”, because There are games that can take a long time (15-20 minutes). In this case, the group begins to lose momentum, and additional efforts will be required to correct the situation;
  3. criterion "success". The group must successfully complete the game, because... For a newly created team, it is important to quickly obtain positive results, and the reverse process can lead participants to the idea of ​​joint failure and attempts to find someone to blame for common failures.

Getting to know each other games are games that you can use to get to know kids and introduce them to each other. Conventionally, they can be divided into two groups.

The first are those that make it possible to learn and remember names.

The second are games that help us get to know each other better. During them, we learn the interests, hobbies, abilities and some character traits of the participants.

  1. Let's get acquainted.

The group sits in a circle. Participants pass the ball around the circle, say their name and quality starting with the first letter of their name.

  1. Let's say hello.

Participants greet each other with palms, cheeks, noses, elbows, etc.

  1. Throwing a ball

All participants stand in a circle. One loudly calls the name of one of the participants and throws the ball to him. He catches the ball, calls the name of the other participant and throws the ball to him. After a while you need to increase the speed of the game.

  1. Snowball.

All participants in the game sit down or stand in a circle, so that all players can see each other. Participants take turns saying their name. Each subsequent player names the names of all previous players, adding his own to them. For example: the first participant says his name, the second - the name of the first and his, the third - the name of the first, the name of the second and his, and so on until the last player, who must name the names of everyone in the circle.

Tips for organizers: When conducting all variations of the “Snowball”, be sure to change or rearrange the players each time, this helps to remember more

  1. Search for common

The group is divided into twos, and two people find a certain number of common features, then the twos are united into fours for the same purpose.

The presenter, at his discretion, can stop the process at fours, eights, etc.

  1. "Applause in a circle."

Psychologist: Imagine how the artist feels after the concert, listening to thunderous applause. Perhaps he perceives them with all his soul and experiences a very pleasant excitement.

We have a great group and everyone deserves applause. I want to propose a game in which the applause starts out quietly and then gets louder and louder. You become part of a common circle. I come up to one of you, call his (her) name, greet with applause, then he chooses one of his classmates, and the two of us say the name and greet with applause. These three choose the next candidate for applause.

Each time, the one who was applauded has the right to choose the next one. So the game continues and the applause gets louder and louder. Tension is also growing among those who have not yet been applauded, so last player The following words should be addressed: “And the most stormy applause goes to...”

  1. Who - change

All players sit in a circle on chairs (there are no free chairs). The leader stands in the center of the circle, he pronounces a certain characteristic, the players who attribute it to themselves must change places. If the leader is the first to occupy an empty chair, then the player left without a chair becomes the leader. Example characteristics: who loves to dance; who plays the guitar; who loves ice cream; who can swim, etc.

  1. Rain

Extend your palm to the beginning summer rain. 1 drop falls (the leader hits the outstretched palm with one finger).

2 drops fall (2 fingers).

3 drops fall (3 fingers).

It's starting to rain! (He hits palm against palm.)

Heavy rain! Shower! (The sound increases.)

Thunder! Hail! (The clatter of feet is added to the noise of palms.)

The rain is subsiding.

4 drops, 3, 2, 1.


The sun has appeared again!

Host: Guys, do you want to listen to the sound of rain? We do everything like I do. (The presenter speaks and shows, and everyone repeats the movements after him)

And suddenly one drop fell from the sky (we hit the palm of our left hand with the finger of our right hand)

Then 2 drops fell from the sky (2 times)

Then 5 drops fell from the sky (we hit it with our finger, imitating a downpour)

And he went strong, strong, as if out of a bucket.

It pours for a day, it pours for two...

And then... the rain begins to subside.

4 drops began to fall from the sky

Then 3 drops fell from the sky

2 drops

Then one drop began to fall from the sky

But one drop stubbornly falls. Do you hear?

The rain has stopped. The sun is out, the rainbow is smiling at everyone and everyone is in a good mood. The hall became quiet.

  1. Fruits

Description. The whole group sits in a circle. The counselor asks everyone to pay for “apples,” “bananas,” “tangerines,” and “oranges.”

After this is done, the counselor says “swap places for all the bananas” - and all the bananas must get up and find a new place.

While everyone is changing places, the counselor can take someone’s place, and this person becomes the new driver who asks all the “apples”, “tangerines”, etc. to change places.

If the presenter says “fruit salad,” then everyone changes places.

  1. Shoe pile

A good opportunity to meet new people in the group. To play, each player takes off one shoe and throws it into one large pile. After that, each player takes any shoe from the pile and finds the one who owns the shoe. A very good game for a large group.

10. Volume control

A very simple way to quickly calm the audience and establish silence when everyone is talking to each other and no longer responds to ordinary requests. You stand on stage facing the audience and announce that your outstretched arms are a kind of volume control in the hall. Horizontal position (arms to the sides) - silence, vertical (one up, the other down - maximum). For half a minute, twist your hands, raising and lowering the volume of the hall, making sure to give you the opportunity to scream a lot “with the permission” of the counselor. Then you suddenly put your hands in a horizontal position, and as a result there is complete silence in the hall.

  1. Who was born in May...

A fun game that helps you get to know each other better. The group sits in a circle. The presenter names a personal quality or describes a situation and asks the participants for whom the statement is true to perform a certain action. They get up from the chair, perform the action and sit back down. The pace of the game must increase. Select statements so that they apply to many participants. When proposing questions and naming actions, it is necessary to take into account the age and temperament of the participants. Possible statements:

  1. If you have blue eyes, wink three times;
  2. the one who ate a delicious breakfast in the morning should pat himself on the stomach;
  3. whoever loves dogs should bark three times;
  4. who loves ice cream will look under his chair;
  5. those who love summer, let them jump.
  1. Eaglet circle

The whole group, together with the counselors, stands in a circle, intertwining their hands

The palm you place on the shoulder of the person on your right means that you have a friend to lean on. The palm in which you hug the person on the left by the waist means that you are ready to support your friend. In general, the Eagle Circle symbolizes friendship. For example, it looks like this:

  1. Hold hands. Feel their warmth. Do you feel how good it is when you have a friend’s hand in your hand?
  2. Grab your elbows. The feeling of an elbow, the feeling that you can feel a friend’s elbow next to you.
  3. Now put your right hand on your friend’s shoulder - it means you have someone to lean on, and with your left hand put your arm around your neighbor’s belt - it means you are ready to support him...

After this, the presenter invites everyone to sit down, then raise their legs, and then... your imagination.
