The pockets on my jeans are popping out. Why do you need a tiny pocket on jeans? Levi's Red Wire DLX jeans with built-in player

The history of jeans began in 1973, when Levi Strauss separated the upper part from overalls and received a patent for his invention. Since all other details of the resulting pants remained unchanged, it can be assumed that the builders small pocket existed before this modernization. Therefore, the main version of why there is this part on jeans is that workers put nails, screws, nuts and other small things in it building materials.
The rise in popularity of denim coincided with the gold rush in North America. Therefore, prospectors often put washed-up nuggets into it. And adventurers who especially believed in luck hid talismans there.


The name of the small pocket on jeans sounds like coin pocket, “pocket for coins.” Indeed, at the time when jeans were invented, paper banknotes were little used, coins were in use, because the price level was not the same as now - for 25 cents you could eat in a tavern. Therefore, the version that a pocket was specially sewn onto denim trousers, in which it is convenient to keep coins, is quite justified.
If you remember that jeans were worn by working people, it becomes clear that they did not need wallets and purses, and change did not spill out of a small, tight pocket.


The smallest detail of the jeans is also a swatch pocket. Therefore, it is not difficult to come to the conclusion that a watch was previously kept in this pocket. We must pay tribute to this version, because in the 19th century they were mainly worn on a chain; wrist bracelets were not used. And if you remember that jeans were often used as workwear on construction sites or land work, it becomes clear that a person might simply not have other pockets - they couldn’t be sewn onto a robe or a T-shirt. On the other hand, it is inconvenient to wear a pocket watch in this place, because while sitting, it can put pressure on the thigh and cause discomfort.

Little things

It is clear that the pocket on jeans was invented to put various small things in it, which sometimes need to be quickly taken out. It fits quite tightly to the body, so in order to remove something, it needs to be slightly expanded, but the thing will definitely not get lost. There are versions that it has a certain size so that a condom, guitar pick, or lighter fits into it.
It is believed that in the days of cowboys the size of the pocket corresponded to a Zippo lighter, since that was what the steppe guys loved. Now it is being adjusted to fit Criket, because lighters of this particular format are the most popular in the world.

Most likely, the pocket has already been used as needed. For example, in certain circles this detail of jeans is called a funny pocket or drugs pocket and illegal drugs are hidden there.


  • Information site about denim
  • Denimhunters, a magazine about jeans

The first jeans went on sale almost 150 years ago. During this time they passed long haul from treasure hunters' clothing to an element of a stylish look. Their style has also undergone significant changes more than once, but on each product you can still notice a small fifth pocket.

Who invented the fifth pocket on jeans and why?

The first model of jeans was patented in 1873 by Leib Strauss, who later became known as Levi Strauss. Initially, these clothes were trousers made of durable canvas, intended for workers. Comfortable and durable pants, which were also washable, quickly became popular with workers, cowboys and treasure hunters, who made the first demand for this product.

The most durable color at that time, dark blue (indole), was chosen as a dye for the first jeans.

Strauss's collaboration with Nevada tailor Jacob Davis brought him even greater success - it was he who came up with the idea of ​​​​making metal rivets on pockets that have survived to this day in order to increase the strength of the latter. By the way, there were only three large pockets on the first jeans - two in the front and one in the back. They were used by workers to store money and knives.

In addition to them, the jeans had another small pocket located in the large front pocket. Strauss supposedly invented it specifically for the watches on a chain that were popular at that time, which fit perfectly there, did not fall out during operation, and at the same time could be easily removed if necessary. In addition, in such a pocket there was no need to fear for the safety of the product, since it was not possible to crush them there. Subsequently, this pocket became one of the signature details of the jeans.

How to use the fifth pocket on jeans

During the gold rush, small bars of mined gold were also placed in a small pocket on jeans. This valuable metal was completely safe there, because it was still necessary to try to remove especially large pieces from the tightly fitting pocket.

When watches on a chain were replaced by watches, a small pocket on jeans began to be used for other small items. For example, branded Zippo lighters, which were no less popular in America than the jeans themselves, were ideally placed there. Subsequently, they were replaced by cheaper lighters from Cricket.

Today, the fifth pocket can also be used to store flash drives.

Around the same time, the fifth pocket also began to be used for storing condoms and drugs - several pills could easily be placed in it, which could not always even be felt during a search. Thus, this small element became not only distinctive feature of this clothing, but also a very useful part of it.

Many fashionable things quickly go out of fashion. This almost never happens with jeans. If a model is no longer worn, designers will quickly come up with another one. Skinny jeans have replaced flares, short jeans have replaced skinny ones. But what is known about the clothes that many wear almost every day? To one of the simplest questions about why you need small pocket on jeans, few can answer.

When and why did it appear

There are 2 versions when appeared tiny pocket on jeans. The first version says that it was not sewn on until several years after the first jeans appeared. Denim pants were invented with him. The history of jeans begins with the gold rush. Back then, miners wore overalls. The pockets on the clothes were distributed evenly - several at the top and several at the bottom.

The first jeans were invented in 1853 by Leiba Strauss, a textile merchant. He came to California at the height of the gold rush. He began selling his invention to prospectors.

Jeans were in demand because, unlike leather pants, they could be washed. In those days, jeans were a jumpsuit without a top. The pockets were at the bottom. 3 or 4 large pockets were sewn on. In the first case, 1 pocket was sewn on the back. The need for pockets is understandable - they were intended to store a knife and other types of weapons. Why was the small pocket on jeans needed when creating models? The official and most plausible version is that it was intended for storing coins.

But most historians support the version that the tiny pocket was invented after the first jeans appeared. Its creator is considered to be Michael Regalo, an American designer. There are several assumptions why a small pocket on jeans was needed:

  1. Workers kept nails in small pockets;
  2. The most unusual version says that Michael specially invented the pocket so that people could hide ecstasy when they saw the police;
  3. There is a version that the creator's name was Mark Lidin. But why did he need the small pocket on his jeans in the first place? Speculations say he invented this piece to store a small talisman stone in it.

Whichever version is correct, it is clear to anyone why a small pocket on jeans was needed - to store tiny things.

Prohibited substance (ecstasy)

Use Cases

Just because a part was invented for a specific purpose does not mean that it should be used strictly for its intended purpose. In past centuries, people knew how to find a use for a pocket that was smaller in size than others. Why was a small pocket on jeans needed in past centuries:

  1. Cowboys kept lighters in it. There is a version that the size was specially adjusted to fit the Zippo accessory. Pocket sizes on modern models are more suitable for Cricket lighters;
  2. Previously, the pocket was ideal for carrying a pocket watch with a chain. Nowadays it might also be suitable if antique watches were fashionable. Although someone in modern world uses this technique to give the image a touch of antiquity;
  3. With the advent of contraceptives, the pocket began to be used for storing them. The packaging size was just right;
  4. Lovers, who hid their feelings from strangers for various reasons, kept messages to each other and wedding rings in their pockets.

But modern people are not inferior in creativity. Why do we need a small pocket on jeans now:

  1. Owners of small phones manage to stick them inside. As a result, the phone is tightly compressed, and this additionally protects it from falling;
  2. Many have seen fashionistas hooking their sunglasses onto their shirt. Some people use a device on their jeans for this purpose;
  3. Levi's has developed a new unusual model of jeans. It is notable for the fact that the pocket is detachable. But it’s much more interesting why it comes unfastened. It has built-in headphones, a joystick and contact devices for adjusting sound and picture. The entire device allows you to change the volume without removing the player. When you need to wash your jeans, the pocket with the device can be easily unfastened;
  4. Coins are also stored in large pockets. But some people are bothered by their ringing. Changes won't jingle in a small pocket.

Some ideas for using denim pieces:

  • keys;
  • leaflets with important information;
  • flash drives.

If someone has no place to store small items and is afraid of losing them, feel free to buy jeans with a small pocket.

Surely there are many other unknown ideas in the world for using a mysterious piece of clothing that ordinary people came up with. Why do you need a small pocket on your jeans?
For money

Most jeans have a small pocket that is never used by the wearer. The “fifth” pocket is found on classic models and all men's versions. This detail was not always present in the cut of jeans. The attribute appeared in 1873 on the first models of the manufacturer Levi’s (USA).

History of the “fifth” pocket

Until the twentieth century, denim clothing was used as work uniform. Dense twill weaving allowed the fabric to withstand high loads and be resistant to tearing. The first models had only two front pockets for small items. With the expansion of the field of application in cut modeling, 2 details were added. Among these innovations was a “fifth” pocket.

INTERESTING: initially the small pocket was the fourth in a row. The rear left pocket appeared only in 1901.

  • Levi's (USA) became a trendsetter and brought denim clothing out of workwear. Elements have been added to everyday models to make storage tasks easier useful little things. Among these innovations was an additional pocket.
  • The sponsor of the clothing modernization was Zippo. They signed a contract with Levi's to introduce a miniature pocket for their famous lighters. The name of this element “watch pocket” has been preserved to this day.
  • However, jeans lovers used the “gift” from the brand in their own way. Workers used it to store nails. Gold miners placed the rarest nuggets in it. Initially, the pocket dimensions are adjusted to fit early versions Zippo lighters.

What do the creators say?

In response to numerous user requests, Levi’s released a special “Fifth Pocket commercial” video in 2009. The story, presented in a humorous manner, tells the story of the resourceful owner of the Levi’s 501 model.

According to the plot, a young man receives favor from the mistress of a criminal element. At the moment of handing over the key to her chambers, it is searched by security. However, their searches were unsuccessful. The treasured key is hidden in a tightly pressed pocket.

The motto of the video: I love this commercial…

The real purpose of the pocket

In addition to the humorous presentation of the idea of ​​​​creating a pocket, Levi’s posted a list of descriptions on its official website. One of the purposes of the “fifth” element is to store small items. It is quite roomy and fits snugly, even if the trousers are unbuttoned. The size of the pocket is universal for any metal currency of the World.

The first customers and consumers of Levi's denim products were cowboys. Taking into account the needs of their users, fashion designers calculated the parameters of the pocket for storing cartridge capsules. This is one of the optional uses of the pocket.

The pocket holds various travel items. A small multitool fits well here. The tightly pressed edge is suitable for securing a folding knife clip.

One of the primary purposes of the pocket was to carry a watch. Initially, they were on a chain and special pockets were sewn onto clothes for them. Middle-class Central Americans wore them clipped to their belts. It is for such cases that Levi’s thought of a little surprise for its customers. This is evidenced by the self-name of the element “watch pocket”, which translated means “watch pocket.”

Anatomy of a pocket: dimensions and material

The idea of ​​strengthening work pants with rivets made Jacob Davis and Levi Strauss rich. Their pants didn't tear when long-term operation, which was the key to the popularity of Levi's clothing. The addition of an extra pocket gave them the opportunity to reinforce the waist area. In this place, the tension on the tissue is applied with double force. So the introduction of a pocket became a strategic decision for the entire line of clothing from a well-known manufacturer.

The initial dimensions of the pocket are 57x37x13 mm. Can vary up or down. The fabric on the pocket was laid in 2 layers or made with a higher weaving density. As a result, the pocket wall kept its shape in any state (tensioned or relaxed fabric).

Initially, the pocket was actively used for its intended purpose. With the advent of the technical revolution, pendant clocks gave way to hand clocks. The pocket remained “idle.” However, he has repeatedly become a source of inspiration.

In 1983, an advertisement promoting health protection against AIDS was withdrawn. The advertisement features a pocket as a place to store contraceptives. The idea came to the right place, that for many its use was clearly defined.

The 1993 film about the favorite of American teenagers, Lucky Luke, was not complete without the demonstration of the fifth pocket. A famous fictional marksman uses it to carry mints, which replace the cigars familiar to cowboys. This has become a reason for many to carry pills or chewing gum in their fifth pocket.

Perhaps today there is no person who does not have jeans in his wardrobe, because this model of pants is not only very practical, but also stylish. Their laconic design is distinguished by its convenience, which is created by a special cut and the presence of pockets. We’ll talk about one of them today – the smallest one, located on the right side inside the main pocket, because probably many have wondered – what is it intended for?

A little history

As you know, the first jeans appeared as uniform for workers - gold miners. They valued thick denim pants for their comfort, reliability and long service life. Cowboys of the Wild West Those who had to spend long periods of time on horseback also appreciated jeans, and over time they became, along with the cowboy hat, the personification of their era.

It is the period of the gold rush and the dominance of cowboys that is associated with the creation of jeans with a small pocket on the right side, located inside the main pocket. It appeared in 1873, when Levi's brand designer Michael Regalo first included this model in the company's catalog.

Major versions

As already noted, jeans served as work clothes, so all their details, including a small pocket, had a practical purpose. And yet, debates about what exactly it was created for still rage. Let's look at the main versions of the appearance of this element of jeans, because some of them are quite entertaining!

Version one: For the cowboys. It is known that they were avid smokers, but, not having large funds to frequently purchase smoking accessories (in particular, the still popular Zippo lighter), they needed special good location for their storage. The small pocket just held this lighter, and even riding a horse at high speed, the cowboy did not lose it.

Cowboys preferred jeans to other types of clothing because of their practicality and abundance of pockets.

Version two: for watches. At the end of the nineteenth century, the fashion for watches was small round watches, the chain of which was attached to a belt loop, and they themselves were placed in this pocket. Over time, the watch “moved” to the wrist, but the jeans remained with a small pocket.

Version three: for ecstasy lovers. Oddly enough, the small pocket of jeans has its own nickname - “Rugs packet” ( from English"pharmaceutical package"). The police often carried out raids in working-class neighborhoods, and in this pocket it was quite possible to hide several tablets of an illegal drug with a narcotic effect. The version is slightly dubious, but also has a right to exist.

Version four: for gold miners. During the gold rush, workers in the mines found nuggets of all sizes. And since their work was very physically active, there was a risk of losing such an expensive find. That's why denim designers came up with a way to store the gold they found by providing a separate, secure pocket for it.

Such ingots fit well into a small jeans pocket

What can I put in or how can I apply it?

There are a huge number of ways to use the described pocket. At a time when pay phones and payphones were widely used, It was convenient to put coins in it. Now it can easily fit several metro tokens, but modern technologies, putting into use plastic cards, took this function away from my pocket. For those who still prefer to carry some cash with them, this pocket will be very useful - in It can easily accommodate several paper bills.

Small pocket can serve as a "wallet" for small amounts of cash

Since the period of the sexual revolution, many young people began to always carry a condom with them, and this pocket is ideal for a contraceptive in both volume and size.
