A unique character in Fallout: Shelter is the Mysterious Stranger. Reach goals to earn caps and lunchboxes

At the moment, there are two types of pets in the fallout shelter - dogs and cats.

General characteristics

In the game, pets are unique units. They can be placed in rooms (like residents) or act as a reinforcing item (placed in a special animal cell). Pets are not combat units and in the event of an incident (fire, attack by raiders, radroaches or rats) they immediately leave the room. Only one pet is allowed in the room at a time. In the case of expanding rooms (building two rooms of the same type next to each other), the number of animals increases to two and three, respectively.

Since pets are elements of equipment, information about them can be viewed in the storeroom; all pets that are not attached to residents are also stored there.

How to get it?

Pets appear from special carriers, which the player can receive either from lunchboxes (paid) or as a reward for completing missions (free). This may be a bug, but according to some players, there is a small chance of finding a carrier in the wasteland.

Types of pets

As mentioned earlier, pets are divided into two types: cats and dogs. In turn, each type can have three degrees of uniqueness: common, rare and legendary.

Common and rare degrees of uniqueness are divided into breeds, and legendary pets have a unique name.

Important feature: even with full external resemblance Rare and legendary pets can provide a completely different bonus than regular ones.

Let's list the types of pets and the bonuses they bring to the resident to whom they are attached.

  1. American Shorthair – the number of caps found during forays increases by 6-15%.
  2. Abyssinian – increases protection from incoming damage by 20-24%.
  3. Scottish Fold – the experience gained by the resident increases by 6-15%.
  4. British Shorthair - the resident is treated twice as fast.
  5. Siamese – doubles the rate of healing from radiation.
  6. Mainkun – reduces the resident’s training time by 6-10%.
  7. Persian – increases the resident’s happiness level by 25-33%.
  8. Bombay - increase in the health of a resident by 25-33%.
  9. Sphinx – increases the speed of a resident’s return to the shelter by 1.25 times.
  10. Ocicat – increases the chance of finding an item during forays into the wasteland by 6-10%.

Legendary cats:

  1. Ashes – reduces healing time by four times.
  2. Bangor – Speeds up resident training time by 26%.
  3. Bastet – quadruples the speed of returning to shelter.
  4. Ginger – increases the experience gained by a resident by 45%.
  5. Goblet – a resident removes radiation from the body four times faster.
  6. Pebbles – the resident becomes as happy as possible (100%).
  7. Shadow – the resident’s health increases by 98%.
  8. Speckle – increases the chance of finding items in the wasteland by 30%.
  9. Sterling – increases the number of caps found in the wasteland by 45%.
  10. Zula – the resident’s resistance to damage received increases by 48%.

  1. Black Labrador – reduces resident training time by 6-10%.
  2. Boxer – the experience gained by a resident increases by 6-15%.
  3. Golden Retriever – increases the chance of finding an item during forays into the wasteland by 6-10%.
  4. Doberman - a resident is treated twice as quickly.
  5. Herding dog – the number of caps found during forays increases by 6-15%.
  6. German Cop – Doubles the rate of healing from radiation.
  7. Husky – increases the speed of a resident’s return from a foray into the wasteland by 1.25 times.
  8. Poodle – increases the happiness level of a resident by 25-33%.
  9. Rottweiler – increases the health of the resident by 25-33%.
  10. German Shepherd – gives additional bonuses for completing tasks. It only happens to be rare and legendary.

Legendary dogs

  1. Four Score – increases the number of caps found in the wasteland by 45%.
  2. Apolda – reduces treatment time by four times.
  3. Maizie Rai – increases the resident’s health by 100%.
  4. Lord Puffington – the resident’s happiness becomes maximum (100%).
  5. Muttface – Resident training time reduced by 30%.
  6. Peepers – radiation is removed from the body four times faster.
  7. Scavver – increases the experience gained by a resident by 44%.
  8. Trench – increases the speed of returning from the wasteland by 4 times.
  9. Cindy – increases the chance of finding items in the wasteland by 30%.
  10. Dogmeat – the speed of completing the task increases three times.

On the eve of the release of the new part of Fallout 4, Bethesda released an original project for mobile devices, called Fallout Shelter. This is a shelter simulator in a post-apocalyptic world that is already familiar to us. She went out to mobile platforms Apple on June 14, 2015, and on Android only two months later on August 13, 2015.

A lot has already been written reviewsFallout Shelter in Russian, English and many other languages ​​of the world, so I will try to be concise and meaningful.

The goal of the game is to build a shelter suitable for the survivors of a nuclear war. To do this, you need to dig deep under the mountain, like the greedy dwarf from Tolkien's works. The mechanics are simple and adaptive. There are 3 resources necessary for life: food, water and electricity; in order to produce them, it is necessary to build appropriate premises and send people to them to work. The survivors have S.P.E.C.I.A.L. characteristics, standard for games in the universe, which can be upgraded in the gym, classroom or even bar (this is where you can upgrade charisma). In the first few days, a whole line of potential tenants will line up for you, but then you will have to work as cupid and naturally increase the population of your bomb shelter. The main source of income is the wasteland, to which you will send the strongest and bravest inhabitants. The game has a completely unobtrusive donation, which has virtually no effect on gameplay. Otherwise, this is an ordinary mobile simulator with RPG elements - level up your characters, complete simple tasks, and receive caps and lunchboxes as a reward, in which you will find weapons, stimpaks, and most importantly, unique residents from the history of the game series.

The main disadvantage of the game is the lack of Russian language and the rather quick achievement of the peak in the game (building the last room). I hope these problems will be resolved in future updates, but for now, our site will help you deal with some of them.

You can get acquainted not only with review Fallout Shelter, but also with .

In order to free download Fallout Shelter you can follow the link (everything is absolutely legal and without using torrent):

Or you can download the hacked version of Fallout Shelter without updates on the 4PDA website.

The game has gained wild popularity recently, perhaps due to its unusual nature, non-forced donation and brand. Everyone should immerse themselves in this world at least once to determine whether they like this game, but it definitely deserves attention.

Most likely, over time, the toy will be released on other platforms. Not known yet will it come outFalloutShelter onWindowsPhone or PC, but we will monitor developments.

Have a nice game!

Fallout: Shelter is an excellent mobile strategy game based on the Fallout universe. Here you have to try yourself as a shelter keeper. You will need to use all your strategic skills to ensure that the residents of your community can survive a nuclear disaster. In this small guide you will learn about the Fallout: Shelter character. Mysterious Stranger- who is he? This review will tell you what meeting him will bring and how to find him.

Game Features

In order to progress in the game, you will need to properly think through the layout of your shelter. After all, improving a settlement is impossible without building production and residential premises. And to create rooms you will need game currency - caps. In addition, money is needed to resurrect research teams or residents who died from attacks by raiders or radroaches. So a few thousand caps in stock will never be superfluous. Can in different ways, but in this review we will talk about the simplest and fastest. We are talking about one unique character who will instantly bring large number caps in the game Fallout: Shelter. The Mysterious Stranger, and that's what we're talking about, is a fun Easter egg from the developers that makes life in the shelter much easier.

How to catch the mysterious stranger in Fallout: Shelter

This game character familiar to everyone who has ever played previous games in the series. This man looks like a classic spy - he is wearing a brown hat and a gray cloak. He hides his face behind a high collar, and this technique helps him remain invisible in the crowd. In Fallout: Shelter, the Mysterious Stranger is not a resident of the shelter, but his visits can significantly affect the situation with the game currency.

If you click on it, you can get a reward from hundreds to several thousand caps. So his capture will be one of the priorities. Finding it will not be difficult if you monitor the situation and watch for signs indicating its approach. In general, be careful when passing Fallout games: Shelter.

Mysterious Stranger. When does the character appear and how to find him?

A special melody warns of the imminent visit of this hero. If the sound has been made, you need to quickly search all the rooms of the shelter. To make this easier, move the camera as far as possible and look around all the corners of the rooms in the game Fallout: Shelter. The Mysterious Stranger appears for just a few moments. If you fail to find it within the allotted time, the game will notify you of failure with a disappointing signal. This means that you will remain without a reward. But don’t be upset, because a character comes into the game every 5 minutes, so be careful next time.

The Mysterious Stranger can appear in any location. In addition, his search is complicated by the fact that quite often this character is hidden behind furniture or equipment. So you need to be extremely careful and see at least the edge of the hat peeking out from behind the obstacle. But capturing a character will bring you a large number of caps or more significant rewards, in the case of a special quest. The visits of the Mysterious Stranger should be taken very seriously, and as soon as you hear the treasured signal, drop what you are doing and go on a search.

Fixing some bugs

Sometimes while passing the game you may encounter some bugs. For example, you see a Mysterious Stranger and try to catch him, but it doesn't work. In addition, you may encounter the following problem: your game will start from the beginning after each update. To avoid frustration from such errors, you need to learn how to correct them. Just like any other mobile strategy, in Fallout: Shelter, saving plays a big role. It is especially important for owners of Android platforms to know how to find save files. After all, most often on such mobile phones After the update, the shelter disappears, and the game prompts you to create a new one.

The Root Explorer program will help fix this error, after installing it you will be able to redo the system files of the game Fallout: Shelter. The saves that you obtain using the program must be transferred to your computer and there rolled back to the previous version, and then returned the file to the original folder. This will help fix most of the game's bugs.

There should always be water. Without it, radioactive contamination begins.
When releasing someone into the wasteland, give them 20 Stimpaks and 10 radx.
Money is earned using rush. To do this, you need to have a sufficient amount of water and weapons to defend against cockroaches.
Bring couples together. Constantly. Do not forget that men should preferably have high charisma. The woman falls out for 3 hours. And the child grows for 3 hours.
You can build a radio for 1-2 cells as a replacement for childbearing.
Build production facilities for 3 cells, and training facilities for 1 cell.
Constantly train someone for production.
Simple clothing and weapons are obtained by scouts in the wasteland.
The good ones are mostly through lunch boxes.
Always close the application and unload from RAM so as not to end up without resources.
The room cannot be de-energized. You can only sell it.
By the way, the luck parameter affects the chance and size of receiving a reward for the production of water/energy/food, so you need to pump up L first, as it actually affects trips to the wasteland

Strength: Reduces the timer when working in a power plant
Perception: Increases chances in battle
Endurance: affects health points (inside and outside the shelter)
Charisma: Reduces the time it takes for girls to get pregnant. Also gives a chance to make friends with enemies outside (gain experience, zero damage).
Intelligence: Affects timers for medicine production (Stims and Radaway)
Agility: Affects the cooking timer
Luck: Affects the amount of loot outside, the number of caps when the job is finished.

At the moment there is a bug - if you remove the living quarters, then some pregnant women will never give birth to a child.
Some strategic tips for beginners on building their first (or not first) shelter:

The width of the “pit” for the shelter is ideal for building each floor (except the first) in the configuration “three-room premises (A) - elevator (1) - three-room premises (B) - elevator (2) - two-room premises (C)” . Probably not without reason. It makes sense to build in this configuration.
“Three-room premises” in the previous paragraph is a three-room premises. And not three rooms of different premises. Strategically, there is no point in building a room if you don't want to grow it to the maximum (at that location).
The only difference between the first floor is that the vault door is two-room (and, strangely enough, can accommodate two people, not four), and the elevator (1) will start immediately after it.
If you don’t know yet, then, despite the fact that there is a mountain above you, and, it would seem, it would also be possible to build something in it, the second floor, the third - no, you cannot build anything upward. The first floor has an entrance door and only goes down from there.
Building three-room versions of premises is more profitable than upgrading. Of course, provided that you have people to work in it. If there are no people, it’s time for your non-pregnant ladies to relax in living quarters/apartments...
After all, you will have many floors and many rooms. Very good way To make it easier for yourself to navigate through them is to build rooms in vertical pairs (for example, a Garden and another Garden underneath it). This does not apply to training rooms - you won’t need so many of them. To the production of stimpacks/radpacks and radio stations - perhaps, too.
How easy is it to navigate the training rooms? And build them one under the other, in the order of the letters of the word SPECIAL.

What to build in column A, what - in column B, what - in column C (with two-room premises)?

As the game progresses, instead of the Power Generator, it will be possible to build a more expensive, but more efficient Nuclear Reactor; instead of Water Treatment - Water Purification; instead of Diner - a more efficient Garden. Therefore, it is logical to plan that you will demolish all these premises at some point in order to free up space for more advanced options.
For the same reasons, perhaps try not to upgrade the Power Generator/Water Treatment/Diner. And you won’t mind the money when you demolish it; and the drawdown of this resource in the period from demolition to the construction of an advanced version will be less noticeable.
You can only demolish a room on one of the sides (left or right) of which there is nothing!
Due to the factors described above, it makes sense to build production facilities (Power/Water/Diner) in column A, because to the left of them there will always be empty space and they can always be demolished; in column B - living quarters, training rooms, production of steampacks/radpacks, radio station; Column C contains warehouses and possibly small branches of training halls. By the time you unlock Nuclear Reactor/Water Purification/Garden, Column B will be able to build those as well.

Have you thought about what to train Endurance for? (well, except for increasing survivability in incidents and in the desert) The warehouse is marked with the letter E, and you can send people with high Endurance there... but this, in general, does not give anything. Well, besides the fact that there will be someone to put out the fire or drive away the cockroaches. Warehouses work great without people. But people with pumped up Endurance will work in... Nuka-Cola Bottler. Of course, Nuka-Cola Bottler will not replace Gardens and Water Purifications, but extra resources won't hurt; again, diversification.

A few lifehacks:

Quests like “dress up 10 people” or “give 5 people weapons” can be completed in a couple of minutes if you already have enough clothes or weapons (even if it’s already been worn/given to someone). It doesn’t matter whether this clothing (weapon) was put on someone before this quest or not - the quest counter only records the fact that some specific clothes have already been worn as part of this quest or not! Has such a quest begun? - ok, you look for a dressed person, take off his clothes, put them back on (the counter increases), look for the next person...
Quests like “5 people went into the desert” are also no more difficult. After all, no one forces us to travel there for a long time, the main thing is that they leave, right? OK; you throw a person into the desert, the counter increases, you immediately call it back, repeat...
Since you already know how the elevators will go, here's a trick: for the cost of one elevator section, you can build two - where you want it, and (automatically) right underneath it! For example, if you have just completed a three-room space in Column B; the room underneath is not yet three-room (!); you are going to build elevator 2 to the right of this room; there is no elevator under it yet (no stones interfere with its construction, but you cannot build it yet, because there is not a three-room space there yet). If you build elevator section 2 in such a place, another section will be built right below it!
Have high-level “name” heroes come to you? At first, since they usually good level, they can be thrown into “hot spots” in production; but in the end they will most likely be the best dwellers. Although between outings it would be nice to pump them up to the maximum.
