Top 10 weapon modification games. Firearms - nostalgia shooter

Platform: PC
Language: English

OS: Windows XP or better
CPU: AMD 1.8 GHz or better
Video: NVIDIA GeForce 8600GT or better
DirectX: Version 9.0
HDD: 3 GB free space

Optional: internet access

Firearms is an adrenaline rush game from the first person, which puts the basis of high accuracy, mobility and team strategy. What in modern terms is called a tactical shooter. However, the game denies modernity, and goes back to the classic shooting games of the 90s, when games had higher learning curves and were given great rewards for mastering. game mechanics. And what is strange is that the class weapons in the game are approximately the same in terms of characteristics, so a global advantage cannot be achieved. This leads to an accurate choice of tactics. However, despite this, the gameplay in Firearms very fast and, oddly enough, realistic. If so, let's take a closer look at distinguishing features games.

Armory. Your arsenal is the center of your game. Weapons in the game dominates all other aspects. All weapons are balanced and slightly similar to each other. But depending on the game class, it may have differences. These include accuracy, recoil, damage and secondary damage from damage, and movement modification (how fast you move while wielding certain weapons). Each weapon class is slightly superior to the others in certain moments. For example, sniper weapons are less than a quarter stronger than melee weapons. Thus, the submachine gunner will inflict 60 damage on the target with one shot, and the sniper - 75. Therefore, the choice of weapons must be approached thoroughly. After all, if your friends blunder, the barrel will not be able to change. You will have to fight with what you buy. At the beginning of a multi-round duel, you will be given a fixed amount of credits that can be spent immediately or in parts. If you buy good weapon and you are killed, then in the next round there will be nothing to buy it for - a guarantee of loss. There are plenty of types of weapons - rifles, pistols, carbines, machine guns and others, about 40 options in total, as well as accessories for them.

armor protection. It is divided into three components. The first is the armor protection of the weapon, then comes the protection of the body, and finally the protection of the head. Weapon protection has two subspecies. One type is working on absorbing damage from other people's bullets, the second type is trying to extend the life of the weapon during operation. It saves you from jamming and breakage, but very little protection from damage. Both of these types work very well together, but are very expensive. Or you can choose armor for the body and head. And here, too, there is a nuance. All armor works together. If you hit a helmet, then the absorption rate of body armor will decrease. Basic armor is given free of charge - gloves and inserts on the shoulders, everything else will have to be bought in addition. In addition, it will not work to combine the armor protection of the weapon and the body.

Skills and perks. The game has a tree of five branches of skills and improvements. For firearms you can choose a higher accuracy, or a lower return. The system is free, and it is possible to mix different skills from different branches, up to being able to accurately shoot and heal followers at the same time. At the start of the game, you will receive one skill credit for a minor upgrade. As you get frags, your rank and the number of credits will increase. Despite the freedom of the skill tree, this system is still linear. If you want to unlock the 2nd class stormtrooper skill, you still need to level up your first class first. If you have already done this and want to combine a high category perk with an already unlocked, lower one, then there are no restrictions. As the game progresses, the level of "pumping" will require more and more more games new points, so the game is for the diligent.

Eventually Firearms is not a very high-quality game, which still has its advantages. It is intended for players who love this type of gameplay. An unusual weapon system, professional military classes, including an artilleryman, field medic, attack aircraft and reconnaissance. Modification is not kasist in appearance, but combines both tactics and strategy and extremely fun and fast deathmatch.

Information about network modes:


Launch preparation:
1. Download the game and install it in the Steam\SteamApps\sourcemods folder.
2. Run the game from the library.

In Game:
Find a server -> select from the list of available ones.

Server creation:
Create a server-> configure the game settings-> click Play.

1. The account must have one game on the engine Source, preferably

At the request of our readers, we have compiled the TOP 20 of the best games in our opinion in RPG genre for all time. All games in this list came out on PC, which makes them accessible and especially popular. The TOP includes both generally accepted masterpieces of the past, as well as the latest blockbusters of the gaming industry. Go!

21. Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magick Obscura

A game from developer Troika game may seem like a little more than just Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines with its fantasy races and magical spells, but with a fair amount of steampunk technology thrown in, you're on your way to something special.

Arcanum is a tricky beast, with a lot of unbalanced turn-based combat. In addition, it is packed with a compelling storyline set in a world where magic and technology collide in a non-linear, do-what-you-want fashion.

When I first plunged into the world of Arcanum, almost everyone hated me. I had the intelligence of a baby and could barely carry on a conversation, I was an orc and I was constantly a victim of fanaticism, I could make a deal with a demon, so everyone thought I was evil. My goblin mechanic, with his arachnid constructs, weapons, and sharp tongue, had a much more successful experience. The choice made when creating a character has a significant impact on the entire game, the character's race and background, which has a tangible impact on his relationship with NPCs.

More than any other game on this list, Arcanum makes you feel like you're playing a tabletop RPG. Dungeon Masters isn't always fair and you can get dispowered, but it's still worth it to enjoy the game, thanks to character development and how the world reacts to your half-elf demon circus.

20. Shadowrun Returns/Dragonfall

Shadowrun Returns is a welcome relic of the 90s. Based on the classic tabletop RPG, this is a neo-noir cyberpunk detective with lots of magic, fantasy elements and fighting that feels like XCOM. She creates a lot of things, and they are all just wonderful. Set in a future land where science and a realm of arcane strife coexist and creatures such as elves and trolls roam the streets alongside humans, players find themselves in the guise of a shadow courier, a dark spying mercenary.

A career in Shadowrun Returns is a realistic detective story that begins with a friend's death, with the promise of retribution, and turns into a story about a conspiracy, corrupt police, serial killers, and a demented cult. Without voice acting, the recording carries the story, with a twisted sense of humor.

Free-form character formation will allow players to create all sorts of unusual looks, from spirit casters who can also enter the digital kingdom and fight against computer programs to samurai running around with a bunch of controlled robots. Investing in charisma also unlocks kinship with different types of people, corporate guards, other shady couriers or street gangs, unlocks new streets in your investigation and dialogue options.

Although the career is short and mostly linear, Dragonfall nip this issue in the bud. This is a content extension with a hub containing many additional missions and a group of suitable characters with their own motivations and stories. The game comes with a comprehensive editor that contains the prospect of creating countless campaigns by the user. Someone already recreated old game Shadowrun on the SNES, which is also worthy of your attention.

19 Mount & Blade: Warband

The best game in the series Mount & Blade: Warband is an open world fantasy RPG game interspersed with medieval simulation which basically means you never have to worry about it again. real world. Warband immerses players in a giant sandbox where six factions fight each other for supremacy, there is no story, and it leaves the player to decide what he wants to do.

Perhaps the showman in you will inspire you to become a master of the spear and champion of many tournaments, or perhaps you have a keen eye for making deals, and this will lead to the path of a wealthy merchant, and you, using your mountains of gold, will finance an army of mercenaries who will protect You, and bring fame or maybe you're just a good-for-nothing crook, and if so, then the life of a thug is for you.

Traveling around the map, you will no doubt find yourself ambushed by enemies, or maybe you will become the one who sets them up, but in any case, you will undoubtedly get into a brawl. Skill-based combat that requires bizarre leg movement, excellent timing and the right weapon and accurate attack in different situations. It's hard to figure out what's going on, but ultimately it's very useful. You will probably have an army on your side, leading to some particularly large conflicts. She can be trained, gain experience and be equipped with new equipment, although you will have to pay her a salary.

Warband has added a multiplayer mode and a variety of mods, including some impressive renovations. This game will easily consume your life if you let it.

18. South Park: The Stick of Truth

Surprisingly, South Park manages to be not only great, but also one of the best RPGs we've ever had the pleasure of playing.

This is South Park in at its best. From perfectly recreates the city with a penetrating, insightful, and often grotesque satire of gaming and pop culture. Fantasy tropes, the Kardashian family, Nazi zombies, Morgan Freeman's mystical powers, they're all there.

And it's all wrapped up in an RPG that draws on many sources, from JRPG-style combat to Western open-world deals. There's even a significant portion of metroidvania research in there. Progress never stops - there's always something new around the corner, be it new combat mechanics or a giant dildo.

South Park is a game where you can dress up a kid as a punishing Valkyrie and fight Jack Daniels slurping tramps or anus-possessed aliens - it's something incredible.

17. Deus Ex

More than an FPS/RPG hybrid, Deus Ex more than deserves a place on this list as even after 13 years it remains a pleasure to play. It is one of the best games ever released. It's probably a little old-fashioned to sing its praises, as it's been a consistent feature of just about every list of the best PC games since its release in 2001.

I could spend a lot of energy recalling a dramatic story that weaves themes of conspiracy, terrorism and transhumanism with intriguing characters in a believable dystopia of the future. I could go on and on about the degree of character modification, letting players grieve over JC Denton's twilight and long cape as a cybernetically enhanced soldier, a professional hacker, or a ghost lurking in the shadows. But what I really want to discuss is the incredible level design.

Each map is a complex sandbox for experiments. Each combat encounter has the potential to be played in strikingly different ways. Should you actually participate in said fights instead of walking past them? Secret paths, hidden stashes, informants waiting to be bribed, and confidential information revealing new routes and features that scatter levels, ensuring that when players talk about their experiences, they seem to be talking about different games.

And it's all so organic. There is usually a strong temptation for developers to clearly outline the choices that can be made, essentially explaining the objectives of the mission - where you can go and what you should do, but in Deus Ex it's a surprise to everyone. You don't know that hacking a computer and reading private letters will give you a code that allows you to defeat a tough enemy without a fight, and you don't know that a hidden item within the level will open up a previously invisible, unimaginable route to the mission goal - you you just have to go and explore.

With my sick memory, and all the places I've never been to, the fights I've missed, and the people I've never met before, going back to it a couple of years ago and playing again, it felt like it was the first time. I can't wait to play Deus Ex again in a couple of years. But you must do it now.

16. Dark Souls

Dark Souls- it's masochistic RPG game. A brutal, merciless battle in a grim, dead land where the words "You're dead" begin to become an old friend, albeit derisive, is a grueling gaming scumbag, but endlessly rewarding. Each fight is a puzzle that requires skill, good timing, and listening to enemy stories. It is exhausting, because death is always a missed attack or a misunderstanding of the opponent. But it's what makes every win worthy of a prize won, creates the potential to increase power, and move on to a new, even more difficult area.

Free-form character development and top notch enemy design, both in terms of their grotesque looks and commendable cunning mechanics, and the sense of accomplishment that comes from surviving despite the weirdness that Dark does Souls standing in order to continue to play, despite constant failures.

An unjustified old-fashioned game design philosophy pervades throughout the tense adventure, but it's also packed with modern complexity and scale. The different weapons and armor completely change the course of the battle and the feel of the character, with a heavy sword and heavy armor covered in armor having a huge, tangible impact on hitting and movement. Hidden throughout the vast, semi-open world are cornucopia trinkets and magical items that reward inquisitive players for their risky explorations of long-forgotten tombs and underground cities.

15 Divinity: Original Sin

The latest installment in the Divinity series from developer Larian isn't just a return to classic RPGs, it's a continuation of them. It's a modern game, but based on the classic design philosophy of games like Ultima and Baldur's Gate.

From our review Divinity games: Original Sin: “When I play Divinity, I return to my parent's office again, gleefully avoiding homework as I explore the vast city of Atkatla. I am indulging in hospitality at my friend's house by chatting with Lord British. And this is not because the game captivates me with nostalgia, but because it is able to evoke the same feelings: this delight of doing something crazy and watching it work, surprise when an inanimate object starts talking to me and sends me to a portal that jumps around the world. There is fantasy and excitement, and these things have become rare values. But Divinity: Original Sin is full of them.”

This is an RPG game that focuses on what the genre can be, not what it has become. Where conflict isn't all about combat, where magic can be used to solve puzzles and manipulate the environment rather than just killing enemies, and where simple, non-essential quests can be turned into rewarding, huge undertakings.

And it comes with a robust editor so you can create your own adventure, and expand the game's cooperative mode so you don't have to roam the world alone. Stopping the evil in him is, after all, a job for friends.

A sequel titled Divinity: Original Sin II has been posted on Kickstarter.

14. Legend of Grimrock 2

Legend of Grimrock 2 was released relatively recently, but it actually comes from a time when playing RPGs meant you needed a steady stream of graph paper and patience to draw a lot of cards.

It builds on the fine foundation laid by its impressive predecessor, taking four adventurers within a single, large dungeon and providing them with a whole incredibly diverse island to explore. There are towers, crypts, dungeons, forests, swamps, beaches and all sorts of fantastic locations waiting to be explored. She is huge. So big that, I confess, I needed the automap much more than in the previous game. I have so many millimeters.

Hero parties take up one tile and are essentially just their strength and combat abilities, but that's not about them. Traveling through dark and damp dungeons, intense real-time battles against hideous, often hulking, monsters, the terrible fear you feel when you get lost in a maze, puzzles that sometimes require factual notes - that's what it's all about.

Class and race selection has been greatly improved, allowing parties to deter gun-wielding scammers or farmers who gain experience by eating a single meal. Complete nonsense.

13. Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn

While my love for RPGs stems from Ultima, which is out of date on this list, I also love Baldur's Gate from developers Black Isle and BioWare. From the early issues of Baldur's Gate in 1998 to the expansion of Baldur's Gate II: Throne of Bhaal in 2001, the adventurers' succession of plans, trials and tribulations from the harsh "Sword Coast" to the wealthy city of Atkatla, where magic is at mostly illegal, and beyond to the stormy kingdom of Tethura.

However, in "Baldur's Gate II" there are a lot of inaccuracies in the sequence of actions.

Dungeons & Dragons of the Land of the Forgotten Realms is meticulously recreated, filled to the brim with luxurious environments just waiting to be explored. And what are the quests in it! Hundreds of hours of rescuing villages, diving into mines, fighting mad wizards, killing gnolls, and even a trip to the Plains, explored in more detail in Planscape: The Trial, and a deadly adventure to the Underdark.

"Baldur's Gate" juggles wit and satire with solemnity and gravitas, drawing players into seemingly simple quests. It's a party of adventurers joining the hero, who of course gets none other than the notorious Minsk ranger talking to his space hamster Boo. Baldur's Gate II is also notable for having one of the best opponents of any game, John Irenicus, masterfully voiced by top notch villain stunt double David Warner. Arrogant, powerful, and disfigured with a hint of tragedy around him, Irenicus has all the hallmarks of a classic villain, and even though not present for most of the game, his influence permeates everything around him.

12 Torchlight II

If you are looking for an action RPG game, then Torchlight II is for you. There is no time for an intriguing plot or interesting characters, they will only get in the way of many - and I really mean a huge number - on the way to loot and a ruthless horde of monsters.

The game "Torchlight II" is full of frantic pace, seeing its players running through huge map, killing oceans of enemies, and never stopping to take a breath (unless you're on a fishing trip). Gold and items explode from fallen foes in absurd amounts, covering the ground with treasures and trinkets. There's always some new trinket to play with, some new, colorful armor to show off, or powerful items to buy that give the game a constant sense of advancement and trap that will keep you hooked into your world for hours.

Even though there are only four classes in the game, each of them has three separate skills associated with different combat styles that completely change the class. One of the Engineers can be very armored tank, who engages with a comically large hammer, while another can stalk enemies from afar with an equally comically large cannon. Within each class, there are tons of completely different skills, inspiring experiments, and multiple playthroughs.

And, of course, everything looks bloody beautiful. It may be a game of robbery and murder, but there's no rule that says it can't be bright and colorful. The monster designs are exemplary, featuring a whole host of bizarre nasties to kill, and colossal bosses that are both mechanically and visually impressive.

"Torchlight II" also allows you to travel with a pet. Having good taste, I am never without my trusty bulldog, unless I send him to shops to sell the loot. Yes, these animals are mercantile specialists. If all this isn't worth the price of entry, then I don't know what is.

11 Mass Effect 2

Married to the sub-genres of speculative fiction and soap opera, Mass Effect 2 is BioWare's greatest achievement in terms of peace, or rather the rise of the galaxy. Star Trek Research and Pseudoscience, Battlestar Galactica Cinematic Action and Fantasy Elements Star Wars or the squishy science fiction of the early 20th century, it's all gathered here and artfully combined.

Humans are newcomers who have recently joined the galactic community, and they must stir up everything around them in order to get the older races to recognize the growing threat to their existence. How do they do it? With the help of a temperamental soldier, of course. Commander Shepard is a great character because he is my character. It's impossible to characterize him because for many, he is actually her, and instead of being a gray-haired, oppressed, glory-hunting hero, as was the case in my game, he or she can be a cruel, racist bastard, or a paragon of virtue that doesn't let anyone die.

There is an entire galaxy to explore, with completely realistic alien races steeped in lore, settlements to escape, smugglers to kill, or dead ends to complete. But Mass Effect 2 is really about preparing for a suicide mission against the odds. All honest company of aliens must be recruited, and their allegiance must be won, in case there is any hope of destroying a threat that most of the galaxy seems to be ignoring.

Dramatic and artful scenery, if not particularly interesting, then the team combat, underlined by the BioWare trademark, excellent dialogues and just wandering around alien locations are not a joke. Put aside your disbelief for ten minutes and you'll be on a hell of a sci-fi ride.

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10 Grand Theft Auto Online

character editor in GTA Online not the best (the appearance of the hero is determined not by the sliders, but by the genetic code of the parents), but if you go to the hairdresser directly in the game, you can get stuck there for a long time, sorting through stacks of prepared beards, mustaches, hairstyles and tattoos. And in the local store you will find a huge number of additional "goodies": T-shirts, bandanas, leather jackets and other paraphernalia of a real bandit. The events of this online game take place 2 months before the single player campaign, but the set of entertainment is absolutely identical: shooting at cops, robbing stores, visiting strip clubs, senseless and merciless scuffle on the streets.

9 Blade & Soul

Before diving into the world of ancient Korea, the game offers a short trip into the realm of shiny latex and combat nightgowns. The local editor is unusually cool in terms of variety of choice, but marked by a stamp of concentrated glamour. The characters in Blade & Soul look like living dolls that someone accidentally doused with sunflower oil. It looks beautiful, sexy, but completely unrealistic. In the game itself, “doboki” are waiting for you - suits for taekwondo classes, which in the game have nothing to do with this martial art. It's just a collective name for armored swimsuits, which number in the hundreds.


Despite its age (Aion was released in 2007), this MMORPG will still outperform many character customization games. Its editor traditionally offers a solid set of eyebrows, ears, eyes and other body parts, from which, unlike the same Blade & Soul, you can mold a completely realistic character. And you can, on the contrary, make a completely insane quasi-fashion with big hands, tiny legs and a hypertrophied head. After 10 years, this classic MMORPG feels great: 32 (!) updates, a huge number of awards (including a whole stack of "Best Game of the Year" titles), 6 localizations and a consistently high online for the entire duration of the game.

7. Spore

Probably the only game in which you can create new biological species. It all starts with an ordinary cage, which joyfully splashes in the primeval broth and mates with its relatives. The fun begins with the second stage, when the cell turns into a multicellular creature. You determine its shape and other features yourself - the number of tails, horns and other gills in the local editor is huge. The most interesting thing is that the resulting freak will be viable no matter what you stuffed it with. This is where the adventures of the crazy biologist end, and the adventures of the couch strategist begin - in the next stages of evolution, you have to steer entire tribes and civilizations.

6. Archeage

5. The Sims 4

A real life constructor in which the characters go about their business, even if you do not press a single button for hours. In the fourth part of Maxis, the editor has been significantly updated: now it is not a standard set of sliders, but a completely manual setting. We take the Sim by the ear / mouth / nose / eyebrow and pull in the right direction. With the body, everything is the same: if you wish, you can create a good-natured fat man, a steroid jock or an anorexic preoccupied with weight. The only thing that spoils the impression is the sterile textures, because of which the characters look like plastic mannequins.

4 Saints Row 4

In fact, a clone of GTA 5 with a parodic bias, in which there was a place for racing, puzzles, superpowers and even aliens. Who kidnapped one of the "saints" and put him in virtual reality Steelport, where main character can bend spoons with the power of thought to throw fireballs and cause earthquakes. character editor in saints row 4 allows you to mercilessly bend eyebrows and other parts of the face, and thus create not just unique characters, but characters that look like real celebrities (YouTube is full of videos where players easily sculpt “Keanu Reeves” and “Mike Tysons”). In the game itself, everything lends itself to customization, from the color of socks to the butt of a plasma gun.

3. EVE Online

It's a paradox, but in a game where the character's avatar is displayed as a static picture in the chat, one of the most technologically advanced editors. These are all echoes of the 2011 Incursion add-on, which was supposed to be the basis for the introduction of the notorious “walking through the stations”. They did not manage to get to the stations, limiting themselves to absolutely meaningless walking around their own cabin. The idea, frankly, is not very smart, given that EVE Online- MMORPG purely space. Plans for the implementation of full-fledged heroes were shelved, but the sediment editor remained, becoming a kind of tombstone for the developers' attempts to bring elements of casualness into Eve. In general, everything is great in this game with character customization, but there is not much point in trying in the editor.

2 Fallout 4

RPG, shooter and "desert scavenger simulator" in one bottle. To date, this is the largest and most detailed post-apocalyptic "sandbox" with complete freedom of choice, an unrealistically cool crafting system "of everything" and a cool editor. The game was created on the Skyrim engine, so it looks clumsy in places, but in terms of the elaboration of the world around it, it has practically no competitors. The world of the insane Wasteland, created by the developers of Bethesda, is unusually attractive with its rusty atmosphere of general decline, in which the protagonist looks like an alien element. A worthy continuation of the series and a good reason to spend 400 hours at the computer - exactly how much, according to the authors, you will need to complete the main and side quests.

1. Black Desert

character editor in this online game turned out so cool that the developers even released a separate version of it. Only the face in the editor has 38 zones, and each of them has 9 sliders. What can I say, if even the length of the phalanges of the fingers can be adjusted. Depending on your goals, the output can be either a frank freak like the Joker, or a beautiful beauty that you can even now send to the cover of a glossy magazine. The game itself is a great representative of a non-target MMORPG with a huge open world and large-scale battles for territories.

The best weapon customization games

Well, for those who need settings appearance a hero is not enough, we offer five best projects with weapon customization. This is not about skins that fall out of loot boxes, but about detailed weapon customization to please your inner maniac.

5 Dead Rising 3

Killing zombies is always fun, but it's even more fun to do it in unusual ways. dead rising 3 offers everything you need for such entertainment. From the local piece of iron, you can sculpt completely insane devices, like a murderous shopping cart or a toy helicopter with blades instead of blades. The number of options is huge, and the outcome is not always predictable, which only adds to the absurdity of what is happening.

4. Payday 2

3. Combat Arms: Line of Sight

A strong representative of online shooters with one small feature. Weapon customization is implemented here on the highest level. Everything is customizable: stores, muzzle brakes, sights, silencers, stocks, appearance. Each change is reflected in the characteristics of the "trunk", which is kindly reported in the appropriate column. Unfortunately, most of the bells and whistles are available for donations. And in Line of Sight there are about 25 game modes, which, in fact, is a record.

2. Escape from Tarkov

1Ghost Recon Wildlands

The war against drug cartels requires appropriate equipment. And the game provides it. There are 89 basic types of weapons here, and each of them can be modified beyond recognition. True, first you have to find the right parts, and they are scattered throughout the game world. Which, by the way, turned out to be indecently large. The main means of deporting bad guys to another world will be a sniper rifle, but other equipment is also in demand. Even a banal flare gun can be useful, for example, to divert the attention of base guards. Graphically Ghost Recon Wildlands leaves mixed feelings, but this is offset by a well-implemented co-op.

Below is a selection of the best action games for PC. If you want to suggest a game, write the name in the comments.

Dark Souls series

Release date: 2009-2016

The DarkSouls series is a third-person hardcore action RPG in which the player fights demons in a variety of fantasy worlds reminiscent of medieval Europe. The key features of the series - its complexity, as well as the ability to save only in certain places, together with the style, made it popular all over the world. On our website, the game is included in .

The gameplay consists of killing monsters with various kinds weapons in melee or ranged combat, the search for various items that affect the further passage, as well as increasing the level and improving the characteristics of the character. In parallel with this, the hero reveals the plot of the game, bit by bit collecting information about the world around him and fighting local bosses.

Counter Strike: Global Offensive

Release date: 2012

Counterstrike: Global Offensive- the most popular team shooter in the world. The concept of the game has remained the same. The player is given a choice: to get used to the role of a special forces soldier or a terrorist and take part in two scenarios - hostage release or bomb planting. The main innovation of the game was to gain experience after each game match. Successfully participating in matches, fighters increase their level in the world ranking.

The game offers various modes, namely - deathmatch, arms race, destruction, normal and competitive - the developers have made the greatest emphasis on it, and it is this mode that allows you to choose an opponent according to your strength. For players who want to stand out, the developers also gave the opportunity to change the color of the weapon.

Dishonored 1 and 2

Release date: First 2012 Second 2016

Dishonored is a dark first-person stealth action game in which the player puts on the mask of an assassin and takes part in the resulting revolution. The game boasts a balanced combat system, including character upgrades, the ability to use magic and various special skills.

Levels are completely passable. different ways, but the main emphasis is on stealth. All player actions affect game events and dialogues. By killing everyone in your path, you can complete missions much faster, but it is more expensive in terms of ammunition and the health of the main character. Artificial intelligence in the game it reacts to the sounds around, which helps a lot with covert passage - for example, you can lure out the guards, and not kill them.

Grand Theft Auto V

Release date: 2011

GTA V is the continuation of the legendary series of games that provide the player with a greater degree of freedom of action. The player will once again visit sunny Los Santos and get used to the role of three characters: Former military pilot Trevor, retired bank robber Michael and car thief Franklin. The game has multiplayer that allows you to complete tasks with real people.

In a huge open game world with an area of ​​​​more than 100 square meters. miles you can do almost anything. The plot is connected with robberies, but the developers allow you to arrange car races, participate in dismantling local gangs and shootouts with the police, trade stocks, dive in a bathyscaphe to the seabed, ride a bike along the coast or hunt wild animals in the mountains.

Payday 2

Release date: 2013

Genre: first person shooter,

Payday 2 - team shooter for 4 players, "robbing simulator". In the cooperative mode, the player will have to think over the goals and objectives of the team, upgrade class abilities and take everything that is bad on sixty different maps, performing more than thirty robberies, fragments of which are randomly generated.

You have to receive a variety of contracts - from small skirmishes to robbing large banks. You can engage in the production of drugs, steal weapons, expensive cars, and even influence the election results. During each mission, the player makes a choice: to act covertly or go ahead. After each mission, the money received can be spent on modifying your weapons and acquiring new gadgets.

Battlefield 1

Release date: 2016

Genre: first person shooter,

Battlefield 1 is a first-person shooter set on the fields of the First World War. The game features four classes - a medic, an attack aircraft, a support fighter and a scout, and many modes, including capture the flags, storm the telegraphs and "fight to the death". During battles, you can use a large number of firearms and edged weapons and control various equipment (aircraft, tanks, armored cars).

For completing goals in the game, the fighter receives experience and game currency, which can be spent on acquiring new types of weapons. A feature of the shooter is the destructibility of objects, which affects the outcome of the battle. Battlefield 1 also has a campaign in which the player can learn how to control different types of vehicles and master weapons.

Mafia 1 and 2

Release date: First part 2002 Second part 2010

Genre: Open world mafia games

Mafia offers to get used to the role of an American criminal. The action takes place in the 20s and 40s of the last century. The main character must complete the tasks of criminal bosses (including car theft, racketeering, robbery and murder) to lead his own criminal empire. To achieve this goal, you can use a variety of cold and firearms, grenades and cars.

In addition to the main storyline, in the game you can freely move around the city, complete tasks and earn money (for example, working as a taxi driver), which are spent on car repairs and new weapons. Do not forget about the police, which is able to fine the protagonist for speeding and even chase him.

Far Cry Series

Release date: 2004-2018

Genre: Action, First Person Shooter, open world

Far Cry is a series of first-person shooters. In the first part, the player goes to a tropical island in order to destroy the mercenaries and mutants and prevent them from taking over the world. In the second part, the main character must kill a gangster boss in Africa during the revolution. In FarCry 3, you must escape captivity by killing the leader of the mercenaries. In the fourth part, the player will be in the Himalayas in order to prevent the revolution.

The game has a huge number of weapons. To explore the open world, you need to look for vehicles and fuel for them, as well as monitor their condition. The player can also hunt wild animals and look for hidden treasures. Each mission can be completed in a variety of ways, and the game's main story contains multiple endings.

Mad Max

Release date: 2015

Mad Max is a third-person action game. The game takes place in a post-apocalyptic future. The main character, a former police officer, will use a large number of weapons to fight the marauders who stole his car. In order to navigate the open game world and complete tasks, you need to look for ammo, cars and fuel for them.

A feature of the game is the ability to improve the appearance and characteristics of weapons and cars by searching for blueprints and spare parts. On cars, the main character fights with bandits. After killing them, the player increases the level and characteristics. After completing the tasks of local bosses, you can increase the level of their dwellings and receive bonuses for this, in the form of additional fuel and ammunition.

Call Of Duty Series

Release date: 2003-2017

Genre: First person shooter

Call Of Duty is a series of first-person shooter games set in the present day, during World War II and in the future. You have to play for the participants of various military units, and the main task is to counter terrorists and prevent the destruction of the United States. Missions take place in different places - in the slums of Brazil, mountains, Russia, Europe, USA and space stations. The main character can try out many types of modern weapons and equipment.

In addition to the genre-specific killing of many enemies, the gameplay also includes stealth missions, sniper missions, battles on various types of equipment, scuba diving, climbing a mountain slope. The game has co-op and multiplayer, in which the player can gain experience and upgrade certain abilities. The series of games has gained popularity due to the fact that it allows the player to visit various combat situations.

Dying Light: The Following

Release date: 2016

Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor is a third-person action game set in the world of The Lord of the Rings. The protagonist is an elven ranger who goes to the depths of Mordor to take revenge on the orcs for the murder of his family. The player will have to torture "tongues", collect dossiers on orc warlords in order to find out the strengths and weaknesses of their enemies. During the battle, the hero learns new tricks and movements, and over time, he can take control of the orcs and assemble his own army.

To improve performance, you need to complete small tasks - rescue slaves, clear castles, pass tests and pursue officers. A key feature of the game is that the main character is reborn after death. After being defeated in battle, his enemy gains additional experience, and the player is respawned on the nearest ghost tower.

Watch Dogs 2

Release date: 2016

Genre: Stealth action, open world

Watch Dogs 2 is a third person action game with an open world. The action takes place in San Francisco. The protagonist of the game is a hacker whose tasks include hacking devices, robbery, and in rare cases shooting and chasing. Each task implies several ways to complete it. A feature of the game is full control over various city systems (video cameras, bank terminals, traffic lights, electrical panels, etc.), with which you can set traps for enemies - remotely direct cars at them, hand them over to the police, shock them through the phone, steal money from them. bank cards.

The game has a large number of cars on which you can move around the city, as well as side tasks - races, regatta, search for caches, quadcopter competition. Multiplayer is integrated into the game - you can quickly switch from single player to co-op. Co-op missions can randomly spawn while walking around the city.

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

Release date: 2015

Genre: Stealth action, open world

metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain is an open world stealth action game set in 1984. The player will have to covertly move between different points of the game world using different types firearms, edged weapons and explosive devices. You can move around on foot, on a horse, car or tank.

The behavior of enemies will change depending on the actions of the player (for example, if you make most attacks at night, then enemies will soon begin to wear night vision goggles). During the game, the main character can steal money, equipment and enemy soldiers, improving the main base and unlocking new abilities and weapons - for example, if you steal a Soviet translator, the main character will be able to understand the conversations of Soviet soldiers.

Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Siege

Release date: 2015

Genre: Tactical FPS, SWAT

Tom Clancy's Rainbow six siege - tactical shooter from the first person, "special forces simulator". The main game mode is multiplayer, but 10 single-player operations are presented for training. With each completed task, the player levels up and unlocks new equipment. In addition to recruits, you can also use "special" operatives with unique equipment in battle.

The operation must be carefully planned, gathering intelligence and studying tactical map. During the game, one team will have to storm the fortified position of the other team, using various types of weapons, explosives, grenades and devices (drones, heartbeat sensors). The defending team uses mines, barbed wire and shields.

Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad (with Rising Storm)

Release date: 2011

Genre: tactical first person shooter,

Red Orchestra 2 is a hardcore tactical first-person shooter focused on multiplayer. Events unfold during the Second World War in Stalingrad and on the Pacific front. The game has several classes (shooter, attack aircraft, sniper, armor-piercer, sapper and machine gunner), various types of weapons, the possibility of tank battles.

In battle, the player will need to use cover and monitor the "morale" of their fighter, which affects aiming and health. When injured, bandages must be used. Playing as a commander, you can give orders to soldiers through a special menu. The game has implemented ballistics, which also allows you to set a different scope when shooting at long distances.

Saints Row IV

Release date: 2013

Saints Row IV is a third-person action game with elements of an open world. In the main storyline, the player will need to stop the alien invasion of the United States, using a large number of weapons, equipment and superpowers. Side missions include mayhem, time trials, carjacking, killing aliens, and throwing objects through rings. For these missions, the player receives experience and money. Also in the game there are two cooperative modes - "duel" and "cat and mouse".

In Saints Row, you can change the characteristics and appearance of the character and any weapon. Health is not automatically replenished, which prevents the player from hiding in shelters. As the game progresses, the hero can develop various abilities, such as telekinesis, flight, and magical skills. The game has a large share of black humor and some craziness.

Assassin's Creed Series

Release date: 2007-2018

Genre: Third person action, open world

Assassin's Creed is a series of third-person action games set in different historical periods (Crusade, French Revolution, Renaissance, American War of Independence). The main character is a descendant of the Assassins, who, with the help of a special device, goes into the past and fights against the enemies of the Assassins - the Templars.

The games in the series have an open world, and the main focus is on stealth and parkour. You can use cover to kill, and to get away from the chase, you can "get lost in the crowd." The player will have to look for points that open map fragments. It is possible to ride a horse, use various types of weapons and special abilities, such as "eagle vision".


Release date: 2014

Genre: Tactical First Person Shooter, SWAT Games

Insurgency is a hardcore multiplayer shooter with a large number equipment and the possibility of its modification. The action takes place during the Iraq war between the US and the rebels. There are many classes in the game - shooter, sniper, specialist, fighter, scout, destroyer, engineer, which differ in the amount of ammunition, grenades and the type of armor.

5 game modes are available on 12 maps (destruction of warehouses, battle for territory, escort of hostages). During the battle, there is no interface, the weapon has a lot of recoil, and a couple of bullets are enough to kill a fighter. In commander mode, you can give orders to soldiers through a special menu. The game has a co-op in which you can fight against bots with real players.

Arma 3

Release date: 2013

Genre: First person shooter, open world

Arma 3 is a hardcore tactical RPG shooter set in the year 2035. The game has a huge amount of equipment (planes, helicopters, tanks, jeeps) and weapons. You can take on the role of a commander and give orders to soldiers. During the single-player campaign, the player will take part in large-scale military conflicts, direct artillery, control drones, call in troops and air support.

Multiplayer features both classic modes, such as "capture the base", and custom modifications aimed at role-playing games, in which it is necessary, for example, to look for provisions and water and improve the characteristics of the character. You should also constantly monitor the situation, since one bullet is enough for a kill, wounded soldiers can bleed, and wind and landscape elements affect ballistics.

Borderlands 1 and 2

Release date: First part 2009 Second part 2012

Genre: First person shooter, RPG

Borderlands is a series of first person shooters set in the distant future on the outskirts of the galaxy. You can play as one of four characters with unique abilities. For completing side tasks, the player receives money, experience and various items, develops skills and acquires new abilities.

A key feature of the game is a huge number of randomly generated weapons with various effects (for example, increasing the level of ammunition in the inventory) and enemies. The game has a technique with which the player moves around the open world. Weapons can be improved and change the appearance. Borderlands has co-op, 1v1 and 2v2 battles, for which the player receives experience and money.

tomb raider

Release date: 1996-2016

Genre: Third person action, RPG

Tomb Raider - a series of third-person action games dedicated to the adventures of archaeologist Lara Croft. The player's task is to pass levels with the help of acrobatics, parkour and solving puzzles with mechanisms and switches, avoiding traps (pits with spikes, huge blades), neutralize opponents and find caches with first-aid kits and ammunition.

The player will have to visit Peru, Japan, Russia, Mexico, Germany, Czech Republic, France, Bolivia and many other countries, climb mountains, visit catacombs, jungles and abandoned military bases, fight in hand-to-hand combat and use various types of firearms. In the new parts of the series there is survival, an open world, many side quests and a skill system.

Just Cause 2

Release date: 2010

Genre: Third Person Action, Open World, Racing, Arcade

just cause 2 - action from a third person. The action takes place in Southeast Asia against the backdrop of an impending revolution. Game world with an area of ​​​​more than 1000 square meters. miles is completely open, you can navigate it with the help of a grappling hook, a parachute and various equipment, performing a large number of side tasks. There are several factions in the game, helping which the player receives "chaos points" necessary to progress through the story.

Just Cause has a huge amount of firearms that can be improved by finding caches. The missions are varied - in addition to capturing key points and killing opponents, you will need to dive to the seabed, shoot down missiles while in an airplane and arrange army SUV races.

Mount & Blade: Warband

Release date: 2010

Mount&Blade: Warband- role-playing game, the action of which takes place in the pseudo-medieval. There is no plot in the game, and the player can become anyone - the ruler of his own kingdom, a hired knight or a forest bandit. By completing tasks, the player gains experience and money. There are several factions in the game, any of which can be led to victory and control of the game world.

The game has diplomacy, the ability to give land, arrange weddings. During the siege, catapults, traps and boiling oil are used. In battles, you can use bows, swords, axes and other types of weapons, gaining experience for defeated enemies and investing it in skill points. Multiplayer and several modes have been added to the game - battle, siege, duel, capture the flag, conquest. In these skirmishes, you can buy equipment, gain experience and join clans.

The best online action games


Release date: 2016

Genre: MMO action

A post-apocalyptic third-person action game based on PvP battles in armored vehicles assembled by players from various parts, as well as completing missions, brawls and clan wars. Also, the game features include an in-game market and the creation of unique parts for your armored vehicles on special machines.


Players can receive parts and materials for their vehicles both in battles and by purchasing them for in-game currency from other players. The technique is created from several parts that are basic (this is the cabin, platform, wheels or tracks, as well as turbines). In addition, you can “attach” minor, but extremely useful parts to your combat vehicles that enhance weapons, armor, etc. It is noteworthy that the project is trying to move away from stereotypes, and here it is quite possible to create an absolutely unique vehicle, “sharpened” for your own style of play.


Release date: 2013

Genre: Third person shooter, team

A third-person cooperative tactical-strategic action game with elements of a shooter and slasher, in which players control ancient warriors dressed in exoskeletons, and two to four people run around different locations, complete missions and fight various opponents. There are many weapons in the game (both ranged and melee), and exoskeletons, referred to here as Warframes, can be upgraded or replaced.


The battles in the game are very dynamic. Players can run, jump, roll, combine different combat methods, use modifiers, and even use parkour to find secret areas on the map or tactically bypass enemies. The missions here are extremely diverse - these are traditional tasks from the category of "kill everyone", and espionage, and interception of control points, and even excavation of ancient artifacts. In short, you won't be bored here!

There are plenty of games with the creation of your own hero. Here is a list of the best games that have a very good character editor. If you want even more games where you can create your own hero or character, then look towards or life simulators.

Series (The Elder Scrolls)

Release date: 1994-2014

The Elder Scrolls is one of the most famous and loved by gamers series of RPG games with a fully open fantasy world. Each part of the "Old Scrolls" is an amazing adventure, where the main character is not bound hand and foot by the main plot, but is free to choose what to do and where to go. A lot of different quests, branched character leveling and a huge game world without "seams" and subloads - these are the main features of the series. Skyrim is also included in .

In the penultimate part, called Oblivion, the graphics and mechanics were seriously “tweaked” in the game, they also added a detailed character editor that allows you to create not just a faceless and nameless avatar, but literally your own or a copy of one of the celebrities. In the last part of the series - Skyrim, all successful gameplay developments have been further developed, and today The Elder Scrolls Skyrim can shamelessly be called one of the best RPGs of all time!

Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy

Release date: 2003

Saints Row is a series of games in which the player has to control the leader of the Saints gang, conquer the city and free it not only from rival gangs, but even from aliens. Despite the fact that the first part of Saints Row was created with an obvious eye on the famous GTA, the game has its own unique features and features that earned it the love and respect of gamers around the world (in particular, some unreality and even surrealism of what is happening).

So in particular, if in the same GTA the main character is always a specific person, then in Saints Row our protagonist is always freely customizable. At the same time, you can change your appearance, physique, race and even gender not only before the start of the game, but also in the process, visiting special plastic surgery clinics. Otherwise, the mechanics of Saints Raw resemble GTA - in most missions you need to kill, rob, catch up and earn money. However, starting from the third part of the game, the plot develops with a fair amount of fantasy.

Mass Effect Series

Release date: 2007-2012

mass effect- A fantastic role-playing action movie in three parts, telling us about the confrontation between Captain Shepard and the race of ancient intelligent machines - the Reapers, who pose a threat not only to people, but to the entire galaxy. The whole series has received many positive reviews and is rightfully considered one of the best in its genre (especially since the developers do not indulge players with real space operas so often). It is also worth noting that the protagonist of the series, Captain Shepard, was awarded the Hero of the Generation award by the Igromania magazine!

Before the start of the game, it is possible to customize your character by choosing his gender, appearance, as well as one of six game classes(soldier, engineer, adept, scout, attack aircraft, guard). The hero is controlled in real time, there is also a tactical pause, which allows you to change weapons or tell your companions which of the abilities they should use now. The plot and the world around here is worked out to the smallest detail, while the choice made, for example, in the first part, may affect the plot in subsequent parts.

Drakensang: The Dark Eye

Release date: 2008

Genres: RPG

Drakensang: The Dark Eye is an RPG game based on the popular German board game Das Schwarze Auge. The player begins immersion in the fantasy world by creating and customizing his character. And here is where to turn around! In addition to the appearance customization that is already typical for the genre, the game also has the ability to choose a race (each with its own unique features) and a class (of which there are as many as 20 pieces here!).

A significant role in The Dark Eye is played by the support system, which allows you to recruit partners for your team. Your assistants will not only have their own unique skills, but also a detailed character that manifests itself during the game. The battles are made in real time, but there is also a tactical pause here, which allows you to carry out certain manipulations with your team. The plot is excellent with a whole bunch of conspiracies, secrets and heroic deeds, and the world is worked out almost to the smallest detail.


Release date: 2008

As in most games of this genre, great attention here is given to the creation and development of your character. So, our protagonist has four main characteristics, which in turn affect the secondary ones. There are a variety of skills, in particular: magic, combat, shooting, crafting, criminal and general. A number of skills cannot be obtained just like that - to open them, you need to read the corresponding book of knowledge. In addition, there are skills here that can only be used with certain weapons. There is also alchemy here, which allows you to create a variety of potions with one effect or another, but for crafting the player will have to look for the necessary ingredients.

Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning

Release date: 2012

Genres: RPG, open world

Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning is a single-player RPG with a vast fantasy world made up of 5 different regions. There is a deep character customization. So, in particular, the player can choose one of the four races, and the pumping goes through one of the three "class branches" with 22 abilities each. The choice of race affects not only the appearance, but also the initial characteristics and skills of the character. In addition, the so-called "Fate" system is implemented here, through which various class skills can be accessed by the character.

Character development is very flexible here. And despite the fact that the initial characteristics and skills are determined by the choice of race, the player begins his journey from virtually a "clean slate", returning from the other world and waking up in a pile of dead bodies. A special mention is the combat system based on the rapid pressing of certain keys (this is found in some Action / RPG). Despite some minor technicalities, at the time of its release, Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning won positive reviews, and even today it is considered a solid project that all fans of the genre should familiarize themselves with.

Dragon's Dogma

Release date: 2012

Genres: RPG, open world

Another RPG game on our list with a huge fully open fantasy world that also incorporates some elements of genres such as survival horror and hack and slash. The plot here tells how the dragon stole the heart of our protagonist, but he did not die, and over time he realized that the kidnapper had his own plans for him. The game has a flexible character customization system, several types of professions, it is possible to choose the gender and appearance of our protagonist, and the system of classes and professions will fundamentally affect the gameplay and tactics available for use.

The main "feature" of the game is the system of "pawns". Its essence lies in the fact that the main character can recruit assistants (up to three characters) into his squad, while one assistant will be from the player’s world, and the other two will be from the world of other players, borrowed from them via the Internet. Orders can be given to members of the squad, in addition, they themselves can ask you for help or provide information about opponents. It is better to listen to advice, because sometimes they are vital for passing dungeons or surviving in traps. The world of Dragon's Dogma is massive (the cities alone have at least 200 NPCs to interact with). Also, the change of day and night is implemented here, and the time of day will also affect the gameplay (at night the game turns into a real survival horror).

Guild Wars 2

Release date: 2012

Genres: MMORPG

Guild Wars 2 - Got into our list and network "RPG", which takes place in the fictional world of Tyria. the world in the game changes under the influence of the players. In addition, Guild Wars 2 decided to move away from the traditional division into classes, the use of magic and the use of most abilities. Each character can develop as he pleases, taking, for example, an attacking ability for himself, and one of the various healing skills to support it. In general, each of the professions is capable of performing several roles here, the main thing is to choose the right equipment, skills and talents.

The advantages of the game also include active combat system, when the projectiles fly where they were launched and they (as well as attacks) can be dodged. There are no miss or block parameters here either - it all depends on the skills and skill of the player himself. Implemented a system of underwater combat. In addition to the standard PvP, there are also battles between servers and many more different types of battles. Separately, it is worth noting the presence of two storylines - the player's own history and the general history of the world, which differ from each other, but are interconnected. So, for example, a decision made in the process of passing your own storyline can affect the development of a global plot.

Grand Theft Auto V

Release date: 2013

Genres: shooter, open world

GTA V - A magnificent, grandiose, chic in every way video game that can be described almost endlessly. Surely, if you have not played any game in the series, then at least you have heard a lot of positive reviews about it. The fifth part absorbed all the best that had already been implemented before it, expanding and multiplying the already huge world of GTA. Now the player has a choice of three characters with their own history and unique skills, between which you can switch during the passage. At the same time, despite the fact that our heroes are specific individuals, the possibilities for customizing their appearance are almost endless.

The plot is interesting and very rich. There are 62 main missions alone! Add more here side quests, as well as the ability to move away from doing them altogether and do whatever your heart desires (for example, racing, playing golf, skydiving, etc.), and get a truly monumental game. Tired of playing alone? Create your unique character online and arrange total chaos in Los Santos - rob banks, fight other players, buy luxury cars, real estate, etc.

Dragon Age: Inquisition

Release date: 2014

Genres: RPG

dragon age: Inquisition is a continuation of the series of RPG games in which the player will have to revive the Inquisition and eradicate evil in the world of Thedas. You are waiting for wars, intrigues, political strife, as well as the invasion of demons, rushing as if from the opened skies. Explore a vast and detailed world and stop new threat with the support of old and new friends.

Character creation in the game is given no less attention than in the last part. So, for example, in addition to choosing a race with its own backstory and the class of its hero, the player can customize his gender, appearance, name, voice, and even sexual orientation! Initially, there are only three classes (warrior, rogue and mage) with four branches of unique abilities, but in the process of passing a separate branch of inquisitor skills will be opened, as well as nine specializations (of which only one can be chosen). As in the previous parts of the series, a huge emphasis is placed on the story and the interaction of the player, both with NPCs and with fellow party members. Locations have become larger, and interactive objects have been added to them.


Release date: 2016

XCOM 2 - turn based game with RPG elements, which takes place twenty years after the events of the first part. The aliens have conquered and colonized our planet. People live mainly in large metropolitan areas, where they are under total control. And, despite the complete utopia (lack of crime and disease), it becomes obvious that people are destined for some unpleasant role. For this reason, in one of the remote areas, the XCOM organization is reviving, the stronghold of which is the Avenger mobile base, created on the basis of an alien ship. This ship takes control of the player, whose task is now to hire a detachment of soldiers, solve the problem of resource extraction and deal with foreign invaders.

As before, our mercenaries are fully customizable, and each of them has its own development tree. Among other things, the base also requires development, for which alien artifacts will have to be mined. One of the features of the game is the generated levels, which make each new passage unique. Players will find interesting tactical gameplay with many unique enemies (among which it is worth noting vipers and hybrids of aliens with people).

Online games with customization

Black Desert

Release date: 2014

Genre: MMORPG, open world, customization

A modern MMORPG with many original features implemented, such as: dynamic weather change, no maximum level players and a unique character generator that allows players to customize every element of their protagonist's body to the smallest detail.


The huge and seamless world of the game is made in the style of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. It is incredibly interesting to explore, especially since the project is not without such aspects of the genre as dungeons, which can be completed by a group or alone. At the moment, the game has 14 classes with their own unique features, while there are no auxiliary classes in the game, in addition, there is no division of classes into professions.


Release date: 2016

A role-playing multiplayer game based on the Dungeons & Dragons series, specifically the Forgotten Realms setting. At the beginning, players are invited to create a character for themselves by choosing one of eight classic D&D classes, while deep customization of their protagonist deserves special attention here, both external and his initial parameters.


One more strong point the project is its strong story line. Players will often get the impression that they are playing an Oblivion or Dragon Age level solo game and not an MMORPG. And the third key feature of the project is the presence of an editor with which users can create their own content. And this is not only supported, but encouraged by the developers!


Release date: 2007

Genre: MMORPG, customization

game in MMORPG genre, in which three irreconcilable races - Angels, Demons and Dragons - fight in a fantasy setting. The entire gameplay here is based on this confrontation, and each player is able to influence the outcome of the war. Interestingly, the game has a very deep catatomization of the character, which can be customized in detail, both externally and by pumping it as you play. Those. in this project, you can literally turn your character into anyone by choosing the appropriate class, skills, etc.


A large part of the gameplay here is also tied to crafting and trading, since by creating items players can get especially valuable items. However, the main goal of the game here is still battles with other players and boss battles, for which you will have to carefully select a group.
