Mafia strategy. mafia game tactics

In the Mafia game, the role of an ordinary civilian may seem less interesting and important, but it is not. This is a very important character in the game. We can give several recommendations when the correct tactics of playing the mafia will allow an ordinary citizen to lead the entire team of civilians to victory.

If the city dweller has to say his word, then he should speak evenly, calmly. The citizen is absolutely clean in front of the population of the city, and he has nothing to fear. It is better to immediately determine for yourself the circle of suspicious persons in order to observe them more carefully during the discussion.

You can admit that you are a peaceful city dweller, the mafia already knows this, and for the representatives of the townspeople team this can be a sign of trust if it is accepted sincerely. Such tactics of playing the mafia can somewhat alleviate the situation among their own.

During the discussion, you need to speak specifically and to the point, and the main information should be laid out at the end of the speech. It is better to support your suspicions with facts or examples, unfounded suspicions are usually made only by inexperienced players.

A good mafia tactic is to ignore whoever suspects you throughout the game. This is possibly a citizen who is confused, and, suspecting him in response, you can divert the attention of your team from the true mafiosi.

You have to keep track of the game. How many times the mafia fired, how many checks the Sheriff carried out, how many voting cycles have passed, what is the ratio of players at the moment based on the results of the past “days” - all this information will help you better navigate the current game situation.

If, nevertheless, suspicions fell on you and your candidacy was put up for a vote, keep it natural, do not show aggression. During your speech, speak calmly and smile, use the word "truth" a couple of times - people like it. Pay more attention during your speech to those who doubt rather than have already decided that you are a mafia.

How to play doctor?

The doctor must be a very perspicacious player in order to accurately calculate and help a civilian in need of "treatment". It is better not to be opened by the doctor until the critical moment, otherwise the mafia and the maniac will react very quickly and can take you out of the game.

How to play sheriff?

If you are the Sheriff, then always check the player who put you up as a suspect. Also check who most of the players suspect in the previous round. Because if this is a player of the civilian team, then there is a possibility that in the next round he will be taken out of the game.

There is a “false sheriff” tactic, this is when a civilian, not being a Sheriff, declares himself to be one, thereby putting himself under attack and diverting suspicion from the Sheriff.

How to play mafia

The mafia, in turn, can also use the “set-up” tactic, when a mafia player points out a member of his team, thus diverting suspicion from himself or a more important mafia. Or the "crossbow" when one mobster votes for another mobster to be taken out of the game.

How to play prostitute?

The role of the Prostitute in the game works well for people with an adventurous temperament. Due to the fact that the "life" of any player depends on the invitation of the Prostitute, unlike other characters in the game, she does not try to hide her role. Especially when playing for civilians, feeling their impunity. If the Prostitute is playing as the mafia, civilians need to keep track of who she is protecting. Playing for civilians, the Prostitute can both protect them from the "shots" of the mafia, and "neutralize" the city at night from dangerous mafiosi.

How to play a maniac?

The maniac alone can win if left alone. He kills at night, and during the day he plays for civilians. It is important for a maniac to maintain a balance between civilians and the mafia. On the one hand, the mafia helps the maniac achieve his goal - to kill civilians, and on the other hand, the mafia is dangerous for the maniac, because it can also take the character out of the game.

Let's hope that this mafia game tactic will help you.

— salon command psychological step-by-step role-playing game With detective story, simulating the struggle of members of an organized minority informed about each other with an unorganized majority.

Plot plot: Residents of the city, exhausted from the revelry of the mafia, make a decision to imprison all the mafiosi to the last. In response, the mafia declares war until the complete destruction of all decent citizens.

Game description

Briefly (classic game)

The facilitator distributes cards face down to the participants in the game.

Those who got the reds make up a team of “honest city dwellers” unfamiliar with each other (the name “civilians” and the abbreviations “chzh”, “mzh” or “gr” are also common). One of the "honest citizens" who received a red ace, a special player - "commissioner".

Players with black cards are the "mafia" team.

The gameplay is divided into two phases - "day" and "night".

When the host announces the night phase in the city, the players close their eyes - they “sleep”. On the first night, the host allows players with black cards - “mafia” - to open their eyes and remember their comrades-in-arms - “get to know each other”. After that, the mafia "falls asleep", and the presenter demands to wake up the commissioner. Thus, the leader becomes aware of the alignment (he finds out who is who).

At the announcement of the phase of the day, all residents wake up. During the day, the players discuss which of them can be "dishonest" - involved in the mafia. At the end of the discussion, the host announces an open vote for going to jail (in various versions of the game, this process is called lynching, hanging, murder). The most suspicious resident who scored more votes - goes to jail (leaves the game), and the leader reveals his card and announces the game status.

Then comes the "night" phase. At night, the mafia wakes up, silently (with gestures) “confers” and kills one of the surviving citizens, showing the leader who exactly. The mafia is asleep. The commissioner wakes up and points to one of the residents, whom he wants to "check" for involvement in the mafia. The host still silently, “on the fingers”, shows the commissioner the status of the person being checked.

During the day, the host announces who was killed during the night. This player is out of the game, his card ("status") is shown to all residents.

Information about the events that have taken place is used by the surviving players for discussion and another "condemnation" ... The game continues until the complete victory of one of the teams, when the opponents are completely either planted or killed ...

The essence of the game

Researchers distinguish two types of games: competition (struggle) and performance (masquerade). "Mafia" successfully combines the features of both types. She is both a show and a struggle for survival. Unlike cards, this game has nothing to do with money, unlike golf, it does not require financial costs, unlike football, it requires good physical fitness. Most importantly, it brings much appreciated intellectual pleasure. In the disinterested frivolity of the game, its potential is hidden.

This game is unique. It is based, first of all, on communication, on discussions between participants. Deception and deceit, the conclusion and vile violation of treaties and alliances constantly occur here and are actually legalized. The discussion of the game position takes place through a clash of opinions in incessant disputes, while some players prefer to remain silent, while others, on the contrary, participate in the discussion too actively and noisily. Thus, the game turns out to be infinitely far from the impartial duel of intellects, characteristic of some board games(for example, chess, go), and this brings it closer to real life. The goal of the game is to survive with your team.

The game consists of two main components: psychological and mathematical.

Mathematical: every “day” players need to remember who voted for whom and who the voted one turned out to be. IN important points it is easy to determine that the one who voted more often for honest ones is most likely a mafia.

Psychological: Players must have acting skills to convince others of their honesty, as well as a strong gift for enticing others to vote for suspected dishonest players.

The axiom of each move is that there will be fewer living inhabitants, someone will be imprisoned, and someone will be killed. The game is dominated by a paranoid atmosphere, with each move the nervousness worsens. No honest citizen knows exactly who belongs to the opposing team in the game. Every ordinary citizen does not trust anyone and is forced to believe only in himself. Trusting someone else implicitly often means being deceived and dying.

In order to survive, each member of the mafia team has to remain in the shadows, do not draw much attention to themselves, skillfully dodge, disguising themselves as an honest citizen. The question "Are you really honest?" common. The main attribute of a mafioso is the ability to lie truthfully.

The main quality of an honest citizen that causes respect and praise from others is the ability to recognize a lie in time. There are two main methods for identifying dishonest residents by honest residents.

Analytical. The decision of the player-analyst who sends a resident to jail is based on objective data, that is, on irrefutable facts, such as, for example, self-confessions ("punctures"), explicit accusations of someone in the discussion, voting results.

Intuitive. The decision of the intuitive player is subjective, based on the assumptions and interpretation of the discussion by interpreting verbal statements (including reservations), intonation, facial expressions, gestures. An intuitive, for example, cannot tell a mafia member from a commissar. Intuitive sees only the “glow of status” – a special state of internal superiority that appears in status players (mafiosi, commissar…), outwardly expressed by a disdainful attitude towards ordinary honest residents.

The psychologism and "interestingness" of the game "Mafia" consists in solving the problem of which team will achieve victory. Mafia, where the members of the group, knowing each other, are not inclined to allow voting for the landing of themselves, and which has the opportunity to accurately eliminate a member of the other team every move? Or a team of honest people who don't know each other and who can only get rid of the mafiosi through a general vote with the mafia, and often by relegating themselves?

Rules of the game

Number of players

Optimal: 8-16 people.

Possible: from 2 to 30.

With a small number of players, the game ends quickly, with a large number, due to the general noise and splitting into groups of discussing, it loses its meaning.

You can play with two players, dealing three cards, one of which is face-down. Players either decide which of them is the mafia, or the mafia is a hole card. Then, if they vote for the hole card, and if that card is fair, the mafia won, and if the mafia, the mafia lost. Either one of the players convinces the other that he himself is honest, and the other is a mafia and opens a hole card. If she is mafia, the mafia has won.

The formula for calculating the number of mafia members is: , where is the number of mafiosi, is the total number of players, is the calculated coefficient.

The result of the calculus is rounded modulo to the nearest whole number down.

For playing "live" - ​​in salons (offline, in "real life"), in IRC and chats, it varies from 3 to 4. That is, approximately.

IN network games with a move delay - PBEM and forum options, blog games and in social networks— usually taken higher value for.

For example, in PBEM, the reasons for this are:

Neutralization of "spoons" - this is the name of people who have signed up for the game, but do not enter into game correspondence; usually spawns are taken out of the game by "autokill".

amateur variant game cards Petersburg branch of Kozanostra

Distribution of statuses

Cards: crumpled unmarked, "honest" - red (tambourines or hearts), "mafia" - black (spades or clubs), "Commissar" - ace of tambourines (hearts), or the king of the same suits.

Possible: any small objects of two types - coins, plastic eggs from Kinder Surprises, pebbles on the beach (by color or cracks), shells ... Example: you can’t distribute cards with 6 from a preference deck - it is desirable that the shirts are the same .

The leader carefully shuffles the cards and bypasses everyone else, giving out cards to choose from from cards unfolded like a fan, face down. When receiving a card, it is necessary to look at it unnoticed by the neighbors and put it in your pocket. Possible: After shuffling, the deck is passed around, everyone draws one card and passes it on. Minus - cards can fall. If the cards are crumpled or with a different back, the host may ask the players to close their eyes before dealing, after which the players hide the cards in their pocket or under themselves.

Deal Reactions: Many players, once in the mafia, lose the moment they are dealt if they are being watched. Inexperienced and novice players, getting a mafia card, rejoice - “you don’t need to determine who is honest and who is the mafia - spank everyone in a row.” By their joy, one can understand their mafia affiliation. Experienced players do not show joy, but often have some habits - when they find themselves in the mafia, they begin to: swing in a chair, rub their hands, scratch their heads, take something from the table and start chewing.

First night

The host (usually one of the experienced players) asks if everyone has looked at their cards. Then he commands: "Everyone closed their eyes, the night has come." All players close their eyes. The host says: "The mafia opened its eyes and gets acquainted." Players with black cards (the mafia) open their eyes and start looking around for the sleepless players (other members of the mafia). The host at this time can say: “I count to 5. One, two, three, four, five. All. Mafia met and fell asleep. Morning has come. Everyone woke up."

Mafia on the first night: the mafia is required to wake up on the first night to get acquainted. Anyone who does not wake up breaks the rules of the game - further, when discussing during the day, members of the mafia will rely on incorrect data. It is necessary to get acquainted as carefully and silently as possible.

Honest on the first night and beyond: One option (for beginners) is to sit as quiet as possible and listen to who moves where, whether chairs creak, beds, whether someone's neck crackles in search of friends. But this is not a game for the best hearing, it is not forbidden to make noise, move and even talk - explaining: "This is me in a dream ...". In critical situations - there are 1-2 more honest ones - the best option is to sit quietly. It is not forbidden, but it is not customary to hold the neighbors by the hands or close their eyes - the game is not how you can point your knee at someone.

The way the host speaks on the first night is one of the topics of discussion on the first day. Therefore, it is better not to turn your head from side to side and speak at the same time - if you are in the mafia. However, you can always say that he turned his head on purpose.

First day

Players exchange information: about the reaction to the distribution, how the leader led, what was heard at night, how the mood of the players changed during the night. The conversation can proceed in any way: "Only he alone with glasses means the mafia." "She's been moving all night." “Vasya drank tea at night and didn’t spill himself – that means the mafia.” “The host at night said - and the mafia is 3, but I thought 4.” Both honest and mafia, to convince others that they are right, they can use honest and dishonest arguments, both true and false information. On the first day, novice players are easily seated - mafiosi, who were delighted at the distribution or uncomfortable at night and forced to get acquainted noisily. Experienced players, once in the mafia together, after the first night sometimes start laughing merrily, hoping to win easily - this brings them down. They often kill on the first day with a single impulse: an experienced player keeps his hand raised for someone for a long time, persuading everyone to kill this comrade.

Vote. Voting is a process when live players raise their hands for landing someone and hold them for a while (from 5 seconds or more). If a player is imprisoned - more than half of the players held hands for him for more than 5 seconds, he does not have any "last word". If his exclamations convince some of the players to give up, then he may say “the last word”, or maybe not. The "last word" is not part of the game, it is one of the ways in the discussion process to save one's life. After voting, the player opens his card, any discussion ends, the players try to remember who voted for and against. If the player is honest, then those who imprisoned him are under suspicion, if they are mafiosi, then those who did not vote are suspected.

Subsequent events

Night. The host announces: “Everyone fell asleep. The mafia woke up and chooses a victim. At this time, mafia players confer with their eyes and show, for example, with a finger, whom to kill. Or the host shows in turn at the sleeping ones, and the mafia waves its head in the affirmative. The mafia tries to kill the most experienced players who can figure out its members, or those who are very convincing excuses and who are hard to plant during the day, those who expressed suspicions about the mafia the previous day. However, for an interesting game in an equal composition, they usually don’t kill experienced players - this is what novice mafiosi do, so it’s easy to figure them out later. The one who expressed suspicions is not always killed - before night they say: “Well, that's it. I figured out the mafia - it's you, you and you. Now I'm going to be killed tonight." That's why they let him live. The best option is to kill the commissioner. It is also possible to kill a member of the mafia (usually in a non-critical situation) when everyone is sure that he belongs to the mafia team, and he will definitely be killed during the day. The host at night tries not to talk, all the time watching the mafia so as not to give it away. The player is considered killed at night if all members of the mafia agree. At night, the mafia is obliged to agree on who they actually take out of the game with their shot.

Morning. The host announces: “The mafia has chosen its victim. The mafia fell asleep. The Commissioner woke up. The commissioner wakes up and chooses who to check. You can check only one player. The commissioner points to someone. The host silently nods: “Yes, the mafia,” or shakes his head: “No, honest.” If the commissioner is killed that night, even before checking him, the host shows crossed arms - this means that the commissioner is killed, but the commissioner still has the right to check one player. If the commissioner points at the player, and he has just been killed, then the leader also shows crossed arms - the “corpse” cannot be honest or mafia. The commissioner checks the players who cause him the most suspicion, or who are absolutely honest, so that it is clear who to rely on when discussing. If the game is played with an out-of-team maniac who plays personally for himself, then when asked by the commissioner, the host twists his finger at his temple, showing that the player being tested is a “maniac” (and not the commissioner is an idiot).

Day. The host says: “The commissioner checked. I found out everything. Asleep. Everyone woke up. And only Petya did not wake up. And Petya was an honest citizen…” The card of the murdered person is revealed. If the commissioner is killed during the day, then the leader skips the commissioner's morning. On the second and all subsequent days, there is a huge amount of information: who voted for whom and when, what happened and who was killed at night, who behaved like, who was checked by the commissioner, how many mafiosi remained. Players try to make chains: “If Misha is in the mafia, then who else? Masha and Vanya. Everyone makes their list of suspects. Voting takes place when the players do not get half the votes. Voting lists are compiled (oral) - such as: “Alla, Petya, Vanya were proposed. We vote for Alla.

Game situations

The commissar, who decides to “reveal” to honest residents without revealing his card (usually explicit opening of cards by live players is prohibited), announces - “I checked Kolya at night, and he turned out to be a mafia. Who is for Kolya? If such a “appearance of Christ to the people” is critical for the survival of the mafia, then one of the members of the mafia often decides to “false commissar”, says “Ha! Commissioner however here I am! And I checked the honest resident Yulia! It is convenient for the mafia to report that their fake commissioner checked all those subsequently killed. Also, sometimes, after a night, a simple honest one says so, if in front of him a real commissar whispers in his ear all the information he has, and then he is killed.

With an even number of players (in some versions of the game), the corpse has a "half-voice". But he has the right to vote only if the number of honest residents and the mafia is equal - that is, in critical situations. At the same time, he can raise his hand only at the time of voting and does not have the right to take part in the discussion. In order to find out the opinion of the “half-corpse”, if it is not possible to get half of the votes, and the honest ones are confident in the knowledge of the half-corpse, the living players vote for all the living ones in turn, raising exactly 1 hand less than the required amount. If suddenly someone raises an extra hand, honest players immediately lower their hands and the main suspicion falls on the one who raised his hand.

You can’t name your card, like “I have 6 diamonds again.” The game is on not on the definition of the card, but on honesty or mafia. If an inexperienced player, or an experienced one, says so, someone who has the same card should immediately be found.

When playing, most often the same people get mafia or fair cards, and it also often happens that during several games the commissioner is the same person. Therefore, a player who refers to the theory of probability most often belongs to the mafia.

Experienced players often break into pairs - on the very first day they begin to accuse each other of mafia and urge to vote for “well, an obvious maf!”, But at the same time they themselves do not vote. In the following days, the accusations usually stop.

"The corpses are silent." Killed players do not have the right to speak during the discussion, give out any information to the living and in any way influence the course of the game: “Well, it’s still clear. Hurry up". Follows the calmness of the dead and imprisoned leader.

"Honest but stupid." For an experienced (honest) player, an inexperienced and honest one is often more dangerous than the mafia, because they rarely lend themselves to persuasion and vote randomly, or according to the principle: “But he didn’t give me a chocolate bar right now.” Therefore, it also makes sense to vote for such people during the day. There are also "quiet" honest (usually girls), pacifist inclinations, who do not vote for anyone, even being involved in a mafia group. They also need to be killed early, as they can't be identified, and not voting often slows the game down a lot. There are also “noisy” honest ones who, having made sure that someone is a mafia, no longer change their minds until their own or his death, convincing others of this. There are “touchy” honest ones who say - “again me, and what is this again? Vasya, you are an idiot. I won’t play with you anymore ... ”sometimes while being in the ranks of the mafia. You can't play like that.

Tactics in the game


"Gang of siskins" (used mainly in chats and IRC).

This tactic consists in the fact that against the mafia a group of honest residents is formed (in game slang, "sissies") who know the commissioner (sometimes also a doctor and a maniac). As a rule, her education begins with the commissioner checking one "siskin", to whom he calls himself. Combining into a gang allows the "sissies" to drastically reduce the mafia's ability to destroy citizens by daytime voting. If the mafia is revealed at night, one of the "chis" starts a vote against him during the day, which is supported by all the others. One of the members of the mafia, posing as a commissioner, can also be involved in the formation of a gang of "sissies". After a nightly check of an accomplice, he tells one of the other participants that he is a maf, and he, respectively, is a commissioner. After a unanimous vote for an accomplice (who, of course, turns out to be a mafia), the victim of deception usually has no doubt that the commissioner is the one who pointed out the "mafia" to him. The real commissar is forced to create a parallel gang and check at night those whom the trustee of his choice points to - in order to prove that he is a real commissar. In addition to creating a gang with a false commissar, the main tactic of the mafia against the "sissies" is not the destruction of the "sissies" themselves (players verified by the commissioner), but the search for a commissioner. If the mafia manages to kill him at night, then the chances of the "chisps" to win fall sharply, only if the game has not gone so far that there are already a lot of "chisps" and they can destroy all the "suspicious" (unverified) citizens during the day.

"Shout" (applies only to PBEM)

An honest citizen killed or imprisoned on the first move becomes a "mouthpiece" - a link (between the commissar with assistants and unverified citizens) and advisory (between the commissar, his assistants and verified honest residents) link. In the morning, the mouthpiece sets the tone for the discussion, asking the citizens for possible mafia candidates and / or offering to speak on someone, and in the evening summarizes the opinion of the city and, after consultations with the commissioner, gives the city a recommendation (“order”) for landing.


It is used by the mafia and consists in deliberately voting against one of the partners, or performing any other intentional actions that contribute to the disclosure of his role. This tactic is undertaken in order to avert suspicion from the framing members of the mafia at the expense of the substituted. IN classic version represents a vote against an accomplice who was not checked, and further appeals to the community that the mafia does not reveal theirs.

"False commission"

It consists in the fact that one of the honest residents at the beginning of the game appears to the city as a commissar, posing himself under a mafia shot, but protecting the real commissar, giving him the right to live and check at least an extra day.


The practice of relegating silent players (“spoons”) not only pushes players to play more actively, but also prevents high-profile players from being quiet.

A successful game directly depends on the effectiveness of the chosen strategy and the ability to implement the right tactics at the right time, based on the situation at the table.
This section will help you with this.

1. Sheriff showdown with 8 or fewer players at the table (unofficial sheriff rule)

Situation: You are the sheriff of the game, there are 7 or 8 people left at the table.
Your actions: You need to show up before the next vote and tell the table exactly who and in what order you checked in order to help the table take down the black player, not the red one.
Otherwise, if there are three mafias at the table, and a red player is killed during the day, civilians will lose in the same second (if there were 7 people at the table before the vote) or the next night (if there were 8 people at the table before the vote, and at night the mafia will kill another civilian), as there will be 6 people at the table, 3 of which will be the mafia (situation 3 on 3).
Exception: If one of the players who have already left the table at this point was checked by you and turned out to be a mafia, you can not show up.
Similarly, you need to do if there are 5 or 6 players at the table, and you still have not opened up (to avoid a 2 on 2 situation).

2. Shooting your own

Situation: You are a mafia.
Your actions: Active play, "zakos" as an ordinary civilian, suspicions and voting during the day against other black players.
In this way, you can earn the trust of other red players who share your suspicions and divert suspicions from yourself. Your chances are increased if the sheriff checked the players on your team at night, whom you accused of being "black". The main thing in this situation is to avoid the sheriff's check yourself.

3. Remove the sheriff

Situation: You are a mafia don.
Your actions: On the first night when the mafia gets acquainted, you can agree with your "colleagues" how you will indicate to them the sheriff, if, of course, you figure him out on one of the following nights.
For example, it can be a left hand nod, a certain gesture at the time of your nomination, or a sheriff's speech. Noticing your secret sign, the whole mafia will unanimously shoot at the sheriff at night (or vote for him during the day) - he will be killed. Thus, you will deprive the opposing team of an important trump card

4. Search for civilians

Situation: You are the sheriff.
Your actions: Sometimes it makes sense to check players at night, not looking for the mafia, but looking for strong red players who can lead the game.


1. Closing planning

Tactics can be applied if the mafia cards were drawn by the players sitting under the first numbers.
The point is that they should be the last to speak each round. This is achieved by shooting off the reds sitting further in the circle.
That is, with black players 1 and 2, it is necessary to remove players 3, 4, 5. Thus, from the second round, the last speech will be at one, and already from the third, 2 black players will close the circle.
You can also use this tactic if Black is sitting at the end of the circle, removing the first players. Even with the seating “through one”, you can assign it in such a way as to remove the gaps between the blacks and make them last in the circle.

Benefits: Players who speak last often decide the outcome of the vote.
- Disadvantages: the use of tactics involves bringing it to the end, which abstracts it from the current moment when it is necessary to change the order of shooting (opening the sheriff, the need for crossbows).
- A nuance: the false sheriff must reveal exactly the black who speaks earlier, so that the trailing blacks have the opportunity to support him.
- Authorship: for the first time in my memory, Mr. Peach applied.

2. Two nights

Don appoints himself for the second night, and for the first and third of any of the Reds.
As of the end of the second day, two reds must be taken out - one on the first night and one on the second day. The second night - shooting at the don.
The point is, it's a lot easier to find the sheriff on the second night. There is a simple mathematical calculation: 8 players, 3 of them are our own and one is verified on the first night. 8 - 4 = 4.
Thus? of the four reds, you need to calculate the sheriff. Even if the check fails, you can easily guess by elimination, choosing the most sheriff player from the remaining three.
What follows is a "surprise" murder and an autopsy by the sheriff. In this case, the real sheriff is called black plus checking someone else.
Thus, the false sheriffship looks very convincing, despite the fact that the “verified black” in his speech is revealed by the sheriff. The ratio at the table is 5:2.
During the day, the real sheriff is removed (4: 2), then it's up to skill, but in the optimal scenario, the table is incredibly tangled, which makes it easier for the mafia to play.

Pros: pretty and interesting game mafia, high probability of winning.
- Disadvantages: a lot of moments when something can go wrong. Of the most likely - these are situations when the sheriff is killed on the first night, then it makes sense to re-negotiate; on the first day a black is killed, then it is more risky to shoot at the don and it is more difficult to find the sheriff; or the false sheriff was simply not believed.
- A nuance: black's super-team play aimed at opening the don is supposed to be the turning point of the game.

3. Daily planning

Don does not appoint at night, but beacons with his own during the day.

Advantages: tactics are fully consistent with the current moment, the relevance of what is happening; Nothing demobilizes a table like a quality shot.
- Disadvantages: the risk of "getting caught".
- Nuance: at night it is necessary to work out beacons; closely follow the don, but you can make a decision “mutually”, but for sure.
- Authorship: for the first time in my memory applied by Mr. Ferrari.

4. Miss on the second night

The mafia's slip weakens the civilians, serves as an excuse to confuse them; a planned miss does not demobilize the mafia, which is important so as not to get caught.
Further, pure mathematics: the third round - 8 players (one killed on the first night, the second on the second day, on the second night nobody). If 3 of them are black, then the demolition of one red and a shot at night is a victory for the mafia (3: 3).
But more importantly, under these circumstances, there is the possibility of a shootout (an even number of players). There is no need to explain how important it can sometimes be.
There is a mathematical factor "+1". In the usual situation on the third round (4:3), Black's victory comes during the day with the demolition of one red, which is very difficult to implement.
In a scenario with 8 players (5:3), the demolition of a peaceful one is easier, because. the choice is wider. Then the “+1” factor affects - the game ends at night when the mafia hits.
Tactics involve active sheriff's autopsies; carry away both players; coloring blacks by initiating shootouts.

Advantages: the possibility of speculation on the slip; factor "+1"; skirmishes.
- Disadvantages: a miss is a miss, with strong game reds can work against the mafia.
- Nuance: does not imply a team black game, the scope for improvisation will allow you to change tactics, manipulate correctly.
- Authorship: His Majesty the case.

Mafia (“black” suit) is the second most important playing force. The basis of the strategy of playing mafia for the mafia is the desire to stay alive by killing everyone else. Tactical tricks Mafiosi are focused on such a turn of affairs, so that, without betraying themselves, they introduce confusion into the ranks of civilians. Then, you see, the townspeople will put one of their own in prison.

The successful implementation of the strategy of playing mafia for the mafia is directly related to the ability of the mafia to quickly adapt to the situation that is developing at the table at this particular moment. Some of the typical techniques used will be discussed in this article.

The mafia surrenders its

The "black" player may try to get lost in the crowd of civilians. He expresses his suspicions and can even vote against the same mafiosi as himself. This gives him the opportunity to ingratiate himself with the townspeople. Such a provocative tactic can be effective in the event that one of the mafiosi falls on the clear suspicions of civilians. The Commissar, who at night has the opportunity to verify the "mafia" of the players named by him, can strengthen the credibility of the mafia-traitor. The main thing is not to overdo it and not be the object of verification yourself.

The end is the crown of the whole thing!

The last word in the discussion should always remain with the mafiosi, since the final arguments in each daily round of voting are better remembered and affect the result. When agreeing on the sequence in which night shooting will be carried out, one should not forget about this factor.

The secret of the third night

One of the mafiosi's tactical moves is their deliberate miss on the third night of the game. It is effective with 10 players at the table. On the first night, the mafia only gets acquainted, and on the first day it is not customary to put them in jail. After being killed on the second night and convicted on the second day, the mafia can take a chance and miss if there are three mafiosi left in the game. The miss is designed to confuse civilians and, deceived, during the day they can kick out their own. Then, after the fourth night, the mafiosi celebrate the victory with a score of 3:3. With a strong Commissar, this tactic may not work. But playing Mafia involves risk.

best plan

Sometimes the absence of a definite plan in the game is the best plan. Suppose that on the first night, the mafiosi did not decide on a specific plan for the nightly murders, but agreed on how the victims would be assigned during the game. This tactic is dangerous, but it can also be effective.

It would be good for mafiosi to decide on a secret sign (twist the ring, straighten the tie), with which Don can transfer information about the Commissar to his people if he can figure it out.

The categorical statement of the player that he knows exactly the “suit” of another player speaks of his “mafia”. Only mafiosi know exactly the status quo.

With the Commissar killed, the player of the “black suit” should vote with other mafiosi fearlessly, since there will be no more checks.

The recommendations given in the article are not a recipe for success. They must be applied wisely. They have developed over the long years of the game's existence, and only practice will help to verify the validity of the proposed strategy for playing the mafia for the mafia.

  • You talk a lot;
  • You don't talk much;
  • You do not look the interlocutor in the eye;
  • Be aggressive towards another player;
  • Sit in a "closed" position;
  • Behave differently than in the previous game;
  • The suspect was abruptly changed;
  • They stood up for a player who turned out to be a mafia.

Good bad evil

Players will be able to continue this list. But it is already clear that many of its points will contradict each other. How to be? As an option - rely on intuition and behave naturally, remembering that everything that happens is a game, and no one really feels negative towards you. At the very least, this will save the novice player from emotional stress during the game.

The civilian is always under threat

Let's talk about the rational aspects of the game. A civilian is always under threat. During the day, the townspeople can kill him, and at night, the mafia. The mafia is only under threat during the day (unless a maniac or a sheriff is involved in the game). This often determines the behavior of the players.

An ideal civilian should be absolutely logical and mobile. He will ask incriminating questions, provoke, remember the "connections" between the players. Who voted for whom, who suspected whom, who suddenly changed their minds. A peaceful person can only be 100% sure of himself and therefore will change his mind about the suspects less often and will not succumb to the provocation “you suspect me, so I will suspect you.” Vendetta is unconstructive and therefore harmful to survival.

Civilian strategy


is to look for the hidden motives of other players and answer the question "He did it because ...". The more metrics a civilian tracks, the more accurate his conclusions will be.

Beginner players can focus on tracking one metric. For example, who the players vote for. The task is to understand why a person votes for this particular person. To identify the mafia will help you change the suspect player without good reason.

Team up with players you consider peaceful. Over time, other players will join your tandem. Strength in unity!

Memorize or write down how people behave. If in last game the person was closed, spoke succinctly, tried not to stick out and turned out to be a mafia, and in this game he is sociable and cheerful, then most likely he is a civilian and not dangerous.

If you are playing with newbies, then those who got the role of the Mafia will most likely try to become as inconspicuous as possible. They just don't know how to behave.

If you are a commissar and recognize a civilian at night, use this to detect the Mafia. Start actively suspecting a civilian during the day and see who will support you in knowingly wrong suspicions. The mafia does not like to independently deploy active fighting during the day's voting, but gladly joins in when civilians want to make a mistake and kick out their own.

mafia strategy

Seasoned mafiosi know that the best strategy behavior will copy the behavior of civilians. They also provoke, analyze, rarely change their minds, and on occasion may even initiate the murder of their less experienced accomplice in order to gain a margin of confidence for themselves. An inexperienced mafia will act passively and shy away from putting other players up for a vote.

If one of you began to be suspected from the beginning of the game, then you can put a colleague up for a daytime vote and thereby divert suspicion from yourself.

The last speaker in the day's discussion has the most influence on the opinion of the players. Kill a civilian so that the mafia will speak last.

Use the time before the start of the game to understand how people behave in a relaxed environment. Ask your neighbor a couple of questions, pay attention to his posture, mood. If a person was cheerful, and then suddenly became nervous - perhaps he is "on the black side."

Take a notebook with you to the game and make notes in it as you play. So it will be easier for you to argue your point of view and divert suspicion from yourself. Write less - better draw diagrams. For example, sketch out a table with players and arrows to mark who voted against whom.

Don't make excuses. That way you'll bring more suspicion on yourself. If there are several arguments against you, refute the weakest one. Refer to records and statistics, even if you don't keep them.

Be consistent. If you put a suspect to the vote, but he remained in the game, put him up again and prove the reasonableness of your choice with facts. So you will quickly gain credibility.

Agree on the rules of the game. It is important to play by the same rules, otherwise the game can turn into a quarrel, end quickly and not be fun.

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