Star Conflict - review of a game about space battles. Star Conflict - Space Action Ship classes in Star Conflict

The genre of multiplayer team fights is becoming increasingly popular. Soon we will be able to fight not only on the ground ( World of Tanks), but also in the sky ( War Thunder And World of Warplanes) and at sea ( World of Warships). Well, right now you can go into space - just download and install the team action.

Developers Star games Gem Inc are well versed in the space action genre. Ship battles are made on the highest level, they are dynamic, interesting and spectacular. The rules are simple: you have to fight as part of two teams, each of which must capture three enemy beacons while holding their own. Another way to win is to destroy all opponents, but since each player is given three ships for battle, it is very rare to win this way.

There are three classes of ships available in the game, and they are perfectly balanced. A heavy frigate, for example, is well protected and carries very powerful weapons - if you get under its fire, you can die in a matter of seconds. But it is so clumsy that in close combat it is guaranteed to lose to a lighter and more maneuverable ship - it will simply be destroyed by going into the tail. Therefore, you need to fly a frigate with cover that will “drop” an enemy ship that has broken through. Team play is the key to success. In battle there is a place for both reconnaissance and support ships, “heavy artillery” and much more.

The battles in the game take place at enormous speeds. Maps - vast outer spaces - are filled with a variety of debris, which can be skillfully used to get out from under attack or, conversely, to approach enemies unnoticed. There are no super-powerful weapons that can destroy all life on the other end of the map, so the battles take place at short distances. Almost every opponent is capable of delivering a surprise. For example, there are ships that can become invisible for a while. This ability can be used both to get out of combat, and to quietly lie low and wait for an enemy to appear nearby. Other starships are equipped with anti-missile decoys, or a more powerful shield - all these features need to be known and taken into account in battle.

In between battles, it's time to delve into the hangar. The influence is clearly felt here EVE Online. Don’t expect an easy life - just like in EVE, even with starship settings entry levels You can dig for a very long time. Three classes of ships, several types of different weapons, a huge number of modules - any starship can easily be customized to suit your own playing style. A close-combat ship, a sniper frigate designed to operate from cover, a support ship that “works” for comrades - there are many options.

Advanced modules and best weapon become available as you level up. It is traditional here: experience is gained in battles, and then spent on advancing along three development branches. At the same time, you can improve your reputation with different factions: each gives access to more advanced modules and ships. To do this, you just need to complete various tasks in battles - for example, destroy several enemy ships using certain weapons. And, finally, don’t forget about money - good ships cost a lot, and after the battle you will have to fork out not only for ammunition, but also for repairs.

The combat and economic systems are well developed, but there is still one global problem: Star Conflict There is criminally little content. Pair of cards, single game mode, indecently prolonged pumping - after a few days it becomes boring here. Meanwhile, you can easily add many interesting elements to the game, from clan wars on the universe map to advanced PvE modes: there are probably many pilots who like to shoot not only live players, but also bots.

Now Star Conflict - great game for the fans. There are beautiful and exciting fights here spaceships and the ability to spend hours poking around in the hangar. If you are not an ardent fan of the space fighting game genre, we advise you to wait a few months: according to our information, a major update is planned for the game, which will greatly expand the list of features.

How to play? Download the game client, register and play. The game is shareware.

Star Conflict system requirements: OS: Windows XP SP3 Processor: 2.0 GHz Intel Pentium 4 / AMD Athlon II Video card: 512 MB NVidia / AMD Radeon / Intel (HD 3000, HD 4000) with support for Pixel Shader 3.0 (except AMD Radeon X1000 series) RAM: 1 GB RAM.

Russian company Gaijin Entertainment in its lifetime has released and developed a lot amazing games. No one among the Slavs expected such a success for the studio, and foreign publications generally did not believe that at least one project would spread beyond the borders of their native country.

However, the studio can safely spit in the eyes of non-believers and indignants, since all the games coming from it are excellent in many respects. The native of 2011 is no exception - Star Conflict review , which you can study right here and now! Yes, yes... We should consider this project in more detail, since there are many people in the world who have not heard anything about it, much less played. At the same time, they lost a lot! It's time to catch up.

The plot of the game Star Conflict

From the title it becomes clear that the game is aimed at space theme. Of course, not everyone thinks of this, but sometimes you meet critically thinking people (an easy, but in general, extremely stupid joke that does not intend to offend anyone; the author just wants to amuse the audience).

Hmm-hmm, so, three thousand years have passed since the first colonists left the Earth and went to explore outer space. The Universe was no longer as calm as it was before - various military groups and secret organizations appeared. In a certain “Sector 1337” people discovered traces of an ancient civilization, which is considered extinct long ago. Huge factories, the wreckage of huge robots, sprawling cities - and not a single living soul anywhere! These destructions occurred due to the intervention of an unexplored Cataclysm, which has a disastrous effect on the entire environment. Now every second enthusiast is in a hurry to buy powerful uniforms, arm himself with strong weapons (to fight with rivals) and goes in search of powerful artifacts that can be sold for big money. Every player must be mentally prepared to participate in all this.


The gamer controls many ships of different stripes- from slow and clumsy cars to high-speed scouts. Ships are designed for various purposes. Personal “transport” is subject to modernization. In addition, your own hangar can be expanded with new specimens. Experience is gained in battles. In total, Star Conflict has 15 levels and 45 special skills. When going into battle, you must first choose the type of game.

On game maps you can act against evil bots (PvE mode) or against live players by entering locations. In the case of PvP, players are divided into two equal teams (based on the number of participants) randomly. The computer itself selects the optimal combinations and executes one. In total, 16 cards are available to players, each of which has its own unique features. There is somewhere to go for a walk. In the meantime Star review Conflict is gaining momentum.

Basic game nuances

There are three main factions in the game that you can join if you wish. Each has its advantages, but the Lord also awarded them with disadvantages. You can play as the Empire, the Federation or Jericho. Also, 3 classes of ships are available to everyone: interceptors, frigates, attack aircraft. The first are distinguished by special skills in the field of reconnaissance, the second are designed for long-range targeted combat and fire support, and the third make up the bulk of the troops of each team, since they are always at the forefront of the attack.

What do we have in the end?

The project is the spiritual ancestor of the now famous game

Star Conflict is the largest Russian multiplayer space battle simulator, recognized as such due to its thoughtfulness and scale of the game world. The essence of the game is based on constant PvP battles held in specially prepared locations for 30 participants, and starting from the first update - in the open world.

Star Conflict review

The player must develop both the skills of the pilot and his equipment, receiving the necessary points from destroyed enemies. You can improve your spaceship, buy a new one, send broken ones forever to the back shelf of the garage, or constantly repair them, because this is absolutely necessary. According to the developers, their goal was to give players a full-fledged space simulator, but constantly update it with really major additions, which, like the game itself, are distributed according to the Free-to-play model.

Review of Star Conflict: Plot, brief description of the Universe and what is happening

The events of the game begin 3,000 years after the first colonists were sent from Earth, but unfortunately, no other form of life was discovered. For a long time, humanity thought that it was alone in the entire Universe and therefore began to actively develop, building colonies on almost all suitable worlds. The Earth has long ceased to be a home for humans, and after a long period of time, three major governments were formed in the Galaxy:

Empire, which is only interested in exploring new planets and capturing existing opponents;

Federation- it is also a trade alliance and a union of free worlds and that is why they are forced to wage a constant war with the forces of the empire;

- AND Jericho- a caste of colonists and as a result of the colonies, who gave preference to science and technology. They have gone so far in their field that from their very birth they improve themselves with all sorts of modifications and, as a result, have almost nothing in common with ordinary people, differing even in appearance.

But by chance or as a result of constant research, in one of the ends of the galaxy the ruins of a previously unknown race of alien life form were found, in which all three sides became interested and began a bloody war again.

Star Conflict review: Plot after the first “Invasion” update

As the Invasion add-on showed, the alien race whose ruins were found is far from extinct. Returning to the galaxy, she launched a full-scale invasion. They say they came from another world, but are clearly interested in returning their lands, which the player must fight with while traveling on his personal spaceship in a completely open world (he makes a transition between some locations).

Review of Star Conflict: First steps or simply, the first flight of a previously unknown hero

From the very first steps, the game introduces you to its basics, trying to explain all the most important components of the gameplay. The training is done quite standardly; at first, you are given the opportunity to take on only one spaceship. If there is a Premium package, which is purchased for real money, the player has the opportunity to give his ship a unique appearance and additional advantages to its characteristics. They do not affect his combat effectiveness in order to preserve all combat mechanics, which is worthy of respect, because the system is not focused on donation, but rather made for those who like to be original.

Star Conflict has several battle modes, but first you need to try your luck in free battles until you can find a suitable guild, or rather an alliance, and equip your ship with useful additional modifications (in the spirit of missiles, etc.). After this, it’s worth trying yourself in battles for the sector, in which you can really pump yourself up well and earn extra money for a couple of new ships. Please note that the gameplay for it depends on the class of the ship. If he is strong in the style of a stormtrooper, having an ideal balance of armor, damage and speed, it is worth always burying himself in the thick of the battle, while interceptors will be more useful for attacks from the flank, finishing off enemies when they try to retreat.

Star Conflict review

Star Conflict Review: What else you can do in Star Conflict

After the release of the first update, as mentioned, it became possible to explore open world and at the same time, it contains a huge number of hidden locations, which can only be reached with the help of special alien gates. In addition, there is a karma scale, which means that when traveling around game world You can be both a saint (exterminating pirates and aliens) and a bad guy, robbing and killing other players. To move between locations you need to spend fuel, you can get it from the cargo of other ships simply by shooting them down and upgrading your ship each time. It is important to monitor the balance of his combat effectiveness.

Hello, everyone who loves to explore outer space!

After all, this is exactly what needs to be done in the new space browser.

If you are attracted to space and at the same time are not indifferent to battles, then you should definitely read the review - a project that will not leave anyone indifferent!

This space action game turned out to be the most successful of all previously known; it absorbed all the best from World of Tanks. A unique opportunity to feel like real spaceship pilots!

The game Star Conflict is a team game, has a clearly thought out combat system and interesting developments ships. You have to go through a lot of team fights. Forward, space is calling its heroes!

To do this, you just need to download the client on the official website, go through a simple registration, and you can start. But first, let's figure out how to play this exciting adventure.

From this article you will learn:


The plot of this fascinating browser game in the Sci-Fi genre will take you to the Forerunner civilization that once existed on one of the planets. There are a lot of treasures on the planet and many died in the thirst to take possession of them.

Luck smiled on a few lucky ones, gradually the whole Universe was gripped by a thirst for profit and many rushed for untold riches.

Overview of the Star Conflict game, it’s better to start with the factions, of which there are three, of your choice.

  1. Jericho is a state that is the heir to planet Earth.
  2. The Empire is the largest state in the entire Universe with the most powerful fleet.
  3. Federation - the state was previously part of the empire, now it regularly gains wealth.

After choosing a faction, you need to decide on the choice of spaceship. There are three classes of them:

  1. Frigates
  2. Interceptors.
  3. Stormtroopers.

Each of them has a number of advantages. The technical and physical characteristics of ships depend on the equipment - weapon modules, engine, cannon, and so on. Any of them can be turned into a unique vessel.

To see all the features of the classes, watch the video review in Russian.

Space battles

The Star conflict game features dynamic space battles. All battles are spectacular, interesting, and performed at the highest level.

The rules of battle in Star Conflict are very simple - two teams fight each other. The goal of each is to capture three enemy beacons and simultaneously hold your own.

You can also go the other way and simply destroy all opponents, but it is worth considering that all players are given no more than three ships, so rarely does anyone become a winner in such a battle.

In close combat, the luckiest usually win; there is such confusion here that even skills will not help.

The video review shows how colorful and unusual it all looks.

The key to success - team game. This is the only way to achieve success, and not otherwise.

Description of ships

I have already mentioned above the vessels that you can choose from, but for beginners I will post a more detailed review of them.

Heavy frigates are well protected and equipped the most powerful weapon. If the enemy comes under his fire, he dies literally immediately.

The downside is excessive clumsiness, and this often ends disastrously in close battles. If you choose this ship, then fly under cover.

Destroyers are the fastest ships and boast the strongest power shields.

The Jerichoites have the firepower of twelve guns at once, which greatly intimidates their opponents. Their endurance and survivability could be the envy of a senior frigate.

In battles there is a place for heavy artillery, support ships, reconnaissance ships and much, much more.


Why did I highlight these ships separately? Yes, because they appeared in Star Conflict relatively recently. But it immediately attracted the attention of all fans of the game.

Its characteristics are impressive - it is a real thunderstorm of the Universe! How to quickly assemble a destroyer?

To do this, you first need to have standard sets of resources for crafting it, as well as a unique ingredient - iodimum.

This ingredient can be obtained in several ways - it is usually found in hidden caches of high-level locations and you need to try to find it there, iodium is also periodically awarded for completing tasks, so you need to follow the game news.

As soon as you have all the resources, you need to select the skill of the space vessel, and then proceed directly to manufacturing.

If your friends don’t know how to assemble a destroyer, tell them about it, because such ships will become simply irreplaceable in battles!


In Star Conflict, space battles take place at super-high speeds.

Vast outer spaces (maps) are simply filled with various garbage. But it can be used skillfully, for example, when escaping attacks or getting close to opponents unnoticed.

Battles mainly develop at short distances, so be prepared for the fact that your opponents have prepared unexpected surprises for you.

For example, there are ships that become invisible for a certain period of time. This feature is used both to escape the battle and to attack unnoticed.

Some starships have powerful shields, others have anti-missile decoys. Take into account all such features in battles.

The pictures in the browser are replete with modern, bright special effects, the spaceships are incredibly beautiful.

Each ship can be easily customized for a specific style of gameplay, there are countless options, choose the one that suits you.

In the intervals between battles, there is time to take care of business in the hangar.

As you level up, better weapons and more advanced modules become available.

At the same time, you can upgrade your faction’s reputation, this will speed up access to more advanced ships.

Also, do not forget that you will periodically need to repair ships and replenish ammunition for them.

In general, everything is cool, so much so that you can’t put it all into a short dogs of war review games!

To summarize: in Star there is a conflict between economic and combat system worked out to a confident five. The only thing missing is more detailed content: one game mode, several maps, too long leveling.

But at the same time there are many exciting moments - advanced PvE modes, clan wars. Many players are happy to play and enjoy gameplay, plowing through outer space.

Anyone who likes to fight with other players and bots will like it.

You will have a lot of exciting battles, you will simply be stuck in the game for many hours and will not be able to tear yourself away from it. I hope the video review has convinced you that playing Star Conflict is incredibly interesting, especially if you are an ardent fan of the space fighting game.

You will feel real indescribable adrenaline when you look into a real mmo-action. Join the most interesting space “flying game” and enjoy the game!

I wish you to conquer the Universe! See you soon in the vastness of space.

Simulator of team shooting in a space setting. Open beta testing has been going on for a year now, thanks to which the project, like an uncut diamond, is taking on a more perfect shape. At least, he has already taken on a sufficiently perfect outline to state with confidence what he is. We will deal with this statement now.

Just Another MMO.

Three factions are fighting for existence in the middle of nowhere of the galaxy - the Empire, Jericho and the Federation. The latter are traders without a clear hierarchy of power, the Jerichoites are supporters of transhumanism, indulging in the fun of technical improvement of their own bodies from infancy, and the Empire is also an Empire in Africa. Isolating the plot background from a narrative is not the easiest task, because it will only be revealed to the most attentive. A couple of sentences here, a light mention there... It's easier to admit that the plot is rudimentary.

The design of the ships is pleasing to the eye. An exorbitant amount of attention from an inexperienced MMO user will be required from the very first minutes, because everything will have to be figured out empirically - even in local training, not a single clue will pop up for the poor player, it will be an all-out battle in outer space. The trend is only intensifying over time: you won’t hear a word of help about upgrading a ship, the rules and types of battles, or monetization schemes. All by myself, all by myself.

And you will have to amuse yourself exclusively with skirmishes on spaceships in a wall-to-wall format. God forbid you confuse Star Conflict with spacesim - there is nothing here except closed, albeit very extensive, spaces for sorting out relations with enemies. There is no need to look for revelations in the battle modes: there are five of them in total, and in each one you can easily recognize the famous deathmatches, capture of points and battles for possession of an object. If you were born under the constellation of a pacifist and you categorically do not accept beating avatars of living people, the guys from here are happy to offer you PvE battles. True, it is quite obvious that the development team did not place a big bet on them - battles with bosses and joint defense of a friendly cruiser are done here very much for show. By the way, contrary to expectations, playing on a gamepad turned out to be not very convenient. Perhaps this is due to the fact that the joystick is stupidly not supported.

Go ahead and play.

When choosing a faction for battle, it is difficult to make a mistake, since the branches of ships in them are practically the same. Nimble interceptors, armored clumsy frigates or balanced attack aircraft from different sides of the conflict offer you an absolutely identical plowing of the expanses of the galaxy. The development tree, on behalf of the developers, extends its palm to the player with a request to gild the handle: to open new ship, you need to upgrade the previous one pretty much. Imagine your surprise when you discover that the next spaceship has minor improvements compared to the previous one, and the external difference is purely cosmetic. And yes, you can also find out what awaits you only through experience. Having purchased

There was an immodest number of currencies in the game – as many as 9 pieces. And this is not counting the two types of synergies that are spent on improving starships. A pilot's license, a local premium, is purchased for galactic standards, which, of course, are bought with real money. Otherwise, various upgrades will require various investments: loans, synergy or faction guarantors. The latter come in three types - two options each for the Empire, Jericho and the Federation. You can earn the coveted guarantors by completing various contracts: shoot down five ships, capture a couple of points or blow up a lighthouse, win, and stuff like that. You can be a mercenary in only one of six directions at a time. If you want to desert, for God’s sake, but then mercenary work in another branch will begin from the beginning.

Same thing. Same thing. It's always the same thing. Particularly avid space shooters have access to capture sectors; they just need to join a corporation. And off we go: in the first phase, all participants in the conflict look at the map and estimate which sector they should capture, and in the second they come together for the coveted piece of space in a single battle. Whoever controls more abstract territory receives more bonuses. But ships of all ranks are participating in the massacre, and there are 15 of them in total. But buying a rank 15 dreadnought and punishing all offenders is an idealist’s dream. In fact, the modules installed on the spacecraft are of key importance.

An engine, a power unit, a shield, a hull, a computer... There are different upgrades for each class of ship, and it won’t be possible to swap, say, a frigate’s blaster for an interceptor. The already well-known “buy-and-find out” scheme, which is preceded by a thinner wallet or several painstaking hours of fun grinding, will help you understand the usefulness of a particular module. Based on the description, you can choose your favorite upgrades and buy only them, but then you risk being unpleasantly surprised by the limitations of the virtual counter - besides your favorite module, there are not even a dozen candidates for purchase. You will also have to make a choice when implanting the pilot. Each level of development offers three options for permanent bonuses, which are radically different from each other.

The same tanks, only in space? Yes and no. There is no strategy or tactics here, but there are vigorous fights in three dimensions. Local donation requires fierce arrogance, the reward for which is as minimal as it can be. The lack of training and the option to preview purchases causes a low barrier to entry, but a high desire to leave. Five PvP modes and untenable PvE arenas, beautiful but identical ships, and, in general, the most arcade shoot-em-ups with minimal meaning - all this.
