Saga of the Dwarves walkthrough YouTube. Walkthrough of the game Echo of the Past

When you enter this ancient castle museum, goosebumps run through your skin from its terrifying atmosphere and these paintings. Paintings describing the life of the castle and its inhabitants. But what's going on? Why did the guide stop talking?

Unknown forces have transported you to the era when a curse fell on the castle. Cold and darkness are everywhere. Apparently, you have been entrusted with a big mission: to save the inhabitants of the castle. Will you succeed or not? But we have to get out of here somehow!

So, your tour of the real castle begins! Here you can touch everything, look into even the most secluded corners, take it into your inventory various items and put them into action, they will be useful to you only if you are pursuing two goals - to solve the riddle of the inhabitants of the castle and to get out of here. The clues in the game are not enough to complete it to the end, so our walkthrough of the game “Echoes of the Past. Stone Kingdom"will help you in any difficult and confusing situation. We will walk with you step by step through the castle and focus your attention on particularly interesting and difficult moments. And they are in the game “Echoes of the Past. Stone Kingdom" will be quite a few.

Vivid, detailed and interesting walkthrough games “Echoes of the past. Stone Kingdom" will help you deal with many questions that concern you: how to find the ring from the castle door to the exit, how to solve the puzzle with weights, where to get a mitten, where to get purple powder, how to get to the kitchen from the garden, how to arrange flowers and others. In our walkthrough, you can not only read about all the tricks and tricks of this game, but also look at the pictures where all the objects are hidden and where you need to go next to find this or that thing.

Let's begin the great mission!

We found ourselves in the throne room, some woman ran and dropped a book, we took it for ourselves. This book will contain important points from your tour of the castle. Sometimes you can use it as a hint so as not to return to the past. Now we move to the terrace, the entrance to which emits light

Here a mini-game “search for objects” awaits us. There are a limited number of hints for all mini-games; you can only be saved by the mirrors found in the process of searching for an item and our hint picture, which shows all the items you are looking for.
Not all items can be found easily and simply. For example, in this location the letter W is hidden from your eyes; to find it, you need to flip the page in the book twice, and then pick up the desired letter from the page that opens. All other items are easy to find, following our tips.
Yellow circles show the items you need. And blue circles indicate those objects with which you can interact. In this case, you take one of the three candles and use it to light a torch. Now take this burning torch into your inventory, it will come in handy more than once.

Let's move on. And again we are in the throne room.
We take out our torch and light the candles on both sides of the throne. Now it’s light in the hall and you can look around. We look at the statue of the prince on the throne, on his lap lies a small box, it can only be opened with an unusual key, we don’t have it yet. Then we break the vase by the door and pick up the brush that rolled out of the vase. Use this brush to push the stuck object through the keyhole. This stuck object turns out to be a key! We lift it and unlock the door. We leave the hall.

A large hall opens up in front of us.
The door to the first room on the right is open, but the entrance to the arch on the left is blocked by a knight. It will be necessary to somehow come to an agreement with him. We walk forward along the large hall.

And we see a statue of a nanny in front of us. We collect scraps of the picture near it, look at the frame without a picture on the wall and apply our scraps to this defective picture. A mini-game appears that you cannot miss: assemble a whole picture from these scraps.

When we put the last piece, the picture comes to life and the prince opens a shield with the royal coat of arms, remember what it looks like, this will come in handy in the future.

The other doors in the large hall are closed, so we go into the only one open door. And we find ourselves in a weapons room littered with various weapons. Apparently, the royal family was armed to the teeth.

In the weapons room, we throw the bow off the chest, and a padlock on it reveals itself to our eyes. We take the shield in the corner. We lower another shield on the wall and read the hint: metal cuts wood. Now we throw all types of weapons off the table until we take a sword for ourselves. We go into a room from which light pours, more like a closet. A hidden object search opens here.

All items are easy to find, but to find a heart with an arrow you need to try. First, we take an arrow from the shelf (it is shown in a blue circle), load it into a crossbow and shoot it at the heart. Heart with arrow is ready! Now we can find the ticks here and take them with us. We go out from here into the large hall.

We give the knight in armor our shield and sword, he moves away and gives us a green scroll, we take it and go into the small hall.

There are three doors in front of us, and they are all closed. We select the blue diamond key from the floor. And look at the door on the left. We take pliers from our inventory and use them to unscrew the two bolts holding the bolt. A mini-game opens: use the gear to move main block to the latch. You can skip this mini-game, but it’s more interesting to solve it yourself. Move the blocks gradually until they stand as shown in the picture.

The princess's room opened up to us.

It is immediately obvious that a girl lived here, and a very smart girl at that. The strange device in the middle of the room will probably come in handy more than once; we insert our green scroll into it. The device is working! Now we open the chest under the dressing table and take out a can of yellow paint from it. And we go into the luminous part of the room. Before us is a search for objects.

We find all the objects, then take the glove (marked with a blue circle), stain it with coals on the table, and put a print on a sheet of paper, also marked with a blue circle. Well, now we can find and take the lever for ourselves! The lever is a very useful thing. We go out into a small hall.

Here we try to open the door located right in front of us. To open it, you need to remember down to the smallest detail what the shield looked like in the prince’s hands in the picture.

When you restore this emblem correctly as shown in the picture, the door will open. Let's go inside. In front of us is the tailor's room.

We drop the seeds from the tree on the table, we haven’t been able to collect them yet, so we have no choice but to go into the glowing area in the room, where another search for objects awaits us.

The most difficult thing is to find the shadow of the jug, which must first be created. We take the jug from the shelf, place it on a tray on the table and the shadow of the jug is ready! At the end of the search for objects, we take an empty test tube and go out into the small hall.

Here we have to open the last locked door. We look at the door on the right, put a can of yellow paint in the empty space and go through a mini-game: paint the map so that the same colors do not touch each other. It's not that easy to do, but we'll try. First, dip the brush in one of the colors. To successfully complete this game, it is better to start painting the card from the center, and then gradually move to the edges, as shown in the picture.

The door opens and the king's room is in front of us.

We insert the lever from our inventory into the wall. Somewhere a door opened. Let's get out of here. And we return to the throne room.

We take a closer look at the prince and insert our diamond key into the box on his lap; from the box we take the medallion without a portrait. Please note that light comes from the terrace, we go there and look for the symbols of the king there.

It’s not easy to find just one symbol: we click on the white checker on the board, it jumps over and turns into a crown, we take this crown for ourselves. When all the symbols are collected, a mini-game appears: find a pair. As a result of its passage, we receive a bas-relief depicting the king. Now we return to the king's room.

We place the resulting bas-relief in the wall in the place shown in the figure and get a portrait of the prince. Now we have a medallion with a portrait. We go to the large hall and give this medallion to the stone nanny.

The nanny comes to life, tells us her story and leaves us a handkerchief, then disappears. We take the scarf for ourselves. Now we look around here again: the door on the right still does not open, but the entrance on the left is open, we go onto the stairs.

We double-click on the extended brick, after which it falls, and the key opens to us. We take it for ourselves and climb the tower.

Here we take an empty red bag from the shelf and go into the glowing room, and there is a search for objects.

It’s not easy to find the number 5 here: we take a broom, use it to remove the cobwebs above the window and there, among other numbers, we find the number 5. At the end of the search for objects, we find and take the gear for ourselves. We return to the stairs.

Let's try to solve the puzzle here in a closed window; first, let's put our gear there. We read the hint on the left: one hexagon = three triangles = two squares. Weights with what numbers can satisfy this equality? Of course, instead of a hexagon, 6 = instead of a triangle, 2 = instead of a square, 3.

The puzzle is solved, a bolt has opened somewhere. Let's go down further. We walk along the large hall to the weapons room.

We take out the key from the inventory and open the chest, take a crowbar from it. Then we go into the glowing room and look for feathers.

It won’t be easy to find one feather: take scissors, cut the pillow and pull out one feather from it. When all the feathers are collected, a mini-game appears: find a pair. As a result, we take the blue feather for ourselves. Now we go to the tailor's room.

Here we insert the feather into the tailor’s suit, and collect the seeds that we scattered on the floor into an empty bag. Just remember to take back the bag of seeds. After all these procedures, we go into the luminous room and look for the rings.

There are different rings; the most difficult thing to find will be the growth ring of a tree. To do this, you need to take a saw, saw off a branch and take a tree ring from the cut. When the last ring is found, a mini-game will appear: find a match. And we get a lion head with a ring! We go into the princess's room.

We click with the mouse on the strange device in the middle of the room, then take the empty test tube from the inventory and point it at the screen. A mini-game appears: fill a test tube with green balls so that these balls do not touch balls of other colors. When the potion is ready, we go out into the hall and climb the tower.

Now we have in our inventory a magical universal tool - a crowbar! You can do a lot of things with it! We take this crowbar and open the boards on the floor, and take out a knife from the resulting hole. We look at the closed window, there is a lock hanging there, but we don’t have the key. What are we going to do? Let's take our magic crowbar and tear off this lock. The window opens and a ring falls on the windowsill, a very necessary thing in everyday life, we take the ring for ourselves and go down to the hall.

We carefully look at the door in front of us and perform the following actions: we take out the lion’s head from the inventory and place it on the door on the right, insert a ring into the lion on the left. And then we turn both lions. The door opens and we go out into the garden.

In the garden we see a statue of a gardener, and next to it there is a lawn prepared for planting. We take the seeds into bags from the inventory and scatter them over the lawn, then water the emerging shoots with green liquid. The lawn seems to come to life and turns into a flower garden. And along with the lawn, the gardener himself comes to life. Having disappeared, he leaves us spicy herbs, and next to them you can still pick up the garden shears and take it all for yourself. Let's get closer to the fountain.

We rake the leaves on the curb near the fountain, a hint appears: water defeats fire. Using a crowbar, we lift the grate near the fountain and look inside, a mini-game opens: collect all the pipes and connect all the taps. We pass it or we skip it. The water from the fountain is draining and strange symbols have been revealed in the fountain. We can only see one so far - this is a five-pointed star to the right of the statue in the fountain. Where can they be useful to us? Let's climb the tower and look at the fountain from above from the window.

Now we can see the remaining three symbols: the sun, the comet and the month. Where can they be useful to us? Let's go to the weapons room.

To the right of this room is another locked door. Let's take a closer look at her. And what do we see? Symbols already familiar to us! We arrange them in the order in which they were in the fountain.

The door opens, and behind it hides a hidden object game. We are looking!

All the items were found, but the letter still needs to be taken out of the bottle. We take a cobblestone marked with a blue circle from the shelf, break the bottle with it and take the letter from it. The search for objects is completed, all that remains is to find a dirty coin and take it for yourself (the coin is also marked with a blue circle). The coin goes into our inventory and the handkerchief cleans it. As a result, a clean coin appears in our inventory, and the scarf disappears. We go out into the garden again.

We pass through the garden to the right.

On the right, the castle is surrounded by trees and is inaccessible; it is immediately clear that the gardener has not worked here for a long time. Let's try to play the role of a gardener and trim the trees using garden shears; they've been collecting dust in our inventory for a long time. We click on the trees with garden shears several times, and a wonderful transformation takes place in the garden. Now he is completely unrecognizable.

We read the next clue on the tree: trees stop the earth. We pull the shovel out of the ground by clicking the mouse several times on the place where its handle is visible. Now we go to the garden on the left, to an alley with terrible mythical creatures.

We take a shovel and dig up the freshly dug earth under the statue on the left, we find a hook in the hole, we take it. We take out a knife and cut the rope from the strange stone creature on the right. We approach the next mythical hero and read his sign: the earth stops the water. We click on the sign with the mouse, it moves, and a key opens behind it. We try to open the gate on the right between the two statues with the key, we manage to open the lock, but the gate cannot be opened, apparently rusted. We return to the castle garden.

We hook the hook with the rope to the branch and tilt it, then trim the branch with garden shears. Now we throw the hook and rope into broken window, and using this tricky method we climb inside. And here we are in the kitchen!

We take an empty test tube from the bottom shelf, roll the barrel away from the door, clicking on it with the mouse many times. And we read the clue above the stove. To do this, we first remove the cobwebs, and then look at the sign that says: fire destroys metal. The further, the more interesting! We leave the kitchen into the large hall and climb up the tower again.

The search for objects has intensified on the tower, we go into a small glowing room and collect all the messages in it.

The message alone is not easy to find: we take the bellows that are usually used to fan the fire and blow them onto the powder. After this, an inscription appears on the window above the jar of powder: dangerous, take the inscription for yourself. When all the messages are collected, a mini-game appears: find a pair. For this game we get a purple scroll. Now we go down to the hall and go to the princess’s room.

Here we insert our purple scroll into an incomprehensible unit, it starts to work, and we click on its screen with the mouse and place an empty test tube from the inventory next to the screen. And now a mini-game: collect blue and red balls in a test tube. We take the test tube with the magic purple powder for ourselves and go to the tailor’s room.

We pour the powder from the test tube onto the suit, next to the tailor, and a miracle happens: the tailor comes to life and leaves us a mitten. We may only need a mitten in the kitchen. Let's quickly run to the kitchen! We won’t have to climb in there from the window, because the door is open in the large hall.

In the kitchen, using a mitt, open the lid of the cauldron on the fire and pour the herbs from our inventory into the cauldron. The cook comes to life and disappears, and a passage into the wine cellar opens for us. Let's go there.

In the cellar we find a bunch of different objects, we take an empty glass from the cabinet and take it from the barrel marked with a blue circle, we get a glass of wine. At the end of the search, we take the oil can and go out to the kitchen.

In the kitchen, we fill the oil can with the oil flowing out of the barrel, and put the full oil can back into our inventory. Now we can move to the garden, namely to the alley with mythical statues.

Lubricate the gate on the right with oil from an oil can and open it. And a search for objects opens up for us.

He who seeks will always find! We find all the objects, but we still need to create smoke: take a jug of water, marked with a blue circle, and pour it on the fire. The smoke is ready, you can take it away. When all the items are found and the smoke is generated, you will receive a door handle as a gift. But first you still need to find it; in the picture it is indicated by a blue circle. We go out onto the alley and walk along it further to the crypt.

We place the door handle on the crypt door, open it and go inside.

There we find a statue of a watchman, give him a coin, and the watchman comes to life, tells us about his sad fate, and disappears. And after it disappears, a blue magic ball appears, we take it for ourselves. Then we solve the puzzle on the middle grave: we set the name of the king HENRY. Once the puzzle is completed, the stone moves away and a secret passage opens inside. Let's take a look there.

Using a torch we illuminate this secret place. And we see a particularly unusual lock on this door, consisting of many elements. We go in search of these elements of the castle. We return to the alley, and there is light coming from the gate.

This means that the search for objects behind the gate awaits us again, we go into the gate and collect all the reptiles there, and we will help you.

They collected all the reptiles, but one is still missing. We pierce the egg with our finger and take out the snake that appears. As soon as all the reptiles are collected, a mini-game appears: use the sounds made by the reptiles to find a pair. For completing this mini-game we receive a metal decoration in the form of a snake. And let's move on. We go into the kitchen, and there is the already familiar glow from the wine cellar.

We go into the cellar and collect all the bunches of grapes here.

All the grapes lie in full view, and one is hidden in the tablecloth on the table. We unfold the tablecloth lying on the table and take another cluster from it. The grapes have been collected, now you need to complete a mini-game: find the pairs among the bunches of grapes. For completing this mini-game we receive a metal decoration in the form of a bunch of grapes. Let's explore the castle further. We go into the weapons room.

There are two more small rooms in the weapons room, there is a glow coming from the right room, which means the search for objects awaits us there. We go into the right room and look for all the flowers here.

We will have to create one flower ourselves: we take a burning candle from the shelf and put it in a candlestick on the table. She bends over, wax dripping onto the table into a heart-shaped recess. And this wax heart is exactly what we need. Now that the flowers have all been collected, we move on to the mini-game: find a pair of similar colors based on the sound of these objects. After completing this game, another metal decoration in the form of a flower appears in our inventory. Let's move on. We go into the princess's room.

Another search for objects awaits us in the princess’s room; let’s look into the glowing small room. Now we are looking for all frames.

You need to assemble one of the frames yourself. We take two pieces, they are marked with blue circles, and we place them on a defective frame on the wall, also marked with a blue circle. We take the resulting frame for ourselves and solve a mini-game: find a pair of similar frames. We complete this game and get a special frame for our inventory. We already have quite a large assortment in our inventory, let's go into the crypt and try to open the door to the secret room. We install all the items in the inventory in turn in a strange castle, as soon as everything is in place, the door will open.

We go into this mysterious secret room and see a lot of interesting things and our stone princess.

There is very little time left, so let's hurry up. First, we take firewood and a scoop from the stove. Then we open the chest and take out the flint from it. Now we can pull out the damper above the stove and remove the damper from the stove. We put firewood there, light it with a flint, and use a scoop to collect the coals. And we look closer at the table on the left.

Place the coals on a stand under the test tubes and start making magic potion. We place all the plants on stands from right to left from lightest to heaviest. In order to determine which plant is lighter or heavier, we use scales. So the plants are distributed, all that remains is to put them in the flasks.

Everything hissed, groaned, and our potion was ready. We take this bottle with green liquid for ourselves and treat it to the princess. She comes to life, tells a touching story and disappears. In its place, only a magic amulet remains. And suddenly the door to the dungeon opens. Let's go there. This dungeon is enchanted, and only you can disenchant it, using your knowledge and tips that you encountered at every step.

First, we collect all the necessary items here: a torch, a hammer, a jug, seedlings and a shovel. The water keeps coming and coming. Remember the hint: the earth stops the water.

We take a shovel and pick up soil from the left in the corner, throw this soil into the water. The water begins to recede and a blue sky opens up to us. gem- symbol of water. Let's take it for ourselves. And then an earthquake begins, you begin to be covered with earth. Let's remember another clue: trees stop the earth. And let's act! We plant the seedlings in the emerging soil.

The tree begins to grow quickly, and we get a yellow gem - a symbol of the earth. And then trees began to grow everywhere. Hint: metal cuts wood. We take the hammer from the inventory and hit it on the skeleton that is holding the machete. The skeleton is marked with a blue circle. We use a machete to cut through the bushes.

And we get a green gem - a symbol of plants. Out of nowhere, spears began to appear from the walls everywhere.

Hint: Fire destroys metal. We take out a torch and use it to destroy metal objects.

For this we get a white gem - a symbol of iron. Now the fire is burning everywhere. Hint: Water defeats fire. We take out the jug from the inventory and use it to break the barrel on the right in the wall, water will flow out of it and put out the fire.

And for our bravery we receive a red gem - a symbol of fire. The last test remains: placing the received symbols on the floor.

We are confident that you can handle this. Then we place the amulet in the enchanted mirror in the upper part of the frame. The mirror is destroyed and the spell on the prince is removed, and with it the entire castle comes to life. And you again find yourself in the castle museum, where the guide tells interesting details from the life of this castle.

Well, how did you like our excursion?

The king of the dwarves could not sleep today. He is used to taking care of everyone and helping everyone, but here there is trouble in his own family, and he cannot cope with it alone. His Majesty received news from distant countries that his brothers had completely neglected their lands, and now it was urgent to save the situation. He decided to find someone who would risk leading an expedition to distant lands and help the unlucky gnomes restore the territories that had fallen into disrepair.

You heard that right! The king's choice fell on you, and now it is simply unacceptable to let the crowned lady down. However, don’t worry ahead of time! Throughout the game you will have the king's faithful advisor, Nilyam, with you. In difficult times, he will help you with valuable advice, introduce you to your current goals, and simply support you in a friendly manner. If the king himself trusts him, then you have nothing to worry about!

First of all, take care of availability useful resources, which you need to solve your problems: wood, food and gold. At the initial stage, pasture, nearby trees and small gold mines will be enough to achieve the goals of the level and emerge victorious. But with each level the scope of tasks will expand, and three trees will no longer be enough for the construction of residential and industrial buildings.

To make work go faster and more efficiently, hire as many workers as possible. In a matter of seconds, your friendly team will learn how to mine gold in a mine, obtain wood from a sawmill and pump water at a water pump to restore the luxurious royal vineyard.

Just don’t forget to feed the workers on time, buying them fresh food at the market, and keep track of the time so that their work does not go in vain. And for your merits you will earn not only the respect of the entire kingdom, but also honorary titles. “Hero of the swamp”, “Expert in pyrotechnics”... And this is not the limit of your capabilities!


And I haven't even started playing. The game was stretched out so that only the level selection corner was visible and that was all.

  • Oleno4ka:

    easy, relaxing game, but a little monotonous for me...

  • Reni:

    Great game! Addictive) Everything went gold. I also want the same toy. Thanks Nevosoft!!!

  • :

    Guys, help!!! who passed level 56? I build 5 houses, improve them, etc., but I still can’t pass the level ((((

  • svetka1970:

    In the first location there is level 7, in the second there is level 18, and in the third there are 33.35 and several more “heroic” levels you are playing, the time is not up yet, and the game is interrupted: like you didn’t have time, the time is over.

  • katusca:

    Cool toy! The only one of these that I completed to the end! At the same time, I played with pleasure! Simple, logical and sooooo beautiful!

  • Vivien Leigh:

    Super Game. Thanks Nevosoft.

  • Angelina:

    The toy is great!!! second day I can’t tear myself away! I advise you to play)))

  • Angelina:

    Hello! installed the game... at first it showed the error “There should be ‘AB4D_Data’ folder next to the executable”, restarted the game, now the screen does not show (strong ripples and the monitor says “no signal”). What could be the problem, please tell me!

  • Hematogen:

    A nice toy. Not a game, but complete relaxation. If you want, think for a while, or if you want, relax. And she’s beautiful to behold.

  • Kit:

    good game. I wish there were more of these!

  • DuaD:

    In general not bad game, as was said earlier, almost an exact copy of the Name of the King. All the pros and cons that follow from this.
    The only thing that bothers me is the main menu, these flights around the room...

  • Tigrik:

    The toy made me happy and even made me work hard here and there to get the gold. For fans - definitely play!

  • New problem:

    Gemma, I noticed that they only run slowly in the desert, but there the wells save you.
    Overall, a great toy. I like similar games. The only downside is that there is a small number of varieties of houses and buildings. No general map levels.

  • Gemma:

    Why do workers run VERY slowly at some levels?
    Please advise how to fix it?
    In general, the game is interesting, only one thing is bad: there are no bonuses!!

  • fumum en:

    For fans of simulators - great! Simplified version In the Name of the King. Download, play - I recommend!

  • svetka1970:

    Yes, it’s very similar to “In the Name of the King”, only, in my opinion, a little worse. But this is in comparison, but overall it’s good, exciting game with decent graphics. I didn’t like level 47 (maybe I didn’t understand something), where you go at random. Maybe there is some kind of logic - I didn’t find it. (In “In the Name of the King” there is the same level in a cave.) What I really liked was the dynamism and brightness. If you love this genre, buy it. I play with pleasure, which is what I wish for everyone.

  • Zarja:

    It's a very nice toy, colorful, bright and not complicated, although in some levels you need to think about where to go and where to start! Play the game, you won't regret it - especially for fans of the simple genre

  • tongo:

    My game installed and launched without any problems! I have fun playing! Thank you, Nevo!

  • tomson:

    Thank you very much for the game! Installed perfectly, no glitches, loads quickly. It really looks like “In the Name of the King” and it’s wonderful)))


    I have a good old Dell, which is about 7 years old, with good old XP and everything loaded and plays perfectly, although only a demo. The game itself is a sibling of “In the Name of the King,” only the hair color is different. And so: the same simulator with good graphics (though the 3D screensaver personally hurts my eyes), interesting characters, and interesting dialogues. The downside for me is that nothing can be planted in place of a cut down forest or stripped bushes. Even though this would not be a mandatory task, I personally would do it, because against the background of stumps, holes and bare branches, neat houses with gardens look... well, not a fountain.

  • Die Hard:

    Dwarfs. What about shooting?

  • Ella:

    Yes, I received the key a little later than I wrote the review. He came up. Everything is fine. Thank you. All inconveniences are compensated by a good and new game.

  • Ella:

    These gnomes are nothing but problems. At first the game wouldn't start. Restarted several times. Finally launched. Successfully completed the demo. I bought a key, but it was incorrect. Now I’m corresponding with the support service (for 1.5 hours already). She answered all their questions, but still didn’t have the key. It is recommended to reinstall the game. Why is it unclear? But they don’t want to send a new key yet.

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