Walkthrough of the game Batman Heart of Ice. Review of Batman: Arkham Origins - Cold, Cold Heart

First shots Cold, Cold Heart suspiciously reminiscent of one of the episodes of the film “Batman and Robin” by Joel Schumacher. Mr. Freeze bursts into a reception at Wayne Manor without an invitation: one half of the guests immediately turns into frozen statues, the other runs away in panic. Bruce Wayne, as a hospitable host, must reincarnate as Batman, restore order and punish the guilty. In a word, everything is as always.

To last year Arkham Origins there was ideological apathy, which the new developers did not hesitate to demonstrate at any opportunity. Studio Warner Bros. Montreal, which took over the baton from Rocksteady Studios, was deathly afraid to somehow change the formula of the Arkham series. Because of this, the new Dark Knight game was more like a bloated DLC for Batman: Arkham City. The addition of Cold, Cold Heart could have diluted the gameplay of the original with at least some innovations - if Warner Bros. again I was not afraid of drastic changes.

Admittedly, the new DLC is trying its best to create the appearance of Big Changes. The set of opponents has been joined by bandits who use a freeze ray in battle. A significant part of the expansion takes place in extreme cold conditions, which the Dark Knight can only survive in a special suit. Huge icicles and ice walls can be used to silently eliminate opponents. This is the fantasy of Warner Bros. dried up without really accelerating.

In practice, all of these additions don't have a significant impact on the Cold, Cold Heart experience. New enemies add little variety to the battles, and the heat-resistant suit, by and large, only changes the appearance of the Dark Knight and opens the way to previously inaccessible locations. Two relatively fresh techniques in the protagonist’s arsenal are also not enough to make Arkham Origins sparkle with new colors.

In two hours of Cold, Cold Heart you will once again go through the entertainment program of Arkham Origins. Street fights with a couple of dozen criminals, less noisy elimination of others, simple “investigations” at the crime scene, a short flight over Gotham and the obligatory boss battle. By the way, the fight with Mr. Freeze is very reminiscent of the meeting with him in Batman: Arkham City. Continuous déjà vu is your main punishment in Cold, Cold Heart.

As paradoxical as it may sound, Cold, Cold Heart is still the main justification for purchasing the Season Pass for the game. Compared to set of alternative costumes the new story chapter of Arkham Origins looks like a real gift. But Cold, Cold Heart only compares favorably with other DLC for the latest Batman game. If you completed Arkham Origins with pleasure and never yawned, then Cold, Cold Heart will help you kill a couple of hours and brighten up the wait Batman: Arkham Knight from Rocksteady Studios. Otherwise, it’s better to pass by - it’s not only cold here, but also boring.

In addition to the main plot, any self-respecting game will have a ton of side effects that need to be completed. Or you don’t have to do it, and then you’ll deprive yourself of an extra 10 hours of pleasure. In our Batman, there are perhaps even more of these side effects than the plot itself! And it is they who allow us to come face to face with the next portion of enemies that are not even mentioned in the main storyline.

And there are only 6 such enemies: Deadshot, Hash, Bane, Zsasz, Mad Hatter, Riddler. + additional side effects without a significant enemy: track down a mysterious stranger, help Frieze in search of his wife, complete all AR training. + every little thing, without which the game will not be completed 100% and which I will also tell you about. Let's go straight down the list:

"Shot in the Dark" (Deadshot)

Guide to completing additional tasks or “catching villains together”

Guide to completing additional tasks or “catching villains together”

Guide to completing additional tasks or “catching villains together”

Guide to completing additional tasks or “catching villains together”

...or Arkham's best assassin. An excellent sniper, he carries a high-caliber sniper rifle and pistols strapped to his wrists in his arsenal. The side effect begins when an SOS signal icon appears on your Batcomputer from some rooftop. We arrive there, talk with a frightened prisoner who talks “about a psycho who is chasing him and wants to kill him.” In the middle of the conversation, this prisoner receives a bullet in the forehead, and we are obliged to scan the area for evidence. The evidence will be a bullet, by which Batman will identify the killer - this is Deadshot (it will be necessary to track the trajectory of the shot, as was the case with the Joker).

What to do next? We fly up to the area marked on the map with the number 2. At a certain moment, you will simply hear the echo of a shot, and the Oracle will tell you that another victim of an evil sniper has been spotted in *such and such* area. The difficulty here is simply to find this victim, because the area is quite large. I'll make it easy for you: a victim on a bridge. We scan the area, track the trajectory of the bullet, and get another piece of evidence - a rifle stand. Using it, Bats determines the quality of the metal. The third victim is easier to find - bandits have gathered above her. Three or four bandits - is that a problem? We scan the area, find out that the bullet ricocheted (finding the trajectory will not be particularly difficult), follow the trail and get the last piece of evidence - a heat trace. We contact the Oracle, we get a series of locations “possible Deadshot’s lair” (or something like that). The correct choice is the location located in the northeast of the map. There we will find the killer's PDA, hack it and find out about the next victim that we must save in the allotted time. We save and watch the first and last mistake in Deadshot's career. Then the battle begins directly with him.

The fight will take place on the roof, in the center of which Deadshot himself is located. If we come into his sight, he will kill us. Here you just need to quietly sneak up on him, hiding behind objects (while he looks for us on the other side of the roof). We sneak up, knock you out - the quest is completed.

"Search for a Thief" (Khash)

Guide to completing additional tasks or “catching villains together”

Guide to completing additional tasks or “catching villains together”

Guide to completing additional tasks or “catching villains together”

Guide to completing additional tasks or “catching villains together”

At the places marked on the map (one of..) we find a corpse, whose face is cut out and wrapped in a towel, we scan it. A trail appears that we must follow and that will lead us to a frightened policeman who, at the sight of Batman, will lay a bunch of bricks. This is not our “person stealer”, and after a boring conversation with him, we are waiting for the search for the next victims. This is very, very difficult, because they are not marked in any way on the map, and looking for them in Arkham is like looking for a needle in a haystack. The second victim is on the park street, next to the AR training (fly over to the left gargoyle and jump down). We scan the area and find fingerprints on the knife. Then SUDDENLY it turns out that these are the prints of Batman himself, and we are forced to look for a third victim. The landmark for the third victim is a huge green “ACE Chemicals” billboard. The third corpse is next to the building on which this billboard is located. We scan and again follow the trail, which leads us to another fellow bandit, who convinces us that none other than Bruce Wayne is behind all this. Well, we know that this is not so. A marker appears on the map (next to the courthouse), and that’s where we go. There we fall into a trap and meet Hush, who, using pieces of taken faces, changed his appearance so as to look like Wayne (no, to be an exact copy of him). And this is where the quest ends... do you feel who will be the enemy in the next part of the game?

"Fragile Alliance" (Bane)

Guide to completing additional tasks or “catching villains together”

Guide to completing additional tasks or “catching villains together”

One of the easiest side effects. As soon as the “signal fire” icon appears on one of the roofs on the batcomputer, we fly there. We go into the room and see Bane, pumped up with titanium. From there we learn that throughout Arkham there are 12 containers with titanium, which, no matter how bloody your nose, must be destroyed. Bats takes six and Bane takes six. It is worth noting that these same containers are also available before the start of the quest. So they will only appear on the map, and the whole problem of the quest will be “to fly in, scatter enemies, blow up containers (with explosive gel).” After all the containers are blown up, we return to Bane, find out that he has nothing good on his mind, and gracefully isolate him in his cell. There won't even be a fight - we'll limit ourselves to one video.

"Cold Blooded Killer" (Zsasz)

Guide to completing additional tasks or “catching villains together”

Guide to completing additional tasks or “catching villains together”

What a name, seriously! Zsasz also appears in Arkham Asulym, but his role there is minimal and he is knocked out with one hit. Here he has a much larger role to play – he has become a real “telephone” maniac! Every area of ​​Arkham has a telephone that might ring if you happen to fly by. After starting the quest, you will need to complete a series of 5-6 similar activities: fly from one point to another in a certain time (all this, of course, is Zsasz’s game, which makes us rush from phone to phone). To track a call during a call, move the cursor so that it does not go beyond the marked area. Repeat the procedure 5-6 times and you will track down the maniac. The neutralization procedure is quite simple - you need to go through a kind of labyrinth (with a constantly changing water level, more details in the video). Don't forget that you can cling to ledges and use a zip line launcher (I always forget about it).

"Through the Magnifying Glass" (Mad Hatter)

Guide to completing additional tasks or “catching villains together”

Guide to completing additional tasks or “catching villains together”

The quest begins next to the theater where the Joker tragically died. On the roof of one of the buildings you can find the medicine dropped by Alfred (it is marked on the map). After using it, Batman faints, and then a series of events takes place, which is very difficult to describe without swearing. The hero begins to struggle with the effects of the drug that the Hatter injected him with. The face...the surroundings...it's a must see! By the way, in this mission you can score the maximum combo in the entire game (not counting tests in a separate mode).

Enigma Riddle (Riddler)

Guide to completing additional tasks or “catching villains together”

Guide to completing additional tasks or “catching villains together”

In my opinion, the most difficult villain. To defeat him, you need to collect 400 (!) trophies and save five hostages.

Let's get started walkthrough of the Cold, Cold Heart expansion to the game Batman: Arkham Origins from watching the introductory video, at the end of which Bruce Wayne will receive a butt in the forehead. This is followed by a short cut scene during which you need to have time to press RMB to make a counterattack. If you don’t have time to do anything terrible, hang the criminals who beat the butler Alfred. Next, having received the task of dealing with Penguin’s bandits, we go to Batman’s cave to get a suit. Following Alfred to the end of the corridor, we will find ourselves in a room with Vicki Vale and several other people. After talking with Vicky and Alfred, we go to the next door, through which we will find ourselves in the library.

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There will be four armed opponents in the library, so trying not to attract attention, we neutralize one after another from the back, although you can take the risk and attack them openly. One way or another, having dealt with the enemies, we go to the next door leading into the corridor along which we get to the wine cellar. Having dealt with the bandits in the room, we go through the gate into the next room, there will be a statue of a pot-bellied man with a barrel against the wall, with its help you can open the secret door. Next, going down the stairs, we run through a secret tunnel, jumping over the destroyed bridge, climbing over its remains.

Finally, having reached the lift, we press the button and go down to Batman’s cave, where we pick up the suit. Having dressed up, we go in search of Ferris Boyle, we return to the mansion the same way we came to the cave with one difference: in order to open one of the doors in the secret tunnel, you will need to charge the generator standing nearby. To open the door to the wine cellar, press LMB several times, and to get into the next room, where the bandits hang out again, you will have to crawl under the burning gate. Having cleared the cellar room, we return to the library, although we will have to go around the burning door through the ventilation on the right. In the library we will find bandits who have taken hostages, among whom Alfred will be.

We neutralize the enemies one by one, fortunately this time you have the suit and all the gadgets except glue grenades with you. In the end, one of the bandits will grab Alfred and will hide behind him as a human shield, our task is to sneak up on him from behind and neutralize the enemy (much the same as in the main walkthrough of Batman: Arkham Origins - Wanted: Deadshot). Having neutralized all the enemies, we remove the Wen coat of arms from the exit from the library, which blocked our exit (to remove the coat of arms, we also press LMB several times). Next, after talking with Alfred again, we go through the door into the next room, namely the corridor in which you will find Ferris Boyle. Having neutralized the bandits who caught him, we watch a short video with the appearance of Mr. Freeze.

To break the ice, press the spacebar several times, and immediately after that we neutralize the oncoming enemies. Next, we run along the corridor following Frieze, you will need to bypass the frozen door by climbing onto the balcony on the left. Having reached the dance hall, you will need to deal with the bandits inside, first of all, it is better to neutralize two opponents with cryo-weapons, after which it will be easier to deal with the rest (if you are frozen, break the ice by pressing the spacebar and then quickly jump to the side so that Batman is not hit by a grenade). At the end of the fight, we interrogate the last survivor by pressing RMB.

Interrogate Dealer Penguin

We leave at the indicated coordinates for Diamond County, and upon arriving at the place we begin to clear the area below from criminals. We act carefully since all the enemies are armed, we try to neutralize them one by one, or with the help of a controlled claw you can pull the cylinders standing in the corners of the site towards a group of enemies, after the explosion of the cylinder the surrounding ones will freeze for a while. As a result, having neutralized all the bandits, you will need to turn on the evidence scanner (X button) and use it to inspect the territory. The necessary evidence can be found on the body of the frozen policeman. While holding down the spacebar, we scan the evidence marked with red triangles (there will be three in total), the last evidence will be a leak from the cryo-cannon that the criminal used, following the traces of the leak we should move on. And by the way, you can free frozen people with the help of thermal gloves that are equipped with the EU suit, which you will receive a little later. Following the chemical trail, which is visible in the evidence scanner mode, we will eventually get to the arms dealer. Before interrogating him, you will have to deal with the criminals standing nearby, primarily the one armed with cryogenic weapons. Having won and interrogated the dealer, we go to the entrance to GothCorp.

Enter GothCorp

Arriving at the entrance to GothCorp, the first thing we do is deal with the bandits standing near it, especially the one with the cryo gun. Then, using an encryption sequencer, we hack the code panel at the entrance to the building, the phrase “polar cold” needed for hacking. Once inside, we save the guard on the balcony on the right from the bandits, after which, after talking with him, we go to the organic laboratory where the bandits took the head of security. Having walked forward, we will come across several criminals in the corridor who have frozen the entrance to the laboratory, having neutralized them, we climb into the ventilation on the right side. Having got out of the ventilation and having killed several more opponents, we pass along the corridor to the entrance to the laboratory. In the laboratory premises, you will need to neutralize the criminals, first of all, two snipers in the far part of the room and an enemy with a jammer who will walk next to the snipers. As a result, having cleared the room, we talk with another guard, from whom we will receive codes for access to the fuel research department.

Returning to the exit from the building, we deal with the next portion of the villains, both with and without weapons, after which, going up to the balcony, where we first saved the guard, we hack the next door with an encryption sequencer, the code word is “philantropia”. Having thus entered the materials preparation area, we pass along the corridor, neutralizing several criminals along the way. Once in a room similar to a locker room, we open the hatch in the floor and go down, where we will need to slip into a small gap without falling under the cooled stream beating at a certain interval. Hanging on the pipes, we climb along them, trying not to fall under the jets of cooled gas. Having crossed to the other side, we climb up, where, using shock gloves, we power the electric drive that opens the door to the mine, and once inside we jump down. Next, we use the Batclaw to break the ventilation grate through which we get out of the mine. Once in the corridor, we walk along it to the door behind which there will be a fuel laboratory.

After watching a short video, we go into the room on the left, where we jump down through a hatch in the floor, falling on two snipers, again watch the video at the end of which we talk with the frozen Penguin. After the conversation, we need to go to the Mi Alibi club for a cryogenic drill. To get out of the GothCorp building, we go to the door on the left and further along the corridor to a room filled with cryosteam, so as not to get into the steam and not freeze, we use a controlled claw to pull the cable along which we can safely pass this room. Next, having neutralized several bandits, we charge the next electric drive that will stop the fan under the ceiling, which is where we need to climb. Once in the mine, we go up and walk along the corridor to the door to the next laboratory, where we save another guard from the bandits, after which Batman himself will get out into the street.

My Alibi nightclub and cryodrill parts

Now we go to the Coventry area to the My Alibi club, where Alfred will drop his EC suit. Having arrived at the place, the first thing we do is clear the area at the entrance from bandits, after which we take the suit from the container dropped on the roof above the EU club. The entrance to the My Alibi club is blocked by an ice wall, which can now be broken using the thermal gloves on the new suit. Having entered the club, we go down the stairs and walk along the corridor to an open balcony from which we go down to the area with the bandits. Before going down, you can use a thermal batarang to bring down a block of ice from the ceiling onto the heads of the bandits (before throwing the batarang, you need to charge it while holding RMB). After you clear the room of bandits, you can free a couple of frozen police officers from the ice by approaching them and holding the space bar (this way you will begin the additional task “Victims in the Ice”).

To go further, you will need to use a thermal batarang to break the ice on the code panel, which you will then need to crack, using the code word “caution.” In the room behind the door we will meet our old friend Chatterbox, after interrogating whom we learn that the cryodrel has been disassembled into three parts and they are not in the club. Next, leaving the premises of the My Alibi club, we go to the specified coordinates to collect cryodrill parts, there will be two in total, one in Coventry and one in Diamond County, each of the parts will be guarded so that before picking them up you will have to deal with the security. The part in Dimon County will be in a room behind a closed gate; to open it, break the panel with a batarang and then slide through the opened gate inside. Having obtained both parts of the cryodrill, we return to GothCorp.

Return to GothCorp

Returning to GothCorp, the first thing we do is clear the lobby of bandits, freeing the frozen guards in one go. From the foyer, breaking one of the two ice walls, we go to the entrance to the laboratory. Once in the corridor, you will need to go around the frozen door again through the ventilation, but this time, instead of a grate, you will need to break the ice at the entrance to the ventilation. Having reached the laboratory, the first thing you need to do is clear the room of cryosteam; to do this, go downstairs and turn off two switches (they can be detected by cables in detective vision mode, and turned off using a thermal batarang). Having reached the switches, we hack the ventilation system panel, having previously knocked off the ice from it with the same batarang, code word “cryogenetics”. After hacking the ventilation system, bandits will come into the laboratory and we will need to deal with them.

Having cleared the laboratory, we go into the corridor from which the bandits came running, along which we will get to the security room. Next, through the ventilation we go down into the next corridor, where we again neutralize the bandits. Having passed forward, you will again need to clear the room of cryosteam; to do this, use a thermal batarang to beat off the ice from three panels, after which the steam will disappear and the door ahead will be unlocked. Having thus entered the weapons testing laboratory, we scan the body of the dead guard, after which we watch a reconstruction of the events. Next, having broken the wall of ice, we follow the traces of the chemical into the laboratory; to open the door, we break the frozen switches with a thermal batarang. Having walked to the end of the trail, we scan the evidence again: stains on the floor, stains on the laboratory window, prototype parts on the table, an exploded tank, a frozen guard. Next, we recreate the crime scene by scrolling the time forward and backward using LMB and RMB (a bit like working with memories when Walkthrough of the game Remember Me).

Having recreated the crime scene, we will find a pistol, which we also scan, finding Ferris Boyle’s prints on it, after which we will need to scan the scratch on the floor, and then the computer panel. As a result, after reviewing the entire sequence of events, we take away the container with the cryo-cooler that Batman will need for the cryo-drill. And so, having solved the crime, we go to the fuel laboratory, which first of all will need to be cleared of Penguin’s people. Having cleared the room from bandits, we approach the ice wall next to the Penguin and press “Space” and use the cryodrill, after which we press LMB to break the ice. Having thus made a hole in the ice wall, we pass through it to the doors leading to the security zone. After running along the corridor and climbing up the stairs, we climb into the ventilation leading to the cryogenic testing center.

Defeat Mr. Freeze

First of all, we will need to find three cryogenerator control panels and turn them off. The easiest way to detect panels is with the help of detective vision; it will take time to turn off each panel (holding the spacebar), so choose a panel next to which there are no Frieza's people, and he himself must look in the other direction so as not to interrupt the process. Next, having freed ourselves from the ice, we attack Frieze and his people, if they are still left, it is better not to come into direct contact with Frieze, we attack him by knocking down ice blocks from the ceiling with a batarang or with decisive blows from behind the ice walls or from the ventilation shafts. As a result, when Mr. Freeze is on the platform in the center of the room, our task is to get close to him from below and attack him with another decisive blow. Next, after watching a short video, you need to free yourself from the ice (by pressing LMB) and save Mr. Freeze from Ferris Boyle by delivering another decisive blow (RMB) with the words “sit down, humanist.”

Protests by Anarky supporters

This additional mission can be completed at any time, either at the beginning or at the end of the main playthrough. First of all, we go to the specified coordinates in the Coventry area, our task is to stop the protests of Anarky supporters, that is, to neutralize all people at the specified points. In Coventry there will be three places with Anarky supporters, in the first two just defuse all the enemies, but in the third place there is a bomb, so we will need to kill all the enemies before the timer runs out (to defuse the bomb, go to it and press spacebar ). Having finished in Coventry, we go to new coordinates in Diamond County, there we will find a machine broadcasting Anarky’s speech, we need to hack the code panel, the code word “revolution”. After a successful hack, we will have 1 minute 40 seconds to find and defuse the second bomb, it is located on the roof of the building with the inscription Soder Cola, you can also find your way by tracking the interference signal on the right side of the screen, where the distance to the target will be indicated.

Batman: Arkham Origins - Cold, Cold Heart is a standalone adventure game that retells the already well-known story of the appearance of Mr. Freeze. This is both good and bad at the same time, because although this is the most sympathetic of all the Batman crime stories, this version of the game does not have any new plot twist at all. The game is almost a repeat of the "Heart of Ice" episode of the Batman: The Animated Series, so if you've already seen it (and you should), don't expect anything new.

It all starts in remote Wayne Manor and then abruptly moves to the Penguin Club. But most of these two hours will be spent in a typical blue-gray cryogenic research laboratory. There you will have a couple of encounters with predators, one of which is quite difficult, and ordinary fights with various enemies. (Fortunately, there are almost no big brutal massacres). My favorite thing about Cold, Cold Heart is the new enemies that kill with an ice beam. If you do nothing, they will encase you in ice, but their attacks can be used to your advantage - you just need to dodge at the right moment and force other ice killers to take the blow.

Batman's new huge thermal suit looks very cool, in it he can repel any attack. Unfortunately, the operating principle of the Impact Gauntlets (now Thermal Gauntlets) has not changed. They basically take away the point of combat, allowing you to just punch everyone in the face regardless of your enemy's weapon. I personally didn't want to use them.

It is quite strange that, having gotten rid of sticky Grenades, the game creators do not replace them with Cryo-Grenades. Overall, this means you have one less weapon.

The main fight with Mr. Freeze is mostly a recreation of what happened in Arkham City, but a little more complicated. This is a good fight, in which there is nothing new or unpredictable, except, perhaps, the ability to throw ice blocks at him. After this, a small number of new tasks appear, such as frozen citizens who need to be warmed up, etc. Unfortunately, there is no way to visit the northern part of the Gotham map again. But at least you won't have to cross the stupid bridge again.

More Batman games are always a good thing, and the ice rays are undeniably interesting, but personally I'm disappointed that Cold, Cold Heart doesn't add anything new to the story of Mr. Freeze or the main brawl. That's all, friends, don't forget to visit our portal, bye, bye everyone!

It turned out to be a product for very devoted fans of the series. The developers from WB Games Montreal treated the legacy of the Rocksteady studio too carefully and did not change anything. The beginning of Batman's career should have been left alone, but the other day the Cold, Cold Heart expansion was released.

On New Year's Eve, Bruce Wayne receives guests at his mansion and distributes gifts. The holiday is interrupted by a criminal in a spacesuit, who freezes everything around and kidnaps one influential person. Bruce dons the Batman costume and begins a rescue mission.

From the “cold” title, it’s not hard to guess that Batman faces one of the most controversial characters in the universe - Mr. Freeze, also known as Victor Fries. Bruce will have to figure out the reasons that prompted this man to break the law. Due to the good staging of the plot scenes, the personal tragedy of the antagonist and the study of his past are of great interest.

In addition, the Dark Knight gets an important touch to his portrait. He fights for justice and understands those who do desperate things for the sake of their loved ones. In the finale, it becomes clear why Freeze and Batman are neither sworn enemies nor bosom friends.

Since Cold, Cold Heart takes place after Arkham Origins, most of the gadgets are available to Batman almost from the very beginning. The addition throws the hero into the thick of things without any buildup.

Alas, during hand-to-hand combat, Batman still gallops around surrounded by roly-poly enemies and methodically beats them. A new type of bandits with freezing guns does not add excitement to the monotonous action, but only makes you tumble more around the arena. It's nice to have electric gloves that allow you to quickly deal with opponents.

But encounters with armed thugs are perhaps the best part of Cold, Cold Heart. Some rooms are under the control of snipers, and individual enemies are difficult to knock out. The authors did not waste time on trifles; the arenas are literally swarming with patrolmen. It is possible to deal with them silently, but this is preceded by a scrupulous study of routes, an intense game of hide and seek and the need to act quickly in a limited space. Batman's detective skills for studying crime scenes and their subsequent reconstruction were not left aside.

In the second half of the expansion, the hero gets a new costume at his disposal. It gives Batman the ability to survive extreme cold and break through icy barriers.

Attempts to prolong the adventure failed. Batman has to either travel through familiar areas of Gotham City, or run back and forth through the same locations. You can be distracted from the main task, fight with anarchists, save people from icy captivity, run from point “A” to “B” and get a useless upgrade for this.


Despite the overabundance of melee combat and a secondary battle with a single boss, the four-hour expansion is worth a look. The excellent story of Mr. Freeze and his encounter with Batman justifies the existence of Cold, Cold Heart.

  • An excellent story told by Mr. Freeze.
  • Well-challenged stealth missions
  • Excellent design of new story locations


  • All the same tedious hand-to-hand battles
  • Frankly secondary boss fight
  • A series of unsuccessful attempts to stretch out the adventure