Pokemon GO Pokemon CP. All about Combat Power

Any caught Pokemon has a whole set of characteristics that determine its success in battle. C.P.- This is one of the most important parameters of a Pokemon.

Combat power(from Combat Power or Combat Points, hereinafter – C.P. ) is a key stat that a Pokemon has in Pokemon GO. Beyond the standard Resistance and Weakness stats, there are fundamental stats in Pokémon games that determine the outcome of a match.

CP directly shows how strong your Pokemon is.

Just like in games for portable consoles, CP can be changed, maximized, to make the Pokemon as strong as possible. CP is the power of a Pokemon and helps determine how much damage will your Pokemon do in battle? for the stadium.

Each Pokemon has basic level SR, and maximum value This indicator varies depending on the type, size and level of your character.

As your trainer level gets higher, you begin to encounter stronger Pokemon.

What is CP and how is CP calculated?

CP is a measure of whether How strong will your Pokemon be in battle against another Pokemon?, and in fact is a combination of several hidden characteristics. Every Pokemon in Pokemon GO has a set basic attributes attack, defense and stamina. And also a hidden level and a hidden modifier for basic characteristics. This modifier is called " IVs».

It's not worth spending too much time analyzing how all these parameters work, but they can be briefly explained using an analogy with dogs:

The Greyhound is a breed of dog that is often used for greyhound racing. Naturally, this is a very fast breed. Bulldogs, for example, are less fast. Just like a Greyhound with natural speed, Dragonite, as a type of Pokemon, has a naturally high attack stat. That is, this parameter is better considered in comparison. , for example, although it has a decent attack indicator, it still loses when compared with Dragonite.

Despite the example given, you can always find a hound that is slower than the rest, and the fastest bulldog. And if you arrange a competition between them, the dogs will have equal chances, or the bulldog may be faster. You can always find individual representatives of a particular breed that stand out from the total number.

Similarly in PokemonGO: You can catch a specific Dragonite, which will be weaker than a separate Machoke. The stats of both Pokémon matched in such a way that Machoke has a higher overall attack than Dragonite. The individual parameters of a single Machoke were significantly stronger than those of Dragonite.

And of course don't forget about the Pokemon level. The level shows how hard the Pokemon has trained. Therefore, a higher level Machoke can have a higher attack rating than an untrained Dragonite.

Increasing the level of a Pokemon happens quite easily - every time, when you use the Power Up function in the game, it improves the Pokemon by half a level.

You can get a detailed level rating on the white curved panel that is located above the Pokemon's head.

If the scale on this panel is in the extreme left position, then the Pokemon is at the very beginning of its development. And if the scale is filled to the very end, then the Pokemon is at the maximum level of development.

Thus, the combination of all the parameters that a Pokémon has determines its strength. But don't forget that if you caught Drowzee, which has a higher CP than your old one Drowzee, this does not mean that he is stronger. Perhaps he's just more high level.

Video: Increasing Pokemon CP

The question arises: how do you find the Pokemon with the best stats, and what is the most effective way to level up that Pokemon?

In the fight against third-party applications, the Niantic studio, which created Pokemon GO, added the ability to assess the strength of a caught Pokemon using key phrases spoken by team leaders. A whole series of phrases, which hints that how powerful the Pokemon will be in battle.

To get a rating for your Pokemon, tap the menu in the lower right corner and select the "Appraisal" function(grade). After this, your team leader will give you a hint about the Pokemon's strength.

How should I use the rating function?

Grade– this is a very convenient way to find out how big a “fish” you have caught. The rarity of the Pokemon plays an important role here. For example, if you have Snorlax- this is one of the the best creatures in the game, which can be put in gym, for security. Snorlax has a very high health level. But, as described above, an individual, specific Snorlax may turn out to be slightly worse than another. And to determine the best candidate to protect the stadium, you can use a hint from the team leader.

Exists several types of assessment. Each leader has his own line, but below are the lines of the Mystic team leader:

  • Great(82% – 100%) – Overall, your Pokemon is wonderful! What an amazing creation!
  • Good(67% – 80%) – Overall, your Pokémon certainly caught my attention.
  • OK(51% – 49%) – I think your Pokemon is above average.
  • Bad(0% – 49%) – This Pokemon is unlikely to make much progress in battle.

The percentage range in each phrase shows the Pokemon's approximate position on the scale of its potential.

Ultimately, these cue phrases are specific enough to give you a sense of the power that the Pokemon has, but vague enough to give you an incentive to do more research before you decide to invest your candies and stardust.

Remember, the general phrase "excellent" means that the Pokemon is between 82% and 100% of its potential, so a hint like this will be useful.

Video: Guide to CP, IV and other Pokemon statistics

Sep 29, 2016 Catherine

Combat Power (CP) is the average of all of a Pokémon's stats, indicating its strength and attack potential. In other words, this is the average of his health, height, punching power, etc. The scale of this power is located above the image of the Pokemon and is curved. It also shows to what level a Pokemon's CP can be improved at a given level of the game.

You can increase the CP of a Pokemon by pressing the button. In order for it to be active, you must have a certain amount of star dust (Stardust) and . The icons for these values ​​are located above the CP increase button, and look like a flask with purple pollen and balls of the same color as the Pokemon.

Star pollen (pollen for Pokemon) can be obtained by catching Pokemon, as well as special candies. But if pollen is given to everyone, then candy is only given when catching a Pokemon of the same species.

Maximum CP in Pokemon Go

The highest maximum CP level for the Pokemon Mewtwo is 4144 units. But there is no reliable information yet that he, like the Pokemon Mew with 3299 CP points, is present in the game. The most powerful and accessible Pokémon, Dragonite, has 3,500 CP.

Following him are Moltres with 3240 points, Zapdos with 3114 points and Snorlax with 3112 CP points.

The maximum you can raise your Pokemon to depends on its type and abilities. So, at first glance, the useless Pokemon Magikarp with a maximum CP of 262 points turns into Gyarados with 2688 units of power.

Catch a pocket monster with maximum level strength will not work: the limit of possibilities is only half of the final CP.

How to correctly calculate the power of Pokemon

If you have collected a rich collection of identical Pokemon, you can give extra copies to the professor and receive additional candies for it. But always consider the coefficient. For example, you found its second evolution. In your case, their CPs are almost the same - 50 and 59. Do not rush to send Charmander to the professor. Evolving a weak Charmaleon will result in a low CP Charizard (the third evolution is Charizard). But if you upgrade Charmander with 50 power points, you will get a stronger second evolution and, as a result, a third.

CP and player level

The trainer's level directly affects the ability to improve a Pokemon's fighting power. And the level itself reflects the player’s activity. Thus, the more time you spend catching pocket monsters, the more you can upgrade your pets. It is worth noting that the increase in CP is optimally distributed and it is possible to reach the maximum only by reaching the last level.

The highest known level in the game at the moment is 40. And this does not mean that players who reach level 20 in a week will be able to conquer level 40 just as easily. The total number of action points at this level is 25 million. Fans of the game estimate that for this they will have to collect more than 50,000 Pokemon. So the pet’s maximum CP will have to be achieved through great and long efforts.

In any case, don't go too deep into the game. Pokemoh Go is designed to activate a generation, so measured gameplay will give more positive emotions than an obsessive pursuit of pocket monsters.

Today we will talk about Pokemon CP in Pokemon GO - you will find out what it is and what it affects. You can also find the maximum CP for the Pokemon you are interested in.

Amazing Pokemon world GO continues to captivate real world players. The first wave of catching Pokemon has passed, and now players are busy leveling up and evolving their “animals.” It is necessary to increase the level of your Pokemon in order to win future battles. The main characteristic of a Pokemon's power is the value of its CP and HP. Many have asked the question: “What is CP and what does this characteristic affect?”

What is a Pokemon's CP?

Combat Points (CP)- this is the fighting potential of a Pokemon, it is a summary characteristic of power, strength, attack, defense and trainer level. For each Pokemon, the maximum CP is different.

Based on the above, we can conclude - the higher the CP value, the stronger your animal. In general, Pokemon GO has changed the approach to determining Combat Points. In previous Pokémon game franchises, CP included split values ​​for Attack, Special Attack, Defense, Special Defense, and Speed.

Full list of maximum CP

Foreign game resource GamePress prepared a list of maximum Combat Points for all Pokemon. The final SP values ​​were derived taking into account the highest trainer level (40), as well as the full individual values. Most basic Pokemon (Zubat, Caterpie) have a max below 1000. Water type Magikarp has the lowest value of 262.70, while its evolution Gyarados is the 12th highest on the list at 2,688.89. Surprisingly Mew ranks third with 3,299.17, after the second strongest Dragonite - 3,500.06.

In general, here it is full list all Pokemon (starting from the first number in the Pokédex):

Users starting to play a new application often face the problem of understanding abbreviations. One of these abbreviations is CP in Pokemon GO.

Combat Power

What is CP in Pokemon GO (“Combat Power”)– what does “Combat power” mean? Each Pokemon has its own base CP. on entry levels it is often equal to 10, this is the minimum that can be. Maximum CP – 4145 (for the maximally improved Mewtwo, the rarest Pomekoman in the game).

This indicator indicates the “strength” of your Pokemon in battle for . It is calculated according to a special formula, which includes all the indicators of your “pet” (maximum health level “HP”, damage, special attacks and even weight). Pokémon with the same amount of CP have approximately the same chance of winning. One has only to take into account that the same Pokemon of a certain class will be less effective against another species, or vice versa.

In your Pokemon GO inventory, you can sort Pokemon by CP level

Not all Pokemon have the same CP - for example, if you catch two Pikachu, they won't necessarily have the same CP. Therefore, before “sending” a duplicate Pokemon to the professor, make sure that the Pokemon you just caught is of a lower CP level than the one you already have in your inventory.

By clicking on a pet in your inventory you can see its scale CP in Pokemon GO. Its maximum level is limited by the player's maximum level. If you have reached the maximum possible points for a Pokemon, after raising the trainer level you can continue to improve it.

Which Pokemon to improve in Pokemon GO to get the maximum increase in Combat Power

Below is a table showing how much you will receive Pokemon CP in Pokemon GO for one improvement.

At the top are the Pokemon whose upgrades will give you the maximum possible CP increase, then in descending order.

Excellent growth C.P.
Mewtwo 53
Dragonite 50
Snorlax 45
Lapras 43
Mew 42
Moltres 41
Arcanine, Vaporeon 40
Gyarados, Zapdos 39
Exeggutor, Muk 38
Weezing, Flareon, Articuno 37
Good growth C.P.
Slowbro, Victreebel, Machamp 35
Poliwrath 34
Clefable, Nidoking, Venusaur, Charizard 33
Golduck, Nidoqueen, Vileplume, Blastoise, Weezing, Omastar 32
Aerodactyl, Golem, Wigglytuff, Dewgong, Ninetales, Magmar 31
Kabutops, Electabuzz, Starmie, Jolteon, Rapidash, Pinsir, Scyther, Tentacruel 30
Gengar, Hypno, Pidgeot, Rhydon, Seaking, Kangaskhan 29
Average gain C.P.
Primeape, Golbat, Raichu 27
Cloyster 26
Kingler, Tauros, Magneton, Venomoth, Alakazam, Tangela, Dragonair 25
Arbok, Dodrio, Growlithe, Porygon, Machoke 24
Fearow, Parasect, Sandslash, Charmeleon 23
Jynx, Lickitung, Seadra, Marowak, Ivysaur, Persian, Drowzee 22
Electrode, Hitmonchan, Hitmonlee, Mr. Mime, Gloom, Weepinbell, Wartortle 21
Raticate, Beedrill, Nidorino, Ponyta 20
Nidorina, Graveler 19
Butterfree, Pidgeotto, Haunter, Exeggcute 18
Eevee, Grimer 17
Dugtrio, Clefairy, Polywhirl, Kadabra, Bellsprout, Seel, Koffing, Rhyhorn, Kabuto, Slowpoke, Omanyte 16
Weak growth C.P.
Oddish, Machop, Farfetch'd 15
Psyduck, Goldeen 14
Squirtle, Bulbasaur, Charmander, Dratini, Bellsprout, Cubone 13
Onix, Vulpix, Paras, Mankey, Magnemite, Pikachu, Nidoran ♂, Horsea, Staryu 12
Ekans, Sandshrew, Zubat, Geodude, Gastly, Nidoran ♀, Jigglypuff, Meowth, Krabby 11
Pidgey, Doduo, Poliwag, Shellder, Voltorb, Ditto 10
Abra, Chansey, Spearow 9
Rattata, Diglett, Kakuna 7
Metapod 6
Caterpie, Weedle 5
Magikarp 3

Maximum CP of Pokemon in Pokemon GO

Pokedex number Pokemon name Max CP
150 Mewtwo 4144.75
149 Dragonite 3500.06
151 Mew 3299.17
146 Moltres 3240.47
145 Zapdos 3114.38
143 Snorlax 3112.85
59 Arcanine 2983.9
131 Lapras 2980.73
144 Articuno 2978.16
103 Exeggutor 2955.18
134 Vaporeon 2816.25
130 Gyarados 2688.89
136 Flareon 2643.43
89 Muk 2602.9
6 Charizard 2602.2
80 Slowbro 2597.19
68 Machamp 2594.17
3 Venusaur 2580.49
9 Blastoise 2542.01
71 Victreebel 2530.52
62 Poliwrath 2505.33
45 Vileplume 2492.66
31 Nidoqueen 2485.03
34 Nidoking 2475.14
36 Clefable 2397.71
55 Golduck 2386.52
76 Golem 2303.17
126 Magmar 2265.3
110 Weezing 2250.15
112 Rhydon 2243.22
139 Omastar 2233.65
73 Tentacruel 2220.32
78 Rapidash 2199.34
38 Ninetales 2188.28
97 Hypno 2184.16
121 Starmie 2182.14
40 Wigglytuff 2177.2
142 Aerodactyl 2165.49
87 Dewgong 2145.77
135 Jolteon 2140.27
141 Kabutops 2130.01
127 Pinsir 2121.87
125 Electabuzz 2119.17
18 Pigeot 2091.39
94 Gengar 2078.23
123 Scyther 2073.96
91 Cloyster 2052.85
119 Seaking 2043.92
115 Kangaskhan 2043.4
26 Raichu 2028.3
42 Golbat 1921.35
49 Venomoth 1890.32
82 Magneton 1879.95
57 Primeape 1864.52
128 Tauros 1844.76
85 Dodrio 1836.37
99 Kingler 1823.15
65 Alakazam 1813.82
28 Sandslash 1810.22
24 Arbok 1767.13
67 Machoke 1760.71
47 Parasect 1747.07
22 Fearow 1746.35
114 Tangela 1739.72
70 Weepinbell 1723.76
124 Jynx 1716.73
117 Seadra 1713.22
137 Porygon 1691.56
44 Gloom 1689.46
105 Marowak 1656.96
101 Electrode 1646.14
2 Ivysaur 1632.19
53 Persian 1631.84
108 Lickitung 1626.82
8 Wartortle 1582.79
5 Charmeleon 1557.48
107 Hitmonchan 1516.51
77 Ponyta 1516.11
122 Mr. Mime 1494.42
106 Hitmonlee 1492.94
148 Dragonair 1485.88
12 Butterfree 1454.94
20 Raticate 1444.13
15 Beedril 1439.96
75 Graveler 1433.63
30 Nidorina 1404.61
93 Haunter 1380.21
33 Nidorino 1372.5
61 Poliwhirl 1340.43
58 Growlithe 1335.03
88 Grimer 1284.02
83 Farfetch'd 1263.89
17 Pidgeotto 1223.98
79 Slowpoke 1218.9
35 Clefairy 1200.96
111 Rhyhorn 1182.08
51 Dugtrio 1168.55
109 Koffing 1151.79
43 Oddish 1148.28
64 Kadabra 1131.96
138 Omanyte 1119.77
69 Bellspout 1117.43
54 Psyduck 1109.56
86 Seel 1107.03
140 Kabuto 1104.72
102 Exeggcute 1099.81
66 Machop 1089.59
133 Eevee 1077.2
96 Drowzee 1075.14
1 Bulbasaur 1071.54
48 Venonat 1029.39
7 Squirtle 1008.69
104 Cubone 1006.61
147 Dratini 983.47
118 Goldeen 965.14
4 Charmander 955.24
120 Staryu 937.89
132 Ditto 919.62
39 Jigglypuff 917.64
46 Paras 916.6
72 Tentacool 905.15
81 Magnemite 890.68
25 Pikachu 887.69
56 Mankey 878.67
29 Nidoran (female) 876.01
95 Onix 857.2
84 Doduo 855.41
74 Geodude 849.49
32 Nidoran (male) 843.14
100 Voltorb 839.73
37 Vulpix 831.41
23 Ekans 824.14
90 Shellder 822.91
92 Gastly 804.41
27 Sandshrew 798.76
60 Poliwag 795.96
98 Krabby 792.21
116 Horsea 764.67
52 Meowth 756.32
21 Spearow 686.87
16 Pidgey 679.93
113 Chansey 675.12
41 Zubat 642.51
63 Abra 600.44
19 Rattata 581.65
14 Kakuna 485.35
50 Diglett 456.76
13 Weedle 449.09
11 Metapod 447.92
10 Caterpie 443.52
129 Magikarp 262.7

How to use the Pokemon table with pictures and data:

In this table of Pokemon for the game Pokemon Go, all the characters are sorted in order of decreasing combat power, which means that you can easily determine which Pokemon are worth leveling up first and which ones are not worth it at all.

In front of the image of each Pokemon there is an icon (or two icons) with its type, so if you see such an animal in the arena, you can choose a worthy opponent for it.

You can also use this material as a Pokemon evolution chart, since it shows the previous evolution of the animal (if any), as well as the number of candies required for the transformation. By clicking on the previous evolution, you will instantly go to this Pokemon and can see what animal it comes from, its maximum CP and CP gain per level.

If you are interested in which Pokemon can be obtained from eggs, then use our Pokemon Hatching Chart. Opposite each animal that can emerge from an egg, in the “Egg, km” column, the distance you need to travel to hatch is indicated. Please note that the Pokémon that spawns from the egg is selected randomly.
