The first got its name from its dimensions. Difficult questions and riddles for smart people

6. The man looks at the portrait.
- Whose portrait are you looking at? - they ask him.
The man answers:
- In the family I grew up alone, like a finger. And yet the father of the one in the portrait is my father’s son.
Whose portrait is the man looking at?

7. Two ropes, each of them burns for 1 hour, how to measure 15 minutes?
The burning of the rope is not uniform along its length.

8. Here's a fun problem before the holidays.
The jumping dragonfly slept half the time of every day of the red summer, danced for a third of the time, and sang for the sixth part of the time. She decided to devote the rest of her time to preparing for winter. How many hours a day did the dragonfly prepare for winter?

9. The king wanted to marry the princess off for convenience, but the princess became stubborn. And the king said that she would decide her fate herself. In a crowded square, he will pull out one of the stones from the bag - white or black. If she pulls out a black one, it will be royal, but if she pulls out a white one, she will decide for herself who to marry. But the maid told the princess that the king was planning something dishonest: to put two black stones in the bag. The princess could not turn out the bag in front of her subjects, shaking their faith in the justice of the king, but in the morning she did what saved her from an unhappy marriage. What was it?

10. There are two coins on the table with a total denomination of 3 rubles, one of them is not a ruble, what coins were on the table?

11. There lived in a city a sage who was disliked by the authorities. And so they decided to execute him. It was said that he himself would choose his own death as his last word. If it is a lie, the sage will be hanged. But if it’s true, it means they’ll drown. The sage thought and said what saved him from execution. What did the sage say?

12. Two wise men were brought to the palace to determine who was wiser by such a test: out of three caps, two white and black, one would be put on each head in a dark room. And then they will put the wise men opposite in a room without mirrors. Whoever is the first to say what kind of cap he is wearing will be recognized as the wisest.
And so, the wise men stood for a long time, and each was wearing a white cap, and each only knew that the other was wearing a white cap. And suddenly one of them exclaimed: “I’m wearing a white cap!” How did the sage reason?

13. A flock of geese was flying, and one goose met them and said:
- Hello, one hundred geese!
And they answer him:
- We are not a hundred geese. If there were so many more of us, and half as many more, and even a quarter as many, and you - then there would be a hundred of us geese.
How many geese were flying in the flock?

14. A man is found murdered in his office. The man’s body is bent over the desk, a revolver is clutched in his hand, and a voice recorder is lying on the table. The police turn on the deceased’s voice recorder and immediately hear the message recorded on tape: “I can’t live anymore. Life no longer makes any sense to me...”. After this, a shot is heard.
Why do you think the police immediately realized that the man was killed and it was not suicide?

15. The car in which the father and son were traveling was involved in an accident. The father died, and his unconscious son was taken to intensive care. When the surgeon saw the boy before the operation, he exclaimed: “This is my son!” How can this be?

And you answered

Challenging questions and riddles for the smart and for those who want to test their knowledge and understanding of the world.

1. British scientists have found that in a day, one pair of horse legs covered 18 kilometers, and the other pair walked 19 kilometers. Are they completely out of their minds, or can this really happen?

2. A little boy 100 centimeters tall drove a nail into a tree at the height of his height. Three years later he returned to the tree and again drove a nail at the height of his height. During this time, the boy grew by 20 centimeters, and the tree - by 40 centimeters. What is the distance between the nails?

3. Three Fridays of a certain month fell on even dates. What day of the week was the eighteenth of this month?

4. One got his name for his size, another for his ability to give information, the third for his location, and the fourth prefers to remain incognito... what is the name of the fifth?

5. The boa constrictor is 110 years old. "How old are you?" - he asked the turtle. The turtle replied: “I am 10 times older than you were when I was like you now.” How old is the turtle?

6. The man looks at the portrait. - Whose portrait are you looking at? - they ask him. The man replies: “I grew up alone in the family, like a finger.” And yet the father of the one in the portrait is my father’s son. Whose portrait is the man looking at?

7. Two ropes, each of them burns for 1 hour, how to measure 15 minutes? The burning of the rope is not uniform along its length.

8. Here's a fun problem before the holidays. The jumping dragonfly slept half the time of every day of the red summer, danced for a third of the time, and sang for the sixth part of the time. She decided to devote the rest of her time to preparing for winter. How many hours a day did the dragonfly prepare for winter?

9. The king wanted to marry the princess off for convenience, but the princess became stubborn. And the king said that she would decide her fate herself. In a crowded square, he will pull out one of the stones from the bag - white or black. If she pulls out a black one, it will be royal, but if she pulls out a white one, she will decide for herself who to marry. But the maid told the princess that the king was planning something dishonest: to put two black stones in the bag. The princess could not turn out the bag in front of her subjects, shaking their faith in the justice of the king, but in the morning she did what saved her from an unhappy marriage. What was it?

10. There are two coins on the table with a total denomination of 3 rubles, one of them is not a ruble, what coins were on the table?

11. There lived in a city a sage who was disliked by the authorities. And so they decided to execute him. It was said that he himself would choose his own death as his last word. If it is a lie, the sage will be hanged. But if it’s true, it means they’ll drown. The sage thought and said what saved him from execution. What did the sage say?

12. Two wise men were brought to the palace to determine who was wiser by such a test: out of three caps, two white and black, one would be put on each head in a dark room. And then they will put the wise men opposite in a room without mirrors. Whoever is the first to say what kind of cap he is wearing will be recognized as the wisest. And so, the wise men stood for a long time, and each was wearing a white cap, and each only knew that the other was wearing a white cap. And suddenly one of them exclaimed: “I’m wearing a white cap!” How did the sage reason?

13. A flock of geese was flying, and one goose met them and said: “Hello, a hundred geese!” And they answer him: “We are not a hundred geese.” If there were so many more of us, and half as many more, and even a quarter as many, and you - then there would be a hundred of us geese. How many geese were flying in the flock?

14. A man is found murdered in his office. The man’s body is bent over the desk, a revolver is clutched in his hand, and a voice recorder is lying on the table. The police turn on the deceased’s voice recorder and immediately hear the message recorded on tape: “I can’t live anymore. Life no longer makes any sense to me...”. After this, a shot is heard. Why do you think the police immediately realized that the man was killed and it was not suicide?

Who can answer? Train your brain!

1. Scientists have found that in a day one pair of horse legs walked 18 kilometers, and the other pair 19 kilometers. Are they completely out of their minds, or can this really happen?

2. A little boy 100 centimeters tall drove a nail into a tree at the height of his height. Three years later he returned to the tree and again drove a nail at the height of his height. During this time, the boy grew by 20 centimeters, and the tree - by 40 centimeters. What is the distance between the nails?

3. Three Fridays of a certain month fell on even dates. What day of the week was the eighteenth of this month?

4. One got his name for his size, another for his ability to give information, the third for his location, and the fourth prefers to remain incognito... what is the name of the fifth?

5. The boa constrictor is 110 years old. \"How old are you?\" he asked the turtle. The turtle replied: “I am 10 times older than you were when I was like you now.” How old is the turtle?

6. The man looks at the portrait. —Whose portrait are you looking at? - they ask him. The man replies: “I grew up alone in the family, like a finger.” And yet the father of the one in the portrait is my father’s son. Whose portrait is the man looking at?

7. Two ropes, each of them burns for 1 hour, how to measure 15 minutes? The burning of the rope is not uniform along its length.

8. Here's a fun problem before the holidays. The jumping dragonfly slept half the time of every day of the red summer, danced for a third of the time, and sang for the sixth part of the time. She decided to devote the rest of her time to preparing for winter. How many hours a day did the dragonfly prepare for winter?

9. The king wanted to give the princess an arranged marriage, but the princess became stubborn. And the king said that she would decide her fate herself. In a crowded square, he will pull one of the stones out of the bag - white or black. If she pulls out a black one, it will be royal, but if she pulls out a white one, she will decide for herself who to marry. But the maid told the princess that the king was planning something dishonest: to put two black stones in the bag. The princess could not turn the bag inside out in front of her subjects, shaking their faith in the justice of the king, but in the morning she did what saved her from an unhappy marriage. What was it?

10. There are two coins on the table with a total denomination of 3 rubles, one of them is not a ruble, what coins were on the table?

11. There lived in a city a sage who was disliked by the authorities. And so they decided to execute him. It was said that he himself would choose his own death as his last word. If it is a lie, the sage will be hanged. If it’s true, then they’ll drown. The sage thought and said what saved him from execution. What did the sage say?

12. Two wise men were brought to the palace to determine who was wiser by such a test: out of three caps, two white and black, one would be put on each head in a dark room. And then they will put the wise men opposite in a room without mirrors. Whoever is the first to say what kind of cap he is wearing will be recognized as the wisest. And so, the wise men stood for a long time, and each was wearing a white cap, and each only knew that the other was wearing a white cap. And suddenly one of them exclaimed: “I’m wearing a white cap!” How did the sage reason?

13. A flock of geese was flying, and one goose met them and said: “Hello, a hundred geese!” And they answer him: “We are not a hundred geese.” If there were so many more of us, and half as many more, and even a quarter as many, and you, then there would be a hundred of us geese. How many geese were flying in the flock?

14. A man is found murdered in his office. The man’s body is bent over the desk, a revolver is clutched in his hand, and a voice recorder is lying on the table. The police turn on the deceased’s voice recorder and immediately hear the message recorded on tape: “I can’t live anymore.” Life no longer makes any sense to me...\". After this, a shot is heard. Why do you think the police immediately realized that the man was killed and it was not suicide?

1. British scientists have found that in a day, one pair of horse legs walked 18 kilometers, and the other pair 19 kilometers. Are they completely out of their minds, or can this really happen?

2. A little boy 100 centimeters tall drove a nail into a tree at the height of his height. Three years later he returned to the tree and again drove a nail at the height of his height. During this time, the boy grew by 20 centimeters, and the tree - by 40 centimeters. What is the distance between the nails?

3. Three Fridays of a certain month fell on even dates. What day of the week was the eighteenth of this month?

4. One got his name for his size, another for his ability to give information, the third for his location, and the fourth prefers to remain incognito... what is the name of the fifth?

5. The boa constrictor is 110 years old. "How old are you?" - he asked the turtle. The turtle replied: “I am 10 times older than you were when I was like you now.” How old is the turtle?

6. The man looks at the portrait. - Whose portrait are you looking at? - they ask him. The man replies: “I grew up alone in the family, like a finger.” And yet the father of the one in the portrait is my father’s son. Whose portrait is the man looking at?

7. Two ropes, each of them burns for 1 hour, how to measure 15 minutes? The burning of the rope is not uniform along its length.

8. Here's a fun problem before the holidays. The jumping dragonfly slept half the time of every day of the red summer, danced for a third of the time, and sang for the sixth part of the time. She decided to devote the rest of her time to preparing for winter. How many hours a day did the dragonfly prepare for winter?

9. The king wanted to marry the princess off for convenience, but the princess became stubborn. And the king said that she would decide her fate herself. In a crowded square, he will pull out one of the stones from the bag - white or black. If she pulls out a black one, it will be royal, but if she pulls out a white one, she will decide for herself who to marry. But the maid told the princess that the king was planning something dishonest: to put two black stones in the bag. The princess could not turn out the bag in front of her subjects, shaking their faith in the justice of the king, but in the morning she did what saved her from an unhappy marriage. What was it?

10. There are two coins on the table with a total denomination of 3 rubles, one of them is not a ruble, what coins were on the table?

11. There lived in a city a sage who was disliked by the authorities. And so they decided to execute him. It was said that he himself would choose his own death as his last word. If it is a lie, the sage will be hanged. But if it’s true, it means they’ll drown. The sage thought and said what saved him from execution. What did the sage say?

12. Two wise men were brought to the palace to determine who was wiser by such a test: out of three caps, two white and black, one would be put on each head in a dark room. And then they will put the wise men opposite in a room without mirrors. Whoever is the first to say what kind of cap he is wearing will be recognized as the wisest. And so, the wise men stood for a long time, and each was wearing a white cap, and each only knew that the other was wearing a white cap. And suddenly one of them exclaimed: “I’m wearing a white cap!” How did the sage reason?

13. A flock of geese was flying, and one goose met them and said: “Hello, a hundred geese!” And they answer him: “We are not a hundred geese.” If there were so many more of us, and half as many more, and even a quarter as many, and you - then there would be a hundred of us geese. How many geese were flying in the flock?
