New characters in black dessert. Black Desert: character changing system

Dragon Knight It can hardly be called a popular hero today, since he does not stand out either for his frequent picks or for any high win rate at least on any rating. Despite the fact that the character is extremely easy to control and does not have many features that players need to get used to, his effectiveness is often also limited, which is why many prefer some more universal heroes to him.

In fact, DK has a huge number of advantages that make him much more effective than many other mid laners, and in this Dragon Knight guide we will talk about how to use him correctly best sides and what to do to get rid of the negative ones.

The advantages of Dragon Knight are as follows:

  • large number health;
  • a very large amount of armor and health regeneration;
  • quite high damage to buildings;
  • the presence of effective and lasting control;
  • the presence of abilities that do not lose their relevance at any stage of the game;
  • the absence of any important abilities that could be misused.

The disadvantages of this hero are as follows:

  • farms relatively slowly;
  • Doesn't do much damage to heroes.

Thus, this character does not have many disadvantages, but at the same time they are quite important, since he, being a typical “right clicker” (a hero who attacks more than hits with abilities), is highly dependent on items, and gaining them quickly can't. At the same time, he deals almost all of his damage only with an attack, which is not added to him by any abilities. That is why for this hero you need to be able to correctly eliminate existing shortcomings, compensating for them with various advantages.

Dragon Knight Talents and Abilities

DC talents should be upgraded as follows:

  • At level 10, an increase in strength is taken. This allows you to increase both damage (almost a full-fledged alternative to increasing attack speed) and increase the character’s survivability, which is especially important at early levels.
  • At level 15, it's worth taking the damage increase. This allows you to show yourself more effectively in fights, as well as farm faster. Moreover, the character for the most part depends on the items purchased, and not on his level.
  • At level 20, an increase in gold is taken. For level 20, the increase in health is not too significant, especially considering that the hero already has a lot of it, but a solid increase in GPM will be very useful and will help you gain all the missing items much faster. In addition, this talent will become simply irreplaceable if at the right time a little gold is missing before the redemption.
  • At level 25 you need to choose. If the enemy has a lot of characters with strong physical damage, an excellent solution would be to increase armor and regeneration. Otherwise, it's worth taking a solid increase in movement speed.

The abilities of this character should be taken as follows:

  • Level 1: Dragon Blood. The first ability allows you to effectively finish off creeps from a distance, harass the enemy hero and reduce the damage they deal from your hand, but at the same time at the first level it is not so effective that you need to spend a large amount of mana on it, so it is better to take an additional increase to armor and health regeneration. In addition, you can take Dragon Tail if there is an opportunity to shed “first blood”.
  • Level 2: Breathe Fire. As mentioned above, the ability is used for more active creep farming, as well as dominance in the lane with almost any opponent.
  • Level 3: Breathe Fire. At this level, you can already begin to actively use the ability in order to more effectively put pressure on the enemy mid player. In addition, often at this level the hero already has a Bottle, which allows him to always have the required amount of mana. Also, using this ability, you can press a line towards the enemy in order to pin him under the tower and at this time pick up the rune.
  • Level 4: Dragon Blood or Dragon Tail. Dragon Blood is useful if the game is on It is quite passive, and in the near future it is unlikely that there will be an opportunity to pick up enemy heroes together with supports, since it allows you to stand on the line more effectively, not allowing the enemy hero to beat you. Dragon Tail is useful specifically in an aggressive game, when DK, together with his team, actively puts pressure on the enemy and constantly kills enemy heroes.
  • Level 5: Breathe Fire.
  • Level 6: Dragon Form. The form is extremely useful already at early levels, and in principle is the key ability of this character. At the sixth level, its main effectiveness is often manifested in the fact that you can quickly destroy the enemy’s tower on the center line.
  • Level 7: Breathe Fire.
  • Levels 8-9: Dragon Blood. If you haven’t yet upgraded Dragon Tail at this stage, it’s worth taking it, since after 10 minutes, clashes between teams are already happening much more often.
  • Level 10: talent.
  • Level 11: Dragon Blood.
  • Level 12: Dragon Form.

What to collect on Dragon Knight?

The build for Dragon Knight is the same in almost all cases, since the hero already has natural survivability due to a large amount of health, armor and regeneration, and he mainly needs to develop the rest of his indicators, and this can be done through the following items:

  • 1 artifact: Power Threads. The most optimal option for DK, which allows him to simultaneously strengthen his attack and also increase the amount of health.
  • 2 artifact: Armlet of Mordiggian. A Dragon Knight build must include this artifact. The reason is that such a build on the DK is ideal for this character due to his health regeneration, which allows him to practically not lose it under the influence of the “armlet”. At the same time, this artifact significantly increases the combat effectiveness of any hero whose main attribute is Strength, which allows DC to feel great in fights, as well as farm creeps more effectively.
  • 3 artifact: Blink Dagger or Shadow Blade. In this case, everything will often depend on the enemy’s pick. If it is not possible to break into opponents without Blink Dagger or they have mobile characters, you should take this particular artifact. Otherwise, the optimal solution would be Shadow Blade, which not only allows you to run away or attack from an advantageous position, but also increases combat characteristics character, which is quite important for this hero.
  • 4 artifact: Black King Bar, Heaven’s Halberd or Here everything depends on the enemy’s peak of heroes. If you have the opportunity to quickly finish the game, you should pay attention to the Black King Bar, with which you can constantly fight with opponents, or Heaven’s Halberd, which increases survivability and allows you to more conveniently enter the enemy’s base. Otherwise, you should take Mjolnir, which increases the farming speed and will be an excellent preparation for the DK in the late game.
  • 5 artifact: Black King Bar, Mjolnir or Assault Cuirass. Mjolnir is acquired if BKB was previously purchased, while BKB itself is better taken if a halberd was previously purchased, with which it was not possible to finish the game. If Mjolnir was previously acquired, and there is no need for BKB in the near future, it is worth taking the cuirass, as it will greatly increase the character's survivability, and in addition, will also significantly affect his fighting abilities, increasing attack speed and reducing armor to surrounding enemies.
  • 6 artifact: Daedalus or Monkey King Bar. The first artifact simply significantly increases hand damage this character, allowing him to become a full-fledged "dd". ICD is useful if the opponents have some characters with a high evasion rate.

Separately, it is worth noting the fact that, if necessary, instead of Heaven’s Halberd, you can purchase Solar Crest, which is also very effective for this character. Instead of increasing health, the artifact gives additional armor, and also allows, on the contrary, to reduce the amount of armor of the enemy hero, which will allow DK to deal with opponents faster.

How to play as Dragon Knight?

DK belongs to the category of “tank” carries, whose main goal is not so much to cause damage, but to absorb damage from the enemy and provide the team with the opportunity to always be in a convenient position, giving visibility to all opponents. In this regard, survival is so important for a character at the first levels, but since it becomes less of a priority at a later stage, the damage of this character has to be gradually developed. Moreover, considering that with the development of the dragon form, it begins to cause damage over an area, and also attacks buildings quite well, which makes it an ideal aggressor.

In the center, the main advantage of this character is the Breathe Fire ability, which allows you not only to conveniently push the line when necessary, but also to reduce damage to the enemy hero, preventing him from conveniently finishing off creeps or attacking the dragon itself. Thanks to this, in combination with a high armor and regeneration rate, the character can easily stand against almost any enemy.

Many fans of MMORPG games take the choice of a character in the game, his customization (creating a unique appearance), selection of personality traits.

This is due to the fact that the vast majority of gamers strongly associate themselves with their gaming “Alter Ego”, and therefore creating a character (as the beginning of acquaintance with each new MMORPG) is a kind of formation of a new life for oneself. I want the character to be as interesting, charismatic as possible, and most importantly, to match the player’s character. Many people create a character similar to themselves, their friends or idols; others - some ideal of appearance, how they might like to look. Large selection classes in Black Desert and the widest possibilities for customization in the game will definitely help you create exactly what you want.

The right class, gender, and appearance will ensure that long hours spent in the future in this online game will be comfortable and exciting.

Each player has his own preferences and characteristics of the game. Some people like to crush crowds of gaming monsters with a huge sword, standing on the front line, some, on the contrary, prefer to hit targets from the shadows without showing themselves to the enemy, and some choose not to fight at all, but to heal their allies.

You need to approach the choice of game class wisely. Most often, if a certain class turns out to be uncomfortable for a player, he will abandon it and start playing with another, more suitable one. That is why, in order not to waste time and effort, those starting to play Black Desert Online need to familiarize themselves with basic information about the character classes in the game, find out their description and main features.

Given brief overview represents a general characteristic of gaming Black classes Desert, available for selection at the time the game is released on the Russian-language servers of the game - Warrior, Barbarian, Archer, Mystic, Sorceress.

Brief description of the class: classic swordsman, Warrior - a class found in almost every role-playing game. In Black Desert, the Warrior class is quite canonical, it is a classic knight in armor with a sword in one hand and a shield in the other.

The most common role of the Warrior is as a tank, which can take a huge amount of damage while remaining unharmed.

However, the own damage of this class is quite high, and the most important “weapon” of a warrior in Black Desert, in addition to the sword and shield, is the presence of a large number of control abilities. By grappling, knocking down and stunning, the Warrior is very dangerous opponent in PVP, in a duel with whom you need to be constantly on guard, because if you just let him get dangerously close, you may no longer be able to get out of a long stun alive.

For PVE fans, the Warrior also has nice abilities with huge AOE damage, which allows you to quickly and very effectively farm monsters in large groups, taking virtually no damage. The swordsman copes excellently with single “thick” targets - elite monsters and bosses - again, due to his excellent control and high resistance to damage.

Main Weapon / additional weapon/ awakened weapon: sword / shield / greatsword

My overall impression of playing the Warrior class in Black Desert (based on my own experience, feedback and reviews): the class turned out to be balanced and enjoyable to play, and has a right to life. The Warrior shows himself to be a little weak at the beginning of the game, but once he reaches level 35-40, he begins to open up in a new way and acquires excellent farming abilities. With the advent of awakened weapons (level 56), the Warrior completely turns into a real killing machine with luxurious damage and beautiful animation.

From personal feelings - the Warrior in Black Desert is a little boring. For those who have played a sufficient number of MMORPG games and are hungry for new sensations, Warrior will not bring drive and a surge of emotions. Low mobility and some uniformity of the swordsman's attacks can become somewhat boring. And because of his weakness on entry levels game, pumping out a good “playable” Warrior is a rather difficult task, requiring patience and genuine love for this class and this style of play.

Who is Warrior suitable for?

  • for beginner players who prefer a direct and open fighting style;
  • those who like to “tank” and act as protection for their allies and fellow guild members;
  • connoisseurs of two-handed swords - however, for this you will have to level up your character to level 56.


Brief class description: Huge and warlike, the Barbarian is a kind of berserker on the battlefield. Just a mountain of muscles, a real giant, hung with skins and war trophies, armed with two large axes.

The barbarian in Black Desert is the personification of primal power. The class has very high damage and a very high level of health (thanks to a special “built-in” passive +250 HP) even in the early stages of the game. It feels great on the battlefield both as a tank and as a damage dealer (damagedealer, i.e. a character who deals a lot of damage).

The Barbarian is truly the king of PVE. Simple combos, a ton of control and the “vampire” from the “Lightning Wrath” skill makes him the best farmer in the game, capable of crushing monsters with his axes literally without a break. Good farm= a lot of money = good equipment = growth in performance. That is why warlike giants have the greatest potential for earning money and being realized in the game.

In PVP everything is not so rosy: good barbarian, of course, can become a terrible opponent in a duel, but his certain clumsiness and enormous size clearly play against him. The most important thing in the battle against the Barbarian is not to let him get close, because his various control skills can cause a lot of trouble for any opponent.

In any case, the Barbarian is extremely difficult to kill - both in PVP and PVE.

Primary Weapon/Secondary Weapon/Awakening Weapon: Axe/lanyard/hand cannon

Type of attack: melee attack with the main weapon + something like a ranged attack with an awakened weapon (militiaman and ranger)

Overall impression of playing the Barbarian class in Black Desert (based on my own experience, feedback and reviews): The Barbarian is an excellent class for fans of PVE and farming. The character has a special charisma and a kind of “primitive” charm, as well as a very simple controls and nice animation.

A lot of people have a barbarian on their account, if not as the main character, then as a “twink” for farming, when the base is a so-so earner. Already from the first levels, a huge berserker can bring very good profits to its “master” without much effort.

This class is very popular not only in Russia, but also in other countries; many bloggers and streamers play Black Desert on Barbarians. Oddly enough, the character does not seem boring, although he is much easier to control than a Warrior, and the awakened weapon-Cannon is generally something very special.

Who is the Barbarian suitable for?

  • for beginner gamers who don’t know how to play well enough;
  • lovers of “farm and pumping” who prefer to accumulate gaming wealth and make capital;
  • for those who want to feel big and strong in the game, not afraid to stand alone against a crowd of enemies.


Brief Class Description: A ranged character, pretty standard for every RPG game. The tall and beautiful elf archer is a deadly, fast and extremely dangerous opponent, possessing all the characteristics typical for this class.

The main role of any shooter is the RDD, that is, the range damage dealer - a character who does enormous damage over long distances. In close combat, the Archer has no strength, because... has extremely low “strength” and protection. However, the elf has a large number of abilities in her arsenal, aimed at evasion and instantly increasing the distance between her and the intended target.

The Archer in Black Desert feels equally good in both PVE and PVP due to the high DPS and the presence of AOE attacks. It is she who can kill even a very strong enemy without receiving any damage - simply by not letting the enemy get close to her. Like a deadly butterfly, she flutters around her target, thrusting her sharp arrows into her one by one.

In a duel with a good archer, almost no one has a chance. Some characters die without even understanding where death came from - so be extremely careful when crossing the path of the Archer in Black Desert, for example, at key disputes.

Primary Weapon/Secondary Weapon/Awakening Weapon: Bow/Dagger/Elemental Blade

Type of attack: ranged attack with the main weapon + melee attack with the awakened weapon (ranger and melee)

Overall impression of playing the Archer class in Black Desert (based on my own experience, feedback and reviews): Most Black Desert players consider the Archer to be the most powerful class in the game. It’s very difficult to argue with this, because this character has almost everything to dominate the battlefield.

The slight weakness is more than compensated for by speed and dodges: a properly pumped and well-sharpened archer is an almost unkillable enemy.

A very important skill for an Archer is the ability to competently “kite” an enemy, i.e. constantly be tactically ahead, not letting you get close to yourself. Under no circumstances should you allow the enemy to use control abilities on you, otherwise the Archer will lethal weapons turns into a whipping doll.

The class is a little predictable and “ordinary”, the character animation is a little clumsy in some places, which, however, is more than compensated by the character’s combat power. After all, those who want to dominate very rarely pursue aesthetic goals.

Who is Archer suitable for?

  • players with good gaming skills, speed and reaction, who prefer to deal high damage from a safe distance;
  • Passionate PVP lovers.



Brief description of the class: one of the most original and unusual classes at the time of the announcement of the game and its release. The mystic (summoner, tamer) is, in fact, not one character, but two, since the miniature Korean girl is given a huge and formidable black Lion as a “gift”.

Analogous to summoners in games of the same genre, Mystic, however, has a number of distinctive features. Tamer in Black Desert, unlike most summoners in other games, has a melee (short) attack, so summoning a Lion and throwing casts at the enemy from afar will not work. However, Leo is the basis of the Mystic's game, because while the black assistant is alive, killing the Mystic is extremely problematic.

Summoning a Lion is available from the very first levels, and with leveling up the “pet” only becomes stronger. He is uncontrollable, has a fairly large amount of health, and can easily knock you down, and then - good luck.

The Mystic in Black Desert is the second most effective class in PVE (after the Barbarian). From the very first levels, this character can deal with huge crowds of monsters, because... has its own “tank” and “provocateur” - the black Leo. Luxurious AOE attacks can devastate entire locations in a matter of seconds. The developers also did not deprive the Mystic of excellent control skills.

Tamer's only significant weakness is PVP. With the proper skill to play for this class, there should be no problems, but most often in a one-on-one battle, all other things being equal, the Mystic will lose. Characters with a long-range attack - Archers and Sorceresses - are especially terrible for the summoner and Leo, because neither the tamer himself nor his faithful assistant will be able to catch up with them with such speed.

Primary Weapon/Secondary Weapon/Awakened Weapon: Blade/Trinket/Celestial Staff

Attack type: melee attack only (military)

Overall impression of playing the Mystic class in Black Desert (based on my own experience, feedback and reviews): a very pleasant class in all respects. Uncomplicated, balanced, interesting. Farming on Mystic is easy and pleasant; you can quickly and easily accumulate a sufficient amount of game currency for further development.

Summoning a Lion, available from the very first character levels, gives a huge advantage over other classes. The mystic never feels alone. In addition, starting from level 30, you can ride a summoned Lion - a very unusual and interesting experience for experienced gamers.

The character is quite dependent on the proper leveling of skills, so at high levels he can become either an excellent fighter of the “main roster” or a very mediocre character who will only disappoint his “owner”, so everyone who wants to play the Mystic should definitely study the main guides and reviews on this extremely interesting class. In Korea, by the way, Mystic still remains one of the most popular gaming “incarnations”.

Who is Mystic suitable for?

  • favorite class for girls to play;
  • beginner players who do not want to spend a lot of time acquiring skills;
  • for lovers of non-standard, unconventional characters “with a twist”;
  • those who play “for the soul”, and not for stats, victories in PVP and laurels.



Brief description of the class: an extremely beautiful and original class, which, however, should not be confused with the canonical and “classic” RDD mage. This is not a magician, but a sorceress, a witch.

The Sorceress in Black Desert has an interesting and, one might say, atypical feature, namely the presence in her arsenal of a large number of melee attacks. And in general, the range of the Sorceress’s attacks is quite short compared to what would be expected from a “classical magician”, who is rumored to “shoot” meteors at very long distances.

This class has great potential, but is considered one of the most difficult to master, because The sorceress has a huge number of different skills and combo attacks, which are quite difficult to “deliver” at the right moment without appropriate preparation. She has control, AOE attacks, and single powerful spells. If you like the character, then by leveling up the Sorceress to level 56, you can get a luxurious awakened weapon - the Scythe, which will more than compensate for all the shortcomings and “roughness” of this class in Black Desert.

The Witch feels very good in PVP - the ability to quickly change her location can confuse the enemy, while the Sorceress will strike from the most unexpected direction. It is the Sorceress who can make an excellent pair for a duel with the practically invincible Archer; all other classes are most often easily inferior to the dark fury in a one-on-one battle.

However, Witches also have weak point- this is PVE. They have to farm painfully long and slowly, because... their attacks are not designed to quickly kill large “packs” of monsters. In addition, the low level of armor requires constant caution in battles with strong monsters, and the relatively small range does not allow you to evade attacks as successfully as the Archer can.

A variety of skill builds and ways to level up skills allow you to “customize” this class to suit your needs, choosing the style and combat tactics that suit a particular player.

Primary Weapon/Secondary Weapon/Awakened Weapon: Talisman/Amulet/Scythe

Type of attack: melee and ranged attacks (militiaman and ranger)

Overall impression of playing the Sorceress class in BlackDesert (based on my own experience, feedback and reviews): a beautiful class that delights with its flexibility, grace and excellent animation. Usually, if someone chooses the Sorceress as their main character, then he remains faithful to her. Although creating a Barbarian or Mystic as a twin for farming gold sometimes may not be the worst idea.

It is often said that the Sorceress suffers greatly as a class in PVE, but the use of mana pots, buffs and some special skills can practically eliminate this small drawback. In addition, with the appearance of the awakened Scythe in the hands of the Sorceress, this class begins to shine especially brightly, instantly dealing with even the most powerful monsters on the battlefield.

Who is the Witch suitable for?

  • connoisseurs of beautiful animation and stylish, harmonious characters;
  • for sophisticated players who prefer to “fly” their fingers over the keyboard buttons like a pianist, rather than endlessly press the same key;
  • advanced players who are able to appreciate the potential of a complex and interesting class.


We met the first five classes that will be available to players at the start of open beta testing of the Russian version of Black Desert. But that's not all! It's time to take a quick look at the classes that will appear on Russian servers in the foreseeable future. Please note that Russian-language names for these classes have not yet been announced. Guides will be added for all classes as they are implemented on the servers of the Russian publisher.

The first new class will be Ronin (Blader)- samurai of the world of Black Desert. The class uses a katana and boasts high efficiency in combat.

The next class after Blader will be Valkyrie- warrior girl with a sword and shield. This class is similar to the Warrior, but has a number of unique abilities, including support skills.

After Valkyrie we will meet the character Sakura (Mae-Wha). It will be a girl again. Mae-Wha is essentially a female version of Blader, but has a number of unique combat skills.

The next class update will be a duo Wizard And Witch. Despite the different names, at the moment the classes differ only by gender: Wizard is male, and Witch is female. These are classic elemental magicians who control the elements. Their weapon was the good old staff.

The long-awaited eleventh grade will be Kunoichi- ninja girl. This is a classic assassin with a dagger and a full range of all kinds of tricks and powerful ones, capable of becoming invisible. A noteworthy point: Kunoichi has two types of secondary weapons to choose from - kunai or shuriken.

Following Kunoichi will appear on the servers Ninja- a male version of Kunoichi with a number of unique skills. The class has not yet been officially introduced, but this will happen soon.

The list of classes doesn't end there. The developers are hatching plans and considering various options, for example, there is the possibility of a warrior with a two-handed sword or a gnome warrior. Previously, a screenshot of a male elf archer was shown. The developers will definitely surprise us, as they have done more than once!

Hello to regular readers and subscribers of our blog and to those who are here for the first time. We continue to share with you useful information about game Black Desert. Character classes and races are the topic of today's article.

Black Desert is an online RPG game that allows players to plunge into the late Middle Ages, and its creators have put a lot of effort into creating a unique atmosphere in it. The architecture and furnishings of the premises, the realities of social life, items of clothing and equipment, weapons - all elements of the game are selected with special care and in accordance with a given historical era.

From this article you will learn:

Character Races

The game universe of Black Desert is populated, for the most part, by people, which is explained by the presence of large cities and political organizations in the game. Characters belonging to the human race offer the player the widest choice of classes. However, this is far from the only possible option.

Elven settlements are located in the southern forests of Calpheon. Outwardly, they are practically no different from people - with the exception of pointed ears, tall stature and graceful physique. The contrast in this is incredible beautiful game They create, thanks to their harsh appearance, giants. They are almost twice the height of humans, and their powerful physique is impressive. Now representatives of the giant race are available only in male form.

It is impossible to predict with accuracy what other races will inhabit the game world of Black Desert at the time of the official release in Russia. According to unofficial data, hobbits, gnomes, and orcs may appear in it - it all depends on the game developers. In the meantime, we are ready to offer you a short guide to the classes in Black Desert that are already available to players or should appear in the near future.

Features of the class system and characteristics of classes

In concept original game there is a strong link between gender and race to the hero’s class: playing the role of, for example, a barbarian as a beautiful and stately lady will not work, since women have their own classes, and men have theirs. This approach has taken root in Korea, and it is likely that it will be used by Russian localizers as well. Each class has its own characteristics, ranging from a unique set of skills to differences in the passage of the game. And all these nuances are directly related to the race and gender of the character.

The world of Black Desert, limitless in its diversity, will allow each player to create a hero for themselves, who will fully correspond to your preferences in the game. Those who like furious and impetuous PvP battles, and those who feel more comfortable attacking enemy positions from a distance. The game has enough room for everyone: magicians, shooters, and lovers of bladed weapons.


The best option for fans of open confrontation. He cannot be called a classic damage dealer; he is more suitable for the role of a tank. Class Features:

  • The Warrior is not the easiest character to control.

The player will have access to a large number of combos and a wide selection of attacks, which complicates the battle tactics, but at the same time makes it more interesting.

  • Heavy armor and a shield guarantee a high level of protection.
  • The character cannot boast of good evasion skill, as a result of which he is not always able to evade enemy attacks.

The warrior belongs to the race of people. Having participated in many battles, he was able to achieve perfection in martial art. Thanks to his excellent tactical and physical training, he feels great in advanced positions, even in the most brutal confrontations. A warrior becomes an indispensable asset to any team. It cannot be called the most powerful class, but this disadvantage is fully compensated by its combat skills. When attacking the enemy, he not only delivers swift blows, but also successfully holds back the onslaught of the enemy, even if he is superior to the hero in strength. Thanks to this, warriors are able to occupy the most advantageous positions for battle, as well as control the course of the battle, often catching opponents by surprise.


A representative of the elven race, who, thanks to her unique skills, is one of the most dangerous characters for enemies. Its distinctive features:

  • Controlling this character cannot be called easy. Due to the game's non-target system, finding a target for a ranged attack becomes much more difficult.
  • The archer's light armor gives her virtually no protection. And her health reserves, compared to other classes, are quite low.
  • Combo attacks are quite simple, but very powerful.
  • The Archer has the best evasion skill in the game, which neutralizes low performance protection.
  • The character has the strongest attack compared to other classes.

Elves have lived in the lands of the Black Desert since time immemorial. They tend to live in harmony with nature, but, if necessary, these skilled archers are ready to be among the first to join the battle. The cute appearance of representatives of this class can be deceiving, since in fact they are capable of mercilessly destroying crowds of enemies. Using only a bow and arrow, the Archer keeps her opponent at a distance, avoiding direct confrontation. Add in a couple of moves that stun and paralyze enemies, and you have the perfect ranged warrior.

A Warrior or Giant, due to their physical strength, can easily defeat an Archer. But to do this, you must first catch up with her. Her grace and agility allow the elf to move quite quickly. And sharp arrows, fired right at the target, can cause fatal damage even to those with heavy armor.


A hero belonging to the race of giants. The character will appeal to those who like to destroy enemies without thinking too much about battle tactics.

  • Heavy armor provides the most powerful protection in the Black Desert gaming universe.
  • Thanks to easy combos, fast attacks and skills, the character is very easy to control.
  • The Barbarian deals the most damage compared to other classes.

Representatives of the ancient race of giants are wonderful warriors, outwardly reminiscent of people, but significantly superior to them in height and physical strength. The barbarian is a powerful and large fighter, capable of destroying opponents on an industrial scale. He rushes into the epicenter of the battle and knocks down everyone who gets in his way. This giant killer skillfully wields two heavy axes, dealing incredible damage to enemies, which, coupled with a variety of abilities, compensates for his slowness. To eliminate the Barbarian, you need to attack him in a group or aim at his weak points.


Another representative of the human race and one of the magical characters currently available in the game.

  • The most difficult character in the game.

To control the sorceress you will have to make a lot of effort. This can be explained by the large number of different combos and the constant need to move.

  • Low level of protection and light armor, which, however, is somewhat stronger than that of the Archer.
  • Brilliant ability to dodge enemy strikes.
  • Huge skill damage.

The mysterious Sorceress follows the teachings of ancient cults and therefore is an outcast in the human world. The character can be classified as a damage dealer, specializing in powerful attacks from long and close range. This is a universal fighter who uses secret knowledge in battles rather than brute physical strength. The ability to skillfully use magic spells does not prevent her from successfully participating in hand-to-hand combat. The sorceress draws magical energy from the sacred talismans that she carries in her arms. In the hands of a skilled player, this character can single-handedly eliminate an entire group of enemies.


A girl of Asian appearance, who uses a sharp blade and her faithful pet, the Twilight Lion, whom players affectionately call the dog, in battles.

  • Unlike traditional summoners from other games, Mystic is a supporter of her pet, and not the other way around.
  • The most durable class in the game due to its jumps, in which the Mystic is invulnerable.
  • Without a pet, the Mystic loses about 50% of the damage dealt.
  • It is quite weak in PvP: an incorrect balance between the characteristics of defense and attack can lead to loss.
  • Not the most difficult combos in the game, have an honors degree music school Piano class is clearly not required.

The life of mystics has always been surrounded by great mystery, but only they are subject to dark spirits. The character is a melee (melee) warrior. The furry assistant summoned by the Mystic is strong and useful in battle, thanks to a different arsenal of skills, but the hero himself is an incredibly fragile character, so it is necessary to avoid even the slightest mistakes in battle. The Mystic’s skill with his blade deserves special attention: it’s more like a mesmerizing dance than a dangerous combo that will lead to victory.


A character that is a loose variation on the samurai theme, also known as Blader. The main weapon is the traditional katana.

  • It's not easy to play with them because of the huge number of regular and hidden combos.
  • High attack speed and AoE skills allow him to cope with large groups of monsters.
  • Compared to the Giants, Ronin's defense is thin.
  • To use some skills, the Blader has to accumulate a special type of energy - rage (FP).

Cold-blooded, decisive - this is the description that those who have seen them can give to these sword masters, wandering through scattered kingdoms and destroying terrible monsters that do not give peaceful life to civilians. In addition to the katana, he can use an auxiliary weapon in the form of a short bow, and also has the ability to summon a fiery sword, which greatly increases Ronin's characteristics for a short time. In battle, his goal is specific and simple - to break in and cut out the enemy's front lines. In PvP 1x1, Blader is one of the most powerful classes, along with Valkyries and Sorceresses.


7th grade implemented in the game. A female version of the Warrior with a sword and shield, but with a number of unique skills, including support skills.

  • A small number of abilities, and, therefore, a very small number of possible combinations of skills.
  • Good indicators of both attack and defense.
  • Divine power instead of mana, which is easy to replenish.
  • Cannot dodge most spells.

No battle can take place without these glorious maidens. Predatory harpies are one of the most affectionate nicknames for Valkyries. They flutter among bloody battles, instilling terror in the hearts of their enemies, forcing them to flee the battlefield at breakneck speed. The beautiful warrior primarily focuses on blocking and dealing damage, but has several abilities to support her allies - a versatile warrior who will hold back monster attacks with a strong shield and deliver a devastating blow with a sword.

One more interesting feature– the circular vulnerability of the characters. Let's take the original four: warrior-archer-barbarian-sorceress. The Archer will easily win against the Sorceress, but lose to the Warrior and Barbarian due to their high armor. At the same time, the sorceress will outperform the warrior and barbarian due to her high damage. A warrior or barbarian can also win due to their parameters, catching up with an archer or sorceress. Thus, the main role in duels is played by straight arms and the quality of equipment on the character, which is not surprising.

Classes that will appear in the game later

Players will have the opportunity to evaluate the full Russian version of Black Desert in 2016. After the official release, the number of classes in the game will increase. And some new characters may appear in the game even at the general stage. There is no exact information about their number and names yet. But based on data from the developers, we can make a rough list of characters that may appear in the Black Desert gaming universe in the near future.

The Wizard is a male representative of the magician class in the Black Desert gaming universe. He is one of the most secret and anticipated characters. Presumably his main feature There will be an opportunity to use support abilities. Most likely, the Wizard will use a staff and area of ​​effect spells to attack. Unlike the sorceress, he will have to fight from a long distance due to his slow movement speed.

Sakura is essentially the female version of the samurai. This class recently appeared in the Korean version of the game and so far practically nothing is known about it. Presumably, this will be a girl who uses daggers and a samurai sword in battle.

Now you know a lot about classes and have probably already chosen the most suitable one for yourself. But no text can replace personal impressions of the game, so feel free to register and begin to receive these impressions.

That's all for today, look forward to a lot soon interesting guides by classes, events and more. To do this, subscribe to our newsletter and join our VKontakte group– we will organize parties and events. Bye everyone.

Black Desert Online, despite all its shortcomings, still attracts both new players and veterans who return to the project. Demanding requirements for hardware, bugs (but which MMORPG does not “suffer” from this?), localizer on the territory of the Russian Federation represented by the company 4Game, which is not particularly loved by the gaming community (however, you can already register directly with the developers themselves, as well as through Steam ), the endless grind of mobs and other unpleasant aspects scare off many. And yet, newcomers to this game come regularly. And if you launched BDO for the first time, a logical question arises: what class should you play?

Black Desert Classes at a Glance

First, it’s worth finding out who’s who in this game world. As of mid-2019 gaming classes as much as 18. Keep in mind that a character’s class is tied to his gender and race, so, for example, creating an elf wizard will not work.


Man-man. A knight clad in steel armor, armed with a sword and shield. But this is not a tank in the usual sense - the game developers abandoned the classic division of roles, so all classes in Black Desert are damage dealers, some with the ability to buff a teammate. The Warrior doesn’t have enough aggro skills – only one.

The warriors, “cut down” at the start of the MBT, found a second wind after the introduction. A huge two-handed sword helps to defeat an enemy of any difficulty, and a high level of protection makes the warrior a “tough nut to crack”, which many cannot overcome. Contrary to the prevailing stereotype, in the current meta it is one of the strongest classes, especially when farming high-end spots, but playing for it requires very direct hands and good knowledge of the equipment.


A teenage human girl traveling the world with her friend, a large and strong lion. This summoned companion not only helps to destroy mobs, but can also be used as a mount. With the death of the lion, the mystic's survival rate tends to zero. He uses a blade with a keychain hanging on it, and after awakening, the chanbon is a medium-length combat staff.

One of the fastest classes, which is ideal for farming so-called “fast” spots - places where mobs of medium difficulty gather. The Mystic's main drawback is his low health reserve, which a skilled player can compensate for with mobility. You can read more about the Mystic class in a separate section.


Elf woman. As in many other games, a class with an average HP reserve, but impressive damage. The main trump card is mobility. Keeping your opponents at a distance while showering them with a hail of arrows and dodging when they get too close is a principle that should guide every player. After awakening, the style of play changes dramatically. Now this is a militiaman, armed with a blade and a dagger. At the same time, the archer must remain mobile: the amount of armor is still small.

The archer is very mobile, since her effectiveness is very dependent on her position on the battlefield relative to opponents, including mobs. Thanks to its high attack speed, this is the best class for mounted combat: riding a top trotter, dressed in reinforced armor, the elf becomes even more mobile, which is very useful in mass PVP. You can read more about the Archer class in a separate section.


A man of the elven race. The only “pure” RDD that is in the game - even the Wizard or Sorceress can hit with a staff or dagger. The archer in the main stance uses a crossbow and harpoon, in the awakened one a longbow. While it has plenty of crowd control effects, it lacks grab and block. However, if you know how to kite, there is no need for such skills.

Has the longest range of damage of all BDO classes. Not very effective in close combat, but strong at medium and long range in both PVE and PVP.


Woman-human. A witch equipped with a talisman and amulet. After awakening, he becomes the true embodiment of death, picking up a scythe. The difficulty of playing this class is that you constantly have to use both stances - both the main one and the awakened one. This is offset by the ability to increase damage thanks to accumulated particles of darkness and increase the amount of XP at the expense of mana.

Due to the peculiarities of the skills of awakened weapons, the class is not suitable for some spots: for example, “spinner”, the most powerful skill, throws mobs into different sides. Note: for effective farming, you should collect a pack of monsters in reverse, in a heap, and kill them with the help of a couple of powerful abilities.


A giant man. A big guy armed with two huge axes, which he uses to chop up enemies with the speed of a meat grinder. Among the players it is considered best class for farming in Black Desert. Incredibly durable thanks to a large supply of health. Upon awakening, he receives a small hand cannon that he can fire and also use as a war hammer.

There are several types of grips and self-healing. Until recently, the Barbarian had the largest health reserve among all classes, so he was often used as a tank, including in mass PVP. You can read more about the Barbarian class in a separate section.


Woman-human. A class that can hardly be considered a paladin: warrior maidens are able to heal and buff their teammates. Like a warrior, she is armed with a sword and shield. He uses a spear as an awakened weapon, which alienated many of his followers from the class: without skins from the game store, it looks disgusting.

The class is extremely effective in mass PVP and farming top spots, where you need to resist mob attacks and quickly heal if necessary. In all other respects, Valkyrie is average. But she's pretty.

Sword Master

Man-man. A samurai with a katana, sometimes using a horn bow to shoot from afar. Representatives of this class focus on mobility and evasion. After awakening, he uses a glaive, which most players call an "oar".

Not very strong in PVP, but in PVE it is considered one of the best for farming any spots - both fast and requiring a little sweat. With a low attack level in PVP, one of the weakest classes.


Woman-human. "Samurai in a Skirt." From Sword Master to Awakening features several redesigned skills (weapons use the same) and animation: each blow is accompanied by falling sakura petals. After awakening, using the snake spear, he is very different from the sword master.

Not the most convenient of classes in terms of control, if you use skills not from the quick panel, but use combinations. “Average” in all respects, although it is well suited for farming difficult spots.


Man-man. A magician armed with a staff and dagger. The standard character model suspiciously resembles the famous Gandalf - a handsome, bearded old man in a robe and a pointed cap, which is why the Wizard is often called “Grandfather” from old memory.

With proper leveling, this class can become a full-fledged support: it will not only buff and heal squad members, but also resurrect the fallen. After awakening, he receives elemental spheres that strike the enemy with fire and ice. Due to the long cast of spells, the Wizard is weak in solo PVP but extremely effective in group PVP - from 2x2 to Wall to Wall formats.


Woman-human. Before awakening, he is no different from a magician in any way except his gender. As an awakened weapon, he uses spheres of nature that help control the elements of earth and electricity. Like a wizard, she is capable of summoning golems that protect from opponents or attack the selected target.

In terms of effectiveness, it is no different from the Wizard: good for farming fast spots and mass PVP, but weak in a one-on-one fight. You can read more about the Sorceress class in a separate section.


Man-man. A stealthy assassin equipped with a blade as his primary weapon and a kunai or shuriken as his secondary weapon. The first is used for short-range attacks, the second for long-range ones. The advantage of this class is invisibility, and a powerful blow from invisibility can crush any enemy. After awakening, he uses Asura blades. In this case, the total number of swords, daggers and other weapons reaches five units.

One of the best classes for solo PVP: it's hard to fight someone you can't see. Not bad for farming fast spots, but useless in mass batches.


Woman-human. Before awakening, this is almost a complete analogue of the previous class. As an awakened weapon, he uses a chakram - a large ring with a sharp edge. If you decide to play this class, be prepared for jokes from your friends about the hula hoop and its inappropriate use.

Also quite good in solo PVP, but slightly inferior to Ninja. Like its male counterpart, it is almost useless in a mass fight, except for the covert killing of single targets.

Dark Knight

The woman is an elf. Yes, not a simple elf, but a dark one. The most “fresh” class, which has not yet been nerfed. But this will definitely happen, as it happened with previous classes. He uses a craig-messer, a curved two-handed sword with a one-sided sharpening, as well as special elven magic. These abilities help not only deal damage, but also replenish health and mana. Experienced players claim that this class takes a little from each of the above. As an awakened weapon, he uses Vediant, an artifact that allows him to control a pair of ghostly blades.

By efficiency Dark Knight versatile and above average in all areas: both mob farming and different types PVP. The class is frankly weak against melee fighters: it deals additional damage with magic, and those who have an innate immunity against it.


Man-man. Hand-to-hand fighter, equipped as expected: combat gloves, bracelets and bracers. Despite several attempts at nerfing by the developers, with equal weight it continues to bend everyone and everything in any type of PVP - whether one-on-one, in the arena or during a siege. Not top in PVE, but also very good.

At the same time, the class is considered a “two-button” one: although it has complex combinations, it is enough to learn even a few effective techniques to play more or less comfortably. Striker will not appeal to those who like to overcome difficulties by learning scales for the “piano”, which is required by playing for some other classes.


Almost a complete analogue of Striker of the opposite sex at the start, brutally nerfed by the developers after several patches. Inferior in all respects in terms of PVP, but in PVE it is almost at the same level.

For this reason, it is not difficult to get enhanced equipment for the Fury: benders, who were previously quite satisfied with this class, after all these changes are looking for another imba in order to win without unnecessary movements.


The only class in the game that can fly. It would be more accurate to soar, but quickly and for a considerable distance. This makes Lan extremely maneuverable and effective in solo PVP: not a single enemy will run away from her, and in case of danger, no one will catch up with her.

As his main weapon he uses the Pendulum - a blade of a specific shape on a long silk ribbon. The length of the tape allows you to capture the enemy at medium distance - no one else can do this. As an additional weapon, he uses the Ancient Sword, which he sometimes uses, and fights with two large sabers in the awakened stance. The class in the current meta is one of the best for farming mobs of any kind.


A girl, a representative of the Shai, a child-like race. They look like gnomes from Lineage II - just as tiny and cute. Their behavior is no different from that of children - they are just as funny and noisy. As his main weapon he uses a boomerang, which hits targets at medium distance, and a flashlight, used to apply buffs and healing. In the awakened stance, this is a classic bard who applies very powerful buffs and debuffs, does a little damage, and also heals his teammates. The only full-fledged support in the game.

The class is generally “no use” in PVP, since in this mode the damage is significantly reduced. Not bad in PVE, since with sufficient armor thickness, not a single Shai mob can penetrate. Not a bad class for beginners, as it is easy to learn and has the highest carrying capacity and HP compared to the others. Can be used as an artisan: already at the start, any Shai’s collection and alchemy are pumped up to Expert 1 level. An ideal class for farming resources, since you can carry a lot of them in your inventory.

Which class is better to play in Black Desert Online?

There is no clear answer as to which class is better: debates on this matter continue and will continue as long as the project exists. Despite the prevailing stereotypes about the “imbo” nature of strikers and archers, and the absolute inability of mystics to PVP, one of the prizes at the first Arena Arshi tournament was taken by a mystic, and archers did not make it into the top three at all. Unlike many MMORPGs, where “direct hands decide”, in Black Desert the effectiveness of a character greatly depends on his character. Success in improving equipment is largely influenced by luck, so the process sometimes turns into a real “dance with a tambourine.”

When creating a character, do not listen to any advisers: it is better to study the class you like well than to play mediocrely with a dubious “imba”. Yes, for the game to be enjoyable, the character and his skills must be liked - first of all, by his owner. You will have to sit in front of the monitor, destroying thousands of mobs, in order to level up to the desired level, for more than a dozen hours. It's better to do it with pleasure, isn't it?
