Classic legendary cards. Good legendary Expeditions to Un'Goro

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This article is a translation and the site editors may not agree with the ratings!

One of the most interesting news last days was the announcement of four new cards that will be added to the Classic Set next month. This innovation is due to the departure of several class cards to the Hall of Fame, which puts the classes in an unequal position relative to each other (in particular, the Mage lost two whole cards from the Classic set). You can read more about the upcoming changes .

New maps will remain in Standard mode forever. How relevant are they at the moment and do they have potential in the future?

Tome of Intellect

Tome of Intellect will take the place of the Ice Spear spell.

Tome of Intellect- This is a chatty book without characteristics. A 1/1 creature isn't that strong, but it's stats are what kept Chatty Book on the ladder. Another card that Tome of Intellect is similar to is Petroglyph, but unlike the new spell, it allows you to dig up a card instead of getting it randomly. In addition, the resulting spell is reduced in cost by 2 mana crystals, which not only makes Petroglyph an extremely mana-efficient solution, but also gives you the opportunity to effectively distribute the costs of expensive spells over several turns.

The new card is essentially a weakened version of these two old cards. Why put such a source of resources in the deck if you can use another one instead? good spell? A random spell will already be bad at medium distance, and the need to pay 1 unit for it. mana only makes it worse. In this light, it is worth mentioning the presence of such a card as Changeling Scroll, which does not require any mana costs.

The Tome of Intellect also has a couple of positive aspects. Firstly, this is a cheap spell, and Mage is famous for its synergies with such cards. And yet, the Mage already has many other spells for 1 mana crystal, which the Tome of Intellect is inferior to by a large lag. Even in the Classic set there are two such cards: Mirror Copies and Arcane Arrows. Secondly, spells that weren't in your deck at the start of the match are important for the Mage's Quest. After the Tome of the Conspirator and the Chatty Book left Standard mode, this archetype has a problem getting six extra spells, and the Tome of Intellect can help solve it. However, at the moment Quest Mage is extremely bad, and it is unlikely new map can breathe life into this deck

Rating: 2/10


Theft will take the place of the Disguise spell.

Apparently, the developers decided to touch on the Rogue theme on theft in the Classic set (some players expected to see the Thief spell replacing Disguise). This card is very similar to the previous one: it is an inferior version of the other two cards in its class, namely Rogue Pirate and Illusion. The first of these, like Chatty Book, gained popularity due to its stats, especially since Rogue can effectively use small minions to trade alongside Hero Power or as targets for Cold Blood. Another card, Illusion, was present in Miracle Rogue builds for a while, as the low cost of this spell (albeit not the most useful) allowed it to be used as a combo activator or for card draw with the help of Goblin Auctioneer. It is worth noting that cards from other classes have synergy with Tess Greymane and Spectral Saber, however, compared to Heist, Valeera has more effective ways receiving such cards.

As with the Mage card, the cost of 1 mana crystal allows you to use Steal as part of the class synergies that are also relevant for Illusion. However, the elements of choice in one case and chance in the other make these 2 cards strikingly different from each other. That said, even excavation often offers 2 bad choices out of three, imagine how many times you'll see useless cards when casting a new spell. Like Tome of Intellect, Heist gains 1 extra point for having synergies, but the overall score remains the same.

Rating: 2/10

Call of the Void

Call of the Void will take the place of the Overwhelming Power spell.

If the first two cards have at least some meaning, this one has none at all. A warlock cannot gain any benefit from either cheap spells or random cards. If the first 2 spells can bring at least some benefit to their classes (even the most insignificant), Call of the Abyss cannot boast of this. This card can only be useful for beginners who do not yet have some expensive demons, although even in this case the new spell looks rather dubious.

The only advice I can give about this card is: don't even think about using it in your deck, even if it's entirely built around demons. Random demons will very often be bad and you have no control over that, so just use good demons from your collection instead of this spell.

Rating: 1/10


Icicle will take the place of the Ice Block spell.

This card is the best among those presented, or rather, the best of the worst. If it could damage an enemy hero, then it would make at least some sense. As presented, it is extremely mediocre. Two units of damage to a creature are not worth two mana crystals. This effect doesn’t even cost a unit of mana: a unit of mana is 2 units. damage to any character (Arcane Shot or Divine Smite) or 2 units. damage to a creature with an additional effect (Arcane Blast or Breath of Sindragosa). And the additional effect of the Icicle should not raise the cost of 2 units in any way. Damage to a creature up to 2 mana crystals.

If Icicle allowed you to take a card from the deck without any additional conditions, then it would be very strong, but it would unlikely break the balance of the game. In this form, it would be similar to a Poison Shot, dealing 1 damage. more damage, but only to creatures on the table. However, Icicle requires an additional effect to be performed: the target must be frozen. Not any enemy creature, but precisely the target of this spell. And this big problem. You should either have a creature that can freeze an enemy creature without killing it, or a spell that you can combine Icicle with in one turn. For example, a combination with Frostbolt will deal 5 damage. damage for 4 mana crystals with a total cost of 1 card. Icicle's effect is extremely situational, even if you're playing a deck full of freeze effects.

Even if a card like Chill Spirit, a great 3/4 for 3 mana that lets you draw a card if ANY of the enemy characters are frozen, has absolutely no use, what chance does a new spell have? Icicle looks slightly better than the other three cards, but even this is not enough to get an extra point towards the score.

Rating: 2.5/10


On the one hand, it is absolutely correct that the developers did not make the new cards too strong. After all, the emergence of the Hall of Fame was precisely to rid the Classic set of too strong, problematic or popular cards. The new cards clearly don't fall into either of these categories.

On the other hand, these cards could still be a little stronger or at least have some distinctive feature. It is always acceptable to have weak cards in the game, but it is better when such cards have some interesting effect that could compensate for their weakness in the eyes of players who are not as interested in winning as in enjoying the game. It's clear that the developers didn't want to take any risks when creating these maps, but they may have gone a little overboard in this endeavor, creating maps that are not only weak, but also quite boring.

Questions and answers

    Hearthstone is a free computer strategy card game that everyone will enjoy. Players begin by choosing one of nine iconic characters Warcraft universe, and then take turns playing cards from that character's deck, which includes the heroes' powerful spells, abilities, and weapons, or summoning powerful allies to fight the enemy.

    Not at all! Game Hearthstone created in such a way that anyone can play it, regardless of knowledge about collectibles card games oh and oh world of Warcraft. Everything can be learned as you play.

    Hearthstone can currently be played on Windows®, Mac®, iPad, Android and Windows 8 tablets, as well as iOS and Android smartphones.

    Download Hearthstone via iTunes®.

    Download Hearthstone via Google Play or Amazon Appstore for Android.

    Certainly! You can play and chat with all your friends on the Blizzard network (both BattleTag and Real Name friends). You will only be able to chat with those on your friends list. But for basic communication during a fight, you have different emotions at your disposal.

    You don't need a Blizzard account to download the game, but you will be prompted to create one after you complete the introductory missions. If you already have a Blizzard account, you can log in with it when you launch the game.

    For a complete list of platforms that Hearthstone is supported on (and how much space the game takes up on them), see the support article System Requirements.

    Yes. You enter the game with your account Blizzard, and your collection is independent of what platform you play on.

    Yes. Hearthstone connects to Blizzard platform over Wi-Fi or over 3G cellular if your device is connected to it.

    Yes, you can use the same Authenticator that is already assigned to your Blizzard account.

    Shopping with mobile devices are paid using the payment method assigned to your Apple recording, Google or Amazon (not the one registered with Blizzard).

    All purchases you make in Hearthstone on your smartphone or tablet are automatically paid using the payment method assigned to your Apple, Google, or Amazon account (not the one registered with Blizzard). If you want to pay from Blizzard Wallet, log into the game on a PC or Mac. Purchases made on PC and Mac are synced with mobile devices.

Since Hearthstone is a collectible card game, collect complete collection is one of the main achievements for a Hearthstone player. And collecting a complete gold collection is a remarkable achievement (especially if you haven't spent a dime on the game).

Let's start with counting dust, and how many boosters you need to open to get the entire collection.

Let's look at what cards are in Hearthstone:

Booster "Classic"

Booster "Goblins vs. Dwarves"

How many packs do you need to get to complete the collection? Here is the calculation without taking into account dust:

To collect the full regular Classic collection, you need to open 446 boosters (±34 boosters).

To collect the full “Classic” gold collection, you need to open 2260 boosters (±79 boosters).

To collect a complete collection of regular and gold cards from Goblins vs. Dwarves, you need to open 2178 booster packs (±93 boosters).

To collect the full regular Goblins vs. Dwarves collection, you need to open 278 boosters (+32 boosters).

To collect the complete gold collection “Goblins vs. Dwarves”, you need to open 1316 boosters (±75 boosters).

To collect a complete collection of regular and gold cards from Goblins vs. Dwarves, you need to open 1414 booster packs (±71 booster packs).

Naturally, no one will play 2000 arenas to get a gold collection (it takes 2 years, 3-4 arenas per day). There are several ways to get gold cards:

  • Since August 2015, you can get gold cards and dust by reaching high positions in the ladder (game mode).
  • Gold cards can be obtained as a reward by completing the arena with 8-12 victories.
  • Receipts from boosters (which you buy for gold or at the end of the arena).
  • Craft from dust.
  • A booster as a reward for winning the first brawl.

Chances of receiving cards from booster packs.

Booster "Classic"

Rarity Frequency of regular cards Gold Card Frequency
Regular 3.5 cards in a booster pack
Rare 1.06 cards per pack 1 card in every 14-15 booster pack
Epic 1 cara in every 4-5 booster pack 1 card in every 80 booster pack
Legendary 1 card in every 18-19 booster pack 1 card in every 180 booster pack

Statistics based on 11,359 Classic booster packs opened since beta. Chance to open at least 1 gold card: 1 gold card in every 6 booster packs.

Booster "Goblins and Dwarves"

Rarity Frequency of regular cards Gold Card Frequency
Regular 3.48 cards per pack 1 card in every 13-14 booster pack
Rare 1.16 cards per pack 1 card in every 13 booster pack
Epic 1 card in 4-5 booster pack 1 card in every 80 booster pack
Legendary 1 card in every 18 booster pack 1 card in every 282 booster pack

Statistics based on 847 booster packs opened. Therefore, statistics on golden legendary cards may be erroneous, it is better to focus on the chance, like from a classic booster. Chance to open at least 1 gold card: 1 gold card in every 6 booster packs.

Queue to create maps.

First of all, you will need to create a simple collection of cards. I recommend spending dust on creating only legendary cards. Regular and rare cards you'll get pretty quickly: 97±8 boosters for Classic and 46±7 boosters for GvG. Therefore, there is no need to create common and rare cards.

After all the useful legendary cards will be created, I advise you to switch to epic. Only after this can you complete the non-golden collection and create the missing cards.

The gold collection should also begin with the creation of legendary cards, and gradually move down to ordinary gold cards.

If your goal is to collect a complete collection, then you shouldn’t collect dust on the cards. The exception is extra cards (a collection can contain 2 common, rare and epic cards and 1 legendary). It is thanks to the extra cards that you can quickly collect dust to create cards.

Hello, dear readers of the hs-manacost portal!

This article is intended for Hearthstone players who are unsure whether to create this or that legendary card. Today we will tell you which cards are worthy of adding to your collection, and which, alas, are not. The authorship of this guide belongs to a veteran of card games Roofle , who has been interested in Hearthstone since closed beta. In the present, he spends his time having fun in ranked mode or earning gold in the Arena (a free-to-play player, by the way). Roffle has achieved a lot in the field of Free format tournaments and is regularly among its best players.

Deciding which Legendary cards are worth making and which are not is always a challenge for both new and experienced players. If you craft legendary card, and it shows itself worse than you expected, then by spraying it, you will return only a quarter of its cost. This guide will help you not waste an extra 1600 dust. You will learn which “legendaries” should be created first, based on their effectiveness and the time allotted to them before rotation. For each game add-on, we have selected the best and simply good legendary cards that are worth your attention.

Please note that this article is aimed primarily at Standard players. The strength of a card may vary depending on the format in which it is played due to additional features for synergies.

Strategy for creating legendary cards inHearthstone

When choosing what to spend your dust on, you must take into account both the power of the card and its class. Neutral legendary cards will be able to enter larger number decks, which increases their priority. However, like everyone else class cards, such “legendaries” are usually stronger and have synergy with other class cards.

Card categories

The best cards to create are neutral “legendaries” that are played in different decks, or class legendary cards that you simply cannot do without. Good cards to create are technical cards that are flexible to include in a deck, or simply cards whose occurrence depends on the current meta.

In general, it is obvious that the best legendary cards listed in the article take precedence over good, unless you need a specific card for the deck you're planning to create.

Card sets

In terms of annual rotation, the best investment for your dust will certainly be a legendary card from Classic set . Unless they plan to move her to the Hall of Fame, she will always play in the Standard format. But even if the link does happen, the dust for it will be returned.

Classic set

This is the key set in the game. The first of the Hearthstone sets still boasts the strongest “legendaries”. And the annual rotation is not scary for them.

Best Legendary Cards from the Classic Set


– the combination with the Dragon Queen has been played since the birth of Hearthstone. The ability to knock off half of your opponent's health or save yourself from lethal damage the next turn makes Alexstrasza a desirable addition to any player's collection.

Example of use: Freeze Mage is an archetype that has been played from the very beginning and has not lost its power to this day.

Blood Mage Thalnos – it cannot be called the brightest legendary card, but it has always been taken into the deck more willingly than many others. Any deck with some spell pool will be able to benefit from this card.

Example of use: Miracle Rogue - the most recognizable archetype of the class is not going to disappear.

Leeroy Jenkins – an effective neutral Fireball for 5 mana. Leeroy has always been best friend aggro decks, because a strong creature with a dash is an excellent finisher.

Example of use: Pirate Warrior is one of the representatives of aggro decks in ranked mode.


Archmage Antonidas
- an incredibly powerful card, history includes very few Mage archetypes in which Antonidas did not find use. The ability to create Fireballs out of thin air - a unique mechanic due to which the card will never lose its relevance.

Example of use: Secret Mage is a deck that replaced Tempo Mage in the Standard format.

Edwin van Cleiff – almost every Rogue sooner or later makes a move, playing immediately large number cards, allowing Edwin van Clyffe to maximize his potential. Even relatively small in characteristics, at the early stage of the game it can ensure victory

Example of use: Miracle Rogue has been an integral archetype of this class throughout Hearthstone history.

Tirion Fordring – Paladin is famous for its strongest legendary cards, and it all started with Tyrion. For its 8 mana, the card gives the player such an advantage that it can increase the win rate of any Uther deck.

Example of use: Murloc Paladin - this midrange deck is one of the best currently available.

Good legendary cards from the Classic set


Harrison Jones
– when there are too many weapons in the meta, this card becomes an integral part of many decks. However, the fact is that this technical map, means you can't count on Harrison to be effective all the time since his power is meta dependent.

Cairn Bloodhoof – a solid creature with a very problematic death rattle for the opponent. But this is not to say that the card is truly irreplaceable.

Black Knight – the map has had its ups and downs throughout the history of the game. As long as there are decks with powerful taunts in the meta, the Black Knight will find its purpose, but even in such times, any card with a silencing effect can take over its function.

is a powerful creature that will find a place in decks that prefer to have a contingency plan or can bring it to the table in an indirect way. Deathwing is rarely a must-have in top decks, making it less important than other Legendaries.

Ysera is the best neutral card generator in the Classic set, making her an honorary guest in slower control archetypes. When there is aggression in the meta, Ysera's slowness makes her a prime candidate for exclusion from a build.

Captain Zelenyams great card for Pirate decks. But his attachment to one archetype makes him not a reliable card for crafting.


Lord Jaraxxus
– without a doubt, control of the Warlock archetypes is at the core of the core. Another thing is that control options of the class are not always more effective in the meta than its Zoo builds, which makes Jaraxxus not such a reliable card to create.

Grommash Hellscream – When there is a way to activate its effect, Grommash can act as an excellent finisher. Lately, Warrior has been choosing to play more aggressively and find lethal damage before Grommash can hit the board.

Mammoth Year Sets (2017)

This year is presented Expedition to Un'Goro, Knights of the Frozen Throne and a yet-to-be-released expansion. All of them will leave Standard after rotation in 2019.

Best Un'Goro Expedition Legendary Cards


Pioneer Eliza – another conditional map generator, slightly more popular than Eliza’s predecessor. Almost any slow archetype will find a use for her set of cards.

Usage example: Kazakus Priest is one of the strongest control decks in the current meta.


Sun Guardian Tarim
- may be the strongest “legendary” of the Paladin, and almost all of them are incredibly powerful. The card's flexibility allows you to neutralize your opponent's strong creatures or strengthen your own. If you love playing as Uther, you'll need it.

Example of use: Midrange Murloc Paladin – continues to be one of the top decks in the meta.

Lyra Sun Shard – a more consistent and easier to control map than Yogg-Saron, Lyra has the ability to get you out of a seemingly hopeless situation. This legendary elemental can always count on a place in a Priest deck with enough spells.

Usage example: Silenced Priest - who would have thought that Purify would ever play in a good deck? But after the release of Expedition to Un'Goro, Dark Visions and the Giant Razorblade made this possible.

Sherazin – a victim of ridicule at the beginning, Sherazin is, in fact, exactly what Miracle the Rogue needed. A creature that can come to life at the right moment leaves more room for spells in the deck. The card is definitely worth the money spent.

Example Deck: Miracle Rogue is an incredibly customizable deck that can go slower or faster when needed.

Heart of the Fire Crown – a card that gave life to the Warrior with a huge number of provocations. If you're missing Ragnaros, this card can replace him.

Example of use: Quest Warrior is a powerful deck that survives the enemy’s onslaught thanks to provocations and destroys him with the power of Ragnaros.

Good legendary Expeditions to Un'Goro


Kalimos the Primordial
– the logical conclusion of a powerful chain of elementals, available to Thrall. Kalimos is capable of clearing your opponent's board, stabilizing health, saturating your own board, or finishing off your opponent. Recommended to everyone who is partial to the spirits of the elements.

Piros – a creature that looks good in Tempo and Control Mage builds. However, an optional card for decks at the top of the rankings.

Connecting spiral – like other tasks, requires that the entire deck be built around it. Playing builds with this challenge is incredibly fun, but they often end up being uncompetitive.

The best legendary cards of the Knights of the Frozen Throne


Lich King – an example of a legendary card like Ragnaros And Dr. Boom. Can work well in almost any deck. Possibly the safest investment for your dust.

Usage example: Big Priest is a deck full of tricks that can turn the tide of the game.


Dark Reaper Anduin
– accepting the Lich King’s gift gives the Priest a chance to change the course of the game one turn before inevitable death. Even without Raza the Captive, using a hero power multiple times in a turn will push opponents' Token away or hasten the demise of the enemy hero. If you're a Priest fan, you've probably already created this card long before reading this article.

Example of use: Kazakus Priest - Dark Reaper Anduin fits well into both this deck and Big Priest. The main thing is not to destroy your own creatures!

Malfurion the Malefic – the card gives the Druid a chance to survive in a battle with decks to which he usually lost hopelessly. The versatility of both Warcry and Hero Power makes this Death Knight one of the best.

Example of use: Token Druid is a strong deck that hopes to flood the board with taunts and then reinforce them with Tough Marauder.

Bloodsucker Gul'dan – no one will argue with how powerful N’Zoth’s battle cry is. This card has a similar effect with the ideal Hero Power for a slow Warlock deck.

Example of use: Control Warlock - the triumphant return of Handlock with new tricks and a slight change of image.

Good legendary cards of the Knights of the Frozen Throne


Death Stalker Rexxar
– his battle cry is essentially the AoE that Hunter lacked so much against fast decks. In matchups with slow opponents, the new hero power will help overcome opponents who were not afraid of True Shot due to the ability to heal or accumulate armor.

Ice Lich Jaina – the card has potential, but not as high as the Death Knights listed above. It costs dust, but only after higher priority cards appear in your collection.

Deathseer Thrall The updated Thrall synergizes perfectly with the currently most common Shaman plan for victory. New power hero allows you not to give up positions in more late game. However, the decks it is designed for can play well without it.

Uther the Black Blade Even if a combo through a hero power is almost impossible, it’s still a good card. But the power of other Paladin legendary cards dwarfs Uther the Ebon Blade, and he simply doesn't have enough room in the deck.

Year of the Kraken Sets (2016)

The year is represented by Awakening of the Ancient Gods and Gadgetzan, the city of evil (there is also a Party in Karazhan, but this is an adventure). They will leave the Standard format in the spring of 2018.

The best legendary cards of Awakening of the Ancient Gods


N'Zoth – the death rattle is a very strong mechanic in itself. The ability to resurrect your fallen minions with the Deathrattle and create a board out of thin air makes N'Zoth an extremely powerful card.

Usage example: N'Zoth Control Warrior - A sea of ​​removal with the ability to resurrect most minions in the endgame makes this deck a force to be reckoned with.


Fendral Staghelm
– playing Gift of Nature with Fandral on the table can be a sufficient condition for victory. Even banal Wrath will sparkle under the influence of this card with completely new colors, which is already enough to craft Fendral.

Example of use: Jade Druid is a very strong deck in which golems grow by leaps and bounds.

Ragnaros Servant of Light - a massive creature that heals for 8 every turn sounds good. You won't see it in every Paladin deck, but it's still a safe investment for dust.

Example of use: Control Paladin - the deck has enough board clearing and healing tools to be a tough nut to crack for aggressive decks.

Good legendary cards of Awakening of the Ancient Gods


you can have fun with it on decks from the middle rating lists, but the uncontrollability of the effect makes the card unstable.

Yogg-Saron – the card painfully survived the nerf, but even after that it could be found in some top decks. He can work miracles, but he is still extremely inconsistent.

Best Legendary Cards of Gadgetzan's City of Gadgetzan


Pirate Eye
– Pirate Eye, who has been terrorizing the meta since the release of the expansion, is incredibly powerful, and Pirate decks largely owe their triumph to him. One of best cards additions, despite the fact that it only plays in certain archetypes and requires the presence of pirates in decks.

Example of use: Shaman on evolution - the essence of the deck is to quickly flood the board with cheap creatures, turn them into something more threatening and finish off the opponent with Bloodlust.

Aya Blackpaw - not completely neutral, but a great card for at least one of the three possible classes. The Jade Golem mechanic is very strong, and Aya is an integral part of it.

Example of use: Jade Druid is one of the strongest decks in the game, a killer of slow archetypes. Can compete with the newfangled Druids with the Creeping Plague.


Senopal Ogneus It's no surprise to see the legendary Paladin card among the best again. Senopal Ogneus is a strong tool for containing aggro decks, and can always count on a place in Uther's deck in an aggressive meta.

Usage example: Control Paladin is, as already mentioned, a difficult prey for an aggressive opponent.

Good legendary cards of Gadgetzan's Vivid City


for some time a constant companion of murloc decks, but with the advent of new options, the card ceased to be indispensable.

Kazakus still a frequently seen card, but Kazakus certainly lost a lot with Reno Jackson's departure to Wild. Still, a worthy investment for your dust.


Raza the Captive
strong card, but, as in the case of Kazakus, he loses a lot without Reno Jackson. Suitable only for highly specialized assemblies.

Shaku the Gatherer - An excellent utility card, but not comparable to other legendaries in terms of strength. Shaku can be easily replaced, and the deck won't lose much from it.

Thanks for reading! The hs-manacost team wishes you success and more legendary cards.

Translation Simurgh, editedLeckermaul, designed Garona
