Spiderman card game. Spider Solitaire Strategy and Rules

In the yard it comes to robberies of the youngest by the elders ...
Who thinks about this?

P.S. We have 150 cards. There are couples. We can change.

I think that your aforementioned concern does not fit somehow with the one described below. :)

Explain what I meant concern? I stated a fact. A fact that, in my opinion, is worthy of discussion. And it's not about robberies.

I do not hide the fact that I am also interested in cards, because I care about my son's hobbies.

And I would advise you to look for inconsistencies in your own posts.

In addition, it would be great to perceive at least a little humor, otherwise Zadorny's catchphrases involuntarily pop up in my memory ...


Explain what I meant concern? I stated a fact. A fact that, in my opinion, is worthy of discussion. And it's not about robbery.

Concern? In the fact that, on the one hand, it comes to robberies, and on the other hand, you yourself encourage this (not robberies, but the hobby itself)

Besides, it would be nice to have a little sense of humor,

So I also put a smiley face, didn't you notice?

otherwise Zadorny's catch phrases involuntarily pop up in my memory ...

Well, yes, the mentality has changed, the priests have been fooled and all that. :)

Alex * $ *, nothing personal, do not take it so personally, I answered you without any malicious intent. I myself went through such crazyness with my son. True, no robberies :)

I perceive everything adequately (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) I just don't really like it distinguishing feature this forum - to distort the author's words, to look for a catch and inconsistencies in something instead of discussing the topic. Sometimes it's cool, but only sometimes.

P.S. Yesterday I walked in the yard. One of the boys saw some kind of mega-cool card from his son ... the whole evening was in the blink of an eye ..... half the class walked behind us shouting "Uncle, uncle, change the Outcast for us for one, two, ten cards."

rules of the game on the cards "spider-man heroes and villains"

The game is played by 2 or more people. Can
use as many cards as you like. Than them
less, the faster the game will end.

The players share the cards equally. The loser is the one who has no

You can pre-negotiate the number of rounds,
after which the winner will have
most cards.

1. Choose a leader: he will shuffle the cards
and divide them equally among the players. Extra
put the cards aside. Keep your
cards so that no one but you can see them.

2. The player to the left of the leader goes first.
He looks at his top card and out loud
names the highest score of all categories,

3. The player with the highest
score in any of the categories wins the round.
The winner takes cards from other players
and puts them under his deck. Next
round, the winner of the previous round goes first.

4. If two or more maps points the highest
scores match, playoffs are held. Player,
who started this round draws the next
count a card from your deck. All cards
goes to whoever wins the playoffs.

5. The player who was left empty-handed,
out of the card battle. wins
the one who managed to collect all the cards.

Mystery card battle or blind battle

The game is played by 2 or more people. They have
must have at least three cards in hand.

1. Set aside bonus cards.
Choose a leader who will distribute to everyone
the same number of cards. Cards
must be face down so that the players
didn't see their categories.

2. Participants evaluate cards by symbols
heroism, villainy and danger. Player left
from the leader calls out loud the maximum
the meaning of one of the symbols of your card,
For example: . The rest are pulling out
one card from your deck at random and
name the maximum number of characters
in the named category.

3. Whoever has the most wins the round
characters. The winner takes the cards of others
players and puts it in his deck. If quantity
characters of the players matches, counts
draw. The players shift their cards,
who participated in the round, under the deck.

4. Players take turns. The game continues until
until one player collects all the cards.

Elementary school students overcame a real boom in collecting these cards.

This is fine. Each generation has its own hobbies. Something similar happened in my time, only we collected chewing gum inserts. And they played the same way, only the rules of the game were slightly different - sleight of hand was important there. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
Soon the fashion will pass as quickly as it began. It remains feasible to participate in the son's hobbies.

The same shiz and my tomboy. Worn with them like a chicken and an egg.
He asked me how to play this card. I searched on the Internet. Found the above nonsense. So I made up my own rules.
Number of participants - more than 1 person.
An equal number of cards are dealt into hands.
Bonus cards are delayed.
Any (by lot) of the players starts the round.
Names any, at its discretion, the parameter of the characters. BLIND! He pulls a card from the top of his deck and turns it over.
The rest of the players also turn over their top card. The one with the highest score wins.
The winner takes all the cards of the game.

For the first time, the computer version of Spider Solitaire was released in an additional package introduced by Microsoft with Windows 98. The game became popular among users, and remains so to this day. Solitaire has three difficulty levels, selectable at the start of the game. Many developers create their own versions of the Spider, some of which are unique.

Purpose of the game

The goal of Spider Solitaire is to arrange all the cards in order from king to ace within the same suit. Once one set is complete, such as King to Ace of Clubs, it is removed from the table. When all cards are playing field collected, the game is won.

Spider solitaire layout

Solitaire is played with two decks of 52 cards each. At the very beginning, 54 cards are dealt, which are laid out in 10 rows, the first 4 of which contain 6 cards, and the other six - 5 cards each. The top of each row is turned face down, the cards at the bottom are face down. The rest of the deck is located at the bottom right of the game window.

Available moves

A card can always be transferred to one that is one rank higher. For example, you can put 7 clubs on 8 clubs, 8 hearts, 8 diamonds or 8 spades. Keep in mind that although different suits can be stacked on top of each other, however, the final set must belong to one. Unsuited combinations collected from king to ace will remain on the gaming table.

In the case when the folded sequence contains one suit, it can be moved all at once. For example, you have 8, 7 and 6 of clubs. By taking an 8, you can move all three to a free nine of any suit. If the cards different stripes, only the top one can be moved.

When part of the playing field was left empty (after resetting the collected row, moving last card etc.), any card and suited sequence can be transferred to it.

Distribution of additional cards

In the absence of the ability to new move, you must click on the deck located at the bottom right. 10 new cards will be added to the field, one in each row. Try to make sure that there really are no moves. The deal will not happen if there are empty rows on the field. In this case, you should shift any card or set of the same suit to an empty place, and then deal.


At the beginning of the game, the player receives 500 points. One point is deducted for each move. For each suit collected, 100 points are added. For example, if in 70 moves you have collected 4 full suits, then your result will be 500-70 + 3 * 100, which equals 730 points.

. How to play Spider-Man Heroes and Villains cards?

1. Distribute the cards to the players equally. Each player turns the top card from their pile face up.
2. The first player chooses the category with the highest score on the card and names it.
3. The second player finds the named category on his card and reads the number of points opposite it.
4. The first player has more points. He wins the round, takes both cards and puts them under the pile.
The goal of the game is to win all the cards from your opponent!

Rules for playing cards

To start the game, you need to choose a judge who will distribute the cards and divide them equally between the players (all that is left will be put aside). Lay the cards in a pile so that only the first card is visible.
The one to the left of the judge goes first, he chooses any of the abilities with the most points and says it out loud so that everyone can hear him, for example: “agility 498”. The rest of the players name their points in this category.
The player with the most points wins that round. The one who won takes the cards of other players and puts them in a pile in front of him. Now it's the winner of the last round.
If two or more cards have the same skill, the owners of these cards must play each other. The host chooses another ability, and the strongest card in that category wins that round, if it's a tie again, then all cards are put aside. When a player loses his cards, he is out of the game.

Card game

First you need to choose a judge who will shake the cards and give each player three cards. Each player looks at the symbols of heroism, villainy, and danger drawn on the cards.
The player who is to the left of the judge starts walking first, he is the first to name the number of symbols on one of his cards, for example: villainy 2. After he guesses the opponent’s card, and points to it. The other player calls the number of symbols on the chosen card. The player with the most symbols wins the game by collecting the cards and placing them in a pile in front of him. If suddenly two players have the same number of symbols, then the round ends with an equal score and the playing cards are removed to the side. And so it continues until all the cards are used.

1. Distribute cards.

2. Select a random card and place it face up after naming the category.

3. The first player must place the card with the highest score for that category on top.

4. The second, third and subsequent players do the same until someone can beat the top card. The one whose card is not beaten, he takes the whole pile.

5. The one with the most cards wins.

You will need fourteen cards.

1. Lay out twelve of them in a circle (of course, face down), so that each card has the opposite, that is, the first has the seventh, the second has the eighth, the third has the ninth, and so on. Place the remaining two cards in the middle (face down).

2. The first player takes any card from the circle and names the category, and his opponent takes the opposite card. Whoever has more, he takes both cards.
3. The second participant is now playing according to the same principle.

4. Whoever has the most cards wins. If the cards are equally divided, then the conflict is resolved by cards in the center according to the same principle.

Option one:

1. Deal out the cards without turning them over to their front side.

2. Put bonuses aside.

4. Remove any card from the pile and match the cards by category of 3 points. Whoever has more wins the round and takes the cards.

5. If the scores are equal, then take out another card and put it "Shirt" up, and on top of it face up. Compare again.

Option two:

1. Deal out the cards and stack them face up.

2. Take the top card.

4. Whoever wins the round takes the cards and places them at the bottom of the pile.

In two variants, the winner is the one who wins all the opponent's cards.

Spider-Man card game rules

Version 1: Battle of the Strongmen
Version 2: Battle in the dark

Battle of the Strongmen:

The game is played by 2 or more people. You can use as many cards as you like. The fewer of them, the faster the game will end.
The players share the cards equally. The loser is the one who does not have a single card left.
You can pre-negotiate the number of rounds, after which the winner will have the most cards.

1. Choose a leader: he will shuffle the cards and divide them equally among the players. Set the extra cards aside. Hold your cards where no one but you can see them.

2. The player to the left of the leader goes first. He looks at his top card and says out loud the highest score of all categories, for example: [I have 408 points]

3. The player with the highest score in any category wins the round. The winner takes cards from other players and places them under his deck. In the next round, the winner of the previous one goes first.

4. If two or more cards have the same highest scores, a play-off is held. The player who started this round draws the next card from his deck. All cards go to whoever wins the playoffs.

5. The player who is left empty-handed is eliminated from the card battle. The winner is the one who managed to collect all the cards.

Battle in the Dark:

The game is played by 2 or more people. They must have at least three cards in their hand.

1. Set aside bonus cards. Choose a leader who will distribute the same number of cards to everyone. The cards must be face down so that the players cannot see their categories.

2. Participants evaluate the cards according to the symbols of heroism, villainy and danger. The player to the left of the leader calls out loud maximum value one of the symbols of your card, for example: [Heroism 3]. The rest draw one card from their deck at random and name the maximum number of symbols in the named category.

3. Whoever has the most symbols wins the round. The winner takes the cards of other players and puts them in his deck. If the number of symbols of the players matches, a draw is counted. Players shift their cards that participated in the round under the deck.

4. Players take turns. The game continues until one player has collected all the cards.

Each card in the Spider-Man Heroes and Villains series features a Marvel comic book character. Each hero and villain has its own qualities, such as strength, intelligence, speed, fighting skills and special abilities. In addition, cards can not only be collected, but also played with.


Distribute cards to all players equally. Have each player turn the first card from their pile face up. Agree or determine with the help of a counter who will be the first player. He must choose the category with the highest score on the card and name it. The second player looks for the named category among his cards and reads out the number of points that correspond to it. If the first player has more points on the card, then he wins the first round and takes the opponent's card. After that, both cards must be placed at the very bottom of their pile. Whoever has all the cards wins.

Gather the cards of all the players, shuffle them and distribute evenly, keeping one and placing it face up. Agree in advance on which category of parameters you would like to play. It can be strength, intelligence, dexterity, etc. The first player must place on top a card that is superior in its parameters to the initial one. The next players do the same until someone can beat the top card. The player whose card cannot be beaten takes the entire pile for himself. The one who has the largest number cards.

Arrange twelve cards in two rows, face down. Put two more cards separately. Take any card and name the category of parameters that you will use. The second player must take a card from the row opposite. The parameters of both cards are compared and the one who has more of them takes both cards for himself. The player with the most cards wins. If the cards are evenly distributed, resolve the dispute with the two set aside cards.

Distribute the cards in such a way that no one sees them in advance front side. Determine the category of parameters by which you will compare the cards. Set bonus cards aside. Choose at the same time as your opponent one card from your piles. Compare them according to the selected parameter category. The one with the best parameters wins the round and takes the cards. To win the game, take all your opponent's cards.
