How to play in stronghold local network. Stronghold Crusader walkthrough

Probably every player knows that in this game the most expensive tower is a round one, it is true, but not the most effective, in fact, the best and most effective tower is a square tower, this tower seems to cover people from arrows from above with a wooden roof, for example, from horse archers who Most people shoot from the top and not aimlessly, as most other archers do, but in a round tower, on the contrary, the entire top is open, so the people sitting on it are more vulnerable to archers.

If you want a lot of food, then do this: in the game, place a couple of wheat fields, 4 mills, and a bunch of bakeries.

And on some missions I also do this:
Build the castle as close as possible to the sign where the enemy soldiers are coming out from. But not at the very last point, but a little further away, so that the castle can be fortified, especially towers are needed! Then, as soon as enemy soldiers approach the sign, you can fire at them even before they ungroup!

When the enemy's castle is built, you can build several sawmills or ox tethers right at the entrance to someone else's castle so that the enemy cannot leave. It immediately destroys all buildings outside and gradually - inside. In general, the entire economy is being pushed into the far corner. But look: you need to furnish the entire entrance to the castle, because the enemy will eventually destroy his barbican. You can't leave a single crack!
I want to immediately warn everyone that a similar experiment can be carried out with many players, but with some it is not so simple. Sometimes the Caliph, the Wolf (if he built a huge castle with a moat), and the Rat make a passage. But most often this technique is useless over the Snake and Boar (50/50). You don't have to worry too much about the rest.

How to deal with easy opponents.
Rat. He has a castle without moats, with smooth walls, lightness. We set up a siege tower or a brigade of assassins, send a gang of rockers to the walls (i.e. infantrymen - they wear leather jackets and express themselves coolly!), kill the weakling rat, climb his castle and kill him himself.
Snake. It's a little more complicated here. The walls are crooked - you can’t fit the tower, the ditches are uneven, you don’t care about lookmen. We drive up the darkness of the siege workers, climb the walls with rockers, arrange a brawl and the walls are clean!
If you approach from the side, you can capture the barbican with assassins, after which the same thing happens - we storm the castle and chop its inhabitants into pieces.
Sultan. The walls are crooked, so siege warfare usually doesn’t help.
Again, we either capture the barbican with assassins, or send rockers to the walls as siege workers. There is a nuance here: as soon as the barbican is captured, a crowd of swordsmen comes out to you, so you need to keep your pickmen or swordsmen at the ready. Next, we don’t climb through the yard - flamethrowers. We clear the walls and send a herd of crossbowmen to them. The fact is that the central castle of the Sultan will be completely filled with slingers and dark little kids, through which, however, it will be difficult for the pickmen to get through. The Abaletes mow down them all and your army storms the Sultan's castle.
Boar. Here the matter is more complicated. There is no descent from the walls, they do not contact the towers, siege towers are meaningless. It is more rational to capture the barbican with assassins or break through the wall with ram-catapults, lead the army into the breach (beware of narrow spaces - wolf pits!), kill the gang of Kabanovsky rockers and himself. It is not advisable to go in a crowd, otherwise you will lose too many people in the pits.
Yes, funny. The other day I broke through the wall of Kaban's castle with catapults, brought in 70 pickmen, at that moment the barbican opened and a horde of Kaban's rockers ran past my army, rushing to my castle, where they were killed with crossbows.
Another joke. To attack those who are shooting means dooming them to certain death. Enemy bowmen and crossbowmen mow down those who shoot first. Me, when I play against several. I leave the opponents, bowmen and crossbows in the castle to guard, I send the pickmen, rockers, and inzhiks to attack.
I can’t give any manuals for playing with the Wolf, Saladin, Richard, because... I have an Atlon AMD K6/450 processor from five years ago:[==]
Thank you for your attention!!!

My secret goes very well with the caliphs.
Just place a sawmill or ox tether close to the place where the peasants gather. If he sends an Arab. swordsmen, try again and everything is OK.
When the Caliph sets up fire ballistas, place sawmills right next to them and they will burn.

About food, with the help of wheat fields and bakeries, I completely agree.
Now about defense.
I hardly ever build walls. very rarely ever. I put up large towers, square or round ones, fill them to capacity with archers, and put a couple of swordsmen on the stairs. As a rule, the enemy does not reach the towers.
There are levels when enemies are located quite closely to each other. In this case, it will be successful to stick your large tower as close to the enemy’s castle as possible, ONLY THIS NEEDS TO BE DONE IN THE FIRST MINUTES OF THE GAME. We quickly hire archers and hammer the tower. ALL, the enemy castle is paralyzed. Later, the tower is equipped with a catapult and then the castle is over.
I attack with horse archers. Large ormada 100 - 150 heads. plus 30 swordsmen and a pair of three catapults.
Option 1:
Horse archers sweep away everything from the towers and paralyze the castle, catapults break through the walls and collapse the towers. The main one falls with swords.
Option 2:
Using catapults, under the cover of an armada of horse archers, we destroy most of the towers with enemy archers, and then Option 1.
By the way, catapults and tribuchets shoot further if they “Attack the area” Everything that gets inside the circle is demolished... and if tower catapults do not reach the enemy’s castle, attack the area in front of the castle and by flying you will crumble the castle.
By the way, in this game the computer plays along with our opponents. namely in the sense that if you have an ally, the main blow will still be dealt to you and your household buildings will be demolished first.
Good luck.

Food in missions is not at all necessary, for this you need to build three breweries and wait until the population coverage reaches 100% and click on the barn to not issue, but to maintain ale you need three hop farms and three breweries.

There is such a trick here, although the assassins are mercenaries, they are awesome at killing swordsmen, but against the pickmen they are just a useless transfer of money - hence the conclusion, in order to take down the wolf and Richard, the assassins are irreplaceable fighters. You can make a lot of money in a simple way, you put a lot of quarries and a lot of oxen tethers, because it is known that stone is collected in geometric progression, but that’s only half the battle, the main money can be earned on iron, you don’t really need it because it takes a long time to produce an army, but to buy weapons by selling iron very quickly, the main thing is to competently force the deposits into mines so that as many of them as possible can fit.
P.S. Iron is not required anywhere else except for the production of weapons.

My tactics are quite simple.
I build 200-250 horse archers, completely destroy the enemy warriors, and then 7-9 asanins are enough for the lord, oh yes, I first build horse archers and send them out, and when the enemy has no warriors left except the lord, I mark the target-lord, and then I make assassins.
It works when the enemy is far from you, if he is close and 1, then for all the money of the assassins and that’s it!

Well, this is how I do it: to prevent enemies from using catapults and breaking walls, I complete the castle and make a gap and a labyrinth from it into the castle.
I fill the entire labyrinth with wolf pits and place a couple of engineers with kip sticks on the walls of the labyrinth. oil And there must be a way out of the labyrinth.

This bug is suitable for battles against Saladin, Richard the Lionheart and the Wolf - for those who like long games and competent siege.
When towers are destroyed, rubble and debris often appear in their place, having no lifeline and being completely destroyed with one shot from a stone from a catapult or trebuchet. If such a change occurs with the enemy tower (and sometimes this cannot be done), you can cancel the shelling of this place and leave everything as is - the enemy will not be able to either destroy this one or build in its place new tower. The ruins will remain there for the rest of the game.
This technique, as I have already said, helps in the fight against Saladin, Wolkomb, Richard the Lionheart and a number of other opponents, thus disabling the long-range system of ballistas and mangonels located on the enemy’s square and round towers and additionally preventing the deployment of troops.

1. When you fight against a rat or a snake (if you have more than 2000 money and the enemy does not have allies such as the Wolf, Boar, Richard or Caliph), then at the very beginning of the game you build a barn, a mercenary camp and hire 30-50 Arab swordsmen , you send them at the enemy.
2. In that mission, when you are alone with Saladin, first build a barn, then an armory, a stone barracks and a market. Buy 10(15) swords and 10(15) armor, hire 10(15) crusaders and attack Saladin. The attack doesn't always go off without a hitch. Everything must be done quickly, before Saladin finishes the castle.
3. If you want to save money, then build not intimidation, but the opposite of intimidation... I forgot what they are called. Then build a hop farm, a brewery, and a tavern. This will also affect popularity. After this, taxes can be set to moderate or high.
4. It’s better to attack any strong enemy like this: 100-150 horse archers (for the Caliph I even used 250 once), another 50-70 infantrymen (they are fast) or instead of them strong crusaders, maybe 20-30 knights (while the rest of the army is crawling , they will destroy the barbican, and the barn, and the dwellings, and everything, everything, everything you order them) and several fire ballistas (they can start a fire in the city).

There are more effective way blame Saladin:
Their main problem is in the city. They build buildings very close. We do this: we drive up the ballista and beat the mercenary camp until it burns. after that it will flare up, and while the firefighters reach it, the entire city is engulfed in devilish fire) the main joke is that in place of the burned houses, he builds new ones, thereby maintaining the fire. after his army burns, he cuts off the firefighters and hires soldiers, thereby depriving himself of his only chance of salvation from the fire.
now units: The most effective units are foot soldiers (metallers, rockers, etc.). They are fast and the damage is not weak. In addition, they are excellent at digging ditches))))))). the most ineffective ones are archers: the damage is COMPLETE G.....BUT. ideal for storming towers - fire ballistas. They will destroy all living creatures.
The effectiveness of locks depends on what you are trying to achieve. if you need a lock with strong economics, small locks are quite effective. There are few people - they eat little.
But my most successful castles are huge. It's really difficult to get me there. BUT there is a minus: protecting such locks is extremely difficult. That's why I basically put guards where they attack.
But from the point of view online wars- Small castles are effective, or large ones but with a GIANT moat. While they dig it up, the Mangoels will take care...
For more interest, you need to use a map drawn by yourself + 6 computer opponents who will interfere with both of you. the most savvy wins)
The stupidest map for PVP is ford. verified: 6 mangoels and 10 ballistas destroy ANY army.

My tactics are twofold
1 tactic (for Rat, Snake, Sultan) Stamp 50 pcs. rockers, you can have 30 more assassins, if there is no money, you can have monks, the infantry is already ready, then 50 archers and 20 crossbowmen, and then you can have a couple of catapults or rams and the castle is taken. If you want to lose fewer troops, wait for the attack, after it is defeated, immediately counterattack, or if there is free space near the camp castle, then you can take them close to his castle and as soon as he goes to attack, you can already send your soldiers.

2 tactics are a little different for everyone (Calif, Boar, Richard, Wolf, Saladin).

Caliph: you stamp 20 catapults and 20 fire ballistas, 50-100 con. archers, 50-80 rockers and, in principle, nothing else is needed, the main thing before the attack is to build a lot of deliveries with bulls near his castle and the ditches will be destroyed and you can even in the castle and perhaps it will catch fire.

Boar: you stamp 20 catapults and 20 fire ballistas, 50-80 rockers and 50 crossbowmen with 20 archers in one pack and the Boar will not survive.

Richard: it’s actually very easy with him, since he locked himself in his castle and sits until you break through the barbican, and for this it is better, after neutralizing the archers on the walls and towers, to burn the city with fire ballists and bring in the crossbowmen. 30 and he will die, and then get rockers and the castle is taken. By the way, it is better to remove protection from walls and towers. archers.

Wolf: one of the most formidable opponents, but not for me, it just takes a long time to play with him. I usually stamp 50 catapults (because they will not leave a single stone from the fortress of this creature), then 40 fire ballistas, pcs. 100 con. archers, 30-40 crossbowmen and 50-100 rockers. With such a number of warriors, I took out 4 Wolves.

Saladin: in my opinion, he is the best fighter and he runs a good farm, but his farm is his main defeat, since I will burn down all his bakeries and breweries. ballists. I usually stamp 150-250 con. archers (one time I made 350), 80 rockers, maybe 30-40 crossbowmen, 20 catapults and 20 fire ballistas, etc. 20-30 knights and then he won’t fight back.

Stopping bear attacks:
If you see a bear or hear about a bear attack, then build a wall around it and it will soon die. Or order the archers to kill him - this is the easiest way to stop the bears and protect the population.

Quick destruction of enemies:
To destroy enemies, collect as many archers as you can on the wall in front of the sign. Even a small number of them can destroy a fairly large army.

Endless stones and cows for siege weapons.
To start the siege, you will need some gold for work. When the catapults and blasts are running out of rocks and cows, take the following actions:
1) Take the engineers out of the car and take them to a safe place.
2) Select a squad of spearmen. Direct them to the castle and determine until the defenders finish shooting. Mark this place.
3) Having only one engineer, start building catapults and missiles behind the line of fire. But place one catapult under fire, thereby you will attract all enemy fire to it and lose only one of it.
4) Siege machines contain 20 stones and 2 cows. When you run out of this supply, order the engineers to build a new catapult or treble, and you will again have 20 stones and 2 cows.
5) Repeat this as much as necessary. Using this method you can completely destroy the castle. Then you just need to kill the remaining infantry.

Well, in general, my tactics are simple. First, the development of the castle, we strengthen everything, hire soldiers and so on. I build 5-7 square towers, put 30-35 archers on them and place a ballista. Of course, if I’m fighting a strong enemy, I can’t do without a MOAT WITH OIL (it helps when a large army is besieging your castle). With food, everything is simple for me. If it is not possible to build bakeries, etc., then I make do with apples, cheese and meat. Finally, let's move on to the army. The army is simple. I'm speaking honestly. I'm building 10 archer workshops. 5 for armor (metal) and 5 for swords. Then I begin a massive recruitment of troops. I easily get money for the Army. Stone, iron (if there is excess stone and iron), sometimes I sell grub. So next I’m making an archer army.
I’m making 750 bowmen (enough for the throat), of course 15 catapults and a couple of fireballistas. I burn everything outside the enemy’s castle. I let these 750 archers approach the castle (I don’t put the whole bunch in one place, I put 750 archers on all 4 sides of the castle if this is realistic), then I bash the gates of the wall and use the heavy artillery of the SWORDS. 125 pcs is enough. Well, then it’s easier. He directed them at the lord (if he doesn’t have any defenders nearby), but then it’s easier, they knock him down, of course, without any problems and that’s all. Victory.
This is the tactic I used during the war with the Wolf.

Do you want the walls to be HUGE? No question, go to the editor, select a picture with a tree, make a plain, go to where to build a castle, build a wall (on a plain), go to a tree, remove the plain and the wall is big.

A simple tip for stopping the enemy from developing.
From the very beginning of the game, go to the enemy’s castle and build your armory, or better yet, a well on the site of the enemy barracks or armory. The enemy always places them in the same place. Then you can hire 30-40 assassins and destroy the enemy... or just continue to quietly develop until the enemy demolishes it.
ATTENTION!!! All actions must be done as quickly as possible! It is most effective in 1 on 1 combat. Before acting, carefully examine the enemy’s castle.

At the beginning of the mission, you can spend a little money and buy a dozen crossbows and leather chain mail, create 10 crossbowmen and build one turret - this is very useful when fighting the caliphs... They have a habit of sending a bunch of slaves - and they are very nasty, so you need to kick them. ..

We take a dozen archers and drive them to such a distance where they attack the enemy on the towers, but at the same time they themselves are outside the zone of enemy fire. There is no need to immediately deal with all the soldiers on the towers, because there are still a lot of soldiers on the walls with whom such a technique does not work. Here we do the following: we select a soldier on the tower to attack and immediately “click” on the villain hiding behind the fortress wall, at whom arrows begin to fly, although the unit is outside the firing zone.

If you want to protect the archers in the castle from horse archers, place a portable shield on the tower, or barbican.

My tactics:
As for the economy here, everything is simple: I make 4 grain grains, 2 mills and 12 bakeries (or even more), and, if possible, I build cowsheds, not so much for food, but because leather armor. If there is no oasis nearby, then I go without food, building all kinds of churches and setting the “reverence” parameter to “+5”. The people, of course, but they don’t demand bread.

I'm making square towers. If the enemy is close - mangonels, if far away - ballistas. I put a crowd of crossbowmen or, in extreme cases, archers on them. 5 shooters, 5 leather workers, 5 pikemen, 10 armored personnel, 5 forges, 2 layers of simple and 1 layer of additional walls + a moat with water. That seems to be it.

I take 70 pikemen, 60 swordsmen and 100 horse archers into the attack to clear the walls from enemy shooters.

Rat, Snake, Sultan, Richard and Boar are not difficult. The rest will have to be worked out.
Caliph: His army does not pose a serious threat, however, it is difficult to take his castle because of the oil. Well, there are either sawmills or live meat.
Saladin: a wise ruler, fights well, but his castle is very easy to take by destroying the towers and setting the city on fire.
Wolf: this is, in my opinion, the most difficult opponent, as it builds very cunning castles. But he also has weak points. He doesn't dig a ditch in all places.

Do you want to kill Saladin the wise? Then take 12 catapults and let's hit its towers; when there are ruins left, we move to another tower and hit it too, and so on until we take out all the towers. Then we attack with 50/100 crossbowmen and remove all his warriors from the walls, dig a ditch with slaves and then the assassins finish the job, everything is easy and simple.

If you are playing with someone in an alliance and you have little land for apple orchards and creameries, and your allies have placed them throughout the oasis, then you can destroy them: select assassins or swordsmen and at the bottom in the left corner select “knife” and immediately press on the ally building you want to destroy. And build your buildings.

My tactics against wolves: well, firstly, the main disadvantage of wolves is the slow construction of a castle (if there is no stone on the map, then they can build a castle for 500 years). That's why I like to destroy them in the first minute of the game.
30-40 (sometimes 20) Arab horsemen and 10-15 assassins were enough for me; I need to build a mercenary camp and a barn immediately at the beginning of the game. Immediately hire horsemen, fire at the enemy, and then finish them off with assassins (this is how I destroyed 7 allied wolves, 2 at the beginning and 5 after developing).

My castle defense:
I build walls and towers only sometimes (for a long time), instead I hire 50 Arab cavalry and place them in a convenient place, moving them towards the advancing enemy at the right moment (it is advantageous to run cavalry in a circle around the enemy’s infantrymen without letting them get closer), but how to take fortresses They wrote it without me.

You track down where the enemy will build a barn, barracks, and engineering barracks. Then you restart the mission and put a cross or something for the population (a flower bed, a gallows, etc.) in those places. Bottom line: the enemy will not be able to build anything in the place where you put your inventory. All this must be done very competently. I completed all the last 25 missions this way.

Almost invulnerable soldiers on the walls: 2 layers of low, 1 layer of high, 3-5 layers of jagged.
Start of the game: build 1-2 square towers, place ballistas and archers. It is better to first dig an impassable ditch, taking away grass and stone (if any). When playing online, it is better to place archers mixed with crossbowmen on the walls.

Why are there so many horse archers against the “pig”? 60 enemy crossbowmen will easily demolish your horse archers! First, place quarries everywhere. Wherever possible! Iron doesn't hurt either! Then set up barracks for mercenaries and hire 100 assassins. If the pig sees them, he will immediately take off! Then build 7 catapults and 50 horse archers to protect them. Well, bomb them! It's over! As you go, increase your wheat and bakery supplies - you won't need other products. And you can get money from large quantity stone!

I don’t agree with all the advice on tactics. I would recommend it to beginners. To feed a lot of peasants, one mill and several bakeries are enough. The main thing is that they are not far from the warehouse. The less workers have to walk, the faster they grind or bake. Another very important aspect! If stone or iron (or the most expensive resource available on the map) is far from the warehouse, you need to sell everything from the warehouse and destroy the warehouse (mace in the menu). Now you can build a new warehouse anywhere, that is, near the required resource. The closer the warehouse is to stone or iron, the faster the raw materials will be delivered to the warehouse. It is also important that the peasants are afraid of you (frighten them to the limit! They will work at 150 percent. And in order not to run away, you need to give them ale and always monitor the level of popularity). It is best to fight with crossbowmen. The most effective soldiers. Tested more than once. I personally like to play longer, grow a max army and become the dominant lord on the map. That’s why I always start with defense, and for those who can’t wait to win right away, there’s a technique. A simple tactic against any enemy - a lot of crossbowmen and catapults (from 5 pieces in a group - a terrible weapon against heavy knights and against any siege equipment. Or better yet, groups of 10 pieces). There are situations when enemies attack simultaneously. Everyone is already familiar with this. A ditch with water (an effective means of defense), and behind it on a wall or tower there is a brazier and a couple of archers near it. We pour oil behind the ditch, and then bury the ditch - while immediately sending infantry to dig it in the buried place. The enemies see that there is a passage through the ditch - and send all the soldiers there. By the time they arrive, the ditch has been dug again, but they will not react to this (as a rule), they will run up and crowd where the oil is poured. Your archers set fire to the oil and the whole army burns. And so on.

If you have built a large square or round tower and want to place many archers there, then you should do this: take an army of archers or crossbowmen, or other soldiers... Let's say you took 80 crossbowmen, then divide this crowd into equal parts, but no more than 25 soldiers in each unit, maybe less. You place them at a distance from the tower where you are going to throw them, then, selecting one part at a time, send them to the tower (BUT BEFORE YOU SEND THE LAST, THE FIRST PART SHOULD NOT STILL BE ON THE TOWER, OTHERWISE SAYING, IT SHOULD NOT GET THERE BEFORE REFERENCE LAST). Thus, all 80 crossbowmen fit on one tower. 80 is not the limit, more is possible.

It is effective to place towers with such a volume of soldiers in defense against Richard and the Wolf, since they send a lot of iron infantry... And against the caliph, since he sends a lot of light infantry...

I noticed that some players do not particularly respect fortresses in the literal sense of the word (thick walls, moats, symmetrical shapes, etc.). It was in vain, especially since - and I’m almost sure of this - they didn’t even really try. So, the fortress in the game is a really cool thing. First of all, it's more interesting. All the pathos and romance of the medieval way of life in the game is immediately felt more acutely. Secondly, it’s really easier to defend. All important buildings are inside, the enemy is in full view, warriors instantly run from the citadel to any tower (by the way, craftsmen and workers too) thanks to the symmetry and small dimensions of the castle. Thirdly, you learn to save space. It’s hard at first, but after a few missions a clear algorithm of actions is developed, and everything goes like clockwork. Well, what’s cool is that opponents no longer bother you with small raids. Sieges are less frequent, but more beautiful and with the participation of large enemy troops, which are no longer a hindrance at all (see point 1.) In short, just try it and you will understand everything yourself!

Stronghold: Crusader is a real-time strategy game. Roughly speaking, an addon to Stronghold, but it is separate game. It was developed by Firefly studio in 2002. The main theme of the game is the Crusades. Look walkthrough of the game Stronghold Crusader you can just below.

Watch video walkthroughs of Stronghold Crusader missions

When you enter the Stronghold Crusader company, you will see that you have a total of 50 missions ahead of you. As a rule, they are arranged in order of difficulty, but still you will come across extremely difficult missions, after which it becomes easier.

In the video above you can watch the passage of any mission with comments in Russian. Perfect for those who are stuck on a certain mission and have already used up all the chickens. Watch how the author acts and try to exactly repeat his actions. Don't forget that you can change the speed in the game. It's easier to play at speed 20, because... the computer opponent will develop at the same speed. At speed 100, the enemy could have an entire castle built while you were building additional warehouses and a market.

Secrets of Stronghold Crusader

When playing through the game Stronghold Crusader, it is useful to know some secrets. I will share with you the most useful ones.
  • Opponents like Abdul, Richard and others can block the barbicans with a lumberjack's hut from the outside (when their castle is completely built), then they will not be able to send troops to you, and also extract resources.
  • The following thing works with almost all craft structures: select the lumberjack's hut, press pause (P button in English), press the structure to stop working (Z - sleep), then press resume and press pause. As a result, the second lumberjack will go to the hut. Result: 2 lumberjacks work in one hut and bring 2 times more wood. Very useful secret of Stronghold Crusader, which will help you when you lack resources. This trick can be done with almost any building that has a sleep function.
  • Stone mining. If the stone ore is located near your castle, then you can fence off the quarry warehouses with a wall so that there is no access to them. Only it is necessary to fence not tightly, but with some indentation from the quarry warehouse itself. Then we place the oxen (bulls that carry stone) close to our warehouse. The ox will be instantly loaded and will go to deliver the stone.

These are the most important secrets. Of course, when watching completing Stronghold Crusader missions You are unlikely to need them, but when you go through it yourself, it is quite likely.

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You want to know - How to play your favorite game Stronghold Crusader on the Internet with real rivals? But don't know how? This article describes in great detail how to play Stronghold: Crusader on the Internet! Just read and you will understand everything. If this article helps you, you can like it.


Now that there is a game I will tell you 2 the best way how to find opponents for this game and how to play with them together.

Method 1 - Play Stronghold Crusader through the GameRanger program.

After you have created an account, log into GameRanger and specify the path to the executable file Stronghold Crusader.exe

Edit/Options/Games/Stronghold: Crusader

After that, almost everything is ready. In the GameRanger window we look for rooms with the GameRanger game. If there is no green circle opposite the room (means that the game has already started) and the room is not full, then we enter it and wait for the players. The game will automatically start and connect to other players. Then you just play.

Or click on the Host button, select the required number of players, write a description of the room, like a 2x2 game or something like that. A room is created, wait for the other players, press start - the game itself will connect the rest of the players to you. Next you play.

Next, we enter one of the networks from below, or create our own and add information to the site. But it's hard and time-consuming, so it's better to use GameRanger. Hamachi is only suitable when there are already opponents, for example, your friends and you have agreed to play for a certain time.

One player opens the game and creates network game in the game.

You need to ask this player for his IP in Hamachi or look for yourself - it is written next to the player’s nickname.

Other players must enter the game via the network in the game and connect to the IP of the player who created it (not your IP, but the IP of the one who created it!) For example, if I were creating, then the players would have to enter the following IP:

Let's connect and play :)

How professionals play Gameranger:

In 2001, Firefly Studios released a wonderful real-time strategy game called Stronghold. This simulation of construction, defense and assault of a medieval castle is loved by a huge number of strategy fans around the world.

But often new players who decide to play this game do not know what the game is about and how to play Stronghold and its sequels Stronghold Crusader and Stronghold 2.

How to play Stronghold

All three games can be downloaded for free from torrent.

Stronghold is a castle building and turf war simulator. The game can be played as a story campaign or a random map.

The game takes place in Medieval England in the struggle for the division of territory between four barons. You act as the fifth force, which needs to win back the possessions. You have to build your own castle, fight with neighboring castles and troops.

The game has a strong economic part based on loot necessary resources like wood, iron, all kinds of food and drink. All these resources will be needed to create peasants, troops and construct various buildings.

Also in the game you need to maintain the trust of the population in their king, who you are. For this purpose, taverns, temples and other entertainment establishments are built.

Having created a large army, you can throw it into battle against the enemy on the map and conquer his castle and territory. Also, the enemy may attack you, and you will have to defend yourself.

Overall, the game is a regular real-time strategy game with some interesting decisions.

How to play Stronghold Crusader

Stronghold Crusader is a stand-alone official add-on for the game Stronghold.

The new addon takes place in the Middle East, where you are waging a Crusade against non-believers.

The gameplay remains largely the same. Units have changed a bit, new ones have been added and old ones have been reworked, and some resource prices have changed.

Many mods and additions have also been released for the game to improve the interest in the gameplay.

How to play Stronghold 2

Stronghold 2 was released in 2005 as a full-fledged continuation of the series.

This time the game takes place again in England, where, after the first part, strife in the country begins and you have to reunite it again under your strict leadership.

The economic system has remained virtually unchanged since Stronghold Crusader. The player also needs to extract resources, trade, build buildings and increase popularity among the population. A new resource “Honor” has appeared, which will help in winning the favor of the population. Also added to the game are rats, sewage and crime, which must be fought.

The troops in the game are no different from the previous game except for their appearance.

In general, the game resembles the first part and the independent addon, but with updated graphics and artificial intelligence.

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